•A National Treasure •Tame Your Temper •Diet Mistakes

•A National Treasure •Tame Your Temper •Diet Mistakes

•A National Treasure •Tame Your Temper •Diet Mistakes


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My name is John Hayes and my wife Julia and I operate Blackwater Golf Course at<br />

21889 Highway 48 in Mount Albert.<br />

This month’s topic is Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of the Press. Both of these are rights<br />

that we think are entrenched into our very being. So It is bad news to us all when we find out<br />

that these freedoms are rocked by money, power and influence. Witness the events of just last<br />

week. I still cant believe that this has happened to Canada – we just are not as free as I<br />

had believed…..<br />

A little background, Canada is rapidly supplanting the Arab oil with oil from the tar sands. This<br />

oil is being exported to the United States. It is projected that in the next ten years, the USA will<br />

no longer be subject to the power of the OPEC group. I don’t know for sure, but have been told<br />

that this is the reason behind Saudi Arabia’s push to censor a “free” Canadian press. If you don’t<br />

already know – here’s the story……<br />

A 30-second ad by a Canadian NGO called Ethicaloil.org said that the Saudi’s treat their women<br />

worse than their camels. Women can’t vote, drive a car and are considered to be part of a<br />

man’s property. This ad is only aired in Canada, but the Saudi’s have hired Norton Rose, a<br />

large international law firm to censor the Canadian media. CTV news immediately pulled the ad<br />

under the threat of a lawsuit. That’s a real shame – we should be defending our freedoms but<br />

CTV’s owner Bell Canada does a ton of work in Saudi Arabia and doesn’t want to jeopardize its<br />

income. Yes, Money can talk………<br />

Where is our Government’s outrage, who’s telling the Saudi’s to go rub rock salt. Who’s<br />

standing up for Canada.. Does our Government fold to the whim of a dictatorship. Sad, Sad.<br />

We need to elect people with a spine. I hope this situation changes . After all, we are rapidly<br />

approaching November 11th, when we remember and honour those who fought and gave their<br />

lives in order to protect our rights and freedoms.<br />

Well, once again, that’s all for now. Please feel free to contact me at Blackwater Golf<br />

(905) 473-6684 or contact@blackwater-gc.ca . No rude emails or I can’t forward them……….<br />

TheBulletinMagazine.com October 2011 39

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