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Brookhaven Symp Biol s) Brookhaven symposia in biology 0068-2799 (P) Continues the Proceedings of the Biology Conference, Brookhaven National Laboratory. 1952- 2984279R Brookings Bull s) Brookings bulletin (Washington, D. C.: 1962) 0007-229X (P) Continued by: Brookings review. 1962-1982 9876873 Brookings Rev s) The Brookings review 0745-1253 (P) Continues: Brookings bulletin ( Washington, D. C.: 1962) . 1982- 9879923 Brooklyn Hosp J The Brooklyn Hospital journal 1939-1954 15740450R Bruns Beitr Klin Chir Bruns’ Beitrage fur klinische Chirurgie 0007-2680 (P) Continues: Bruns’ Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie, ISSN 0007-2680, published 1916-71. Absorbed by: Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie. 1971-1974 7611943 Bruns Beitr Klinischen Chir Bruns’ Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie 0007-2680 (P) Continues Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie. Continued by Bruns’ Beitrage fur klinische Chirurgie. 1916-1971 7611944 Brux Med Bruxelles medical 0068-3027 (P) Supersedes Journal medical de Bruxelles, issued 1896-1914. Absorbed by: Revue medicale de Bruxelles. 1921-1979 0372561 BSCS Pam BSCS pamphlets 1963-1965 15430430R BTTA Rev B. T.T.A. review 0300-9602 (P) 1971-1974 1273753 Buch Augenarzt Bucherei des Augenarztes 0068-3361 (P) 1938-1996 0372556 Build Oper Manage s) Building operating management 0007-3490 (P) Continues: Building maintenance and modernization. 1970- 9877755 Build Syst Des s) Building systems design 0002-2284 (P) Continues: Air conditioning, heating, and ventilating. Continued by: Energy engineering. 1969-1979 9877812 Bul Stiint Sect Stiint Medicale Acad Republicii Pop Romane Buletin stiintific. Sectiunea de stiinte medicale. Academia Republicii Populare Romane 1948-1957 14490480R LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Bul Univ Shtet Tiranes Ser Shk Mjekesore Buletin i Universitetit Shteteror te Tiranes. Seria shkencat mjekesore 0302-900X (P) 1961-1975 7505300 Bull Acad Chir Dent (Paris) Bulletin de l’Academie de chirurgie dentaire 0339-9710 (P) Continues Bulletin de l’Academie dentaire. Continued by: Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de chirurgie dentaire (1983). 1974-1982 7705554 Bull Acad Dent (Paris) Bulletin de l’Academie dentaire 0339-9729 (P) Continues Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de chirurgie dentaire. Continued by Bulletin de l’Academie de chirurgie dentaire. 1963-1973 7503381 Bull Acad Dent Handicap Bulletin of Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped 0567-6657 (P) Continued by: Newsletter of the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped (1966). 1963-1965 7503460 Bull Acad Gen Dent The Bulletin of the Academy of General Dentistry 0098-3810 (P) Continued by the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry. 1960-1969 7503419 Bull Acad Med N J Bulletin - Academy of Medicine of New Jersey 0001-429X (P) 1955-1970 7503324 Bull Acad Natl Chir Dent Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de chirurgie dentaire (1983) 0339-9710 (P) Continues: Bulletin de l’Academie de chirurgie dentaire. 1983-1999 8913643 Bull Acad Natl Med Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de medecine 0001-4079 (P) Continues: Bulletin de l’Academie de medecine. 1947- 7503383 Bull Acad Pol Sci Biol s) Bulletin de l’Academie polonaise des sciences. Serie des sciences biologiques Continues: Bulletin de l’Academie polonaise des sciences. Classe 2e. Continued by: Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Biology. 1957-1982 7505346 Bull Acad R Med Belg Bulletin de l’Academie royale de medecine de Belgique 0001-4168 (P) Merged with Memoires de l’Academie royale de medecine de Belgique to form Bulletin et memoires de l’Academie royal de medecine de Belgique. 1841-1974 7608461 Bull Acad Serbe Sci Arts Bulletin. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Belgrad. Odeljenje medicinskih nauka 0584-9829 (P) Continues the Bulletin of the Odeljenje medicinskih nauka of the Srpska akademija nauka, Belgrad. 1961- 59530360R 2007 Bull Acad Vet Fr Bulletin de l’Academie veterinaire de France 0001-4192 (P) Continues the Bulletin of the Societe centrale de medecine veterinaire. 1928- 7503384 Bull Akron City Hosp The Bulletin of Akron City Hospital 0516-3285 (P) 1952-1966 7503461 Bull Akron Dent Soc Bulletin of the Akron Dental Society 0002-3701 (P) 193u-1981 7503422 Bull Alameda Cty Dent Soc Bulletin - Alameda County Dental Society 0098-3764 (P) Continues the Bulletin of the Alameda County District Dental society. 1957-19uu 7503327 Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 0091-634X (P) Supersedes the academy’s Newsletter. Continued by: Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 1972-1996 Acid-free 7503424 Bull Am Assoc Dent Ed The Bulletin - American Association of Dental Editors 0569-2555 (P) Continues: News letter ( American Association of Dental Editors) . Merged with Transactions - American Association of Dental Editors to form AADE editors’ journal. 1963-1973 7609222 Bull Am Assoc Hist Nurs Bulletin ( American Association for the History of Nursing) 0898-6622 (P) 1982- 8711207 Bull Am Assoc Hosp Dent Bulletin - American Association of Hospital Dentists Continues Bulletin - American Association of Hospital Dental Chiefs. 1969- 7505302 Bull Am Coll Nurse Midwifery Bulletin of the American College of Nurse- Midwifery 0098-3721 (P) Continued by Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwives. 1955-1969 7503426 Bull Am Coll Nurse Midwives Bulletin of the American College of Nurse- Midwives 0002-8002 (P) Continues the Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery. Continued by the Journal of nurse-midwifery. 1969-1972 7503427 Bull Am Coll Physicians s) The Bulletin of the American College of Physicians 0002-8010 (P) Continued by: Forum on medicine. 1960-1978 7503428 Bull Am Coll Surg s) Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 0002-8045 (P) 1916- 7507024 59

