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By: Christina Craciun

Marine Ecology Book<br />

Created by Christina Craciun<br />

for<br />

Marine Ecology Class at MVHS

Chapter 1 - Physical Oceanography

Chapter 2 - Ecology and Ecosystems

Chapter 3 - Seaweed

Class Chlorophyta<br />

Green Algae<br />

Anatomy :<br />

Blade - leaf like part<br />

Stipe - “stem” of a seaweed<br />

Float - gas-filled bladder that keeps the<br />

seaweed floating<br />

Holdfast - anchors the seaweed to a solid<br />

surface<br />

Unique features/behavior :<br />

● Sargassum - large floating seaweed<br />

are food, help turtles migrate and<br />

organisms hide from their predators<br />

● Kelp - large seaweeds that grow 1<br />

meter a day<br />

Class :<br />

● Rhodophyta – red algae<br />

● Chlorophyta – green algae<br />

● Phaeophyta – brown algae<br />

Class Rhodophyta<br />

Red Algae<br />

Class Phaephyta<br />

Brown Algae

Importance :<br />

● Help turtles migrate<br />

● Provide foods to organisms<br />

● Helps organism hide from predators<br />

● First organism in marine food chains<br />

Found in :<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Ocean, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies<br />

8-40 m in most oceans, some are found to<br />

depths of 250 m in particularly clear waters<br />

such as the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and<br />

Brazil<br />

Cholorphyta - freshwater and marine habitats<br />

but some are terrestrial, growing on soil,<br />

trees, or rocks .

Class Chlorophyta<br />

Green Algae<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● Unicellular (one cell),<br />

multicellular (many cells),<br />

colonial (living as a loose<br />

aggregation of cells) or<br />

coenocytic (composed of<br />

one large cell without<br />

cross-walls)<br />

● Membrane-bound<br />

chloroplasts and nuclei.<br />

Class Rhodophyta<br />

Red Algae<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● Walls are made of cellulose<br />

and agars and carrageenans<br />

● Several groups are eaten<br />

● Absence of flagella and<br />

centrioles<br />

● No chloroplast endoplasmic<br />

reticulum<br />

Class Phaephyta<br />

Brown Algae<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● Most are marine<br />

● Larger and more species are<br />

found in cold water<br />

● Unicellular or multicellular<br />

body<br />

● Cells are eukaryotic

Chapter 4 - Porifera

Anatomy : simple - specialized cells, but no<br />

tissues or organs<br />

Symmetry : asymmetric<br />

Unique features/behavior:<br />

● sessile, meaning it doesn't move<br />

● no tissues or organs<br />

● filter feeders, filter food through their<br />

bodies<br />

● internal skeleton of spicules<br />

● central cavity and/or series of<br />

branching chambers<br />

● asexual and sexual reproduction<br />

● no mouth<br />

Kingdom : Animalia<br />

Phylum : Porifera<br />

Class :<br />

● Class Hexactinellida - glass sponge<br />

● Class Calcarea - calcareous sponges<br />

● Class Demospongiae - demosponges<br />

Class<br />

Hexactinellida<br />

Class Demospongiae<br />

Barrel sponge<br />

Class<br />


Importance :<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Found in :<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Changes in water quality<br />

Collect bacteria as they feed that may be able<br />

to turn ammonium from the sponge’s<br />

breathing into nitrogen gas that releases into<br />

the atmosphere<br />

Prevent harmful ecosystem changes<br />

99% of all sponges live in marine water<br />

1% live in freshwater<br />

8km deep on the ocean floor<br />

Higher number in the tropics of all regions<br />

because of the warmer water<br />

Prefer clearer water over murky waters<br />

because murky water can clog the pores of<br />

the sponge

Class Hexactinellida<br />

Venus Flower Basket<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● Sometimes called<br />

