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Minerva Urol Nefrol Minerva urologica e nefrologica = The Italian journal of urology and nephrology 0393-2249 (P) Formed by the union of: Minerva urologica, and: Minerva nefrologica. 1984- 8503649 Mini Rev Med Chem Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry 1389-5575 (P) 2001- 101094212 Minim Invasive Neurosurg Minimally invasive neurosurgery: MIN 0946-7211 (P) Continues: Neurochirurgia. 1994- 9440973 Minim Invasive Surg Nurs Minimally invasive surgical nursing 1068-5685 (P) Continues: Laser nursing. 1993-1997 9317135 Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies: MITAT: official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy 1364-5706 (P) 1365-2931 (E) Merger of: Endoscopic surgery and allied technologies, and: Minimally invasive therapy. 1996- Acid-free 9612996 Minn Med Minnesota medicine 0026-556X (P) 1918- 8000173 Minn Nurs Accent Minnesota nursing accent 0026-5586 (P) Continues: Minnesota registered nurse. Continued by: MNA accent. Minnesota Nurses Association. 1962-1977 0067406 Minneap Dist Dent J The Minneapolis district dental journal 0026-5365 (P) 1917-1979 18730030R Minor Nurse Newsl Minority nurse newsletter 1071-9946 (P) 1994- 9422780 Mises Point Accouch Pediatre Mises au point de l’accoucheur et du pediatre 1961-1966 0067713 Miss Dent Assoc J Mississippi Dental Association journal 0098-4329 (P) Continues Journal - Mississippi Dental Association. 1974- 7513995 Miss Doct The Mississippi doctor Absorbed by: Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association. 1922-1959 18730470R Miss RN Mississippi RN 0026-6388 (P) 194u- 0044610 Miss Valley Med J Mississippi Valley medical journal 0096-5480 (P) Continues Radiological review and Mississippi Valley medical journal. Absorbed by Clinical medicine in Sept. 1960. 1939-1960 18730540R LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Mitochondrion Mitochondrion 1567-7249 (P) 2001- Acid-free 100968751 Mitt Dtsch Pharm Ges Pharm Ges DDR Mitteilungen. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 0012-0561 (P) 1924-1971 0326216 Mitt Geb Lebensmittelunters Hyg Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmittel-untersuchung un Hygiene = Travaux de chimie alimentaire et d’hygiene 0026-6841 (P) Continued by: Mitteilungen aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene. 1910-1998 0017767 Mitt Lebensmitteluntersuchung Hyg Mitteilungen aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene = Travaux de chimie alimentaire et d’hygiene 1424-1307 (P) Continues: Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene. 1999- 100893464 Mitt Med Abt Schweiz Unfallversicherunst Mitteilungen. Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt. Medizinische Abteilung Continued by: Medizinische Mitteilungen (Lucern, Switzerland). 1900-1987 2984773R Mitt Osterr Sanitatsverwalt s) Mitteilungen der osterreichischen Sanitatsverwaltung 0029-9413 (P) Continues: Mitteilungen der Unterabteilung Gesundheitswesen. Austria. Ministerium fur innere und kulturelle Angelegenheiten. Continued by: Mitteilungen der Sanitatsverwaltung. 1950-1997 0404436 MLM Rep MLM [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 194u-1973 21830530R MLN Bull MLN bulletin 0047-7508 (P) 1952-1974 0070743 MLO Med Lab Obs MLO: medical laboratory observer 0580-7247 (P) 1969- 0225602 MMW Fortschr Med MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 1438-3276 (P) Merger of: Fortschritte der Medizin, and: MMW. Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift, continuing the numbering of the latter. 1999- 100893959 MMW Munch Med Wochenschr MMW, Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift 0341-3098 (P) Continues: Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift (1950). Merged with: Fortschritte der Medizin, to form: MMW, Fortschritte der Medizin. 1974-1999 7801805 2007 MMWR CDC Surveill Summ MMWR. CDC surveillance summaries: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. CDC surveillance summaries / Centers for Disease Control 0892-3787 (P) Continues: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries. Continued by: MMWR. Surveillance summaries. 1983-2001 8407977 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 0149-2195 (P) 1545-861X (E) Continues Morbidity and mortality; weekly report. 1976- 7802429 MMWR Recomm Rep MMWR. Recommendations and reports: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control 1057-5987 (P) 1545-8601 (E) Continues: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Supplement. 1989- 101124922 MMWR Surveill Summ MMWR. Surveillance summaries: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDC 1546-0738 (P) 1545-8636 (E) Continues: MMWR. CDC surveillance summaries. 2002- 101142015 MNA Accent MNA accent / Minnesota Nurses Association 0026-5586 (P) Continues: Minnesota nursing accent. Continued by: Minnesota nursing accent (1999) . 1978-1999 9210216 Mo Dent J Missouri dental journal ( Jefferson City, Mo. ) 0887-4646 (P) Continues: Journal of the Missouri Dental Association. Continued by: Focus MDA. 1985-1997 8502925 Mo Med Missouri medicine 0026-6620 (P) Continues: Journal. Missouri State Medical Association. 1953- 0400744 Mo Nurse The Missouri nurse 0026-6655 (P) 1932- 18740120R Mobius s) Mobius 0272-3425 (P) Continued by: Journal of continuing education in the health professions. 1981-1987 8200998 Mod Concepts Cardiovasc Dis Modern concepts of cardiovascular disease 0026-7600 (P) 1932-1991 0400745 Mod Dent Pract Modern dental practice 0894-7953 (P) 1988-1988 8805002 Mod Healthc Modern healthcare 0160-7480 (P) Formed by union of: Modern healthcare. . and: Modern healthcare.. 1977- 7801798 209

