1917 Amherst & Hadley Directory - RootsWeb

1917 Amherst & Hadley Directory - RootsWeb

1917 Amherst & Hadley Directory - RootsWeb


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Incorporated May 7, 1662. Shire town. Northampton<br />


Clerk of Courts—Hayiies H. Chilson, Northampton<br />

Treasurer—Edwin H. Banister, Northampton<br />

Judge of Probate—William G. Bassefct. Nortlnampton<br />

Register of Deeds— ^Charles H. Chase, Nortiiampton<br />

Medical Examiner C. Seymour, M. D.. Northampton<br />

]u(lgc District Court— Jnim B. O'Donnell, Northampton<br />

Special Justices— John E. Eyman. East Hampton. Jolni<br />

W. Mason, Northampton<br />

Probation Officer Superior Court—George E. Harris,<br />

Northampton<br />

Probation Officer District Court—John E. Sullivan<br />

Clerk of District Court— John A. Crosier, Northampton<br />

County Commissioners^—Frank M. Sibley, \\''are. chair-<br />

Clarence E. Flodg-<br />

man; N. Seelye Hitchcock. Easthampton ;<br />

kims. Northampton<br />

Associate Commissioners— Milton S. Howes. Cnmmington<br />

; Alfred E. Earose, South <strong>Hadley</strong><br />

Sheriff and jailer—Maurice Fitzgei dd. Northampton<br />

Deputy Sheriffs—David H. Tillson, , Vmherst ; Albert \V.<br />

Nichols. Chesterfield; Seth \^^ Kin:gsley. Hatfield; Franklin J.<br />

Browning. W^are ; Henry A. P3isbee. \\'illiamsburg; John Mul-<br />

len. Vmherst ; Franicis<br />

Preeoe, Northampton ;<br />

H. Guiuam. Northampton; Alfred J.<br />

Herbert R. Britton, South <strong>Hadley</strong><br />

Falls; Charles M. ( udworth. ;' Worthington Geo. E. O'Donnell,<br />

E.asthampton ; James A. Peeso. I'elchertown ; Harry B.<br />

Hess. I'jnfield ; William H. Comins, Fadley ; Fred M. Fisike,<br />

Huntington; George E. Cook. MiddlefKM; Everett M. Shnmway.<br />

South <strong>Hadley</strong>; Bartholomew W. Buckle}-. Ware; Michael<br />

1. Ryan. Williamsburg<br />


Supireme Judicial Court— Jury sitting tlv'rd Tuesday of<br />

April; law sitting, first Monday after second Tuesday of Sq^tember<br />

at Northampton in even years; odd years at Greenfield<br />

Superior Court— (Civil and Criminal), third Mondav of<br />

February; first Mondav of June, third Monday of October<br />

month ;<br />

Probate Courts— Northampton, first Tuesdays of every<br />

<strong>Amherst</strong>, second Tuesda}s of January, Mardi, June,<br />

August and November; Belchertown. second Tuesdav of May<br />

and October: ^^'are second Tuesdax-. February, September and<br />

December, third Tuesday of June; U'illiamsburg. third Tuesday<br />

of IMay and October<br />

District Coairt—Northanrptdu. tver\ day at a. m. .Saturday<br />

is the day for entrv. and Monday for trial of civil cases.<br />

<strong>Amherst</strong>, first and 'third \\"e(hTcsdavs Of each nmntlT : Huntington,<br />

second anrl fourth Thiu'sdavs of cnch month; Belchertown,<br />

Easthamiiton and Cummington. when public, business<br />

requires. A^'are. dailv at Q a. m. for crinnml casie.s. t'ivil session<br />

everv Fridav at to a. m.<br />

County Commissioners—Meetings held on the fir.=it Tuesday<br />

of everv month exrent the month of November; in Novem-<br />

ber, tfie regular monthly meeting shall be held on the first<br />


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