scottish patient safety programme highlight report - NHS Lanarkshire

scottish patient safety programme highlight report - NHS Lanarkshire

scottish patient safety programme highlight report - NHS Lanarkshire


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Clinical Governance Group or Subject<br />

Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP)<br />

Author:<br />

Diane Campbell<br />

Reporting Period (please click on appropriate box)<br />

March and April 2011<br />

√<br />

Executive Clinical Lead<br />

Dr Alison Graham<br />

Date<br />

March and April 2011<br />


<strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> continues to make good progress with the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP).<br />


AHO2: % unadjusted in<strong>patient</strong> mortality – target: reduction by 15%<br />

The Scottish Patient Safety Programme has monitored unadjusted mortality since the onset of the<br />

<strong>programme</strong>; this is unadjusted and demonstrates variation. However, ISD is now producing HSMR on a<br />

quarterly basis. which is influenced by a wide variety of factors such as age and diagnosis of <strong>patient</strong>s<br />

HSMR Data<br />

One of the overall outcome measures of the SPSP is to demonstrate reduction in HSMR for each Board against<br />

its own HSMR baseline from November 2007. The latest quarterly data demonstrates the following reduction<br />

from the baseline period in relation to Hospital Standardised Mortality.<br />

Data source: From December 2009 Information Services Division (ISD) The baseline quarters are<br />

those from October 2006 to September 2007. The data used was linked SMR01 – Acute in<strong>patient</strong> and day<br />

case records and GRO death records. The outcome of interest was mortality within 30 days from admission.<br />

• Hairmyres -6.6%<br />

• Monklands -10.7%<br />

• Wishaw -11.7%<br />

Overall average (mean) reduction in HSMR for <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> is -9.6%<br />

Next Steps<br />

The first meeting of the mortality review group has been undertaken and work agreed to include three main<br />

reviews: the first to track all emergency <strong>patient</strong>s admitted to Hairmyres Hospital for a 30 day period to<br />

identify deaths and undertake ‘real’ time reviews. The second will be to review existing HSMR data to identify<br />

unexpected deaths and undertake case note reviews. From this work, it will be intended that we identify<br />

issues and themes and develop plans to address these. The third will be work in relation to sepsis and visits<br />

to other areas of ‘best practice’ will be undertaken, with consideration also being given to a sepsis assessment<br />

tool as part of our EWS. Early work has begun to progress.<br />

AHO3: Adverse event rate – target: reduction by 30%. Improve <strong>patient</strong> <strong>safety</strong> by reducing<br />

unnecessary harm by 30% for <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> by 31 March 2013 (from a baseline of November<br />

2007)<br />

Twenty case notes are reviewed monthly from each acute site and assessed against the Global Trigger Tool,<br />

which is a tool to review for adverse events against the main elements of the <strong>programme</strong>. Adverse event<br />

rates continue to demonstrate random variation against target. However, there are general improvements<br />

noted, with the most obvious in Early Warning Score compliance.



Work stream Elements and Progress:<br />

Blue – Completed<br />

Green – On target<br />

Amber – Delayed, but expected to recover in-year<br />

Red – Delayed, not expected to recover in-year<br />

CRITICAL CARE: All green, except Multidisciplinary rounds which is amber / green (depending on site).<br />

Some excellent outcomes are being achieved.<br />

CCP1 / CCP2: % Compliance with Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Bundle: Compliance at<br />

goal in all units. Variation remains with ALOS on mechanical ventilation – all sites. Reintubation rates low and<br />

fairly stable. CCO1:Ventilator Pneumonia Rate: Nil at Wishaw since August 2009, Hairmyres since<br />

December 2009 with isolated recent VAPs at Monklands<br />

CCP3: % Compliance with Central Line Insertion Bundle and Central Venous Catheter Maintenance<br />

Bundle: All at target for insertion bundle. All units at target with maintenance bundle. CCO2: Central line<br />

bloodstream infections: Nil at Hairmyres since November 2008, nil at Monklands since September 2009<br />

and nil at Wishaw since March 2010.<br />

CCO6: Glucose Control: In place across all three critical care areas. All units at goal of >95% compliance<br />

