A Christian online digital magazine for women. A Christian online digital magazine for women.



WOMEN'S<br />



APRIL<br />

2017<br />

HAVE YOU<br />

HEARD?<br />

A BROKEN<br />

WOMAN<br />



1783-1864<br />

LIN<br />



















W O M E N ' S F R O N T L I N E<br />

M A G A Z I N E<br />









''MAKE IT HAPPEN''<br />





Finally, the dark days are over and spring is here! I<br />

love birds and the way they express their joy of a<br />

new season. They sing as they begin their day and<br />

it is a wonderful sound that cheers me up and<br />

reminds me of just how lovely life is. I welcome<br />

the month of April with such gladness in my heart,<br />

as I look around me and see the sunshine through<br />

the clouds, the flowers begin to spring up and as I<br />

hear the sound of laughter in the distance.<br />

The road of Life is a beautiful thing, as we travel<br />

through it. Sometimes there are mountains to<br />

climb and valleys to conquer along the way,<br />

Mountain climbers wear the proper gear in order<br />

to climb and make it to the top. To climb the<br />

mountain, one must have strength, endurance and<br />

be able to sacrifice their time. Sometimes, the<br />

climber is overwhelmed by the climb, due to the<br />

terrain, unstable weather and inadequate<br />

equipment.<br />

And so it is with life. Our strength comes from the<br />

Lord, who renews us, so that we are able to climb<br />

higher mountains by preparing our spirit, body and<br />

soul to explore GREATER heights.<br />

I sincerely hope you embrace the new season in<br />

your life so that you can discern what your next<br />

move will be.<br />

I welcome our readers on another journey through<br />

our April magazine. Be inspired and excited about<br />

your life as you read through these amazing<br />

stories!<br />

22<br />

ON THE<br />

COVER<br />



A P R I L 2 0 1 7<br />

WOMEN'S<br />



C E L E B R A T I N G T H E<br />

S P I R I T W I T H I N<br />


HAVE YOU<br />

HEARD?<br />


WOM<br />

FRONT<br />

TH<br />

OF<br />


EN'S<br />

LINE<br />

Z I N E<br />

APRIL<br />

E MONTH<br />



T H E S T O R Y O F E A S T E R<br />


Can you imagine how it must have<br />

been on that day when the women<br />

who visited Jesus tomb found it<br />

empty!<br />

Picture this!<br />

Prior to this, Jesus had been dragged<br />

to the cross with a crown of thorns<br />

on his head. As he made his way to<br />

the cross, a lot of people must have<br />

gathered to witness this 'man' they<br />

obviously thought was deranged and<br />

a fraud!<br />

Imagine the whispers, as he<br />

struggled and suffered his way to the<br />

cross, engulfed in pain from the<br />

thorns stuck in his head.<br />

I imagine a crowd gathered to<br />

witness this sight. I picture them<br />

whispering, saying things such as...<br />

''have you heard, he says he is the<br />

King of the Jews! ..''.Look at him,<br />

now! Have you heard that that he<br />

equals himself to God! ''<br />

The mockery and the slander must<br />

have followed him all the way, to the<br />

cross, until he finally took his last<br />

breath and said, ''IT IS FINISHED!<br />

At this point, it didn't matter what<br />

everyone was whispering. What<br />

really mattered was for him to finish<br />

his assignment here on earth.<br />

Slowly, life in Jerusalem started to<br />

get back to normal, after the Passover<br />

celebration and the Sabbath.<br />

The week before had been so<br />

dramatic.<br />

First Jesus was recieved with a<br />

triumphant entry into Jersualem but<br />

the people who had celebrated him<br />

were now shouting.. ''crucify him,<br />

crucify him!''

The people had demanded that an<br />

innocent man be put to death. Why?<br />

Thy just didn't get it.<br />

They even shouted louder,<br />

defeaning the cries of those who<br />

truly loved him.<br />

How could this be?<br />

There were women that loved Jesus,<br />

but stood helplessly and watched<br />

him suffer. The crowd must have<br />

been too intense. All they could do<br />

was stand by and hope that Jesus<br />

would 'save himself.'<br />

They must have been laden with<br />

grief as they saw him, and their<br />

hearts were filled with love and<br />

compassion for what he had one for<br />

them.<br />

They woke up early Sunday<br />

morning and visited the place where<br />

they had laid him to rest.<br />

Everything had happened so<br />

quickly; Their beloved wise friend<br />

Jesus, whom they loved, was no<br />

longer with them. The women<br />

continued to serve him, even in<br />

death. They wanted prepare him for<br />

burial, so they took it upon<br />

themselves to visit his tomb.<br />

We know through the scriptures that<br />

these women came from different<br />

backgrounds, but each one of them<br />

had had an encounter with Jesus.<br />

Reading from all four accounts of<br />

the gospels, we can conclude that<br />

there were more than two women<br />

who went to his tomb.<br />

Mary Magdalene was one of them.<br />

Jesus had delivered Mary Magdalene<br />

from seven demons.<br />

The other Mary, the sister of Lazarus,<br />

was one of Jesus' closest friends, and<br />

who had received his kindness and<br />

forgiveness.<br />

These women had served him, and<br />

had followed him. Thye knew him.<br />

Why did Jesus first appear to<br />

women?<br />

Could it be that he first appeared to<br />

women to instill full dignity to them<br />

as credible witnesses of the gospel?<br />

Afterall, it is the women that went<br />

and told the men that Jesus of<br />

Nazareth had risen.<br />

How awesome is that!<br />

Mary Magdalene was given<br />

authority (by Jesus) to go and share<br />

her witness of an empty tomb and to<br />

spread the word----that Jesus had<br />

risen. I guess the first evangelist was<br />

a woman!<br />

Easter is a wonderful reminder that<br />

we serve a living God! As the world<br />

celebrates his death and<br />

resurrection this Easter, have<br />

courage to be a credible witness of<br />

the gospel.<br />

I conclude with this:<br />

Have you heard the story of Easter?<br />

Then spread the word!