Mod Healthc (Short Term Care) Modern healthcare. [Short-term care ed.] 0093-7061 (P) Supersedes Modern hospital. Merged with Modern healthcare. [Long-term care ed.] to form Modern healthcare. 1974-1976 0417653 Mod Hosp Modern hospital 0026-783X (P) Continued by: Modern healthcare [Short-term care ed. ]. 1913-1974 0417654 Mod Med Modern medicine 0026-8070 (P) 1932-2000 0375300 Mod Med Asia s) Modern medicine of Asia 0377-1504 (P) Continues Asian journal of modern medicine. 1975-1981 7513643 Mod Midwife Modern midwife 0963-276X (P) Continued by: Practising midwife. 1991-1997 9443126 Mod Nurs Home Modern nursing home 0026-8178 (P) Continues Modern nursing home administration. Superseded by Modern healthcare [Long-term care ed.] 1967-1974 0420172 Mod Pathol Modern pathology: an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 0893-3952 (P) 1530-0285 (E) 1988- 8806605 Mod Probl Ophthalmol Modern problems in ophthalmology 0077-0078 (P) Continues Problemes actuels d’ophtalmologie. Merged with: Advances in ophthalmology, and: Bibliotheca ophthalmologia, to form: Developments in ophthalmology. 1971-1979 1270475 Mod Probl Paediatr Modern problems in paediatrics 0303-884X (P) Continues Moderne Probleme der Padiatrie. Merged with: Monographs in paediatrics, to form: Pediatric and adolescent medicine. 1972-1989 7502628 Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry 0077-0094 (P) 1968- 0425142 Mod Rheumatol Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association 1439-7595 (P) Continues: Japanese journal of rheumatology. 2000- 100959226 Mod Treat Modern treatment 0026-8526 (P) 1964-1972 7511504 Mod Trends Hum Reprod Physiol Modern trends in human reproductive physiology 0077-0140 (P) 1963-1963 0375304 210 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Mod Trends Immunol Modern trends in immunology 0544-6848 (P) 1963-1967 0375305 Mod Trends Med Virol Modern trends in medical virology 0544-6856 (P) 1967-1974 0076444 Mod Trends Neurol Modern trends in neurology 0544-6872 (P) Continued by: Butterworths international medical reviews. Neurology. 1951-1975 0075472 Mod Trends Orthop Modern trends in orthopaedics 0077-0159 (P) 1950-1972 0035777 Mod Trends Plast Surg Modern trends in plastic surgery 0544-6929 (P) 1964-1966 18750050R Mod Trends Radiother Modern trends in radiotherapy 0544-6937 (P) 1967-1972 0076450 Mod Trends Rheumatol Modern trends in rheumatology 0544-6945 (P) 1966-1971 0073315 Mod Trends Surg Modern trends in surgery 0544-6953 (P) 1962-1971 0400747 Mod Vet Pract Modern veterinary practice 0362-8140 (P) Continues MVP. Modern veterinary practice. 1973-1994 7802904 Mol Aspects Med Molecular aspects of medicine 0098-2997 (P) 1975- 7603128 Mol Biochem Parasitol Molecular and biochemical parasitology 0166-6851 (P) 1980- Acid-free 8006324 Mol Biol s) Molecular biology 0026-8933 (P) 1967- 0131463 Mol Biol (Mosk) Molekuliarnaia biologiia 0026-8984 (P) 1967- 0105454 Mol Biol Biochem Biophys s) Molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics 0077-0221 (P) 1967-1987 Acid-free 0173540 Mol Biol Cell Molecular biology of the cell 1059-1524 (P) Continues: Cell regulation. 1992- 9201390 Mol Biol Evol Molecular biology and evolution 0737-4038 (P) 1537-1719 (E) 1983- 8501455 2007 Mol Biol Med Molecular biology & medicine 0735-1313 (P) 1983-1991 Acid-free 8403879 Mol Biol Rep Molecular biology reports 0301-4851 (P) 1973- 0403234 Mol Biosyst Molecular bioSystems 1742-206X (P) 1742-2051 (E) 2005- Acid-free 101251620 Mol Biotechnol Molecular biotechnology 1073-6085 (P) Separated from: Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 1994- Acid-free 9423533 Mol Biother Molecular biotherapy 0952-8172 (P) 1988-1992 Acid-free 8904897 Mol Cancer Molecular cancer 1476-4598 (E) 2002- 101147698 Mol Cancer Res Molecular cancer research: MCR 1541-7786 (P) Continues: Cell growth & differentiation. 2002- 101150042 Mol Cancer Ther Molecular cancer therapeutics 1535-7163 (P) 1538-8514 (E) 2001- 101132535 Mol Carcinog Molecular carcinogenesis 0899-1987 (P) 1098-2744 (E) 1988- 8811105 Mol Cell Molecular cell 1097-2765 (P) 1997- 9802571 Mol Cell Biochem Molecular and cellular biochemistry 0300-8177 (P) Supersedes Enzymologia. 1973- 0364456 Mol Cell Biol Molecular and cellular biology 0270-7306 (P) 1098-5549 (E) 1981- Acid-free 8109087 Mol Cell Biol Hum Dis Ser Molecular and cell biology of human diseases series 1470-0573 (P) 1992- 9217079 Mol Cell Biol Res Commun Molecular cell biology research communications: MCBRC 1522-4724 (P) 1522-4732 (E) Continues in part: Biochemical and biophysical research communications. Absorbed by: Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, Nov. 2001. 1999-2001 100889076 Mol Cell Biomech Molecular & cellular biomechanics: MCB 1556-5297 (P) 1556-5300 (E) Continues: Mechanics & chemistry of biosystems. 2005- 101253756

