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Appl Nurs Res Applied nursing research: ANR 0897-1897 (P) 1532-8201 (E) 1988- 8901557 Appl Occup Environ Hyg Applied occupational and environmental hygiene 1047-322X (P) 1521-0898 (E) Continues: Applied industrial hygiene. Merged with: AIHA journal, to form: Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 1990-2003 9103256 Appl Opt s) Applied optics 0003-6935 (P) 1539-4522 (E) 1962- 0247660 Appl Parasitol s) Applied parasitology 0943-0938 (P) Continues: Angewandte Parasitologie. 1993-1996 9308726 Appl Pathol Applied pathology 0252-1172 (P) 1983-1989 8308921 Appl Physiol Nutr Metab Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme 1715-5312 (P) Continues: Canadian journal of applied physiology. 2006- 101264333 Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback 1090-0586 (P) Continues: Biofeedback and self-regulation. 1997- 9712383 Appl Radiat Isot s) Applied radiation and isotopes: including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine 0969-8043 (P) Continues: International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A, Applied radiation and isotopes. 1993- Acid-free 9306253 Appl Radiol s) Applied radiology 0160-9963 (P) Continues Applied radiology and nuclear medicine. 1976- 7708167 Appl Res Ment Retard Applied research in mental retardation 0270-3092 (P) Merged with: Analysis and intervention in developmental disabilities, to form: Research in developmental disabilities. 1980-1986 8101119 Appl Spectrosc s) Applied spectroscopy 0003-7028 (P) Continues: Bulletin of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. 1951- 0372406 Appl Theor Electrophor Applied and theoretical electrophoresis: the official journal of the International Electrophoresis Society 0954-6642 (P) 1988-1996 Acid-free 8915308 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Appl Ther Applied therapeutics 0570-4944 (P) 1960-1970 1310652 Aptechn Delo Aptechnoe delo Continued by Farmatsiia. 1952-1966 0136645 Aquat Toxicol Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 0166-445X (P) 1981- 8500246 Arb Gesch Med Giessen s) Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin in Giessen 0174-268X (P) 1979- 8005330 Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Bundesamt Sera Impfstoffe Frankf A M Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Bundesamt fur Sera und Impfstoffe) zu Frankfurt a. M 0936-8671 (P) Continues: Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich- Institut, dem Georg-Speyer-Haus und dem Ferdinand-Blum-Institut zu Frankfurt a. M. 1988- 8912864 Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Georg Speyer Haus Ferdinand Blum Inst Frankf A M Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, dem Georg-Speyer-Haus und dem Ferdinand-Blum- Institut zu Frankfurt a. M 0066-5665 (P) Continues Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich- Institut und dem Georg Speyer-Hause zu Frankfurt a. M. Continued by: Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut ( Bundesamt fur Sera und Impfstoffe) zu Frankfurt a.M. 1950-1988 7505218 Arbeitsphysiologie Arbeitsphysiologie; internationale Zeitschrift fur angewandte Physiologie Continued by Internationale Zeitschrift fur angewandte Physiologie einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie. 1928-1954 15120390R Arch Anat Cytol Pathol Archives d’anatomie et de cytologie pathologiques 0395-501X (P) Continues: Archives d’anatomie pathologique. Continued by: Clinical and experimental pathology. 1976-1998 7609770 Arch Anat Histol Embryol Archives d’anatomie, d’histologie et d’embryologie normales et experimentales 0249-5554 (P) Continues: Archives d’anatomie, d’histologie et d’embryologie. 1956-1994 0372423 Arch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp s) Archives d’anatomie microscopique et de morphologie experimentale 0003-9594 (P) Continues: Archives d’anatomie microscopique, issued 1897-1939/40. Continued by: Biological structures and morphogenesis. 1947-1987 0406007 Arch Anat Pathol (Paris) Archives d’anatomie pathologique 0003-9608 (P) Continued by Archives d’anatomie et de cytologie pathologiques. 1953-1975 7609771 2007 Arch Androl Archives of andrology 0148-5016 (P) 1521-0375 (E) Absorbed: Advances in reproduction. 1978- Acid-free 7806755 Arch Anim Nutr Archives of animal nutrition 1745-039X (P) 1477-2817 (E) Continues: Archiv fur Tierernahrung. 2004- 101222433 Arch Argent Dermatol Archivos argentinos de dermatologia 0066-6750 (P) 1951- 0372456 Arch Argent Pediatr Archivos argentinos de pediatria 0004-0487 (P) Supersedes Archivos latino-americanos de pediatria. 1930- 0372460 Arch Argent Tisiol Archivos argentinos de tisiologia 0301-8342 (P) Continues Archivos de tisiologia. 1938-1956 0411754 Arch Argent Tisiol Neumonol Archivos argentinos de tisiologia y neumonologia 0004-0509 (P) Continues Archivos argentinos de tisiologia. 1956-1980 0417511 Arch Belg Archives belges = Belgisch archief Continues: Archives belges de medecine sociale, hygiene, medecine du travail et medecine legale. Continued by: Archives of public health. 1982-1989 8302753 Arch Belg Dermatol Archives belges de dermatologie 0301-8636 (P) Continues Archives belges de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie. 1973-1974 0412667 Arch Belg Dermatol Syphiligr Archives belges de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie 0003-956X (P) Continued by Archives belges de dermatologie. 1938-1972 0412670 Arch Belg Med Soc Archives belges de medecine sociale, hygiene, medecine du travail et medecine legale. Belgisch archief van sociale geneeskunde, hygiene, arbeidsgeneeskunde en gerechtelijke geneeskunde 0003-9578 (P) Continues the Archives de medecine sociale et d’hygiene et revue de pathologie et de physiologie du travail, issued 1938-40. Absorbed the Revue de droit penal et de criminologie et archives internationales de medecine legale in May 1946. Continued by Archives belges. 1946-1981 0372420 Arch Biochem Archives of biochemistry Continued by Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 1942-1951 15210080R 33

