Kembara PLUS April 2015

APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />

Edisi 19<br />

R&R Dengkil<br />

(Arah Selatan)<br />

Masjid Wilayah<br />

Persekutuan<br />

Kuala Lumpur<br />

Ikon ‘Muslim-Friendly’<br />

1 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />

Malaysia<br />

Sil at<br />

Poetry in Motion<br />

Nasi Ambeng<br />

Festival <strong>2015</strong><br />

Zara Zya

Features :<br />


Editor: Khalilah Talha<br />

Assistant Editor: Iskandar Dzulkifli<br />

Staff Writers: Rofina Adam, Nor Aman Karap, Azril Izuan, Zakwan Zainal<br />

Art Director: Najihah Yasin<br />

Photographer: Nor Aman Karap<br />

Graphic & Layout: Noor Haida Zainal Abidin<br />

03<br />

07<br />

08<br />

Masjid Wilayah<br />

Persekutuan<br />

Kuala Lumpur<br />

ikon ‘Muslim-Friendly’<br />

Malaysia<br />

PIECE <strong>2015</strong><br />

The Future is Now<br />

Festival<br />

Nasi Ambeng<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />

13<br />

16<br />

Celebrity Review :<br />

The K-POP formula<br />

Personaliti : Zara Zya<br />

18 Travel : Pangkor : Minimalis tapi<br />

segalanya di sini<br />

22 Travel : Ahoy! Samudera Museum<br />

24 Travel : Menara Taming Sari, Melaka<br />

26 Hotel Review : Suria Provides The<br />

Shine<br />

28 Fashion : Happy Feet<br />

10<br />

12<br />

Silat : Poetry<br />

in Motion<br />

Warisan Kesenian<br />

R&R Dengkil<br />

(Arah Selatan)


Masjid Wilayah<br />

Persekutuan<br />

Kuala Lumpur<br />

ikon ‘Muslim-Friendly’<br />

Malaysia<br />

Oleh Nor Aman Karap<br />

Sebaik memasuki Jalan Tunku<br />

Abdul Halim, orang ramai pasti<br />

terpandang sebuah binaan masjid<br />

yang berdiri megah dan mendominisasi<br />

hutan batu yang memenuhi pemandangan<br />

bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Dari kejauhan,<br />

keindahan Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan<br />

ini membuatkan anda berasa seperti<br />

berada di negara Timur Tengah yang<br />

terkenal dengan senibina masjid indah<br />

yang telah berdiri sejak beratus-ratus<br />

tahun yang lalu.<br />

Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan yang juga<br />

sering kali hanya disebut sebagai Masjid<br />

Wilayah telah dibina pada tahun 1996<br />

dan diinspirasikan daripada senibina<br />

Timur Tengah dan senibina Melayu selain<br />

daripada pengaruh senibina Masjid Biru<br />

yang terletak di Istanbul, Turki.<br />

3 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Rekabentuk kubah utamanya<br />

terbentuk daripada cantuman<br />

beberapa kubah separuh, atau<br />

dikenali dengan ‘half dome’,<br />

sebuah ‘vault’ dan beberapa<br />

kubah kecil lain yang berada<br />

betul-betul di atas ruang solat<br />

utama. Kubah utama yang besaiz<br />

45 meter dan berdiri pada aras 30<br />

meter dari lantai ruang solat ini<br />

dihiasi oleh 22 kubah lain secara<br />

keseluruhanya.<br />

Sebuah halaman terbuka yang<br />

dinamakan Laman Hidayah<br />

dibina di tengah paksi binaan<br />

bagi memberi laluan kepada<br />

keperluan limpahan jemaah di<br />

samping berfungsi sebagai ruang<br />

interaksi sesama pengunjung<br />

masjid.<br />

Ciri-ciri moden yang terdapat<br />

di masjid ini seperti eskalator<br />

yang menghubungkan tingkat<br />

1 dan tingkat 3, perkhidmatan<br />

lif sehingga ke aras 4, sistem<br />

pencahayaan berkomputer, dan<br />

sistem pemadam kebakaran<br />

moden menonjolkan lagi<br />

keunikan senibina masjid ini.<br />

Bahan binaan yang<br />

menggabungkan penggunaan<br />

batu dan kayu menyerlahkan<br />

lagi ciri-ciri senibina Melayu dan<br />

senibina Timur Tengah. Ukiranukiran<br />

yang dapat dilihat di pintu<br />

masuk utama dan pemidang<br />

di ruang solat wanita jelas<br />

memperlihatkan kehalusan dan<br />

kejituan seni ukiran tradisional<br />

masyarakat Melayu dengan<br />

motif utamanya adalah 5 jenis<br />

bunga harum seperti Bunga<br />

Tikam Seladang, Bunga Cempaka,<br />

Kehalusan senibina tempatan dipersembahkan menerusi motif<br />

bunga-bungaan<br />

Bunga Kenanga, Bunga Melur<br />

serta daun-daun hijau seperti<br />

paku pakis.<br />

Penggunaan bahan batu dari<br />

jenis batu marmar Makarana<br />

jelas terlihat pada pintu gerbang<br />

utama dan mihrab. Batu marmar<br />

Makarana ini telah dibawa khas<br />

dari Agra, Jaipur dan Makarana<br />

Rajestan yang terletak di India.<br />

Keindahan masjid yang<br />

menggabungkan kemegahan<br />

4 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan memperlihatkan keindahan senibina Islam<br />

senibina Timur Tengah dan<br />

kehalusan seni ukiran Nusantara<br />

telah menjadikan Masjid Wilayah<br />

ini menjadi tarikan utama kepada<br />

pelancong dari seluruh dunia<br />

untuk melihat sendiri keindahan<br />

senibina Islam yang pada suatu<br />

masa dahulu mendominisasi<br />

senibina dunia dan jelas masih<br />

dapat dilihat di beberapa negara<br />

Eropah seperti Sepanyol dan<br />

Turki.<br />

Sejajar dengan usaha<br />

Kementerian Pelancongan<br />

dan Kebudayaan yang giat<br />

mempromosikan perlancongan<br />

berasaskan “Mesra Muslim”,<br />

Masjid Wilayah mampu untuk<br />

terus menyuburkan industri<br />

pelancongan negara. Melalui<br />

program Jelajah Masjid atau<br />

“Masjid Tour Program” pelancong<br />

bakal didedahkan dengan<br />

keunikan senibina masjid, bukan<br />

sahaja khusus kepada Masjid<br />

Wilayah, namun masjid-masjid<br />

lain yang terdapat di seluruh<br />

negara.<br />

Program jelajah yang tidak hanya<br />

dihadkan kepada peserta yang<br />

beragama Islam dilihat dapat<br />

menarik pelancong–pelancong<br />

asing dari Asia Timur seperti<br />

pelancong dari Korea dan<br />

Jepun yang terus mendahului<br />

statistik kedatangan pelancong<br />

antarabangsa ke negara ini.<br />

Kemesraan dan keterbukaan<br />

pengurusan Masjid Wilayah<br />

mendorong<br />

peningkatan<br />

peratusan peserta yang<br />

mengikuti program jelajah ini.<br />

Peningkatan sebanyak 85%<br />

pada statistik penyertaan dari<br />

pengunjung Korea menjadikan<br />

program jelajah masjid ini<br />

menjadi pilihan wajib bagi<br />

pelancong yang bertandang ke<br />

5 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Kuala Lumpur.<br />

pelbagai bahan bacaan yang<br />

Melalui program jelajah masjid<br />

ini, para peserta akan dibawa<br />

mencakupi pelbagai aspek dalam<br />

Islam. Salinan Al-quran dalam<br />

bersiar ke seluruh kawasan pelbagai bahasa utama dunia<br />

masjid termasuk ruang solat juga diberikan secara percuma<br />

utama bagi menerokai keindahan<br />

senibina Islam yang digabungkan<br />

di galeri ini.<br />

Selain dari lawatan ke masjidmasjid<br />

Di antara rekabentuk di Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan<br />

