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Mol Cell Endocrinol Molecular and cellular endocrinology 0303-7207 (P) 1974- Acid-free 7500844 Mol Cell Neurosci Molecular and cellular neurosciences 1044-7431 (P) 1095-9327 (E) 1990- Acid-free 9100095 Mol Cell Probes Molecular and cellular probes 0890-8508 (P) 1987- Acid-free 8709751 Mol Cell Proteomics Molecular & cellular proteomics: MCP 1535-9476 (P) 1535-9484 (E) 2002- 101125647 Mol Cells Molecules and cells 1016-8478 (P) 1990- 9610936 Mol Chem Neuropathol Molecular and chemical neuropathology / sponsored by the International Society for Neurochemistry and the World Federation of Neurology and research groups on neurochemistry and cerebrospinal fluid 1044-7393 (P) Continues: Neurochemical pathology. Absorbed by: Journal of molecular neuroscience. 1989-1998 Acid-free 8910358 Mol Diagn Molecular diagnosis: a journal devoted to the understanding of human disease through the clinical application of molecular biology 1084-8592 (P) Merged with: American journal of pharmacogenomics, to form: Molecular diagnosis & therapy. 1996-2005 9614965 Mol Diagn Ther Molecular diagnosis & therapy 1177-1062 (P) Merger of: Molecular diagnosis; and: American journal of pharmacogenomics, continuing the numbering of the former. 2006- 101264260 Mol Divers Molecular diversity 1381-1991 (P) 1995- Acid-free 9516534 Mol Ecol Molecular ecology 0962-1083 (P) 1365-294X (E) 1992- Acid-free 9214478 Mol Endocrinol Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md. ) 0888-8809 (P) 1987- 8801431 Mol Gen Genet Molecular & general genetics: MGG 0026-8925 (P) Continues: Zeitschrift fur Vererbungslehre. Continued by: Molecular genetics and genomics. 1967-2001 Acid-free 0125036 Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia 0208-0613 (P) 1983- 9315607 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Mol Genet Genomics Molecular genetics and genomics: MGG 1617-4615 (P) 1617-4623 (E) Continues: Molecular & general genetics. 2001- 101093320 Mol Genet Med Molecular genetic medicine 1057-2805 (P) Absorbed by: Advances in genetics. 1991-1994 Acid-free 9114827 Mol Genet Metab Molecular genetics and metabolism 1096-7192 (P) 1096-7206 (E) Continues: Biochemical and molecular medicine. 1998- 9805456 Mol Hum Reprod Molecular human reproduction 1360-9947 (P) 1460-2407 (E) 1995- 9513710 Mol Imaging Molecular imaging: official journal of the Society for Molecular Imaging 1535-3508 (P) 1536-0121 (E) 2001- 101120118 Mol Imaging Biol Molecular imaging and biology: MIB: the official publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging 1536-1632 (P) Continues: Clinical positron imaging. 2002- 101125610 Mol Immunol Molecular immunology 0161-5890 (P) Continues Immunochemistry. 1979- 7905289 Mol Interv Molecular interventions 1534-0384 (P) 2001- 101093789 Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol s) Molecular marine biology and biotechnology 1053-6426 (P) Merged with: Journal of marine biotechnology, to form: Marine biotechnology (New York, N. Y.) 1991-1998 9205135 Mol Med Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass. ) 1076-1551 (P) 1528-3658 (E) 1994- Acid-free 9501023 Mol Med (Sofia) Molekuliarna meditsina = Molecular medicine / Nauchno sdruzhenie "Molekuliarna meditsina" 1310-7798 (P) Continues: Eksperimentalna meditsina i morfologiia. 1996-1996 9615138 Mol Med Today Molecular medicine today 1357-4310 (P) Continued by: Trends in molecular medicine. 1995-2000 9508560 Mol Membr Biol Molecular membrane biology 0968-7688 (P) 1464-5203 (E) Continues: Membrane biochemistry. 1994- Acid-free 9430797 Mol Microbiol Molecular microbiology 0950-382X (P) 1365-2958 (E) 1987- Acid-free 8712028 2007 Mol Neurobiol Molecular neurobiology 0893-7648 (P) 1987- Acid-free 8900963 Mol Nutr Food Res Molecular nutrition & food research 1613-4125 (P) 1613-4133 (E) Continues: Nahrung. 2004- 101231818 Mol Pain Molecular pain 1744-8069 (E) 2005- 101242662 Mol Pathol Molecular pathology: MP 1366-8714 (P) 1472-4154 (E) Continues: Clinical molecular pathology. Absorbed by: Journal of clinical pathology. 1997-2003 9706282 Mol Pharm Molecular pharmaceutics 1543-8384 (P) 1543-8392 (E) 2004- 101197791 Mol Pharmacol Molecular pharmacology 0026-895X (P) 1521-0111 (E) 1965- 0035623 Mol Phylogenet Evol Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 1055-7903 (P) 1992- Acid-free 9304400 Mol Plant Microbe Interact Molecular plant-microbe interactions: MPMI 0894-0282 (P) 1988- Acid-free 9107902 Mol Psychiatry Molecular psychiatry 1359-4184 (P) 1476-5578 (E) 1996- Acid-free 9607835 Mol Reprod Dev Molecular reproduction and development 1040-452X (P) 1098-2795 (E) 1988- 8903333 Mol Syst Biol Molecular systems biology 1744-4292 (E) 2005- 101235389 Mol Ther Molecular therapy: the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 1525-0016 (P) 1525-0024 (E) 2000- Acid-free 100890581 Mol Toxicol Molecular toxicology 0883-9492 (P) 1987-1989 8711544 Mol Urol Molecular urology 1091-5362 (P) 1997-2001 9709255 Mol Vis Molecular vision 1090-0535 (E) 1995- 9605351 Molecules Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 1420-3049 (E) 1996- 100964009 211

