list of serials indexed

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Health Med s) Health & medicine: journal of the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group 0741-2339 (P) 1982-1987 8307267 Health Med Care Serv Rev s) Health & medical care services review 0160-7618 (P) Continued by: Health marketing quarterly. 1978-1980 7806285 Health News Health news (Waltham, Mass. ) 1081-5880 (P) 1992- 9800495 Health PAC Bull s) Health PAC bulletin 0017-9051 (P) 1968-1993 1255014 Health People The Health of the people 0301-0384 (P) Formed by the merger of Occupational health New Zealand and Community health, and assumes the numbering of the former. 1972-1974 0366537 Health Perspect s) Health perspectives 0097-0069 (P) Merged with Quarterly - Consumer Commission on the Accreditation of Health Services to form Consumer health perspectives. 1973-1977 7503531 Health Phys s) Health physics 0017-9078 (P) 1958- 2985093R Health Place Health & place 1353-8292 (P) Continues: Geographia medica. 1995- 9510067 Health Plann Manpow Rep s) Health planning & manpower report Formed by the union of Health manpower report and Health planning & manpower reports. Continued by: Health professions report. 1978-1984 7806574 Health Plann Manpow Rep Health planning & manpower reports 0362-3165 (P) Merged with Health manpower report to form Health planning & manpower report. 1976-1978 7610479 Health Policy Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 0168-8510 (P) Continues: Health policy and education. 1984- 8409431 Health Policy Educ s) Health policy and education 0165-2281 (P) Continued by: Health policy ( Amsterdam, Netherlands) . 1979-1983 7909999 Health Policy Plan Health policy and planning 0268-1080 (P) 1460-2237 (E) 1986- 8610614 Health Policy Q Health policy quarterly 0163-5107 (P) 1981-1982 8109813 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Health Policy Week s) Health policy week: HPW 0732-7439 (P) Continues: Morris report on federal health policy. Continued by: Health care reform week. 1982-1992 8917069 Health Popul Perspect Issues s) Health and population; perspectives and issues 0253-6803 (P) Formed by the union of NIHAE bulletin and Journal of population research. 1978- 7909318 Health Pract Physician Assist s) Health practitioner. Physician assistant 0192-7310 (P) Formed by the union of Health practitioner and Physician assistant. Continued by: Physician assistant, health practitioner. 1978-1979 7904275 Health Prog Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo. ) 0882-1577 (P) Continues: Hospital progress. 1984- 8500263 Health Promot s) Health promotion (Oxford, England) 0268-1099 (P) Continued by: Health promotion international. 1986-1989 8700098 Health Promot Int Health promotion international 0957-4824 (P) 1460-2245 (E) Continues: Health promotion (Oxford, England) . 1990- 9008939 Health Promot J Austr Health promotion journal of Australia: official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals 1036-1073 (P) 1991- 9710936 Health Promot Pract Health promotion practice 1524-8399 (P) 2000- Acid-free 100890609 Health Psychol Health psychology: official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 0278-6133 (P) 1982- 8211523 Health Qual Life Outcomes Health and quality of life outcomes 1477-7525 (E) 2003- 101153626 Health Rep Health reports / Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Health Information = Rapports sur la sante / Statistique Canada, Centre canadien d’information sur la sante 0840-6529 (P) 1989- Acid-free 9012854 Health Serv J The Health service journal 0952-2271 (P) Continues: Health and social service journal. 1986- 8605800 Health Serv J Health services journal Continued by Health services. 1946-1972 0323673 2007 Health Serv Manage Health services management 0953-8534 (P) Continues: Hospital and health services review. 1988-1994 8809216 Health Serv Manage Res Health services management research: an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration / HSMC, AUPHA 0951-4848 (P) 1988- 8811549 Health Serv Manager s) Health services manager 0363-020X (P) Continues Hospital supervision. 1976-1982 7607516 Health Serv Manpow Rev s) Health services manpower review 0306-0233 (P) Continued by: Health manpower management. 1975-1988 8103581 Health Serv Rep Health services reports 0090-2918 (P) Continues: HSMHA health reports. Continued by: Public health reports ( Washington, D.C.: 1974) . 1972-1974 0430452 Health Serv Res Health services research 0017-9124 (P) 1966- Acid-free 0053006 Health Soc Care Community Health & social care in the community 0966-0410 (P) 1365-2524 (E) 1993- 9306359 Health Soc Serv J s) Health and social service journal 0300-8347 (P) Continues British hospital journal and social service review. Continued by: The Health service journal. 1973-1986 0361025 Health Soc Work Health & social work 0360-7283 (P) 1976- 7611528 Health Stat Q Health statistics quarterly / Office for National Statistics 1465-1645 (P) 1999- 100886205 Health Syst Lead s) Health system leader 1075-1807 (P) Continued by: Executive solutions for healthcare management. 1994-1998 9442811 Health Syst Manage Health systems management 0361-0195 (P) 1974-1985 7603078 Health Syst Rev Health systems review 1055-7466 (P) Continues: Review ( Federation of American Health Systems) . Merged with: Hotline (Federation of American Health Systems), to form: Hospital outlook. 1991-1997 9103399 125