dari bahagian Timur dan Barat<br />

di seluruh Negara,<br />

benua Asia. Para peserta juga promosi pelancongan Islamik<br />

akan dibawa untuk melawat dibantu dengan status halal<br />

ke galeri Ibnu Batthutta yang yang diperolehi oleh restoranrestoran<br />

terletak di aras bawah kompleks<br />

terkenal di seluruh<br />

masjid. Galeri khas yang diberi<br />

nama bersempena seorang tokoh<br />

Malaysia.<br />

Keadaan politik yang stabil,<br />

pelayaran dalam dunia Islam struktur sosial yang unik<br />

yang dikenali sekitar kurun ke- dan ekonomi yang mampan<br />

13 masehi ini di lengkapi dengan mendorong bukan sahaja<br />

pelancong yang beragama Islam,<br />

malah juga pelancong yang bukan<br />

beragama Islam untuk melilih<br />

Malaysia sebagai destinasi<br />

seterusnya. Melalui satu hasil<br />

kajian yang diterbitkan oleh<br />

Singapore Halal Travel Portal,<br />

Malaysia berada pada kedudukan<br />

tertinggi dalam kategori destinasi<br />

mesra muslim. Daripada 50<br />

negara yang menjalani penilaian,<br />

Malaysia telah memperolehi 8.3<br />

mata daripada 10 mata secara<br />

keseluruhan.<br />

Sebagai peneraju Hub Halal<br />

sedunia, Malaysia juga<br />

diiktiraf sebagai pelopor dalam<br />

mewarnakan industri halal dunia,<br />

terutamanya dalam industri<br />

penghasilan makanan peringkat<br />

desa atau lebih dikenali sebagai<br />

Industri Kecil dan Sederhana<br />

(IKS) ke tahap yang lebih tinggi<br />

dengan nilai pasaran mencecah<br />

RM6.9 bilion setahun.<br />

Program pelancongan Malaysia<br />

mesra muslim ini pastinya akan<br />

terus berkembang maju untuk<br />

menarik lebih ramai pelancong<br />

dari seantero dunia, terutamanya<br />

pelancong dari negara-negara<br />

Timur Tengah yang semakin<br />

hari semakin ramai berkunjung<br />

ke negara yang majoritinya<br />

beragama Islam.<br />

Keindahan masjid-masjid<br />

yang berdiri di Malaysia akan<br />

terus memberi nilai tambahan<br />

terhadap industri perlancongan<br />

yang bertemakan Muslim-<br />

Friendly Malaysia dan terus<br />

menjana pendapatan negara.<br />

6 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>


projects?<br />

The conference will also<br />

feature an exhibition of the<br />

latest products and services<br />

from close to 30 exhibitors<br />

plus a business matching<br />

session between suppliers<br />


In the last 25years since<br />

the introduction of toll<br />

expressways, better road<br />

pavements, decent and clean<br />

rest areas, efficient traffic<br />

management and time saving<br />

have been evident but what<br />

can expressway users look<br />

forward to in the next 25<br />

years?<br />

The biennial PSKLM<br />

International Expressway<br />

Conference and Exhibition<br />

<strong>2015</strong> (PIECE <strong>2015</strong>) from May<br />

25th - May 26th in Kuala<br />

Lumpur with the theme The<br />

Future is Now promises to<br />

showcase some of these<br />

new developments - how<br />

road safety can be improved<br />

through the use of digital<br />

media, intelligent street<br />

lighting that will switch on<br />

when needed, sustainable<br />

highways that protect the local<br />

ecology and environment,<br />

and many more<br />

breakthroughs<br />

and new ideas<br />

on managing<br />

and operating<br />

expressways.<br />

The conference<br />

will also cover<br />

the challenges<br />

that the highway<br />

industry will be<br />

facing. For example<br />

will the model of<br />

concessions and<br />

toll collection for<br />

a period of time<br />

be relevant in the<br />

near future? Will<br />

highways and the<br />

increasing number<br />

of rail networks coexist<br />

comfortably?<br />

Will electric cars change the<br />

way highways are designed?<br />

What are the new challenges<br />

and risks in managing highway<br />

and highway concessionaires.<br />

To know what the future of<br />

highways will look like, please<br />

register for the conference at<br />

www.PIECE<strong>2015</strong>.com<br />

7 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>


Nasi Ambeng atau Nasi<br />

Ambang ialah makanan<br />

tradisional masyarakat<br />

Jawa. Secara tradisinya, Nasi<br />

Ambeng mengandungi 4 bahagian<br />

iaitu nasi putih, mi goreng,<br />

sambal ayam, serunding (ayam<br />

atau daging), tempe goreng dan<br />

pelbagai lauk-pauk tambahan<br />

yang dihidangkan di dalam<br />

dulang beralaskan daun pisang.<br />

Kebiasaannya, Nasi Ambeng<br />

hanya dibuat semasa sambutan<br />

perayaan penting dan akan<br />

dihidangkan di dalam dulang<br />

bertujuan untuk dikongsi dan<br />

dimakan beramai-ramai.<br />

Tahun ini, Festival Nasi Ambeng<br />

yang dianjurkan oleh Jabatan<br />

Kesenian dan Kebudayaan<br />

Negara dan diadakan sekali lagi<br />

pada 17 dan 18 <strong>April</strong>, <strong>2015</strong> di<br />

Homestay Banghuris, Sg. Pelek,<br />

Sepang, Selangor. Festival yang<br />

julung kali diadakan ini bertujuan<br />

untuk memberi peluang<br />

kepada pelawat terutamanya<br />

pelancong asing untuk merasai<br />

sendiri pengalaman menikmati<br />

makanan ikonik masyarakat<br />

Jawa ini secara lebih dekat. Lebih<br />

menarik lagi, penganjur festival<br />

masih mengekalkan konsep<br />

asal dan identiti hidangan Nasi<br />

Ambeng yang dihidang di dalam<br />

dulang dan dimakan beramairamai.<br />

Festival<br />

Nasi Ambeng<br />

Oleh Zakwan Zainal<br />

8 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Resipi : Nasi Ambeng<br />

