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Consens Dev Conf Summ Natl Inst Health Consensus development conference summaries / National Institutes of Health 0737-4674 (P) Continues: National Institutes of Health consensus development conference summaries. 1980-1980 8106383 Consens Statement Consensus statement / NIH Consensus Development Conference. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference 1062-0362 (P) Continues: National Institutes of Health consensus development conference consensus statement. Continued by: NIH consensus statement. 1990-1992 9108119 Conserv Biol Conservation biology: the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology 0888-8892 (P) 1523-1739 (E) 1987- 9882301 Conserv Jud s) Conservative Judaism 0010-6542 (P) 1945- 100972295 Consult Pharm The Consultant pharmacist: the journal of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists 0888-5109 (P) 1986- 9013983 Consult Specif Eng s) Consulting-specifying engineer 0892-5046 (P) Formed by the union of: Consulting engineer, and: Specifying engineer. 1987- 9882546 Consultant s) Consultant 0010-7069 (P) 1961- 7501110 Consum Health Perspect s) Consumer health perspectives 0191-3921 (P) Formed by the union of Health perspectives and Quarterly - Consumer Commission on the Accreditation of Health Services. 1978-1983 7901088 Consum Rep s) Consumer reports 0010-7174 (P) Continues Consumers union reports. Absorbed Bread and butter in Apr. 1947. 1942- 0215776 Cont Lens Anterior Eye Contact lens & anterior eye: the journal of the British Contact Lens Association 1367-0484 (P) Continues: Journal of the B. C.L.A.. 1997- Acid-free 9712714 Contact Dermatitis Contact dermatitis 0105-1873 (P) 1600-0536 (E) 1975- 7604950 Contact Intraocul Lens Med J Contact and intraocular lens medical journal 0360-1358 (P) Supersedes Contact lens medical bulletin. 1975-1982 7509610 Contact Point Contact point 0010-7301 (P) 1924- 0417430 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Contam Control s) Contamination control 0010-7395 (P) Continued by Contamination controlbiomedical environments. 1962-1972 0352463 Contam Control Biomed Environ s) Contamination control-biomedical environments 0090-2519 (P) Continues Contamination control. 1972-1972 0352714 Contemp Adm s) Contemporary administrator 0191-9873 (P) Continued by: Contemporary administrator for long-term care. 197u-19uu 9878791 Contemp Adm Long Term Care s) Contemporary administrator for long-term care 0745-2837 (P) Continues: Contemporary administrator. Continued by: Contemporary longterm care. 19uu-1984 9880785 Contemp Anesth Pract Contemporary anesthesia practice 0191-247X (P) Continues: Clinical anesthesia. 1978-1987 7900421 Contemp Clin Trials Contemporary clinical trials 1551-7144 (P) Continues: Controlled clinical trials. 2005- 101242342 Contemp Intern Med s) Contemporary internal medicine 1042-9646 (P) 1989-1998 9007257 Contemp Issues Clin Biochem Contemporary issues in clinical biochemistry 0265-6701 (P) 1984-1986 8508326 Contemp Longterm Care Contemporary longterm care 8750-9652 (P) Continues: Contemporary administrator for long-term care. 1985-2005 8508328 Contemp Neurol Ser Contemporary neurology series 0069-9446 (P) 1966- 0071075 Contemp Nurse Contemporary nurse: a journal for the Australian nursing profession 1037-6178 (P) 1992- 9211867 Contemp Orthop s) Contemporary orthopaedics 0194-8458 (P) 1979-1996 8219527 Contemp Pediatr s) Contemporary pediatrics 8750-0507 (P) 1984- 8702030 Contemp Pharm Pract s) Contemporary pharmacy practice 0162-3761 (P) 1978-1982 7905177 Contemp Surg s) Contemporary surgery 0045-8341 (P) 1972- 0321423 2007 Contemp Top Immunobiol Contemporary topics in immunobiology 0093-4054 (P) 1972-1985 0314145 Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci Contemporary topics in laboratory animal science / American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 1060-0558 (P) Continues: AALAS bulletin. Continued by: Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 1992-2005 9204153 Contemp Top Mol Immunol Contemporary topics in molecular immunology 0090-8800 (P) Continues Contemporary topics in immunochemistry. 1973-1985 0363025 Contemp Urol s) Contemporary urology 1042-2250 (P) 1989- 8912618 Contin Care s) Continuing care 1057-428X (P) Continues: Continuing care coordinator. 1986- 8807456 Continuum Continuum ( Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care) 1082-8419 (P) Continues: Discharge planning update. Continued by: Continuum ( Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care) . 1995-1999 9508119 Continuum (N Y) Continuum 0195-6043 (P) 1980- 9878929 Continuum Soc Soc Work Leadersh Health Care Continuum ( Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care) Continues: Continuum ( Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care) . 1998-2001 100962178 Contracept Fertil Sex Contraception, fertilite, sexualite (1992) 1165-1083 (P) Continues: Fertilite, contraception, sexualite (1991). Continued by: Gynecologie, obstetrique & fertilite. 1992-1999 9314045 Contracept Fertil Sex (Paris) s) Contraception, fertilite, sexualite 0301-861X (P) Supersedes Fertilite, orthogenie. Continued by: Fertilite, contraception, sexualite. 1973-1985 0411244 Contraception Contraception 0010-7824 (P) 1970- 0234361 Contract s) Contract (New York, N. Y.: 1960) 0010-7832 (P) Continued by: Contract design. 1960-1990 9877767 Contract Des s) Contract design 1053-5632 (P) Continues: Contract (New York, N. Y.: 1960). 1990- 9892140 85

