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NAACOG Newsl NAACOG newsletter 0889-0579 (P) Continues: Bulletin; news of the Nurses Association of ACOG. Continued by: AWHONN voice. 1982-1992 9107925 NAACOG Tech Bull NAACOG technical bulletin 0198-9227 (P) 1977-1981 8002791 NAACOGS Clin Issu Perinat Womens Health Nurs NAACOG’s clinical issues in perinatal and women’s health nursing 1046-7475 (P) Continued by: AWHONN’s clinical issues in perinatal and women’s health nursing. 1990-1992 9010476 NACDL J NACDL journal 0027-5735 (P) Continues and is continued by NADL journal. 1966-1971 0333617 NADC MA United States Nav Air Dev Cen Johnsville Pa Aviat Med Accel Lab NADC-MA-. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory 1900-uuuu 22420610R NADC-AC NADC-AC. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aeronautical Computer Laboratory 1967-1971 22420600R NADC-ML Rep NADC-ML [reports]. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory 1965-1965 0047423 NADC-MR Rep NADC-MR [reports]. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aerospace Medical Research Dept 1965-1971 0047422 NADL J NADL journal 0360-5361 (P) 1954-1983 0333620 Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi Nagasaki Igakkai zasshi = Nagasaki medical journal 0369-3228 (P) Supersedes Zasshi of Kenkyokai, Nagasaki Igaku Senmongakko. 1923- 0413711 Nagoya J Med Sci Nagoya journal of medical science 0027-7622 (P) Continues Aichi journal of experimental medicine. 1927- 0412011 Nagoya Med J Nagoya medical journal 0027-7649 (P) 1953- 0413417 NAHAM Access Manag J NAHAM access management journal 1534-9861 (P) Continues: NAHAM management journal. Continued by: Access management journal. 199u-2002 101125179 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED NAHAM Manage J s) The NAHAM management journal 1057-3526 (P) Continues: Admitting management journal. Continued by: NAHAM access management journal. 1991-199u 9102192 Nahrung Die Nahrung 0027-769X (P) 1521-3803 (E) Continued by: Molecular nutrition & food research. 1957-2004 0142530 Naika Naika. Internal medicine 0022-1961 (P) 1958- 0413541 Naika Hokan Naika hokan. Japanese archives of internal medicine 0021-4809 (P) 1954-1996 0417455 Nakadori Byoin Iho Nakadori Byoin iho. Nakadori Hospital medical bulletin] 0389-9411 (P) 1960-1992 1303255 Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Nan fang yi ke da xue xue bao = Journal of Southern Medical University 1673-4254 (P) Continues: Di 1 jun yi da xue xue bao. 2005- 101266132 Nano Lett s) Nano letters 1530-6984 (P) 1530-6992 (E) 2001- 101088070 Nanomedicine Nanomedicine: nanotechnology, biology, and medicine 1549-9634 (P) 1549-9642 (E) 2005- Acid-free 101233142 NANR News Nanr News Continued by: Recruitment Directions. 1977-1984 9879596 Nar Zdrav Narodno zdravlje 0027-8025 (P) 1945-1977 0404440 NASA Contract Rep NASA CR NASA contractor report. NASA CR. United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0565-7059 (P) 1964-1973 21930160R NASA Tech Memo NASA technical memorandum 1959-1974 0053235 Nasnewsletter NASNewsletter 1047-4757 (P) 1985- 8912016 Nasu Suteshon Nasu suteshon: NS = Nurses’ station quarterly 0387-351X (P) 1971-1990 8608530 2007 Nat Biotechnol Nature biotechnology 1087-0156 (P) Continues: Bio/technology ( Nature Publishing Company) . 1996- 9604648 Nat Cell Biol Nature cell biology 1465-7392 (P) 1999- 100890575 Nat Chem Biol Nature chemical biology 1552-4450 (P) 1552-4469 (E) 2005- 101231976 Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med Nature clinical practice. Cardiovascular medicine 1743-4297 (P) 1743-4300 (E) 2004- 101226507 Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab Nature clinical practice. Endocrinology & metabolism 1745-8366 (P) 1745-8374 (E) 2005- 101261798 Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol Nature clinical practice. Gastroenterology & hepatology 1743-4378 (P) 1743-4386 (E) 2004- 101226510 Nat Clin Pract Nephrol Nature clinical practice. Nephrology 1745-8323 (P) 1745-8331 (E) 2005- 101261800 Nat Clin Pract Neurol Nature clinical practice. Neurology 1745-834X (P) 1745-8358 (E) 2005- 101261799 Nat Clin Pract Oncol Nature clinical practice. Oncology 1743-4254 (P) 1743-4262 (E) 2004- 101226509 Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol Nature clinical practice. Rheumatology 1745-8382 (P) 1745-8390 (E) 2005- 101261802 Nat Clin Pract Urol Nature clinical practice. Urology 1743-4270 (P) 1743-4289 (E) 2004- Acid-free 101226508 Nat Genet Nature genetics 1061-4036 (P) 1546-1718 (E) 1992- 9216904 Nat Immun Natural immunity 1018-8916 (P) Continues: Natural immunity and cell growth regulation. 1992-1998 Acid-free 9206126 Nat Immun Cell Growth Regul Natural immunity and cell growth regulation 0254-7600 (P) Continues: Stem cells. Continued by: Natural immunity. 1984-1991 8407979 Nat Immunol Nature immunology 1529-2908 (P) 2000- Acid-free 100941354 215