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan<br />

untuk membuat Nasi Ambeng:<br />

• Beras<br />

• Minyak masak<br />

• 1 ekor ayam - dipotong 16 bahagian<br />

• 6 ulas bawang merah - dihiris nipis<br />

• 2 ulas bawang besar<br />

• 3 ulas bawang putih - dicincang halus<br />

• 2 inci halia - dihiris nipis<br />

• 300 ml jus asam jawa<br />

• 100 ml kicap manis<br />

• 3 sudu besar sos tiram<br />

• 1 inci kunyit<br />

• 3 sudu serbuk kunyit<br />

• 200 gram cili kering - dikisar<br />

• 1 sudu besar lada hitam – ditumbuk halus<br />

• Kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih<br />

• 2 batang cili merah – dibelah 2<br />

• 2 batang cili hijau - dibelah 2<br />

• 2 biji kentang - dihiris dan goreng<br />

• Kelapa – diparut<br />

• Garam dan gula (secukup rasa)<br />

• Udang, kacang tanah, soohoon, tauhu, tempe – digoreng<br />

• Serunding ayam/daging<br />

• Mee goreng<br />

Cara-cara memasak ayam masak merah<br />

1- Bersihkan ayam. Gaul ayam yang telah dibersihkan dan digaul bersama garam dan serbuk kunyit. Kemudian,<br />

goreng ayam sehingga separuh masak. Ketepikan sementara ayam tersebut.<br />

2- Panaskan minyak. Kemudian tumis rempah 3 serangkai; kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih<br />

bersama-sama sehingga wangi.<br />

3- Masukkan bawang putih, bawang merah, halia, dan cili kering yang telah dikisar. Tumis campuran sehingga<br />

sebati dan kering.<br />

4- Masukkan jus asam jawa, kicap manis, sos tiram dan lada hitam dan terus kacau sehingga betul-betul sebati.<br />

5- Masukkan ayam yang digoreng separuh masak sebentar tadi dan gaul bersama sebatian.<br />

6- Akhir sekali, masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa, hirisan bawang besar, cili hijau dan cili merah sebagai<br />

hiasan.<br />

Cara-cara memasak sambal tempe<br />

1- Kisar bersama bawang merah, bawang putih, halia, dan cili kering tanpa meletakkan minyak. Tumis bahanbahan<br />

yang dikisar sehingga kering.<br />

2- Kemudian, masukkan jus asam jawa, garam dan gula secukup rasa. Masak sehingga campuran menjadi pekat<br />

dan kering. Setelah campuran itu kering, masukkan kelapa yang telah diparut dan gaul sehingga sebati.<br />

3- Seterusnya, panaskan minyak dan goreng bahan yang dikisar tadi sehingga ia benar-benar kering dan wangi.<br />

Kemudian, campurkan bersama udang, kacang goreng, soohoon, tauhu goreng, tempe goreng.<br />

4- Akhir sekali, masukkan kicap manis dan garam. Gaulkan sehingga ia benar-benar sebati.<br />

5- Hidangan Nasi Ambeng terdiri daripada sambal tempe dan ayam masak merah sedia untuk dihidang bersama<br />

