EFL Record 17.indd - Eastern Football League

EFL Record 17.indd - Eastern Football League EFL Record 17.indd - Eastern Football League


20% toll discount for weekend games If you have an account, EastLink car tolls are discounted by 20% all weekend, every weekend. Visit EastLink.com.au Driving EastLink Part of the EAL & AW Transport Group SURPLUS WINDOWS “Why Pay Full Price For Windows?” * Timber, Aluminium, Doors & More… * Full Window Display on Site Phone: Rosemary 03 8727 7506 Fax: 03 9738 1924 Email: rosemary@discountwindows.com.au www.discountwindows.com.au PROUD SPONSORS OF MONTROSE FOOTBALL CLUB 120-124 BAYFIELD ROAD EAST, BAYSWATER VIC 3153 25 THE EASTERN FOOTBALLER 2011

BAYSWATER: An even fi rst half for the Colts, but mainly through skills errors we failed to capitalise on chances to go down by 25 points, 7-10-52 to 11-11-77. Best: Carlos, Grubb, D. Barker, O;Loughlin. The reserves were never in the hunt after failing to score in the fi rst term and trail by 43 points at half time. We outscored the Devils in the third term but again stopped running in the last to be thrashed by 111 points. Hard to get enthusiastic after this performance but stick together boys, support the seniors by attending training and run the season out for J.H. Best: Stallion, J. Moore, Mooney, Powell. A great start in the senior game to jump out to a 20 point with seven goals in the fi rst term. We continued on with some fast fl owing footy and virtually had the gome decided with a 49 point advantage at the main break. To Wanny South’s credit, they persisted and never threw it in to win the second half, but the damage was done and the four points comfortably stayed with us. 20-08-128 to 13-12-90. Goals: B. Galvin 6, Head & Baj 4, Smudge 2, singles to Bakker, Nevins, Newman, McInerney. Best: Redzic, Hall, Newman, B. Galvin, J. Galvin. A real danger game today at Kings Park and a must-win affair to keep our position and guarantee a top four fi nish. GO BAYSIE. DONCASTER EAST: Last week apart from the Colts having a good win we lost both reserves and senior games. The Colts are going into the fi nals with good form but they need to just take each game at a time from now. They took control of the game fairly early and went onto a comfortable win. Matt Vaiano 7 goals, J.Venables 3, J.Bird 2, and singles to J.Phillips, M.Meka, J.Cooney and Joel Pirotta. Best – J.Hardwick, J.Denaro, J.Pirotta, B.Lowson, M.Vaiano and J.Wright. The reserves are not playing that badly and the past two weeks’ scores do not refl ect their true game. The inclusion of recent new players who are assisting with numbers who are not match fi t, sloppy disposals and not manning up they can win more games before the end of the season. All they need to do is train, train, train. Hard to fi nd best players so again best left. Mola 3 goals for the day. The seniors needed to win but again started off very fl at. For a side that needs to keep winning to get into the fi nals, we had a very bad day at the offi ce. Apart from J.Van Unen’s fi ve goals and singles to A.Smith, C.Ventura, N.McDonald, D.Mead, S.Gold and T.Whitty we had none on the day to spark us into a win. We had a spurt in the third quarter and for 5 minutes in the last but UFTG replied to all our goals to easily. We are feeling the loss of players like M.Parthenides, Alex Theodorou and not having Rami Ayoubi had a detrimental effect on us going into the game. We need to recapture our earlier form and fi nish off the season with three wins. Finals are not on the radar now for the seniors. If it happens we will take it with both arms, but the loss on Saturday almost cruelled it for us for season 2011. Apart from on fi eld we have some fantastic functions looming. This Saturday we have the Porchetta Night sponsored by Casalingo Foods and the Ventura family will be pleased to see you all there on the night. It has light entertainment and the exciting new young star Steve Rossito who will entertain us all. Steve has been a sensation on Youtube recently and has just returned from America as guest of Good Morning America Show. Tuesday 9th August we have our Sports Night featuring Jason Akermanis, Marc Murphy and Nick Maxwell. For all bookings contact either Alf Molinaro on 0412 534 410 or Dave Sowersby on 0419 311 775. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Go Donny East. DONVALE: Seniors – Came up against Lilydale last week. The benchmark of the comp and knew we were in for a tough day. Kept the pressure on especially early but their overall size & ability was too much for us. Three games to go and none bigger that today against Donny East. Once again we are playing for the Wooldridge Cup and no better time than today to win this trophy. Reserves – Struggled for numbers last week and it was credit to all those who played & gave their all. Apart from the second quarter we matched Lilydale all day and actually outscored them in the last term. Big one today for our reserves. Colts – The undefeated Lilydale was our challenge last week. The fi rst half was great to watch with both teams having a run of goals. We couldn’t quite go with them in the second half and Lilydale proved too good. The double chance is on the line today. www.efl .org.au DIVISION 2 CLUB NOTES 26 A win will basically guarantee us second spot however a loss will put both teams even on points and an interesting fi nish to the home & away season. Social – Today we celebrate our 10th Anniversary of the 2001 Senior Premiership side that defeated Mulgrave in Division 2. Also tonight we have our Major Raffl e. Tickets behind the bar. Have to be in it to win it. LILYDALE: The reunion of the 1991 Premiership side held last week in the social rooms was well attended despite a few of the side missing due to other commitments. Those who attended enjoyed a sumptuous carvery and dessert provided by John Corcoran of the Twisted Vine Restaurant while reminiscing and watching the DVD of the grand fi nal. Copies of the DVD are available for $10 from Gerry Toohey on mobile 0414257276. It is packed with the full footage of the game, presentation of the medals and the celebrations which are amazing to look back on. The seniors put on an improved display despite still missing some crucial players to win well against Rowville and remain four games clear on top of the ladder. In fact it was a clean sweep as both the Colts and Reserves also had comfortable wins. On the social scene unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to cancel the annual Auction scheduled to be held tonight in the social rooms. And the Junior Club’s Annual General Meeting in the social rooms has been changed from Thursday 8th to Wednesday 7th September to avoid a clash with the seniors training night. The next social event will be the vote count in the social rooms after the fi nal game against Doncaster East on 20th August. And don’t forget to book for the Presentation Night on AFL Grand Final Day. This is a pre-ticketed and pre-paid event and will include the now traditional slide show of all the action shots from all games during the season as well as some candid shots of our supporters. The Falcon. MONTROSE: Well it has to be said that the Mustangs defi nitely lift when they take on Montrose. In what was a great game of football, Mooroolbark simply showed a lot more commitment to the footy and endeavour at the contest to go away 11 point winners. It defi nitely puts a lot of pressure on us now to claim back second spot. We are now in the unenvious position of having to win our last three games and hope for other results to fall our way if we are to claim the double chance. On a positive note it was by no way our worst performance of the year and stand out players were Dylan Rickard with four goals from a wing, Jason Lindgren was back in form, Fraser Pope was tireless and the Goodman brothers did the best they could to try and win the game. Our development squad was sensational, never giving up when behind for a fair bit of the day. It was a 'Chucky Banana Special' that sealed the eight-point victory. It was good to see Underdown and Condello back in form along with Gardoll and Lowe who are both pushing for a spot in the senior back six. The win resulted in us climbing back into the four and a win against the Blues this week will give us with some much needed breathing space. The Colts came home with a six goal to three last quarter, but it was not enough to peg back the Mustangs who now go eight points clear of us on the ladder. Best were T. Christou, M. Hunter, J. White, J. Garthwaite, S. Nix, J. Harris. Today we take on the Waverley Blues who have been very competitive over the last month of Division 2 senior football. If our boys are not on their game for four quarters today then this could turn out to be a danger game. They can't be taken lightly. Tonight it is our DJ night where we welcome back DJ Fraze. Let’s rock the Ken Dowling Pavilion. Noisy Neighbours are back in town on August 20 after the fi nal home and away game. For more info go to www.montrosefc.org.au and check out the social pages. Go Dees! MOOROOLBARK: As expected, a large and enthusiastic crowd turned up at the Heights Reserve last week to witness what has become a local derby against our close neighbour, Montrose. The Colts started the day’s proceedings and our boys had built a fi ve-goal lead half way through the third term and seemed to be coasting to a comfortable victory. However, the Montrose lads fought back in the fi nal term and managed to snatch the lead late in the game. Our boys then rallied again and were a goal up when the fi nal siren rang. Best players were Pike, Plunkett, Ward & Brookfi eld. Of the three games played on the day, the Mustang reserves

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