Mod Healthc (Short Term Care)<br />

Modern healthcare. [Short-term care ed.]<br />

0093-7061 (P)<br />

Supersedes Modern hospital. Merged with<br />

Modern healthcare. [Long-term care ed.] to<br />

form Modern healthcare.<br />

1974-1976 0417653<br />

Mod Hosp<br />

Modern hospital<br />

0026-783X (P)<br />

Continued by: Modern healthcare [Short-term<br />

care ed. ].<br />

1913-1974 0417654<br />

Mod Med<br />

Modern medicine<br />

0026-8070 (P)<br />

1932-2000 0375300<br />

Mod Med Asia<br />

s) Modern medicine <strong>of</strong> Asia<br />

0377-1504 (P)<br />

Continues Asian journal <strong>of</strong> modern medicine.<br />

1975-1981 7513643<br />

Mod Midwife<br />

Modern midwife<br />

0963-276X (P)<br />

Continued by: Practising midwife.<br />

1991-1997 9443126<br />

Mod Nurs Home<br />

Modern nursing home<br />

0026-8178 (P)<br />

Continues Modern nursing home administration.<br />

Superseded by Modern healthcare [Long-term<br />

care ed.]<br />

1967-1974 0420172<br />

Mod Pathol<br />

Modern pathology: an <strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong><br />