nasi panas.<br />

9 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>


Sil at<br />

Poetry in motion<br />

Shrouded<br />

in<br />

mystique and<br />

tradition, Silat<br />

- the Malay art of defence<br />

- embodies grace, artistry,<br />

elegant movements and deadly<br />

precision. It is Malay classical<br />

dance paired with seemingly<br />

incompatible martial aspects<br />

and believed to have originated<br />

from ancient Malaysian and<br />

Indonesian civilizations. Until<br />

recently there has been no fixed<br />

form of instruction. However, it<br />

has evolved to become part of<br />

social culture and tradition and<br />

is a fine physical and spiritual<br />

training in the combative art of<br />

fighting and survival.<br />

Believed to have originated<br />

from the word kilat (lightning),<br />

a practitioner tries to acquire<br />

the characteristics of lightning:<br />

speed, dominance, sharpness,<br />

fluidity, and danger. A person with<br />

these qualities and intelligence<br />

was called sikilat and eventually<br />

came to be pronounced<br />

silat. Silat was<br />

gradually refined<br />

into the specialized<br />

property of sultans,<br />

panglima (primeminister)<br />

and<br />

pendekar<br />

(warriors)<br />

during<br />

t h e<br />

Malacca<br />

Sultanate,<br />

Majapahit and Srivijaya empires.<br />

It was at this time that silat<br />

spread through the Malay<br />

Archipelago.<br />

The legendary<br />

14th century<br />

warrior Hang Tuah is<br />

often considered the<br />

father of silat for his<br />

prowess, deftness and<br />

supreme command of the art.<br />

The movements of silat are often<br />

performed as a dance during<br />

festivities such as weddings or<br />

10 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

a royal installation. In general,<br />

silat techniques use hand and<br />

foot maneuverings. The<br />

principle of silat is simple: evade<br />

attack. Its education focuses on<br />

the development of the person<br />

internally and externally which<br />

will enable the formation of<br />

a community that embodies<br />

discipline, morals, patriotism,<br />

self-identity and citizenship.<br />

Training therefore includes<br />

cultural, spiritual, and mental<br />

aspects as well as tumbling,<br />

striking, kicking, blocking and<br />

agility movements. A student is<br />

first and foremost taught how to<br />

defend himself or herself. This is<br />

done in stages where the student<br />

learns the basics in steps and<br />

techniques. Then she or he is<br />

taught how to attack before being<br />

attacked, in self-preservation.<br />

Along with the body, the exponent<br />

also uses weapons, such as<br />

dagger, sword, machete, knife<br />

and walking stick. Slow it down,<br />

accompany it to music and it<br />

becomes a performance art.<br />

There are a variety of silat<br />

styles. In Malaysia alone<br />

there are more than<br />

150 known silat styles,<br />

including Gayong,<br />

Cekak, Bunga and Pulut.<br />

Movements are named<br />

after their inspirations<br />

like Tiger Attack, Crazy<br />

Horse Dance, Hanging<br />

Rope, Sinking Python<br />

and Winding<br />

Princess.<br />

Catch the many<br />

different styles<br />

by more than 400 silat exponents<br />

at the Karnival Silat Nusantara in<br />

Kelantan this <strong>April</strong>. Details at tic.<br /> my<br />

11 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>


Warisan Kesenian<br />

R&R Dengkil<br />

(arah selatan)<br />

Kawasan Rehat Dengkil yang strategik menjadi pilihan pengunjung<br />

Kawasan Rehat dan Rawat<br />

(R&R) Dengkil merupakan<br />

salah satu R&R yang<br />

popular dan tidak pernah lekang<br />

dengan pengunjung terutamanya<br />

mereka yang ingin ke Lapangan<br />

Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala<br />

Lumpur (KLIA), Lapangan Terbang<br />

Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2<br />

(KLIA2) dan Litar Lumba Sepang.<br />

Dengan bertemakan “Warisan<br />

Kesenian” dengan senibina<br />

moden, R&R Dengkil yang terletak<br />

di KM23.1 di Lebuh raya ELITE<br />

merupakan antara R&R <strong>PLUS</strong> yang<br />

telah dinaiktaraf. Kemudahan<br />

tandas awam, tempat letak<br />

12 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />

kenderaan dan ruang solat turut<br />

dinaiktaraf bagi memastikan<br />

keselesaan serta menampung<br />

jumlah pengunjung yang kian<br />

meningkat.<br />

Selain itu, pengunjung juga<br />

boleh menikmati pelbagai jenis<br />

makanan yang menyelerakan<br />

di gerai-gerai yang tersedia.<br />

Bagi mereka yang ingin mencari<br />

kelainan bolehlah mencuba<br />

hidangan istimewa roti bakar<br />

bersama telur ayam kampung<br />

dan nasi ayam panggang yang<br />

boleh didapati di gerai No.1, di<br />

Kafe Jong Berlaboh dan gerai No.<br />

4 di Nadia Senario.<br />

Nasi ayam panggang<br />

Hidangan istimewa roti bakar bersama telur<br />

ayam kampung

Personality Review<br />

The K-Pop<br />

Formula<br />

By Muhammad Azril Izuan<br />

Getting up close<br />

and personal<br />

with a Korean<br />

pop artiste was<br />

never in my<br />

bucket list<br />

because Country<br />

is more my music<br />

genre but when<br />

Korea Tourism<br />

Organisation in<br />

collaboration with<br />

Oriental Escape<br />

Tavel Malaysia, SH<br />

Tours Korea and<br />

VReka Travel and<br />

Tours provided<br />

me with such<br />

an opportunity,<br />

I practically<br />

somersaulted<br />

like SHINee in<br />

their colossal hit<br />

video “Lucifer”<br />

and transformed<br />

momentarily into a<br />

fan boy of sorts!<br />

I was excited to<br />

interview the<br />

youngest member<br />

of B.A.P, an acronym for Best<br />

Absolute Perfect, a K-Pop group<br />

under TS Entertainment label.<br />

Comprising six members in total,<br />

B.A.P debuted in 2012 with their<br />

first hit single “Warrior” in Korea.<br />

The group then rode on the Hallyu<br />

Wave and churned out more hits<br />

like “Secret Love”, “Goodbye” and<br />

“Stop It”.<br />

When I met him, Choi Jun Hong<br />

or better known by his stage<br />

name Zelo was fashionably<br />

attired as all K-pop artistes are<br />

wont to be. After all, K-pop also<br />

influences fashion, especially<br />

in Asia, where clothes and<br />

accessories worn by K-pop stars,<br />

as well as their hairstyles and<br />

the cosmetic brands they use are<br />

sought after by their young fans.<br />

Fashion brands release copies<br />

of clothing worn by idols. Some<br />

K-pop idols including G-Dragon<br />

from Big Bang have established<br />

themselves as a fashion icon<br />

by attracting the attention of<br />

Western fashion designers, so no<br />

doubt Zelo and others intend to<br />

follow his stylistic footsteps too.<br />

13 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

One for the album!<br />

Being a performer means<br />

spending a lot of energy and<br />

time to practice. For K-Pop,<br />

dance is an integral part of<br />

every performance. When did<br />

you start learning to dance and<br />

how frequently do you actually<br />

practice?<br />

Frankly speaking, I started practicing in a dance<br />

studio as early as the fifth grade of elementary<br />

school (12 years old). In terms of my routines, I<br />

usually practice up to 10 hours per day depending<br />

on my schedule and upcoming events. Our<br />

choreography is complex, with hip-hop influences,<br />

metal, electronic, rock, pop.. and there is also a lot<br />

of hooking and repetitive movements within the<br />

choreography. The key movements have to match<br />

the characteristics of the lyrics of the song and we<br />

are required to sing and dance at the same time<br />

so there is a lot of stamina involved. The more we<br />

practice, the more second-nature it becomes which<br />

is why I put a lot of emphasis on rehearsals.<br />

14 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

What do you love most about<br />

your job as a performer?<br />

Did you manage to try Malaysian<br />

foods?<br />

I love everything about it, the hard work, the<br />

sweat and tears too. I get to travel and see the<br />

world. Most of all, I love to see my fans happy and I<br />

would do anything for them to be entertained. The<br />

most delightful thing in my career would be the<br />

appreciation of my hard work in producing good<br />

songs and enjoying the whole experience while it<br />