WOMEN'S<br />




A D V E R T I S E<br />

W I T H U S<br />

womensfrontline@gmail.<br />

com<br />

MAY<br />

2017<br />

HALLO<br />



M. WHITE<br />



A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 1 9<br />

W E S L E Y C H A P E L<br />

3 3 5 2 M A R I O N D R I V E

Louise is passionate Student of the Word and seeks to have that guide<br />

her everyday life. As the founder of Eve Redefined Ministries, she<br />

delights in creating platforms where the Truths of scripture can be<br />

made alive in new, liberating and redemptive ways to young women in<br />

Ghana and across Africa .<br />

Contact Louise at Ldbordes@everedined.com<br />

B Y L O U I S E D E S B O R D E S<br />

THE<br />


WOMEN'S<br />






FAITH<br />

She picked up the brown fabric<br />

she’d washed over a thousand times<br />

and wrapped it carefully around her<br />

body. Folding it twice around her<br />

waist and tying it across her<br />

shoulder. She’d never felt so<br />

nervous.<br />




She’d been feeling more anxious<br />

than usual. For three days now. She<br />

hadn’t understood why until she<br />

heard the news. Then it all made<br />

sense.<br />

push past her doubts. She’d said<br />

those words over a thousand timesand<br />

nothing had ever changed.<br />

Instead, she was always left crushed<br />

and broken like a lone vessel washed<br />

ashore from the vengeful wrath of<br />

wicked waves. She had no reason to<br />

hope again.<br />




HAD IN DAYS..<br />

As the wind brushed against her<br />

cheek, she shut her eyes and inhaled<br />

deeply, letting out a deep sigh. This<br />

time, things would be different..<br />

This time, things would change, she<br />

re-affirmed. Though she had no<br />

reason to be hopeful, she would<br />





She set off on her 3 mile journey.<br />

She’d wrapped her grey scarf around<br />

her head for fear of being<br />

recognized. She didn’t want to risk it<br />

this time, the last time she was there<br />

she’d been flogged and almost<br />

stoned to death.<br />

The cruel nature of humanity was<br />

something she had been used to<br />

most of her life, and for some reason<br />

or another, she had the grace to<br />

persevere. She didn’t want to think<br />

too much about that right now. The<br />

past was the past.<br />



The main streets were empty and the<br />

crowd had gathered in the district<br />

close to the sea..A sharp pain<br />

sheeted through her stomach with a<br />

terrible intensity. She felt weak and<br />

nervous. Fear gripped her as she<br />

knew what could be coming next.<br />



I'M TOO CLOSE...<br />

today, she whispered as her lips<br />

trembled. Ignoring the pain, she held<br />

on to her brown cloth and walked<br />

briskly towards the crowd. Her rich<br />

dark hair which hid underneath her<br />

headscarf lay plastered on her face<br />

now, drenched from sweat.<br />

Her stomach heaved and a wave of<br />

nausea threatened to knock her<br />

unconscious as she pushed through<br />

the desperate crowd.<br />

She was tossed left and right as she<br />

continued to shove her body towards<br />

the direction they were fighting<br />

through.<br />

She couldn’t see much because of<br />

the sea of bodies pushing passed<br />

her, but she could sense that he was<br />

near now.<br />





Please. Spare me from this pain

And then she saw it in a flash. A<br />

glimpse of His robe. So close..<br />




she said to herself.<br />

And with her last strength, she<br />

hurled herself in His direction and<br />

as she fell to the ground she<br />

stretched out her hand and caught<br />

a piece of His robe as He glided<br />

through the crowd..<br />

And we all know how the story<br />

ends..<br />

years of living with her disease!<br />

Another poignant depiction of crazy<br />

faith.<br />

In the next post we'll get into the<br />

lessons we can learn from this<br />

timeless biblical figure. . .<br />

Have a blessed week<br />

Perfected Woman!<br />

Leaving you with this verse:<br />

And He said to her, "...your faith has<br />

made you well. Go in peace. Your<br />

suffering is over." - Mark 5:34 NLT<br />

The Woman With the Issue of Blood<br />

( Mark 5:25-34, Matthew 9:20-22,<br />

Luke 8: 43-48) was healed after 12<br />

THE<br />


SERIES<br />





A BROKEN<br />


T H E L O R D I S C L O S E T O T H E<br />

B R O K E N H E A R T E D A N D S A V E S<br />

T H O S E W H O A R E C R U S H E D I N<br />

S P I R I T .<br />

( N A S B ) P S A L M 3 4 : 1 8<br />

Brokenness is a state of mind<br />

that leaves us crushed and gasping<br />

for air as we face life's challenges.<br />

With brokenness comes<br />

unhappiness, uncertianity, doubt,<br />

fear and disbelief.<br />

Psalm 34:18 describes the<br />

brokenhearted and crushed person.<br />

Brokenness comes in many forms<br />

such as broken realtionships,<br />

broken promises, broken families<br />

that cause grief and misery.<br />

Today, we will address the broken<br />

women who have been thrown<br />

down by the winds and adversities<br />

of life and are crying for a way out.<br />

It happens to the very best of us. At<br />

some point on this journey in life,<br />

life breaks us. Jesus himself was<br />

broken when he suffered and was<br />

nailed to the Cross.<br />

When this happens, we ask<br />

ourselves. ''Why is this happening<br />

to me?'' What have I done to<br />

deserve this?'<br />

God loves the broken women,<br />

even those that have chosen a<br />

destractive path. He wants to<br />

restore us back to him because<br />

His Grace is sufficient- for HIS<br />

strength is made perfect in<br />

weakness.<br />

Brokenness is both good and<br />

bad. Bad when its God's<br />

judgement and good when it<br />

leads us back to him.<br />

I remember a time where so<br />

many things in my home were<br />

broken. In one week, I<br />

experienced my car breaking<br />

down, our washing machine<br />

packed up and my computer<br />

broke down!<br />

There is such misery when<br />

something is broken! Let alone<br />

when a woman is broken, she<br />

becomes a shadow of herself. I<br />

have seen so many broken<br />

women, crushed in spirit by the<br />

winds of adversity. The<br />

strongest women are those that<br />

realise that they are broken, i.e<br />

going through a process that<br />

will end at some point. As we<br />

look into the stories of broken<br />

women in the bible, we learn<br />

that<br />






only God can restore us and mend<br />

our brokenness.<br />

Hagar was an Egyptian girl who was a<br />

slave to Abram’s wife Sarah.<br />

After God had appeared to Abram<br />

and promised him a son, many years<br />

went by and he and Sarah still had<br />

no chid. In her impatience and<br />

desperation, Sarah took matters into<br />

her own hands and gave her maid<br />

Hagar to her husband, saying, “Go,<br />

sleep with my slave; perhaps I can<br />

build a family through her”. Abram<br />

did as he was told, and Hagar, being<br />

young and fertile, became pregnant.<br />

Although Sarah had initiated the<br />

whole thing, seeing her servant girl<br />

pregnant, sparked her to be jealous<br />

of her. Sarah became hostile<br />

towards Hagar and this led to Hagar<br />

running away into the desert.<br />

These where two broken women<br />

whose lives had intertwined.<br />

Hagar was broken because, as a slave<br />

woman, she had to do as she was<br />

told. I can only imagine how she felt<br />

having to open up for a man she had<br />

no intimate relationship with.<br />

Sarah was also a broken woman. She<br />

probably felt shame and<br />

hopelessness of not being able to<br />

give the man she loved a child.<br />

(Well so she thought at that time).<br />

Everyone wants to find their purpose<br />

in life, It is daunting when we are<br />

broken and unable to make sense of<br />

life.<br />

We feel so helpless and life as we<br />

know it, begins to fall apart.<br />

It is only through God's Grace that<br />

one can be made whole. A lot of<br />

women are walking around wearing<br />

masks, pretending to be something<br />

that they are not, to cover up their<br />

brokenness.<br />

People with no discernment only<br />

look at the outside appearance and<br />

and judge you from that. So, a lot of<br />

women disguise themselves with<br />

outside beauty, but deep inside they<br />

are broken and torn. Pay attention to<br />

detail! God looks at the heart and<br />

sees trhrough the masks and wants<br />

to trade your brokenness for his<br />

beauty.<br />

Women have to know who they are.<br />

Knowing who you are and your selfworth<br />

is key. Fall in love with YOU<br />

again. Believe that you deserve to be<br />

whole, you deserve better, you<br />

deserve to be loved and cherished as<br />

a woman.

A BROKEN<br />

WOMAN<br />

B Y H I L D A H L U N D I N G<br />

We were made in the image of God<br />

and that is where our identity is<br />

found. Your worth is not found in<br />

what qualifications you have or<br />

what job you hold, or if you are<br />

married or not. It is found and<br />

mirrored in Christ Jesus.<br />

God loves a broken woman<br />

because, in her brokenness, she<br />

will discover her tue identity, her<br />

calling and her worth. A person<br />

who has never been broken is a<br />

danger to themselves and to God's<br />

people. Pharoah and<br />

Nebuchadnezzar were such people.<br />

Brokenness is a process we l all go<br />

through at some point in our life.<br />

Like a diamond, we go through<br />

incredible pressure, cleansing, and<br />

refining. We cannot run away from<br />

brokenness, but we can be still and<br />

know that he is God. the Author and<br />

Finisher of everything that is<br />

broken.<br />

The Pharisees apprehended a<br />

woman who was who was caught in<br />

adultery and were ready to stone<br />


her., but what Jesus did for her was<br />

truly amazing.<br />

Jesus changed her destiny. He can<br />

change yours too.<br />

Whatever you find yourself in, he<br />

has set you free. Whatever you’re<br />

battling with, he wants to deliver<br />

you. Whatever you’re judged of, he<br />

has released you. He turns your sin,<br />

shame and guilt into beauty as he<br />

moulds you into his image. He<br />

makes everything beautiful in its<br />

time.<br />

What an assurance we have,<br />

knowing that we are not alone in<br />

what we are going through. His<br />

hand guides us through the process<br />

and makes sure that we come out,<br />

refined, refreshed, rejuvenated,<br />

recharged, restored and<br />

supercharged to use our voice to<br />

impact our world.<br />

Arise broken woman. Nations await<br />

you. Go forth knowing that You are<br />

worthy of being ''a broken woman.''




Women's Frontline Magazine is honored to present<br />

profiles of women who are working on the<br />

Frontlines to impact their world with the wonderful<br />

gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

Meet Lin Johnson, who is the face that is gracing our<br />

cover this month. I first got acquainted with Lin<br />

through her inspirational stories she has written for<br />

the magazine.<br />

She is first and foremost, the mother of three<br />

beautiful children, the sister of three wonderful<br />

siblings and the daughter of an amazing woman.<br />

She is also the creator and founder of Lin’s Lesson, a<br />

ministry devoted to inspiring, empowering and<br />

motivating the people of God, with a host of other<br />

very necessary and exciting components under its<br />

umbrella.<br />

She is a speaker, writer, mentor and radio show host.<br />

Most importantly, a woman of God.


WRITER<br />

MENTOR<br />

RADIO<br />



WFM<br />

Who is Lin Johnson?<br />

Well, Hildah, I am many things to many people. I am a church girl who<br />

has grown into a woman, who has experienced the happenings of life!<br />

I am both demure and audacious. I am wise yet Naïve. I am a God<br />

chaser.<br />

WFM<br />

How would you describe yourself ?<br />

LIN<br />

Wow!!! I’m not exactly sure why it often feels weird to “describe”<br />

myself (smile)! Well, I am soft spoken, kind-hearted and a purposeful<br />

woman, God loving and God fearing. I am a woman of character and<br />

integrity, true to my walk. I am forthcoming, faithful and a loyal person.<br />

A good friend and sister keeper. I am an encourager and prayer warrior.<br />

I am flawed and imperfect.<br />

WFM<br />

Can you tell us more about the foundation of Lin Johnson?<br />

What makes you who you are?<br />

LIN<br />

I am the middle daughter of a divorced single mother, who raised and<br />

reared her children in the church. God is my foundation. That<br />

foundation makes me who I am. Growing up, I would often feel like I<br />

was missing out on things and life being a “PK” (preachers kid). I<br />

thought we were being punished!! However, being a PK didn’t stop life<br />

from happening to me and I began to truly appreciate and value the<br />

foundation and upbringing I had. It was rich and God knew I would<br />

need it. I wouldn’t want it any other way. It helped me to make the<br />

choice to be a champion.


''I am<br />

forthcoming,<br />

faithful and a<br />

loyal person. A<br />

good friend and<br />

sister keeper. I am<br />

an encourager and<br />

prayer warrior. I<br />

am flawed and<br />


WFM<br />

What has been one of the most challenging phase in your life and how<br />

did you get through it?<br />

I don’t know what’s more challenging than child birth?!! I got through<br />

with lots of meds!! No really, I think divorce was one of the most<br />

challenging phases in my life. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It is<br />

literally the death of life as you know it. It is the death of an identity.<br />

And with death, you must mourn the loss of it. I was married for many,<br />

many years.<br />

Who I was became who he was. It was a dysfunctional relationship that<br />

became a tumultuous marriage. I desired to be a wife and mother after<br />

God’s own heart. I made every move and every decision I thought I<br />

could per that desire. Did you know that you could very well do the right<br />

thing the wrong way? I became so consumed with wanting it to be right,<br />

work right and look right that my marriage soon became my god and I<br />

left God out of it.<br />

So many things began to happen, things that I never could have<br />

imagined. I never knew I would experience the level of hurt, confusion or<br />

abuse that I did. Not me, the church girl with the good upbringing. I was<br />

a Sunday school teacher, on the praise and worship team and didn’t miss<br />

a church service. Yet, I was going home suffering in silence. My saving<br />

grace was the foundation that I had. Everybody doesn’t have or didn’t<br />

get that. And guess what?!<br />

Not having the same foundation as I had does not keep you from<br />

getting through whatever challenges you face. I had to get real with me.<br />

With Lin. I needed strength. That strength came through prayer and the<br />

prayers of others when I couldn’t pray for myself. I had to get to and get<br />

through the fear of being “just like my mom”, a divorced woman with<br />

children. I had to get over the embarrassment I created in my own mind.<br />

Divorce isn’t something that you did in the church.