Bull Am Protestant Hosp Assoc Bulletin - American Protestant Hospital Association 0003-0635 (P) Continued by: Care giver. 1936-1983 7505304 Bull Am Soc Inf Sci s) Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science / ASIS 0095-4403 (P) Continues: ASIS newsletter. Continued in part in Apr. 1981 by: American Society for Information Science. ASIS news. 1974-2000 9875688 Bull Anesth Hist s) Bulletin of anesthesia history 1522-8649 (P) Continues: Anesthesia History Association newsletter. 1995- 100891616 Bull Anim Health Prod Afr Bulletin of animal health and production in Africa. Bulletin des sante et production animales en Afrique 0378-9721 (P) Continues Bulletin of epizootic diseases of Africa. Bulletin des epizooties en Afrique. 1975- 7900540 Bull Assoc Anat (Nancy) Bulletin de l’Association des anatomistes 0376-6160 (P) Continues: Comptes rendus de l’Association des anatomistes. Continued by: Morphologie. 1973-1997 7503386 Bull Assoc Diplomes Microbiol Fac Pharm Nancy Bulletin de l’Association des diplomes de microbiologie de la Faculte de pharmacie de Nancy 0004-5373 (P) 1931-1974 7603017 Bull Assoc Fr Etud Cancer Bulletin de l’Association francaise pour l’etude du cancer 0004-5497 (P) Continued by Bulletin du cancer. 1908-1965 7503389 Bull Assoc Med Haiti Bulletin. Association medicale haitienne 1948-19uu 15340060R Bull Atl Cape May Cty Dent Soc Bulletin / Atlantic-Cape May County Dental Society 1964- 9884052 Bull Audiophonol s) Bulletin d’audiophonologie 0338-9405 (P) 1971-1999 0340744 Bull Bergen Cty Dent Soc The Bulletin of the Bergen County Dental Society 0067-5776 (P) Continued by the Journal of the Bergen County Dental Society. 1934-1973 7503432 Bull Biol Fr Belg s) Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique 0007-4187 (P) Continues the Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. 1917-1979 0421527 Bull Bronx Cty Dent Soc Bulletin. Bronx County Dental Society 1946- 15740380R 60 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Bull Brooklyn Bulletin. Brooklyn. Jewish Hospital 1959-1961 15740470R Bull Calcutta Sch Trop Med Bulletin of the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine 0068-5372 (P) 1953-1988 7503435 Bull Can Hist Med Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la medecine = Canadian bulletin of medical history 0823-2105 (P) Continues: Newsletter ( Canadian Society for the History of Medicine) . Continued by: Canadian bulletin of medical history. 1984-1986 8703431 Bull Cancer Bulletin du cancer 0007-4551 (P) 1769-6917 (E) Continues: Bulletin of the Association francaise pour l’etude du cancer. Absorbed in Apr. 2004: Electronic journal of oncology. Continued in part by: Bulletin du cancer. Radiotherapie. 