Health Technol Health technology 0891-1924 (P) Formed by the union of: Journal of health care technology, and: Issues in health care technology. 1987-1989 8705905 Health Technol Assess Health technology assessment ( Winchester, England) 1366-5278 (P) 1997- 9706284 Health Technol Assess (Rockv) Health technology assessment Continues: Health technology assessment reports (Irregular). 1994- 9501929 Health Technol Assess Rep Health technology assessment reports 8755-9765 (P) Continued by: Health technology assessment. 1981-1991 8607675 Health Transit Rev s) Health transition review: the cultural, social, and behavioural determinants of health 1036-4005 (P) 1991-1997 9114114 Health Trends s) Health trends 0017-9132 (P) 1969-1998 0233525 Health Values s) Health values 0147-0353 (P) Continued by: American journal of health behavior. 1977-1995 7801228 Health Visit Health visitor 0017-9140 (P) Continues: Woman health officer. Continued by: Community practitioner. 1964-1998 17320470R Healthc Ala Healthcare Alabama / Alabama Hospital Association 1062-0257 (P) 1988-2000 9200409 Healthc Benchmarks Healthcare benchmarks 1091-6768 (P) Continues: Hospital benchmarks. Absorbed: Outpatient benchmarks. 199 Merged with: QI/TQM, to form: Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement. 1996-2002 9800467 Healthc Bottom Line s) Healthcare bottom line 1062-032X (P) Continues: Hospital bottom line. 1986-1996 9001373 Healthc Comput Commun s) Healthcare computing & communications 8750-149X (P) Continued by: U. S. healthcare. 1984-1988 8503108 Healthc Demand Dis Manag Healthcare demand & disease management 1094-2521 (P) Continues: Healthcare demand management. Continued by: Disease management advisor. 1997-2000 9891547 126 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Healthc Exec Healthcare executive 0883-5381 (P) 1985- 8612808 Healthc Exec Curr Healthcare executive currents 0898-1647 (P) Continues: Hospital administration currents. 1988-1991 9004556 Healthc Facil Manag Ser Healthcare facilities management series Continues: Technical document series. 1992- 9716571 Healthc Financ Manage Healthcare financial management: journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association 0735-0732 (P) Continues: Hospital financial management. 1982- 8215859 Healthc Foodserv s) Healthcare foodservice Continued by: Healthcare foodservice magazine. 19uu-199u 9888383 Healthc Foodserv Mag Healthcare foodservice magazine: the international trade publication for the healthcare foodservice industry Continues: Healthcare foodservice. 199u- 100954799 Healthc Forum Healthcare forum 0885-257X (P) Continues: Hospital forum. Continued by: Healthcare Forum journal. 1985-1987 8511257 Healthc Forum J The Healthcare Forum journal 0899-9287 (P) Continues: Healthcare forum. Continued by: Health Forum journal. 1987-1998 8801357 Healthc Hazard Manage Monit Healthcare hazard management monitor: HHMM: the newsletter of the Center for Healthcare Environmental Management 1532-3633 (P) Continues: Healthcare hazardous materials management. 2000- 100955103 Healthc Hazard Mater Manage Healthcare hazardous materials management: HHMM 1050-575X (P) Continues: Hospital hazardous materials management. Continued by: Healthcare hazard management monitor. 1990-2000 9014236 Healthc Hum Resour s) Healthcare human resources 1060-9253 (P) 1992-1994 9212326 Healthc Hum Resour Spec Rep s) Healthcare human resources. Special report 1076-8157 (P) 1992-1992 9416012 2007 Healthc Inf Manage s) Healthcare information management: journal of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society of the American Hospital Association 1066-906X (P) Continues: Health care systems. Continued by: Journal of healthcare information management. 1987-199u 8806584 Healthc Inform Healthcare informatics: the business magazine for information and communication systems 1050-9135 (P) Continues: U. S. healthcare. 1990- 9004557 Healthc Leadersh Manag Rep Healthcare leadership & management report 1533-2292 (P) Continues: Integrated healthcare report. Continued by: Healthcare leadership report. 2000-2003 100958264 Healthc Leadersh Rep Healthcare leadership report 1551-8906 (P) Continues: Healthcare leadership & management report. 2004-2004 101209410 Healthc Manage Forum Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de sante / College canadien des directeurs de services de sante 0840-4704 (P) Continues: Health management forum. 1988- 8805307 Healthc Pap HealthcarePapers 1488-917X (P) 1999- 100961305 Healthc Prot Manage s) Healthcare protection management 1980-1983 9878882 Healthc Q Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont. ) 1710-2774 (P) Continues: Hospital quarterly. 2004- 101208192 Healthc Strateg The healthcare strategist 1097-0819 (P) 1997-2000 9891985 Healthc Syst Strategy Rep s) Healthcare systems strategy report Continues: Health care competition week. Absorbed by: Health system leader. 1994-1996 9442118 Healthc Trends Transit s) Healthcare trends & transition 1047-7276 (P) 1989-1995 9425861 Healthcare Benchmarks Qual Improv Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement 1541-1052 (P) Merger of: Healthcare benchmarks, and: QI/TQM. 2002- 101151031 Healthmarketing s) HealthMarketing 0745-4538 (P) Continues: Hospital management communications. Continued by: HealthService leader. 1982-1992 8403803

