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J Am Pharm Assoc Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 0003-0465 (P) Supersedes American Pharmaceutical Association. Journal. Practical pharmacy ed. Continued by American pharmacy. 1961-1977 7505576 J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash DC) Journal of the American Pharmacists Association: JAPhA 1544-3191 (P) 1544-3450 (E) Continues: Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 2003- 101176252 J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington,D. C.: 1996) 1086-5802 (P) Continues: American pharmacy. Continued by: Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 1996-2003 9601004 J Am Pharm Assoc Am Pharm Assoc Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association Merged with: Drug standards, to form: Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 1940-1960 14840180R J Am Pharm Assoc Am Pharm Assoc (Baltim) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association Supersedes, in part, the association’s Journal. Superseded by the association’s Journal, new ser. 1940-1960 14840170R J Am Phys Ther Assoc Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association Continues: Physical therapy review. Continued by: Physical therapy. 1962-1963 0001556 J Am Plann Assoc s) Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association 0194-4363 (P) Continues: Journal of the American Institute of Planners. 1979- 9878432 J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 8750-7315 (P) Continues: Journal of the American Podiatry Association. 1985- Acid-free 8501423 J Am Podiatry Assoc Journal of the American Podiatry Association 0003-0538 (P) Continues The Journal of the National Association of Chiropodists. Continued by Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 1958-1984 7505577 J Am Psychoanal Assoc Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 0003-0651 (P) 1953- 7505579 J Am Soc Echocardiogr Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography: official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography 0894-7317 (P) 1988- 8801388 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Am Soc Geriatr Dent The Journal of the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry 0003-1054 (P) Merged with Journal of hospital dental practice, and, Journal of dentistry for the handicapped, to form: Special care in dentistry. 1966-1979 7503066 J Am Soc Inf Sci s) Journal of the American Society for Information Science. American Society for Information Science 0002-8231 (P) Continues American documentation. Continued by: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 1970-2000 0232761 J Am Soc Mass Spectrom s) Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 1044-0305 (P) 1990- Acid-free 9010412 J Am Soc Nephrol Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN 1046-6673 (P) 1533-3450 (E) 1990- 9013836 J Am Soc Prev Dent The Journal of the American Society for Preventive Dentistry 0093-4518 (P) 1970-1977 0415031 J Am Soc Psychosom Dent Med The Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine 0003-1194 (P) Continues the Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry. Continued by International journal of psychosomatics. 1958-1983 7505581 J Am Soc Study Orthod Journal of the American Society for the Study of Orthodontics. American Society for the Study of Orthodontics 0003-1089 (P) 1963-1967 9875580 J Am Vener Dis Assoc Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association 0095-148X (P) Continued by Sexually Transmitted diseases. 1974-1976 7500328 J Am Vet Med Assoc Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 0003-1488 (P) Continues: American veterinary review. Absorbed: Scientific proceedings of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 1915- 7503067 J Ambul Care Manage The Journal of ambulatory care management 0148-9917 (P) 1978- 7802876 J Ambul Care Mark s) Journal of ambulatory care marketing 0886-9723 (P) Continues: Emergency health services review. 1987-1995 8710130 J Anal Psychol s) The Journal of analytical psychology 0021-8774 (P) 1955- Acid-free 0376573 2007 J Anal Toxicol Journal of analytical toxicology 0146-4760 (P) 1977- Acid-free 7705085 J Anat Journal of anatomy 0021-8782 (P) 1469-7580 (E) Continues: Journal of anatomy and physiology. 1916- 0137162 J Anat Soc India Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 0003-2778 (P) 1952- 7505583 J Androl Journal of andrology 0196-3635 (P) 1980- 8106453 J Anesth Journal of anesthesia 0913-8668 (P) 1987- Acid-free 8905667 J Anglocont Dent Soc Journal (Anglo-Continental Dental Society) 0003-3324 (P) 1962-1980 8301204 J Anim Breed Genet Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie 0931-2668 (P) 1439-0388 (E) Continues: Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie. 1986- Acid-free 100955807 J Anim Ecol The Journal of animal ecology 0021-8790 (P) 1365-2656 (E) 1932- Acid-free 0376574 J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl) Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 0931-2439 (P) 1439-0396 (E) Continues: Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde. 2001- 101126979 J Anim Sci Journal of animal science 0021-8812 (P) 1525-3163 (E) Supersedes: Record of proceedings of the annual meeting - American Society of Animal Production. 1942- 8003002 J Anti Aging Med Journal of anti-aging medicine 1094-5458 (P) Continued by: Rejuvenation research. 1998-2003 9815684 J Antibiot (Tokyo) The Journal of antibiotics 0021-8820 (P) Continues in part the same title with text in Japanese. 1953- 0151115 J Antibiot [B] The Journal of antibiotics. Ser. B 0447-8991 (P) Continues in part the Journal of antibiotics. Continued by the Japanese journal of antibiotics. 1953-1967 0154411 J Antimicrob Chemother The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 0305-7453 (P) 1460-2091 (E) 1975- Acid-free 7513617 151