1966- 0072416 Bull Cancer Inst Okayama Univ Med Sch Bulletin. Okayama Daigaku. Igakubu. Gangen Kenkyu Shisetsu 0474-0238 (P) 1961-1962 19330530R Bull Cancer Radiother Bulletin du cancer. Radiotherapie: journal de la Societe francaise du cancer: organe de la societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique 0924-4212 (P) Continues in part: Bulletin du cancer. Continued by: Cancer radiotherapie. 1990-1996 9005324 Bull Cercle Benelux Hist Pharm s) Bulletin - Cercle Benelux d’histoire de la pharmacie 0528-600X (P) 1951- 7505306 Bull Cerp Bulletin du C. E. R. P Continues the Bulletin of the Centre d’etudes et recherches psychotechniques. 1960-1975 0163727 Bull Chem Soc Jpn Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 0009-2673 (P) 1926- 7505371 Bull Chest Dis Res Inst Kyoto Univ Bulletin of the Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University 0009-3378 (P) Formed by the union of Acta tuberculosea Japonica and Kyoto Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyusho kiyo. 1968-1991 7505372 Bull Chic Med Soc Bulletin. Chicago Medical Society Continued by Chicago medicine. 1902-1960 16130530R Bull Cincinnati Dent Soc Bulletin - Cincinnati Dental Society 0190-0439 (P) Continues The Cincinnati Dental Society bulletin. Continued by: Cincinnati Dental Society bulletin (1979). 1975-1978 7806775 2007 Bull Cincinnati Dent Soc The Bulletin of the Cincinnati Dental Society 0069-4096 (P) Continued by The Cincinnati Dental Society bulletin. 1930-1974 7502027 Bull Cleve Dent Soc The Bulletin of the Cleveland Dental Society 0009-8795 (P) 1914-1988 7503437 Bull Clin Neurosci Bulletin of clinical neurosciences 0736-3583 (P) Continues: Bulletin of the Los Angeles neurological societies. 1983-1991 8411675 Bull Contra Costa Dent Soc Bulletin Of The Contra Costa Dental Society Continues: Contra Costa Dental Bulletin. Continued by: Journal / Contra Costa Dental Society. 1967-1967 9884678 Bull Dayton Dent Soc Bulletin. Dayton (Ohio) Dental Society Continued by: Dayton Dental Society bulletin. 1950-1969 16510460R Bull Dent Guid Counc Cereb Palsy Bulletin of the Dental Guidance Council for Cerebral Palsy 0011-8591 (P) Continued by Journal of the Dental Guidance Council on the Handicapped. 1961-1974 7703860 Bull Eighth Dist Dent Soc Bulletin of the 8th District Dental Society 0190-0277 (P) 1940- 7806517 Bull Eleventh Dist Dent Soc Bulletin of the Eleventh District Dental Society 0013-6166 (P) 1962-1980 7507027 Bull Endem Dis (Baghdad) Bulletin of endemic diseases 0007-4845 (P) 1954-1989 0401037 Bull Entomol Res Bulletin of entomological research 0007-4853 (P) 1910- Acid-free 2984715R Bull Environ Contam Toxicol Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 0007-4861 (P) 1966- Acid-free 0046021 Bull Epizoot Dis Afr Bulletin of epizootic diseases of Africa. Bulletin des epizooties en Afrique 0007-487X (P) Continued by Bulletin of animal health and production in Africa. Bulletin de sante et production animales en Afrique. 1953-1974 0004333 Bull Essex Cty Dent Soc The Bulletin - Essex County Dental Society 0014-0929 (P) 1933- 7608460

