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Spatial Planning for<br />

Preventive Flood Protection<br />

in the Oder Catchment Area<br />

Transnational Action<br />

Program<br />

Final report<br />

Project part-financed<br />

by the European Union

Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

2<br />

Imprint<br />

Published by<br />

INTERREG III B Project <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Spatial Planning for Preventive Flood Protection in the Oder Catchment Area<br />

Transnational Action Programme<br />

Lead partner<br />

Joint State Planning Department of Berlin and Brandenburg,<br />

Potsdam<br />

Project partners<br />

Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, Berlin (BMVBS)<br />

Sächsisches Staatsministerium des Innern, Dresden (SMI)<br />

Pełnomocnik Rządu ds. Programu dla Odry 2006, Wrocław<br />

Ministerstwo Budownictwa, Departament Ładu Przestrzennego i Architektury, Warszawa<br />

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj, Odbor územních vazeb, Praha<br />

Project team<br />


Professor Böhm and Partners, Darmstadt / Potsdam<br />

WARR Wrocławska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A., Wrocław<br />

IU Consult GmbH, Darmstadt<br />

ILB InvestitonsBank des Landes Brandenburg, Potsdam<br />

Editors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Reiner Böhm<br />

Mgr. inŜ. Joanna Dendewicz<br />

Mgr. inŜ. arch. Stanislaw Dendewicz<br />

Dipl.-Ing. Sven Friedrich<br />

Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Gretzschel<br />

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Neumüller<br />

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Reents<br />

dr hab. inŜ. Andrzej Tiukało<br />

Prof. dr hab. inŜ. Janusz Zaleski<br />

Potsdam, December 2006<br />

Note<br />

<strong>OderRegio</strong> is part-financed by the European Union as part of the INTERREG III B Community Initiative.<br />

For more information, see www.oderregio.org and www.cadses.net.

Table of contents<br />

1 Introduction 8<br />

2 The catchment area of the Oder 12<br />

3 Planning basis and instruments 14<br />

3.1 Participating institutions 14<br />

3.2 Application of legal and planning instruments 16<br />

3.3 Transnational spatial planning at regional level 18<br />

3.4 Flood protection at communal level 20<br />

3.4.1 Examples of communal preventive flood protection 21<br />

3.4.2 Examples of communal preventive flood protection 23<br />

4 Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas 24<br />

4.1 Project area 25<br />

4.2 Preparation of source data 27<br />

4.2.1 Analysis of the land use in the Oder region 27<br />

4.2.2 Creation of a digital height model for the Oder basin 28<br />

4.3 The Oder Atlas 29<br />

4.3.1 Mapping process and parties involved 29<br />

4.3.2 Analysis of the risk situation – hazard maps 30<br />

4.3.3 Analysis of potential damage - risk maps 33<br />

5 Transnational action programme 44<br />

5.1 Approach and basis 44<br />

5.2 Action programme for partial areas 47<br />

5.2.1 Action area A – upper reaches of the Oder with<br />

Ostrava/Bohumín (CZ) 50<br />

5.2.2 Action area B – Bohumín to Opole (PL/CZ) 55<br />

5.2.3 Action area C - Opole to Wrocław (PL) 60<br />

5.2.4 Action area D - Wrocław to Ratzdorf (PL) 67<br />

5.2.5 Action area E - Bóbr (PL) 73<br />

5.2.6 Action area F - Lusatian Neisse (PL/DE/CZ) 77<br />

5.2.7 Action area G - Border Oder (DE/PL) 81<br />

5.2.8 Action area H - Warta (PL) 89<br />

5.2.9 Action area I - Szczecin Lagoon (PL) 92<br />

6 Information management – objectives and strategies 96<br />

6.1 Exchange of knowledge and information among experts 96<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

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6.2 Information to parties affected by flooding and the general<br />

public 100<br />

6.3 Decision-makers - partnerships for flood protection 102<br />

6.4 Outlook 105<br />

Other studies 107<br />

Appendix A: Involved authorities and experts 110<br />

Appendix B: Action Programme for partial areas – map preview 116<br />

Figures and Tables<br />

Figure 1: Stakeholders involved in preventive flood protection 8<br />

Figure 2: Catchment area of the Oder river 13<br />

Figure 3: Planning regions in the Oder catchment area 15<br />

Figure 4: Planning levels and instruments 16<br />

Figure 5: Basic flood protection terms 17<br />

Figure 6: Overview of the legal instruments applicable to areas at risk of<br />

flooding 19<br />

Figure 7: Investigated examples of local flood protection 21<br />

Figure 8: Working together at local level as seen here during the Oder flood<br />

in 1997 is essential 22<br />

Figure 9: Title page of the Oder Atlas 24<br />

Figure 10: Investigation area of <strong>OderRegio</strong> and complementary PHARE<br />

projects 26<br />

Figure 11: Example of land use map showing the area along the Oder near<br />

Frankfurt (Oder) (Border Oder) 27<br />

Figure 12: Comparison of applied digital elevation models 28<br />

Figure 13: Mapping process and steps for the elaboration of the Oder Atlas 29<br />

Figure 14: Sheet cut index of the Oder Atlas 31<br />

Figure 15: Flood hazard map for the area of Wrocław 32<br />

Figure 16: 1997 flood in Wrocław 33<br />

Figure 17: Method of calculation of potential damages according to damage<br />

categories investigated 34

Figure 18: Potential damage map for the Wrocław area 35<br />

Figure 19: Land use in areas at risk of flooding 36<br />

Figure 22: Hot spots with largest amount of potential damages in the area<br />

investigated along the Oder 41<br />

Figure 23: Hot spots with largest number of endangered inhabitants in the<br />

area investigated along the Oder 42<br />

Figure 24: Sheet cut index of water management maps 45<br />

Figure 25: Example of the map on water management in the area of<br />

Schwedt/Oder 46<br />

Figure 26: Key to the action programme - water management maps 47<br />

Figure 27: Delimitation of action areas A - I 48<br />

Figure 28: Working process for the elaboration of Action Programme maps 49<br />

Figure 29: Action area A – upper reaches of the Oder with<br />

Ostrava/Bohumín (CZ) 50<br />

Figure 30: Action area B – Bohumín to Opole (PL/CZ) 55<br />

Figure 31: Flood risk along the Oder in action area B 57<br />

Figure 32: Action area C - Opole to Wrocław (PL) 60<br />

Figure 33: Flood risk along the Oder in action area C 62<br />

Figure 34: Action area D - Wrocław to Ratzdorf (PL) 67<br />

Figure 35: Flood risk along the Oder in action area D 69<br />

Figure 36: Action area E - Bóbr (PL) 73<br />

Figure 37: Action area F – Lusatian Neisse (PL/DE/CZ) 77<br />

Figure 38: Action area G - Border Oder (DE/PL) 81<br />

Figure 39: Simulation of a flood event in the Oderbruch region at defined<br />

intervals 83<br />

Figure 40: Flood risk along the Oder in action area G 85<br />

Figure 41: Action area I – Szczecin Lagoon (PL) 92<br />

Figure 42: Expert workshop in Potsdam, 27 - 28 June 2005 98<br />

Figure 43: The "Flutzeichen" memorial near Neuranft (Oderbruch) is a<br />

reminder of the struggle to protect the land against the flood of<br />

1997 102<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

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Figure 44: Third regional conference in Frankfurt (Oder), 13 - 14 November<br />