lasts. To me, everything seems worthwhile when the<br />

fans join in the songs and dance to the beat too.<br />

Why do you think K-pop is such a<br />

global phenomenon?<br />

I really don’t have any idea but I must say Psy made<br />

it easy for the rest of us! After his ginormous hit<br />

Gangnam Style put Korea and K-Pop firmly on the<br />

world map, it gave rise to many Korean hopefuls to<br />

follow in his footsteps. Talent agencies sprung up<br />

and groomed groups which churned out hit after<br />

hit, as quickly as the public could consume it.<br />

Personally, I think it’s not just about the infectious<br />

music and great choreography but also the fashion<br />

styles K-pop brings to the table. Now Korea is known<br />

as a fashion capital because K-Pop made it possible<br />

to be bold, dynamic, over the top yet also trendy.<br />

I understand you have been to<br />

Malaysia. What do you love the<br />

most about the country?<br />

Yes, I have been to Malaysia. It was in 2012 for a<br />

performance in Kuala Lumpur with B.A.P. I did not<br />

see much of the country but the best thing about<br />

the little I have seen is the shopping malls! Pavilion<br />

stands out for its grandeur and variety of shops<br />

promoting really good brands.<br />

Yes, I managed to taste quite a number of local<br />

foods when I was there. Unfortunately, I was not<br />

able to try more as I was allergic to some of the local<br />

seasonings and spices used. But from the look and<br />

smell of those I did not try, I could tell that the foods<br />

were tasty as attested by my fellow B.A.P. members<br />

who had no such allergies.<br />

From your point of view, how do<br />

your Malaysian fans rate when<br />

compared to those from other<br />

parts of the world?<br />

Actually, my fans are all very nice, kind, warmhearted<br />

and beautiful. I am pleased to say that I<br />

found these qualities also among Malaysian fans<br />

during my last visit there. Of course, there are<br />

those who are a little bit crazy but they make the<br />

experience unforgettable, so it’s all good.<br />

I must say the skin of both<br />

Korean men and women are<br />

exceptionally smooth. Can you<br />

share your health and beauty<br />

regime?<br />

For me, I have always wanted to look good since I<br />

was little. As I grew older, I learned the importance<br />

of having enough sleep and drinking lots of water.<br />

My exercise is through my dance because we have<br />

a punishing schedule of rehearsals every day, even<br />

when we are on the road. Of course, it also helps<br />

to allocate part of my income to doing professional<br />

facials regularly. I am also a fashionista of sorts as<br />

the industry demands it but I believe in looking good<br />

too because it will reflect in our face, our posture<br />

and our disposition.<br />

15 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

16 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />

Zara Zya

Personaliti<br />

By Zakwan Zainal<br />

Ten years ago, a person<br />

behind the name Zara<br />

Zya stepped in the acting<br />

industry when she was only 20<br />

years old. However, she did<br />

not get that much attention<br />

until her appearance as one<br />

of the leading roles in a top<br />

rating drama series, “Love You<br />

Mr. Arrogant” propelled her to<br />

fame.<br />

Zara’s popularity exploded<br />

when she won Artis Baru<br />

Wanita Popular, Anugerah<br />

Bintang Popular Berita Harian<br />

(ABPBH 2013) followed by<br />

Anugerah MeleTop ERA 2014<br />

through New Actress category<br />

and Top Top MeleTop (Women)<br />

both in 2014.<br />

Zara had a chance to<br />

experience life as a <strong>PLUS</strong><br />

customer service assistant<br />

during a TV magazine<br />

recording at the Subang Toll<br />

Plaza recently which she feels<br />

very challenging as they need<br />

to deal with various kinds of<br />

users and behaviours.<br />

“A good driver must respect<br />

others on the road. Most<br />

importantly, do not get behind<br />

the wheel if you’re tired and<br />

drowsy as they can lead to<br />

accidents and cost lives,” she<br />

said.<br />

As a toll teller at Subang Toll Plaza<br />

17 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />

A scene from 'Cinta Ros Putih' drama series

TRAVEL<br />

Pangkor<br />

Minimalis namun<br />

segalanya ada di sini!<br />

Oleh Rofina Adam<br />

18 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Kesempatan<br />

bercuti<br />

digunakan sepenuhnya<br />

untuk meluangkan masa<br />

bersama keluarga ke Pulau<br />

Pangkor selama 3 hari 2 malam,<br />

sempena cuti persekolahan<br />

baru-baru ini. Destinasi yang<br />

dituju menambah keterujaan<br />

sesi keluarga setelah hampir<br />

beberapa tahun tidak berkunjung<br />

ke pulau yang terletak di bahagian<br />

pantai barat negeri Perak ini.<br />

Perjalanan menggunakan<br />

Lebuhraya<br />

Utara-Selatan<br />

bergerak lancar walaupun<br />

jumlah kenderaan tinggi pada<br />

musim cuti persekolahan.<br />

Setelah keluar di Plaza Tol Bidor,<br />

perjalanan menghala ke Lumut<br />

mengambil masa lebih kurang 3<br />

jam bergantung kepada keadaan<br />

trafik dan had laju kenderaan.<br />

Sebaik sahaja tiba di Lumut, kami<br />

sekeluarga menghala ke Terminal<br />

Jeti Lumut untuk membeli tiket<br />

bagi perjalananan ke Pulau<br />

Pangkor menaiki feri. Perjalanan<br />

menaiki feri dari Terminat Jeti<br />

Lumut ke Terminal Jeti Pangkor<br />

mengambil masa kira-kira 30-40<br />

minit.<br />

Pengangkutan di Pulau Pangkor<br />

sangat mudah. Pilih sahaja<br />

sama ada ingin menggunakan<br />

perkhidmatan teksi jenis van<br />

berwarna merah jambu atau anda<br />

boleh memilih untuk menyewa<br />

kenderaan seperti kereta atau<br />

motosikal.<br />

Kedamaian boleh dirasai di sini<br />

Ketenangan fikiran yang tidak<br />

dapat digambarkan<br />

Pulau Pangkor menanti ketibaan penghuni kota<br />

19 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Produk hasil laut sedang dikeringkan<br />

Sesuatu untuk kenang-kenangan<br />

Banyak yang pengunjung boleh<br />

lakukan di sini. Sama ada untuk<br />

menenangkan fikiran selepas<br />

penat bekerja, sehinggalah<br />

kepada menyertai aktiviti riadah<br />

seperti berenang, snorkeling,<br />

melawat tempat besejarah<br />

atau mengambil udara segar di<br />

pantai yang tenang. Antara lokasi<br />

yang paling mendapat tumpuan<br />

pengunjung adalah di Teluk<br />

Nipah dan Pasir Bogak.<br />

Jika dibandingkan dengan<br />

pantai-pantai lain yang ada di<br />

sini, pantai Teluk Nipah agak<br />

sibuk dengan pengunjung dan<br />

aktiviti tumpuan. Pengunjung<br />

boleh menjalankan aktiviti<br />

snorkeling ke Pulau Giam atau<br />

Mentaggor, berenang, menaiki<br />

jet ski atau bot pisang atau<br />

hanya sekadar bersantai di tepi<br />

pantai. Bukan sahaja pada siang<br />

hari, tetapi Teluk Nipah turut<br />

sibuk pada waktu malam kerana<br />

menawarkan kepelbagaian sajian<br />

makanan laut. Tidak hairanlah,<br />

lokasi penginapan di Teluk Nipah<br />

selalu penuh jika tidak membuat<br />

tempahan awal.<br />

20 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Pulau Pangkor juga kaya dengan<br />

hasil-hasil laut. Kami juga tidak<br />

melepaskan peluang berkunjung<br />

ke Kilang Satay Ikan Hai Seng<br />

Hin di Kampung Sungai Pinang<br />

Kecil, yang membuat dan<br />

menjual makanan berasaskan<br />

hidupan laut. Di sini, ramai<br />

pengujung tidak melepaskan<br />

peluang melihat bagaimana<br />

produk makanan daripada hasilhasil<br />

laut dikeringkan serta<br />

mendapatkan produk-produk<br />

hasil laut seperti ikan bilis,<br />

sotong kering, satay ikan, udang<br />

kering serta lain-lain lagi.<br />

Pulau Pangkor masih sama<br />

seperti tahun-tahun yang<br />

lalu. Destinasi percutian<br />

yang menawarkan keriangan,<br />

ketenangan, kemesraan dan<br />

mudah dikunjungi. Walaupun<br />

percutian kami sekeluarga<br />

nikmati sangat sederhana,<br />

namun apa yang kami perlukan<br />

untuk bersantai bersama<br />

keluarga semuanya ada di sini!.<br />

Jumpa lagi lain kali!<br />

Suasana santai di Pulau Pangkor<br />

Ringkasan:<br />

Bagaimana untuk ke Pulau Pangkor<br />

Memandu melalui Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan keluar melalui Plaza Tol Bidor atau Ipoh, Seterusnya<br />

ke Lumut. Perjalanan dari KL-Lumut mengambil masa 3-4 jam kira-kira 250 kilometer, manakala<br />

