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Pers Soc Psychol Bull Personality and social psychology bulletin 0146-1672 (P) 1975- Acid-free 7809042 Pers Soc Psychol Rev Personality and social psychology review: an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc 1088-8683 (P) 1532-7957 (E) 1997- 9703164 Personnel s) Personnel 0031-5702 (P) Continued by: HR focus. 1919-1991 19540490R Perspect Accredit s) Perspectives on accreditation 0099-2402 (P) Continues: Bulletin of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. Continued by: JCAH perspectives. 1972-1981 7511523 Perspect Addict Nurs Perspectives on addictions nursing: a publication of the National Nurses Society on Addictions 1057-1639 (P) Continues: NNSA news. 1990-1995 9302030 Perspect Biol Med Perspectives in biology and medicine 0031-5982 (P) 1529-8795 (E) 1957- 0401132 Perspect Dev Neurobiol Perspectives on developmental neurobiology 1064-0517 (P) Continues: Comments on modern biology. Part D. Comments on developmental neurobiology. 1992-1998 9417971 Perspect Healthc Risk Manage Perspectives in healthcare risk management / American Society for Healthcare Risk Management of the American Hospital Association 0899-1073 (P) Continues: Perspectives in hospital risk management. Continued by: Journal of healthcare risk management. 1987-1992 8905393 Perspect Infirm Perspective infirmiere: revue officielle de l’Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec 1708-1890 (P) Continues: Infirmiere du Quebec. 2003- 101196674 Perspect Med Virol Perspectives in medical virology 0168-7069 (P) 1985- 8500364 Perspect Medicaid Manage Perspectives on medicaid management Continues: Journal for medicaid management. Continued by: Perspectives on medicaid and medicare management. 1979-1979 9878669 Perspect Medicaid Medicare Manage Perspectives on Medicaid and Medicare management 0273-0413 (P) Continues: Perspectives on Medicare management. 1979-1981 8001253 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Perspect Nephrol Hypertens Perspectives in nephrology and hypertension 0092-2900 (P) 1973-1976 0402144 Perspect Pediatr Pathol Perspectives in pediatric pathology 0091-2921 (P) Continued by: Pediatric and developmental pathology. 1973-1997 Acid-free 0366560 Perspect Psychiatr Care Perspectives in psychiatric care 0031-5990 (P) 1963- 0401133 Perspect Respir Nurs Perspectives in respiratory nursing: a publication of the Respiratory Nursing Society 1075-5756 (P) 1990-1998 9421080 Perspect Sex Reprod Health Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 1538-6341 (P) Continues: Family planning perspectives. 2002- 101140654 Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther Perspectives in vascular surgery and endovascular therapy 1531-0035 (P) Continues: Perspectives in vascular surgery. 2001- 100970607 Perspectivas Perspectivas 0379-8208 (P) 1973-1981 7708436 Perspectives Perspectives ( Gerontological Nursing Association ( Canada) ) 0831-7445 (P) 1977- 8500942 Perspectives (Montclair) Perspectives 0191-6556 (P) 1976-1977 7901355 Pesqui Odontol Bras Pesquisa odontologica brasileira = Brazilian oral research 1806-8324 (P) Continues: Revista de odontologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 2000- 100941949 Pest Manag Sci Pest management science 1526-498X (P) Continues: Pesticide science. 2000- 100898744 Pestic Monit J Pesticides monitoring journal 0031-6156 (P) 1967-1981 0110540 PFCA Rev s) PFCA review 1081-5597 (P) Continues: Review ( Patient Focused Care Association) . 1993-1996 9500520 Pflege Pflege 1012-5302 (P) 1988- 8907069 2007 Pflege Aktuell Pflege aktuell / DBfK, Deutscher Berufsverband fur Pflegeberufe 0944-8918 (P) Continues: Krankenpflege ( Frankfurt am Main, Germany) . 1993- 9423842 Pflege Z Pflege Zeitschrift 0945-1129 (P) Continues: Deutsche Krankenpflegezeitschrift. 1994- 9430463 Pflugers Arch Pflugers Archiv: European journal of physiology 0031-6768 (P) Continues Pfluger’s Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere. 1968- Acid-free 0154720 Pflugers Arch Gesamte Physiol Menschen Tiere Pflugers Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere 0365-267X (P) Continues: Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Absorbed: Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie. Physiologische Abt. Archiv fur Physiologie. 1920 Zentralblatt fur Physiologie. 1921 Continued by: Pflugers Archiv. 1910-1968 0154722 Pharm Acta Helv Pharmaceutica acta Helvetiae 0031-6865 (P) Supplement to Schweizerische Apotheker- Zeitung. Absorbed by: European journal of pharmaceutical sciences in 2000. 1926-2000 0401134 Pharm Beih Die Pharmazie. Beihefte Continues: Pharmazie. Erganzungsband. 1954-1962 19610590R Pharm Biol Le Pharmacien biologiste 0553-9323 (P) Continued by: Biologiste. 1956-1986 19610300R Pharm Biotechnol Pharmaceutical biotechnology 1078-0467 (P) 1992- 9310302 Pharm Bull Pharmaceutical bulletin Continued by Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin. 1953-1957 19610100R Pharm Dev Technol Pharmaceutical development and technology 1083-7450 (P) 1097-9867 (E) 1996- 9610932 Pharm Fr Pharmacien de France 0031-6938 (P) 1940- 19610310R Pharm Hist s) Pharmacy in history 0031-7047 (P) Continues: A. I. H. P. notes. 1959- 0135654 Pharm Hist (Lond) s) Pharmaceutical historian 0079-1393 (P) 1967- 0146631 239

