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Plant Cell Environ Plant, cell & environment 0140-7791 (P) 1365-3040 (E) 1978- Acid-free 9309004 Plant Cell Physiol Plant & cell physiology 0032-0781 (P) 1471-9053 (E) 1959- 9430925 Plant Cell Rep Plant cell reports 0721-7714 (P) 1432-203X (E) 1981- Acid-free 9880970 Plant Foods Hum Nutr Plant foods for human nutrition ( Dordrecht, Netherlands) 0921-9668 (P) Continues: Qualitas plantarum - plant foods for human nutrition. 1987- 8803554 Plant J The Plant journal: for cell and molecular biology 0960-7412 (P) 1365-313X (E) 1991- 9207397 Plant Mol Biol Plant molecular biology 0167-4412 (P) 1981- Acid-free 9106343 Plant Physiol Plant physiology 0032-0889 (P) 1532-2548 (E) 1926- 0401224 Plant Physiol Biochem Plant physiology and biochemistry: PPB / Societe francaise de physiologie vegetale 0981-9428 (P) Continues: Physiologie vegetale. 1987- Acid-free 9882449 Planta Planta 0032-0935 (P) 1925- Acid-free 1250576 Planta Med Planta medica 0032-0943 (P) 1953- 0066751 Plasmid Plasmid 0147-619X (P) 1977- Acid-free 7802221 Plast Reconstr Surg * Plastic and reconstructive surgery 0032-1052 (P) 1529-4242 (E) Continues: Plastic and reconstructive surgery and the transplantation bulletin. 1963- 1306050 Plast Surg Nurs Plastic surgical nursing: official journal of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses 0741-5206 (P) Continues: Journal of plastic and reconstructive surgical nursing. 1983- 8403490 Platelets Platelets 0953-7104 (P) 1369-1635 (E) 1990- 9208117 PLoS Biol PLoS biology 1544-9173 (P) 1545-7885 (E) 2003- 101183755 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED PLoS Comput Biol PLoS computational biology 1553-734X (P) 1553-7358 (E) 2005- 101238922 PLoS Genet PLoS genetics 1553-7390 (P) 1553-7404 (E) 2005- 101239074 PLoS Med PLoS medicine 1549-1277 (P) 1549-1676 (E) 2004- 101231360 PLoS Pathog PLoS pathogens 1553-7366 (P) 1553-7374 (E) 2005- 101238921 Plucne Bolesti Plucne bolesti: casopis Udruzenja pneumoftiziologa Jugoslavije = the journal of Yugoslav Association of Phthisiology and Pneumology 0352-5503 (P) Continues: Plucne bolesti i tuberkuloza. 1984-1991 8413310 Plucne Bolesti Tuberk Plucne bolesti i tuberkuloza 0370-0380 (P) Continues Tuberkuloza. Continued by Plucne bolesti. 1969-1983 0226072 Plugger Plugger (Waterloo, Ia. ) 19uu- 9875619 Plzen Lek Sb Plzensky lekarsky sbornik 0551-1038 (P) 1945- 19630650R Pneumoftiziologia Pneumoftiziologia: revista Societatii Romane de Pneumoftiziologie / [Societatea Romana de Pneumoftiziologie] 0377-5011 (P) Continues: Revista de igiena, medicina muncii, medicina sociala, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie. Pneumoftiziologie. Continued by: Pneumologia ( Bucharest, Romania) . 