Arch Biochem Biophys Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 0003-9861 (P) 1096-0384 (E) Continues: Archives of biochemistry. Absorbed: Molecular cell biology research communications. Nov. 2001 1951- 0372430 Arch Biol (Liege) s) Archives de biologie 0003-9624 (P) Continued by: Archives of biology. 1880-1985 0400643 Arch Biol Andina Archivos de biologia andina 0250-5037 (P) Continues Archivos del Instituto de Biologia Andina. 1977-1979 8004626 Arch Biol Med Exp (Santiago) s) Archivos de biologia y medicina experimentales 0004-0533 (P) Continued in 1992, with Vol. 25, no. 1, by: Biological research. 1964-1992 0321546 Arch Bronconeumol Archivos de bronconeumologia 0300-2896 (P) 1964- 0354720 Arch Cardiol Mex Archivos de cardiologia de Mexico 1405-9940 (P) Continues: Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de Mexico. 2001- 101126728 Arch Chir Neerl Archivum chirurgicum Neerlandicum 0004-0657 (P) Continued by The Netherlands journal of surgery. 1949-1979 8004861 Arch Chir Torac Cardiovasc Archivio di chirurgia toracica e cardiovascolare 0391-7029 (P) Continues Archivio di chirurgia del torace. 1966- 0135774 Arch Clin Neuropsychol Archives of clinical neuropsychology: the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists 0887-6177 (P) 1986- Acid-free 9004255 Arch Col Med El Salv Archivos del Colegio Medico de El Salvador 0010-0641 (P) 1947-1976 7503299 Arch Cuba Cancerol Archivos cubanos de cancerologia Absorbed by: Boletin of the Liga contra el Cancer. 1942-1959 15230090R Arch De Vecchi Anat Patol Archivio "de Vecchi" per l’anatomia patologica e la medicina clinica 0004-0061 (P) 1938-1983 0372455 Arch Derm Syphilol Archives of dermatology and syphilology 0096-6029 (P) Supersedes the Journal of cutaneous diseases including syphilis. Continued by the A. M. A. archives of dermatology and syphilology. 1920-1950 14470030R 34 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Arch Dermatol * Archives of dermatology 0003-987X (P) 1538-3652 (E) Continues: A. M. A. archives of dermatology. 1960- 0372433 Arch Dermatol Forsch Archiv fur dermatologische Forschung 0003-9187 (P) Continues Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Dermatologie. Continued by Archives for dermatological research. 1971-1975 7512588 Arch Dermatol Res Archives for dermatological research. Archiv fur dermatologische Forschung 0340-3696 (P) Continues Archiv fur dermatologische Forschung. Continued by Archives of dermatological research. 1975-1977 7512589 Arch Dermatol Res Archives of dermatological research 0340-3696 (P) 1432-069X (E) Continues Archives for dermatological research. Archiv fur dermatologische Forschung. 1978- Acid-free 8000462 Arch Dis Child * Archives of disease in childhood 0003-9888 (P) 1468-2044 (E) Absorbed: British journal of children’s diseases. Some issues, 1988?-1993, have supplement called: Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition, issued separately, 1994-. Complemented by: Archives of disease in childhood. Education and practice edition, 2004- 1926- 0372434 Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed * Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition 1359-2998 (P) 1468-2052 (E) Issues for July 1988?