Mon Bull Minist Health Public Health Lab Serv Monthly bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Laboratory Service 0368-881X (P) Continues Monthly bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the Emergency Public Health Laboratory Service. 1947-1967 7502630 Mon Labor Rev s) Monthly labor review / U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 0098-1818 (P) Continues: Monthly review of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1918- 9108232 Mon Vital Stat Rep Monthly vital statistics report 0364-0396 (P) Formed by the merger of the National Office of Vital Statistics’ Current mortality analysis, its Monthly marriage report and its Monthly vital statistics bulletin. Continued by: National vital statistics report. 1952-1998 Acid-free 0043110 Monaldi Arch Chest Dis Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace / Fondazione clinica del lavoro, IRCCS [and] Istituto di clinica tisiologica e malattie apparato respiratorio, Universita di Napoli, Secondo ateneo 1122-0643 (P) Continues: Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace. 1993- 9307314 Monatsh Tierheilkd Monatshefte fur Tierheilkunde Continues Monatshefte fur praktische Tierheilkunde. 1953-1963 18750330R Monatsh Veterinarmed s) Monatshefte fur Veterinarmedizin 0026-9263 (P) 1946-1994 2984796R Monatskurse Arztl Fortbild [Bildbeil] Monatskurse fur die arztliche Fortbildung. Bildbeilage; Farbige Medizin 0540-6234 (P) 1961-1963 18750340R Monatsschr Dtsch Zahnarzte Freie Zahnarzt Monatsschrift deutscher Zahnarzte: der freie Zahnarzt 0047-7842 (P) Continued by Der Freie Zahnarzt. 1958-1971 7506349 Monatsschr Kinderheilkd Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde 0026-9298 (P) Continued by Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde. 1902-1980 0400751 Monatsschr Kinderheilkd Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kinderheilkunde 0026-9298 (P) Continues: Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde. 1980- Acid-free 8206462 Monatsschr Kriminol Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 0026-9301 (P) 1904- 18750460R 212 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Monatsschr Ohrenheilkd Laryngorhinol Monatsschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde und Laryngo- Rhinologie 0026-9328 (P) Merged with Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und ihre Grenzgebiete to form Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie. 1867-1974 7513648 Monatsschr Psychiatr Neurol Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie Continued by Psychiatria et neurologia. 1897-1956 18750490R Monatsschr Tuberkulosebekampf Monatsschrift fur Tuberkulosebekampfung 0323-8393 (P) Continued by Monatsschrift fur Lungenkrankheiten und Tuberkulosebekampfung. 1958-1967 7501857 Monatsschr Unfallheilkd Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde 0340-1669 (P) Continues Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde, Versicherungs-, Versorgungs- und Verkehrsmedizin. Continued by Unfallheilkunde. 