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Exp Diabesity Res Experimental diabesity research 1543-8600 (P) 1543-8619 (E) Continues: International journal of experimental diabesity research. Continued by: Experimental diabetes research. 2003-2004 101183590 Exp Diabetes Res Experimental diabetes research 1687-5214 (P) 1687-5303 (E) Continues: Experimental diabesity research. 2005- 101274844 Exp Embryol Teratol Experimental embryology and teratology 0306-2090 (P) Supersedes Advances in teratology. 1974-1974 7513591 Exp Eye Res Experimental eye research 0014-4835 (P) 1961- Acid-free 0370707 Exp Gerontol Experimental gerontology 0531-5565 (P) 1964- 0047061 Exp Hematol Experimental hematology 0301-472X (P) Supersedes Experimental hematology, published in Oak Ridge, Tenn. 1973- Acid-free 0402313 Exp Lung Res Experimental lung research 0190-2148 (P) 1521-0499 (E) 1980- Acid-free 8004944 Exp Med Pathol Klin Experimentelle Medizin, Pathologie und Klinik 0071-3430 (P) 1964-1972 0034007 Exp Med Surg Experimental medicine and surgery 0014-4878 (P) 1943-1971 0435437 Exp Mol Med Experimental & molecular medicine 1226-3613 (P) Continues: Korean journal of biochemistry. 1996- 9607880 Exp Mol Pathol Experimental and molecular pathology 0014-4800 (P) 1962- Acid-free 0370711 Exp Mol Pathol Suppl Experimental and molecular pathology. Supplement 0531-5522 (P) 1963-1966 0007677 Exp Mycol s) Experimental mycology 0147-5975 (P) Continued by: Fungal genetics and biology. 1977-1995 8511210 Exp Nephrol Experimental nephrology 1018-7782 (P) Merged with part of: Nephron, to form: Nephron. Experimental nephrology. 1993-2002 9302239 Exp Neurol Experimental neurology 0014-4886 (P) 1959- Acid-free 0370712 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Exp Neurol Suppl Experimental neurology. Supplement 0531-559X (P) 1964-19uu 0066741 Exp Oncol Experimental oncology 1812-9269 (P) Continues: Eksperimentalnaia onkologiia. 2004- 101230541 Exp Parasitol Experimental parasitology 0014-4894 (P) 1951- Acid-free 0370713 Exp Pathol Experimental pathology 0232-1513 (P) Continues: Experimentelle Pathologie. Continued by: Experimental and toxicologic pathology. 1981-1991 8108218 Exp Pathol (Jena) Experimentelle Pathologie 0014-4908 (P) Continued by: Experimental pathology. 1967-1980 0113124 Exp Pathol Suppl Experimental pathology. Supplement = Experimentelle Pathologie. Supplement 0323-6102 (P) 1975-1989 8300901 Exp Physiol Experimental physiology 0958-0670 (P) Continues: Quarterly journal of experimental physiology (Cambridge, England). 1990- 9002940 Exp Psychol Experimental psychology 1618-3169 (P) Continues: Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Psychologie. 2002- 101138477 Exp Toxicol Pathol Experimental and toxicologic pathology: official journal of the Gesellschaft fur Toxikologische Pathologie 0940-2993 (P) Continues: Experimental pathology. 1992- 9208920 Experientia s) Experientia 0014-4754 (P) Continued by: Cellular and molecular life sciences. 1945-1996 Acid-free 0376547 Experientia Suppl s) Experientia. Supplementum 0071-335X (P) Continued by: EXS. 1953-1989 0320043 Expert Opin Biol Ther Expert opinion on biological therapy 1471-2598 (P) 1744-7682 (E) 2001- 101125414 Expert Opin Drug Deliv Expert opinion on drug delivery 1742-5247 (P) 2004- 101228421 Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology 1742-5255 (P) 2005- 101228422 2007 Expert Opin Drug Saf Expert opinion on drug safety 1474-0338 (P) 1744-764X (E) 2002- 101163027 Expert Opin Emerg Drugs Expert opinion on emerging drugs 1472-8214 (P) 1744-7623 (E) Continues: Emerging drugs. 2001- 101135662 Expert Opin Investig Drugs Expert opinion on investigational drugs 1354-3784 (P) 1744-7658 (E) Continues: Current opinion in investigational drugs. 1994- 9434197 Expert Opin Pharmacother Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 1465-6566 (P) 1744-7666 (E) 1999- 100897346 Expert Opin Ther Targets Expert opinion on therapeutic targets 1472-8222 (P) 1744-7631 (E) Continues: Emerging therapeutic targets. 2001- 101127833 Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther Expert review of anti-infective therapy 1478-7210 (P) 1744-8336 (E) 2003- 101181284 Expert Rev Anticancer Ther Expert review of anticancer therapy 1473-7140 (P) 2001- 101123358 Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther Expert review of cardiovascular therapy 1477-9072 (P) 1744-8344 (E) 2003- 101182328 Expert Rev Med Devices Expert review of medical devices 1743-4440 (P) 2004- 101230445 Expert Rev Mol Diagn Expert review of molecular diagnostics 1473-7159 (P) 1744-8352 (E) 2001- 101120777 Expert Rev Mol Med Expert reviews in molecular medicine 1462-3994 (E) 1997- 100939725 Expert Rev Neurother Expert review of neurotherapeutics 1473-7175 (P) 1744-8360 (E) 2001- 101129944 Expert Rev Proteomics Expert review of proteomics 1478-9450 (P) 1744-8387 (E) 2004- 101223548 Expert Rev Vaccines Expert review of vaccines 1476-0584 (P) 1744-8395 (E) 2002- 101155475 Explore (NY) Explore (New York, N. Y.) 1550-8307 (P) 2005- 101233160 Explorer (Hayward) Explorer Continues: Sac Explorer. Continued by: Southern Alameda County Explorer. 1969-1972 9875621 109