Pharm Hist Aust s) Pharmacy history Australia: the newsletter of the Australian Academy of the History of Pharmacy 1997- 100958810 Pharm Ind La Pharmacie industrielle 1946-1980 19610290R Pharm Ind Die Pharmazeutische Industrie 0031-711X (P) 1934- 19610500R Pharm Manage Comb Am J Pharm Pharmacy management combined with the American journal of pharmacy: PM 0163-464X (P) Formed by the union: of Pharmacy management; and: American journal of pharmacy and the sciences supporting public health. Continued by: American journal of pharmacy and the sciences supporting public health (Philadelphia, Pa.: 1981). 1979-1980 7902571 Pharm Pract Manag Q Pharmacy practice management quarterly 1080-5737 (P) Continues: Topics in hospital pharmacy management. Continued by: Advances in pharmacy. 1995-2001 Acid-free 9508902 Pharm Prax Pharmazeutische Praxis 0048-3656 (P) 1955-1991 0401136 Pharm Res Pharmaceutical research 0724-8741 (P) 1984- 8406521 Pharm Rundsch Pharmazeutische Rundschau 0031-7128 (P) Continued by: Pharma Rundschau. 1959-1998 0401137 Pharm Stat Pharmaceutical statistics 1539-1604 (P) 1539-1612 (E) 2002- Acid-free 101201192 Pharm Times s) Pharmacy times 0003-0627 (P) Continues American professional pharmacist. 1969- 0216507 Pharm Unserer Zeit Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 0048-3664 (P) 1972- 0337763 Pharm Weekbl Pharmaceutisch weekblad 0031-6911 (P) Absorbed the Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor pharmacie, chemie, en toxicologie in 1902. 1864- 0401211 Pharm Weekbl Sci Pharmaceutisch weekblad. Scientific edition 0167-6555 (P) Continued by: Pharmacy world & science. 1979-1992 7907992 Pharm World Sci Pharmacy world & science: PWS 0928-1231 (P) Continues: Pharmaceutisch weekblad. Scientific edition. 1993- 9307352 240 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Pharm Zentralhalle Dtschl Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle fur Deutschland Merged with Arzneimittelstandardisierung to form Zentralblatt fur Pharmazie, Pharmakotherapie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik. 1859-1969 0320011 Pharmacoeconomics PharmacoEconomics 1170-7690 (P) 1992- 9212404 Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 1053-8569 (P) 1099-1557 (E) 1992- Acid-free 9208369 Pharmacogenet Genomics Pharmacogenetics and genomics 1744-6872 (P) 1744-6880 (E) Continues: Pharmacogenetics. 2005- 101231005 Pharmacogenetics Pharmacogenetics 0960-314X (P) Continued by: Pharmacogenetics and genomics. 1991-2004 9211735 Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics 1462-2416 (P) 1744-8042 (E) 2000- 100897350 Pharmacogenomics J The pharmacogenomics journal 1470-269X (P) 1473-1150 (E) 2001- Acid-free 101083949 Pharmacol Biochem Behav Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 0091-3057 (P) 1973- Acid-free 0367050 Pharmacol Physicians Pharmacology for physicians 0097-0115 (P) Supersedes Physiology & pharmacology for physicians. Continued by Rational drug therapy. 