1975-1975 7611599 Monatsschr Unfallheilkd Versicher Versorg Verkehrsmed Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde, Versicherungs-, Versorgungs- und Verkehrsmedizin 0026-9336 (P) Continues: Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde und Versicherungsmedizin. Continued by: Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde. 1963-1974 7505682 Monatsschr Unfallheilkd Versicherungsmed Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde und Versicherungsmedizin 0373-5222 (P) Continued by: Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde, Versicherungs-, Versorgungsund Verkehrsmedizin. 1894-1963 7505680 Monde Dent Monde Dentaire 1948-19uu 9427225 Monde Med Monde medical 1891-1975 0400753 Mondo Odontostomatol Mondo odontostomatologico 0026-9565 (P) 1959-1987 0421073 Mondo Ortod Mondo ortodontico 0391-2000 (P) 1976- 7703267 Monit Ostet Ginecol Endocrinol Metab Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico di endocrinologia e del metabolismo Continues Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico. 1959-1971 0400754 Monit Ostet Ginecolog Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico Continued by Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico di endocrinologia e del metabolismo. 1929-1958 18810180R Monogr Allergy Monographs in allergy 0077-0760 (P) 1966-1996 Acid-free 0077707 2007 Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic Monograph of the American Association of Mental Deficiency 0098-7123 (P) Continues: Monographs of the American Association on Mental Deficiency. Continued by: Monographs of the American Association on Mental Deficiency (1982). 1976-1981 8206810 Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic Monographs of the American Association on Mental Deficiency 0098-7123 (P) Continued by Monograph of the American Association of Mental Deficiency. 1973-1973 7509014 Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic Monographs of the American Association on Mental Deficiency (1982) 0098-7123 (P) Continues: Monograph of the American Association of Mental Deficiency. Continued by: Monographs of the American Association on Mental Retardation. 1982-1987 8301655 Monogr Am Assoc Ment Retard Monographs of the American Association on Mental Retardation 0895-8009 (P) Continues: Monographs of the American Association on Mental Deficiency (1982). 1987-1992 8801432 Monogr Atheroscler Monographs on atherosclerosis 0077-099X (P) 1969-1990 0362400 Monogr Clin Cytol Monographs in clinical cytology 0077-0809 (P) Continues Clinical cytology. 1969- Acid-free 0370161 Monogr Dev Biol Monographs in developmental biology 0077-0825 (P) 1969-1992 Acid-free 0207715 Monogr Endocrinol Monographs on endocrinology 0077-1015 (P) 1967-1989 Acid-free 0113567 Monogr Gesamtgeb Neurol Psychiatr Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie 0376-0464 (P) 1912-1970 1301562 Monogr Gesamtgeb Psychiatr Psychiatry Ser Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie 0077-0671 (P) Supersedes in part Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. 1970- Acid-free 0251404 Monogr Hum Genet Monographs in human genetics 0077-0876 (P) 1966-1992 7600568 Monogr Neoplast Dis Var Sites Neoplastic disease at various sites 0463-2036 (P) 1958-1970 0400755 Monogr Neural Sci Monographs in neural sciences 0300-5186 (P) Continued by: Monographs in clinical neuroscience. 1973-1995 0357002