1991-199u 9212780 Pneumologia Pneumologia (Bucharest, Romania) Continues: Pneumoftiziologia. 199u- 100941067 Pneumologie Pneumologie (Stuttgart, Germany) 0934-8387 (P) Continues: Praxis und Klinik der Pneumologie. 1989- 8906641 Pneumonol Alergol Pol Pneumonologia i alergologia polska: organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Ftyzjopneumonologicznego, Polskiego Towarzystwa Alergologicznego, i Instytutu Gruzlicy i Chorob Pluc 0867-7077 (P) Continues: Pneumonologia polska. 1991- 9302892 Pneumonol Phymatiologike Epitheor Pneumonologike kai phymatiologike epitheoresis 0551-1062 (P) Supersedes Soteria; hellenika phymatiologika chronika. Continued by Hellenike pneumonologike & phymatiologike epitheoresis. 1960-1972 7504330 2007 Pneumonol Pol Pneumonologia polska 0376-4761 (P) Continues Gruzlica i choroby pluc. Continued by: Pneumonologia i alergologia polska. 1976-1990 7605692 Pneumonologie Pneumonologie. Pneumonology 0033-4073 (P) Continues Beitrage zur Klinik und Erforschung der Tuberkulose und der Lungenkrankheiten. Continued by Lung. 1970-1976 1250075 Pol Arch Med Wewn Polskie archiwum medycyny wewnetrznej 0032-3772 (P) 1923- 0401225 Pol Arch Weter Polskie archiwum weterynaryjne 0079-3647 (P) Continued by: Archivum veterinarium Polonicum. 1951-1991 0023271 Pol J Microbiol Polish journal of microbiology / Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow = The Polish Society of Microbiologists 1733-1331 (P) Continues: Acta microbiologica Polonica. 2004- 101229003 Pol J Occup Med Polish journal of occupational medicine 0860-6536 (P) Continued by: Polish journal of occupational Medicine and environmental health. 1988-1990 9012925 Pol J Occup Med Environ Health Polish journal of occupational medicine and environmental health 0867-8383 (P) Continues: Polish journal of occupational medicine. Continued by: International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health. 1991-1993 9215008 Pol J Pathol Polish journal of pathology: official journal of the Polish Society of Pathologists 1233-9687 (P) Continues: Patologia polska. 1994- 9437432 Pol J Pharmacol Polish journal of pharmacology 1230-6002 (P) Continues: Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy. Continued by: Pharmacological reports. 1993-2004 9313882 Pol J Pharmacol Pharm Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy 0301-0244 (P) Continues Dissertationes pharmaceuticae et pharmacologicae. Continued by: Polish journal of pharmacology. 1973-1992 0366561 Pol J Vet Sci Polish journal of veterinary sciences 1505-1773 (P) Continues: Archivum veterinarium Polonicum. 1998- 101125473 Pol Med J Polish medical journal 0032-2938 (P) 1962-1972 0376721 243