'Glass sponges'<br />

● have spicules made<br />

from silica<br />

Class Demospongiae<br />

Bath Sponge<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● spicules made from silica<br />

and/or spongin<br />

Class Calcarea<br />

Leucosolenia<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● these sponges have<br />

spicules of calcium<br />


Chapter 5: Cnidaria

Anatomy :<br />

● Epidermis - skin<br />

● Gastrodermis - inner layer of cells that lines a<br />

large open cavity.<br />

● Mesoglea - jelly like material between the<br />

epidermis and gastrodermis.<br />

● Basic digestive tract - only one opening and<br />

large internal cavity a.k.a the gastrovascular<br />

cavity.<br />

Symmetry : Radial symmetry - many planes can be<br />

drawn through the central axis that will divide the<br />

animal into equivalent halves.<br />

Unique features/behaviors :<br />

●<br />

●<br />

2 different body plans - polyp, one opening<br />

(mouth) which is surrounded by tentacles.<br />

medusa, free floating such as a jelly fish.<br />

stinging cells - cnida, stinging organelle within a<br />

cnidocyte. nematocysts, spearing type cnida<br />

which are discharged when the cnidocill, the<br />

trigger, contacts another object, can also be<br />

triggered by certain chemicals released by prey.<br />

Kingdom : Animalia<br />

Phylum: Cnidaria<br />

Class :<br />

● Class Hydrozoa - fire coral and portuguese<br />

man-o-war<br />

● Class Scyphozoa - true jellyfish<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Class Cubozoa - box jellyfish<br />

Class Anthozoa - sea anemones, corals and<br />


Importance :<br />

● can affect the amount of zooplankton and fish<br />

populations by preying on fish larvae and eggs.<br />

● some are eaten in some areas of Asia and North<br />

American<br />

● coral skeletons are used as building material such<br />

as cement.<br />

● cnidarian skeletons can make jewelry<br />

● Can affect country's economy<br />

Found in :<br />

● Anthozoans - benthic, bottom dwellers<br />

● soft and hard corals coexist in virtually all tropical<br />

areas<br />

● Indo-Pacific coral reefs - hard coral<br />

● Caribbean coral reefs - soft corals<br />

● Temperate rocky intertidal zones - sea<br />

anemones.<br />

● Antarctic seabed - anemones, near the deep-sea<br />

hot vents.<br />

Fire Coral<br />

Pacific Sea Nettle

Class Hydrozoa<br />

Portuguese Man-o-War<br />

Class Scyphozoa<br />

Moon Jelly<br />

Characteristics :<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● Exoskeleton composed<br />

of chitin<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Radially symmetric<br />

Dominant medusa<br />

● Are almost entirely<br />

marine and predators ●<br />

stage.<br />

Short or long<br />

● Stinging cells called<br />

Cnidocytes<br />

tentacles with<br />

nematocysts.<br />

● Mostly<br />

free-swimming<br />

Class Cubozoa<br />

South African Box<br />

Jellyfish<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● considered<br />

members of the<br />

plankton.<br />

● medusa is<br />

predominant life<br />

stage.<br />

● photoreceptors:<br />

organs that sense<br />

light or dark<br />

Class Anthozoa<br />

Cylinder Anemone<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● Mouth has<br />

tentacles w/<br />

nematocysts.<br />

● Secretes substance<br />

outside of body to<br />

support & protect<br />

soft body tissues.

Chapter 6: Mollusca

Anatomy :<br />

●<br />

Mantle - extension of the body wall,<br />

responsible for secreting the shell and it<br />

encloses the mantle cavity.<br />

● Head-foot: region containing the head with its<br />

mouth and sensory organs and the foot<br />

● Visceral mask: body region containing the<br />

other organ systems<br />

Symmetry :<br />

● Bilateral symmetry - divisible into symmetrical<br />

halves on either side of a unique plane.<br />

Unique features/ behavior :<br />

● Shells - made of calcium carbonate, chitin, and<br />

conchiolin. Not all have shells.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Foot - acts as a sucker that helps the animal<br />

attach to a hard surface.<br />

Many have at least one pair or only one<br />

feather-shaped gill found in the mantle cavity.<br />

Radula - acts as a tongue line with teeth, used<br />

to scrape bacteria and algae off rocks. Most<br />

have a radula<br />

Kingdom - Animalia<br />

Phylum - Mollusca<br />

Class -<br />

● Class Polyplacophora - chitons.<br />

● Class Scaphopoda - tusk shells.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Class Gastropoda - abalone, conch, limpet,<br />