Health Technol<br />

Health technology<br />

0891-1924 (P)<br />

Formed by the union <strong>of</strong>: Journal <strong>of</strong> health<br />

care technology, and: Issues in health care<br />

technology.<br />

1987-1989 8705905<br />

Health Technol Assess<br />

Health technology assessment ( Winchester,<br />

England)<br />

1366-5278 (P)<br />

1997- 9706284<br />

Health Technol Assess (Rockv)<br />

Health technology assessment<br />

Continues: Health technology assessment<br />

reports (Irregular).<br />

1994- 9501929<br />

Health Technol Assess Rep<br />

Health technology assessment reports<br />

8755-9765 (P)<br />

Continued by: Health technology assessment.<br />

1981-1991 8607675<br />

Health Transit Rev<br />

s) Health transition review: the cultural,<br />

social, and behavioural determinants <strong>of</strong><br />

health<br />

1036-4005 (P)<br />

1991-1997 9114114<br />

Health Trends<br />

s) Health trends<br />

0017-9132 (P)<br />

1969-1998 0233525<br />

Health Values<br />

s) Health values<br />

0147-0353 (P)<br />

Continued by: American journal <strong>of</strong> health<br />

behavior.<br />

1977-1995 7801228<br />

Health Visit<br />

Health visitor<br />

0017-9140 (P)<br />

Continues: Woman health <strong>of</strong>ficer. Continued<br />

by: Community practitioner.<br />

1964-1998 17320470R<br />

Healthc Ala<br />

Healthcare Alabama / Alabama Hospital<br />

Association<br />

1062-0257 (P)<br />

1988-2000 9200409<br />

Healthc Benchmarks<br />

Healthcare benchmarks<br />

1091-6768 (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital benchmarks. Absorbed:<br />

Outpatient benchmarks. 199 Merged with:<br />

QI/TQM, to form: Healthcare benchmarks and<br />

quality improvement.<br />

1996-2002 9800467<br />

Healthc Bottom Line<br />

s) Healthcare bottom line<br />

1062-032X (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital bottom line.<br />

1986-1996 9001373<br />

Healthc Comput Commun<br />

s) Healthcare computing & communications<br />

8750-149X (P)<br />

Continued by: U. S. healthcare.<br />

1984-1988 8503108<br />

Healthc Demand Dis Manag<br />

Healthcare demand & disease management<br />

1094-2521 (P)<br />

Continues: Healthcare demand management.<br />

Continued by: Disease management advisor.<br />

1997-2000 9891547<br />

126<br />


Healthc Exec<br />

Healthcare executive<br />

0883-5381 (P)<br />

1985- 8612808<br />

Healthc Exec Curr<br />

Healthcare executive currents<br />

0898-1647 (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital administration currents.<br />

