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Recent Dev Alcohol Recent developments in alcoholism: an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism 0738-422X (P) 1983- 8301996 Recent Prog Horm Res Recent progress in hormone research 0079-9963 (P) Absorbed by: Endocrine reviews. 1947-2004 Acid-free 0404471 Recent Results Cancer Res Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres dans les recherches sur le cancer 0080-0015 (P) 1965- Acid-free 0044671 Recenti Prog Med Recenti progressi in medicina 0034-1193 (P) 1946- 0401271 Recept Signal Transduct Receptors & signal transduction 1087-8475 (P) Continues: Receptor. 1996-1997 Acid-free 9617134 Receptor Receptor 1052-8040 (P) Continued by: Receptors & signal transduction. 1991-1995 Acid-free 9109671 Receptors Channels Receptors & channels 1060-6823 (P) 1607-856X (E) Absorbed: Pharmacology reviews and communications. 2003 1993-2004 9315376 Rech Soins Infirm Recherche en soins infirmiers 0297-2964 (P) 1985- 9715370 Recomb DNA Tech Bull Recombinant DNA technical bulletin 0196-0229 (P) Continues Nucleic acid recombinant scientific memoranda. 1977-1993 7807151 Reconstr Surg Traumatol Reconstruction surgery and traumatology 0080-0260 (P) Continues Wiederherstellungschirurgie und Traumatologie. Reconstruction surgery and traumatology. 1968-1990 0136516 Record (Washington) Record 0160-0036 (P) Supersedes The Social and rehabilitation record. Superseded by Forum. 1977-1977 7708448 Recruit Retain Recruit & retain: a monthly publication for professionals concerned with nurse recruitment and retention 0278-2766 (P) 198u- 9879301 Recruit Retent Rep Recruitment & retention report 1044-0666 (P) Continued by: Recruitment, retention & restructuring report. 1988-1994 9312216 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Recruit Retent Restruct Rep Recruitment, retention & restructuring report Continues: Recruitment & retention report. Continued by: Nursing management. Feb. 1999 1994-1998 9436564 Redox Rep Redox report: communications in free radical research 1351-0002 (P) 1743-2928 (E) 1994- 9511366 Ref Guide Health Care Technol Ind Reference guide for the health care technology industry 1082-6858 (P) 1993-1995 9413191 Reflect Nurs Leadersh Reflections on nursing leadership / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing 1527-6538 (P) Continues: Reflections. 2000-2005 100911064 Reflections Reflections / Sigma Theta Tau 0885-8144 (P) Continued by: Reflections on nursing leadership. 1975-1999 9302919 Refract Corneal Surg Refractive & corneal surgery 1042-962X (P) Continues: Journal of refractive surgery. Continued by: Journal of refractive and corneal surgery. 1989-1993 8908429 Refu Vet Refuah veterinarit: rivon Histadrut harofim ha-veterinariyim be-Erets-Yisrael 0034-3153 (P) 1939- 0404473 Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993) 0792-9935 (P) Continues: Refuat ha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983) . 1993- 9816240 Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv, Israel: 1969) 0034-3161 (P) Continued by: Refuat ha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983) . 1969-1983 0227721 Refuat Hashinayim Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1944) 1944-1968 0227735 Refuat Hashinayim Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983) 0334-1402 (P) Continues: Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv, Israel: 1969) . Continued by: Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993). 1983-199u 8500286 Reg Anaesth Regional-Anaesthesie 0171-1946 (P) 1978-1991 Acid-free 8309693 Reg Anesth Regional anesthesia 0146-521X (P) Continued by: Regional anesthesia and pain medicine. 1976-1997 7707549 2007 Reg Anesth Pain Med Regional anesthesia and pain medicine 1098-7339 (P) 1532-8651 (E) Continues: Regional anesthesia. 1998- 9804508 Reg Immunol Regional immunology 0896-0623 (P) 1988-1994 9001013 Regan Rep Nurs Law The Regan report on nursing law 0034-3196 (P) Continued by: Nursing law’s Regan report. 1960-1999 0352140 Regensb Jahrb Arztl Fortbild Regensburger Jahrbuch fur arztliche Fortbildung Continued by Regensburger arztliche Fortbildung. 1949-1965 20040740R Regist Nurse Registered nurse (Toronto, Ont. ) 0840-8831 (P) Continued by: Registered nurse journal. 1989-1995 8907459 Regul Anal Med Waste Regulatory analyst. Medical waste 1065-1063 (P) Continued by: Medical waste analyst. 1992-1993 Acid-free 9434067 Regul Pept Regulatory peptides 0167-0115 (P) 1980- Acid-free 8100479 Regul Pept Suppl Regulatory peptides. Supplement 0169-5134 (P) 1980-1985 8308791 Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP 0273-2300 (P) 1981- Acid-free 8214983 Regulation s) Regulation 0147-0590 (P) 1977-1988 7807387 Rehab Manag Rehab management 0899-6237 (P) 1988- 9216135 Rehabil Lit Rehabilitation literature 0034-3579 (P) Continues the society’s Bulletin on current literature. 1956-1986 0401274 Rehabil Nurs Rehabilitation nursing: the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 0278-4807 (P) Continues: ARN journal. 1981- 8104825 Rehabil Rec Rehabilitation record 0034-3587 (P) Merged with Human needs to form the Social and rehabilitation record. 1960-1973 2985050R Rehabilitation Rehabilitation 0034-3528 (P) 1948-1977 0257746 259

