chapter - Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

chapter - Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

chapter - Atmospheric and Oceanic Science


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Statistical analysis of extreme events in a non-stationary context<br />

rainfalls in excess of the threshold has a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD),<br />

closely related to the GEV distribution of the early example. The GPD has cumulative<br />

probability function<br />

F(x) = 1 - [1 + ξ (x - T)/σ] -1/ξ ξ≠0<br />

= 1 - exp(-(x - T)/σ), ξ=0<br />

for x greater than the threshold value T=100 mm. The form of F(x) for the<br />

case ξ = 0 is the cumulative probability distribution for the exponential distribution,<br />

which has simpler form than GPD, requiring a single parameter instead of two. The<br />

output from fitting this distribution is given in table 15.3.<br />

Table 15.3. GenStat output from fitting a GPD to daily rainfall data from<br />

Ceres, Argentina, 1944-2002, with threshold value 100 mm.<br />

Threshold = 100<br />

Proportion > Threshold = 0.00143<br />

*** Estimates of GPareto parameters ***<br />

estimate "s.e."<br />

Sigma 13.56 6.055<br />

Eta 0.2638 0.3443<br />

Maximum Log-Likelihood = -89.026<br />

Maximum value of G. Pareto Distribution is Infinite (Eta >= 0)<br />

Significance Test that Eta = 0<br />

(ie pp_1_d_a follows an Exponential distribution)<br />

Likelihood Ratio test statistic: 1.949<br />

Chi-Squared Probability of test: 0.1627<br />

The output of table 15.3 shows that a proportion 0.00143 of daily rainfalls<br />

exceeded the threshold, or 23 events, since the 44-year record contained 16104<br />

daily values. The ML estimates of the GPD parameters σ, ξ ('Sigma', 'Eta') are<br />

13.56 ± 6.055 <strong>and</strong> 0.2638 ± 0.3443; the value of the shape parameter ξ is less than<br />

its st<strong>and</strong>ard error, whilst a formal χ 2 test, shown at the end of table 15.3, shows that<br />

the probability of getting a value of ξ equal to or larger than this value is 0.1627,<br />

not sufficiently small for the hypothesis that ξ=0 to be rejected. Thus, the simpler<br />

exponential distribution can be used to represent daily rainfall exceedances greater<br />

than 100 mm.<br />

A next step might be to test whether there is a time trend in the number of<br />

occurrences of rainfalls in excess of 100mm. The number of occurrences in the 44<br />

years 1959-2002 are 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,2,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,<br />

0,0,1,0,2,1,2,1,0,1,3. These 44 values are well fitted by a Poisson distribution with<br />


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