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Ann Clin Biochem Annals of clinical biochemistry 0004-5632 (P) Continues Proceedings of the Association of Clinical Biochemists. 1969- 0324055 Ann Clin Lab Sci Annals of clinical and laboratory science 0091-7370 (P) Continues Annals of clinical laboratory science. 1973- 0410247 Ann Clin Lab Sci Annals of clinical laboratory science 0095-8905 (P) Continued by Annals of clinical and laboratory science. 1971-1973 0410250 Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials 1476-0711 (E) 19uu- 101152152 Ann Clin Psychiatry Annals of clinical psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists 1040-1237 (P) 1547-3325 (E) 1989- Acid-free 8911021 Ann Clin Res Annals of clinical research 0003-4762 (P) Formed by the merger of Annales medicinae internae Fenniae and Annales paediatriae Fenniae. Merged with: Medical biology, to form: Annals of medicine. 1969-1988 0220042 Ann Dent Annals of dentistry 0003-4770 (P) Continues: Journal of the New York Academy of Dentistry. Continued by: Annals of the New York Academy of Dentistry. 1936-2003 Acid-free 0372350 Ann Dermatol Syphiligr (Paris) Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie 0003-3979 (P) Merged with Bulletin de la Societete francaise de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie to form Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie. 1868-1976 0370561 Ann Dermatol Venereol Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie 0151-9638 (P) Formed by the union of: Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie, and: Bulletin de la Societe francaise de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie. 1977- 7702013 Ann Diagn Pathol Annals of diagnostic pathology 1092-9134 (P) 1997- 9800503 Ann Droit Int Med Annales de droit international medical 0517-8517 (P) 1957- 14940460R Ann Dyslexia Annals of dyslexia 0736-9387 (P) Continues: Bulletin of the Orton Society. 1982- 8406611 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Ann Emerg Med * Annals of emergency medicine 0196-0644 (P) 1097-6760 (E) Continues: JACEP. 1980- 8002646 Ann Endocrinol (Paris) Annales d’endocrinologie 0003-4266 (P) 1939- 0116744 Ann Entomol Soc Am Annals of the Entomological Society of America 0013-8746 (P) 1908- 7503290 Ann Epidemiol Annals of epidemiology 1047-2797 (P) 1990- Acid-free 9100013 Ann Fac Med Chir Univ Studi Perugia Annali della Facolta di medicina e chirurgia della Universita degli studi di Perugia 0365-2270 (P) 1885-1996 7506856 Ann Fam Med Annals of family medicine 1544-1709 (P) 1544-1717 (E) 2003- 101167762 Ann Fr Anesth Reanim Annales francaises d’anesthesie et de reanimation 0750-7658 (P) 1769-6623 (E) Formed by the union of: Annales de l’anesthesiologie francaise; and Anesthesie, analgesie, reanimation. 1982- 8213275 Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris) Annales de gastroenterologie et d’hepatologie 0066-2070 (P) Continues Actualites hepato-gastroenterologiques. 1970-1998 0263111 Ann Genet Annales de genetique 0003-3995 (P) Continued by: European journal of medical genetics. 1958-2004 0370562 Ann Genet Sel Anim Annales de genetique et de selection animale 0003-4002 (P) Continued by: Genetique, selection, evolution. 1969-1982 0257341 Ann Georgr s) Annales de geographie 0003-4010 (P) 1891-1975 0260701 Ann Health Law Annals of health law / Loyola University Chicago, School of Law, Institute for Health Law 1075-2994 (P) 1992- 9306639 Ann Hematol Annals of hematology 0939-5555 (P) 1432-0584 (E) Continues: Blut. 1991- Acid-free 9107334 Ann Hepatol Annals of hepatology: official journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology 1665-2681 (P) 2002- 101155885 2007 Ann Histochim Annales d’histochimie 0003-4355 (P) Continued by: Cellular and molecular biology, including cyto-enzymology. 1956-1976 0370554 Ann Homeopath Fr Les Annales homeopathiques francaises 0003-4444 (P) Continued by: Homeopathie. 1958-1983 2984691R Ann Hum Biol Annals of human biology 0301-4460 (P) 1464-5033 (E) 1974- 0404024 Ann Hum Genet Annals of human genetics 0003-4800 (P) Continues Annals of eugenics. 1954- 0416661 Ann Hyg Annals of hygiene 0743-3298 (P) 1884-1897 0001130 Ann Hyg Med Colon Annales d’hygiene et de medecine coloniales 1898-1914 0001760 Ann ICRP Annals of the ICRP 0146-6453 (P) 1977- Acid-free 7708044 Ann Ig Annali di igiene: medicina preventiva e di comunita 1120-9135 (P) Continues: Nuovi annali d’igiene e microbiologia. 1989- 9002865 Ann Ig (Roma) Annali d’igiene Continues Annali d’igiene sperimentale. Absorbed by: Nuovi annali d’igiene e microbiologia in 1952. 1916-1951 15020140R Ann Immunol (Paris) Annales d’immunologie 0300-4910 (P) Formed by the union of Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, in part, and of Revue d’immunologie. Continued by Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunologie. 1973-1984 0353045 Ann Immunol Hung Annales immunologiae Hungaricae 0570-1708 (P) 1958-1986 0373074 Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) Annales de l’Institut Pasteur 0020-2444 (P) Continued in part by Annales de microbiologie. 1887-1972 7512320 Ann Inst Pasteur Immunol Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunologie 0769-2625 (P) Continues: Annales d’immunologie. Continued by: Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunology. 1985-1986 8503043 27

