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Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Join the momentum 2<br />

Take care in building<br />

your reputation<br />

Everyday Actions for<br />

building your<br />

Professional<br />

Reputation<br />

Importance of a good<br />


3-5<br />

6-8<br />

Reputation – Quotes 10<br />

Advt 12-17<br />

9<br />

R<br />

E<br />

P<br />

U<br />

T<br />

A<br />

T<br />

I<br />

O<br />

N<br />

Dear Readers!<br />

What do people talk about<br />

you when you are not<br />

around? What do people<br />

assume when dealing with<br />

you? How often do you get<br />

recommended for new role,<br />

assignment or business?<br />

How often do you seek<br />

feedback from others in<br />

terms of what you are<br />

doing? How seriously do you<br />

work on the feedback<br />

received?<br />

Creating and managing your<br />

reputation is no longer a<br />

matter by default. It is a<br />

matter of design. How<br />

seriously are you<br />

professing?<br />

Think. Choose. Act. Now.<br />

whY not!<br />

Cheers,<br />

Rajiv Khurana<br />

Editor<br />

rajiv@rajivkhurana.com<br />

9810211256<br />

Advt. Pages 11<br />

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Join the<br />

momentum…<br />

2<br />

Education:<br />

Create awareness<br />

amongst the masses<br />

about Lung health and<br />

the factors which<br />

promote/ destroy it.<br />

Research:<br />

Futuristic community<br />

and laboratory based<br />

research.<br />

Clinical Care: Set up<br />

state of the art apex<br />

centres in India for<br />

providing “Complete<br />

Affordable Lung Care<br />

to All”<br />

www.lcf.org.in<br />

We focus on ABCDE –<br />

Academia,<br />

Business,<br />

Consulting,<br />

Development and<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

domains through a<br />

wide spectrum of<br />

Individual and<br />

Institutional<br />

Consulting Capability<br />

in Management,<br />

Technical, Legal and<br />

Healthcare.<br />

We facilitate:<br />

Ideating and<br />

Researching for<br />

Impact<br />

Capability Building in<br />

Consulting<br />

Promoting Consulting<br />

Opportunities<br />

Inclusiveness through<br />

CSR and PSR<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Take care in building<br />

your reputation<br />

- Rajiv Khurana<br />

No body likes Debu Ghosh in the company. People keep their distance from<br />

him. Even the new comers can smell him from a distance and they change<br />

their path. People call him THBD “The human barking dog”, Mr. FIT<br />

“Frustrated, Irritated, Terrible” etc.<br />

Smita is like a breeze of fresh air. Always welcomed. People overlook her<br />

little frame and ordinary looks. They like her inner strengths. Helpful,<br />

enthusiastic, friendly, committed, always smiling and what not. She tops<br />

the informal popularity chart in the company.<br />

3<br />

Why does it happen that<br />

some people are branded<br />

BAD and some are so GOOD<br />

in the eyes of others? Images<br />

do not solely get build in the<br />

first interaction but the<br />

subsequent interactions<br />

contribute a lot in freezing<br />

them. In hospitality industry<br />

it is commonly quoted that it<br />

is the first 4 minutes and last<br />

2 minutes of the customer<br />

interactions which form<br />

impressions. Your colleagues<br />

will certainly give you more<br />

time before they form a<br />

judgement about you that<br />

they may never question<br />

periodically. If you are not<br />

careful about the image that<br />

you are nurturing or the<br />

reputation that you are<br />

building, you may not get<br />

another chance easily.

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


What should you be careful about? Let me share some that may<br />

help:<br />

1. Take care of your appearance: Looks do matter. You don’t<br />

have to be a hunk or a super-model. Just be yourself but<br />

neater and cleaner. Your body odor or your smoke smell can<br />

make people uneasy though they may not say anything. The<br />

distance they may keep from you can say it all.<br />

2. Take care of your language and expressions: Nobody can<br />

make in-roads into your mind and heart to know about you.<br />

People will see you and hear you. What they think about<br />

you is not within your control. Ensure that your language<br />

and expressions also do not change behind their back.<br />

3. Take care of your documents: Excellent reports need to be<br />

packaged properly. The appearance of your paper may<br />

reflect to the reader the state of your thought process and<br />

the significance you attached to your presentation.<br />

4. Take care of the company you keep: People may judge you<br />

with the kind of people you interact with during and after<br />

the office time. Be seen in the company of winners and you<br />

will be viewed as one.<br />

5. Take care of your promises: Deliver what you commit.<br />

People will be grateful to you if you deliver a little extra. No<br />

one will take your side if you excel in giving excuses for<br />

delivering less than what you promised.<br />

6. Take care to be accurate and truthful: Rely more on facts<br />

than feelings, more on objectivity than subjectivity. Don’t<br />

wear the façade of Mr. Know-it-all to show your intellectual<br />

superiority. Lies cannot lie low for long. You may find it<br />

unbearable when the truth reveals. Besides your<br />

embarrassment, people may not believe you the next time.<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


