October 2010 - The Bulletin Magazine

October 2010 - The Bulletin Magazine

October 2010 - The Bulletin Magazine


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JACK HAUSEMAN continued...<br />

with some very special people – in fact, I know that each of my peers have always had the best interests of the<br />

entire town in mind when making decisions – and I firmly believe that all were elected because of their talents<br />

and abilities, and not because of where they live in the municipality – in North York, I was elected as a public<br />

school trustee in a ward – my fellow trustees did not know the needs of my ward, and sometimes didn’t care to<br />

know – they represented other areas, and were only accountable to their own electorate, not mine – as a result, it<br />

often developed into a tug of war, or a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality – it made it very<br />

difficult to get the priorities for my ward addressed promptly – there will come a day, when we grow so large that<br />

4 people can’t represent the entire town, when we should review our current system and come up with the best<br />

method of governance, and that may include a ward system, a larger at large membership, or an entirely new<br />

made in East Gwillimbury method – but that time is not now – these are my personal views!<br />

HOWEVER, if voters say NO in the majority, as Mayor I’ll respect their decision, and immediately call for a<br />

review of our present system during the <strong>2010</strong> to 2014 term of council, with a view of having the new method in<br />

place for the 2014 municipal election.<br />

Regards, JACK HAUSEMAN<br />

Phone: 905-715-7235; Email: jayef.hause@sympatico.ca; www.jackhauseman.com<br />

MATTHEW C. TEEPLE: seeking position of Mayor of East Gwillimbury<br />

No. I personally support the ward system.<br />

I feel that each of the communities in East Gwillimbury have been neglected in the quest<br />

for the greater good. As I walk the streets of the town campaigning talking to the<br />

community I see the huge gap between needs and services. This is a feeling that has been<br />

echoed to me from all corners of the township.<br />

It is time we have a voice for each one of our specific and unique communities. As I<br />

walk from door to door people have told me that the current council is always looking<br />

to put activities in a central location. Which is fine and well for that location but what<br />

happened too your town, your needs?<br />

I know there are not unlimited resources and not every town can have a dog park, or a skate park. To say that<br />

would be ludicrous. But could there be? Is there a way to give the community more?<br />

I think so and that is why I am running for Mayor. I see the waste in our current system and I want to cut as much<br />

of it out as possible. <strong>The</strong>n pour that money right back into the communities. <strong>The</strong> frivolous use of resources has<br />

gone too long and its time that we have a leader with a firm understanding of modern business practices that can<br />

propel our town to the next level.<br />

It’s not always about the ways things have been done; sometimes we need to step out of comfort zone and make<br />

the right choices. GM did things the way they had always been done and that put them into bankruptcy. Now with<br />

new ideas and responsible spending they are flourishing. Over the past 4 years council has increased their wages<br />

by 49%. In 2006 it paid $25,568, not bad for a part time job. Now the wages have been increased to $38,203.<br />

This has increased the financial burden on our communities by nearly $70,000 and in an economic downturn.<br />

Just think of what that money could have brought to our communities.<br />

Each one of our communities desperately has needs that must be addressed.<br />

I will eliminate waste and pour that money right back into the community. I will increase the focus and funding<br />

to educational and recreational services. We need year round activities that this community desperately needs for<br />

all ages. We need better roads. We need safer roads. We need a brighter future.<br />

16 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2010</strong> www.thebulletinmagazine.com

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