-1993 were issued as supplements to some issues of Archives of disease in childhood, repeating its numbering and paged continuously with that publication. Beginning with v. 70 in 1994, issue number and pagination are independent. 1988- 9501297 Arch Emerg Med Archives of emergency medicine 0264-4924 (P) Continued by: Journal of accident & emergency medicine. 1984-1993 Acid-free 8500828 Arch Enferm Coraz Vasos Archivos de enfermedades del corazon y vasos Continues: Archivos of the Instituto del Medicina Practica, issued 1924-June 1936. Absorbed the Archiva cardio-rheumatologica hispanica in Jan. 1956. 1944-1967 2984703R Arch Environ Contam Toxicol Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 0090-4341 (P) 1432-0703 (E) 1973- Acid-free 0357245 Arch Environ Health * Archives of environmental health 0003-9896 (P) Supersedes: A. M. A. archives of industrial health. Continued by: Archives of environmental & occupational health. 1960-2004 0212627 2007 Arch Environ Occup Health * Archives of environmental & occupational health 1933-8244 (P) Continues: Archives of environmental health. 2005- 101282564 Arch Esp Morfol Archivo espanol de morfologia 0004-0436 (P) Continued by: Archivo espanol de morfologia (Valencia, Spain: 1996). 1941-1967 15220270R Arch Esp Urol Archivos espanoles de urologia 0004-0614 (P) 1576-8260 (E) 1944- 0064757 Arch Exp Veterinarmed Archiv fur experimentelle Veterinarmedizin 0003-9055 (P) Continues Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin. 1952-1991 0372410 Arch Facial Plast Surg Archives of facial plastic surgery: official publication for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. and the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies 1521-2491 (P) 1999- 100883500 Arch Fam Med Archives of family medicine 1063-3987 (P) 1992-2000 9300357 Arch Farmacol Sper Sci Affin Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale e scienze affini 1902-1955 15220090R Arch Farmacol Toxicol Archivos de farmacologia y toxicologia 0304-8616 (P) Supersedes Archivos del Instituto de Farmacologia Experimental (Medicina). 1975-1986 7601472 Arch Fisiol Archivio di fisiologia 0004-0096 (P) 1903-1979 0372447 Arch Fr Mal App Dig Archives francaises des maladies de l’appareil digestif 0003-9772 (P) Continues Archives des maladies de l’appareil digestif et des maladies de la nutrition. Merged with Biologie et gastroenterologie to form Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique. 1966-1976 0044500 Arch Fr Pediatr Archives francaises de pediatrie 0003-9764 (P) Formed by the merger of Archives de medecine des enfants, Bulletins of the Societe de pediatrie de Paris, and Revue francaise de pediatrie. Merged with: Pediatrie, to form: Archives de pediatrie. 1942-1993 0372421 Arch Fund Roux Ocefa Archivos de la Fundacion Roux-Ocefa 0016-271X (P) Supersedes Archivos de histologia normal y patologica. 1967-1977 7502529