Explorer (Kansas City) The Explorer: the journal of the School of Dentistry of the University of Missouri at Kansas City. University of Missouri--Kansas City. School of Dentistry University of Missouri at Kansas City 1970- 9875622 Expos Annu Biochim Med Exposes annuels de biochimie medicale 0300-9076 (P) 1938-1982 0071567 EXS s) EXS 1023-294X (P) Continues: Experientia. Supplementum. 1989- Acid-free 9204529 Extremophiles Extremophiles: life under extreme conditions 1431-0651 (P) 1433-4909 (E) 1997- Acid-free 9706854 Eye Eye (London, England) 0950-222X (P) Continues: Transactions of the ophthalmological societies of the United Kingdom. 1987- 8703986 Eye Contact Lens Eye & contact lens 1542-2321 (P) 1542-233X (E) Continues: CLAO journal. 2003- 101160941 Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon Eye, ear, nose & throat monthly 0014-5491 (P) Absorbed: Diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Continued by: Ear, nose, & throat journal. 1922-1976 0370714 F Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi Fa yi xue za zhi 1004-5619 (P) 1985- 9426151 Fac Notes (New Orleans La) Faculty notes (New Orleans, La. ) Continued by: HIV clinician. 19uu-1999 100893937 Facial Orthop Temporomandibular Arthrol Facial orthopedics and temporomandibular arthrology 0749-0399 (P) 1984-1988 8510890 Facial Plast Surg Facial plastic surgery: FPS 0736-6825 (P) 1983- 8405303 Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America 1064-7406 (P) 1993- 9414907 Fact Sheet (Cent Home Care Policy Res) Fact sheet ( Center for Home Care Policy and Research ( U. S.) ) Continued by: Policy brief ( Center for Home Care Policy and Research ( U. S.) ) . 2000-2000 101285584 110 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Factor Odontol Factor odontologico Continues: Revista cientifica, tecnica y cultural F. O. 1986- 9108447 Fag Tidsskr Sykepleien Fag tidsskriftet sykepleien 0802-9768 (P) Continues in part: Sykepleien. Continued by: Sykepleien. Fag. 1989-1992 9008896 Fam Cancer Familial cancer 1389-9600 (P) 1573-7292 (E) 2000- 100898211 Fam Community Health Family & community health 0160-6379 (P) 1978- 7809641 Fam Coord s) The Family coordinator 0014-7214 (P) Continues The Family life coordinator. Continued by Family relations. 1968-1979 0153662 Fam Health s) Family health 0014-7249 (P) Absorbed Today’s health, Apr. 1976. Continued by Health (Family Media, Inc.). 1969-1981 7610780 Fam Med Family medicine 0742-3225 (P) Continues: Family medicine teacher. 1981- Acid-free 8306464 Fam Plann s) Family planning 0014-7338 (P) Continued by: Family planning today. 1952-1976 7703901 Fam Plann Perspect Family planning perspectives 0014-7354 (P) Continued by: Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. 1969-2001 0241370 Fam Pract Family practice 0263-2136 (P) 1460-2229 (E) 1984- 8500875 Fam Pract Manag Family practice management 1069-5648 (P) 1993- 9417533 Fam Pract Res J The Family practice research journal 0270-2304 (P) 1981-1994 8208228 Fam Process Family process 0014-7370 (P) 1962- 0400666 FAO Food Nutr Pap FAO food and nutrition paper 0254-4725 (P) 1977- 8110156 FAO Food Nutr Ser FAO food and nutrition series 1014-3181 (P) 1976- 7804985 2007 FAO Nutr Meet Rep Ser FAO nutrition meetings report series 0071-707X (P) 1948-1977 0373227 FAO Nutr Stud FAO nutritional studies 0071-7088 (P) Continued by: FAO food and nutrition series. 1948-1974 0373230 Faraday Discuss s) Faraday discussions 1359-6640 (P) Continues: Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society. 1991- 9212301 Faraday Discuss Chem Soc s) Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society 0301-5696 (P) Continues: Discussions of the Faraday Society. Continued by: Faraday discussions. 1972-1991 7507112 Farm Glas Farmaceutski glasnik 0014-8202 (P) 1945- 0373232 Farm Hosp Farmacia hospitalaria: organo oficial de expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria 1130-6343 (P) Continues: Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria. 199u- 9440679 Farm Nueva Farmacia nueva 0367-2689 (P) 1934-1982 16920230R Farm Obz Farmaceuticky obzor 0014-8172 (P) Continues Farmacia. 1961- 16920150R Farm Pol Farmacja polska 0014-8261 (P) 1945- 0400670 Farm Tid s) Farmaceutisk tidende 0367-1720 (P) Continues Blad for Pharmaceutisk medhjaelperforening. Continued by: Farmaceuten. 1895-1988 0407150 Farm Vestn Farmacevtski vestnik 0014-8229 (P) 1950- 0373233 Farm Zh Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal 0014-8342 (P) 1928- 0374603 Farmaco Farmaco (Societa chimica italiana: 1989) 0014-827X (P) Formed by the union of: Farmaco ( Edizione pratica) ; and: Farmaco ( Edizione scientifica) . Continued by: ChemMedChem. 1989-2005 8912641