Ipoh ke Lumut sejauh kira-kira 84 kilometer.<br />

Tambang Feri (pergi-balik)<br />

(Perkhidmatan feri setiap 30-45 minit dari jam 7:00 pagi – 8:30 malam)<br />

Dewasa : RM10 seorang<br />

Kanak-kanak : RM 5 seorang<br />

21 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

22 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Ahoy!<br />

Samudera<br />

Museum!<br />

Various artefacts on show<br />

Located just ahead of the<br />

Stadthuys in Bandar Hilir,<br />

Melaka, the Samudera<br />

Museum or the Flora de Lamar<br />

is a replica of a Portuguese ship<br />

which sank in the coast of Malacca<br />

while on its way to Portugal. The<br />

replica, a staggering 34 meters<br />

in height and 8 meters wide<br />

focuses on the maritime history<br />

of Malacca.<br />

In general, the museum features<br />

various artefacts used by the<br />

seamen of yester years including<br />

sunken treasures hauled from<br />

Diana, another shipwreck.<br />

The museum also showcases<br />

the different maritime stages<br />

that Malacca had gone through<br />

starting from the Malacca<br />

Sultanate era to the Portuguese<br />

era, Dutch era and the British<br />

era.<br />

For ship fanatics, there are also<br />

a collection of different ship<br />

models that are on display at the<br />

museum. You will be able to learn<br />

more about the types of ships<br />

and their functions from the<br />

collection. You can also climb up<br />

to the upper deck of the ship to<br />

view the diorama of the captain’s<br />

cabin.<br />

There are also other museums<br />

nearby. If you go up the St Paul's<br />

Hill to get to the St Paul's Church,<br />

will you pass by two museums<br />

along the way; the Architecture<br />

Museum and the Stamp Museum.<br />

There is also the Islamic Museum<br />

of Malacca which is a tad<br />

further away from the Samudera<br />

Museum.<br />

Extracted from: http://malacca<br /><br />

Museum.php<br />

Roti bakar dan telur ayam kg di gerai no 1<br />

23 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

TRAVEL<br />

A<br />

breathtaking view from<br />

80 meters, the ride offers<br />

you a spectacular and<br />

panaromic view of Historical<br />

Malacca City and beyond with a<br />

host of interesting sights such<br />

as St Paul’s Hill, Independence<br />

Memorial Building, Samudera<br />

Museum, the Malacca River,<br />

Dataran Pahlawan, Pulau Selat<br />

Mosque, Pulau Besar and the<br />

Straits of Malacca.<br />

Menara Taming Sari or Taming<br />

Sari Tower, officially opened for<br />

business on the 18 <strong>April</strong> 2008, is<br />

the first and only gyro tower in<br />

Malaysia so far. Measuring 110<br />

meters in height, its revolving<br />

structure offers a 360-degree<br />

panoramic view of Malacca town<br />

and beyond.<br />

Located in the popular district of<br />

Bandar Hilir on Jalan Merdeka,<br />

only three minutes’ walk from<br />

Mahkota Parade Shopping<br />

Complex and Dataran Pahlawan<br />

Megamall, the tower is named<br />

after the Taming Sari keris, a<br />

mythical weapon said to possess<br />

mystical powers belonging to<br />

the legendary Malay warrior,<br />

Hang Tuah. Even the structure’s<br />

design follows the shape of the<br />

keris, with the peak of the tower<br />

resembling the its hilt.<br />

Built using advanced Swiss<br />

technology, the tower’s structure<br />

is reportedly tough enough<br />

to withstand earthquakes<br />

measuring up to 10 on the Richter<br />

scale.<br />

Menara<br />

Taming Sari<br />

Melaka<br />

24 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

View from the top of Menara Taming Sari<br />

Able to accommodate 66 people<br />

per viewing session, which lasts<br />

about 7 minutes; the glass cabin<br />

hypnotically revolves as it rises<br />

from the ground to the top of the<br />

tower.<br />

Once it reaches the top, a<br />

breathtaking, sprawling view of<br />

Malacca as far as the eye can<br />

see, up to the Straits of Malacca,<br />

is clearly visible, especially in<br />

good weather, with the Melaka<br />

River running through the grand<br />

panorama below.<br />

In addition to the opportunity to<br />

get a bird’s-eye view of Malacca,<br />

the attraction is also fitted<br />

with five commercial outlets<br />

consisting of a café, a restaurant<br />

and souvenir shops.<br />

Extracted from: http://www.malaysiacentral.<br />

com<br />

The glass cabin rising to the top of Menara Taming Sari<br />

25 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

26 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>


Suria City Hotel, Johor<br />

Bahru has the X-factor that<br />

leaves a lasting impression<br />

on you. Conveniently located<br />

5 minutes away from Stulang<br />

Laut Duty Free Zone, the hotel<br />

provides respite after a hard<br />

day’s work of shopping and<br />

Suria<br />

Provides the<br />

Shine<br />

pounding the pavements for sales<br />

and bargains. It is also a short<br />

walk away to a terminal for ferry<br />

services to Batam and Tanjung<br />

Pinang where more adventures<br />

await the intrepid shopper.<br />

Its proximity to Johor Bahru<br />

Causeway makes the hotel an<br />

ideal location for business<br />

and leisure and a gateway to<br />

Singapore. Although a 3 star<br />

hotel, guests are afforded 5 star<br />

stunning views of the Straits and<br />

the Singapore Skyline. Suria<br />

City offers 89 deluxe rooms, 6<br />

suites and 43 standard (twin/<br />

triplet/quad) rooms. A full dining<br />

restaurant, poolside terrace,<br />

lobby lounge, a ballroom,<br />

function room, free parking and<br />

internet access completes the<br />

services and facilities here.<br />

As a temporary home away from<br />

home, Suria City is the perfect<br />

choice as there are many<br />

attractions within its vicinity<br />

such as Serene Hill Palace or<br />

Istana Bukit Serene, where the<br />

Sultan of Johor resides, and the<br />

Royal Mausoleum. Explore the<br />

oases of serenity here, where<br />

beautifully manicured gardens<br />

add to the peace and calm of<br />

the extensive grounds. If you’re<br />

looking for a beach getaway,<br />

Stulang Laut and Lido Beach<br />

are nearby destinations for a<br />

relaxing vacation and to enjoy<br />

scrumptious local cuisine.<br />

Getting there is easy. Travelling<br />

on the North-South Expressway<br />

will take you only about 3-4 hours<br />

by car or bus from Kuala Lumpur<br />

to Johor Bahru.<br />

27 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>


Happy<br />

Feet<br />

Platform<br />

Chunky<br />

Peep Toe<br />

Open Toe<br />

Pump<br />

28 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

Pump<br />

Evening<br />

Dress<br />

Shoes<br />

T-Strap<br />

Stiletto<br />

Peep Toe<br />

29 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>PLUS</strong> FOCUS<br />




Since 1 <strong>April</strong>, Port Dickson<br />

and Seremban-bound<br />

heavy vehicles exceeding<br />

4.4 metres in height at Jalan<br />

Rasah in Seremban are advised<br />

to use a designated alternative<br />

route.<br />

The activation of the alternative<br />

route plan is aimed to facilitate<br />

the construction of the bridge<br />

in the area which is part of the<br />

fourth lane widening works on<br />

the North-South Expressway<br />

(NSE).<br />

As such, heavy vehicles exceeding<br />

4.4 metres in height from Port<br />

Dickson (South) Toll Plaza and<br />

Rasah heading towards Port<br />

Dickson are required to use the<br />

Taman Thivy Jaya-Rasah Jaya-<br />

Seremban 3 alternative route.<br />

Meanwhile, Seremban-bound<br />

over height heavy vehicles from<br />

Port Dickson (North) Toll Plaza<br />

and Port Dickson are advised to<br />

use the Seremban 3-Rasah Jaya-<br />

Taman Thivy Jaya route.<br />

As such, <strong>PLUS</strong> advises all heavy<br />

vehicle drivers to follow all traffic<br />

signages and regulations when<br />

plying the alternative route.<br />

The <strong>PLUS</strong> Fourth Lane Widening<br />

Project is now at its Final Stage<br />

and is expected to be fully<br />

completed before the Hari Raya<br />

Aidilfitri holidays.<br />


KE PORT DICKSON & SEREMBAN BERMULA 1 APRIL <strong>2015</strong><br />




Plaza Tol<br />

Port Dickson<br />

(Selatan)<br />

Gantri<br />

Kawasan<br />

Pembinaan<br />

Jambatan<br />

Taman<br />

Thivy<br />

Jaya<br />

Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan<br />


Plaza Tol<br />

Port Dickson<br />

(Utara)<br />

Taman<br />

Rasah<br />

Jaya<br />

Gantri<br />




Seremban 3<br />




30 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>PLUS</strong> FOCUS<br />