2006 104<br />

Table 1: Planning institutions in working group 1 "Planning instruments" 14<br />

Table 2: Persons living in areas of high flood risk ("hot spots") 33<br />

Table 3: Risk assessment for Bohumín and Koblov (Ostrava) 53<br />

Table 4: Planned technical measures in action area A with transnational<br />

effect 53<br />

Table 5: Planned technical measures in action area B 58<br />

Table 6: Planned technical measures in the catchment area of the Nysa<br />

Kłodzka 63<br />

Table 7: Planned technical measures on the Oder 64<br />

Table 8: Planned technical measures in action area D 70<br />

Table 9: Planned technical measures in action area E 74<br />

Table 8: Transnational measures planned in action area F 79<br />

Table 9: Planned technical measures in action area G 86<br />

Table 10: Planned technical measures in action area H 90

The following symbols have been used to enhance the readability of the<br />

final report:<br />

����<br />

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�<br />

Reference to a project result in accordance with the project<br />

application<br />

Reference to project-related publications<br />

Reference to literature<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

8<br />

1 Introduction<br />

With this report the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project submits the results and conclusions of<br />

its work regarding a transnational action programme for flood prevention<br />

measures along the Oder river and its catchment area. The project work<br />

commenced in 2003 and concludes with the submission of this final report and<br />

the accompanying documentation. The <strong>OderRegio</strong> team was in the fortunate<br />

position of availing of the results of the previous project carried out between<br />

1999 and 2001 under the title of "Conception for Spatial Planning for Preventive<br />

Flood Protection".<br />

In its work schedule, the project outlined the following objectives:<br />

• Development of a model for transnational spatial planning including flood<br />

prevention planning<br />

• Drafting of a concept for the integrated regional and structural development<br />

in the Oder region<br />

• Planning-related preparation for the implementation of specific measures<br />

• Development of closer intercommunal cooperation (network of towns) for<br />

flood prevention<br />

• Introduction of a pro-active information management system for a better<br />

understanding of flood risks and protective measures<br />

Figure 1: Stakeholders involved in preventive flood protection

The project team thereby faced the task to bring together the various parties in<br />

the field of flood protection, working in a range of different specialised administrative<br />

bodies and institutions based in three countries and to promote the<br />

understanding among these people of preventive measures and to eventually<br />

present them with coordinated action programmes. For this purpose, the<br />

project was supported by the European Union with Euro 1.6 million as part of<br />

the INTERREG III B Community Initiative. This funding was subject to cofunding<br />

by the German project partner. The Lead Partner made available Euro<br />

485,000, the BMVBS contributed Euro 200,000 and the SMI contributed Euro<br />

15,000 to the project. Additional funding for directly linked partial projects was<br />

approved by the national PHARE programme of the Czech Republic and the<br />

PHARE CBC programme in Poland.<br />

With this report, <strong>OderRegio</strong> informs all parties concerned on whether and how<br />

it reached its objectives. The report provides the specialists involved in the<br />

project and the persons responsible for flood protection in the catchment area<br />

of the Oder river with a general overview of the key results and refers to additional<br />

more specialised publications. It was however written with the wider<br />

public in mind.<br />

The report first describes the Oder catchment area and covers the following<br />

topics:<br />

• The planning principles and legal basis and instruments of flood protection<br />

(see chapter 3)<br />

• Information compiled in the Oder Atlas designed as a basis for the decision-making<br />

process (see chapter 4)<br />

• The transnational action programme including list of projects and flood<br />

protection measures and proposals for further improvements (see chapter<br />

5)<br />

• The importance of the flow of information and communication as part of<br />

preventive flood protection (see chapter 6).<br />

As the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project always saw itself as a network focussed on practical<br />

solutions and measures, the last two chapters are of special significance. In<br />

contrast to the calculation of the flood hazard and potential damage, which are<br />

covered in the report with one example only, the proposals for improvements<br />

in the field of flood protection are presented in detail for all partial areas covered<br />

by the project. In this context, the interdependency and interaction of the<br />

various guidelines are highlighted, which emphasises the need for joint planning<br />

and action in the field of flood protection.<br />

This is however only possible, if the authorities in the various countries are<br />

willing and able to share their knowledge and experiences, and if their experts<br />

have easy access to all relevant data and information. By organising regional<br />

conferences, numerous working groups and a range of expert workshops,<br />

<strong>OderRegio</strong> has made a valuable contribution in this regard. During the entire<br />

project, the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder (ICPO),<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

10<br />

Project events:<br />

which is responsible for the transnational cooperation in the field of flood<br />

protection, was regularly informed in detail of the results of the project. The<br />

information and data collected in the course of the project will be made available<br />

to the project partners as well as to ICPO in order to enable the parties to<br />

continue their dialogue at an operational level.<br />

June 2004 First Regional Conference in Wrocław<br />

June 2005 First Expert Workshop in Potsdam<br />

November 2005 Second Expert Workshop in Słubice<br />

March 2006 Second Regional Conference in Ostrava<br />

November 2006 Third Regional Conference in Frankfurt (Oder)<br />

November 2006 Third Expert Workshop in Słubice<br />

In addition to the above events, twelve meetings of various working groups and seven<br />

meetings of the steering group took place, bringing together representatives of more<br />

than twenty different authorities in charge of spatial planning and water management in<br />

the project states 1 .<br />

The previous publications by <strong>OderRegio</strong> aimed primarily at informing municipal<br />

and district authorities and representatives and to create a greater awareness<br />

among the general public of the flood risk and the necessity of protective<br />

measures. All partners involved in the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project are however fully<br />

aware that this is only the beginning of better communication and more intensive<br />

cooperation with the above parties. They hope that this report and the<br />

results of the project encourage citizens to become better informed and more<br />

involved in the proposed preventive flood protection measures. We hope that<br />

out of the results of <strong>OderRegio</strong> communities along the banks of the Oder are<br />

encouraged to establish river partnerships that hopefully cross national borders,<br />

where they will cooperate with each other, exchange their experiences<br />

and coordinate their future projects and plans.<br />

1 For a complete list of events, see appendix.

Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Oder catchment area<br />

12<br />

2 The catchment area of the Oder<br />

With a total length of 854 km, the Oder river (known in Polish and Czech as<br />

"Odra") is one of the larger rivers of Europe. Its catchment area, including that<br />

of its largest tributary, the Warta, extends over 122,000 km² in central Europe,<br />

between Berlin and Łódź/Warsaw. The Oder area thus links Western and<br />

Eastern Europe and forms an important area of integration in the expanded<br />

European Union.<br />

Eighty-nine per cent of the Oder catchment area is located in the Republic of<br />