L I N J O H N S O N<br />

' ' I n e e d e d t o f i n d a<br />

s a f e p l a c e , t o b e<br />

h o n e s t , a n d w e a k . I<br />

n e e d e d t o b e i n t h e<br />

p r e s e n c e o f p e o p l e<br />

w h o w o u l d<br />

e m p a t h i s e w i t h m y<br />

s i t u a t i o n b u t<br />

w o u l d n ’ t p e t m y<br />

v i c t i m m i n d s e t . I<br />

h a d t o t a k e<br />

r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i n<br />

p r u n i n g t h e d e a d<br />

t h i n g s t h a t w e r e<br />

l i v i n g i n m y l i f e . ' '<br />

I might as well had gone on to<br />

hell with tar paper panties on<br />

but I had to get pass the<br />

judgement of others, but most<br />

of all my own. I had to decide<br />

that I wasn’t a failure and that I<br />

deserved to be happy and live<br />

happy. That started with me<br />

getting real with God. I had to<br />

ask for His forgiveness for<br />

leaving my first love.....Him. I<br />

had to repent for putting Him<br />

on the back burner instead of<br />

keeping Him at the head. Then,<br />

I began to look around me to<br />

see what baggage I needed to<br />

do away with, that included<br />

people, places and things.<br />

I needed to find a safe place to<br />

be honest and weak. I needed<br />

to be in the presence of people<br />

who would empathize with my<br />

situation but wouldn’t pet my victim<br />

mindset. I had to take responsibility<br />

in pruning the dead things that were<br />

living in my life.<br />

See, once I began to talk to God<br />

about ME, not him, my eyesight<br />

changed to insight. Once I stopped<br />

crying about “him” needing to be<br />

fixed I started mending the broken<br />

pieces in me, and true healing<br />

began and so did the work of<br />

healing.<br />


To be resilient<br />

means to<br />

withstand and<br />


I am so grateful for my First Lady/Pastor, who before she took her<br />

rest, changed my life with two simple words, GET UP. I had to learn<br />

again who I was, who God created me to be and that I was worthy.<br />

Being honest with my situation, seeking the RIGHT counsel and<br />

building a tribe of people around me, who would pray with and for<br />

me, cried with me, laughed with me, kept my kids when I just needed<br />

a day with the blinds closed, that wouldn’t accept me being<br />

anything other than who I am and depending on God and that He<br />

would make a way. That’s how I got through it and get through the<br />

trials of life.<br />

WFM<br />

We are honoured to have you on the Front Cover of our magazine this<br />

month. Tell us why you chose to talk about these three significant<br />

things in your life:<br />

Inspiring, Resilient and Committed.<br />

Would you walk us through all three and explain to our readers why<br />

these three words are so significant in your life.<br />

LIN<br />

Absolutely! You know, when you first asked me what three words I<br />

would choose, I was at a loss.<br />

I said ok, Lord, I don’t know. I even reached out to someone close to<br />

me to brainstorm. I believe that these three words not only embody<br />

who I have become, but also, who I am yet to become.<br />


To be resilient means to withstand and recover!<br />

Simply put, to GET UP! The Bible tells us that we are persecuted but<br />

not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. That’s good news!<br />

No matter what you are facing in life, no matter what the<br />

circumstance or situation is, I don’t care if everything your shadow<br />

touches seems to die, you can withstand and recover. God never<br />

said not one time, that this life would be easy but He did promise He<br />

would never leave nor forsake us. The promise is ours but the<br />

process belongs to Him. The tree doesn’t stop standing because the<br />

wind blows or the storms come. It may sway, shake a little and even<br />

lose some branches but it moves right back into position.<br />


W<br />

ur<br />

ap<br />


SPEAKS ''YES''<br />

OVER AND<br />

OVER''<br />

So be encouraged in knowing, we have storms to go through, trails to<br />

face, but we must stay in position. Some of the storms we face are by the<br />

doings of our own hands. We must pay for those things but we don’t have<br />

to die because of them. God is willing and waiting to help you recover all.<br />

Committed means to be dedicated to something and/or someone. We<br />

must first be committed to God then to ourselves. We must learn to stick<br />

things out. The right things. Many times I’ve committed to something and<br />

then quit. I quit because I didn’t feel like it. Or I quit because it was just too<br />

hard. Or I quit because I didn’t have my mind completely focused on<br />

bringing it full circle but true commitment is courage to change.<br />

Commitment speaks ‘YES’ over and over. There is no room for ‘NO’.<br />

Commitment is loyalty. It means being faithful. God is faithful to us.<br />

Second Timothy tells us that when we are faithless, He remains faithful to<br />

us. It means to knowingly and willingly sacrifice for the greater, for<br />

ourselves and for others. Jesus was committed to the assignment of the<br />

cross, so must we be committed to the will and plan of God.

WFM<br />

You are on the Front Cover of our magazine this month and you have<br />

chosen<br />

I am<br />

to<br />

inspired<br />

talk about<br />

by<br />

three<br />

the testimony,<br />

significant<br />

act,<br />

things<br />

will and<br />

in your<br />

most<br />

life:<br />

of all, the heart<br />

Inspiring,<br />

of others.<br />

Resilient<br />

It is my<br />

and<br />

endeavor<br />

Committed.<br />

to be inspiring. Not for the sake of lime<br />

Would<br />

light<br />

you<br />

or<br />

walk<br />

my name<br />

us through<br />

being called<br />

all three<br />

but<br />

and<br />

to encourage<br />

explain to our<br />

strength,<br />

readers<br />

evoke<br />

why these<br />

three<br />

change<br />

words<br />

in<br />

are<br />

perception<br />

so significant<br />

and perspective<br />

in your life.<br />

and empower people to act.<br />

We don’t always realize what we have in us. Whether it is a gift or<br />

LINtalent, strength or wisdom, or simply sheer will and often, it takes<br />

Absolutely! the inspiration You know, of or when from you someone first asked else me to help what us three recognize, words I would<br />

choose, cultivate I was and at a use loss. those things. Not telling your story or testimony<br />

I said could ok, Lord, very I well don’t be know. keeping I even someone reached else out from to someone getting through. close to me to<br />

brainstorm. Lives are I believe tied to the that fruit these of your three lips. words Get not inspired only embody and be inspiring. who I have<br />