Explorer (Kansas City)<br />

The Explorer: the journal <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong><br />

Dentistry <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Missouri at<br />

Kansas City. University <strong>of</strong> Missouri--Kansas<br />

City. School <strong>of</strong> Dentistry<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Missouri at Kansas City<br />

1970- 9875622<br />

Expos Annu Biochim Med<br />

Exposes annuels de biochimie medicale<br />

0300-9076 (P)<br />

1938-1982 0071567<br />

EXS<br />

s) EXS<br />

1023-294X (P)<br />

Continues: Experientia. Supplementum.<br />

1989- Acid-free 9204529<br />

Extremophiles<br />

Extremophiles: life under extreme conditions<br />

1431-0651 (P) 1433-4909 (E)<br />

1997- Acid-free 9706854<br />

Eye Eye (London, England)<br />

0950-222X (P)<br />

Continues: Transactions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ophthalmological societies <strong>of</strong> the United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

1987- 8703986<br />

Eye Contact Lens<br />

Eye & contact lens<br />

1542-2321 (P) 1542-233X (E)<br />

Continues: CLAO journal.<br />

2003- 101160941<br />

Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon<br />

Eye, ear, nose & throat monthly<br />

0014-5491 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Diseases <strong>of</strong> the eye, ear, nose and<br />

throat. Continued by: Ear, nose, & throat<br />

journal.<br />

1922-1976 0370714<br />

F<br />

Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi<br />

Fa yi xue za zhi<br />

1004-5619 (P)<br />

1985- 9426151<br />

Fac Notes (New Orleans La)<br />

Faculty notes (New Orleans, La. )<br />

Continued by: HIV clinician.<br />

19uu-1999 100893937<br />

Facial Orthop Temporomandibular Arthrol<br />

Facial orthopedics and temporomandibular<br />

arthrology<br />

0749-0399 (P)<br />

1984-1988 8510890<br />

Facial Plast Surg<br />

Facial plastic surgery: FPS<br />

0736-6825 (P)<br />

1983- 8405303<br />

Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am<br />

Facial plastic surgery clinics <strong>of</strong> North<br />

America<br />

1064-7406 (P)<br />

1993- 9414907<br />

Fact Sheet (Cent Home Care Policy Res)<br />

Fact sheet ( Center for Home Care Policy and<br />

Research ( U. S.) )<br />

Continued by: Policy brief ( Center for Home<br />

Care Policy and Research ( U. S.) ) .<br />

2000-2000 101285584<br />

110<br />


Factor Odontol<br />

Factor odontologico<br />

Continues: Revista cientifica, tecnica y<br />

cultural F. O.<br />

1986- 9108447<br />

Fag Tidsskr Sykepleien<br />

Fag tidsskriftet sykepleien<br />

0802-9768 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Sykepleien. Continued by:<br />