Rehabilitation (Bonn) Rehabilitation: Sozialmedizin, physikalische Medizin, Praventivmedizin; internationale Zeitschrift mit Zentralblatt 0048-7147 (P) Continues Rehabilitation; internationale Zeitschrift fur physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation mit Zentralblatt. 1970-1996 1302716 Rehabilitation (Stuttg) Die Rehabilitation 0034-3536 (P) 1962- 0401273 Rein Foie Rein et foie, maladies de la nutrition; actualites 0085-5464 (P) Supersedes Annales medicales de Vittel. 1960-1980 0401276 Rejuvenation Res Rejuvenation research 1549-1684 (P) Continues: Journal of anti-aging medicine. 2004- 101213381 Rem Actual Remedes-Actualites 0484-3800 (P) Supersedes Victoires sur le cancer. Superseded by Remedes des corps et des ames. 1960-1964 0024571 Ren Fail Renal failure 0886-022X (P) 1525-6049 (E) Continues: Uremia investigation. 1987- 8701128 Ren Physiol Renal physiology 0378-5858 (P) Continued by: Renal physiology and biochemistry. 1978-1987 7901911 Ren Physiol Biochem Renal physiology and biochemistry 1011-6524 (P) Continues: Renal physiology. Continued by: Kidney & blood pressure research. 1988-1995 Acid-free 8906670 Rend Ist Sup Sanit Rendiconti - Istituto superiore di sanita 0370-5811 (P) Continues: Rendiconti. Continued by: Annali dell’Istituto superiore di sanita. 1942-1964 7507425 Rep Can Def Res Chem Lab Report. Canada. Defence Research Chemical Laboratories 1940-uuuu 22930240R Rep Can Def Res Kings Lab Report. Canada. Defence Research Kingston Laboratory 1950-uuuu 22930250R Rep Carcinog Report on carcinogens: carcinogen profiles / U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program 1551-8272 (P) 1551-8280 (E) Merger of: Report on carcinogens. Summary, and: National Toxicology Program (U.S.). Report on carcinogens. Full report. 2000- 101157309 260 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Rep Civ Aeromed Res Inst US [Report]. Civil Aeromedical Research Institute (U.S.) 1962- 0075005 Rep Comm Accredit Rehabil Facil s) Report - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities 0045-7590 (P) 1968-1989 7704349 Rep Congr (Ser) Report to Congress ( United States. Physician Payment Review Commission: Series) Merged with: Background paper ( United States. Physician Payment Review Commission) , to form: Physician Payment Review Commission (Series). 1989-1989 9417781 Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc Report of the congress. European Orthodontic Society Continues: Transactions. European Orthodontic Society. Continued by: Transactions of the European Orthodontic Society. 1935-1969 0261425 Rep Congr Physician Paym Rev Comm Report to Congress / Physician Payment Review Commission. United States. Physician Payment Review Commission Continues: Medicare physician payment. United States. Physician Payment Review Commission. Continued by: Annual report to Congress. United States. Physician Payment Review Commission. 1988-1988 9316884 Rep Del Nurses Assoc Reporter (Wilmington, Del. ) 0418-5412 (P) Supersedes: Delaware nurse. Continued by: DNA reporter. 1968-19uu 7507435 Rep Group Adv Psychiatry Report ( Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry: 1984) 0888-3394 (P) Continues: Publication - Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. 1984- 8500115 Rep Group Adv Psychiatry Report ( Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry) 0072-775X (P) Continued by: Publication ( Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry) . 1947-1976 7507434 Rep Health Soc Subj (Lond) Reports on health and social subjects 0300-8045 (P) Absorbed: Reports on public health and medical subjects. 1972- 0351235 Rep Natl Forum Hosp Health Aff A report of the... National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs / conducted by the Graduate Program in Hospital Administration of Duke University. National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs 1965-uuuu 100961267 Rep Nav Med Neuropsychiatr Res Unit Report - Navy Medical Neuropsychiatric Research Unit 1962-1974 7706104 2007 Rep No NAEC ACEL United States Aerosp Crew Equip Lab Phila [Report no. ] NAEC-ACEL-. United States. Aerospace Crew Equipment Laboratory, Philadelphia 1963-uuuu 22420180R Rep No NAMC ACEL United States Air Crew Equip Lab Phila [Report no. ] NAMC-ACEL-. United States. Air Crew Equipment Laboratory, Philadelphia Continued by the Laboratory’s [Report no. ] NAEC-ACEL- 1950-1963 22420170R Rep Popul Fam Plann Reports on population/family planning 0079-3892 (P) 1969-1977 0342340 Rep Proc Scott Soc Hist Med s) Report of proceedings / the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine. Scottish Society of the History of Medicine 0559-1996 (P) Continues: Scottish Society of the History of Medicine. Report of the proceedings of the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine. 1950- 8202501 Rep Public Health Med Subj (Lond) Reports on public health and medical subjects 0072-6117 (P) Supersedes Reports on public health and medical subjects. Absorbed by: Reports on health and social subjects. 1920-1979 7507439 Rep Rheum Dis Reports on rheumatic diseases 0048-7279 (P) Continued by: Rheumatic diseases ( London, England: 1984) 1959-1983 0401277 Rep US Army Med Res Lab Report. U.S. Army Medical Research Laboratory 0097-5362 (P) 1947-uuuu 22120420R Rep US Army Med Res Nutr Lab Denver Report. United States. Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory, Denver Continues the Report of the Army Medical Nutrition Laboratory, Denver. 1958-1974 22211040R Rep US Nav Med Res Lab Report - U. S. Naval Medical Research Laboratory Continues in part: Report. Medical Research Laboratory (New London, Conn.). Continued by: Report (U.S. Naval Submarine Medical Center) . 1942-1964 0243634 Rep US Nav Submar Med Cent Report (U. S. Naval Submarine Medical Center) 0730-8515 (P) Continues: Report ( U. S. Naval Medical Research Laboratory) . Continued by: Report (Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory) . 1964-1972 0046347 Rep US Navy Exp Diving Unit Report. United States. Navy Experimental Diving Unit, Washington, D. C 1944-1967 22421120R