become, but also, who I am yet to become.<br />

WFM<br />


What is the mindset that differentiates a victim from a victor? Can<br />

you describe the differences in their actions or daily activity?<br />

ith the LINcity horizon as your view,<br />

ban living offers small studio<br />

artments to elite penthouses.<br />

I’ve seen and worked with people who have been abused, had to<br />

go without, downtrodden and come from some of the most horrific<br />

backgrounds live like champions. I have also seen people from<br />

walks of life with great advantages and opportunities act like<br />

victims. I have discovered that it is not the circumstance or<br />

situation but it is the attitude and mindset that sets them apart.<br />

Daniel was in the Lion’s den! Talk about dire situations. Job’s entire<br />

life and family was destroyed.<br />

He was hanging on for dear life himself. However, their attitude<br />

reflected their confidence in God. Knowing that God could deliver.<br />

That’s the mindset of the victor. Victors see challenges as an<br />

opportunity to overcome adversity; victims see it as evidence of<br />

life being against them. A victor stands in their power while a<br />

victim sits in their circumstance. A victor learns from a mistake, a<br />

victim never sees their mistake. A renewed mind says I can do<br />

better, a made-up mind says I am better. It all begins in the mind. It<br />

is imperative to be intentional about our attitudes and mindsets.<br />


The wrong one can keep us bound to an outdated identity.<br />

WFM<br />

What is the significance of the gospel in your life? Can you share<br />

how vital the Word of God is concerning the life of a believer?<br />

LIN<br />

The Word of God is LIFE to me. Without His word, we are simply<br />

living in dead bodies. The gospel teaches me who I am, it gives me<br />

value and significance. Through the Word, I am empowered and I am<br />

powerful. I couldn’t live without it. I was a habitual church goer. It<br />

was all I knew to do. However, I didn’t know what God’s word meant<br />

for me or how to apply it to my life. I had to get to know God for<br />

myself. I couldn’t depend on the scriptures my Dad quoted or just<br />

the prayers my Mother prayed. When I began to seek God, to<br />

discover who He was to me, my life became a witness to His word.<br />

As believers, the Word of God is the most vital lifeline for us.<br />

We learn to walk in the power of the God. Through the word, we<br />

become aware of our choices nd authority over the things in our<br />

life. When I am feeling heavy with the stressors of being asingle<br />

working mom, when the bills are due or you’re just in need of peace,<br />

we find the answer in the Bible.<br />

The instructions are there. It<br />

doesn’t always change the<br />

situation but it changes the<br />

mindset towards it. Even as<br />

believers we must sometimes<br />

take a refresher course in what<br />

God has already done. And<br />

remember that He can still do all<br />

things.<br />



WFM<br />

What message would you like to put<br />

across to our readers today?<br />

LIN<br />

Listen, God loves you. He is<br />

concerned about what concerns<br />

you. You matter to Him. You can’t<br />

stop life from doing what life does<br />

and maybe this is hard for you to<br />

believe because you aren't satisfied<br />

with the life you're living today but<br />

be encouraged, your present<br />

circumstances don't determine your<br />

future.<br />

We all have a measure of faith, how<br />

you use it is up to you. When we<br />

learn who we are in God and<br />

intentionally apply it to our lives,<br />

that is where spirituality meets<br />

practicality.<br />

God wants to heal, deliver you, love<br />

on you and be a friend to you. It’s<br />

imperative the we participate in the<br />

relationship. Try Him at His word.<br />

Have faith that you can do all things<br />

through Him. Don’t let your<br />

situation cause you to lower your<br />

expectation of God.<br />

Pursue it all.<br />

Lin Johnson can be reached at<br />

linjohnsonspeaks@yahoo.com<br />

Facebook: Lin’s Lessons Official<br />

Periscope: @LinJohnson<br />



april 2017<br />

L I F E S T Y L E<br />



OF GOD<br />


Greetings, favoured woman!<br />

The Lord is with you! Luke 1:28<br />

(NLT)<br />

Mary was going about her<br />

normal duties, engaged to be<br />

married to Joseph when<br />

suddenly her life began to<br />

change dramatically. She had<br />

found favour with the Lord and<br />

had been chosen to be the<br />

mother of Jesus, the son of God.<br />

How awesome is that?<br />

From the beginning of time, God<br />

had great plans for women. He<br />

created man and woman in His<br />

own image and tasked them to<br />

be fruitful and multiply and to<br />

govern the earth. Women have<br />

since played an important role<br />

in the world and in the body of<br />

Christ. Can you imagine a<br />

church without women?<br />

All women are special to God<br />

and we all have a role to play.<br />

Mary said,<br />

“O how my soul praises the<br />

Lord. How my spirit rejoices in<br />

God my Saviour! For he took<br />

notice of his lowly servant girl,<br />

and from now on all<br />

generations will call me<br />

blessed.”<br />

Luke 1:47-49.<br />

Why was Mary chosen as a<br />

vessel? Was it by her good<br />

works?<br />

The bible says in<br />

Ephesians 2:8-10 says that<br />

“For it is by grace you have been<br />

saved through faith – and this is<br />

not from yourselves, it is a gift<br />

of God – not by works, so that no<br />

one can boast.”<br />

Indeed it is not by our works so<br />

we cannot boast.<br />

Every woman can be a vessel for<br />

God. God chose Mary and has<br />

also chosen you. We have been<br />

chosen to serve God in many<br />

ways. Some have been chosen<br />

as teachers, others apostles,<br />

prophets and workers of<br />

miracle. Others have the gift of<br />

healing and some are able to<br />

help others.<br />

Some have administrative gifts,<br />

and others serve God by<br />

cleaning the house of God, by<br />

singing, ushering people, as<br />

encouragers, counsellors and so<br />

on.<br />

The important thing is that<br />

whatever we have been called<br />

to do, we do it well. When God<br />

calls you, He will also qualify<br />

you. The Holy Spirit is there to<br />

guide you all the way. When<br />

God gives you an assignment,

Women as vessels of God<br />

When God called me into the<br />

women’s ministry, I didn’t even<br />

know God that well.<br />

As Mary did, I asked, how shall it<br />

be?<br />

God provided men and women<br />

of God to support me every step<br />

of the way. He also provided<br />

encouragers. Looking back now,<br />

I realised God had been<br />

preparing me long before I gave<br />

my life to Him. I had been<br />

involved with many circular<br />

womens’ groups in the past and<br />

had held leadership positions in<br />

these groups. My training<br />

ground didn’t start in the House<br />

of God but it has come in useful<br />

in the House of God. I was not<br />

selected because I was<br />

righteous.<br />

God qualified me and I therefore<br />

do not take it for granted.<br />

What kind of vessels are we<br />

supposed to be?<br />

As much as we will not serve<br />

water in a dirty cup, we cannot<br />

also continue providing God<br />

with a dirty vessel. We cannot<br />

continue to offer God, a life<br />

filled with iniquity. Since the<br />

blood of Jesus has cleansed us,<br />

we must endeavour to remain<br />

clean.<br />

Colossians 3:12 says that<br />

“Therefore, as God’s chosen<br />

people, holy and dearly loved,<br />

clothe yourselves with<br />

compassion, kindness, humility,<br />

gentleness and patience. Bear<br />

with each other and forgive<br />

whatever grievances you may<br />

have against one another.<br />

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.<br />

And over all these virtues put on<br />

love, which binds them all<br />

together in perfect unity.”<br />

As women, our role is very<br />

crucial in the church. When you<br />

look at the body of Christ,<br />

women are in the majority and<br />

the body has to work together to<br />

achieve God’s purpose. Let us<br />

play our roles not as unto men<br />

but as unto God.<br />

Let us encourage each other<br />

along the way.<br />

S M I L E ! A N D T H E<br />

W O R L D W I L L S M L E<br />

B A C K A T Y O U . . .


A WOMAN<br />


by Hildah Lunding<br />


1783-1864<br />

I came across the profile of a<br />

remarkable woman called Jarena<br />

Lee, who was a pioneer for female<br />

preachers. She lived in the 19th<br />

century from 1783-1864 and was<br />

of African-American descent.<br />

At the age of seven, she was sent to<br />

work as a live-in servant. It is at<br />

this place that she had her first<br />

encounter with the Holy Spirit. The<br />

lady of the house had asked her to<br />

do something for her and when she<br />

asked if she had done it, she said<br />

''yes'', but it was not true.<br />

She writes,<br />

''At this awful point, in my early<br />

history, the Spirit of God moved in<br />

power through my conscience, and<br />

told me I was a wretched sinner. On<br />

this account, so great was the<br />

impression, and so strong were the<br />

feelings of guilt, that I promised in<br />

my heart that I would not tell<br />

another lie.''<br />

In 1804, she attended a sermon in<br />

the Prebyterian church, but came<br />

out feeling drained..<br />

'' in some measure, the weight of<br />

my sins, and sinful nature begun to<br />

weigh me down''. But not knowing<br />

how to run immediately to the Lord<br />

for help, I was driven by Satan, in<br />

the course of a few days, and<br />

tempted to destroy myself. As she<br />

sat by the water brook, she felt like<br />

'' drowning would be an easy<br />

death.''<br />

As she struggled with the voice<br />

that was prompting her to drown<br />

herself, she later felt as though<br />

that someone had diverted her<br />

thoughts. She called it, ''the unseen<br />

arm of God'' that saved her from<br />

committing suicide.

Still struggling with her consciousness,<br />

she later attended a sermon by Richard<br />

Allen, the Founder of the African<br />

Methodist Church (AME), which was the<br />

beginning of her being transformed.<br />

She clearly states, that her mind was<br />

terribly vexed by disturbing thoughts<br />

and that she struggled with finding<br />

peace of mind..<br />

In her biography, she names a Pyschian<br />

and faithful ''follower of the Lamb''<br />

called William Scott who visited her<br />

due to her mental state.<br />

'' in the course of our conversation, he<br />

inquired if the Lord had justified my<br />

soul. I answered yes. He then asked me<br />

if he had sanctified me. I answered no;<br />

and that I did not know what that was.<br />

He then undertook to instruct me<br />

further in the knowledge of the Lord<br />

respecting this blessing.<br />

He told me the progress of the soul from<br />

a state of darkness, or of nature, was<br />

three-fold; or consisted in three<br />

degrees, as follows: First, conviction for<br />

sin. Second, justification from sin.<br />

Third, the entire sanctification of the<br />

soul to God. I thought this description<br />

was beautiful, and immediately<br />

believed in it. He then inquired if I<br />

would promise to pray for this in my<br />

secret devotions. I told him yes.''<br />

In her writings,<br />

She says...Glory be to God for his<br />


WITH HER<br />



redeeming power, which saved me from<br />

the violence of my own hands, from the<br />

malice of Satan, and from eternal death;<br />

for had I have killed myself, a great<br />

ransom could not have delivered me; for<br />

it is written - 'No murder hath eternal<br />

life abiding in him'. How appropriately<br />

can I sing -<br />

Jesus sought me when a stranger,<br />

Wandering from the fold of God;<br />

He to rescue me from danger,<br />

Intersposed his precious blood'.<br />

Later she wrote...''to my utter surprise<br />

there seemed to sound a voice which I<br />

thought I distinctly heard, and most<br />

certainly understand, which said to me,<br />

"Go preach the Gospel!" I immediately<br />

replied aloud, "No one will believe me."<br />

Again I listened, and again the same<br />

voice seemed to say - "Preach the<br />

Gospel; I will put words in your mouth,<br />

and you will turn your enemies to<br />

become your friends.<br />

At first I supposed that Satan had<br />

spoken to me, for I had read that he<br />

could transform himself into an angel of<br />

light for the purpose of deception.<br />

Immediately I went into a secret place,<br />

and called upon the Lord to know if he<br />

had called me to preach, and whether I<br />

was deceived or not; when there<br />

appeared to my view the form and<br />

figure of a pulpit, with a Bible lying<br />

thereon, the back of which was<br />

presented to me as plainly as if it had<br />

been a literal fact.''



PREACH<br />

Although she had heard the voice<br />

of God commissioning her to preach<br />

the Gospel, she was hesitant at first,<br />

due to the fact that the church was<br />

dominated by men.<br />

But the calling on her was so strong<br />

that she approached the Reverend<br />

Richard Allen and revealed to him<br />

her call to preach. Allen told Lee<br />

that he could not grant her<br />

permission to preach because he<br />

was required to uphold the A.M.E.<br />

Church’s ban against female<br />

ministers.<br />

Jarena later married Joseph Lee and<br />

had two children. Unfortunately, her<br />

husband died after 7years of<br />

marriage and after this, her desire to<br />

preach the gospel was even<br />

stronger. She got her first break to<br />

preach in 1819.<br />

Whilst listening to a guest speaker<br />

preach at a conference, the guest<br />

speaker was suddenly at a loss for<br />

words. Jarena jumped at the<br />

opportunity and started to preach,<br />

picking up from where the guest<br />

speaker had been stuck. The<br />

Reverend Richard Allen was so<br />

impressed with her that he now<br />

granted her permission to preach.<br />

She wrote,<br />

''O how careful ought we to be, lest,<br />

through our by-laws of church<br />

government and discipline, we bring<br />

into disrepute even the word of life.<br />

For as unseemly as it may appear<br />

nowadays for a woman to preach, it<br />

should be remembered that nothing<br />

is impossible with God. And why<br />

should it be thought impossible,<br />

heterodox, or improper for a woman<br />

to preach? seeing the Saviour died<br />

for the woman as well as for the<br />

man.<br />

If the man may preach because the<br />

Saviour died for him, why not the<br />

woman? seeing he died for her also.<br />

Is he not a whole Saviour, instead of<br />

a half one? as those who hold it<br />

wrong for a woman to preach would<br />

seem to make it appear.<br />

Did not Mary first preach the risen<br />

Saviour, and is not the doctrine of<br />

the resurrection the very climax of<br />

Christianity - hangs not all our hope<br />

on this, as argued by St Paul? Then<br />

did not Mary, a woman, preach the<br />

gospel? for she preached the<br />

resurrection of the crucified son of<br />


Jarena later recorded that she had<br />

"travelled two thousand three<br />

hundred and twenty-five miles,<br />

and preached one hundred and<br />

seventy-eight sermons" to mixed<br />

gatherings of blacks and whites.<br />

I can imagine how dangerous this<br />

was, considering that it was during<br />

the era of the slave trade.<br />

She must have known without a<br />

shadow of a doubt, that God was<br />

with her. She had gained her<br />

confidence and was determined to<br />

preach the gospel at any cost.<br />

Jarena was also active in the<br />

abolitionist movement and joined<br />

the American Antislavery Society<br />

in 1839.<br />

Jarena later wrote her<br />

autobiography titled ''The Life and<br />

Religious Experience of Jarena<br />

Lee.''<br />

Her cause of death is unknown but<br />

the cemetery where she is buried<br />

indicates that she died in 1855.<br />

Other sources list her death<br />

between 1855-1864.<br />

Her diary records one camp<br />

meeting where slaves had walked<br />

20 miles and more to hear her<br />

preach.<br />

References<br />

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/davidhenson/2012/02/jarena-lee-the-pioneeringfemale-preacher-you-never-heard-about/<br />