the United States and Canadian Academy <strong>of</strong><br />

Pathology, Inc<br />

0893-3952 (P) 1530-0285 (E)<br />

1988- 8806605<br />

Mod Probl Ophthalmol<br />

Modern problems in ophthalmology<br />

0077-0078 (P)<br />

Continues Problemes actuels d’ophtalmologie.<br />

Merged with: Advances in ophthalmology, and:<br />

Bibliotheca ophthalmologia, to form:<br />

Developments in ophthalmology.<br />

1971-1979 1270475<br />

Mod Probl Paediatr<br />

Modern problems in paediatrics<br />

0303-884X (P)<br />

Continues Moderne Probleme der Padiatrie.<br />

Merged with: Monographs in paediatrics, to<br />

form: Pediatric and adolescent medicine.<br />

1972-1989 7502628<br />

Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry<br />

Modern problems <strong>of</strong> pharmacopsychiatry<br />

0077-0094 (P)<br />

1968- 0425142<br />

Mod Rheumatol<br />

Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism<br />

Association<br />

1439-7595 (P)<br />

Continues: Japanese journal <strong>of</strong> rheumatology.<br />

2000- 100959226<br />

Mod Treat<br />

Modern treatment<br />

0026-8526 (P)<br />

1964-1972 7511504<br />

Mod Trends Hum Reprod Physiol<br />

Modern trends in human reproductive<br />

physiology<br />

0077-0140 (P)<br />

1963-1963 0375304<br />

210<br />


Mod Trends Immunol<br />

Modern trends in immunology<br />

0544-6848 (P)<br />

1963-1967 0375305<br />

Mod Trends Med Virol<br />

Modern trends in medical virology<br />

0544-6856 (P)<br />

1967-1974 0076444<br />

Mod Trends Neurol<br />

Modern trends in neurology<br />

0544-6872 (P)<br />

Continued by: Butterworths international<br />

medical reviews. Neurology.<br />

1951-1975 0075472<br />

Mod Trends Orthop<br />

Modern trends in orthopaedics<br />

0077-0159 (P)<br />

1950-1972 0035777<br />

Mod Trends Plast Surg<br />

Modern trends in plastic surgery<br />

0544-6929 (P)<br />

1964-1966 18750050R<br />

Mod Trends Radiother<br />

Modern trends in radiotherapy<br />

0544-6937 (P)<br />

1967-1972 0076450<br />

Mod Trends Rheumatol<br />

Modern trends in rheumatology<br />

0544-6945 (P)<br />

1966-1971 0073315<br />

Mod Trends Surg<br />

Modern trends in surgery<br />

0544-6953 (P)<br />

1962-1971 0400747<br />

Mod Vet Pract<br />

Modern veterinary practice<br />

0362-8140 (P)<br />

Continues MVP. Modern veterinary practice.<br />

1973-1994 7802904<br />

Mol Aspects Med<br />

Molecular aspects <strong>of</strong> medicine<br />

0098-2997 (P)<br />

1975- 7603128<br />

Mol Biochem Parasitol<br />

Molecular and biochemical parasitology<br />

0166-6851 (P)<br />

1980- Acid-free 8006324<br />

Mol Biol<br />

s) Molecular biology<br />