Contract Healthc s) Contract healthcare 0891-5059 (P) 1988-1988 9883667 Contract Inter s) Contract interiors 0148-012X (P) Continues: Interiors (Stroudsburg, Pa. ). Continued by: Interiors. 1977-1978 9877842 Contrast Media Mol Imaging Contrast media & molecular imaging 1555-4309 (P) 1555-4317 (E) 2006- Acid-free 101286760 Contrib Epidemiol Biostat Contributions to epidemiology and biostatistics 0377-3574 (P) 1979-1995 7807252 Contrib Gynecol Obstet Contributions to gynecology and obstetrics 0304-4246 (P) Supersedes Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie. 1976- Acid-free 7702984 Contrib Med Stud s) Contributions in medical studies 0886-8220 (P) Continues: Contributions in medical history. 1986- 8700062 Contrib Microbiol Contributions to microbiology 1420-9519 (P) Formed by the union of: Contributions to microbiology and immunology; and: Concepts in immunopathology. 1998- 9815689 Contrib Microbiol Immunol Contributions to microbiology and immunology 0301-3081 (P) Continues: Bibliotheca microbiologica. Merged with: Concepts in immunopathology, to form: Contributions to microbiology. Merged with: Concepts in immunopathology, to form: Contributions to microbiology. 1973-1995 Acid-free 0401476 Contrib Nephrol Contributions to nephrology 0302-5144 (P) 1975- Acid-free 7513582 Contrib Primatol s) Contributions to primatology 0301-4231 (P) Supersedes Bibliotheca primatologica. 1974-1991 0420475 Contrib Sens Physiol Contributions to sensory physiology 0069-9705 (P) 1965-1984 0006021 Control Clin Trials Controlled clinical trials 0197-2456 (P) Continued in part by: Clinical trials (London, England). Continued by: Contemporary clinical trials. 1980-2004 Acid-free 8006242 Convuls Ther Convulsive therapy 0749-8055 (P) Continued by: Journal of ECT. 1985-1997 8506311 86 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED COO Rep COO [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1959-1970 21830370R Coop Dent (B Aires) El Cooperador dental; cooperativismo, informacion y ciencia odontologica 0069-9799 (P) 1933- 16420030R COPD COPD 1541-2555 (P) 1541-2563 (E) 2004- 101211769 Cor Vasa Cor et vasa 0010-8650 (P) 1959- 0372614 Cornea Cornea 0277-3740 (P) 1536-4798 (E) 1982- 8216186 Cornell Hotel Restaur Adm Q The Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly 0010-8804 (P) 1960- 9877768 Cornell J Law Public Policy s) Cornell journal of law and public policy 1069-0565 (P) 1992- 9892180 Cornell Law Rev s) Cornell law review 0010-8847 (P) Continues: Cornell law quarterly. 1967- 7703647 Cornell Vet The Cornell veterinarian 0010-8901 (P) 1911-1994 0074245 Coron Artery Dis Coronary artery disease 0954-6928 (P) 1990- 9011445 Corp Comment s) Corporate commentary 0749-4335 (P) Continued by: Healthy companies. 1984-1987 8501367 Corps Med (Ettelbruck) Le Corps medical 0376-7582 (P) Continues Bulletin d’information du Syndicat medical du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. 1961-1975 7600506 Corr Farm Il Corriere dei farmacisti 0010-9207 (P) 1946-1968 16420500R Correct Soc Psych J Behav Tech Methods Ther s) Corrective and social psychiatry and journal of behavior technology methods and therapy 0093-1551 (P) Continues Corrective and social psychiatry and journal of applied behavior therapy. 1974-199u 0427426 Cortex Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior 0010-9452 (P) 1964- 0100725 2007 Cosmetologica Cosmetologica 0070-055X (P) Continues: Aesthetische Medizin. Continued by: Kosmetische Medizin. 1970-1970 0247470 Cost Containment s) Cost containment 0198-9782 (P) Merged with: Target market, to become: Health care Marketer & target market. 1979-1986 8002944 Cost Qual Cost & quality: CQ Continues: Cost & quality quarterly journal. Merged with the online journal: The NHCQA bulletin, to form: Real healthcare 1999-2001 101126987 Cost Qual Q J s) Cost & quality quarterly journal: CQ 1079-5057 (P) Continued by: Cost & quality. 1994-1999 9602863 CPJ s) CPJ: Canadian pharmaceutical journal = RPC: la revue pharmaceutique canadienne 0828-6914 (P) Continues: Canadian pharmaceutical journal. Continued by: Canadian pharmacists journal. 1984-2005 0372710 Cr Trav Lab Carlsberg Ser Physiol Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Serie physiologique Continues in part Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Merged with Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Serie chimique to form Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. 1934-1957 0004706 Cranio Cranio: the journal of craniomandibular practice 0886-9634 (P) Continues: The Journal of cranio-mandibular practice. 1985- 8609491 Cranio Clin Int Cranio clinics international 1050-009X (P) 1991-1991 9203232 CRC Crit Rev Biochem CRC critical reviews in biochemistry 0045-6411 (P) Continued by: Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology. 1972-1988 0330403 CRC Crit Rev Bioeng CRC critical reviews in bioengineering 0045-642X (P) Continued by: Critical reviews in bioengineering. 1971-1979 1307350 CRC Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci CRC critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 0590-8191 (P) Continued by: Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences. 1970-1980 1247734 CRC Crit Rev Clin Neurobiol CRC critical reviews in clinical neurobiology 0742-941X (P) Continued by: Critical reviews in neurobiology. 1984-1987 8506657