7. Take care to admit your mistakes: Who does not commit a<br />

mistake once a while. By admitting it, you show that you are<br />

responsible and even capable of being given more<br />

responsibility..<br />

8. Take care of the time: Even if you don’t value it, others value<br />

their time a lot. Don’t make them wait for you. Be on time<br />

during the meetings, deadlines and appointments. Notify<br />

people if you get struck somewhere. Ignoring a 10 minutes<br />

delay in meeting someone will give the person 600 seconds<br />

to fume about your attitude or curse you for wasting his<br />

time. You might even find resentment welcoming you when<br />

you reach the appointed place.<br />

9. Take care to share: People will love when they see you as a<br />

colleague who is willing to share his ideas and thoughts<br />

openly. Occasionally sharing your methods of improving<br />

your effectiveness can win you followers. Sharing your<br />

happiness and refreshments regularly can win you friends.<br />

10. Take care to seek feedback: Feedback is the weapon of<br />

champions. The more you have the more you can improve.<br />

People around will recognize this. They will be honest with<br />

you. Show your gratefulness for this help they provide you.<br />

11. Take care to say THANK YOU: Catch people doing something<br />

right. Make it a celebration for them. Send thank you notes,<br />

e-mails, cards, éclairs, roses or chocolates. They will cherish<br />

these sweet nothings more than the corporate awards they<br />

get.<br />

12. Take care to earn more and more thank yous: You cannot<br />

demand them. You will always command them when you<br />

remain a co-operative, consistent, committed and careful<br />

colleague.<br />

5<br />

Reputation and respect do not come with designation and<br />

status. It is what you do with them that count. Take care.

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Raise self to uncompromisable integrity<br />

R<br />

E<br />

Integrity is doing the right things when no body is watching.<br />

When we raise ourselves to such an exalting standard where<br />

the approval of the person inside is more important, we are<br />

not scared of anything or any body. This gets noticed. People<br />

watch us in terms of what we say and what we do.<br />

Engage others<br />

Get involved and be part of the conversation with topics<br />

relevant to your business. Stand up and define your messaging<br />

or your competitors will do it for you. It’s up to you to define<br />

your niche. Look for opportunities to speak to professional or<br />

business groups.<br />

P<br />

Polish and elevate digital footprint<br />

People search for solutions and options online when taking a<br />

critical decision. Are you offering them something? Update<br />

your LinkedIn profile. Have your writeups posted. Make sure<br />

that you appear on the first page in google search. Post<br />

videos. Podcast regularly. Keep refining.<br />

6<br />

The Acronym REPUTATION is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


U<br />

Upgrade to become a subject matter specialist<br />

Positioning yourself as a subject-matter expert is all the<br />

advertising you need. Give people what they want, and let<br />

them come to you for more in-depth conversations. That’s<br />

when the fees start. Don’t write lengthy articles. Work on 300<br />

words pieces. Post your PowerPoint slides to slideshare.net.<br />

T<br />

Trouble shoot for others, co-create<br />

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. How can the<br />

service you perform address the core issue at hand? Are you<br />

treating the symptom or the problem? Have the courage to ask<br />

deep questions and challenge assumptions. Involve others in<br />

the process of defining issues and working out solutions.<br />

A<br />

Accelerate opportunities to improve self<br />

Regularly poll your customers and business associates on how<br />

you are performing. While the news may be painful to hear at<br />

times, it’s necessary to reach new levels of effectiveness.<br />

Customers will appreciate your dedication to excellence. Carve<br />

out some time for professional education. Beat your records.<br />

7<br />

T<br />

Transform walk into talk to create impact<br />

When you are predictable and reliable, that always translates<br />

well to clients. Clients don’t want to be left wondering how you<br />

will perform on their challenge. If you say you will return a call<br />

at 5 p.m. or have a deliverable by the end of the week, do it!<br />

Leave the excuses for the “sundry” players in your industry.