Nat Mater s) Nature materials 1476-1122 (P) 2002- 101155473 Nat Med Nature medicine 1078-8956 (P) 1995- 9502015 Nat Methods Nature methods 1548-7091 (P) 1548-7105 (E) 2004- 101215604 Nat Neurosci Nature neuroscience 1097-6256 (P) 1998- 9809671 Nat New Biol Nature: New biology 0090-0028 (P) Continues in part and is continued by Nature. 1971-1973 0410463 Nat Prod Lett Natural product letters 1057-5634 (P) Continued by: Natural product research. 1992-2002 9315615 Nat Prod Rep Natural product reports 0265-0568 (P) 1460-4752 (E) Formed by the union of: Alkaloids; Biosynthesis; Aliphatic and related natural product chemistry; and: Terpenoids and steroids. 1984- 8502408 Nat Prod Res Natural product research 1478-6419 (P) 1478-6427 (E) Continues: Natural product letters. 2003- 101167924 Nat Rev Cancer Nature reviews. Cancer 1474-175X (P) 1474-1768 (E) 2001- 101124168 Nat Rev Drug Discov Nature reviews. Drug discovery 1474-1776 (P) 1474-1784 (E) 2002- 101124171 Nat Rev Genet Nature reviews. Genetics 1471-0056 (P) 1471-0064 (E) 2000- Acid-free 100962779 Nat Rev Immunol Nature reviews. Immunology 1474-1733 (P) 1474-1741 (E) 2001- 101124169 Nat Rev Microbiol Nature reviews. Microbiology 1740-1526 (P) 1740-1534 (E) 2003- Acid-free 101190261 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology 1471-0072 (P) 1471-0080 (E) 2000- Acid-free 100962782 Nat Rev Neurosci Nature reviews. Neuroscience 1471-003X (P) 1471-0048 (E) 2000- Acid-free 100962781 216 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Nat Struct Biol Nature structural biology 1072-8368 (P) Continued by: Nature structural & molecular biology. 1994-2003 9421566 Nat Struct Mol Biol Nature structural & molecular biology 1545-9993 (P) 1545-9985 (E) Continues: Nature structural biology. 2004- 101186374 Nat Toxins Natural toxins 1056-9014 (P) 1992-1999 Acid-free 9212382 Nations Bus s) Nation’s business 0028-047X (P) 1912-1999 9876356 Natl Bur Econ Res Bull Aging Health National Bureau of Economic Research bulletin on aging and health 2002- 101215702 Natl Cancer Inst Monogr National Cancer Institute monograph 0083-1921 (P) Merged with: Cancer treatment symposia; to form: NCI monographs. 1959-1986 0216026 Natl Cancer Inst Res Rep National Cancer Institute research report 1962-1967 7509223 Natl Conf Dent Public Relat National Conference on Dental Public Relations 196u-uuuu 100961269 Natl Dent Assoc J National Dental Association journal 1050-530X (P) Continues: Quarterly of the National Dental Association, Inc. . Continued by: NDA journal. 1984-1994 8502932 Natl Eng s) The National engineer 0027-9218 (P) 1897- 9877852 Natl Hosp Health Care s) National hospital and health care 0312-794X (P) Formed by the union of National hospital and of Hospital & health care administration. Superseded by Australian hospital. Continued by: Australian hospital. 1975-1976 7513650 Natl Inst Anim Health Q (Tokyo) National Institute of Animal Health quarterly 0027-951X (P) Absorbed by: Norin Suisansho Kachiku Eisei Shikenjo kenkyu hokoku. 1961-1983 0413132 Natl Inst Drug Abuse Res Monogr Ser National Institute on Drug Abuse research monograph series 0361-8595 (P) Continued by: NIDA research monograph. 1975-1976 7610559 2007 Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf Consens Statement National Institutes of Health consensus development conference consensus statement 1048-566X (P) Continues: National Institutes of Health consensus development conference summary. Continued by: National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference. Consensus statement. 1984-1989 8500356 Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf Summ National Institutes of Health consensus development conference summaries 0195-6213 (P) Consists of the annual cumulation of: NIH consensus development conference summary. 1977-1979 7905296 Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf Summ National Institutes of Health consensus development conference summary Continues: NIH consensus development conference summary. Continued by: National Institutes of Health consensus development conference consensus statement. 1980-1984 8301658 Natl J (Wash) s) National journal 0360-4217 (P) Continues: National journal reports. 1975- 9876352 Natl Med Care Util Expend Surv B National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (Series). Series B, Descriptive report. 0895-2728 (P) 1986-1987 8710665 Natl Med Care Util Expend Surv C National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (Series). Series C, Analytical report. 0895-2671 (P) 1985-1990 8710854 Natl Med J India The National medical journal of India 0970-258X (P) 1988- 8809315 Natl Med Leg J National medical-legal journal 1052-309X (P) Continued by online format: Legal nurse consulting ezine. 1990-2000 9106697 Natl Netw National network (Dallas, Tex. ) 1075-3753 (P) Continues: Newsletter ( Medical Library Association. Hospital Library Section) . 1990- 9507560 Natl Nosocomial Infect Study Rep s) National Nosocomial Infections Study report 0147-443X (P) Continues: National Nosocomial Infections Study (1971). 1974-1979 8008548 Natl Rep Subacute Care National report on subacute care 1073-2551 (P) Continued by: LTC regulatory risk & liability advisor. 1993-2000 9418980 Natl Saf News s) National safety news 0028-0100 (P) Continued by National Safety and health news. 1919-1985 18930380R