Appl Nurs Res<br />

Applied nursing research: ANR<br />

0897-1897 (P) 1532-8201 (E)<br />

1988- 8901557<br />

Appl Occup Environ Hyg<br />

Applied occupational and environmental<br />

hygiene<br />

1047-322X (P) 1521-0898 (E)<br />

Continues: Applied industrial hygiene.<br />

Merged with: AIHA journal, to form: Journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> occupational and environmental hygiene.<br />

1990-2003 9103256<br />

Appl Opt<br />

s) Applied optics<br />

0003-6935 (P) 1539-4522 (E)<br />

1962- 0247660<br />

Appl Parasitol<br />

s) Applied parasitology<br />

0943-0938 (P)<br />

Continues: Angewandte Parasitologie.<br />

1993-1996 9308726<br />

Appl Pathol<br />

Applied pathology<br />

0252-1172 (P)<br />

1983-1989 8308921<br />

Appl Physiol Nutr Metab<br />

Applied physiology, nutrition, and<br />

metabolism = Physiologie appliquee,<br />

nutrition et metabolisme<br />

1715-5312 (P)<br />

Continues: Canadian journal <strong>of</strong> applied<br />

physiology.<br />

2006- 101264333<br />

Appl Psychophysiol Bi<strong>of</strong>eedback<br />

Applied psychophysiology and bi<strong>of</strong>eedback<br />

1090-0586 (P)<br />

Continues: Bi<strong>of</strong>eedback and self-regulation.<br />

1997- 9712383<br />

Appl Radiat Isot<br />

s) Applied radiation and isotopes: including<br />

data, instrumentation and methods for use in<br />

agriculture, industry and medicine<br />

0969-8043 (P)<br />

Continues: International journal <strong>of</strong><br />

radiation applications and instrumentation.<br />

Part A, Applied radiation and isotopes.<br />

1993- Acid-free 9306253<br />

Appl Radiol<br />

s) Applied radiology<br />

0160-9963 (P)<br />

Continues Applied radiology and nuclear<br />

medicine.<br />

1976- 7708167<br />

Appl Res Ment Retard<br />

Applied research in mental retardation<br />

0270-3092 (P)<br />

Merged with: Analysis and intervention in<br />

developmental disabilities, to form:<br />

Research in developmental disabilities.<br />

1980-1986 8101119<br />

Appl Spectrosc<br />

s) Applied spectroscopy<br />

0003-7028 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Society for<br />

Applied Spectroscopy.<br />

1951- 0372406<br />

Appl Theor Electrophor<br />

Applied and theoretical electrophoresis:<br />

the <strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong> the International<br />