Ann Inst Pasteur Immunol Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunology 0769-2625 (P) Continues: Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunologie. Continued by: Research in immunology. 1986-1988 8701983 Ann Inst Pasteur Lille Annales de l’Institut Pasteur de Lille 0073-8573 (P) 1948-1971 7502518 Ann Inst Pasteur Microbiol Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie 0769-2609 (P) Continues: Annales de microbiologie. Continued by: Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiology. 1985-1986 8503044 Ann Inst Pasteur Microbiol Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiology 0769-2609 (P) Continues: Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie. Continued by: Research in microbiology. 1986-1988 8701984 Ann Inst Pasteur Virol Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Virology 0769-2617 (P) Continues: Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Virologie. Continued by: Research in virology. 1986-1988 8702442 Ann Intern Med * Annals of internal medicine 0003-4819 (P) 1539-3704 (E) Supersedes: Annals of clinical medicine. 1927- 0372351 Ann Isnardi Auxol Norm Patol Annali Isnardi di auxologia normale e patologica 1954-1963 15020150R Ann Ist Carlo Forlanini Annali dell’Istituto "Carlo Forlanini" 0021-2431 (P) Continued by: Annali dell’Istituto "Carlo Forlamini" (1981). 1937-1969 7502519 Ann Ist Super Sanita Annali dell’Istituto superiore di sanita 0021-2571 (P) Supersedes: Rendiconti dell’Istituto superiore di sanita. 1965- 7502520 Ann Ital Chir Annali italiani di chirurgia 0003-469X (P) 1922- 0372343 Ann Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Annali italiani di dermatologia e sifilografia Continued by: Annali italiani di dermatologia clinica e sperimentale. 1945-1960 15020160R Ann Ital Med Int Annali italiani di medicina interna: organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di medicina interna 0393-9340 (P) Continued by: Internal and emergency medicine. 1986-2005 8806705 Ann Ital Pediatr Annali italiani di pediatria 1948-1975 0372345 28 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Ann Laringol Otol Rinol Faringol Annali di laringologia, otologia, rinologia, faringologia 0066-2267 (P) Continued by: Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica. 1900-1980 0400641 Ann Med Annals of medicine 0785-3890 (P) 1365-2060 (E) Formed by the union of: Annals of clinical research, and: Medical biology. 1989- 8906388 Ann Med Exp Biol Fenn Annales medicinae experimentalis et biologiae Fenniae 0003-4479 (P) Continues the Acta, Ser. A, of the Societas Medicorum Fennica Duodecim. Continued by Medical biology. 1947-1973 0420465 Ann Med Intern Fenn Annales medicinae internae Fenniae 0365-4362 (P) Continues in part: Acta Societatis Medicorum Fennicae Duodecim, ser. B. Merged with Annales paediatriae Fenniae to form Annals of clinical research. 