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Aeschylus, agamemnon<br />

Unsummoned of the watching sentinel.<br />

Yet let them reverence well the city's gods,<br />

The lords of Troy, tho' fallen, and her shrines;<br />

So shall the spoilers not in turn be spoiled.<br />

Yea, let no craving for forbidden gain<br />

Bid conquerors yield before the darts of greed.<br />

For we need yet, before the race be won,<br />

Homewards, unharmed, to round the course once more.<br />

For should the host wax wanton ere it come,<br />

Then, tho'the sudden blow of fate be spared,<br />

Yet in the sight of gods shall rise once more<br />

The great wrong of the slain, to claim revenge.<br />

Now, hearing from this woman's mouth of mine,<br />

The tale and eke its warning, pray with me,<br />

Luck sway the scale, with no uncertain poise,<br />

For my fair hopes are changed to fairer joys.<br />

LEADER<br />

A gracious word thy woman's lips have told,<br />

Worthy a wise man's utterance, O my queen;<br />

Now with clear trust in thy convincing tale<br />

I set me to salute the gods with song,<br />

Who bring us bliss to counterpoise our pain. CLYTEMNESTRA goes into<br />

the palace.<br />


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