Brookhaven Symp Biol<br />

s) Brookhaven symposia in biology<br />

0068-2799 (P)<br />

Continues the Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Biology<br />

Conference, Brookhaven National Laboratory.<br />

1952- 2984279R<br />

Brookings Bull<br />

s) Brookings bulletin (Washington, D. C.: 1962)<br />

0007-229X (P)<br />

Continued by: Brookings review.<br />

1962-1982 9876873<br />

Brookings Rev<br />

s) The Brookings review<br />

0745-1253 (P)<br />

Continues: Brookings bulletin ( Washington, D.<br />

C.: 1962) .<br />

1982- 9879923<br />

Brooklyn Hosp J<br />

The Brooklyn Hospital journal<br />

1939-1954 15740450R<br />

Bruns Beitr Klin Chir<br />

Bruns’ Beitrage fur klinische Chirurgie<br />

0007-2680 (P)<br />

Continues: Bruns’ Beitrage zur klinischen<br />

Chirurgie, ISSN 0007-2680, published 1916-71.<br />

Absorbed by: Langenbecks Archiv fur<br />

Chirurgie.<br />

1971-1974 7611943<br />

Bruns Beitr Klinischen Chir<br />

Bruns’ Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie<br />

0007-2680 (P)<br />

Continues Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie.<br />

Continued by Bruns’ Beitrage fur klinische<br />

Chirurgie.<br />

1916-1971 7611944<br />

Brux Med<br />

Bruxelles medical<br />

0068-3027 (P)<br />

Supersedes Journal medical de Bruxelles,<br />

issued 1896-1914. Absorbed by: Revue<br />

medicale de Bruxelles.<br />

1921-1979 0372561<br />

BSCS Pam<br />

BSCS pamphlets<br />

1963-1965 15430430R<br />

BTTA Rev<br />

B. T.T.A. review<br />

0300-9602 (P)<br />

1971-1974 1273753<br />

Buch Augenarzt<br />

Bucherei des Augenarztes<br />

0068-3361 (P)<br />

1938-1996 0372556<br />

Build Oper Manage<br />

s) Building operating management<br />

0007-3490 (P)<br />

Continues: Building maintenance and<br />

modernization.<br />

1970- 9877755<br />

Build Syst Des<br />

s) Building systems design<br />

0002-2284 (P)<br />

Continues: Air conditioning, heating, and<br />

ventilating. Continued by: Energy<br />

engineering.<br />

1969-1979 9877812<br />

Bul Stiint Sect Stiint Medicale Acad<br />

Republicii Pop Romane<br />

Buletin stiintific. Sectiunea de stiinte<br />

medicale. Academia Republicii Populare<br />

Romane<br />

1948-1957 14490480R<br />


Bul Univ Shtet Tiranes Ser Shk Mjekesore<br />

Buletin i Universitetit Shteteror te Tiranes.<br />

Seria shkencat mjekesore<br />

0302-900X (P)<br />

1961-1975 7505300<br />

Bull Acad Chir Dent (Paris)<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie de chirurgie dentaire<br />

0339-9710 (P)<br />

Continues Bulletin de l’Academie dentaire.<br />

Continued by: Bulletin de l’Academie<br />

nationale de chirurgie dentaire (1983).<br />

1974-1982 7705554<br />

Bull Acad Dent (Paris)<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie dentaire<br />

0339-9729 (P)<br />

Continues Bulletin de l’Academie nationale<br />

de chirurgie dentaire. Continued by<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie de chirurgie dentaire.<br />

1963-1973 7503381<br />

Bull Acad Dent Handicap<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> Academy <strong>of</strong> Dentistry for the<br />

Handicapped<br />

0567-6657 (P)<br />

Continued by: Newsletter <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong><br />

Dentistry for the Handicapped (1966).<br />

1963-1965 7503460<br />

Bull Acad Gen Dent<br />

The Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong> General<br />

Dentistry<br />

0098-3810 (P)<br />

Continued by the Journal <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong><br />

General Dentistry.<br />

1960-1969 7503419<br />

Bull Acad Med N J<br />

Bulletin - Academy <strong>of</strong> Medicine <strong>of</strong> New Jersey<br />