Poland, while the rest of the area is split in roughly equal parts between Germany<br />

and the Czech Republic.<br />

The Oder catchment area and adjacent regions are home to about 32 million<br />

people. The capital cities of Berlin, Warsaw and Prague are of major importance<br />

for the development of the Oder region, although their urban areas are<br />

actually located outside that area. The largest conurbations in the Oder<br />

catchment area are Wrocław (population 636,000), Poznań (population<br />

571,000), Szczecin (population 411,000) and Ostrava (population 315,400).<br />

The rivers Oder and Warta dominate the region and are the key elements of<br />

this natural space. The quality of the natural space of its river basin with their<br />

large undisturbed wet meadows and floodplains is unique for Europe. They<br />

can be found in particular in the Lower Oder Valley National Park, the Warta<br />

Mouth National Park or the large floodplain forests along the unregulated<br />

section of the Oder between Brzeg Dolny and the Lusatian Neisse.<br />

The river landscapes along the Oder and Warta have always been exposed to<br />

high water and low water. The cities and towns on the Oder banks must thus<br />

find ways of developing with rather than against the river. This includes a<br />

development of the land use with reference to flood protection, the rediscovery<br />

of the large rivers as recreational areas and their role as a vital design element<br />

in the development of urban areas.

Figure 2: Catchment area of the Oder river<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Planning Basis and Instruments<br />

14<br />

3 Planning basis and instruments<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project examined the relationship between preventive flood<br />

protection and planning measures at regional and local level, looking at the<br />

issue from various angles. The focus was thereby on the application of legal<br />

and planning instruments (chapter 3.2), the transnational spatial planning<br />

efforts at regional level (chapter 3.3) and the possible activities that can be<br />

taken at local level as part of the communal flood protection (chapter 3.4).<br />

3.1 Participating institutions<br />

Working group 1 "Planning Instruments" comprising representatives of the<br />

project partners and experts from planning institutions located in the Oder<br />

catchment area provided support and expert advice in the field of spatial planning.<br />

The focus was thereby on the analysis and the exchange of experience<br />

in planning matters at regional level, which in the field of flood protection links<br />

the supraregional level of planning with the local level.<br />

Table 1: Planning institutions in working group 1 "Planning instruments"<br />

Country Institution Based in<br />

CZ<br />

PL<br />

PL<br />

PL<br />

Krajský úřad Moravskoslezského kraje, Odbor územního plánování a<br />

stavebního řádu<br />

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Opolskiego, Departament Planowania<br />

Przestrzennego<br />

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego, Wojewódzkie Biuro<br />

Urbanistyczne<br />

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Lubuskiego, Biuro Planowania<br />

Przestrzennego / Lubuski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń Wodnych<br />

Ostrava<br />

Opole<br />

Wrocław /<br />

Legnica<br />

Zielona Góra<br />

DE Regionaler Planungsverband Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien Bautzen<br />

DE<br />

DE<br />

DE<br />

Regionale Planungsstelle der Regionalen Planungsgemeinschaft Lausitz-<br />

Spreewald<br />

Regionale Planungsstelle der Regionalen Planungsgemeinschaft Oderland-Spree<br />

Regionale Planungsstelle der Regionalen Planungsgemeinschaft Uckermark-Barnim<br />

Cottbus<br />

Beeskow<br />


Figure 3: Planning regions in the Oder catchment area<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Planning Basis and Instruments<br />

16<br />

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3.2 Application of legal and planning instruments<br />

The successful development of spatial planning activities aimed at flood prevention<br />

in the Oder catchment area depends on a common understanding of a<br />

number of terms. For this purpose, the members of the working group 1 "planning<br />

instruments" have compiled a glossary and dictionary of the terminology<br />

used in the fields of flood protection, water law, politics, administration and<br />

planning.<br />

Figure 4: Planning levels and instruments<br />

Planning instruments at supraregional and regional level<br />

Supraregional<br />

level<br />

Regional<br />

level<br />

Federal Republic of Germany Republic of Poland Czech Republic<br />

General principles for spatial<br />

development (Leibilder der<br />

räumlichen Entwicklung)<br />

State development plan<br />

(Landesentwicklungsplan)<br />

Regional plan<br />

(Regionalplan)<br />

Planning instruments at local level<br />

Regulation<br />

of land use<br />

Regulation<br />

of building<br />

development<br />

Concept of the state spatial<br />

development policy (Koncepcja<br />

polityki przestrzennego<br />

zagospodarowania kraju)<br />

Spatial development plan of<br />

the voivodship (Plan<br />

zagospodarowania<br />

przestrzennego województwa)<br />

Spatial development policy<br />

(Politika územního rozvoje)<br />

Area planning materials<br />

(Uzemně plánovací<br />

podklady)<br />

Spatial planning documents<br />

(Uzemně plánovací<br />

dokumentace na úrovní<br />

kraje)<br />

Area planning materials<br />

(Uzemně plánovací<br />

podklady)<br />

Federal Republic of Germany Republic of Poland Czech Republic<br />

Land use plan (Flächennutzungsplan)<br />

Local development plan<br />

(Bebauungsplan)<br />

Study of local conditions<br />

affecting local planning and<br />

perspectives for spatial development<br />

(Studium uwarunkowań<br />

i kierunków zagospodarowania<br />

przestrzennego<br />

gminy)<br />

Municipal plan (miejscowy<br />

plan zagospodarowania<br />

przestrzennego)<br />

Municipality spatial plan<br />

(Uzemní plán obce)<br />

Area planning materials<br />

(Uzemně plánovací<br />

podklady)<br />

Regulatory plan (Regulační<br />


The glossary contains the definitions of a number of basic flood protection<br />

terms (figure 5) as well as a comparison of terms used in the laws governing<br />

water in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, with reference to the<br />

relevant legal definitions. It further contains diagrams illustrating the administrative<br />

structures and levels as well as the main instruments of the planning<br />

systems (figure 4).<br />

Figure 5: Basic flood protection terms<br />

In areas with direct or potential flood risks in the river plain, spatial planning<br />

must fulfil a number of important purposes in the field of flood protection. A<br />

comparative study was carried out in order to identify the legal and planning<br />

instruments that are available to spatial planners in this context.<br />

The study comes to the following main conclusions:<br />

• The authorities in charge of water management are obliged to identify all<br />

areas that are at risk of flooding. The land use in these areas is subject to<br />

legally binding regulations laid down in the water management law. Spatial<br />

planning measures might lead to additional and supportive regulations for<br />

these areas.<br />

• In areas located behind dykes that are potentially at risk of flooding, spatial<br />

planning bears more weight, as it controls the use of land in built-up areas,<br />

the setting aside of sites subject to potential flooding and the zoning of areas<br />

destined for flood protection measures that are not yet defined in law.<br />

• Where local spatial plans are presented to the public, spatial planning also<br />

serves an important purpose in connection with information about flood<br />

risks. Regulations concerning information of the public on flood risks that<br />

goes beyond the above presentation of plans are still the exception.<br />

Based on the glossary and with reference to the comparative study of the legal<br />

situations in the various countries, a number of recommendations for the<br />

application of spatial planning instruments have been devised. They contain<br />

the formal and informal spatial planning instruments available in Germany,<br />

Poland and the Czech Republic as regards preventive flood protection and<br />

show how they can be applied for:<br />

• the control of the land use in built-up areas;<br />

� Direct flood hazard<br />

� Potential flood<br />

hazard<br />

� Extreme floods<br />

� Design flood level<br />

� Dyke<br />

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Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Planning Basis and Instruments<br />