Mon Bull Minist Health Public Health Lab Serv<br />

Monthly bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health<br />

and the Public Health Laboratory Service<br />

0368-881X (P)<br />

Continues Monthly bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Ministry<br />

<strong>of</strong> Health and the Emergency Public Health<br />

Laboratory Service.<br />

1947-1967 7502630<br />

Mon Labor Rev<br />

s) Monthly labor review / U. S. Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Labor, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor Statistics<br />

0098-1818 (P)<br />

Continues: Monthly review <strong>of</strong> the U. S.<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor Statistics.<br />

1918- 9108232<br />

Mon Vital Stat Rep<br />

Monthly vital statistics report<br />

0364-0396 (P)<br />

Formed by the merger <strong>of</strong> the National Office<br />

<strong>of</strong> Vital Statistics’ Current mortality<br />

analysis, its Monthly marriage report and<br />

its Monthly vital statistics bulletin.<br />

Continued by: National vital statistics<br />

report.<br />

1952-1998 Acid-free 0043110<br />

Monaldi Arch Chest Dis<br />

Monaldi archives for chest disease =<br />

Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace<br />

/ Fondazione clinica del lavoro, IRCCS [and]<br />

Istituto di clinica tisiologica e malattie<br />

apparato respiratorio, Universita di Napoli,<br />

Secondo ateneo<br />

1122-0643 (P)<br />

Continues: Archivio Monaldi per le malattie<br />

del torace.<br />

1993- 9307314<br />

Monatsh Tierheilkd<br />

Monatshefte fur Tierheilkunde<br />

Continues Monatshefte fur praktische<br />

Tierheilkunde.<br />

1953-1963 18750330R<br />

Monatsh Veterinarmed<br />

s) Monatshefte fur Veterinarmedizin<br />

0026-9263 (P)<br />

1946-1994 2984796R<br />

Monatskurse Arztl Fortbild [Bildbeil]<br />

Monatskurse fur die arztliche Fortbildung.<br />

Bildbeilage; Farbige Medizin<br />

0540-6234 (P)<br />

1961-1963 18750340R<br />

Monatsschr Dtsch Zahnarzte Freie Zahnarzt<br />

Monatsschrift deutscher Zahnarzte: der freie<br />

Zahnarzt<br />

0047-7842 (P)<br />

Continued by Der Freie Zahnarzt.<br />

1958-1971 7506349<br />

Monatsschr Kinderheilkd<br />

Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde<br />

0026-9298 (P)<br />

Continued by Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde.<br />

1902-1980 0400751<br />

Monatsschr Kinderheilkd<br />

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde: Organ der<br />

Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kinderheilkunde<br />

0026-9298 (P)<br />

Continues: Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde.<br />

1980- Acid-free 8206462<br />

Monatsschr Kriminol<br />

Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und<br />

Strafrechtsreform<br />

0026-9301 (P)<br />

1904- 18750460R<br />

212<br />


Monatsschr Ohrenheilkd Laryngorhinol<br />

Monatsschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde und Laryngo-<br />