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/davidhenson/2012/02/jarena-lee-the-pioneeringfemale-preacher-you-never-heard-about/<br />

http://www.pbs.org/godinamerica/people/jarena-lee.html<br />

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarena_Lee<br />




Dr. Cozette M. White inspires individuals to live in<br />

purpose, embrace passion and achieve personal<br />

greatness through a balance in work and life.<br />

A leading authority on personal finances and<br />

business strategies. White is the Founder and CEO<br />

of My Financial Home Enterprises, a financial<br />

management firm helping organizations and<br />

entrepreneurs develop solutions that fuel business<br />

growth and transform products into accelerating<br />

profits. Her advice has been called upon by ABC and<br />

FOX television stations. She’s been featured on the<br />

radio, Black Enterprise, Women of Wealth<br />

Magazine, Upscale Magazine, The Huffington Post<br />

and countless newspapers across the country.<br />

Women of Wealth dubbed White, “Wealth<br />

Builders Extraordinaire.” In addition, White is the<br />

recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement<br />

Award under Barack Obama.<br />


Learn more at http://www.MyFinancialHome.com<br />

The purpose of life is to find our true selves. From the<br />

time of birth our parents and society conditions us in such a way<br />

that we believe we are just bodies, whose purpose is to get an<br />

education, get a good paying job, marry the person of our dreams,<br />

beget children, buy a house, a car and furniture, and spend the rest<br />

of our time in recreation. That whole self-repeating process does<br />

not seem to have a real purpose or real<br />

meaning.<br />


''The change may be<br />

the end of a very<br />

important relationship,<br />

loss of a loved one<br />

through death or the<br />

loss of a well-paying<br />

job. ''<br />

At some point a big change<br />

happens, one that makes a person<br />

question everything they<br />

Accepted up to that point. The<br />

change may be the end of a very<br />

important relationship, loss of a<br />

loved one through death or the<br />

loss of a well-paying job. During<br />

the heartbreak, a person is forced<br />

to stop and think deeply for the<br />

first time.<br />

The person is forced to take a<br />

close look at the belief system<br />

that they inherited from the<br />

parents, whether it has proven to<br />

be useful or not. If he is a loving<br />

God, and one worships as taught,<br />

then why all this suffering within<br />

the self and in everyone around?<br />

The person questions the current<br />

lifestyle that is based on long<br />

working hours, consumerism and<br />

materialism, yet offers nothing<br />

that satisfies an unidentified need<br />

deep within.<br />

The person takes a fresh look at<br />

the career path taken, possibly<br />

one chosen by the parents, or one<br />

chosen based on what was<br />

popular at school. If the work<br />

offers money but no joy, and no<br />

satisfaction, new decisions are<br />

made for the way forward.<br />

Relationships are questioned too,<br />

if the person has been sold the<br />

happy-ever-after story yet that<br />

happiness is illusive. There is deep<br />

analysis of the self, of the<br />

childhood that created the<br />

present, and the mistakes made.<br />

The person questions life itself.<br />

Who am I? What am I? Is there a<br />

purpose to all this?<br />

A point is reached where the<br />

person starts to get answers from<br />

within. At first they doubt the still<br />

voice. Eventually the person<br />

understands that all the answers<br />

are found within the self. Then<br />

comes the discovery that within<br />

the self is found the power for<br />

living - the true self. discovered.<br />




That is when the person discovers:<br />

That the purpose of life is to<br />

discover the self, that higher self that<br />

lies within waiting to be discovered.<br />

That the belief system that they<br />

were taught to accept as a child is<br />

not aligned with who they are.<br />

That healthy relationships begin<br />

with unconditional love for the self.<br />

How to love the self and how to be<br />

self-sufficient emotionally instead of<br />

relying on<br />

others.<br />

The service to be rendered that<br />

brings joy.<br />

People to be excluded because they<br />

are disempowering or they are takers<br />

who never give.<br />

That the purpose of life is to<br />

discover the self, that higher self that<br />

lies within waiting to be<br />

That the belief system that they were<br />

taught to accept as a child is not<br />

aligned with who they are.<br />

That healthy relationships begin<br />

with unconditional love for the self.<br />

How to love the self and how to be<br />

self-sufficient emotionally instead of<br />

relying on others.<br />

The service to be rendered that<br />

brings joy.<br />

People to be excluded because they<br />

are disempowering or they are takers<br />

who never give.<br />

The effects of self-discovery include<br />

happiness, fulfilment, clarity and<br />

even enlightenment! This, however,<br />

does not make life easier. There will<br />

be fear, confusion,<br />

misunderstanding, and doubt. After<br />

all certain people have to be kicked<br />

out for good and that decision is not<br />

easy. But with a newly-found<br />

knowledge of the self and inner<br />

power, the journey of life can be<br />

made with determination and peace.<br />

During my quest of self-discovery, I<br />

began journaling the things I wanted<br />

to manifest into my life and things I<br />

needed to get rid of to enhance what<br />

God had already gifted me with. In<br />

my book, Attracting The Best, I share<br />

positive affirmations on wealth,<br />

prosperity, and abundance that will<br />

allow you to rethink, re-shift and<br />

reprogram how you think and feel<br />

about yourself.





RUBIES.<br />

P R O V E R B S 3 1 : 9<br />


W O M E N ' S F R O N T L I N E M A G A Z I N E<br />



Inspiration is something that all of us need. Without<br />

it, I can’t seem to move. With divine inspiration, I get<br />

thrust forward with a grace that propels me to make<br />

decisions in line with God’s Word. I’m sure of what He<br />

has called me to do. There is no question! There is a<br />

wonderful grace where others line up, too. There is a<br />

smoothness. Confusion is not a part of it.<br />

I don’t have to get lots of opinions from others. I am<br />

sure that God is pleased. I’m convinced that if I continue<br />

to listen for God’s inspiration, I’ll find it every day of my<br />

life.<br />

Now before you think I’m some spiritual giant, you must<br />

know that God can speak to all wholisten. He inspires in<br />

so many diverse ways. Like yourself, I continue to desire<br />

to tap into the immense ways He has of making<br />

communication quick and clear. Clarity is something<br />

necessary. I don’t desire to be wishy-washy or moving<br />

my opinion back and forth from “Yes!” to “No!”<br />

Sometimes it takes a while to get a clear message,<br />

because He knows He has to prepare my heart early for<br />

changes.<br />








I always look forward to the<br />

testimonies that come in when a<br />

believer gets sold out for God and<br />

leads the disciplined life of a Christfollower.<br />

I often find myself ministering to<br />

those who are about to go through<br />

another transition. One telling sign is<br />

that I can see that the grace begins to<br />

lift off of whatever they are doing.<br />

That’s when the resiliency comes in<br />

to endure to the end of an<br />

assignment and have your exit be<br />

graceful. I can’t say that has always<br />

happened to me.<br />

Many times, I had no words, no<br />

recourse, as well as ultimatums that<br />

disagreed with what God was<br />

prompting me to do. I’ve<br />

left hastily, under cover of night, not<br />

agreeing - but acquiescing, etc., etc.<br />

The best of scenarios are those times<br />

when all parties were in agreement.<br />

Oh, and one more – I’ve left in the car<br />

shouting, “Thank You, Jesus, I’m<br />

released!” So maybe that was a little<br />

rabbit trail that I just went on.<br />

Forgive me, please!<br />

of the enemy. Seeing and hearing<br />

ahead of time to ward off attacks is<br />

common place. Strong, spirited, and<br />

robust describes this believer. They<br />

have been through the battles.<br />

Learning from their mistakes, they<br />

did not give up.<br />

Falling down became an exercise in<br />

getting back up again. All the enemy<br />

did was cause them to get tougher.<br />

And, they know that others are<br />

needed sometimes to hold their arms<br />

up when the going gets tough. But,<br />

they know that God has been faithful<br />

before and He will do it again.<br />

They have the eagle perspective,<br />

because they know how to soar high<br />

with God and look down upon the<br />

battle with new eyes. And, they are<br />

single-eyed toward Him! He is<br />

constantly their defense. I love to<br />

hang around with these kinds of Holy<br />

Spirit-led people.<br />

They are full of stories about the<br />

giants they have faced.<br />

The resilient believer is a hardy<br />

believer who is resistant to the wiles<br />


W O M E N ' S F R O N T L I N E M A G A Z I N E<br />

And, they encourage me to<br />

stay above the fray of the<br />

enemies chatter. Heavenly<br />

visions and righteous armor<br />

carry them on the path to<br />

answering their call.<br />

One thing for sure, I have tried<br />

desperately to stay committed<br />

to Christ in every<br />

circumstance. It’s that<br />

commitment that God loves so<br />

much, in conjunction with<br />

thankfulness. It’s really hardto<br />

stay committed without<br />

thankfulness. Otherwise, we<br />

fall into despair and<br />

complaining. And, God does<br />

not like complaining. You<br />

don’t get much response or<br />

breakthrough when you stay in<br />

that state.<br />

The joy within my heart that<br />

has built up over the years –<br />

because the Lord is so faithful<br />

to me and all believers,<br />

including you – cannot be<br />

expressed to the degree of<br />

deepness. It’s like a very deep<br />

well that if you throw in a<br />

stone, you can’t hear it hit<br />

bottom. And, no one can take<br />

that joy away from you. It is<br />

settled in your heart for all<br />

eternity.<br />

When I see a committed saint, I<br />

am in awe of their loyalty and<br />

steadfast mindset. Although<br />

they may not be comfortable<br />

in their setting where the Lord<br />

has placed them, they ontinue<br />

to not just survive - but<br />

flourish. I have a tendency to<br />

like variety in my life. These<br />

dear ones help me stay<br />

grounded in the Word and<br />

obedient to whatever orders<br />

from headquarters that I have<br />

received.<br />

My righteous God has much for<br />

you to do for Him. He desires<br />

to have you “Inspiring,<br />

Resilient, and Committed” to<br />

worshipping Him first; then out<br />

of quality time with Him, you<br />

will be prompted and<br />

challenged to be used for His<br />

glory. Don’t wait for that time!<br />

Carve it out! Put it on your<br />

calendar! Let others know you<br />

have a very important<br />

appointment that cannot be<br />

cancelled! You will be met with<br />

open, loving arms and given<br />

more than you could ever think<br />

or imagine!<br />


where you are planted<br />

Bloom<br />


y Dr. Marilyn Porter<br />


MATTER<br />


Question:<br />

“As a Christian in today’s society, how do you maintain your<br />

integrity? Especially when lies are often rewarded and cheating is<br />

rarely frowned upon.”<br />

Does Integrity Matter?<br />

I didn’t have to go far to find a response to this question – I had it<br />

in my archives! I am often asked about honesty and integrity amid<br />

all of the notable deception. Here is an article I wrote a few years<br />

ago that gives a great insight on the simplicity of operating in<br />

integrity.<br />

5 Simple Steps to Integrity<br />

Unless you are one of those people that enjoy offending or<br />

hurting others – living a life that is free of “little white lies” and/or<br />

exaggerations can be a struggle. It requires a great deal of<br />

courage – the ability to do that which is frightening or extremely<br />

uncomfortable. .