0026-8933 (P)<br />

1967- 0131463<br />

Mol Biol (Mosk)<br />

Molekuliarnaia biologiia<br />

0026-8984 (P)<br />

1967- 0105454<br />

Mol Biol Biochem Biophys<br />

s) Molecular biology, biochemistry, and<br />

biophysics<br />

0077-0221 (P)<br />

1967-1987 Acid-free 0173540<br />

Mol Biol Cell<br />

Molecular biology <strong>of</strong> the cell<br />

1059-1524 (P)<br />

Continues: Cell regulation.<br />

1992- 9201390<br />

Mol Biol Evol<br />

Molecular biology and evolution<br />

0737-4038 (P) 1537-1719 (E)<br />

1983- 8501455<br />

2007<br />

Mol Biol Med<br />

Molecular biology & medicine<br />

0735-1313 (P)<br />

1983-1991 Acid-free 8403879<br />

Mol Biol Rep<br />

Molecular biology reports<br />

0301-4851 (P)<br />

1973- 0403234<br />

Mol Biosyst<br />

Molecular bioSystems<br />

1742-206X (P) 1742-2051 (E)<br />

2005- Acid-free 101251620<br />

Mol Biotechnol<br />

Molecular biotechnology<br />

1073-6085 (P)<br />

Separated from: Applied biochemistry and<br />

biotechnology.<br />

1994- Acid-free 9423533<br />

Mol Biother<br />

Molecular biotherapy<br />

0952-8172 (P)<br />

1988-1992 Acid-free 8904897<br />

Mol Cancer<br />

Molecular cancer<br />

1476-4598 (E)<br />

2002- 101147698<br />

Mol Cancer Res<br />

Molecular cancer research: MCR<br />

1541-7786 (P)<br />

Continues: Cell growth & differentiation.<br />

2002- 101150042<br />

Mol Cancer Ther<br />

Molecular cancer therapeutics<br />

1535-7163 (P) 1538-8514 (E)<br />

2001- 101132535<br />

Mol Carcinog<br />

Molecular carcinogenesis<br />

0899-1987 (P) 1098-2744 (E)<br />

1988- 8811105<br />

Mol Cell<br />

Molecular cell<br />

1097-2765 (P)<br />

1997- 9802571<br />

Mol Cell Biochem<br />

Molecular and cellular biochemistry<br />

0300-8177 (P)<br />

Supersedes Enzymologia.<br />

1973- 0364456<br />

Mol Cell Biol<br />

Molecular and cellular biology<br />

0270-7306 (P) 1098-5549 (E)<br />

1981- Acid-free 8109087<br />

Mol Cell Biol Hum Dis Ser<br />

Molecular and cell biology <strong>of</strong> human diseases<br />

series<br />

1470-0573 (P)<br />

1992- 9217079<br />

Mol Cell Biol Res Commun<br />

Molecular cell biology research<br />

communications: MCBRC<br />

1522-4724 (P) 1522-4732 (E)<br />

Continues in part: Biochemical and<br />

biophysical research communications.<br />

Absorbed by: Archives <strong>of</strong> biochemistry and<br />

biophysics, Nov. 2001.<br />

1999-2001 100889076<br />

Mol Cell Biomech<br />

Molecular & cellular biomechanics: MCB<br />

1556-5297 (P) 1556-5300 (E)<br />

Continues: Mechanics & chemistry <strong>of</strong><br />

biosystems.<br />

2005- 101253756

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