nudibranch, slug, snail, whelk.<br />

Class Bivalvia - clam, mussel, oyster, scallop.<br />

Class Cephalopoda - nautilus, cuttlefish, squid,<br />


Importance :<br />

● food for humans and other animals<br />

● Some snails are intermediate hosts to parasites<br />

● Shipworms cause extensive damage to<br />

wooden pilings and boat hulls, but also prevent<br />

wood from accumulating in the marine<br />

environment<br />

● A few bivalves have commensal relationships<br />

(attaching to other animals)<br />

Found in :<br />

●<br />

most live in the ocean, but some live on land<br />

and in fresh water<br />

Class Polyplacophora<br />

Chiton<br />

Class Scaphopoda<br />

Tusk Shell<br />

Class Cephalopoda<br />

Nautilus<br />

Class Gastropoda<br />

Abalone<br />

Class Bivalvia<br />


Class<br />

Polyplacophora<br />

Chiton<br />

Class Scaphopoda<br />

Tusk Shell<br />

Class<br />

Gastropoda<br />

Conch<br />

Class Bivalvia<br />

Clam<br />

Class Cephalopoda<br />

Cuttlefish<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● flattened<br />

bodies, usually<br />

with 8 plates<br />

● attach to rocks<br />

in intertidal<br />

zone<br />

● roll up into ball<br />

for protection<br />

when removed<br />

● scrape off<br />

algae w/ radula<br />

Characteristics : Characteristics :<br />

● Resemble<br />

elephant<br />

●<br />

tusks<br />

(univalve)<br />

● Shells open at ●<br />

both ends<br />

● Burrow into<br />

sand<br />

most have shells<br />

that are one piece<br />

can withdraw into<br />

shell for protection<br />

& close opening<br />

w/ a cover called<br />

an operculum<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● shells have 2<br />