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• the setting aside of existing and potential floodplains;<br />

• the zoning of sites for planned flood protection measures;<br />

• information to the public on risks;<br />

• the improvement of the water retention capacity of the area.<br />

The brochure entitled "Flood protection and planning" shows how the<br />

planning instruments are currently used for the above objectives.<br />

The recommended measures include a number of suggestions for the further<br />

harmonisation of legal and planning instruments. Particularly important here is<br />

the definition of common criteria for the identification of areas under direct or<br />

potential flood risk.<br />

The implementation of the proposed Directive of the European Parliament<br />

and of the Council on the assessment and management of flood risks<br />

(KOM/2006/0015), which is currently under discussion by the European Commission,<br />

could prepare the road.<br />

In addition, it is proposed to inform the public in a clear and concise manner of<br />

the risks in the relevant areas, and to develop instruments that facilitate the<br />

setting aside of potential retention and flood control areas and the rezoning of<br />

floodplains.<br />

The members of working group 1 "Planning instruments" concluded their work<br />

with an outlook from their point of view of the desired further development of<br />

the water and planning legislation in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.<br />

• For Germany and the Czech Republic, the members agree that priority<br />

should be given to the implementation of the new acts introduced in 2005<br />

and 2006 in the water and planning legislation.<br />

• In Poland, the main focus should be on the drawing up of a binding time<br />

schedule for the identification of areas at risk by the water management<br />

bodies. The group also proposes to bring in laws that require planning authorities<br />

to draw up spatial plans in areas at risk, and to examine the legal<br />

options regarding insurance of and compensation for flood damage.<br />

3.3 Transnational spatial planning at regional level<br />

The guideline “Tansnational Spatial Planning" outlines the principles of a<br />

uniform method of representation of preventive flood protection measures and<br />

affected areas in regional spatial plans, facilitating the transnational coordination<br />

of these plans.<br />

All plans include flood protection regulations, which enclose of course maps<br />

identifying the areas at risk. These areas are normally mapped as potentially<br />

at risk based on a flood event that statistically occurs only every 100 years. All<br />

planning documents identify sites of possible flood protection constructions.<br />

There are however some differences as regards the extent to which such<br />

regulations are binding in law. It is for example possible that floodplains and<br />

areas at risk of flooding in Germany are mapped by the spatial planning au-

thorities as priority areas or as reserved-function areas, which give them additional<br />

protected status. In Poland and the Czech Republic, this is not possible,<br />

as the maps in regional spatial plans refer above all to the delimitation of<br />

endangered areas, which are subject to further regulations (figure 6).<br />

Figure 6: Overview of the legal instruments applicable to areas at risk of flooding<br />

Extensive buidling ban<br />

Limitations on use possible<br />

Informational effect<br />

I Flood area (article 31b Water Act D WHG)<br />

II Flood-endangered area (article 31c WHG)<br />

III Area directly endangered by floods (article 82 Federal Water Act PL)<br />

IV Area potentially endangered by floods (article 83 Federal Water Act PL)<br />

V Active Zone within the flood area (article 66 in conjunction with article 67 Federal Water Act CZ)<br />

VI Flood area outside the Active Zone (article 66 in conjunction with article 67 Federal Water Act CZ)<br />

VII Flood area subject to the highest level of natural flooding (article 6 [5] Decree on flood areas CZ)<br />

The flood hazard and risk maps (see chapter 4) that have been drawn up as<br />

part of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project provide a scientific basis that can be directly<br />

applied at regional level by the planning authorities.<br />

• The flood hazard maps contain detailed information on areas that are<br />

potentially at risk of flooding should a technical protective structure fail in<br />

its function. Recently, reliable information regarding the level of risk is only<br />

available if the respective areas have been flooded in the past.<br />

• Together with the data provided by the water management authorities on<br />

areas at direct risk of flooding, it is possible to develop more differentiated<br />

rules for the land use in areas at risk. This helps prevent the construction<br />

of buildings on existing and potential floodplains.<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Planning Basis and Instruments<br />

20<br />

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• The assessment of potential damage offers a basis for the identification of<br />

potentially flooded areas that are predestined to be set aside for water retention<br />

during flooding;<br />

• The assessment of potential damage in built-up areas allows for an initial<br />

prioritisation of hot spots. This allows for the definition of factors that are of<br />

great use in the development of a long-term strategy for the reduction of<br />

flood damage, and the short-term measures in the event of flooding.<br />

In order to work towards the objective of a transnationally coordinated planning,<br />

the guide also contains a number of recommendations by experts that<br />

have been tested in studies carried out in border areas. It also provides ideas<br />

and suggestions on how planning content, instruments as well as methods of<br />

information and coordination could be developed further within the applicable<br />

legal framework.<br />

3.4 Flood protection at local level<br />

A number of important tasks in connection with flood protection are organised<br />

at local level, such as local defence by fire brigades and crisis response teams<br />

as well as in the prevention of damage. The officials at communal level are in<br />

direct contact with the citizens affected by the flooding.<br />

The key instrument at communal level for the prevention of damage is the<br />

planning law, as it is legally binding. It enables cities and towns to enforce a<br />

development plan that takes into account flood risks. Municipalities must be<br />

involved in the planning of flood protection constructions that require a direct<br />

investment and that are to be implemented on their land.<br />

Effective flood protection requires of course intercommunal cooperation. It is<br />

normally organised between communes and districts in certain subcatchments<br />

and focuses on issues such as:<br />

• Disaster control,<br />

• Creation of greater awareness of flood risks among decision-makers and<br />

the public in general,<br />

• Integration of intercommunal requirements in the respective communal<br />

plans.<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project examined a number of communal approaches for<br />

effective flood protection in the Oder region. The study is based on personal<br />

interviews as well as written questionnaires and telephone surveys.<br />

A number of commendable examples of communal commitment to flood protection<br />

could be identified. In the hand<strong>book</strong> "Municipal Flood Protection",<br />

communal fields of activity and options for action are introduced, and a number<br />

of positive examples in the Oder catchment area are presented in more<br />

detail. It might serve experts in the community as a guide, but can also be<br />

used as a reference document for daily communication at local level. The<br />

examples hopefully inspire readers to further develop their intercommunal and<br />

international cooperation.