ON <strong>PLUS</strong> HIGHWAYS<br />

Pavement works are being carried out in phases at selected<br />

Fourth Lane Widening Project stretches along its highways.<br />

As such, <strong>PLUS</strong> is conducting traffic diversion at selected<br />

stretches as follows:-<br />

Date<br />

Lane Closure<br />

Period<br />

Location<br />

Lane Closure<br />

until<br />

31 May <strong>2015</strong> 24 Hours<br />

Between Shah Alam to Jalan Duta Toll Plaza<br />

(KM8.9 – KM29)<br />

on the New Klang Valley Expressway (NKVE)<br />

Between Bukit Lanjan to Rawang<br />

(KM459.32 – KM443.9) on the North-South<br />

Expressway (NSE)<br />

Between Bukit Lanjan to Rawang<br />

(KM459.32 – KM443.9) on the North-South<br />

Expressway (NSE)<br />

Staggered<br />

lane<br />

closures<br />

from time to<br />

time<br />

<strong>PLUS</strong> is taking various steps to minimize traffic disruptions at these stretches throughout the construction<br />

period.<br />

Therefore, drivers are advised to plan their journey, follow all traffic signages and instructions given by <strong>PLUS</strong><br />

personnel at the area.<br />

.<br />



In our effort to provide improve the traffic<br />

flow on the <strong>PLUS</strong> highway, <strong>PLUS</strong> is currently<br />

constructing 4th Lane on both sides of NKVE and<br />

between Nilai Utara to Seremban. The project<br />

is expected to be fully completed before the<br />

Aidilfitri holidays.<br />

Seremban<br />

.<br />

<strong>PLUS</strong> is also currently constructing new<br />

interchanges at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan<br />

and Alor Pongsu, Perak. Both interchanges are<br />

expected to be fully completed in the second<br />

half of <strong>2015</strong> and 2016 respectively.<br />

Alor Pongsu<br />

31 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>PLUS</strong> FOCUS<br />

<strong>PLUS</strong>Miles<br />

With a Difference<br />

My<strong>PLUS</strong>Miles card is a<br />

personalized <strong>PLUS</strong>Miles<br />

card with a difference -<br />

your own photo!<br />

Similar to the normal <strong>PLUS</strong>Miles<br />

card, My<strong>PLUS</strong>Miles card also<br />

offers exciting benefits for<br />

cardholders such as 5% rebate for<br />

more than RM100 toll usage in a<br />

month as well as exciting points<br />

and discounts from participating<br />

merchants.<br />

Purchasing the merchandise via<br />

online platform is an alternative<br />

channel to facilitate customers<br />

who prefer the convenience of<br />

online purchase straight to their<br />

doorstep. Delivery charges may<br />

be imposing via Poslaju delivery<br />

or free charge when purchase via<br />

normal courier or self-collect.<br />

The online platform also enables<br />

users to also purchase <strong>PLUS</strong>Miles<br />

card or SmartTAG unit.<br />

For details and booking,<br />

please visit http://e-plusmiles.<br /> for online<br />

purchase or contact Sales and<br />

Promotion team at 03-7666 4248.<br />

Nothing is better than using<br />

card with<br />

your favourite photo printed on it!<br />


Aidil Azlan<br />

Ajlin<br />

&Ain<br />

..Terima Kasih..<br />

Bila Dua Jiwa Menjadi Satu<br />

Official Membership card<br />

We Are Family<br /><br />

Door gift to staff during<br />

company annual dinner<br />

Launching of<br />

new movie<br />

Token to wedding reception<br />

committee members<br />

Personal collection<br />

of family members<br />

Company gift to<br />

loyal customers<br />

As staff ID card or<br />

club membership<br />

“Order Now!”<br />

*Terms & Conditions apply<br />

Call sales office : 03-7666 4248<br />

Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm<br />



<strong>PLUS</strong>Line<br />

1 800 88 0000<br />

Like us on<br />

More Savings, Great Rewards<br />

32 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>PLUS</strong> FOCUS<br />