NAACOG Newsl<br />

NAACOG newsletter<br />

0889-0579 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin; news <strong>of</strong> the Nurses<br />

Association <strong>of</strong> ACOG. Continued by: AWHONN<br />

voice.<br />

1982-1992 9107925<br />

NAACOG Tech Bull<br />

NAACOG technical bulletin<br />

0198-9227 (P)<br />

1977-1981 8002791<br />

NAACOGS Clin Issu Perinat Womens Health Nurs<br />

NAACOG’s clinical issues in perinatal and<br />

women’s health nursing<br />

1046-7475 (P)<br />

Continued by: AWHONN’s clinical issues in<br />

perinatal and women’s health nursing.<br />

1990-1992 9010476<br />

NACDL J<br />

NACDL journal<br />

0027-5735 (P)<br />

Continues and is continued by NADL journal.<br />

1966-1971 0333617<br />

NADC MA United States Nav Air Dev Cen<br />

Johnsville Pa Aviat Med Accel Lab<br />

NADC-MA-. United States. Naval Air<br />

Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aviation<br />

Medical Acceleration Laboratory<br />

1900-uuuu 22420610R<br />

NADC-AC<br />

NADC-AC. United States. Naval Air<br />

Development Center, Johnsville, Pa.<br />

Aeronautical Computer Laboratory<br />

1967-1971 22420600R<br />

NADC-ML Rep<br />

NADC-ML [reports]. United States. Naval Air<br />

Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aviation<br />

Medical Acceleration Laboratory<br />

1965-1965 0047423<br />

NADC-MR Rep<br />

NADC-MR [reports]. United States. Naval Air<br />

Development Center, Johnsville, Pa.<br />

Aerospace Medical Research Dept<br />

1965-1971 0047422<br />

NADL J<br />

NADL journal<br />

0360-5361 (P)<br />

1954-1983 0333620<br />

Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi<br />

Nagasaki Igakkai zasshi = Nagasaki medical<br />

journal<br />

0369-3228 (P)<br />

Supersedes Zasshi <strong>of</strong> Kenkyokai, Nagasaki<br />

Igaku Senmongakko.<br />

1923- 0413711<br />

Nagoya J Med Sci<br />

Nagoya journal <strong>of</strong> medical science<br />

0027-7622 (P)<br />

Continues Aichi journal <strong>of</strong> experimental<br />

medicine.<br />

1927- 0412011<br />

Nagoya Med J<br />

Nagoya medical journal<br />

0027-7649 (P)<br />

1953- 0413417<br />

NAHAM Access Manag J<br />

NAHAM access management journal<br />

1534-9861 (P)<br />

Continues: NAHAM management journal.<br />

Continued by: Access management journal.<br />

199u-2002 101125179<br />


NAHAM Manage J<br />

s) The NAHAM management journal<br />

1057-3526 (P)<br />

Continues: Admitting management journal.<br />

Continued by: NAHAM access management<br />

journal.<br />

1991-199u 9102192<br />

Nahrung<br />

Die Nahrung<br />

0027-769X (P) 1521-3803 (E)<br />

Continued by: Molecular nutrition & food<br />

research.<br />

1957-2004 0142530<br />

Naika Naika. Internal medicine<br />

0022-1961 (P)<br />

1958- 0413541<br />

Naika Hokan<br />

Naika hokan. Japanese archives <strong>of</strong> internal<br />

medicine<br />

0021-4809 (P)<br />

1954-1996 0417455<br />

Nakadori Byoin Iho<br />

Nakadori Byoin iho. Nakadori Hospital<br />

medical bulletin]<br />

0389-9411 (P)<br />

1960-1992 1303255<br />

Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao<br />

Nan fang yi ke da xue xue bao = Journal <strong>of</strong><br />