CCP4: Hand Hygiene: At goal in all three critical care units. CCO8:C.difficle associated disease rate: Nil<br />

at Monklands since July 2010 with periodic individual cases at the other two sites over recent months<br />

CCP5: % Achievement of multidisciplinary rounds: Making excellent progress at Monklands and Wishaw<br />

with both at goal.<br />

CCP6: Daily Goals: Daily goals sheet in place in all three areas and compliance good.<br />

CCP8: Peripheral Vascular Cannula: All at goal. CCO4: SABs per 1000 AOBDS: Nil SABs at Hairmyres<br />

since July 2010, nil at Monklands since August 2010 and nil at Wishaw since October 2010.<br />

CCB1: ALOS: Reduced at Wishaw since <strong>programme</strong> onset<br />

Process measure compliance target - ALL measures 95%<br />

General Wards: All green: Excellent progress with all measures and spread throughout all general wards<br />

and most associated hospitals (latter as relevant)<br />

GWP1: Early Warning Scoring System (EWS): GWP2: % time respiratory rate recorded: GWP3:%<br />

appropriate interventions: Compliance remains excellent and this is also seen at casenote reviews.<br />

GWO1: Crash call rate: Crash calls rates reducing below baseline levels, especially Monklands, some<br />

variation at other two sites.<br />

GWP10: % compliance with hand hygiene: At target in the three sites and maternity. Spread to all<br />

associated hospitals GWO4 C. difficle associated disease rate: excellent results.<br />

GWP6: %compliance with Safety Briefings: All acute sites at target. Being used as a main vehicle for the<br />

review of run charts and actions as well as other core questions and topics. Also being used to distribute<br />

theme of the week.<br />

GWP4: Rapid Response: Hospital Emergency Care Teams (HECT) in Place. Number of calls reducing<br />

variation at Wishaw where there has been a recent rise (although not to baseline level). Overall reduction<br />

may be in response to earlier identification of deteriorating <strong>patient</strong> (MEWS scoring).<br />

GWP8: SBAR (<strong>report</strong>ing): All at target. Reporting % trained challenging as SBAR is now incorporated into



the ‘way we do things’ within <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> e.g. is becoming routine as part of our culture - now features<br />

on much of our documentation and our <strong>safety</strong> briefs.<br />

GWP10: Peripheral Vascular Bundle: All at target GW02: SABs per 1000 occupied bed days<br />

Although all acute sites have demonstrated considerable improvement since baseline, there have been<br />

small SAB increases and slight variation noted although general targets met. Work has begun testing CVC<br />

insertion and maintenance bundles in general wards.<br />

Heart Failure Bundle: Testing has begun against the bundle and will be <strong>report</strong>ed in due course<br />

Progress demonstrating compliance and spread for General Wards. Also, includes some<br />

associated hospitals<br />

Hand Hygiene

PVC<br />








Peripheral Vascular Bundle (PVC)

SBAR<br />








Medicines Management Amber to Green. Very good progress in medicines reconciliation in Older Peoples<br />

Receiving at Monklands Hospital and sustained improvement achieved. Further tests of change being<br />

undertaken at Wishaw and improvement being noted there too. Increasing medical staff involvement.<br />

MMP3c: Anticoagulation: INR >6, while scale has been altered, the results are demonstrating some<br />

variation and greater understanding continues to be sought re same with review of case notes and early<br />

notification from labs to facilitate this process.<br />

MMP2: FMEA: Repeat / recalculated FMEA at Wishaw demonstrating improvement with a decrease of 46%<br />

and 30% at Monklands. This work is shared across <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Lanarkshire</strong>.<br />

MMP1: Medication Reconciliation: Medicines reconciliation continues to have challenges within acute<br />

receiving units as this continued to be viewed as Pharmacy led. An improvement team focussing on Wishaw.<br />