By publishing the brochures "Living with Floods" and "Flood Protection –<br />

Common Action at the Local Level", the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project attempts to<br />

increase the awareness of flood risks among the wider public.<br />

Figure 7: Investigated examples of local flood protection<br />

3.4.1 Local examples of preventive flood protection<br />

In the cities of Racibórz and Kłodzko, which were frequently affected by<br />

floods, a number of campaigns were launched to prepare the citizens better<br />

for a future flood event.<br />

In Racibórz, the city administration and concerned citizens produced an information<br />

pack that was distributed to all inhabitants of districts that were particularly<br />

at risk. It contains practical instructions on what to do in the event of a<br />

flood and includes a first aid kit. The same group also produced an educational<br />

video and comics on various aspects of preventive flood protection.<br />

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Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Planning Basis and Instruments<br />

22<br />

Figure 8: Working together at local level as seen here during the Oder flood in 1997 is<br />

essential<br />

In the Kłodzko district located at the foot of the Sudeten Mountains, flood<br />

advance warning times are extremely short, so that flood events tend to be<br />

particularly dramatic. The district administration was therefore very much<br />

interested in the development of an efficient flood forecasting system that<br />

would extend the alert period. In this context, the authorities were also looking<br />

for new technical means to actually warn the inhabitants. Among other solutions,<br />

a flood warning system with text messages was tested. In the Kłodzko<br />

district, the dangers of floods are kept fresh in people's minds, thanks also to<br />

regular art and literature contests on the topic of flooding.<br />

Wrocław, which was worst affected by the flood of 1997 has since revised its<br />

flood protection schedules, as the scenarios of the previous schedules were<br />

inadequate for the amount of water that engulfed the city ten years ago. In<br />

addition, the city administration trains citizens from the affected areas in flood<br />

protection. The authorities are however aware that it is not possible to protect<br />

the entire city from flooding. For this reason, Wrocław involved itself in measures<br />

that are located further upstream, such as the construction of a reservoir<br />

in Racibórz.<br />

An outstanding system for flood risk information was developed in the Liberec<br />

region in the Czech Republic. By setting up an interactive website, the kraj<br />

published a number of thematic maps indicating the flood risk, as well as<br />

important civil resources such as assembly points, emergency shelters, rescue<br />

stations and police barracks. The website also contains the contact details<br />

of specialists in the entire region.<br />

A different road has been taken by the communities of Görlitz and Zgorzelec.<br />

The two cities drew up a joint flood hazard map that shows all areas at risk,<br />

the facilities available in the event of a disaster, and particularly endangered<br />

structures. The map is used for disaster control as well as on a daily basis by<br />

the environmental and planning offices.<br />

The cooperation in disaster control between communes and districts can be<br />

further enhanced by establishing joint control stations, organising joint training

courses in disaster control including regular flood protection exercises. For the<br />

cooperation between Polish and German communities, special efforts must be<br />

made to bridge the language barrier and the differences in responsibility for<br />

disaster protection measures.<br />

3.4.2 Examples of communal preventive flood protection<br />

Citizens affected by flooding can do a lot to prevent future damage in their<br />

area. Such measures concern both good preparation prior to the flood and in<br />

particular the avoidance of material damage.<br />

The brochure entitled "Living with floods" proposes three basic strategies<br />

for the protection of buildings: avoiding, resisting and yielding.<br />

The brochure makes clear that, in many cases, a few well designed measures<br />

will do a lot to protect a building from flood damage. Householders and investors<br />

can thus reduce the damage effectively by choosing suitable waterresistant<br />

materials in basements and ground floors, by installing flood-proof<br />

heating and electrical installations and by improving the stability of the construction.<br />

The brochure includes a checklist that assists<br />

citizens in making the right decisions. People<br />

affected by flooding of their homes can thus<br />

find out how they can best prepare themselves<br />

for a flood event and how to act when<br />

flooding occurs. They learn about equipment<br />

that would be useful, what should be done<br />

after the water has receded and what should<br />

be observed when building in areas affected<br />

by flooding.<br />

Protection strategy for buildings<br />

Avoiding<br />

Resisting<br />

Yielding<br />

�<br />

� Construction outside<br />

the flood area<br />

� Construction without<br />

basement<br />

� Construction on piles<br />

� Shielding and sealing<br />

� Use of waterimpermeablematerials<br />

� Flooding of building<br />

and adapted use<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

24<br />

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Figure 9: Title page of the Oder Atlas<br />

4 Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project produced a wealth of basic information regarding the<br />

flood risk in the Oder region and made the data available to various interested<br />

parties. The following information was compiled in the form of maps:<br />

• Potential flood hazard<br />

• Areas most prone to damage (known as hot spots)<br />

Compiled after the flooding of 1997, the Oder Atlas is the first such document<br />

produced on the basis of an agreed methodology and presenting all collected<br />

data in its entirety.

4.1 Project area<br />

The area covered in the Oder Atlas extends along a stretch of approximately<br />

680 km of the Oder basin, beginning at the confluence of the Opava near<br />

Ostrava to the level gauge at Widuchowa to the north of the city of Schwedt on<br />

the German-Polish border.<br />

Due to the special hydrological situation (backwater caused by sea and wind<br />

drift, ice packing), the downstream area to the estuary of the Oder in the Bay<br />

of Szczecin must be examined separately.<br />

The work carried out as part of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project was complemented by<br />

the following two PHARE projects:<br />

The Polish PHARE project entitled OdraRegion ("Programme for preventive<br />

flood protection in the Odra River basin with special attention to the<br />

Warta River basin and the Szczecin Lagoon – OdraRegion") used simplified<br />

methods to estimate the flood risk and damage potential on the lower<br />

Oder as far as the Lagoon of Szczecin and for the catchment area of the<br />

Warta river in the Lubuskie voivodship and adds important information to that<br />

contained in the Oder Atlas.<br />

The Oder Atlas includes as well results of studies carried out on Czech territory<br />

that were obtained in the course of the Czech PHARE project "Analysis<br />

of flood damages, flood risks, and economic effectiveness of proposed<br />

flood measures at the point of Odra and Opava Rivers’ confluence to the<br />

state border with Poland".<br />

As the study applied a more detailed scale (1:10,000), the results could be<br />

easily incorporated into the Oder Atlas.<br />

For more detailed information on the applied methods and the specific results,<br />

please refer to the respective final reports.<br />

The tributaries of the Oder were not examined more closely, as their upper<br />

reaches are subject to dynamic flooding, which can only be studied with special<br />

models. An exception is the Warta river, which is by far the largest tributary<br />

of the Oder and which was studied as part of the Lubuskie voivodship<br />

(see above).<br />

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Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

26<br />

Figure 10: Investigation area of <strong>OderRegio</strong> and complementary PHARE projects

4.2 Preparation of source data<br />

Important source data for the compilation of the Oder Atlas include information<br />

on the use of land in the catchment area and the topography of the Oder<br />

valley.<br />

4.2.1 Analysis of the land use in the Oder region<br />

The land use in the Oder catchment area is presented in two maps based on<br />

the digital C<strong>OR</strong>INE Land Cover 2000 dataset that contains data collected<br />

across Europe using the same method:<br />

• 1 Overview map of current land use, scale 1:450,000<br />

• 65 detailed maps, scale 1:100,000<br />

The C<strong>OR</strong>INE Land Cover 2000 data was also of crucial importance for the<br />

potential damage analysis (see chapter 4.3.3).<br />

Figure 11: Example of land use map showing the area along the Oder near Frankfurt<br />

(Oder) (Border Oder)<br />

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4.2.2 Creation of a digital terrain model for the Oder valley<br />