1967-1970 1247035 Pharmacol Rep Pharmacological reports: PR 1734-1140 (P) Continues: Polish journal of pharmacology. 2005- 101234999 Pharmacol Res Pharmacological research: the official journal of the Italian Pharmacological Society 1043-6618 (P) Continues: Pharmacological research communications. 1989- Acid-free 8907422 Pharmacol Res Commun Pharmacological research communications 0031-6989 (P) Continues: Archivio italiano di farmacologia. Continued by: Pharmacological research. 1969-1988 0236354 Pharmacol Rev Pharmacological reviews 0031-6997 (P) 1521-0081 (E) 1949- 0421737 2007 Pharmacol Ther Pharmacology & therapeutics 0163-7258 (P) Formed by the union of Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, toxicology and metabolic inhibitors, of Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part B: General & systematic pharmacology, and of Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part C: Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. 1979- Acid-free 7905840 Pharmacol Ther Dent Pharmacology and therapeutics in dentistry 0001-4389 (P) 1970-1981 1252372 Pharmacol Ther [B] Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part B: General & systematic pharmacology 0306-039X (P) Merged with Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, toxicology and metabolic inhibitors and with Pharmacology & therapeutics. Part C: Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics to form Pharmacology & therapeutics. 1975-1978 7508692 Pharmacol Toxicol Pharmacology & toxicology 0901-9928 (P) Continues: Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica. Continued by: Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology. 1987-2003 8702180 Pharmacology Pharmacology 0031-7012 (P) 1423-0313 (E) Supersedes in part Medicina et pharmacologia experimentalis. 1968- Acid-free 0152016 Pharmacopsychiatria Pharmacopsychiatria 0720-4280 (P) Continues: Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuro- Psychopharmakologie. Continued by: Pharmacopsychiatry. 1981-1983 8103699 Pharmacopsychiatry Pharmacopsychiatry 0176-3679 (P) Continues: Pharmacopsychiatria. 1984- 8402938 Pharmacotherapy Pharmacotherapy 0277-0008 (P) 1981- Acid-free 8111305 Pharmakopsychiatr Neuropsychopharmakol Pharmakopsychiatrie, Neuro- Psychopharmakologie 0031-7098 (P) Continued by: Pharmacopsychiatria. 1968-1980 0146540 Pharmakotherapia Pharmakotherapia 0553-9439 (P) 1963-1965 0022452 Pharmatherapeutica Pharmatherapeutica 0308-051X (P) 1976-1989 7606274 Pharmazie Die Pharmazie 0031-7144 (P) 1946- 9800766