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


I<br />

Initiate speed, timeliness and accessibility<br />

Be available to people when they need you. Showing ‘too<br />

busy’ is counter-productive. Revert to them in time too. In a<br />

world where the customer demands, FASTER, BETTER, MY<br />

WAY!, don’t lag behind. Your customer’s emergencies are your<br />

emergencies.<br />

Observe sense of urgency<br />

O<br />

N<br />

Important and Urgent quadrant is vital. In the race of<br />

business, you don’t determine the price. You pay it. A good<br />

work-life balance is equally vital. Once you set the goals<br />

right, get on with the right paces. Your passion will help you<br />

determine and maintain the stride.<br />

Nurture new thoughts to lead from front<br />

How would you like your Doctor or Lawyer to be? Just OK or<br />

the best in your field. That’s what the customers expect from<br />

you. Be a thought leader. Your actions and words should<br />

matter. The new entrants should get inspired by you and<br />

your customers should be your goodwill ambassadors.<br />

8<br />

The Acronym REPUTATION is the intellectual property of Rajiv Khurana

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


9<br />

Importance of<br />

a good<br />


www.icharter.org<br />

A small firm's good reputation is one of its most important<br />

assets. After all who wants to work for a firm with a poor<br />

reputation for looking after its staff?<br />

If you build up and keep a good reputation everyone will be<br />

flocking to your door, and in times when competition is fierce<br />

and many skills are in short supply, that can make the<br />

difference between your firms' survival or its untimely demise.<br />

It's your reputation that's at stake - take control of it.<br />

Everyone involved with your organisation from the managing<br />

director to the receptionist; from the bank manager to your<br />

customers; should be your reputation protectors. A good<br />

reputation can be severely dented by a dissatisfied cleaner or<br />

by a disgruntled customer.<br />

Rebuilding a damaged reputation is much harder than building<br />

a good one from scratch - customers have long memories.<br />

Many people still have negative associations of one of the big<br />

five UK banks because of its connections with South Africa<br />

during apartheid. Others shudder at the thought of a<br />

particularly famous brand of vacuum cleaner because of the so<br />

called 'flights fiasco'. You may not be big enough for your fiasco<br />

to hit the national press, but bad news still travels a long way<br />

so you can't afford to get it wrong.<br />

Most products now are of uniformly good quality so customer<br />

service and treatment of staff, more often that not, make or<br />

break a reputation. Add value and delight your customers and<br />

they will keep coming back and recommend you. Get it wrong<br />

and you won't see them for dust. Your customers may not be<br />

individuals but bigger firms. Because they have their own<br />

reputations to look after they often refuse to give contracts to<br />

smaller traders who don't meet their standards.<br />

Restaurants are increasingly particular about where their meat<br />

comes from because their customers want to know the<br />

animals have been humanely treated. Can you deliver produce<br />

to those standards? If not the contract will go elsewhere.<br />

You can't afford to ignore laws on employees' rights or health<br />

and safety. You can't treat people differently because of their<br />

sex, race, disability or age. You can't ignore the issues that<br />

concern your customers or their customers. Talk to your<br />

customers, big and small, staff and anyone else who has an<br />

interest in your business. Listen to their concerns.<br />

Work out how to best serve everyone so that they will want to<br />

buy from you, hire your services, work for you or invest in your<br />

firm. Be entirely honest about what everyone can expect. If<br />

staff or customers have complaints deal with them quickly and<br />

fairly.<br />

If you have made a mistake, admit it and let everyone know<br />

what you've done to stop it happening again. Give that little bit<br />

more than your competitors and your reputation will be the<br />

best. And then go on working to keep it there.

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


10<br />

It takes 20<br />

years to<br />

build a<br />

reputation<br />

and five<br />

minutes to<br />

ruin it. If<br />

you think<br />

about that,<br />

you'll do<br />

things<br />

differently.<br />

-Warren<br />

Buffett<br />

Character is like a tree and<br />

reputation like a shadow. The<br />

shadow is what we think of it; the<br />

tree is the real thing.<br />

-Abraham Lincoln<br />

You can't build a reputation on what<br />

you are going to do.<br />

Henry Ford<br />

The way to gain a<br />

good reputation is<br />

to endeavour to be<br />

what you desire to<br />

appear.<br />

-Socrates<br />

A brand for a company is like a<br />

reputation for a person. You earn<br />

reputation by trying to do hard<br />

things well.<br />

-Jeff Bezos

Y#56 November Coaching 1, 2016Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Make<br />