1946-1968 0221122 Ann Med Intern Fenn Suppl Annales medicinae internae Fenniae. Supplementum 0365-4427 (P) Merged with the Supplementum of Annales paediatriae Fenniae to form the Supplement of Annals of clinical research. 1947-1967 0254714 Ann Med Interne (Paris) Annales de medecine interne 0003-410X (P) Continues: Bulletins et memoires de la Societe medicale des hopitaux de Paris. Absorbed by: Presse medicale. 1969-2003 0171744 Ann Med Leg Criminol Police Sci Toxicol Annales de medecine legale, criminologie, police scientifique et toxicologie 1921-1967 15010050R Ann Med Nancy Annales medicales de Nancy 0003-4460 (P) Supersedes Revue medicale de Nancy. Continued by Annales medicales de Nancy et de l’Est. 1962-1978 0372333 Ann Med Nav (Roma) Annali di medicina navale 0392-9418 (P) 1895-1992 0373072 Ann Med Nav Trop Annali di medicina navale e tropicale Continues: Annali di medicina navale e coloniale. Continued by: Annali di medicina navale. 1951-1960 15020060R Ann Med Psychol (Paris) Annales medico-psychologiques 0003-4487 (P) Absorbed: Annales de psychiatrie. 2002 1843- 2984692R Ann Med Sect Pol Acad Sci Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences 0048-4733 (P) 1966-1976 7505203 2007 Ann Med Sondalo Annali medici di Sondalo 0402-4710 (P) 1956-1973 0377216 Ann Med Univ Bialyst Pol Annals of the Medical University, Bialystok, Poland = Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku Continues: Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku. Continued by: Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku (1995). 1992-1994 9439578 Ann Microbiol (Paris) Annales de microbiologie 0300-5410 (P) Continues in part Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Continued by Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie. 1973-1984 0354704 Ann Microbiol Enzimol Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia 0003-4649 (P) Continues: Annali di microbiologia. Continued by: Annals of microbiology. 1957-1999 0406005 Ann N Y Acad Sci Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 0077-8923 (P) Supersedes: Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. 1877- Acid-free 7506858 Ann Nestle [Eng] Annales Nestle [English ed. ] 0517-8606 (P) 195u- 15010200R Ann Nestle [Fr] Annales Nestle. [Ed. francaise] 0250-9644 (P) 1949- 2984694R Ann Nestle [Ger] Annales Nestle. [Deutsche Aufl.] 0250-9652 (P) 1953- 0372336 Ann Neurol Annals of neurology 0364-5134 (P) 1531-8249 (E) 1977- 7707449 Ann Neuropsichiatr Psicoanal Annali di neuropsichiatria e psicoanalisi Supersedes Rivista di psicopatologia, neuropsichiatria e psicoanalisi and Annali di nevrologia. 1954-1979 0401033 Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology: the official journal of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Inc 1082-720X (P) 1996- 9607443 Ann Nucl Med Annals of nuclear medicine 0914-7187 (P) 1987- 8913398 Ann Nutr Aliment Annales de la nutrition et de l’alimentation 0003-4037 (P) Merged with: Nutrition and metabolism, to form: Annals of nutrition & metabolism. 1947-1980 0372653