Contract Healthc<br />

s) Contract healthcare<br />

0891-5059 (P)<br />

1988-1988 9883667<br />

Contract Inter<br />

s) Contract interiors<br />

0148-012X (P)<br />

Continues: Interiors (Stroudsburg, Pa. ).<br />

Continued by: Interiors.<br />

1977-1978 9877842<br />

Contrast Media Mol Imaging<br />

Contrast media & molecular imaging<br />

1555-4309 (P) 1555-4317 (E)<br />

2006- Acid-free 101286760<br />

Contrib Epidemiol Biostat<br />

Contributions to epidemiology and<br />

biostatistics<br />

0377-3574 (P)<br />

1979-1995 7807252<br />

Contrib Gynecol Obstet<br />

Contributions to gynecology and obstetrics<br />

0304-4246 (P)<br />

Supersedes Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und<br />

Gynakologie.<br />

1976- Acid-free 7702984<br />

Contrib Med Stud<br />

s) Contributions in medical studies<br />

0886-8220 (P)<br />

Continues: Contributions in medical history.<br />

1986- 8700062<br />

Contrib Microbiol<br />

Contributions to microbiology<br />

1420-9519 (P)<br />

Formed by the union <strong>of</strong>: Contributions to<br />

microbiology and immunology; and: Concepts<br />

in immunopathology.<br />

1998- 9815689<br />

Contrib Microbiol Immunol<br />

Contributions to microbiology and immunology<br />

0301-3081 (P)<br />

Continues: Bibliotheca microbiologica.<br />

Merged with: Concepts in immunopathology, to<br />

form: Contributions to microbiology. Merged<br />

with: Concepts in immunopathology, to form:<br />

Contributions to microbiology.<br />

1973-1995 Acid-free 0401476<br />

Contrib Nephrol<br />

Contributions to nephrology<br />

0302-5144 (P)<br />

1975- Acid-free 7513582<br />

Contrib Primatol<br />

s) Contributions to primatology<br />

0301-4231 (P)<br />

Supersedes Bibliotheca primatologica.<br />

1974-1991 0420475<br />

Contrib Sens Physiol<br />

Contributions to sensory physiology<br />

0069-9705 (P)<br />

1965-1984 0006021<br />

Control Clin Trials<br />

Controlled clinical trials<br />

0197-2456 (P)<br />

Continued in part by: Clinical trials<br />

(London, England). Continued by:<br />

Contemporary clinical trials.<br />

1980-2004 Acid-free 8006242<br />

Convuls Ther<br />

Convulsive therapy<br />

0749-8055 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong> ECT.<br />

1985-1997 8506311<br />

86<br />


COO Rep<br />

COO [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission<br />

1959-1970 21830370R<br />

Coop Dent (B Aires)<br />

El Cooperador dental; cooperativismo,<br />

informacion y ciencia odontologica<br />

0069-9799 (P)<br />

1933- 16420030R<br />


1541-2555 (P) 1541-2563 (E)<br />

2004- 101211769<br />

Cor Vasa<br />

Cor et vasa<br />

0010-8650 (P)<br />

1959- 0372614<br />

Cornea<br />

Cornea<br />

0277-3740 (P) 1536-4798 (E)<br />

1982- 8216186<br />

Cornell Hotel Restaur Adm Q<br />

The Cornell hotel and restaurant<br />

administration quarterly<br />

0010-8804 (P)<br />

1960- 9877768<br />

Cornell J Law Public Policy<br />

s) Cornell journal <strong>of</strong> law and public policy<br />

1069-0565 (P)<br />

1992- 9892180<br />

Cornell Law Rev<br />

s) Cornell law review<br />

0010-8847 (P)<br />

Continues: Cornell law quarterly.<br />

1967- 7703647<br />

Cornell Vet<br />

The Cornell veterinarian<br />

0010-8901 (P)<br />

1911-1994 0074245<br />

Coron Artery Dis<br />

Coronary artery disease<br />

0954-6928 (P)<br />

1990- 9011445<br />

Corp Comment<br />

s) Corporate commentary<br />

0749-4335 (P)<br />