jointed halves<br />

called valves<br />

● have no head or<br />

radula<br />

● free swimmers<br />

use jet<br />

propulsion<br />

Characteristics :<br />

● when disturbed<br />

releases cloud<br />

of inky fluid<br />

called sepia<br />

● have 3 hearts<br />

& pump blue<br />


Chapter 7: Arthropoda

Anatomy:<br />

● Segmented body and appendages.<br />

● Exoskeleton - made of chitin and proteins.<br />

Symmetry:<br />

● Bilateral symmetry - one plane through the center<br />

divides the organism into equal parts and<br />

symmetrical halves.<br />

Unique features/behaviors:<br />

● Open circulatory system - blood is pumped<br />

through open spaces called sinuses in order to<br />

reach tissues.<br />

● Mandibules - complex structure that allows for<br />

chewing of food.<br />

Kingdom : Animalia<br />

Phylum : Arthropoda<br />

Class :<br />

● Class Merostomata - horseshoe crab<br />

● Class Pycnogonida - sea spider<br />

● Class Copepoda - sea louse<br />

● Class Cirripeds - barnacle<br />

● Class Ampipoda - sand fleas

Importance:<br />

● Most important part of the ocean food chain<br />

● Recyclers in many ecosystems<br />

Found in:<br />

● Ocean environments<br />

Class Pycnogonida<br />

Sea Spider<br />

Class Copepoda<br />

Sea Louse<br />

Class Merostomata<br />

Horseshoe Crab<br />

Class Cirripeds<br />

Barnacle<br />

Class Ampipoda<br />

Sand Fleas

Class Merostomata<br />

Horseshoe Crab<br />

Class Pycnogonida<br />

Sea Spider<br />

Class Cirripeds<br />

Barnacle<br />

Class Copepoda<br />

Sea Louse<br />

Class Ampipoda<br />

Sand Fleas<br />

Characteristics:<br />

● Not true crabs<br />

● Primarily<br />

scavengers, but<br />

sometimes feed<br />

on worms,<br />

mollusks, and<br />

other small<br />

animals<br />

● Pick up food with<br />

pincers<br />

Characteristics: Characteristics:<br />

● Small,thin<br />

bodies with long<br />

appendages<br />

●<br />

● Male carry eggs<br />

until they hatch<br />

● Palps -<br />

appendages<br />

used as<br />

sensory organs<br />

Can be attached<br />

to almost<br />

anything<br />

● Cirripeds -<br />

modified<br />

appendages for<br />

feeding<br />

Characteristics: Characteristics:<br />

● Most are less<br />

than 3mm long<br />

● Very small,<br />

grow up to 11<br />

● Filter feeders<br />

that rely on<br />

phytoplankton<br />

●<br />

inches<br />

Last 3<br />

appendages<br />

● Some are<br />

predatory and<br />

attack young<br />

fish in swarms<br />

●<br />

●<br />

are backward<br />

Live near high<br />

tide line<br />

Feed on algae<br />

or plant and<br />

animal wastes

Chapter 8: Echinodermata

Anatomy:<br />

● Endoskeleton - internal skeleton<br />

● Water-vascular system - hydraulic system that<br />

aids in locomotion, feeding, gas exchange,<br />

excretion<br />

● Pedicellariae - small pincer-like structures that are<br />

used to keep the body surface clean and free of<br />

parasites and larvae<br />

Symmetry:<br />

● Pentaradial symmetry - Body can be split<br />

symmetrically in 5 ways<br />

Unique features/behaviors:<br />

● Some are carnivorous, others are detritus<br />

foragers, or planktonic feeders.<br />

● Reproduction - release sperm and eggs into the<br />

water.<br />

● Can regenerate missing limbs, arms, spines -<br />

even intestines<br />

● Some can automize/detach rays when they are<br />

disturbed<br />

Kingdom: Animalia<br />

Phylum: Echinodermata<br />

Class:<br />

● Asteroidea - sea stars<br />

● Ophiuroidea - brittle stars<br />

● Echinoidea - sea urchins & sand dollars<br />

● Crinoidea - sea lily<br />

● Holothuroidea - sea cucumber

Importance:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Found in:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Important part of ocean food chain<br />

Sand dollars and sea cucumbers burrow into the<br />

sand, providing more oxygen at greater depths of<br />

the sea floor.<br />

Starfish prevent the growth of algae on coral reefs.<br />

Many sea cucumbers provide a habitat for<br />

parasites such as crabs, worms, and snails.<br />

Most echinoderms are benthic<br />

Members of Holothuroidea and Crinoidea are<br />

often found in deep sea environments.<br />

Class Ophiuroidea<br />

Brittle Star<br />

Class Echinoidea<br />

Sand Dollars<br />

Class Asteroidea<br />

Sea Star<br />

Class Crinoidea<br />

Sea Lily<br />

Class Holothuroidea<br />

Sea Cucumber

Class Asteroidea<br />

Sea Star<br />

Class Ophiuroidea<br />

Brittle Star<br />

Class Echinoidea<br />

Sand Dollars<br />

Class Holothuroidea<br />

Sea Cucumber<br />

Class Crinoidea<br />

Sea Lily<br />

Characteristics: Characteristics: Characteristics:<br />

● Eat invertebrates ● Slender arms ●<br />

such as bivalves<br />

and occasionally<br />

compared to<br />

central disk<br />

fish<br />

● Tend to avoid a.k.a test.<br />

● Sea stars have light<br />

●<br />

the ability to ● Autotomize -<br />

regrow a new ray detach a ray burrowing<br />

● Eggs and sperm when disturbed ●<br />

are released into ● Detached ray<br />

the water<br />

quivers wildly to<br />

distract predators<br />

Body enclosed by<br />

a hard, circular<br />

endoskeleton<br />

Sand dollars<br />

spines - used for<br />

Sea urchins have<br />

a chewing<br />

structure in their<br />

mouth called<br />

Aristotle’s lantern<br />

Characteristics:<br />

● Elongated bodies<br />

● Respiratory tree<br />

● Aid in gas<br />

exchange<br />

● Oral tentacles<br />

● Cuverian tubules -<br />

sticky spaghetti-like<br />

tubules released<br />

from the anus to<br />

deter potential<br />

predators<br />

Characteristics:<br />

● Look like<br />

flowers<br />

● Some are<br />

able to swim<br />

● Suspension<br />

feeders -<br />

feed by straining<br />

suspended matter<br />

and food particles<br />

from water

Chapter 9: Fish


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