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Lifelong Learn Adult Years s) Lifelong learning, the adult years / Adult Education Association of the United States of America 0148-2165 (P) Continues: Adult leadership. Continued by: Lifelong learning (Washington, D.C.). 1977-1983 9877808 Lifetime Data Anal Lifetime data analysis 1380-7870 (P) 1995- Acid-free 9516348 Ligament Ligament 1963- 9880095 Lijec Vjesn Lijecnicki vjesnik 0024-3477 (P) 1877- 0074253 Lik Sprava Likars’ka sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov’ia Ukrainy 1019-5297 (P) Continues: Vrachebnoe delo. 1992- 9601540 Lille Chir Lille chirurgical 0024-3493 (P) 1946-1987 0376625 Lille Med Lille medical: journal de la Faculte de medecine et de pharmacie de l’Universite de Lille 0024-3507 (P) Continues: L’Echo medical du Nord. Continued by: LARC medical. 1956-1981 8203780 Lin Chuang Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi Lin chuang er bi yan hou ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology 1001-1781 (P) Continued by: Lin chuang er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi. 1987-2006 9426080 Linacre Q The Linacre quarterly 0024-3639 (P) 1932- 2985221R Linen Supply News s) Linen supply news 0024-3825 (P) Continued by: Textile rental. 19uu-197u 9877786 Lipids Lipids 0024-4201 (P) 1966- 0060450 Lipids Health Dis Lipids in health and disease 1476-511X (E) 2002- 101147696 Lippincott Health Promot Lett The Lippincott health promotion letter 1089-9693 (P) 1997- 9715780 Lippincotts Case Manag Lippincott’s case management: managing the process of patient care 1529-7764 (P) Continues: Nursing case management. Absorbed: Inside case management. 2004 Continued by: Professional case management. 2000-2006 100961551 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Lippincotts Prim Care Pract Lippincott’s primary care practice 1088-5471 (P) 1997-2000 Acid-free 9706704 Lit Med Literature and medicine 0278-9671 (P) 1080-6571 (E) 1982- Acid-free 8309346 Liver Liver 0106-9543 (P) 1600-0676 (E) Continued by: Liver international. 1981-2002 8200939 Liver Int Liver international: official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver 1478-3223 (P) 1478-3231 (E) Continues: Liver. 2003- 101160857 Liver Transpl Liver transplantation: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society 1527-6465 (P) 1527-6473 (E) Continues: Liver transplantation and surgery. 2000- 100909185 Liver Transpl Surg Liver transplantation and surgery: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society 1074-3022 (P) Continued by: Liver transplanation. 1995-1999 9502504 Lloydia s) Lloydia 0024-5461 (P) Continued by: Journal of natural products. 1938-1978 0376626 LMT LMT: Lab management today 1058-7845 (P) Continues: Dental lab management today. 1991- 9211328 Local Popul Stud s) Local population studies 0143-2974 (P) 1968- 0211167 Log The Log Supersedes the Harbor dental log, with caption title still carrying that name. 1971-1980 0316657 Logoped Phoniatr Vocol Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology 1401-5439 (P) Merger of: Scandinavian journal of logopedics & phoniatrics, and: Voice (London, England). 1996- Acid-free 9617311 Loma Linda Univ Dent Mag Loma Linda University Dentist Magazine 1962-1967 9883833 Lond Clin Med J London Clinic medical journal 0024-6018 (P) 1960-1971 0413706 Lond Hosp Gaz The London Hospital gazette 0024-6050 (P) 1894-1975 0015362 2007 Long Range Plann s) Long range planning 0024-6301 (P) 1968- 9878044 Long Term Care (Don Mills) Long term care (Don Mills, Ont. ) 0831-5035 (P) 1985-1986 8503900 Long Term Care Health Serv Adm Q Long term care and health services administration quarterly 0161-6773 (P) 1977-1980 7801260 Long Term Care Q Long-term care quarterly 0891-8104 (P) 1986-1986 8608499 Longevita Longevita 1952-19uu 18340330R Lotta Contro Tuberc Malat Polm Sociali Lotta contro la tubercolosi e le malattie polmonari sociali 6368-7546 (P) Continues Lotta contro la tubercolosi. Continued by: Prevenzione respiratoria. 1972-1999 0333116 Lotta Tuberc Lotta contro la tubercolosi 0024-6638 (P) Continued by Lotta contro la tuberculosi e le malattie polmonari sociali. 1930-1971 0333115 Lovelace Clin Rev The Lovelace Clinic review 1961-1966 18340750R LTC Regul Risk Liabil Advis LTC regulatory risk & liability advisor Continues: National report on subacute care. 2000-2001 101087137 Luminescence Luminescence: the journal of biological and chemical luminescence 1522-7235 (P) 1522-7243 (E) Continues: Journal of bioluminescence and chemiluminescence. 1999- 100889025 Lung Lung 0341-2040 (P) Continues Pneumonologie. Pneumonology. 1976- Acid-free 7701875 Lung Cancer Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 0169-5002 (P) 1985- Acid-free 8800805 Lupus Lupus 0961-2033 (P) 1991- Acid-free 9204265 Lutte Cancer La Lutte contre le cancer 0024-7642 (P) Continued by: Vivre (Paris, France). 1923-1980 9003285 Luzif Amor s) Luzifer-Amor: Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse 0933-3347 (P) 1988- 9214703 195