0001-429X (P)<br />

1955-1970 7503324<br />

Bull Acad Natl Chir Dent<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de<br />

chirurgie dentaire (1983)<br />

0339-9710 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin de l’Academie de<br />

chirurgie dentaire.<br />

1983-1999 8913643<br />

Bull Acad Natl Med<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de medecine<br />

0001-4079 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin de l’Academie de<br />

medecine.<br />

1947- 7503383<br />

Bull Acad Pol Sci Biol<br />

s) Bulletin de l’Academie polonaise des<br />

sciences. Serie des sciences biologiques<br />

Continues: Bulletin de l’Academie polonaise<br />

des sciences. Classe 2e. Continued by:<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Polish Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences.<br />

Biology.<br />

1957-1982 7505346<br />

Bull Acad R Med Belg<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie royale de medecine de<br />

Belgique<br />

0001-4168 (P)<br />

Merged with Memoires de l’Academie royale de<br />

medecine de Belgique to form Bulletin et<br />

memoires de l’Academie royal de medecine de<br />

Belgique.<br />

1841-1974 7608461<br />

Bull Acad Serbe Sci Arts<br />

Bulletin. Srpska akademija nauka i<br />

umetnosti, Belgrad. Odeljenje medicinskih<br />

nauka<br />

0584-9829 (P)<br />

Continues the Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Odeljenje<br />

medicinskih nauka <strong>of</strong> the Srpska akademija<br />

nauka, Belgrad.<br />

1961- 59530360R<br />

2007<br />

Bull Acad Vet Fr<br />

Bulletin de l’Academie veterinaire de France<br />

0001-4192 (P)<br />

Continues the Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Societe<br />

centrale de medecine veterinaire.<br />

1928- 7503384<br />

Bull Akron City Hosp<br />

The Bulletin <strong>of</strong> Akron City Hospital<br />

0516-3285 (P)<br />

1952-1966 7503461<br />

Bull Akron Dent Soc<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Akron Dental Society<br />

0002-3701 (P)<br />

193u-1981 7503422<br />

Bull Alameda Cty Dent Soc<br />

Bulletin - Alameda County Dental Society<br />

0098-3764 (P)<br />

Continues the Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Alameda County<br />

District Dental society.<br />

1957-19uu 7503327<br />

Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law<br />

The Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American Academy <strong>of</strong><br />

Psychiatry and the Law<br />

0091-634X (P)<br />

Supersedes the academy’s Newsletter.<br />

Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Academy <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry and the Law.<br />

1972-1996 Acid-free 7503424<br />

Bull Am Assoc Dent Ed<br />

The Bulletin - American Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Dental Editors<br />

0569-2555 (P)<br />

Continues: News letter ( American Association<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dental Editors) . Merged with<br />

Transactions - American Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Dental Editors to form AADE editors’ journal.<br />

1963-1973 7609222<br />

Bull Am Assoc Hist Nurs<br />

Bulletin ( American Association for the<br />

History <strong>of</strong> Nursing)<br />

0898-6622 (P)<br />

1982- 8711207<br />

Bull Am Assoc Hosp Dent<br />

Bulletin - American Association <strong>of</strong> Hospital<br />

Dentists<br />

Continues Bulletin - American Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Hospital Dental Chiefs.<br />

1969- 7505302<br />

Bull Am Coll Nurse Midwifery<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American College <strong>of</strong> Nurse-<br />

Midwifery<br />

0098-3721 (P)<br />

Continued by Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

College <strong>of</strong> Nurse-Midwives.<br />

1955-1969 7503426<br />

Bull Am Coll Nurse Midwives<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American College <strong>of</strong> Nurse-<br />

Midwives<br />

0002-8002 (P)<br />

Continues the Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

College <strong>of</strong> Nurse-Midwifery. Continued by<br />

the Journal <strong>of</strong> nurse-midwifery.<br />

1969-1972 7503427<br />

Bull Am Coll Physicians<br />

s) The Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American College <strong>of</strong><br />

Physicians<br />

0002-8010 (P)<br />

Continued by: Forum on medicine.<br />

1960-1978 7503428<br />

Bull Am Coll Surg<br />

s) Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the American College <strong>of</strong> Surgeons<br />

0002-8045 (P)<br />

1916- 7507024<br />


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