©<br />

Your<br />

SMART<br />

People<br />


Periodic learning investments<br />

do wonders to people and<br />

business. Take your people to a<br />

new orbit of awareness and<br />

equip them with SMART skills<br />

they need. Start catapulting<br />

your business to the level next.<br />

Each programme shall be<br />

tailor-made to your<br />

organization’s specifications<br />

and nuances. You are<br />

different. Your programme<br />

should be different too.<br />

Call us for a dialogue.<br />

+91 9810211256<br />

+91 9013698960<br />

rajiv@rajivkhurana.com<br />

S<br />

M<br />

A<br />

R<br />

T<br />

E<br />

R<br />

Sharpening Business<br />

Presentations<br />

Multimedia Usage in<br />

Training<br />

Accelerating<br />

Innovativeness<br />

Reaping High<br />

Performance through<br />

Coaching &<br />

Mentoring<br />

Team playing and<br />

Leading<br />

Enhancing Personal<br />

Effectiveness<br />

Rejuvenating Digital<br />

Presence & Personal<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Family Business<br />

Mentoring<br />

Mentoring YES<br />

– Young<br />

Entrepreneurs<br />

for Success<br />

Career<br />

Mentoring<br />

9810211256, 9013698960<br />

rajiv@rajivkhurana.com<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Family business<br />

Mentoring by Rajiv<br />

Khurana<br />

Family ventures in India serve as the backbone of<br />

the economy. Name any field of business or social<br />

initiative, and families in India would have played a<br />

pivotal role.<br />

Family businesses have their own unique style and<br />

culture which keep evolving over the time. Market<br />

opportunities have been expanding globally;<br />

technology has been helping in the need and speed<br />

of delivery and the social and family milieu has<br />

created new dimensions in control and decisionmaking<br />

power-centres, besides the newer<br />

generation aspiring for new avenues or seeking a<br />

higher and faster stake in the enterprise.<br />

Complexities have been rising and so has the<br />

commitment to succeed.<br />

Globally, businesses are seeking professional<br />

MENTORS for advice, strength and support. In<br />

India, highly aware families have followed suit.<br />

Some are gearing up, while a large number still live<br />

in the comfortable bliss of ignorance.<br />

You too can easily reach out to a MENTOR<br />

if you identify your family business with any of<br />

these illustrative needs:<br />

International<br />

Management<br />

Consultant & Trainer,<br />

Venture Mentor,<br />

Executive Coach,<br />

Social Entrepreneur,<br />

Well published<br />

writer…<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />

You want PROFESSIONALS<br />

your business to move<br />

into a new orbit of expansion and<br />

excellence<br />

You are bored with a nominal<br />

arithmetic progression of growth<br />

and wish to transform to a<br />

dynamic, geometric progression<br />

You are facing some immediate<br />

issues and need a fresh,<br />

independent perspective<br />

You need a fresh look at your<br />

vision, mission, values and goals<br />

You want your business to raise its<br />

standards and performance bar<br />

You desire a rational alignment of<br />

all family members and senior<br />

executives vis-à-vis your goals and<br />

overall direction.<br />

You desire to identify and/or<br />

strengthen your competitive edge<br />

You wish to strengthen the work<br />

culture and change the customer<br />

and people-outlook of your<br />

business<br />

You need a sounding board for<br />

your ideas<br />

You wish someone could<br />

challenge your assumptions and<br />

preparedness<br />

You need support to refine the<br />

Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and<br />

Work Habits within the family and<br />

senior employees<br />

Family business Rajiv<br />

by<br />

Mentoring Khurana<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Family business<br />