Lymphat Res Biol Lymphatic research and biology 1539-6851 (P) 2003- Acid-free 101163587 Lymphokine Cytokine Res Lymphokine and cytokine research 1056-5477 (P) Continues: Lymphokine research. Merged with: Journal of interferon research, to form: Journal of interferon & cytokine research. 1991-1994 9107882 Lymphokine Res Lymphokine research 0277-6766 (P) Continued by: Lymphokine and cytokine research. 1982-1990 8308208 Lymphology Lymphology 0024-7766 (P) 1968- 0155112 Lyon Chir Lyon chirurgical 0024-7782 (P) Absorbed by: Annales de chirurgie. 1908-1997 0376627 Lyon Med s) Lyon medical 0024-7790 (P) Formed by the union of Gazette medicale de Lyon and Journal de medecine de Lyon. Absorbed La Revue lyonnaise de medecine, Jan. 1971. 1869-1985 0335015 M M B Pharm Bull M & B pharmaceutical bulletin 0460-2390 (P) 1952-1979 18410020R Ma Zui Xue Za Zhi Ma zui xue za zhi = Anaesthesiologica Sinica 0254-1319 (P) Continued by: Acta anaesthesiologica Sinica. 1960-1993 8200948 Maandschr Kindergeneeskd Maandschrift voor kindergeneeskunde 0024-869X (P) Supersedes Nederlandsch maandschrift voor geneeskunde. Continued by Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskunde. 1931-1975 7704293 Macromol Biosci Macromolecular bioscience 1616-5187 (P) 1616-5195 (E) 2001- Acid-free 101135941 Macromolecules s) Macromolecules 0024-9297 (P) 1968- 0365316 Madj Persat Dokt Gigi Indones Madjalah Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia. Journal Of The Indonesian Dental Association 0024-9548 (P) Continued by: Majalah Pdgi. 1961-1963 9430140 Madjalah Kedokt Indones Madjalah Kedokteran Indonesia 0464-3186 (P) Continued by Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. 1951-1970 7507251 196 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED MAGMA Magma (New York, N. Y.) 0968-5243 (P) 1993- 9310752 Magn Reson Annu Magnetic resonance annual 8756-9787 (P) Continued by: Magnetic resonance quarterly. 1985-1988 8409187 Magn Reson Chem s) Magnetic resonance in chemistry: MRC 0749-1581 (P) 1097-458X (E) Continues: OMR. Organic magnetic resonance. 1985- Acid-free 9882600 Magn Reson Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging 0730-725X (P) 1982- Acid-free 8214883 Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America 1064-9689 (P) 1993- 9422762 Magn Reson Med Magnetic resonance in medicine: official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 0740-3194 (P) 1984- Acid-free 8505245 Magn Reson Med Sci Magnetic resonance in medical sciences: MRMS: an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1347-3182 (P) 1880-2205 (E) 2002- 101153368 Magn Reson Q Magnetic resonance quarterly 0899-9422 (P) Continues: Magnetic resonance annual. 1989-1995 8910769 Magnes Res Magnesium research: official organ of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium 0953-1424 (P) 1988- 8900948 Magnes Trace Elem Magnesium and trace elements 1015-3845 (P) Continues: Magnesium. 1990-1992 Acid-free 9005667 Magnesium Magnesium 0252-1156 (P) Continued by: Magnesium and trace elements. 1982-1989 8219687 Magy Belorv Arch Magyar belorvosi archivum 0133-5464 (P) 1947- 0417742 Magy Noorv Lapja Magyar noorvosok lapja 0025-021X (P) 1938- 0016262 Magy Onkol Magyar onkologia 0025-0244 (P) 1957- 9313833 2007 Magy Radiol Magyar radiologia 0025-0287 (P) Continues Radiologia Hungarica. 1950-1990 20010350R Magy Seb Magyar sebeszet 0025-0295 (P) Continues: Archivum chirurgicum. . Absorbed: Acta chirurgica Hungarica. 2000 1949- 18420110R Magy Traumatol Orthop Helyreallito Seb Magyar traumatologia, orthopaedia es helyreallito sebeszet 0025-0317 (P) Continues Traumatologiai es orthopaediai kozlemenyek. Continued by: Magyar traumatologia, ortopedia, kezsebeszet, plasztikai sebeszet. 1960-1992 0074071 Magy Traumatol Ortop Kezseb Plasztikai Seb Magyar traumatologia, ortopedia, kezsebeszet, plasztikai sebeszet Continues: Magyar traumatologia, orthopaedia es helyreallito sebeszet. 1992- 9313834 Magy Tud Magyar tudomany: [a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia ErtesitOje] 0025-0325 (P) Continues: Akademiai ertesitO. 1956- 0417650 Maine Nurse Maine nurse 0025-0767 (P) 1969- 1300152 Mainlines MainLines: the newsletter for the Midwest Alliance in Nursing 0278-9450 (P) 1980-1999 9310753 Majallah Jamia Dandan Pazshki Majallah-i Jamiah-i Dandanpizishki-i Iran = The journal of the Iranian Dental Association 19uu-19uu 9440736 Majallat Niqabat Attiba Alasnnan Alurduniyah s) Majallat Niqabat Attiba’ al-Asnan al- Urduniyah Continued by: The Jordan dental journal. 1960-1983 7507213 Majallat Tibb Alasnan Alsuriyah Majallat tibb al-asnan al-Suriyah 0586-349X (P) 1965-1975 7808298 Majallat Tibb Alfamm Alsuriyah Majallat tibb al-famm al-Suriyah Continues: Majallat tibb al-asnan al-Suriyah. 19uu- 9500584 Major Probl Clin Pediatr Major problems in clinical pediatrics 0076-2865 (P) 1964-1988 0243601 Major Probl Clin Surg Major problems in clinical surgery 0025-1062 (P) 1964-1984 1271453 Major Probl Intern Med Major problems in internal medicine 0090-6956 (P) 1971-1985 1262076