J Anxiety Disord Journal of anxiety disorders 0887-6185 (P) 1987- 8710131 J AOAC Int Journal of AOAC International 1060-3271 (P) Continues: Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1992- 9215446 J APDSA (Tokyo) Journal Of Apdsa; Asian Pacific Dental Student Association 0571-2912 (P) 1968-1978 9875625 J Appl Anim Welf Sci Journal of applied animal welfare science: JAAWS 1088-8705 (P) 1532-7604 (E) Continues: Humane innovations and alternatives. 1998- 9804404 J Appl Bacteriol s) The Journal of applied bacteriology 0021-8847 (P) Continues: Proceedings. Society for Applied Bacteriology. Continued by: Journal of applied microbiology. 1954-1996 Acid-free 7503050 J Appl Behav Anal Journal of applied behavior analysis 0021-8855 (P) 1968- Acid-free 0174763 J Appl Behav Sci s) The Journal of applied behavioral science 0021-8863 (P) 1965- 0060433 J Appl Biochem s) Journal of applied biochemistry 0161-7354 (P) Continued by: Biotechnology and applied biochemistry. 1979-1985 7908148 J Appl Biomater Journal of applied biomaterials: an official journal of the Society for Biomaterials 1045-4861 (P) Absorbed by: Journal of biomedical materials research. 1990-1995 Acid-free 9011484 J Appl Biomech Journal of applied biomechanics 1065-8483 (P) Continues: International journal of sport biomechanics. 1993- 9315240 J Appl Clin Med Phys Journal of applied clinical medical physics / American College of Medical Physics 1526-9914 (E) 2000- 101089176 J Appl Genet Journal of applied genetics 1234-1983 (P) Continues: Genetica polonica. 1995- Acid-free 9514582 J Appl Gerontol s) Journal of applied gerontology: the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society 0733-4648 (P) 1552-4523 (E) 1982- 8606502 152 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Appl Meas Journal of applied measurement 1529-7713 (P) Absorbed: Journal of outcome measurement. 2000- Acid-free 101084377 J Appl Microbiol Journal of applied microbiology 1364-5072 (P) 1365-2672 (E) Continues: Journal of applied bacteriology. 1997- 9706280 J Appl Nutr The Journal of applied nutrition 0021-8960 (P) Continues the Journal of the American Academy of Applied Nutrition. 1953- 0404726 J Appl Philos s) Journal of applied philosophy 0264-3758 (P) 1984- 100971946 J Appl Physiol Journal of applied physiology 0021-8987 (P) Continued by: Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. 1948-1976 0376576 J Appl Physiol Journal of applied physiology ( Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 8750-7587 (P) 1522-1601 (E) Continues: Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. 1985- Acid-free 8502536 J Appl Physiol Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology 0161-7567 (P) Continues: Journal of applied physiology. Continued by: Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.: 1985). 1977-1984 7801242 J Appl Psychol The Journal of applied psychology 0021-9010 (P) 1917- Acid-free 0222526 J Appl Toxicol Journal of applied toxicology: JAT 0260-437X (P) 1981- Acid-free 8109495 J Ark Med Soc The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 0004-1858 (P) Continues: Monthly bulletin of the Arkansas Medical Society. 1906- 7503069 J Arthroplasty The Journal of arthroplasty 0883-5403 (P) 1986- 8703515 J Artif Organs Journal of artificial organs: the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs 1434-7229 (P) Continues: Artificial organs today. 1998- Acid-free 9815648 J Asian Nat Prod Res Journal of Asian natural products research 1028-6020 (P) 1998- 100888334 2007 J Assist Reprod Genet Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 1058-0468 (P) Continues: Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. 1992- 9206495 J Assoc Acad Minor Phys Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians: the official publication of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians 1048-9886 (P) 1989-2002 9113765 J Assoc Adv Med Instrum JAAMI; journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation 0004-5446 (P) Continued by Medical instrumentation. 1966-1972 1275534 J Assoc Care Child Health Journal of the Association for the Care of Children’s Health 0274-8916 (P) Continues: Journal of the Association for the Care of Children in Hospitals. Continued by: Children’s health care. 1980-1980 8101321 J Assoc Care Child Hosp s) Journal of the Association for the Care of Children in Hospitals 0145-3351 (P) Continued by Journal of the Association for the Care of Children’s Health. 1972-1980 7613888 J Assoc Healthc Philanthr Journal ( Association for Healthcare Philanthropy ( U. S.) ) 1061-7655 (P) Continues: Journal ( National Association for Hospital Development ( U. S.) ) . Continued by: AHP journal. 1991-2001 9202815 J Assoc Hosp Med Educ s) Journal - Association for Hospital Medical Education 0148-4869 (P) Supersedes AHME journal. 1976-1978 7705084 J Assoc Med Illus Journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators 0098-8456 (P) Continues Graphics. Continued by Medical art. 1953-1964 7503072 J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC 1055-3290 (P) 1989- Acid-free 9111870 J Assoc Off Anal Chem s) Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists 0004-5756 (P) Continues: Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Continued by: Journal of AOAC International. 1966-1991 7505559 J Assoc Pediatr Oncol Nurses Journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses 0748-1802 (P) Continues: APON newsletter. Continued by: Journal of pediatric oncology nursing. 1984-1989 8410048

