Style NOV (05.11.16)

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52 <strong>Style</strong> | fashion news<br />

fashion news<br />

superette<br />

There is soon to be no need to shop online at Superette as<br />

its second New Zealand store is set to open in Christchurch<br />

by the middle of the month. The cult fashion store stocks all<br />

our favourite brands including: Camilla and Marc, Sass and Bide,<br />

and Zimmermann, plus its own brand of vintage tees, shirts and<br />

casual knits. It also has just launched a limited-edition range of<br />

the Superette Boyfriend Pocket Shirts, in a collaboration with<br />

Magnum Ricki Dee, to celebrate the launch of Magnum Double<br />

ice creams. All the shirts are in animal print theme – leopard, tiger<br />

and panther – a nod to the delectable chocolate, caramel and<br />

strawberry flavours. In stores from November 1st. We’re super<br />

excited!<br />

Designer Bag eDit<br />

The Chloe Drew Bag is chic and feminine. Crafted from luxe<br />

leather, it has a flap front with a twist-lock fastening, one internal<br />

pocket, a soft suede lining and a gorgeous chain shoulder strap. It's<br />

the latest must-have bag – so cute a compact it works with almost<br />

any outfit from casual to dressy, day to night. A favourite of Blake<br />

Lively, Alessandra Ambrosio and Hilary Duff and coming in a range<br />

of colour options, there is one to suit everybody's taste.<br />

Virtual reality<br />

Trying on clothes virtually is now a reality with the fashion app and website Metail<br />

(metail.com). This site is so easy and great fun to use. Just click on the MeModel then<br />

add in your height, weight and measurements. Then choose a model that has your<br />

same colouring – red, blond, or dark hair – and start testing out the latest fashions,<br />

including the latest trends from the recent London Fashion Week, SS17. With the<br />

option to change your shoes, mix and match your tops and bottoms, and see a<br />

garment in a 360-degree view, it's a fantastic tool for online shopping.<br />

伀 戀 椀 䌀 栀 漀 挀 漀 氀 愀 琀<br />

䴀 攀 最 愀 渀<br />

匀 愀 氀 洀 漀 渀<br />

䴀 愀 搀 攀 氀 攀 椀 渀 攀<br />

䌀 栀 愀 爀 氀 攀 猀<br />

䌀 漀 搀 攀 戀 礀<br />

䔀 甀 瀀 栀 漀 爀 椀 愀<br />

嘀 椀 攀 眀 琀 栀 攀 猀 甀 洀 洀 攀 爀<br />

挀 漀 氀 氀 攀 挀 琀 椀 漀 渀 猀 漀 渀 氀 椀 渀 攀 ⸀⸀⸀⸀<br />

氀 漀 漀 欀 戀 漀 漀 欀 猀 Ⰰ 椀 搀 攀 愀 猀 Ⰰ<br />

猀 栀 漀 瀀 瀀 椀 渀 最 ⸀⸀⸀⸀<br />

漀 爀 琀 爀 礀 琀 栀 攀 爀 愀 渀 最 攀<br />

椀 渀 猀 琀 漀 爀 攀<br />

娀 䔀 䈀 刀 䄀 一 伀 ⸀ 䌀 伀 ⸀ 一 娀<br />

㘀 㤀 嘀 椀 挀 琀 漀 爀 椀 愀 匀 琀 爀 攀 攀 琀 Ⰰ 䌀 栀 爀 椀 猀 琀 挀 栀 甀 爀 挀 栀 吀 アパート アパート 㔀 㔀 㠀 㠀 ㈀ 䄀 氀 猀 漀 䄀 甀 挀 欀 氀 愀 渀 搀 Ⰰ 䠀 愀 洀 椀 氀 琀 漀 渀 Ⰰ 圀 攀 氀 氀 椀 渀 最 琀 漀 渀<br />

昀 愀 猀 栀 椀 漀 渀 簀 猀 椀 稀 攀 猀 㐀 ⬀<br />

匀 甀 洀 洀 攀 爀 䌀 漀 氀 氀 攀 挀 琀 椀 漀 渀 猀<br />

䤀 渀 ⴀ 匀 琀 漀 爀 攀 一 漀 眀<br />

稀 攀 戀 爀 愀 渀 漀 ⸀ 挀 漀 ⸀ 渀 稀

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