Lifelong Learn Adult Years<br />

s) Lifelong learning, the adult years / Adult<br />

Education Association <strong>of</strong> the United States<br />

<strong>of</strong> America<br />

0148-2165 (P)<br />

Continues: Adult leadership. Continued by:<br />

Lifelong learning (Washington, D.C.).<br />

1977-1983 9877808<br />

Lifetime Data Anal<br />

Lifetime data analysis<br />

1380-7870 (P)<br />

1995- Acid-free 9516348<br />

Ligament<br />

Ligament<br />

1963- 9880095<br />

Lijec Vjesn<br />

Lijecnicki vjesnik<br />

0024-3477 (P)<br />

1877- 0074253<br />

Lik Sprava<br />

Likars’ka sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony<br />

zdorov’ia Ukrainy<br />

1019-5297 (P)<br />

Continues: Vrachebnoe delo.<br />

1992- 9601540<br />

Lille Chir<br />

Lille chirurgical<br />

0024-3493 (P)<br />

1946-1987 0376625<br />

Lille Med<br />

Lille medical: journal de la Faculte de<br />

medecine et de pharmacie de l’Universite de<br />

Lille<br />

0024-3507 (P)<br />

Continues: L’Echo medical du Nord.<br />

Continued by: LARC medical.<br />

1956-1981 8203780<br />

Lin Chuang Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi<br />

Lin chuang er bi yan hou ke za zhi = Journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> clinical otorhinolaryngology<br />

1001-1781 (P)<br />

Continued by: Lin chuang er bi yan hou tou<br />

jing wai ke za zhi.<br />

1987-2006 9426080<br />

Linacre Q<br />

The Linacre quarterly<br />

0024-3639 (P)<br />

1932- 2985221R<br />

Linen Supply News<br />

s) Linen supply news<br />

0024-3825 (P)<br />

Continued by: Textile rental.<br />

19uu-197u 9877786<br />

Lipids Lipids<br />

0024-4201 (P)<br />

1966- 0060450<br />

Lipids Health Dis<br />

Lipids in health and disease<br />

1476-511X (E)<br />

2002- 101147696<br />

Lippincott Health Promot Lett<br />

The Lippincott health promotion letter<br />

1089-9693 (P)<br />

1997- 9715780<br />

Lippincotts Case Manag<br />

Lippincott’s case management: managing the<br />

process <strong>of</strong> patient care<br />

1529-7764 (P)<br />

Continues: Nursing case management.<br />

Absorbed: Inside case management. 2004<br />

Continued by: Pr<strong>of</strong>essional case management.<br />

2000-2006 100961551<br />


Lippincotts Prim Care Pract<br />

Lippincott’s primary care practice<br />

1088-5471 (P)<br />

1997-2000 Acid-free 9706704<br />

Lit Med<br />

Literature and medicine<br />

0278-9671 (P) 1080-6571 (E)<br />

1982- Acid-free 8309346<br />

Liver Liver<br />

0106-9543 (P) 1600-0676 (E)<br />

Continued by: Liver international.<br />

1981-2002 8200939<br />

Liver Int<br />

Liver international: <strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong><br />

the International Association for the Study<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Liver<br />