J Anxiety Disord<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> anxiety disorders<br />

0887-6185 (P)<br />

1987- 8710131<br />

J AOAC Int<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> AOAC International<br />

1060-3271 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal - Association <strong>of</strong> Official<br />

Analytical Chemists.<br />

1992- 9215446<br />

J APDSA (Tokyo)<br />

Journal Of Apdsa; Asian Pacific Dental<br />

Student Association<br />

0571-2912 (P)<br />

1968-1978 9875625<br />

J Appl Anim Welf Sci<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied animal welfare science:<br />

JAAWS<br />

1088-8705 (P) 1532-7604 (E)<br />

Continues: Humane innovations and<br />

alternatives.<br />

1998- 9804404<br />

J Appl Bacteriol<br />

s) The Journal <strong>of</strong> applied bacteriology<br />

0021-8847 (P)<br />

Continues: Proceedings. Society for Applied<br />

Bacteriology. Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong><br />

applied microbiology.<br />

1954-1996 Acid-free 7503050<br />

J Appl Behav Anal<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied behavior analysis<br />

0021-8855 (P)<br />

1968- Acid-free 0174763<br />

J Appl Behav Sci<br />

s) The Journal <strong>of</strong> applied behavioral science<br />

0021-8863 (P)<br />

1965- 0060433<br />

J Appl Biochem<br />

s) Journal <strong>of</strong> applied biochemistry<br />

0161-7354 (P)<br />

Continued by: Biotechnology and applied<br />

biochemistry.<br />

1979-1985 7908148<br />

J Appl Biomater<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied biomaterials: an<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong> the Society for<br />

Biomaterials<br />

1045-4861 (P)<br />

Absorbed by: Journal <strong>of</strong> biomedical materials<br />

research.<br />

1990-1995 Acid-free 9011484<br />

J Appl Biomech<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied biomechanics<br />

1065-8483 (P)<br />

Continues: International journal <strong>of</strong> sport<br />

biomechanics.<br />

1993- 9315240<br />

J Appl Clin Med Phys<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied clinical medical physics<br />

/ American College <strong>of</strong> Medical Physics<br />

1526-9914 (E)<br />

2000- 101089176<br />

J Appl Genet<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied genetics<br />

1234-1983 (P)<br />

Continues: Genetica polonica.<br />

1995- Acid-free 9514582<br />

J Appl Gerontol<br />

s) Journal <strong>of</strong> applied gerontology: the<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong> the Southern<br />

Gerontological Society<br />

0733-4648 (P) 1552-4523 (E)<br />

1982- 8606502<br />

152<br />


J Appl Meas<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied measurement<br />

1529-7713 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Journal <strong>of</strong> outcome measurement.<br />

2000- Acid-free 101084377<br />

J Appl Microbiol<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied microbiology<br />

1364-5072 (P) 1365-2672 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> applied bacteriology.<br />

1997- 9706280<br />

J Appl Nutr<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> applied nutrition<br />

0021-8960 (P)<br />

Continues the Journal <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Academy <strong>of</strong> Applied Nutrition.<br />