Ann Clin Biochem<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical biochemistry<br />

0004-5632 (P)<br />

Continues Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Clinical Biochemists.<br />

1969- 0324055<br />

Ann Clin Lab Sci<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical and laboratory science<br />

0091-7370 (P)<br />

Continues Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical laboratory<br />

science.<br />

1973- 0410247<br />

Ann Clin Lab Sci<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical laboratory science<br />

0095-8905 (P)<br />

Continued by Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical and<br />

laboratory science.<br />

1971-1973 0410250<br />

Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical microbiology and<br />

antimicrobials<br />

1476-0711 (E)<br />

19uu- 101152152<br />

Ann Clin Psychiatry<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical psychiatry: <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

journal <strong>of</strong> the American Academy <strong>of</strong> Clinical<br />

Psychiatrists<br />

1040-1237 (P) 1547-3325 (E)<br />

1989- Acid-free 8911021<br />

Ann Clin Res<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> clinical research<br />

0003-4762 (P)<br />

Formed by the merger <strong>of</strong> Annales medicinae<br />

internae Fenniae and Annales paediatriae<br />

Fenniae. Merged with: Medical biology, to<br />

form: Annals <strong>of</strong> medicine.<br />

1969-1988 0220042<br />

Ann Dent<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> dentistry<br />

0003-4770 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> the New York Academy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dentistry. Continued by: Annals <strong>of</strong> the<br />

New York Academy <strong>of</strong> Dentistry.<br />

1936-2003 Acid-free 0372350<br />

Ann Dermatol Syphiligr (Paris)<br />

Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie<br />

0003-3979 (P)<br />

Merged with Bulletin de la Societete<br />

francaise de dermatologie et de<br />

syphiligraphie to form Annales de<br />

dermatologie et de venereologie.<br />

1868-1976 0370561<br />

Ann Dermatol Venereol<br />

Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie<br />

0151-9638 (P)<br />

Formed by the union <strong>of</strong>: Annales de<br />

dermatologie et de syphiligraphie, and:<br />

Bulletin de la Societe francaise de<br />

dermatologie et de syphiligraphie.<br />

1977- 7702013<br />

Ann Diagn Pathol<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> diagnostic pathology<br />

1092-9134 (P)<br />

1997- 9800503<br />

Ann Droit Int Med<br />

Annales de droit international medical<br />

0517-8517 (P)<br />

1957- 14940460R<br />

Ann Dyslexia<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> dyslexia<br />

0736-9387 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Orton Society.<br />

1982- 8406611<br />


Ann Emerg Med<br />

* Annals <strong>of</strong> emergency medicine<br />

0196-0644 (P) 1097-6760 (E)<br />

Continues: JACEP.<br />

1980- 8002646<br />

Ann Endocrinol (Paris)<br />

Annales d’endocrinologie<br />

0003-4266 (P)<br />

1939- 0116744<br />

Ann Entomol Soc Am<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> the Entomological Society <strong>of</strong><br />

America<br />

0013-8746 (P)<br />

1908- 7503290<br />

Ann Epidemiol<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> epidemiology<br />

1047-2797 (P)<br />

1990- Acid-free 9100013<br />

Ann Fac Med Chir Univ Studi Perugia<br />

Annali della Facolta di medicina e chirurgia<br />

della Universita degli studi di Perugia<br />

0365-2270 (P)<br />

1885-1996 7506856<br />

Ann Fam Med<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> family medicine<br />