1478-3223 (P) 1478-3231 (E)<br />

Continues: Liver.<br />

2003- 101160857<br />

Liver Transpl<br />

Liver transplantation: <strong>of</strong>ficial publication<br />

<strong>of</strong> the American Association for the Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Liver Diseases and the International Liver<br />

Transplantation Society<br />

1527-6465 (P) 1527-6473 (E)<br />

Continues: Liver transplantation and surgery.<br />

2000- 100909185<br />

Liver Transpl Surg<br />

Liver transplantation and surgery: <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

publication <strong>of</strong> the American Association for<br />

the Study <strong>of</strong> Liver Diseases and the<br />

International Liver Transplantation Society<br />

1074-3022 (P)<br />

Continued by: Liver transplanation.<br />

1995-1999 9502504<br />

Lloydia<br />

s) Lloydia<br />

0024-5461 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong> natural products.<br />

1938-1978 0376626<br />

LMT<br />

LMT: Lab management today<br />

1058-7845 (P)<br />

Continues: Dental lab management today.<br />

1991- 9211328<br />

Local Popul Stud<br />

s) Local population studies<br />

0143-2974 (P)<br />

1968- 0211167<br />

Log The Log<br />

Supersedes the Harbor dental log, with<br />

caption title still carrying that name.<br />

1971-1980 0316657<br />

Logoped Phoniatr Vocol<br />

Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology<br />

1401-5439 (P)<br />

Merger <strong>of</strong>: Scandinavian journal <strong>of</strong><br />

logopedics & phoniatrics, and: Voice<br />

(London, England).<br />

1996- Acid-free 9617311<br />

Loma Linda Univ Dent Mag<br />

Loma Linda University Dentist Magazine<br />

1962-1967 9883833<br />

Lond Clin Med J<br />

London Clinic medical journal<br />

0024-6018 (P)<br />

1960-1971 0413706<br />

Lond Hosp Gaz<br />

The London Hospital gazette<br />

0024-6050 (P)<br />

1894-1975 0015362<br />

2007<br />

Long Range Plann<br />

s) Long range planning<br />

0024-6301 (P)<br />

1968- 9878044<br />

Long Term Care (Don Mills)<br />

Long term care (Don Mills, Ont. )<br />

0831-5035 (P)<br />

1985-1986 8503900<br />

Long Term Care Health Serv Adm Q<br />

Long term care and health services<br />

administration quarterly<br />

0161-6773 (P)<br />

1977-1980 7801260<br />

Long Term Care Q<br />

Long-term care quarterly<br />

0891-8104 (P)<br />

1986-1986 8608499<br />

Longevita<br />

Longevita<br />

1952-19uu 18340330R<br />

Lotta Contro Tuberc Malat Polm Sociali<br />

Lotta contro la tubercolosi e le malattie<br />

polmonari sociali<br />

6368-7546 (P)<br />

Continues Lotta contro la tubercolosi.<br />

Continued by: Prevenzione respiratoria.<br />

1972-1999 0333116<br />

Lotta Tuberc<br />

Lotta contro la tubercolosi<br />

0024-6638 (P)<br />

Continued by Lotta contro la tuberculosi e<br />

le malattie polmonari sociali.<br />

1930-1971 0333115<br />

Lovelace Clin Rev<br />

The Lovelace Clinic review<br />

1961-1966 18340750R<br />

LTC Regul Risk Liabil Advis<br />

LTC regulatory risk & liability advisor<br />

Continues: National report on subacute care.<br />

2000-2001 101087137<br />

Luminescence<br />

Luminescence: the journal <strong>of</strong> biological and<br />

chemical luminescence<br />

1522-7235 (P) 1522-7243 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> bioluminescence and<br />

chemiluminescence.<br />

1999- 100889025<br />

Lung Lung<br />

0341-2040 (P)<br />

Continues Pneumonologie. Pneumonology.<br />

1976- Acid-free 7701875<br />

Lung Cancer<br />

Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)<br />

0169-5002 (P)<br />

1985- Acid-free 8800805<br />

Lupus Lupus<br />

0961-2033 (P)<br />

1991- Acid-free 9204265<br />

Lutte Cancer<br />

La Lutte contre le cancer<br />

0024-7642 (P)<br />

Continued by: Vivre (Paris, France).<br />

1923-1980 9003285<br />

Luzif Amor<br />

s) Luzifer-Amor: Zeitschrift zur Geschichte<br />

der Psychoanalyse<br />

0933-3347 (P)<br />

1988- 9214703<br />


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