Pers Soc Psychol Bull<br />

Personality and social psychology bulletin<br />

0146-1672 (P)<br />

1975- Acid-free 7809042<br />

Pers Soc Psychol Rev<br />

Personality and social psychology review:<br />

an <strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong> the Society for<br />

Personality and Social Psychology, Inc<br />

1088-8683 (P) 1532-7957 (E)<br />

1997- 9703164<br />

Personnel<br />

s) Personnel<br />

0031-5702 (P)<br />

Continued by: HR focus.<br />

1919-1991 19540490R<br />

Perspect Accredit<br />

s) Perspectives on accreditation<br />

0099-2402 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Joint Commission<br />

on Accreditation <strong>of</strong> Hospitals. Continued by:<br />

JCAH perspectives.<br />

1972-1981 7511523<br />

Perspect Addict Nurs<br />

Perspectives on addictions nursing: a<br />

publication <strong>of</strong> the National Nurses Society<br />

on Addictions<br />

1057-1639 (P)<br />

Continues: NNSA news.<br />

1990-1995 9302030<br />

Perspect Biol Med<br />

Perspectives in biology and medicine<br />

0031-5982 (P) 1529-8795 (E)<br />

1957- 0401132<br />

Perspect Dev Neurobiol<br />

Perspectives on developmental neurobiology<br />

1064-0517 (P)<br />

Continues: Comments on modern biology. Part<br />

D. Comments on developmental neurobiology.<br />

1992-1998 9417971<br />

Perspect Healthc Risk Manage<br />

Perspectives in healthcare risk management /<br />

American Society for Healthcare Risk<br />

Management <strong>of</strong> the American Hospital<br />

Association<br />

0899-1073 (P)<br />

Continues: Perspectives in hospital risk<br />

management. Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong><br />

healthcare risk management.<br />

1987-1992 8905393<br />

Perspect Infirm<br />

Perspective infirmiere: revue <strong>of</strong>ficielle de<br />

l’Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du<br />

Quebec<br />

1708-1890 (P)<br />

Continues: Infirmiere du Quebec.<br />

2003- 101196674<br />

Perspect Med Virol<br />

Perspectives in medical virology<br />

0168-7069 (P)<br />

1985- 8500364<br />

Perspect Medicaid Manage<br />

Perspectives on medicaid management<br />

Continues: Journal for medicaid management.<br />

Continued by: Perspectives on medicaid and<br />

medicare management.<br />

1979-1979 9878669<br />

Perspect Medicaid Medicare Manage<br />

Perspectives on Medicaid and Medicare<br />

management<br />

0273-0413 (P)<br />

Continues: Perspectives on Medicare<br />

management.<br />

1979-1981 8001253<br />


Perspect Nephrol Hypertens<br />

Perspectives in nephrology and hypertension<br />

0092-2900 (P)<br />

1973-1976 0402144<br />

Perspect Pediatr Pathol<br />

Perspectives in pediatric pathology<br />

0091-2921 (P)<br />

Continued by: Pediatric and developmental<br />

pathology.<br />

1973-1997 Acid-free 0366560<br />

Perspect Psychiatr Care<br />

Perspectives in psychiatric care<br />

0031-5990 (P)<br />

1963- 0401133<br />

Perspect Respir Nurs<br />

Perspectives in respiratory nursing: a<br />

publication <strong>of</strong> the Respiratory Nursing<br />

Society<br />

1075-5756 (P)<br />

1990-1998 9421080<br />

Perspect Sex Reprod Health<br />

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive<br />

health<br />

1538-6341 (P)<br />

Continues: Family planning perspectives.<br />

2002- 101140654<br />

Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther<br />

Perspectives in vascular surgery and<br />