Mentoring by Rajiv<br />

Khurana<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

You need help in the right<br />

induction of family<br />

youngsters<br />

You need support for the<br />

grooming and mentoring of<br />

family youngsters to refine<br />

their experience and skills as<br />

they get ready for<br />

responsible leadership roles<br />

You wish to create a<br />

smoother business<br />

succession plan for the next<br />

generation to take over<br />

You need help in conciliation,<br />

reduction or resolution of<br />

cross-generation friction<br />

You want to improve the<br />

leadership and managerial<br />

abilities of the family and the<br />

team<br />

You desire a good blending<br />

with your partners and all<br />

other stakeholders<br />

You need more time for<br />

yourself and desire to<br />

decentralize and move into<br />

an advisory role<br />

You dream to be known as an<br />

institution builder instead of<br />

remaining a business<br />

sustainer<br />

Your choice could be any or<br />

many of the above.<br />

Professional MENTORING can<br />

help your business achieve<br />

your aspirations.<br />

Let’s talk it out.<br />

Fix an appointment for a<br />

no-commitment dialogue with<br />

RAJIV KHURANA at our office.<br />

9810211256, 9013698960<br />

rajiv@rajivkhurana.com<br />

http://in.linkedin.com/in/rajivkhurana 3/3


YES<br />

Imagine Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli<br />

Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


Young<br />

Entrepreneurs<br />

for<br />

Success<br />

For Young<br />

Entrepreneurs:<br />

New in business<br />

Starting a new<br />

business<br />

Settling into their<br />

family business<br />

Wanting to do better<br />

in business<br />

International<br />

Management<br />

Consultant & Trainer,<br />

Venture Mentor,<br />

Executive Coach,<br />

Social Entrepreneur,<br />

Well published<br />

writer…<br />

without a Coach or a Mentor! Parents,<br />

friends and well meaning relatives could<br />

not have put them on the right path for<br />

pursuing greatness.<br />

We all need a coach, a mentor, a guide, a<br />

facilitator, a reflector, a listener, a<br />

professional friend or an advisor.<br />

The earlier the better!<br />

Make sure that the person is competent<br />

and accomplished to help you succeed in<br />

personal and professional situations. Your<br />

well mentored moves can ease your<br />

pursuits through cumbersome challenges<br />

of clarity and the complex maze of<br />

competence, commitment and creative<br />

results.<br />

Get set to<br />

• Cultivate your skills for a stronger<br />

personality and leadership in your<br />

entrepreneurial journey.<br />

• Strengthen your functional and<br />

process proficiency.<br />

• Dream Bigger. Achieve Higher.<br />

Mentoring by Rajiv Khurana is customized<br />

to your personal needs and time flexibility.<br />

Fix your appointment for a 30 minute nocommitment<br />

dialogue at our office.<br />

9810211256, 9013698960<br />

rajiv@rajivkhurana.com<br />


Y#56 November 1, 2016<br />

Window for action loving<br />


International<br />

Management<br />

Consultant & Trainer,<br />

Venture Mentor,<br />

Executive Coach,<br />

Social Entrepreneur,<br />

Well published<br />

writer…<br />

C<br />

A<br />


Why<br />

Career<br />

mentoring?<br />

R<br />

E<br />

E<br />

R<br />

Confusion: Choices,<br />

Entry to Exit, Options,<br />

Mid-career blues,<br />

Personal branding, Digital<br />

presence…<br />

Acquisition: From<br />

employability to<br />

advancement -<br />

Knowledge, Skills,<br />

Attitude, Habits,<br />

Behaviour, Certifications,<br />

Courses…<br />

Route-map: Goal clarity,<br />

Milestones, Personalaction<br />

dashboard…<br />

Engagement: Role<br />

clarity, Balancing and<br />

aligning with<br />

organisational needs,<br />

Strengthening Team and<br />

Leadership roles, Pacing<br />

the performance relays…<br />

Excitement: Enhancing<br />

intrinsic motivation,<br />

Energising challenges,<br />

Experimenting with<br />

multiple avenues…<br />

Relationships: Intra and<br />

Inter-teams Seniors,<br />

Networking, Work-life<br />

balancing…<br />

©Rajiv Khurana<br />

by Rajiv Khurana<br />

We choose our career.<br />

Our career makes us.<br />

Our journey through different<br />

checkpoints is full of<br />

Compulsions<br />

Ambiguity and<br />

Re-prioritizing, yet<br />

Enthusiasm<br />

Enlightenment and<br />

Rejuvenation.<br />

How are you sailing through?<br />

How often do you feel the need<br />

for a coach, a mentor, a guide, a<br />

facilitator, a reflector, a listener,<br />

a professional friend or an<br />

advisor?<br />

Considering the appointment of<br />

your MENTOR to be the job of<br />

your boss or the company alone<br />

is letting them take charge of<br />

your career.<br />

You have the highest stake in<br />

your career. You decide.<br />

Help for short-term clarity to<br />

long-term course correction is<br />

just a meeting away.<br />

Send an email answering, ”Why<br />

do I need a MENTOR?”, and we<br />

may invite you for a 30 minute,<br />

no-commitment dialogue at our<br />

office.<br />

9810211256, 9013698960<br />

rajiv@rajivkhurana.com<br />


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