Pol Med Sci Hist Bull Polish medical science and history bulletin 0091-3340 (P) Continues Polish medical history and science bulletin. Superseded by Polish medical sciences and history bulletin. 1960-1971 0367052 Pol Med Sci Hist Bull Polish medical sciences and history bulletin 0301-0236 (P) Continues Polish medical science and history bulletin. 1973-1976 0414140 Pol Merkur Lekarski Polski merkuriusz lekarski: organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego 1426-9686 (P) Continues: Polski tygodnik lekarski ( Warsaw, Poland: 1960) . 1996- 9705469 Pol Przegl Chir Polski przeglad chirurgiczny 0032-373X (P) 1921- 0376426 Pol Przegl Radiol Polski przeglad radiologii / Polskie Lekarskie Towarzystwo Radiologiczne 0860-1089 (P) Continues: Polski przeglad radiologii i medycyny nuklearnej. Continued by: Polish journal of radiology. 1983-2002 8409860 Pol Przegl Radiol Med Nukl Polski przeglad radiologii i medycyny nuklearnej 0137-7183 (P) Continues Polski przeglad radiologiczny. Continued by Polski przeglad radiologii. 1961-1982 0401226 Pol Tyg Lek Polski tygodnik lekarski ( Warsaw, Poland: 1960) 0032-3756 (P) Continues in part: Polski tygodnik lekarski i wiadomosci lekarskie. Continued by: Polski merkuriusz lekarski. 1960-1996 9705468 Pol Tyg Lek (Wars) Polski tygodnik lekarski 0860-8857 (P) Merged with: Wiadomosci lekarski ( Warsaw, Poland: 1948) , to form: Polski tygodnik lekarski i wiadomosci lekarskie. 1946-1958 9706227 Policlinico [Chir] Il Policlinico. Sezione chirurgica 0032-2636 (P) 1893- 0404461 Policlinico [Med] Il Policlinico. Sezione medica 0048-4717 (P) 1893- 0401144 Policlinico [Prat] Il Policlinico. Sezione pratica 0032-2644 (P) Continues Supplemento al Policlinico. 1900- 0410122 Policlinico [Prat] Policlinico; sezione practica 1894- 100971284 244 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Policy Anal s) Policy analysis 0098-2067 (P) Merged with Public policy, to form Journal of policy analysis and management. 1975-1981 7703761 Policy Anal Brief H Ser Policy analysis brief. H series / Project Hope, Center for Health Affairs 1999- 101130969 Policy Anal Brief W Ser Policy analysis brief. W series / Project Hope, Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis 1998- 101130970 Policy Brief (Cent Home Care Policy Res) Policy brief ( Center for Home Care Policy and Research ( U. S.) ) Continues: Fact sheet ( Center for Home Care Policy and Research ( U. S.) ) . 2000- 101206020 Policy Brief Commonw Fund Policy brief (Commonwealth Fund) 19uu- 101130806 Policy Brief George Wash Univ Cent Health Serv Res Policy Policy brief ( George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy) 2001- 101133097 Policy Brief Health Care Technol Inst Policy brief (Alexandria, Va. ) 1993-1995 9412760 Policy Brief UCLA Cent Health Policy Res Policy brief ( UCLA Center for Health Policy Research) 1994- 100972707 Policy Polit Nurs Pract Policy, politics & nursing practice 1527-1544 (P) 1552-7468 (E) 2000- 100901316 Policy Statement R Coll Gen Pract Policy statement / Royal College of General Practitioners. Royal College of General Practitioners 0957-0357 (P) 1985-1985 8604205 Polim Med Polimery w medycynie 0370-0747 (P) 1970- 7509477 Politics Life Sciences s) Politics and the life sciences: the journal of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences 0730-9384 (P) 1471-5457 (E) 1982- 8800535 Popul Rep A Population reports. Series A: Oral contraceptives 0097-9074 (P) 1974- 7501604 Popul Rep B Population reports. Series B: Intrauterine devices 0092-9344 (P) 1973- 0410014 Popul Rep C Population reports (Washington, D. C.). Series C,, Female sterilization 0891-0030 (P) Continues: Population reports. Series C: Sterilization [Female]. 1980-1990 9213379 2007 Popul Rep C Population reports. Series C: Sterilization [Female] Continued by: Population reports (Washington, D. C.). Series C, Female sterilization. 1973-1976 0376213 Popul Rep D Population reports (Washington, D. C.). Series D, Male sterilization 0891-0049 (P) Continues: Population reports ( Washington, D. C.) . Series D, Sterilization. 1983-1992 9215009 Popul Rep D Population reports (Washington, D. C.). Series D, Sterilization. 0093-4488 (P) Continued by: Population reports (Washington, D. C.). Series D, Male sterilization. 1973-1976 0415050 Popul Rep E Population reports. Series E, Law and policy 0097-9082 (P) 1974-1984 7501605 Popul Rep F Population reports. Series F: Pregnancy termination 0091-9284 (P) 1973-1980 0376215 Popul Rep G Population reports. Series G, Prostaglandins 0091-9276 (P) Absorbed: Research in prostaglandins. 1973-1980 0376216 Popul Rep H Population reports. Series H: Barrier methods 0093-4496 (P) 1973-1999 0415051 Popul Rep I Population reports. Series I: Periodic abstinence 0097-9090 (P) 1974-1981 7501606 Popul Rep J Population reports. Series J: Family planning programs 0091-925X (P) 1973- 0377050 Popul Rep K Population reports. Series K: Injectables and implants 0097-9104 (P) 1975-1995 7505819 Popul Rep L Population reports. Series L, Issues in world health 0197-5838 (P) 1979- 7903810 Popul Rep M Population reports. Series M, Special topic monographs 0275-8792 (P) Continues: Population reports. Special topic monographs. Continued by: Population reports. Series M, Special topics. 1979-1979 8204976 Popul Rep M Population reports. Series M. Special topics 0733-9135 (P) Continues: Population reports. Series M, Special topic monographs. 1981- 8204224