1988-1991 9004556<br />

Healthc Facil Manag Ser<br />

Healthcare facilities management series<br />

Continues: Technical document series.<br />

1992- 9716571<br />

Healthc Financ Manage<br />

Healthcare financial management: journal <strong>of</strong><br />

the Healthcare Financial Management<br />

Association<br />

0735-0732 (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital financial management.<br />

1982- 8215859<br />

Healthc Foodserv<br />

s) Healthcare foodservice<br />

Continued by: Healthcare foodservice<br />

magazine.<br />

19uu-199u 9888383<br />

Healthc Foodserv Mag<br />

Healthcare foodservice magazine: the<br />

international trade publication for the<br />

healthcare foodservice industry<br />

Continues: Healthcare foodservice.<br />

199u- 100954799<br />

Healthc Forum<br />

Healthcare forum<br />

0885-257X (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital forum. Continued by:<br />

Healthcare Forum journal.<br />

1985-1987 8511257<br />

Healthc Forum J<br />

The Healthcare Forum journal<br />

0899-9287 (P)<br />

Continues: Healthcare forum. Continued by:<br />

Health Forum journal.<br />

1987-1998 8801357<br />

Healthc Hazard Manage Monit<br />

Healthcare hazard management monitor: HHMM:<br />

the newsletter <strong>of</strong> the Center for Healthcare<br />

Environmental Management<br />

1532-3633 (P)<br />

Continues: Healthcare hazardous materials<br />

management.<br />

2000- 100955103<br />

Healthc Hazard Mater Manage<br />

Healthcare hazardous materials management:<br />

HHMM<br />

1050-575X (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital hazardous materials<br />

management. Continued by: Healthcare hazard<br />

management monitor.<br />

1990-2000 9014236<br />

Healthc Hum Resour<br />

s) Healthcare human resources<br />

1060-9253 (P)<br />

1992-1994 9212326<br />

Healthc Hum Resour Spec Rep<br />

s) Healthcare human resources. Special report<br />

1076-8157 (P)<br />

1992-1992 9416012<br />

2007<br />

Healthc Inf Manage<br />

s) Healthcare information management: journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Healthcare Information and Management<br />

Systems Society <strong>of</strong> the American Hospital<br />

Association<br />

1066-906X (P)<br />

Continues: Health care systems. Continued<br />

by: Journal <strong>of</strong> healthcare information<br />

management.<br />

1987-199u 8806584<br />

Healthc Inform<br />

Healthcare informatics: the business<br />

magazine for information and communication<br />

systems<br />

1050-9135 (P)<br />

Continues: U. S. healthcare.<br />

1990- 9004557<br />

Healthc Leadersh Manag Rep<br />

Healthcare leadership & management report<br />

1533-2292 (P)<br />

Continues: Integrated healthcare report.<br />

Continued by: Healthcare leadership report.<br />

2000-2003 100958264<br />

Healthc Leadersh Rep<br />

Healthcare leadership report<br />

1551-8906 (P)<br />

Continues: Healthcare leadership &<br />

management report.<br />

2004-2004 101209410<br />

Healthc Manage Forum<br />

Healthcare management forum / Canadian<br />

College <strong>of</strong> Health Service Executives = Forum<br />

gestion des soins de sante / College<br />

canadien des directeurs de services de sante<br />

0840-4704 (P)<br />

Continues: Health management forum.<br />

1988- 8805307<br />

Healthc Pap<br />

HealthcarePapers<br />

1488-917X (P)<br />

1999- 100961305<br />

Healthc Prot Manage<br />

s) Healthcare protection management<br />

1980-1983 9878882<br />

Healthc Q<br />

Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont. )<br />

1710-2774 (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital quarterly.<br />

2004- 101208192<br />

Healthc Strateg<br />

The healthcare strategist<br />

1097-0819 (P)<br />

1997-2000 9891985<br />

Healthc Syst Strategy Rep<br />

s) Healthcare systems strategy report<br />

Continues: Health care competition week.<br />

Absorbed by: Health system leader.<br />

1994-1996 9442118<br />

Healthc Trends Transit<br />

s) Healthcare trends & transition<br />

1047-7276 (P)<br />

1989-1995 9425861<br />

Healthcare Benchmarks Qual Improv<br />

Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement<br />

1541-1052 (P)<br />

Merger <strong>of</strong>: Healthcare benchmarks, and:<br />

QI/TQM.<br />

2002- 101151031<br />

Healthmarketing<br />

s) HealthMarketing<br />

0745-4538 (P)<br />

Continues: Hospital management<br />

communications. Continued by: HealthService<br />

leader.<br />

1982-1992 8403803

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