A number of different digital terrain models (DTM) and optimised options of<br />

such models were examined in the course of the project. Eventually, models<br />

at a scale of 1:50,000 were used, as they provide sufficient, yet fluctuating,<br />

accuracy:<br />

• For the German territory DGM 5 was used (vertical accuracy: better than +/<br />

- 0.5 m, +/ - 0.15 to 0.3 m for level land without dense vegetation; position<br />

accuracy: better than +/ - 0.5 m; created by means of laser scan flights).<br />

• For the Polish territory, DTED 2 was available. This model was improved<br />

and adjusted by a number of specific measures (see below).<br />

• For the Czech territory, ZABAGED elevation data was used, providing a<br />

vertical accuracy of +/- 0.5 m. This data was combined with a detailed photogrammetric<br />

DTM data for the Oder river bed with an accuracy of +/-<br />

0.275 m.<br />

The elevation data of the Oder valley available in digitised format is very heterogeneous.<br />

For the determination of the flood risk, the data had to be homogenised<br />

with time-consuming methods. The main task of the data streamlining<br />

concerned the "smoothening" of the Polish model by introducing directions<br />

of flow. This was necessary to make the data useable for hydraulic modelling.<br />

The original data was of tile character and presented in steps of 1 m,<br />

which made it unsuitable for the purposes of the project. To optimise the data,<br />

available cross-sections through the river and floodplains as well as extensive<br />

verification based on topographic maps were used.<br />

Figure 12: Comparison of applied digital terrain models<br />

DGM-5 Germany DTED-2 Poland

4.3 The Oder Atlas<br />

4.3.1 Mapping process and parties involved<br />

A transnational working group consisting of experts in the fields of water management<br />

and hydrology agreed on the parameters for the models to be used<br />

in the mapping process. This enabled the project team to produce an atlas<br />

based on the same methodology.<br />

Figure 13: Mapping process and steps for the elaboration of the Oder Atlas<br />

Mapping-process for the elaboration of the Oder-Atlas<br />

Consortium<br />

coordinated by IU / WARR<br />

Work-meetings<br />

Consortium<br />

coordinated by IU /<br />

WARR<br />

TU Prag /<br />

MMR<br />

RRZB /<br />

geomer<br />

LUA<br />

IMGW<br />

GISPartner<br />

International-<br />

Expert-WS<br />

June 2005<br />

Potsdam<br />

Modelling sections, extreme-flood<br />

definition, selection of DTM, data<br />

exchange, damage potential approach<br />

PlanEVAL /<br />

RRZB<br />

GISPartner<br />

River-Cross-<br />

DTM Germany DTM Poland<br />

Sections<br />

Water level interpolation for 10-, 100-year<br />

and extreme event by LUA Brbg. for<br />

section Ratzdorf-Widuchowa<br />

WS-Poland<br />

October 2005,<br />

Wroclaw<br />

Definition of flood-scenarios for<br />

Polish-sections, agreement about<br />

timetable<br />

WS-Germany<br />

October 2005,<br />

Potsdam<br />

Definition of flood-scenarios for<br />

Border Odra, agreement about<br />

timetable<br />

Preparation of DTM for modelling flood areas<br />

WS-Germany<br />

December 2005,<br />

Potsdam<br />

Presentation of DTM-status, focus<br />

Oderbruch, definition of Oderbruch<br />

scenarios and dike-brakes<br />

Modelling flooded areas<br />

Oderbruch for extreme event<br />

Modelling water levels with MIKE-11 for 10-, 100- and extreme event by IMGW<br />

Wroclaw/ Poznan for section PL/CZ-border to Ratzdorf<br />

WS-Germany<br />

March 2006,<br />

Frankfurt (Oder)<br />

Presentation of DTM and Oderbruch<br />

scenarios<br />

Definition of scenarios, definition of "extreme event"<br />

Modelling flooded areas for<br />

Odra valley for 10-, 100-year and extreme event<br />

Preparation of draft version of flood<br />

hazard maps<br />

Internal WS,<br />

April 2006,<br />

Potsdam<br />

Modelling status, drafts of template of<br />

maps (flood and damage), definition<br />

of applied methods (economical,<br />

objects, population)<br />

Calculation of land use statistics, preparation of data, data research, feasibility studies, damage functions<br />

Data research (economical data for Poland), calculation of affected population,<br />

template of maps<br />

IU Data research (affected objects in German part of Odra valley)<br />

TU Prag /<br />

MMR<br />

Inhabitants per<br />

community for<br />

Brbg. and<br />

Poland<br />

TK 50 Brbg.<br />

TK 50 Poland<br />

Calculation of flood hazard for section 'Mouth of Opava to<br />

CZ/PL-border' in the frame of PHARE-project<br />

Internal WS,<br />

September 2006,<br />

Potsdam<br />

Damage potential: Final definition of<br />

calculation methods<br />

Calculation of damage potential for section 'Mouth of Opava to<br />

CZ/PL-border' in the frame of PHARE-project<br />

Internal<br />

revision<br />

process<br />

IU-WARR-GISPartner<br />

Draft versions<br />

of maps<br />

WS-Czech<br />

Republic<br />

October 2006,<br />

Praha<br />

Definition of transfer of Phara-projekt<br />

results for Czech-section<br />

Draft versions<br />

of maps<br />

Economical<br />

data<br />

The working group decided that priority should be given to the examination of<br />

an extreme flood event.<br />

• On the Czech territory, this event was defined as the highest ever<br />

measured flood, in line with Czech legislation.<br />

International-Expert<br />

-WS<br />

November 2006<br />

Slubice<br />

Discussion of maps, definiton of final<br />

changings<br />

• For the Polish section of the river to the German border, the discharge<br />

of the flood event in 1997 were used.<br />

Internal<br />

revision<br />

process<br />

IU-WARR-GISPartner<br />

Preparation of final version of<br />

flood hazard maps<br />

Calculation of damage<br />

potential for flooded area<br />

Identification of affected<br />

objects<br />

Flood depth<br />

and area for<br />

extreme event<br />

Preparation of final version<br />

of damage potential maps<br />

Internal<br />

revision<br />

process<br />

IU-WARR-GISPartner<br />

Flood<br />

Hazard<br />

Maps<br />

Oder-<br />

Atlas<br />

Damage<br />

Potential<br />

Maps<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

30<br />

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• For stretches of the Oder where the river forms the border between<br />

Germany and Poland (Border Oder) and where the flood of 1997 is not<br />

considered an extreme event, the following definition was adopted: the<br />

coordinated design levels for new dykes (200-year event + 1 metre<br />

freeboard) corresponds to the extreme event level.<br />

To complement the picture, a 100-year event was included in the atlas (as well<br />

as a 20-year event for the Czech section of the river).<br />

Choice and application of modelling methods<br />

The working group agreed that one-dimensional water level models should be<br />

used, as they were commonly used in every-day hydrological work within the<br />

various administrations. The MIKE 11 model developed by the IMGW Wrocław<br />

was chosen.<br />

The official water level statistics of the Landesumweltamt Brandenburg and<br />

data from the IMGW Wrocław were also included in the data. For the Czech<br />

area, the water levels measured by Povodi Odry were used for the maps.<br />

Based on the water levels deduced from the above data, a two-dimensional<br />

calculation of the flooded area was completed with the FLOODAREA model.<br />

Definition of the scale<br />

Considering the initial input data (height model), the working group agreed on<br />

a maximum possible scale of 1:50,000 for the maps.<br />

Purpose of the results<br />

The results fulfil two important functions:<br />

• Information for citizens, decision-makers and planning authorities of potential<br />

flood risks<br />

• Basis for large-scale evaluation of the risk situation for the development of<br />

transnational protection strategies<br />

4.3.2 Analysis of the risk situation – hazard maps<br />

The project produced an atlas of hazard maps covering the area along the<br />

Oder River. It includes a total of 56 maps at a scale of 1:50,000 and extending<br />

over a river length of about 680 km. All maps include topological information.