1953- 0404726<br />

J Appl Philos<br />

s) Journal <strong>of</strong> applied philosophy<br />

0264-3758 (P)<br />

1984- 100971946<br />

J Appl Physiol<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology<br />

0021-8987 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology:<br />

respiratory, environmental and exercise<br />

physiology.<br />

1948-1976 0376576<br />

J Appl Physiol<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology ( Bethesda, Md.<br />

: 1985)<br />

8750-7587 (P) 1522-1601 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology:<br />

respiratory, environmental and exercise<br />

physiology.<br />

1985- Acid-free 8502536<br />

J Appl Physiol<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology: respiratory,<br />

environmental and exercise physiology<br />

0161-7567 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology.<br />

Continued by: Journal <strong>of</strong> applied physiology<br />

(Bethesda, Md.: 1985).<br />

1977-1984 7801242<br />

J Appl Psychol<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> applied psychology<br />

0021-9010 (P)<br />

1917- Acid-free 0222526<br />

J Appl Toxicol<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> applied toxicology: JAT<br />

0260-437X (P)<br />

1981- Acid-free 8109495<br />

J Ark Med Soc<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> the Arkansas Medical Society<br />

0004-1858 (P)<br />

Continues: Monthly bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Arkansas<br />

Medical Society.<br />

1906- 7503069<br />

J Arthroplasty<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> arthroplasty<br />

0883-5403 (P)<br />

1986- 8703515<br />

J Artif Organs<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> artificial organs: the <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

journal <strong>of</strong> the Japanese Society for<br />

Artificial Organs<br />

1434-7229 (P)<br />

Continues: Artificial organs today.<br />

1998- Acid-free 9815648<br />

J Asian Nat Prod Res<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> Asian natural products research<br />

1028-6020 (P)<br />

1998- 100888334<br />

2007<br />

J Assist Reprod Genet<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> assisted reproduction and genetics<br />

1058-0468 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> in vitro fertilization<br />

and embryo transfer.<br />

1992- 9206495<br />

J Assoc Acad Minor Phys<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association for Academic<br />

Minority Physicians: the <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

publication <strong>of</strong> the Association for Academic<br />

Minority Physicians<br />

1048-9886 (P)<br />

1989-2002 9113765<br />

J Assoc Adv Med Instrum<br />

JAAMI; journal <strong>of</strong> the Association for the<br />

Advancement <strong>of</strong> Medical Instrumentation<br />

0004-5446 (P)<br />

Continued by Medical instrumentation.<br />

1966-1972 1275534<br />

J Assoc Care Child Health<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association for the Care <strong>of</strong><br />

Children’s Health<br />

0274-8916 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association for<br />

the Care <strong>of</strong> Children in Hospitals.<br />

Continued by: Children’s health care.<br />

1980-1980 8101321<br />

J Assoc Care Child Hosp<br />

s) Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association for the Care <strong>of</strong><br />

Children in Hospitals<br />

0145-3351 (P)<br />

Continued by Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association for<br />

the Care <strong>of</strong> Children’s Health.<br />

1972-1980 7613888<br />

J Assoc Healthc Philanthr<br />

Journal ( Association for Healthcare<br />

Philanthropy ( U. S.) )<br />

1061-7655 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal ( National Association for<br />

Hospital Development ( U. S.) ) . Continued by:<br />

AHP journal.<br />

1991-2001 9202815<br />

J Assoc Hosp Med Educ<br />

s) Journal - Association for Hospital Medical<br />

Education<br />

0148-4869 (P)<br />

Supersedes AHME journal.<br />

1976-1978 7705084<br />

J Assoc Med Illus<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong> Medical<br />

Illustrators<br />

0098-8456 (P)<br />

Continues Graphics. Continued by Medical<br />

art.<br />

1953-1964 7503072<br />

J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong> Nurses in<br />

AIDS Care: JANAC<br />

1055-3290 (P)<br />

1989- Acid-free 9111870<br />

J Assoc Off Anal Chem<br />

s) Journal - Association <strong>of</strong> Official Analytical<br />

Chemists<br />

0004-5756 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Official Agricultural Chemists. Continued<br />

by: Journal <strong>of</strong> AOAC International.<br />

1966-1991 7505559<br />

J Assoc Pediatr Oncol Nurses<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong> Pediatric<br />

Oncology Nurses<br />

0748-1802 (P)<br />

Continues: APON newsletter. Continued by:<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> pediatric oncology nursing.<br />

1984-1989 8410048

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