Pol Med Sci Hist Bull<br />

Polish medical science and history bulletin<br />

0091-3340 (P)<br />

Continues Polish medical history and science<br />

bulletin. Superseded by Polish medical<br />

sciences and history bulletin.<br />

1960-1971 0367052<br />

Pol Med Sci Hist Bull<br />

Polish medical sciences and history bulletin<br />

0301-0236 (P)<br />

Continues Polish medical science and history<br />

bulletin.<br />

1973-1976 0414140<br />

Pol Merkur Lekarski<br />

Polski merkuriusz lekarski: organ Polskiego<br />

Towarzystwa Lekarskiego<br />

1426-9686 (P)<br />

Continues: Polski tygodnik lekarski ( Warsaw,<br />

Poland: 1960) .<br />

1996- 9705469<br />

Pol Przegl Chir<br />

Polski przeglad chirurgiczny<br />

0032-373X (P)<br />

1921- 0376426<br />

Pol Przegl Radiol<br />

Polski przeglad radiologii / Polskie<br />

Lekarskie Towarzystwo Radiologiczne<br />

0860-1089 (P)<br />

Continues: Polski przeglad radiologii i<br />

medycyny nuklearnej. Continued by: Polish<br />

journal <strong>of</strong> radiology.<br />

1983-2002 8409860<br />

Pol Przegl Radiol Med Nukl<br />

Polski przeglad radiologii i medycyny<br />

nuklearnej<br />

0137-7183 (P)<br />

Continues Polski przeglad radiologiczny.<br />

Continued by Polski przeglad radiologii.<br />

1961-1982 0401226<br />

Pol Tyg Lek<br />

Polski tygodnik lekarski ( Warsaw, Poland:<br />

1960)<br />

0032-3756 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Polski tygodnik lekarski<br />

i wiadomosci lekarskie. Continued by:<br />

Polski merkuriusz lekarski.<br />

1960-1996 9705468<br />

Pol Tyg Lek (Wars)<br />

Polski tygodnik lekarski<br />

0860-8857 (P)<br />

Merged with: Wiadomosci lekarski ( Warsaw,<br />

Poland: 1948) , to form: Polski tygodnik<br />

lekarski i wiadomosci lekarskie.<br />

1946-1958 9706227<br />

Policlinico [Chir]<br />

Il Policlinico. Sezione chirurgica<br />

0032-2636 (P)<br />

1893- 0404461<br />

Policlinico [Med]<br />

Il Policlinico. Sezione medica<br />

0048-4717 (P)<br />

1893- 0401144<br />

Policlinico [Prat]<br />

Il Policlinico. Sezione pratica<br />

0032-2644 (P)<br />

Continues Supplemento al Policlinico.<br />

1900- 0410122<br />

Policlinico [Prat]<br />

Policlinico; sezione practica<br />

1894- 100971284<br />

244<br />


Policy Anal<br />

s) Policy analysis<br />

0098-2067 (P)<br />

Merged with Public policy, to form Journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> policy analysis and management.<br />