Continued by: Healthy companies.<br />

1984-1987 8501367<br />

Corps Med (Ettelbruck)<br />

Le Corps medical<br />

0376-7582 (P)<br />

Continues Bulletin d’information du Syndicat<br />

medical du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg.<br />

1961-1975 7600506<br />

Corr Farm<br />

Il Corriere dei farmacisti<br />

0010-9207 (P)<br />

1946-1968 16420500R<br />

Correct Soc Psych J Behav Tech Methods Ther<br />

s) Corrective and social psychiatry and journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> behavior technology methods and therapy<br />

0093-1551 (P)<br />

Continues Corrective and social psychiatry<br />

and journal <strong>of</strong> applied behavior therapy.<br />

1974-199u 0427426<br />

Cortex Cortex; a journal devoted to the study <strong>of</strong><br />

the nervous system and behavior<br />

0010-9452 (P)<br />

1964- 0100725<br />

2007<br />

Cosmetologica<br />

Cosmetologica<br />

0070-055X (P)<br />

Continues: Aesthetische Medizin. Continued<br />

by: Kosmetische Medizin.<br />

1970-1970 0247470<br />

Cost Containment<br />

s) Cost containment<br />

0198-9782 (P)<br />

Merged with: Target market, to become:<br />

Health care Marketer & target market.<br />

1979-1986 8002944<br />

Cost Qual<br />

Cost & quality: CQ<br />

Continues: Cost & quality quarterly journal.<br />

Merged with the online journal: The NHCQA<br />

bulletin, to form: Real healthcare<br />

1999-2001 101126987<br />

Cost Qual Q J<br />

s) Cost & quality quarterly journal: CQ<br />

1079-5057 (P)<br />

Continued by: Cost & quality.<br />

1994-1999 9602863<br />

CPJ<br />

s) CPJ: Canadian pharmaceutical journal = RPC:<br />

la revue pharmaceutique canadienne<br />

0828-6914 (P)<br />

Continues: Canadian pharmaceutical journal.<br />

Continued by: Canadian pharmacists journal.<br />

1984-2005 0372710<br />

Cr Trav Lab Carlsberg Ser Physiol<br />

Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire<br />

Carlsberg. Serie physiologique<br />

Continues in part Comptes rendus des travaux<br />

du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Merged with<br />

Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire<br />

Carlsberg. Serie chimique to form Comptes<br />

rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg.<br />

1934-1957 0004706<br />

Cranio<br />

Cranio: the journal <strong>of</strong> craniomandibular<br />

practice<br />

0886-9634 (P)<br />

Continues: The Journal <strong>of</strong> cranio-mandibular<br />

practice.<br />

1985- 8609491<br />

Cranio Clin Int<br />

Cranio clinics international<br />

1050-009X (P)<br />

1991-1991 9203232<br />

CRC Crit Rev Biochem<br />

CRC critical reviews in biochemistry<br />

0045-6411 (P)<br />

Continued by: Critical reviews in<br />

biochemistry and molecular biology.<br />

1972-1988 0330403<br />

CRC Crit Rev Bioeng<br />

CRC critical reviews in bioengineering<br />

0045-642X (P)<br />

Continued by: Critical reviews in<br />

bioengineering.<br />

1971-1979 1307350<br />

CRC Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci<br />

CRC critical reviews in clinical laboratory<br />

sciences<br />

0590-8191 (P)<br />

Continued by: Critical reviews in clinical<br />

laboratory sciences.<br />

1970-1980 1247734<br />

CRC Crit Rev Clin Neurobiol<br />

CRC critical reviews in clinical neurobiology<br />

0742-941X (P)<br />

Continued by: Critical reviews in<br />

neurobiology.<br />

1984-1987 8506657

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