Recent Dev Alcohol<br />

Recent developments in alcoholism: an<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial publication <strong>of</strong> the American Medical<br />

Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society<br />

on Alcoholism, and the National Council on<br />

Alcoholism<br />

0738-422X (P)<br />

1983- 8301996<br />

Recent Prog Horm Res<br />

Recent progress in hormone research<br />

0079-9963 (P)<br />

Absorbed by: Endocrine reviews.<br />

1947-2004 Acid-free 0404471<br />

Recent Results Cancer Res<br />

Recent results in cancer research.<br />

Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres<br />

dans les recherches sur le cancer<br />

0080-0015 (P)<br />

1965- Acid-free 0044671<br />

Recenti Prog Med<br />

Recenti progressi in medicina<br />

0034-1193 (P)<br />

1946- 0401271<br />

Recept Signal Transduct<br />

Receptors & signal transduction<br />

1087-8475 (P)<br />

Continues: Receptor.<br />

1996-1997 Acid-free 9617134<br />

Receptor<br />

Receptor<br />

1052-8040 (P)<br />

Continued by: Receptors & signal<br />

transduction.<br />

1991-1995 Acid-free 9109671<br />

Receptors Channels<br />

Receptors & channels<br />

1060-6823 (P) 1607-856X (E)<br />

Absorbed: Pharmacology reviews and<br />

communications. 2003<br />

1993-2004 9315376<br />

Rech Soins Infirm<br />

Recherche en soins infirmiers<br />

0297-2964 (P)<br />

1985- 9715370<br />

Recomb DNA Tech Bull<br />

Recombinant DNA technical bulletin<br />

0196-0229 (P)<br />

Continues Nucleic acid recombinant<br />

scientific memoranda.<br />

1977-1993 7807151<br />

Reconstr Surg Traumatol<br />

Reconstruction surgery and traumatology<br />

0080-0260 (P)<br />

Continues Wiederherstellungschirurgie und<br />

Traumatologie. Reconstruction surgery and<br />

traumatology.<br />

1968-1990 0136516<br />

Record (Washington)<br />

Record<br />

0160-0036 (P)<br />

Supersedes The Social and rehabilitation<br />

record. Superseded by Forum.<br />

1977-1977 7708448<br />

Recruit Retain<br />

Recruit & retain: a monthly publication for<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals concerned with nurse<br />