1544-1709 (P) 1544-1717 (E)<br />

2003- 101167762<br />

Ann Fr Anesth Reanim<br />

Annales francaises d’anesthesie et de<br />

reanimation<br />

0750-7658 (P) 1769-6623 (E)<br />

Formed by the union <strong>of</strong>: Annales de<br />

l’anesthesiologie francaise; and Anesthesie,<br />

analgesie, reanimation.<br />

1982- 8213275<br />

Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris)<br />

Annales de gastroenterologie et d’hepatologie<br />

0066-2070 (P)<br />

Continues Actualites hepato-gastroenterologiques.<br />

1970-1998 0263111<br />

Ann Genet<br />

Annales de genetique<br />

0003-3995 (P)<br />

Continued by: European journal <strong>of</strong> medical<br />

genetics.<br />

1958-2004 0370562<br />

Ann Genet Sel Anim<br />

Annales de genetique et de selection animale<br />

0003-4002 (P)<br />

Continued by: Genetique, selection,<br />

evolution.<br />

1969-1982 0257341<br />

Ann Georgr<br />

s) Annales de geographie<br />

0003-4010 (P)<br />

1891-1975 0260701<br />

Ann Health Law<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> health law / Loyola University<br />

Chicago, School <strong>of</strong> Law, Institute for Health<br />

Law<br />

1075-2994 (P)<br />

1992- 9306639<br />

Ann Hematol<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> hematology<br />

0939-5555 (P) 1432-0584 (E)<br />

Continues: Blut.<br />

1991- Acid-free 9107334<br />

Ann Hepatol<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> hepatology: <strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong><br />

the Mexican Association <strong>of</strong> Hepatology<br />

1665-2681 (P)<br />

2002- 101155885<br />

2007<br />

Ann Histochim<br />

Annales d’histochimie<br />

0003-4355 (P)<br />

Continued by: Cellular and molecular<br />

biology, including cyto-enzymology.<br />

1956-1976 0370554<br />

Ann Homeopath Fr<br />

Les Annales homeopathiques francaises<br />

0003-4444 (P)<br />

Continued by: Homeopathie.<br />

1958-1983 2984691R<br />

Ann Hum Biol<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> human biology<br />

0301-4460 (P) 1464-5033 (E)<br />

1974- 0404024<br />

Ann Hum Genet<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> human genetics<br />

0003-4800 (P)<br />

Continues Annals <strong>of</strong> eugenics.<br />

1954- 0416661<br />

Ann Hyg<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> hygiene<br />

0743-3298 (P)<br />

1884-1897 0001130<br />

Ann Hyg Med Colon<br />

Annales d’hygiene et de medecine coloniales<br />

1898-1914 0001760<br />

Ann ICRP<br />

Annals <strong>of</strong> the ICRP<br />

0146-6453 (P)<br />

1977- Acid-free 7708044<br />

Ann Ig<br />

Annali di igiene: medicina preventiva e di<br />

comunita<br />

1120-9135 (P)<br />

Continues: Nuovi annali d’igiene e<br />

microbiologia.<br />

1989- 9002865<br />

Ann Ig (Roma)<br />

Annali d’igiene<br />

Continues Annali d’igiene sperimentale.<br />

Absorbed by: Nuovi annali d’igiene e<br />

microbiologia in 1952.<br />

1916-1951 15020140R<br />

Ann Immunol (Paris)<br />

Annales d’immunologie<br />

0300-4910 (P)<br />

Formed by the union <strong>of</strong> Annales de l’Institut<br />

Pasteur, in part, and <strong>of</strong> Revue d’immunologie.<br />

Continued by Annales de l’Institut Pasteur.<br />

Immunologie.<br />

1973-1984 0353045<br />

Ann Immunol Hung<br />

Annales immunologiae Hungaricae<br />

0570-1708 (P)<br />

1958-1986 0373074<br />

Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris)<br />

Annales de l’Institut Pasteur<br />

0020-2444 (P)<br />

Continued in part by Annales de<br />

microbiologie.<br />

1887-1972 7512320<br />

Ann Inst Pasteur Immunol<br />

Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Immunologie<br />

0769-2625 (P)<br />

Continues: Annales d’immunologie. Continued<br />

by: Annales de l’Institut Pasteur.<br />

Immunology.<br />

1985-1986 8503043<br />


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