Living among emotionally charged humans<br />

with the intension to live in full on<br />

integrity can be gut-wrenching, however; it<br />

can be done. It may not be the easiest task<br />

(at least not in the beginning), but with<br />

consistent practice you can be a person<br />

clothed in integrity – the quality of being<br />

honest and having strong moral principles;<br />

moral uprightness.<br />

Righteousness (right standing) is<br />

synonymous with integrity and it is an<br />

absolute must for those who intend to<br />

live in integrity, free of drama, and<br />

have consistent success in any area of<br />

their lives. Without integrity failure is<br />

eminent; marriages, friendships,<br />

business partnerships and<br />

relationships of every sort will fold<br />

when the participants are do not<br />

engage in consistent and authentic<br />

integrity.<br />

So, how do we as mere humans<br />

become courageous enough to live<br />

lives of integrity?<br />

There is that word again,<br />

courageous – the late Dr. Maya<br />

Angelou said,<br />

“Courage is the most important of all<br />

the virtues for without it you cannot<br />

consistently carry out the others<br />

– and so we know that courage is in<br />

the formula of integrity.<br />

Here are 5 steps that can be taken<br />

to get to a life of integrity:<br />

Be more concerned with pleasing<br />

God, that people. People pleasers<br />

struggle with integrity because<br />

innately they want to be liked, loved<br />

and respected by the people they<br />

please.<br />

Be honest with yourself. People who<br />

live in perpetual denial of their own<br />

lives and circumstances find it nearly<br />

impossible to be in integrity with<br />

others.<br />

Be prepared to end relationships that<br />

REQUIRE you to be out of integrity.<br />

There are some people who want to<br />

hear lies and deception and simply<br />

will not accept your acts of integrity.<br />

Be as free with giving your love and<br />

you are in giving the truth – truth<br />

without love is brutality. You may<br />

have to extend a little extra love to<br />

those who are no accustomed to your<br />

new way, however, don’t ever<br />

apologize for operating in integrity.<br />

BE COURAGEOUS! Remain in right<br />

standing, even when you fear the<br />



Dr. M.E. Porter – affectionately known as The<br />

Soul Shifter – is a woman who wears many hats<br />

and occupies many spaces. She has a larger than<br />

life spirit that engulfs a room when she enters.<br />

She is the mother of 3 beautiful daughters – one<br />

currently serving in the U.S. Army. She is a<br />

minister of the Gospel, a spiritual life coach and<br />

adviser who uses her God given gifts to INpower<br />

all those around her. Dr. Porter has been<br />

successful in expanding her reach globally. Dr.<br />

Porter is a woman unashamed to walk in her<br />

spiritually infused gifts – and is able to<br />

translate those gifts into the secular markets<br />

with ease. For ability to sustain herself as a<br />

marketplace minister, she is a highly sought out<br />

writer – having written her own autobiography,<br />

co-authored 5 anthologies and penned several<br />

forewords, she is a Huffington Post contributor -<br />

where she shares her gift in GPS for The Soul, as<br />

well as writing a monthly advice column for<br />

“Women’s Frontline Magazine” – an<br />

international publication. No matter the<br />

modality; preacher, speaker, coach, mentor,<br />

writer, or spiritual advisor – M.E. Porter makes<br />

one big bold promise, “I will always speak to<br />

your soul.”<br />

When we operate out of integrity<br />

we force the people in our lives; to<br />

like, love and respect a person that<br />

we are not. By misrepresenting<br />

ourselves, we lie to others and we<br />

are often are left to nurse the<br />

wounds that are inflicted<br />

emotionally and mentally when we<br />

are exposed; because without a<br />

doubt the real self will show up. So,<br />

allow me to offer you this<br />

possibility; the people that matter<br />

the most, will like or love the<br />

people that we really are. And those<br />

that don’t like or love us, may at<br />

least respect us for being a people<br />

of strong integrity.<br />

accepting of imperfection than we<br />

openly admit. Without the stigmas<br />

and judgments attached to our<br />

flaws – which we foolishly create<br />

ourselves – we are more apt to<br />

accept one another than to reject<br />

each other. Nobody, I repeat,<br />

nobody likes to be the fool and<br />

when we act out integrity we<br />

remove the other person’s<br />

opportunity to engage with us in<br />

truth. You may be pleasantly<br />

surprised at what people can and<br />

will accept if we would just give<br />

them option to choose to be in<br />

integrity with us and not be fooled<br />

with lies and misrepresentations.<br />

Human beings are much more

DO NOT GO<br />


MAY LEAD, GO<br />



& LEAVE A TRAIL.<br />

R A L P H W A L D O E M E R S O N<br />



by<br />

Louise Des Bordes<br />

I invite you to partake in<br />

this beautiful story of<br />

forgiveness and<br />

redemption, as we<br />

revisit the story of the<br />

criminal whom Jesus had<br />

compassion for at the<br />

Cross. As we delve into<br />

this fictional narrative<br />

built around the Truth of<br />

Scripture, take your<br />

time, read, reflect, and<br />

stay in for the lesson at<br />

the end..If you’re in a<br />

rush, bookmark this<br />

read- and come back<br />

when you can fully<br />

engage and fully reflect.<br />


very fast towards him and<br />

approaching<br />

knew that it was time. Jesus, the<br />

he<br />

criminal- to die and be an end<br />

hopeless<br />

people’s sorrows.<br />

to<br />

they had caged<br />

why<br />

Like an animal.<br />

him.<br />

this over with<br />

get<br />

done quickly.<br />

and<br />

instantly, an<br />

almost<br />

woman sprung<br />

older<br />

From the lens of a criminal…<br />

Two others, both criminals,<br />

were led out to be executed<br />

with him –<br />

Luke 23:32 NLT<br />

He heard the guard’s footsteps,<br />

approaching very fast towards him<br />

and he knew that it was time. Jesus,<br />

the one they called the ‘King of the<br />

Jews’, was near. It was time for them<br />

to be crucified. It was time for him- a<br />

hopeless criminal- to die and be an<br />

end to people’s sorrows.<br />

There was no reason left to live. At<br />

least he would die next to Jesus. He<br />

deserved to die- he thought to<br />

himself- He was no good. His heart<br />

was dark. He’d done so much evil.<br />

That’s why they had caged him. Like<br />

an animal. He had no remorse. He<br />

just wanted to get this over with and<br />

done quickly.<br />

From the lens of a criminal…<br />

As he was hurled out of the cage,<br />

almost instantly, an older woman<br />

sprung before him and spat on his<br />

face,<br />

Two others, both criminals, were led out to<br />

be executed with him – Luke 23:32 NLT<br />

“Die in hell!” she yelled, “You<br />

deserve the worst for what you did<br />

to my daughters!”<br />

He heard the guard’s footsteps,<br />

“Apochoreo!” (Depart!) The guard<br />

howled back at her, flinging her<br />

aside back towards the crowd.<br />

they called the ‘King of the Jews’,<br />

one<br />

near. It was time for them to be<br />

was<br />

crucified. It was time for him- a<br />

“Oh, he’ll get what he deserves”<br />

the guard sneered; looking at the<br />

criminal with a glare so dark it<br />

sent chills down her spine.<br />

He pulled the criminal closer to<br />

himself; twisting his right arm with<br />

so much force it sent him kneeling to<br />

the ground,<br />

There was no<br />

left to live.<br />

reason<br />

least he would<br />

At<br />

“Oh you’ll pay. You’ll pay for every<br />

single person you hurt and everyone<br />

you murdered. You’ll visit two hells<br />

today. Hell from me, and hell when<br />

you die! Look at the one they call the<br />

‘King of the Jews!’”, he snarled with<br />

clenched teeth, wrenching the<br />

criminal’s head in the direction of<br />

Jesus who laid, beat up under the<br />

cross,<br />

next to Jesus.<br />

die deserved to die-<br />

He<br />

thought to<br />

he He was no<br />

himself-<br />

His heart was<br />

good.<br />

He’d done so<br />

dark.<br />

much evil. That’s<br />

“LOOK AT HIM!” he growled,<br />

“Not even he can save you!”<br />

Several hours later…<br />

had no remorse.<br />

He<br />

just wanted to<br />

He<br />

It was about 11am and death could<br />

not come more slowly. He felt like he<br />

was already in hell, the excruciating<br />

pain he felt in his arms and feet were<br />

proof of that.<br />

he was hurled<br />

As<br />

of the cage,<br />

out<br />

He could feel his body tear apart as<br />

he hung on that cross, and every now<br />

and then he would yell “Katara!” (I<br />

am cursed!).<br />

him and spat<br />

before<br />

his face,<br />

on<br />

The guards snickered from below<br />

and seemed to be more interested in<br />

mocking Jesus who hung right<br />

beside him. The other criminal<br />

seemed worse than the guards. He<br />

couldn’t stop yelling, cursing and<br />

taunting Jesus. How could that guy<br />

talk so much in such pain?<br />

in hell!” she<br />

“Die “You<br />

yelled,<br />

the worst<br />

deserve<br />

what you did to<br />

for<br />

my daughters!”<br />


he could no longer<br />

When<br />

the noise, he turned<br />

stand<br />

head towards that<br />

his<br />

and roared,.<br />

criminal<br />

went down his spine<br />

Chills<br />

he locked eyes with the<br />

as<br />

of God. They had<br />

Son<br />

him. His body<br />

disfigured<br />

eyes, a kind of<br />

His<br />

that only a King-<br />

certainty<br />

Messiah- a Savior, could<br />

a<br />

have.<br />

that moment, the<br />

For<br />

had a glimmer of<br />

criminal<br />

hope. Maybe there was a<br />

beyond this<br />

light<br />

darkness.<br />

looked away from Jesus in<br />

He<br />

and searched within<br />

shame,<br />

in him. He was<br />

found<br />

Still, he wrestled<br />

hopeless.<br />

himself; he would utter<br />

with<br />

was in his heart. He<br />

what<br />

so, he blurted out at the<br />

And<br />

with tears in his<br />

Messiah,<br />

and a wave of remorse<br />

eyes<br />

took him by surprise:<br />

that<br />

stared at him, with a<br />

Jesus<br />

so deep he could<br />

love<br />


couldn’t stop yelling,<br />

He<br />