recruitment and retention<br />

0278-2766 (P)<br />

198u- 9879301<br />

Recruit Retent Rep<br />

Recruitment & retention report<br />

1044-0666 (P)<br />

Continued by: Recruitment, retention &<br />

restructuring report.<br />

1988-1994 9312216<br />


Recruit Retent Restruct Rep<br />

Recruitment, retention & restructuring report<br />

Continues: Recruitment & retention report.<br />

Continued by: Nursing management. Feb. 1999<br />

1994-1998 9436564<br />

Redox Rep<br />

Redox report: communications in free<br />

radical research<br />

1351-0002 (P) 1743-2928 (E)<br />

1994- 9511366<br />

Ref Guide Health Care Technol Ind<br />

Reference guide for the health care<br />

technology industry<br />

1082-6858 (P)<br />

1993-1995 9413191<br />

Reflect Nurs Leadersh<br />

Reflections on nursing leadership / Sigma<br />

Theta Tau International, Honor Society <strong>of</strong><br />

Nursing<br />

1527-6538 (P)<br />

Continues: Reflections.<br />

2000-2005 100911064<br />

Reflections<br />

Reflections / Sigma Theta Tau<br />

0885-8144 (P)<br />

Continued by: Reflections on nursing<br />

leadership.<br />

1975-1999 9302919<br />

Refract Corneal Surg<br />

Refractive & corneal surgery<br />

1042-962X (P)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> refractive surgery.<br />

Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong> refractive and<br />

corneal surgery.<br />

1989-1993 8908429<br />

Refu Vet<br />

Refuah veterinarit: rivon Histadrut har<strong>of</strong>im<br />

ha-veterinariyim be-Erets-Yisrael<br />

0034-3153 (P)<br />

1939- 0404473<br />

Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993)<br />

0792-9935 (P)<br />

Continues: Refuat ha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv,<br />

Israel: 1983) .<br />

1993- 9816240<br />

Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv,<br />

Israel: 1969)<br />

0034-3161 (P)<br />

Continued by: Refuat ha-shinayim ( Tel Aviv,<br />

Israel: 1983) .<br />

1969-1983 0227721<br />

Refuat Hashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1944)<br />

1944-1968 0227735<br />

Refuat Hashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983)<br />

0334-1402 (P)<br />

Continues: Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim ( Tel<br />

Aviv, Israel: 1969) . Continued by: Refuat<br />

ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993).<br />

1983-199u 8500286<br />

Reg Anaesth<br />

Regional-Anaesthesie<br />

0171-1946 (P)<br />

1978-1991 Acid-free 8309693<br />

Reg Anesth<br />

Regional anesthesia<br />

0146-521X (P)<br />

Continued by: Regional anesthesia and pain<br />

medicine.<br />

1976-1997 7707549<br />

2007<br />

Reg Anesth Pain Med<br />

Regional anesthesia and pain medicine<br />

1098-7339 (P) 1532-8651 (E)<br />

Continues: Regional anesthesia.<br />

1998- 9804508<br />

Reg Immunol<br />

Regional immunology<br />

0896-0623 (P)<br />

1988-1994 9001013<br />

Regan Rep Nurs Law<br />

The Regan report on nursing law<br />

0034-3196 (P)<br />

Continued by: Nursing law’s Regan report.<br />

1960-1999 0352140<br />

Regensb Jahrb Arztl Fortbild<br />

Regensburger Jahrbuch fur arztliche<br />

Fortbildung<br />

Continued by Regensburger arztliche<br />

Fortbildung.<br />

1949-1965 20040740R<br />

Regist Nurse<br />

Registered nurse (Toronto, Ont. )<br />

0840-8831 (P)<br />

Continued by: Registered nurse journal.<br />

1989-1995 8907459<br />

Regul Anal Med Waste<br />

Regulatory analyst. Medical waste<br />

1065-1063 (P)<br />

Continued by: Medical waste analyst.<br />

1992-1993 Acid-free 9434067<br />

Regul Pept<br />

Regulatory peptides<br />

0167-0115 (P)<br />

1980- Acid-free 8100479<br />

Regul Pept Suppl<br />

Regulatory peptides. Supplement<br />

0169-5134 (P)<br />

1980-1985 8308791<br />

Regul Toxicol Pharmacol<br />

Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP<br />

0273-2300 (P)<br />

1981- Acid-free 8214983<br />

Regulation<br />

s) Regulation<br />

0147-0590 (P)<br />

1977-1988 7807387<br />

Rehab Manag<br />

Rehab management<br />

0899-6237 (P)<br />

1988- 9216135<br />

Rehabil Lit<br />

Rehabilitation literature<br />

0034-3579 (P)<br />

Continues the society’s Bulletin on current<br />

literature.<br />

1956-1986 0401274<br />

Rehabil Nurs<br />

Rehabilitation nursing: the <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

journal <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong> Rehabilitation<br />

Nurses<br />

0278-4807 (P)<br />

Continues: ARN journal.<br />

1981- 8104825<br />

Rehabil Rec<br />

Rehabilitation record<br />

0034-3587 (P)<br />

Merged with Human needs to form the Social<br />

and rehabilitation record.<br />

1960-1973 2985050R<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

0034-3528 (P)<br />

1948-1977 0257746<br />


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