Almost<br />

RM250<br />

Million<br />

Invested for Rest<br />

Area Upgrading<br />

Projects<br />

<strong>PLUS</strong> had invested almost<br />

RM250 million since 2005<br />

to upgrade selected rest<br />

and service areas (RSA) and<br />

lay-bys to help the public enjoy<br />

more comfortable journey on the<br />

highways.<br />

<strong>PLUS</strong> Managing Director, Dato’<br />

Noorizah Hj Abd Hamid said, “For<br />

this year alone, <strong>PLUS</strong> allocates<br />

approximately RM26 million for<br />

upgrading projects at selected<br />

RSAs and lay-bys. It is part of our<br />

commitment to provide only the<br />

best highway services and help<br />

the public enjoy comfortable<br />

travel on the highways.”<br />

According to Noorizah, RSAs<br />

and lay-bys are important<br />

components of the highway<br />

system as they offer rest stops<br />

with many facilities and thereby,<br />

promote safety on the highways.<br />

“These rest areas also contribute<br />

to the socio-economic<br />

development of the surrounding<br />

communities by providing<br />

business and employment<br />

opportunities for the locals,” she<br />

added.<br />

Studies show that RSAs and lay-bys<br />

along the <strong>PLUS</strong> highways created<br />

more than 5,500 employment<br />

opportunities and more than 700<br />

local entrepreneurs.<br />

“The rest areas also help to<br />

promote local products and<br />

domestic tourism,” Noorizah<br />

said.<br />

<strong>PLUS</strong> places great importance on<br />

the concept and design of each<br />

of its upgraded RSAs and lay-bys<br />

to enable highway users enjoy<br />

the best facilities.<br />

Cleaner toilets<br />

The Sungai Perak RSA was upgraded recently<br />

“Our rest area concepts, designs<br />

and management system had<br />

received recognition from<br />

various agencies such as the<br />

Malaysian Architect Association<br />

(PAM), the Malaysian Highway<br />

Authority, Quality Restroom<br />

Association of Malaysia (QRAM),<br />

the Ministry of Housing and Local<br />

Government, the Ministry of<br />

Health and so on,” said Noorizah.<br />

Since 2005, 52 percent of the total<br />

number of rest areas (inclusive<br />

of RSAs, lay-bys and overhead<br />

bridge restaurant) on the <strong>PLUS</strong><br />

highways had been upgraded.<br />

There are currently 24 RSAs, 4<br />

overhead bridge restaurants<br />

and 43 lay-bys along the <strong>PLUS</strong>operated<br />

highways which include<br />

the North-South Expressway<br />

(NSE), the New Klang Valley<br />

Expressway (NKVE), the Federal<br />

Highway Route 2, the Seremban-<br />

Port Dickson Highway, the<br />

ELITE highway, the Secondlink<br />

Highway, the Butterworth-Kulim<br />

Expressway and Penang Bridge.<br />

33 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

safety tip<br />


It doesn't take too long to check<br />

the basic maintenance items<br />

in your car such as engine<br />

oil, transmission fluid or tyres.<br />

This generic car maintenance<br />

checklist is designed to give you<br />

a general idea; as different cars<br />

have different requirements.<br />

For the correct information on<br />

how to maintain your car, as well<br />

as safety precaution, refer to<br />

your vehicle's owner's manual or<br />

take your car to a dealer or auto<br />

repair shop. It's really not that<br />

difficult to keep your car in good<br />

shape. Here are the basics:<br />

checklist<br />

Check your engine oil<br />

• Check engine oil regularly, especially if you notice that the oil level<br />

drops between the oil changes. Engine oil cools down and lubricates<br />

the engine. Driving with very low oil level can cause engine problems.<br />

Check the battery condition visually<br />

• If you see any leaks, cracks or other damage, the battery needs<br />

to be replaced. Make sure the battery terminals are tight and<br />

not corroded. Corrosion at the battery terminals will cause poor<br />

connection, which can result in all kinds of problems, including a<br />

no-start.<br />

Regular mechanical inspection<br />

• For your safety, have your car inspected regularly, at least once a<br />

year, by a mechanic.<br />

Extracted from:<br />

Car maintenance basics<br />

• Read your car owner's manual.<br />

It has all the information on<br />

car maintenance as well as<br />

safety precautions.<br />

• Keep all the fluids (e.g.<br />

engine oil, transmission<br />

fluid, coolant, etc.) clean and<br />

topped up.<br />

• Check tyre pressure regularly.<br />

• Change your windshield<br />

wipers if they don't clean<br />

properly.<br />

• Use only original parts.<br />

34 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

safety tip<br />



5DRIVING<br />

1<br />

Searching your<br />

3<br />

backseat<br />

2<br />

Driving requires you to be<br />

attentive, alert and mentally<br />

present. You never know<br />

when you might be surprised<br />

by a car cutting you off, or a<br />

massive truck screaming by<br />

while you turn your head to<br />

the backseat searching for<br />

some unimportant item. If<br />

it is really necessary, stop<br />

the car, search the seat, find<br />

your desired object and then<br />

continue on your merry way.<br />

Surfing on the<br />

Web<br />

Driving can be really<br />

boring, especially when<br />

stuck in traffic. At some<br />

point honking your horn<br />

randomly or blasting rock<br />

music out into the world at<br />

large just doesn't seem to<br />

cut through the boredom.<br />

That's when you turn to the<br />

internet and lose yourself<br />

in some silly YouTube video<br />

of kittens barking like dogs.<br />

Don't be surprised when the<br />

car behind you blasts an<br />

earsplitting honk to let you<br />

know it's time to lift your<br />

head and drive.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Texting<br />

The number of road<br />

accidents has skyrocketed<br />

in the past few years due to<br />

the latest cell phone trends.<br />

Studies show that drivers<br />

take their eye off the road<br />

for up to 5 seconds while<br />

texting, which sounds to<br />

us like an accident waiting<br />

to happen. Learn to resist<br />

the sound of the ping of an<br />

incoming message from your<br />

cellphone, and wait until<br />

you're done driving.<br />

Putting on<br />

Makeup<br />

Red lights were not invented<br />

so you could do 'touch-ups'.<br />

Neither were traffic jams. If<br />

you doubt the sustainability<br />

of your makeup, try to be<br />

more punctual to events so<br />

you have enough time to<br />

make corrections<br />

Multitasking<br />

We're all guilty of it, and<br />

most drivers will swear that<br />

it doesn't affect their driving<br />

abilities. Eating, drinking,<br />

talking on the phone - even<br />

reprimanding your bratty<br />

kids for fighting in the<br />

back seat - are all things<br />

you should not be doing<br />

while driving. Driving while<br />

multitasking has been shown<br />

to reduce reaction times<br />

to that of someone who is<br />

legally drunk and can lead to<br />

grave consequences.<br />

Extracted from:<br />

35 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

sMART tip<br />

Heat<br />

Stroke<br />

Tips<br />

The first sign of dangerous<br />

heat stroke can be just that –<br />

no sweat. As the temperature<br />

rises, your body’s natural cooling<br />

mechanism, sweat (or more kindly,<br />

perspiration), evaporates and helps<br />

to cool your body. But on those hot,<br />

humid cut-the-air-with-a knife days,<br />

evaporation is slowed and your body<br />

may not be able to keep itself cool.<br />

Heat stroke is much more serious<br />

than heat exhaustion -- it can kill<br />

you. People with heat stroke may<br />

have seizures or go into a coma and<br />

most also have a fever.<br />

Here are some tips for keeping cool<br />

and healthy despite the sweltering<br />

sun and humidity:-<br />

. Don't overexert yourself.<br />

. Drink a quart of fluids an hour.<br />

. Wear loose clothing light in color and fabric, as well as a<br />

hat and sunblock, and stay in the shade or<br />

indoors if possible.<br />

. Open windows and use fans, or turn on air conditioning. If<br />

you don't have air conditioning, go to a public place that<br />

does, like a mall, library, or movie theater.<br />

. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can speed up<br />

dehydration.<br />

. Finally, be a good neighbour - check on the elderly and<br />

chronically ill persons regularly to make sure they're<br />

bearing up under the heat.<br />

Source:<br />

36 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

sMART tip<br />

Haze is traditionally an atmospheric<br />

phenomenon where dust, smoke and other<br />

dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky.<br />

The World Meteorological Organization manual<br />

of codes includes a classification of horizontal<br />

obscuration into categories of fog, ice fog, steam<br />

fog, mist, haze, smoke, volcanic ash, dust, sand and<br />

snow. Sources for haze particles include farming<br />

(ploughing in dry weather), traffic, industry, and<br />

wildfires.<br />

Here are some tips that you can use to treat health<br />

problems caused or made worse by the haze.<br />

HAZE<br />

TIPS<br />

1 Stay indoors as much as possible. While inside<br />

your home:<br />

• keep all doors and windows shut<br />

• turn on the air-cons (fans should be kept off<br />

as much as possible)<br />

• wet mop your house and indoor areas<br />

(sweeping with a broom is not recommended)<br />

2 Stay away from smokers<br />

3 Wear surgical mask<br />

4 If you do smoke, quit immediately<br />

5 Drink at least 2 litres of water a day<br />

6 Wash off dust and dirt as soon as you step<br />

indoors. Ask everyone who lives in your<br />

house to do the same<br />

7 Wash your hands and face<br />

8 Keep your fitness level up<br />

9 Make sure you eat a nutritious, balanced diet<br />

10 See the doctors immediately if your condition worsens<br />

Source : The Star<br />

37 KEMBARA <strong>PLUS</strong> ONLINE APRIL <strong>2015</strong>

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