and taunting<br />

cursing<br />

How could that guy<br />

Jesus.<br />

so much in such pain?<br />

talk<br />

heart. No- he thought,<br />

his<br />

was no good to be<br />

there<br />

“Don’t you fear God, even<br />

“ D O N ’ T Y O U F E A R G O D ,<br />

Ewhen V E N W Hyou E N Y Ohave U H A Vbeen<br />

E B E E N<br />

Ssentenced E N T E N C E D T O to D I E die? ? W E We<br />

D E S E R V E T O D I E F O R O U R<br />

deserve to die for our<br />

C R I M E S B U T T H I S M A N H A S N ’ T<br />

Dcrimes O N E A N Ybut T H I N G<br />

this<br />

W R Oman<br />

N G ! ”<br />

– L U K E 2 3 : 4 0 - 4 1 N L T<br />

hasn’t done anything<br />

wrong!” – Luke 23:40-41<br />

not die without trying,<br />

would<br />

would do it. He would ask<br />

he<br />

Jesus for a second chance.<br />

that moment, Jesus,<br />

At<br />

had been quiet all this<br />

who<br />

while, turned towards him.<br />

“Jesus, remember me<br />

when you come into<br />

your Kingdom.”<br />

– Luke 23:42 NLT<br />

“Jesus, remember me<br />

when you come into your<br />

Kingdom.” – Luke 23:42<br />

completely torn apart.<br />

was<br />

there was a peace in<br />

Yet<br />

“I assure you, today,<br />

you will be with me<br />

in paradise.”<br />

– Luke 23:43 NLT<br />

barely gaze back, and said,












BREATH…<br />

*Sigh. Let’s pause<br />

and ponder on<br />

this for just a<br />

minute.<br />



This story is so meaningful to us<br />

because, in effect, this is our story.<br />

The story of Love and Grace.<br />

Several of us know it, we’ve<br />

memorized it. We know how to<br />

quote it back to our Sunday school<br />

kids. Yet, when it comes to issues<br />

of identity, we so often fall short of<br />

what we say we believe. We flirt<br />

with our faults, embrace our<br />

weaknesses, fall in love with our<br />

transgressions and make love to<br />

our insecurities. We wear blankets<br />

of pride, and call it ‘selfconfidence’,<br />

hoping that people<br />

wouldn’t see the shame that lies<br />

deep within us. Yet His Word<br />

clearly says that,<br />

What we embrace, we identify as<br />

being part of our identity. So when<br />

we dwell comfortably in sin, what<br />

Jesus nailed to the cross, we<br />

directly embrace things that are<br />

dead. But were we ever called, to<br />

be Zombie Christians?<br />

When those charges were<br />

cancelled they were cancelled<br />

forever, never to be reversed- and<br />

our identities changed. Isn’t it so<br />

humbling to know that even when<br />

we fall short, the verdict on our<br />

lives is still- ‘not guilty’?<br />

Doesn’t that make us want to seek<br />

and love our Father even more?<br />

As we delve deep into the Word<br />

together for the next 8 months,<br />

let’s begin by establishing this<br />

Truth: As believers, we have a<br />

relationship with the Father, and<br />

continue to have a relationship<br />

with the Father not because of our<br />

‘good works’ or ‘faultless walk’ or<br />

‘great gifts’, but rather because<br />

when He sees us, He will always<br />

see Jesus.<br />

-worries begin to rise and you’re<br />

overwhelmed with feelings of<br />

unworthiness and seas of<br />

insecurity threaten to drown you.<br />

- When chronic guilt, selfcondemnation,<br />

anxiety and<br />

depression threaten to engulf you,<br />

be encouraged. Be reminded; those<br />

feelings? He nailed them.<br />

- When your struggles with lust<br />

torment you and cause you to<br />

question your own worth or<br />

salvation, be encouraged, be<br />

reminded. Your secret sins don’t<br />

define you; He nailed them

- When thoughts of not loving, or<br />

serving, or seeking Him hard<br />

enough creep in and threaten to<br />

paralyze you, allow Him lead<br />

you, a step at a time. Let Him<br />

remind you that your works<br />

never qualified you- the Cross<br />

did. Be reminded, be encouraged.<br />

- When pride, arrogance, and a<br />

veiled disregard for others affect<br />

your interactions with the world,<br />

because you can’t help but be the<br />

center of attention, hold on, let’s<br />

walk together for these next few<br />

months and walk through what it<br />

means to be clothed in humility…<br />

- When you fall, and fail, and<br />

backtrack, and deviate… don’t be<br />

afraid to come back and pick up<br />

where you left off. He dealt with<br />

our rebellion; there is nothing<br />

new under the sun. He’s ready to<br />

receive us back with open arms<br />

When you stare at yourself in the<br />

mirror, remember the Cross. Let<br />

that define your worth. Let that<br />

be the catalyst for your desire to<br />

seek Him wholly and earnestly.<br />

In His eyes, you are perfect: Holy,<br />

beautiful and pure. Righteous,<br />

unique and precious. Fleeking<br />

out of control, with the perfect<br />

pigmentation of melanin- not too<br />

much or too little. To Him, you’re<br />

a marvelous masterpiece.<br />

Painstakingly crafted to reveal<br />

everything He’s ever wanted to<br />

reflect on. He can barely get<br />

enough of us. Not because of<br />

anything we ever did- but<br />

because of what happened on<br />

that Cross. Those transgressions,<br />

insecurities, and weaknesses?<br />

Dealt with. #Henailedthem.<br />

For the next two weeks, let’s<br />

engage in this little exercise<br />

together; we’ll call it the<br />

#henailedit exercise.<br />

Write down as many sentences<br />

as you can think of, of everything<br />

about you that Jesus nailed to<br />

the cross. Make it as personal as<br />

possible. You could write it on a<br />

piece of paper, a personal<br />

notebook, your phone, your war<br />

room etc.<br />

You can do it in-between school,<br />

work, meals, laundry, wherever-<br />

Just make sure to write “He<br />

nailed it” after every sentence,<br />

and let that be a constant<br />

reminder of Who you are in His<br />

Eyes.<br />






There are times in life that<br />

requires us to remain focused on our<br />

future goals. We must have a<br />

mindset to finish strong no matter<br />

the opposition that comes our way. I<br />

know you are thinking about the<br />

level of commitment it takes to<br />

accomplish your God Given Purpose.<br />

According to the dictionary it is the<br />

state or quality of being dedicated to<br />

a cause, activity, etc. If you want to<br />

be successful in life one must find<br />

themselves dedicated and willing to<br />

work hard for the end results. There<br />

are many ways to prove you are<br />

committed to work, family, ministry,<br />

or business.<br />


Lets take a close look at your<br />

commitment at work and what it<br />

requires one to give excellent<br />

customer service, time<br />

management , and dependability.<br />

Your family has to depend on you<br />

to be there and support through<br />

every area of their life , especially<br />

your spouse and children. The<br />

main thing that helped me to stay<br />

committed to the things discussed<br />

is my relationship with God. He is<br />

the very air I breathe I must spend<br />

time daily in prayer, meditation,<br />

and worship.<br />

My commitment to God helps me<br />

to maintain a productive life and<br />

reach unmeasurable goals. I have<br />

learned in life anything that is<br />

worth obtaining has a level of<br />

commitment. Are you willing to<br />

dedicate yourself to things you<br />

believe and never give up. Always<br />

remind yourself that you must<br />

keep pushing to the maximum and<br />

refuse to see limitations in your<br />

life. Just like a marathon runner<br />

that keeps preparing for the big<br />

race to get to the finish line and<br />

that requires a lot of sacrificing.<br />

Your commitment to God requires<br />

a tremendous amount of<br />

sacrificing. The scripture John<br />

14:15 states” If you love Me, you<br />

will keep My commandments “.<br />

Anytime you are in a relationship<br />

the love you have for that person<br />

requires a certain level of<br />

commitment. God love us so much<br />

that He committed to us even unto<br />

death. We must be committed to<br />

one another with the love of God. I<br />

want to encourage you to stay<br />

committed to your God Given<br />

Purpose. You will fulfill your<br />

purpose if you remain committed.<br />

As Founder and Executive Director of Break Free Release Ministries<br />

(founded in 2007), Yolanda Sherman has inspired many to embrace<br />

spiritual change and live a more fulfilling life, free from bondage.<br />

Yolanda was ordained in January 2009 as a licensed minister. Yolanda is<br />

a graduate of the Grace Bible Institute where she became a Certified<br />

Christian Counselor. Yolanda attended the College of Biblical Studies in<br />

Houston, Texas. She also received a bachelor&#39;s in 2012 in Christian<br />

Counseling from International Kingdom Christian Counseling and Bible<br />

Seminary.<br />

Yolanda has recently completed a Masters Degree in Christian<br />

Counseling from Juliana King University, ( an affiliate of University of<br />

Family Bible Institute College and Seminary) in 2016. In the summer of<br />

2017, she will receive her doctorate in Christian Counseling.<br />



OF<br />

LOVE<br />

BLOG<br />

MARY<br />

PRIDDY<br />

From years of learning to<br />

take care of herself and defend<br />

herself, she has built up walls.<br />

From years of being told she was<br />

never good enough, and other<br />

harsh words, she has learned to<br />

keep people at a distance because<br />

they will sooner or later turn on her.<br />

From years of never belonging she<br />

has learned to not even try to<br />

belong because she will not be<br />

accepted anyway.<br />

From years of the meaning of love<br />

being distorted and only<br />

conditional, she has never been<br />

able to accept love from others, and<br />

not dare love herself.<br />

She has given up the fight, not that<br />

she wants to die, but just tired so<br />

tired of the same harsh treatment<br />

day in and day out and so she is<br />

numb to it all and just goes daily<br />

through the motions of life not<br />

feeling, not caring, just being…<br />

Then one night as she was praying<br />

with tears and the only word she<br />

could say was Jesus..<br />

She felt this warmth all around her<br />

and this light within that has<br />

flickered away began to get<br />

brighter.<br />

And all at once she heard the<br />

sweetest voice so loving and gently<br />

say: “You are mine. I am yours. You<br />

are my beautiful one, you are my<br />

sweet Precious one.