Sykepleien. Fag.<br />

1989-1992 9008896<br />

Fam Cancer<br />

Familial cancer<br />

1389-9600 (P) 1573-7292 (E)<br />

2000- 100898211<br />

Fam Community Health<br />

Family & community health<br />

0160-6379 (P)<br />

1978- 7809641<br />

Fam Coord<br />

s) The Family coordinator<br />

0014-7214 (P)<br />

Continues The Family life coordinator.<br />

Continued by Family relations.<br />

1968-1979 0153662<br />

Fam Health<br />

s) Family health<br />

0014-7249 (P)<br />

Absorbed Today’s health, Apr. 1976.<br />

Continued by Health (Family Media, Inc.).<br />

1969-1981 7610780<br />

Fam Med<br />

Family medicine<br />

0742-3225 (P)<br />

Continues: Family medicine teacher.<br />

1981- Acid-free 8306464<br />

Fam Plann<br />

s) Family planning<br />

0014-7338 (P)<br />

Continued by: Family planning today.<br />

1952-1976 7703901<br />

Fam Plann Perspect<br />

Family planning perspectives<br />

0014-7354 (P)<br />

Continued by: Perspectives on sexual and<br />

reproductive health.<br />

1969-2001 0241370<br />

Fam Pract<br />

Family practice<br />

0263-2136 (P) 1460-2229 (E)<br />

1984- 8500875<br />

Fam Pract Manag<br />

Family practice management<br />

1069-5648 (P)<br />

1993- 9417533<br />

Fam Pract Res J<br />

The Family practice research journal<br />

0270-2304 (P)<br />

1981-1994 8208228<br />

Fam Process<br />

Family process<br />

0014-7370 (P)<br />

1962- 0400666<br />

FAO Food Nutr Pap<br />

FAO food and nutrition paper<br />

0254-4725 (P)<br />

1977- 8110156<br />

FAO Food Nutr Ser<br />

FAO food and nutrition series<br />

1014-3181 (P)<br />

1976- 7804985<br />

2007<br />

FAO Nutr Meet Rep Ser<br />

FAO nutrition meetings report series<br />

0071-707X (P)<br />

1948-1977 0373227<br />

FAO Nutr Stud<br />

FAO nutritional studies<br />

0071-7088 (P)<br />

Continued by: FAO food and nutrition series.<br />

1948-1974 0373230<br />

Faraday Discuss<br />

s) Faraday discussions<br />

1359-6640 (P)<br />

Continues: Faraday discussions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Chemical Society.<br />

1991- 9212301<br />

Faraday Discuss Chem Soc<br />

s) Faraday discussions <strong>of</strong> the Chemical Society<br />

0301-5696 (P)<br />

Continues: Discussions <strong>of</strong> the Faraday<br />

Society. Continued by: Faraday discussions.<br />

1972-1991 7507112<br />

Farm Glas<br />

Farmaceutski glasnik<br />

0014-8202 (P)<br />

1945- 0373232<br />

Farm Hosp<br />

Farmacia hospitalaria: organo <strong>of</strong>icial de<br />

expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola<br />

de Farmacia Hospitalaria<br />

1130-6343 (P)<br />

Continues: Revista de la Sociedad Espanola<br />

de Farmacia Hospitalaria.<br />

199u- 9440679<br />

Farm Nueva<br />

Farmacia nueva<br />

0367-2689 (P)<br />

1934-1982 16920230R<br />

Farm Obz<br />

Farmaceuticky obzor<br />

0014-8172 (P)<br />

Continues Farmacia.<br />

1961- 16920150R<br />

Farm Pol<br />

Farmacja polska<br />

0014-8261 (P)<br />

1945- 0400670<br />

Farm Tid<br />

s) Farmaceutisk tidende<br />

0367-1720 (P)<br />

Continues Blad for Pharmaceutisk<br />

medhjaelperforening. Continued by:<br />

Farmaceuten.<br />

1895-1988 0407150<br />

Farm Vestn<br />

Farmacevtski vestnik<br />

0014-8229 (P)<br />

1950- 0373233<br />

Farm Zh<br />

Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal<br />

0014-8342 (P)<br />

1928- 0374603<br />

Farmaco<br />

Farmaco (Societa chimica italiana: 1989)<br />

0014-827X (P)<br />

Formed by the union <strong>of</strong>: Farmaco ( Edizione<br />

pratica) ; and: Farmaco ( Edizione scientifica)<br />

. Continued by: ChemMedChem.<br />

1989-2005 8912641

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