Rhinologie<br />

0026-9328 (P)<br />

Merged with Laryngologie, Rhinologie,<br />

Otologie und ihre Grenzgebiete to form<br />

Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie.<br />

1867-1974 7513648<br />

Monatsschr Psychiatr Neurol<br />

Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie<br />

Continued by Psychiatria et neurologia.<br />

1897-1956 18750490R<br />

Monatsschr Tuberkulosebekampf<br />

Monatsschrift fur Tuberkulosebekampfung<br />

0323-8393 (P)<br />

Continued by Monatsschrift fur<br />

Lungenkrankheiten und Tuberkulosebekampfung.<br />

1958-1967 7501857<br />

Monatsschr Unfallheilkd<br />

Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde<br />

0340-1669 (P)<br />

Continues Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde,<br />

Versicherungs-, Versorgungs- und<br />

Verkehrsmedizin. Continued by<br />

Unfallheilkunde.<br />

1975-1975 7611599<br />

Monatsschr Unfallheilkd Versicher Versorg<br />

Verkehrsmed<br />

Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde,<br />

Versicherungs-, Versorgungs- und<br />

Verkehrsmedizin<br />

0026-9336 (P)<br />

Continues: Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde<br />

und Versicherungsmedizin. Continued by:<br />

Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde.<br />

1963-1974 7505682<br />

Monatsschr Unfallheilkd Versicherungsmed<br />

Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde und<br />

Versicherungsmedizin<br />

0373-5222 (P)<br />

Continued by: Monatsschrift fur<br />

Unfallheilkunde, Versicherungs-, Versorgungsund<br />

Verkehrsmedizin.<br />

1894-1963 7505680<br />

Monde Dent<br />

Monde Dentaire<br />

1948-19uu 9427225<br />

Monde Med<br />

Monde medical<br />

1891-1975 0400753<br />

Mondo Odontostomatol<br />

Mondo odontostomatologico<br />

0026-9565 (P)<br />

1959-1987 0421073<br />

Mondo Ortod<br />

Mondo ortodontico<br />

0391-2000 (P)<br />

1976- 7703267<br />

Monit Ostet Ginecol Endocrinol Metab<br />

Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico di<br />

endocrinologia e del metabolismo<br />

Continues Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico.<br />

1959-1971 0400754<br />

Monit Ostet Ginecolog<br />

Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico<br />

Continued by Monitore ostetrico-ginecologico<br />

di endocrinologia e del metabolismo.<br />

1929-1958 18810180R<br />

Monogr Allergy<br />

Monographs in allergy<br />

0077-0760 (P)<br />

1966-1996 Acid-free 0077707<br />

2007<br />

Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic<br />

Monograph <strong>of</strong> the American Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Mental Deficiency<br />

0098-7123 (P)<br />

Continues: Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Association on Mental Deficiency. Continued<br />

by: Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American Association<br />

on Mental Deficiency (1982).<br />

1976-1981 8206810<br />

Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic<br />

Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American Association on<br />

Mental Deficiency<br />

0098-7123 (P)<br />

Continued by Monograph <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Association <strong>of</strong> Mental Deficiency.<br />

1973-1973 7509014<br />

Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic<br />

Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American Association on<br />

Mental Deficiency (1982)<br />

0098-7123 (P)<br />

Continues: Monograph <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Association <strong>of</strong> Mental Deficiency. Continued<br />

by: Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American Association<br />

on Mental Retardation.<br />

1982-1987 8301655<br />

Monogr Am Assoc Ment Retard<br />

Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American Association on<br />

Mental Retardation<br />

0895-8009 (P)<br />

Continues: Monographs <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Association on Mental Deficiency (1982).<br />

1987-1992 8801432<br />

Monogr Atheroscler<br />

Monographs on atherosclerosis<br />

0077-099X (P)<br />

1969-1990 0362400<br />

Monogr Clin Cytol<br />

Monographs in clinical cytology<br />

0077-0809 (P)<br />

Continues Clinical cytology.<br />

1969- Acid-free 0370161<br />

Monogr Dev Biol<br />

Monographs in developmental biology<br />

0077-0825 (P)<br />

1969-1992 Acid-free 0207715<br />

Monogr Endocrinol<br />

Monographs on endocrinology<br />

0077-1015 (P)<br />

1967-1989 Acid-free 0113567<br />

Monogr Gesamtgeb Neurol Psychiatr<br />

Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der<br />

Neurologie und Psychiatrie<br />

0376-0464 (P)<br />

1912-1970 1301562<br />

Monogr Gesamtgeb Psychiatr Psychiatry Ser<br />

Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der<br />

Psychiatrie<br />

0077-0671 (P)<br />

Supersedes in part Monographien aus dem<br />

Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie.<br />

1970- Acid-free 0251404<br />

Monogr Hum Genet<br />

Monographs in human genetics<br />

0077-0876 (P)<br />

1966-1992 7600568<br />

Monogr Neoplast Dis Var Sites<br />

Neoplastic disease at various sites<br />

0463-2036 (P)<br />

1958-1970 0400755<br />

Monogr Neural Sci<br />

Monographs in neural sciences<br />

0300-5186 (P)<br />

Continued by: Monographs in clinical<br />

neuroscience.<br />

1973-1995 0357002

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