1975-1981 7703761<br />

Policy Anal Brief H Ser<br />

Policy analysis brief. H series / Project<br />

Hope, Center for Health Affairs<br />

1999- 101130969<br />

Policy Anal Brief W Ser<br />

Policy analysis brief. W series / Project<br />

Hope, Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis<br />

1998- 101130970<br />

Policy Brief (Cent Home Care Policy Res)<br />

Policy brief ( Center for Home Care Policy<br />

and Research ( U. S.) )<br />

Continues: Fact sheet ( Center for Home Care<br />

Policy and Research ( U. S.) ) .<br />

2000- 101206020<br />

Policy Brief Commonw Fund<br />

Policy brief (Commonwealth Fund)<br />

19uu- 101130806<br />

Policy Brief George Wash Univ Cent Health<br />

Serv Res Policy<br />

Policy brief ( George Washington University.<br />

Center for Health Services Research and<br />

Policy)<br />

2001- 101133097<br />

Policy Brief Health Care Technol Inst<br />

Policy brief (Alexandria, Va. )<br />

1993-1995 9412760<br />

Policy Brief UCLA Cent Health Policy Res<br />

Policy brief ( UCLA Center for Health Policy<br />

Research)<br />

1994- 100972707<br />

Policy Polit Nurs Pract<br />

Policy, politics & nursing practice<br />

1527-1544 (P) 1552-7468 (E)<br />

2000- 100901316<br />

Policy Statement R Coll Gen Pract<br />

Policy statement / Royal College <strong>of</strong> General<br />

Practitioners. Royal College <strong>of</strong> General<br />

Practitioners<br />

0957-0357 (P)<br />

1985-1985 8604205<br />

Polim Med<br />

Polimery w medycynie<br />

0370-0747 (P)<br />

1970- 7509477<br />

Politics Life Sciences<br />

s) Politics and the life sciences: the journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Association for Politics and the Life<br />

Sciences<br />

0730-9384 (P) 1471-5457 (E)<br />

1982- 8800535<br />

Popul Rep A<br />

Population reports. Series A: Oral<br />

contraceptives<br />

0097-9074 (P)<br />

1974- 7501604<br />

Popul Rep B<br />

Population reports. Series B: Intrauterine<br />

devices<br />

0092-9344 (P)<br />

1973- 0410014<br />

Popul Rep C<br />

Population reports (Washington, D. C.).<br />

Series C,, Female sterilization<br />

0891-0030 (P)<br />

Continues: Population reports. Series C:<br />

Sterilization [Female].<br />

1980-1990 9213379<br />

2007<br />

Popul Rep C<br />

Population reports. Series C: Sterilization<br />

[Female]<br />

Continued by: Population reports<br />

(Washington, D. C.). Series C, Female<br />

sterilization.<br />

1973-1976 0376213<br />

Popul Rep D<br />

Population reports (Washington, D. C.).<br />

Series D, Male sterilization<br />

0891-0049 (P)<br />

Continues: Population reports ( Washington, D.<br />

C.) . Series D, Sterilization.<br />

1983-1992 9215009<br />

Popul Rep D<br />

Population reports (Washington, D. C.).<br />

Series D, Sterilization.<br />

0093-4488 (P)<br />

Continued by: Population reports<br />

(Washington, D. C.). Series D, Male<br />

sterilization.<br />

1973-1976 0415050<br />

Popul Rep E<br />

Population reports. Series E, Law and policy<br />

0097-9082 (P)<br />

1974-1984 7501605<br />

Popul Rep F<br />

Population reports. Series F: Pregnancy<br />

termination<br />

0091-9284 (P)<br />

1973-1980 0376215<br />

Popul Rep G<br />

Population reports. Series G, Prostaglandins<br />

0091-9276 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Research in prostaglandins.<br />

1973-1980 0376216<br />

Popul Rep H<br />

Population reports. Series H: Barrier<br />

methods<br />

0093-4496 (P)<br />

1973-1999 0415051<br />

Popul Rep I<br />

Population reports. Series I: Periodic<br />

abstinence<br />

0097-9090 (P)<br />

1974-1981 7501606<br />

Popul Rep J<br />

Population reports. Series J: Family<br />

planning programs<br />

0091-925X (P)<br />

1973- 0377050<br />

Popul Rep K<br />

Population reports. Series K: Injectables<br />

and implants<br />

0097-9104 (P)<br />

1975-1995 7505819<br />

Popul Rep L<br />

Population reports. Series L, Issues in<br />

world health<br />

0197-5838 (P)<br />

1979- 7903810<br />

Popul Rep M<br />

Population reports. Series M, Special topic<br />

monographs<br />

0275-8792 (P)<br />

Continues: Population reports. Special<br />

topic monographs. Continued by: Population<br />

reports. Series M, Special topics.<br />

1979-1979 8204976<br />

Popul Rep M<br />

Population reports. Series M. Special topics<br />

0733-9135 (P)<br />

Continues: Population reports. Series M,<br />

Special topic monographs.<br />

1981- 8204224

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