MMP1 Custom Measure: Parallel work has been undertaken in Older Peoples Receiving at Monklands<br />

Hospital and this is seeing some excellent results and sustained improvement. Lessons are being learned<br />

from this unit.<br />

Peri operative All green, except surgical brief which is amber to green. Data now beginning to be <strong>report</strong>ed<br />

as per general ward and excerpts from this data demonstrating spread and improvement following peri<br />

operative dialogue.<br />

POP1:DVT prophylaxis: All sites at target<br />

POP2: Antibiotic prophylaxis: Excellent progress - at target.<br />

POP3: Glucose control: Still some difficulty in achieving this – type 2 diabetic <strong>patient</strong>s and normal level of<br />

control and emergency activity. Clinical decision focussed.<br />

POP4: Beta blockers: Sustained improvement Monklands although slight recent dip. At target Hairmyres,<br />

not yet at target Wishaw.<br />

POP5: Normothermia: At target at three sites<br />

POP6: Skin preparation / hair clipping: 100% compliance. Fully spread and no razors available.<br />

POP7: Surgical brief: Monklands and Wishaw at target with progress at Hairmyres. Surgical Pause: All<br />

theatres, all sites. Excellent progress and sustaining same<br />

All data being <strong>report</strong>ed as per general ward to more easily inform improvement plans



Walkrounds: Forty nine executive leadership walk rounds have been undertaken to date. Excellent<br />

representation from Executive and Non Executive Directors. Walk rounds scheduled at two per month for<br />

next calendar year. Emerging themes remain HAI, storage, clinical environment and small equipment issues.<br />

Data is entered to demonstrate actions completed on an ongoing basis now. New system in place to track %<br />

of actionable items resolved and Extranet updated. Very good relationships with PSSD to resolve Estates<br />

issues.<br />

Quarterly Leadership work stream meetings are scheduled to enable direction to be given to the work streams<br />

and practice to be shared as relevant<br />

Paedriatic<br />

Initial work has begun and making good progress. Of note is the EWS are being posted outside bedded area<br />

which acts as an alert to all staff if necessary.<br />

Heart Failure<br />

Initial work has begun and this will be <strong>report</strong>ed in due course<br />

Relevant Bundle Spread<br />

This well underway in associated hospitals and mental health to include <strong>safety</strong> brief and SBAR. Efforts are<br />

being made to firmly align with other quality measures such as food fluid and nutrition, pressure area care,<br />

etc.<br />

Data Management<br />

We have now obtained funding from the Scottish Government eHealth Department to enable us to further<br />

develop our data management system: <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> Quality Improvement Portal (LanQIP), which brings<br />

together all of our quality measure via a web based portal. Along with other support funding, this enables us<br />

to appoint three system developers to further develop and ‘roll out’ to most of the other <strong>NHS</strong> Scotland Boards<br />

who have indicated interest.<br />

Comments on variations from plan (where exists):<br />

• No variation from plan.<br />

• Funding secured for one year for SPSP Clinical Facilitators to ensure spread capability and capacity as<br />

this <strong>programme</strong> moves outwith acute hospitals.<br />

• Funding achieved centrally to spread our data management system – <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> Quality<br />

Improvement Portal (LanQIP) to interested <strong>NHS</strong> Boards who have requested this system.<br />

Actions planned for the next 6 months:<br />

• Begin <strong>report</strong>ing Paediatric Work stream progress<br />

• Begin <strong>report</strong>ing Heart Failure bundle progress<br />

� Develop capacity within areas not yet participating in SPSP. Improvement teams (SPSP, Leading Better<br />

care, Better Together, HAI) to visiting areas such as attached hospitals to continue spread and<br />

improve monitoring for all <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Lanarkshire</strong> Hospitals<br />

� Refine Spread plan as per above<br />

� Develop <strong>report</strong>ing system further to have in place as per general ward<br />

� Continue review of data to target improvement<br />

� Complete LanQIP and begin to spread this to other interested <strong>NHS</strong> Boards.

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