Figure 14: Sheet cut index of the Oder Atlas<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

32<br />

The maps show the flood depth (blue) of the extreme event. For the extreme<br />

event, the number of inhabitants that are affected or at serious risk (water<br />

depth > 2 m) is indicated at district level.<br />

The red and yellow line indicates the area flooded by a 100-year event (for the<br />

Czech territory, a black line indicates the area flooded by a 20-year event).<br />

Note: For each section of the river, the maximum area that could be flooded, if<br />

the existing protective structures in this section fail or are of insufficient height,<br />

is mapped. When interpreting the maps, therefore, remember that all areas<br />

are not simultaneously affected unlike the situation shown on the maps.<br />

Figure 15: Flood hazard map for the area of Wrocław<br />

In certain regions, the area at risk of flooding might extend more than 10 km<br />

on each side of the Oder. In nearly half of the examined areas (47 %), the<br />

flood depth is more than two metres. In just under 10 % of the areas, it measures<br />

more than four metres.<br />

Floods in the project region affect about 667,000 people, of which 312,000 are<br />

considered at high risk, as they live in areas with potential flood depths of<br />

more than two metres.

Figure 16: 1997 flood in Wrocław<br />

The following large conurbations are at risk of flooding: Wrocław, Opole,<br />

Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Nowa Sól, Frankfurt/ Oder - Słubice, Racibórz, Schwedt<br />

and Oława. Another hot spot area of potential great flood damage due to its<br />

special topology is the Oderbruch area (population 26,200).<br />

Table 2: Hot spots with more than 10,000 endangered residents<br />

DE<br />

DE/ PL<br />

PL<br />

Community / region Total<br />

Residents in endangered areas<br />

Water depth<br />

≥ 2m<br />

Water depth<br />

< 2m<br />

Oderbruch 1 26.200 8.300 17.900<br />

Schwedt/Oder 17.600 2.800 14.800<br />

Frankfurt (Oder) 4.500 1.000 3.500<br />

Słubice – miasto 17.200 16.700 500<br />

M. Wrocław 282.300 121.400 160.900<br />

M. Opole 50.500 28.900 21.700<br />

Kędzierzyn-Koźle 26.600 19.300 7.300<br />

Nowa Sól (gm. miejska) 23.600 1.600 22.100<br />

Racibórz 20.900 15.100 5.800<br />

Oława (gm. miejska) 11.200 1.700 9.600<br />

1 including: Letschin, Bad Freienwalde (Oder), Küstriner Vorland, Wriezen, Oderaue, Neutrebbin, Seelow,<br />

Neulewin, Golzow, etc.<br />

4.3.3 Analysis of potential damage - risk maps<br />

Floods do not only affect people, but also cause great damage to material<br />

possessions. The damage that floods can cause along the Oder river is the<br />

topic of the second part of the Oder Atlas. The risk maps show the possible<br />

damage in flooded areas, based on the calculated extreme event. As such<br />

events do not automatically result in simultaneous dyke breaches and overflowing<br />

in the affected areas, and as the water bursts the banks and dykes at<br />

different times during the flood, the overview constitutes a hypothetic extrapo-<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

34<br />

lation for the entire area at risk. The damage figures quoted here can thus<br />

never occur in reality.<br />

The maximum potential damage is classified in three categories (see figure<br />

17):<br />

• Potential damage in Euro<br />

(based on the combined C<strong>OR</strong>INE Land Cover land use classification and<br />

the damage functions that represent the damage relative to the flood<br />

depths)<br />

• Objects at risk<br />

(based on various categories)<br />

• Number of persons affected or at risk of flooding<br />

(represented in hazard maps, see above)<br />

Figure 17: Method of calculation of potential damages according to damage categories investigated

In the maps of the Oder Atlas, the potential damage areas for the extreme<br />

event are shown in different colours. The pie chart shows the affected area<br />

and the damage for various land uses, which in turn are assigned to different<br />

damage classes in Euro per square metre.<br />

Figure 18: Potential damage map for the Wrocław area<br />

The basis and the detailed results are published in the Report “Damage<br />

Potential in the Oder Valley”. The main results in connection with the land<br />

use, and the estimation of the monetary damage can be summarised as follows:<br />

Land use<br />

The area at risk extends over a total area of 4,298 km². This corresponds to<br />

about five times the urban area of Berlin. The potential floodplains in Brandenburg<br />

measure 972.8 km² (which is still larger than the urban area of Berlin).<br />

Most of this land, namely just over 70%, is agriculture and grass land.<br />

Forests cover about 18.4% of the area, which is a rather high figure. Developed<br />

areas, industrial zones and roads cover only a relatively small area. As<br />

regards traffic area, this is not least due to the fact that such structures are<br />

generally underrepresented in C<strong>OR</strong>INE data for methodological reasons.<br />

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Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

36<br />

Figure 19: Land use in areas at risk of flooding<br />

Area [km²]<br />

3.500<br />

3.000<br />

2.500<br />

2.000<br />

1.500<br />

1.000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

A comparison of areas at risk of flooding in Germany and Poland reveals the<br />

following:<br />

• In Poland, the share of settlements amounts to about 6.3%, which is nearly<br />

double the share in Germany of 3.3%.<br />

• In Germany, more than 90% of the areas at risk are agriculture and grass<br />

land.<br />

• In Poland, 24% of the area at risk is covered with forest, compared with<br />

only 2.5% in Germany.<br />

Allocation of areas in flood hazards zones in<br />

Poland and Germany - total<br />

Others<br />

PL DE<br />

Oder valley<br />

Recreation<br />

Forest<br />

Grassland<br />

Agriculture<br />

Traffic<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

Settlements<br />

Forest<br />

18,4%<br />

Grassland<br />

23,6%<br />

Area [%]<br />

Allocation of Land Use in flood hazard zones in the Oder valley<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

