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Aeschylus, agamemnon<br />

Him for his corn-fed mettle I will drive<br />

Not as a trace-horse, light-caparisoned,<br />

But to the shafts with heaviest harness bound.<br />

Famine, the grim mate of the dungeon dark,<br />

Shall look on him and shall behold him tame.<br />

LEADER<br />

Thou losel soul, was then thy strength too slight<br />

To deal in murder, while a woman's hand,<br />

Staining and shaming Argos and its gods,<br />

Availed to slay him? Ho, if anywhere<br />

The light of life smite on Orestes' eyes,<br />

Let him, returning by some guardian fate,<br />

Hew down with force her paramour and her!<br />


How thy word and act shall issue, thou shalt shortly understand.<br />

LEADER<br />

Up to action, O my comrades! for the fight is hard at hand.<br />

Swift, your right hands to the sword hilt! bare the weapon as for strife--<br />


Lo! I too am standing ready, hand on hilt for death or life.<br />


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