Southern Medical University<br />

1673-4254 (P)<br />

Continues: Di 1 jun yi da xue xue bao.<br />

2005- 101266132<br />

Nano Lett<br />

s) Nano letters<br />

1530-6984 (P) 1530-6992 (E)<br />

2001- 101088070<br />

Nanomedicine<br />

Nanomedicine: nanotechnology, biology, and<br />

medicine<br />

1549-9634 (P) 1549-9642 (E)<br />

2005- Acid-free 101233142<br />

NANR News<br />

Nanr News<br />

Continued by: Recruitment Directions.<br />

1977-1984 9879596<br />

Nar Zdrav<br />

Narodno zdravlje<br />

0027-8025 (P)<br />

1945-1977 0404440<br />

NASA Contract Rep NASA CR<br />

NASA contractor report. NASA CR. United<br />

States. National Aeronautics and Space<br />

Administration<br />

0565-7059 (P)<br />

1964-1973 21930160R<br />

NASA Tech Memo<br />

NASA technical memorandum<br />

1959-1974 0053235<br />

Nasnewsletter<br />

NASNewsletter<br />

1047-4757 (P)<br />

1985- 8912016<br />

Nasu Suteshon<br />

Nasu suteshon: NS = Nurses’ station<br />

quarterly<br />

0387-351X (P)<br />

1971-1990 8608530<br />

2007<br />

Nat Biotechnol<br />

Nature biotechnology<br />

1087-0156 (P)<br />

Continues: Bio/technology ( Nature Publishing<br />

Company) .<br />

1996- 9604648<br />

Nat Cell Biol<br />

Nature cell biology<br />

1465-7392 (P)<br />

1999- 100890575<br />

Nat Chem Biol<br />

Nature chemical biology<br />

1552-4450 (P) 1552-4469 (E)<br />

2005- 101231976<br />

Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med<br />

Nature clinical practice. Cardiovascular<br />

medicine<br />

1743-4297 (P) 1743-4300 (E)<br />

2004- 101226507<br />

Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab<br />

Nature clinical practice. Endocrinology &<br />

metabolism<br />

1745-8366 (P) 1745-8374 (E)<br />

2005- 101261798<br />

Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol<br />

Nature clinical practice. Gastroenterology &<br />

hepatology<br />

1743-4378 (P) 1743-4386 (E)<br />

2004- 101226510<br />

Nat Clin Pract Nephrol<br />

Nature clinical practice. Nephrology<br />

1745-8323 (P) 1745-8331 (E)<br />

2005- 101261800<br />

Nat Clin Pract Neurol<br />

Nature clinical practice. Neurology<br />

1745-834X (P) 1745-8358 (E)<br />

2005- 101261799<br />

Nat Clin Pract Oncol<br />

Nature clinical practice. Oncology<br />

1743-4254 (P) 1743-4262 (E)<br />

2004- 101226509<br />

Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol<br />

Nature clinical practice. Rheumatology<br />

1745-8382 (P) 1745-8390 (E)<br />

2005- 101261802<br />

Nat Clin Pract Urol<br />

Nature clinical practice. Urology<br />

1743-4270 (P) 1743-4289 (E)<br />

2004- Acid-free 101226508<br />

Nat Genet<br />

Nature genetics<br />

1061-4036 (P) 1546-1718 (E)<br />

1992- 9216904<br />

Nat Immun<br />

Natural immunity<br />

1018-8916 (P)<br />

Continues: Natural immunity and cell growth<br />

regulation.<br />

1992-1998 Acid-free 9206126<br />

Nat Immun Cell Growth Regul<br />

Natural immunity and cell growth regulation<br />

0254-7600 (P)<br />

Continues: Stem cells. Continued by:<br />

Natural immunity.<br />

1984-1991 8407979<br />

Nat Immunol<br />

Nature immunology<br />

1529-2908 (P)<br />

2000- Acid-free 100941354<br />


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