Electrophoresis Society<br />

0954-6642 (P)<br />

1988-1996 Acid-free 8915308<br />


Appl Ther<br />

Applied therapeutics<br />

0570-4944 (P)<br />

1960-1970 1310652<br />

Aptechn Delo<br />

Aptechnoe delo<br />

Continued by Farmatsiia.<br />

1952-1966 0136645<br />

Aquat Toxicol<br />

Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)<br />

0166-445X (P)<br />

1981- 8500246<br />

Arb Gesch Med Giessen<br />

s) Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin in<br />

Giessen<br />

0174-268X (P)<br />

1979- 8005330<br />

Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Bundesamt Sera<br />

Impfst<strong>of</strong>fe Frankf A M<br />

Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut<br />

(Bundesamt fur Sera und Impfst<strong>of</strong>fe) zu<br />

Frankfurt a. M<br />

0936-8671 (P)<br />

Continues: Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-<br />

Institut, dem Georg-Speyer-Haus und dem<br />

Ferdinand-Blum-Institut zu Frankfurt a. M.<br />

1988- 8912864<br />

Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Georg Speyer Haus<br />

Ferdinand Blum Inst Frankf A M<br />

Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, dem<br />

Georg-Speyer-Haus und dem Ferdinand-Blum-<br />

Institut zu Frankfurt a. M<br />

0066-5665 (P)<br />

Continues Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich-<br />

Institut und dem Georg Speyer-Hause zu<br />

Frankfurt a. M. Continued by: Arbeiten aus<br />

dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut ( Bundesamt fur<br />

Sera und Impfst<strong>of</strong>fe) zu Frankfurt a.M.<br />

1950-1988 7505218<br />

Arbeitsphysiologie<br />

Arbeitsphysiologie; internationale<br />

Zeitschrift fur angewandte Physiologie<br />

Continued by Internationale Zeitschrift fur<br />

angewandte Physiologie einschliesslich<br />

Arbeitsphysiologie.<br />

1928-1954 15120390R<br />

Arch Anat Cytol Pathol<br />

Archives d’anatomie et de cytologie<br />

pathologiques<br />

0395-501X (P)<br />

Continues: Archives d’anatomie pathologique.<br />

Continued by: Clinical and experimental<br />

pathology.<br />

1976-1998 7609770<br />

Arch Anat Histol Embryol<br />

Archives d’anatomie, d’histologie et<br />

d’embryologie normales et experimentales<br />

0249-5554 (P)<br />

Continues: Archives d’anatomie, d’histologie<br />

et d’embryologie.<br />

1956-1994 0372423<br />

Arch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp<br />

s) Archives d’anatomie microscopique et de<br />

morphologie experimentale<br />

0003-9594 (P)<br />

Continues: Archives d’anatomie<br />

microscopique, issued 1897-1939/40.<br />

Continued by: Biological structures and<br />

morphogenesis.<br />

1947-1987 0406007<br />

Arch Anat Pathol (Paris)<br />

Archives d’anatomie pathologique<br />

0003-9608 (P)<br />

Continued by Archives d’anatomie et de<br />

cytologie pathologiques.<br />

1953-1975 7609771<br />

2007<br />

Arch Androl<br />

Archives <strong>of</strong> andrology<br />

0148-5016 (P) 1521-0375 (E)<br />

Absorbed: Advances in reproduction.<br />

1978- Acid-free 7806755<br />

Arch Anim Nutr<br />

Archives <strong>of</strong> animal nutrition<br />

1745-039X (P) 1477-2817 (E)<br />

Continues: Archiv fur Tierernahrung.<br />

2004- 101222433<br />

Arch Argent Dermatol<br />

Archivos argentinos de dermatologia<br />

0066-6750 (P)<br />

1951- 0372456<br />

Arch Argent Pediatr<br />

Archivos argentinos de pediatria<br />

0004-0487 (P)<br />

Supersedes Archivos latino-americanos de<br />

pediatria.<br />

1930- 0372460<br />

Arch Argent Tisiol<br />

Archivos argentinos de tisiologia<br />

0301-8342 (P)<br />

Continues Archivos de tisiologia.<br />

1938-1956 0411754<br />

Arch Argent Tisiol Neumonol<br />

Archivos argentinos de tisiologia y<br />

neumonologia<br />

0004-0509 (P)<br />

Continues Archivos argentinos de tisiologia.<br />

1956-1980 0417511<br />

Arch Belg<br />

Archives belges = Belgisch archief<br />

Continues: Archives belges de medecine<br />

sociale, hygiene, medecine du travail et<br />

medecine legale. Continued by: Archives <strong>of</strong><br />

public health.<br />

1982-1989 8302753<br />

Arch Belg Dermatol<br />

Archives belges de dermatologie<br />

0301-8636 (P)<br />

Continues Archives belges de dermatologie et<br />

de syphiligraphie.<br />

1973-1974 0412667<br />

Arch Belg Dermatol Syphiligr<br />

Archives belges de dermatologie et de<br />

syphiligraphie<br />

0003-956X (P)<br />

Continued by Archives belges de dermatologie.<br />

1938-1972 0412670<br />

Arch Belg Med Soc<br />

Archives belges de medecine sociale,<br />

hygiene, medecine du travail et medecine<br />

legale. Belgisch archief van sociale<br />

geneeskunde, hygiene, arbeidsgeneeskunde en<br />

gerechtelijke geneeskunde<br />

0003-9578 (P)<br />

Continues the Archives de medecine sociale<br />

et d’hygiene et revue de pathologie et de<br />

physiologie du travail, issued 1938-40.<br />

Absorbed the Revue de droit penal et de<br />

criminologie et archives internationales de<br />

medecine legale in May 1946. Continued by<br />

Archives belges.<br />

1946-1981 0372420<br />

Arch Biochem<br />

Archives <strong>of</strong> biochemistry<br />

Continued by Archives <strong>of</strong> biochemistry and<br />

biophysics.<br />

1942-1951 15210080R<br />


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