endovascular therapy<br />

1531-0035 (P)<br />

Continues: Perspectives in vascular surgery.<br />

2001- 100970607<br />

Perspectivas<br />

Perspectivas<br />

0379-8208 (P)<br />

1973-1981 7708436<br />

Perspectives<br />

Perspectives ( Gerontological Nursing<br />

Association ( Canada) )<br />

0831-7445 (P)<br />

1977- 8500942<br />

Perspectives (Montclair)<br />

Perspectives<br />

0191-6556 (P)<br />

1976-1977 7901355<br />

Pesqui Odontol Bras<br />

Pesquisa odontologica brasileira = Brazilian<br />

oral research<br />

1806-8324 (P)<br />

Continues: Revista de odontologia da<br />

Universidade de Sao Paulo.<br />

2000- 100941949<br />

Pest Manag Sci<br />

Pest management science<br />

1526-498X (P)<br />

Continues: Pesticide science.<br />

2000- 100898744<br />

Pestic Monit J<br />

Pesticides monitoring journal<br />

0031-6156 (P)<br />

1967-1981 0110540<br />

PFCA Rev<br />

s) PFCA review<br />

1081-5597 (P)<br />

Continues: Review ( Patient Focused Care<br />

Association) .<br />

1993-1996 9500520<br />

Pflege Pflege<br />

1012-5302 (P)<br />

1988- 8907069<br />

2007<br />

Pflege Aktuell<br />

Pflege aktuell / DBfK, Deutscher<br />

Berufsverband fur Pflegeberufe<br />

0944-8918 (P)<br />

Continues: Krankenpflege ( Frankfurt am Main,<br />

Germany) .<br />

1993- 9423842<br />

Pflege Z<br />

Pflege Zeitschrift<br />

0945-1129 (P)<br />

Continues: Deutsche Krankenpflegezeitschrift.<br />

1994- 9430463<br />

Pflugers Arch<br />

Pflugers Archiv: European journal <strong>of</strong><br />

physiology<br />

0031-6768 (P)<br />

Continues Pfluger’s Archiv fur die gesamte<br />

Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere.<br />

1968- Acid-free 0154720<br />

Pflugers Arch Gesamte Physiol Menschen Tiere<br />

Pflugers Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie<br />

des Menschen und der Tiere<br />

0365-267X (P)<br />

Continues: Archiv fur die gesammte<br />

Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere.<br />

Absorbed: Archiv fur Anatomie und<br />

Physiologie. Physiologische Abt. Archiv fur<br />

Physiologie. 1920 Zentralblatt fur<br />

Physiologie. 1921 Continued by: Pflugers<br />

Archiv.<br />

1910-1968 0154722<br />

Pharm Acta Helv<br />

Pharmaceutica acta Helvetiae<br />

0031-6865 (P)<br />

Supplement to Schweizerische Apotheker-<br />

Zeitung. Absorbed by: European journal <strong>of</strong><br />

pharmaceutical sciences in 2000.<br />

1926-2000 0401134<br />

Pharm Beih<br />

Die Pharmazie. Beihefte<br />

Continues: Pharmazie. Erganzungsband.<br />

1954-1962 19610590R<br />

Pharm Biol<br />

Le Pharmacien biologiste<br />

0553-9323 (P)<br />

Continued by: Biologiste.<br />

1956-1986 19610300R<br />

Pharm Biotechnol<br />

Pharmaceutical biotechnology<br />

1078-0467 (P)<br />

1992- 9310302<br />

Pharm Bull<br />

Pharmaceutical bulletin<br />

Continued by Chemical and pharmaceutical<br />

bulletin.<br />

1953-1957 19610100R<br />

Pharm Dev Technol<br />

Pharmaceutical development and technology<br />

1083-7450 (P) 1097-9867 (E)<br />

1996- 9610932<br />

Pharm Fr<br />

Pharmacien de France<br />

0031-6938 (P)<br />

1940- 19610310R<br />

Pharm Hist<br />

s) Pharmacy in history<br />

0031-7047 (P)<br />

Continues: A. I. H. P. notes.<br />

1959- 0135654<br />

Pharm Hist (Lond)<br />

s) Pharmaceutical historian<br />

0079-1393 (P)<br />

1967- 0146631<br />


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