I am just me:) I am a mother,<br />

daughter, granddaughter,<br />

sister, and friend but most<br />

importantly I am a<br />

Redeemed child of the King.<br />

I love people and i mean I<br />

truly love people and so<br />

being used by God to<br />

encourage and spread is<br />

Hope and His Love by<br />

writing is so humbling and<br />

life fulfilling.<br />

You are favored and adored among<br />

the Saints that surround you so. If<br />

only you could see how much you<br />

are loved and then you would no<br />

longer feel so alone, outcast.<br />

The harsh words are not of me…<br />

Give me those words, give me those<br />

harsh names, and I will take them<br />

and put them into the furnace of<br />

deceit.<br />

I call you by your name which is<br />

Love, Adored, Revived, Redeemed,<br />

and Restored. You are more<br />

precious to me than the finest gold<br />

and more beautiful than the rarest<br />

ruby. Allow my love in to heal you<br />

and restore your hope, your faith.<br />

I will not hurt you and I will never<br />

leave you. Allow me to show you<br />

what unconditional love is and I will<br />

teach you how to love and be loved.<br />

I am yours and you are mine!”<br />

From that day on baby steps to her<br />

new identity, her new life, where<br />


she loves others and is able to<br />

recieve their love. Her walls of<br />

protection are now Bridges of<br />

redemption.<br />

All of this because she was loved<br />

first by the one who is love! She was<br />

shown that she can spread her<br />

wings and be free because her<br />

confidence is growing and her<br />

attitude is no longer the victim but<br />

now victorious.<br />

She has learned that others can love<br />

with out expecting anything in<br />

return and that everyone doesnt<br />

leave but there are those who will<br />

stay no matter what.<br />

All because she cried out in<br />

desperstion and God gave her a<br />

sweet Revelation of Love.<br />




B Y D E B O R A H A K I N E S<br />

Deborah Akines, is an employee of ComEd, and Exelon Company, where<br />

she been employed since February 2000. Deborah works in Human<br />

Resources as an HR Executive Administrative Coordinator. Prior to moving<br />

into HR, Deborah previously worked in the Supply and Real Estate &<br />

Facilities organizations. She is also a supportive member of the EAARA,<br />

Exelon African American Resource Association, and a member of other<br />

Corp network groups like NEW, Network of Exelon Women and others.<br />

She is a member of the Apostolic Faith Church, where her pastor is Bishop<br />

Horace E. Smith.<br />

Deborah has been a member since February 2000. She is also a licensed<br />

minister. Deborah serves in various capacities in what she considers<br />

Servant Leadership roles. She is committed to serving and helping others<br />

to grow and develop in their roles in ministry, and in their walk with<br />

Christ.<br />

Deborah is currently pursuing her degree in Technical Management with a<br />

concentration in Human Resource. She is the mother of three adult<br />

children, Anthony, Arielle and Armani, and<br />

two grandchildren.

I recently read the Navy Seals’<br />

Creed and was moved by how<br />

although designed for those who<br />

serve in the Navy, and used as a<br />

statement of their commitment and<br />

validation of their purpose, I found<br />

it inspiring as it spoke of the<br />

resilient commitment made by<br />

many Christians.<br />

Their creed spoke of<br />

how in war/uncertainty, that there<br />

was within each of them a warrior,<br />

who when needed was ready to do<br />

combat and not only to meet the<br />

challenge, but possessed a desire to<br />

succeed.<br />


The Christian life, inspiring? Yes. The<br />

intentional plan of the Creator<br />

creating, forming and growing each<br />

of us into who He has ordained us to<br />

be, in and of itself can leave those<br />

who have seen his work and plans<br />

unfold, in awe and amazement.<br />

Ephesians 2:10 says,<br />

“For we are his workmanship,<br />

created in Christ Jesus unto good<br />

works, which God hath before<br />

ordained that we should walk in<br />


Our lives are a<br />

planned reflection of<br />

God’s grace and<br />

glory<br />

We were designed for Him, and<br />

our lives were designed to bring<br />

him glory. Well, you might say<br />

that your life has not been so<br />

inspiring, not to mention has<br />

brought God glory. Well, I would<br />

beg to differ. Have you ever read<br />

the Bible? Have you read all the<br />

amazing stories of those who<br />

stood in the face of adversity and<br />

fear and overcame?<br />

Have you read how David, a king,<br />

yet a man, failed himself and<br />

God, and how when he repented<br />

for his sins, he moved past it and<br />

fought battles and wrote psalms/<br />

songs and prayers unto God like<br />

no one else had ever done?<br />

Have you read the life of a person<br />

you know and saw how they went<br />

from obscurity to being an<br />

overcomer? Yes, that is aweinspiring!<br />

The Bible speaks of us being<br />

epistles, read of men<br />

(2 Corinthians 3:2). And to live<br />

an awe-inspiring life takes<br />

courage and resilience! You have<br />

to have a Navel Seals’<br />

mentality….”I will not fail”. You<br />

have to determine that you will<br />

not give up; that quitting is not<br />

an option.<br />

I have three adult children, two<br />

of whom are finishing college at<br />

this time. One is finishing with a<br />

PhD in Latino Studies, and the<br />

other in Computer Science; on the<br />

Dean’s List and in the Honor<br />

Society, while I, their mother,<br />

have struggled from class to class<br />

with being disciplined to<br />

complete my under-grad.<br />

I raised them as a single mother,<br />

and as much as possible tried to<br />

ensure that they were prepared<br />

to go on to higher education. I put<br />

my education on hold and/or took<br />

classes via a community college<br />

when I felt compelled to do at<br />

least one class at a time. I did well<br />

and I too was on the honor roll.




As the children grew and got closer<br />

to finishing their degrees, I decided<br />

that as a full-time working woman,<br />

that maybe it was time for me to<br />

pick back up my education, and I did<br />

at the university level. Well, I had<br />

not been as disciplined as I needed<br />

to be and experienced the results of<br />

it. I felt ashamed and<br />

disappointed…for about 10 minutes,<br />

and then questioned what I needed<br />

to do next to move on and finish<br />

strong.<br />

I repented before God, as I knew I<br />

had the capacity to do the work, yet<br />

lacked the discipline to get it done. I<br />

then forgave myself and committed<br />

to work with an attitude and spirit of<br />

excellence.<br />

I say all this to say that we may<br />

make mistakes, bad judgments or<br />

even be flat out wrong, yet we have<br />

to find the strength to repent,<br />

forgive ourselves and then get up<br />

and gear up so that we can move up.<br />

for there lies within each of us a<br />

desire to win and to succeed!<br />

Finally I would like to add what the<br />

Message Bible version of Ephesians<br />

2:10 says, (vs 7-10),<br />

Now God has us where he wants us,<br />

with all the time in this world and<br />

the next to shower grace and<br />

kindness upon us in Christ Jesus.<br />

Saving is all his idea, and all his<br />

work. All we do is trust him enough<br />

to let him do it.<br />

It’s God’s gift from start to finish. We<br />

don’t play the major role. If we did,<br />

we’d probably go around bragging<br />

that we’d done the whole thing! No,<br />

we neither make nor save ourselves.<br />

God does both the making and<br />

saving.<br />

He creates each of us by Christ Jesus<br />

to join him in the work he does, the<br />

good work he has gotten ready for us<br />

to do, work we had better be doing.<br />

Forest Gump said that “Life is like a<br />

box of chocolates; you never know<br />

what you’re going to get.”, and there<br />

is some truth in that, yet we must<br />

remain committed to consistency.<br />

We must learn how to face the<br />

adversity and continue to move<br />

forward. Remember, ‘don’t give up’,<br />


Don’t only think Inspiring Resilient<br />

Committed, BE Inspiring! BE<br />

Resilient! BE Committed!<br />


''Pearls & BOOKmarx''<br />

TITLE - Make It Happen: Moving Towards Your Best U!<br />

A Journey Towards Wholeness<br />

AUTHOR - Felicia C. Lucas<br />

FOREWORD BY - Cherri Walston<br />

RETAIL - $19.99 on Amazon.com

Make It Happen immediately draws you in to Author Felicia Lucas world. She<br />

makes it very clear that she questioned whether or not her story would<br />

''matter''. This reader believes everyone has a story that matters, as our<br />

testimony is for others. With the Holy Spirit guiding her hands and her heart<br />

to pen her life-changing story, she gives it to the reader straight. Make It<br />

Happen is not your typical autobiography. All throughout the book, Author<br />

Felicia encourages the reader to dust off and interact with the Holy Bible.<br />

She offers up websites that are beneficial to EVERYONE;S spiritual growth -<br />

whether babe-in- Christ or ''easoned'' and she provides segments for<br />

keeping it real…with yourself.<br />

This reader was especially fond of Author Felicia's ''Real Deal Talk''<br />

breakouts. It is in those moments that she made herself available to be<br />

connected with on a more intimate level. She bears her soul, all for the<br />

betterment and growth of the reader. It is not easy to be transparent in a<br />

world where people (in general) tend to '';judge-first- never-ask- questionslater''.<br />

This reader applauds Author Felicia's bold stance to share her<br />

testimony while encouraging others to do thesame. In essence, she asks<br />

time and again: Will YOU take a moment to STOP…and think about it?<br />

If you are one who is in need of direction - one that will lead YOU onto the<br />

path of wholeness -<br />

Make It Happen is a must-read. This reader believes each of us can capture<br />

something ''Just for us'' from the pages of this book.<br />

Spiritual growth? Yes!<br />

Emotional healing? Yes!<br />

Physical fortitude? Yes!<br />

Professional stamina? Yes!<br />

Author Felicia writes, '';Being whole in all areas of your life is essential to<br />

living out your divine purpose. If any areas are out of balance, it will affect<br />

other areas of your life… Your intimacy relationship with God will bring you<br />

closer to obtaining victory in each area of your life. God will help you to<br />

keep things in balance as you draw closer to him.''<br />


What Others Are Saying:<br />

Gwen Evans | Amazon Review | September 17, 2016<br />

''I love this book! I'm only half way through and I find myself constantly<br />

referring back to something she has written, especially to the<br />

affirmations! I love her realness; that's what we need and that's what<br />

she's given; herself. I would highly recommend this book.''<br />

ER | Amazon Review | November 10, 2016<br />

''This book has inspired me so much. It has helped me in all aspects of<br />

my life, in my relationship, in my career, and my spirituality. If you want<br />

to be inspired and move towards the best you, you should definitely get<br />

this book!''<br />

So, there you have it! Don't just take this reader's word for it. As you can<br />

see, Make It Happen is truly LIFE-CHANGING! Grab your copy TODAY by<br />

visiting Amazon.com (don't forget to return to leave your review)! You<br />

are sure to be blessed immensely by the magnitude of truths,<br />

encouraging words, and various sermonettes helping us enjoy this thing<br />

we call ''LIFE''!<br />

Contact the Author:<br />

On the Web - www.felicialucas.com<br />

Facebook - Author Felicia Lucas<br />

Twitter - @MoveToYourBestU



W O M E N ' S<br />

F R O N T L I N E<br />

M A G A Z I N E<br />


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