Recreation<br />

0,5%<br />

Others<br />

3,8%<br />

Settlements<br />

5,4%<br />

Allocation of areas in flood hazards zones in<br />

Poland and Germany - percentage<br />

PL DE<br />

Oder valley<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

0,6%<br />

Traffic<br />

0,1%<br />

Agriculture<br />


Table 3: Land use in areas at risk of flooding<br />

Land use Germany Poland Total<br />

Estimation of monetary damage<br />

Note: When estimating the possible monetary damage, a direct comparison of<br />

the value of the damage in Poland and Germany respectively is only possible<br />

within certain limits. In particular, the value of buildings in Germany is considerably<br />

higher than in Poland. When it comes to mobile assets (cars, furniture),<br />

the values of items in Poland are comparable. The purchasing power of Polish<br />

people is however clearly below that of people living in Germany.<br />

Not included in the monetary loss are:<br />

- Production downtimes<br />

Area<br />

[km²]<br />

Area<br />

[%]<br />

Area [km²] Area [%] Area [km²]<br />

- Costs for evacuation and the deployment of rescue services<br />

- Consequences for the national economy, for example caused by the disruption<br />

of transport routes<br />

The damage to traffic infrastructure is underrepresented, due to the incomplete<br />

inclusion of such structures in the C<strong>OR</strong>INE data.<br />

The potential total damage calculated as part of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project is Euro<br />

3.3 billion. The greatest potential damage in monetary terms would thereby be<br />

caused in settlement areas that account for Euro 2.5 billion. When examining<br />

the figures more closely, it becomes apparent that the share of damage to<br />

mobile assets is particularly high in Poland, where this category accounts for<br />

nearly 75% of the overall monetary damage. This is primarily due to the high<br />

value of a number of such assets, in particular of cars, as they are nearly at<br />

the same level as in Germany, which is not the case with buildings.<br />

The potential damage to industrial and commercial facilities accounts for<br />

approximately 9% or Euro 285 million of the overall damage.<br />

The damage to agricultural land is comparatively higher at about 14% of the<br />

total potential monetary damage.<br />

Area<br />

[%]<br />

Settlements 31,2 3,3% 200,7 6,0% 231,8 5,4%<br />

Industry / Trade 3,0 0,3% 23,7 0,7% 26,7 0,6%<br />

Transport 0,2 0,0% 5,4 0,2% 5,6 0,1%<br />

Agriculture 695,6 73,8% 1350,4 40,6% 2.046,0 47,6%<br />

Greenland 186,8 19,8% 825,8 24,8% 1.012,6 23,6%<br />

Forest 23,4 2,5% 765,3 23,0% 788,7 18,4%<br />

Recreation 2,0 0,2% 20,4 0,6% 22,4 0,5%<br />

Other 30,7 3,3% 133,5 4,0% 164,2 3,8%<br />

972,8 100,0% 3.325,2 100,0% 4.298,0 100,0%<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

38<br />

As explained earlier, the potential damage to transport infrastructure cannot<br />

be accurately estimated. The C<strong>OR</strong>INE data of traffic does not include straight<br />

roads or rail tracks, but only areas of a certain width, such as airports, railway<br />

stations and ports. The value of the potential monetary damage calculated on<br />

that basis is thus clearly too low.<br />

A comparison with a value estimation for the 1997 flood carried out as part of<br />

the project comes to the following conclusions:<br />

According to the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder<br />

(ICPO), the damage caused by the flood of 1997 in Poland was Euro 2.38<br />

billion (not taking into account consequential damage). For the areas in Germany<br />

(Brandenburg and other areas), the damage amounted to Euro 331<br />

billion. The figure for Germany includes the costs of the rescue and flood<br />

protection operation. The share of damage done to private, corporate and<br />

agricultural assets, not including buildings, in Brandenburg was Euro 48.6<br />

million. In comparison, the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project estimated that the community of<br />

Ziltendorf, which was the only German municpality that suffered flood damage<br />

over a wide area due to dyke breaches in 1997, would suffer a potential monetary<br />

damage of Euro 58 million in an extreme event (200-year flood + 1.00 m).<br />

In Poland, similar comparisons were made for Wrocław and Opole. In the<br />

Wrocław voivodship, the flood of 1997 caused a total damage of Euro 707<br />

million. The potential damage which could today be caused by an extreme<br />

event to the city of Wrocław alone is estimated by the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project to<br />

amount to Euro 656 million. A similar figure applies to the Opole voivodship. In<br />

1997, the total claimed damage was Euro 280 million. Today, the estimated<br />

potential monetary damage to the city of Opole caused by an extreme event is<br />

Euro 179 million.<br />

The comparison shows that the damage figures estimated in the course of the<br />

project appear to reflect the reality with great accuracy.

Figure 20: Potential Damages in Germany<br />

Potential Damages in mill. Euro<br />

Figure 21: Potential Damages in Poland<br />

Potential Damages in mill. Euro<br />

2.000<br />

1.800<br />

1.600<br />

1.400<br />

1.200<br />

1.000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

472,9<br />

438,2<br />

mobil:<br />

1.366,4<br />

173,2<br />

mobil:<br />

247,9<br />

20,6<br />

mobil: 74,6<br />

mobil:<br />

16,2<br />

M obil [Euro] 247.888.282 16.214.747 99.114<br />

mobil: 3,7<br />

13,6<br />

2,1<br />

Immobi [Euro]l 438.160.753 20.610.326 2.097.171 139.126.802 3.735.432 761.900 40.048<br />

270,1<br />

Settlements Industry/Trade Traffic Agriculture Grassland Forest Recreation<br />

M obil [Euro] 1.366.417.781 74.560.421 3.752.715<br />

Immobil [Euro] 472.863.525 173.230.900 13.649.579 270.072.339 16.515.645 30.253.960 401.304<br />

139,1<br />

Settlements Industry/Trade Traffic Agriculture Grassland Forest Recreation<br />

16,5<br />

3,7<br />

30,3<br />

0,8<br />

0,4<br />

0,0<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

40<br />

Table 4: Land use in areas at risk of flooding<br />

Land use Germany Poland Total<br />

Damage<br />

[Euro] [%] [Euro] [% [Euro] [%]<br />

Settlements 686.049.035 78,97 1.839.281.307 75,95 2.525.330.341 76,75<br />

Industry / Trade 36.825.073 4,24 247.791.320 10,23 284.616.394 8,65<br />

Transport 2.196.285 0,25 17.402.294 0,72 19.598.579 0,60<br />

Ageiculture 139.126.802 16,01 270.072.339 11,15 409.199.141 12,44<br />

Greenland 3.735.432 0,43 16.515.645 0,68 20.251.077 0,62<br />

Forest 761.900 0,09 30.253.960 1,25 31.015.860 0,94<br />

Recreation 40.048 0,00 401.304 0,02 441.352 0,01<br />

868.734.575 100,0 2.421.718.169 100,0 3.290.452.744 100,0<br />

With the assessment and calculation of the potential damage, the <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

project for the first time provides a quantitative overview of the potential damage<br />

in monetary terms for the Oder valley at various administrative levels<br />

down to the individual community. In the course of this assessment in the<br />

Oder valley, important individual objects were identified in addition to the hot<br />

spots. This provides a basis for a more detailed study of such objects and hot<br />

spots at a later stage.<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project recommends undertaking the following in a next step<br />

that is based on the above results:<br />

• Local examination and detailed assessment of the damage potential at hot<br />

spots and for important individual objects<br />

• Drafting of protection strategies for disaster control, and implementation of<br />

local protective measures, based on the hot spot analysis<br />

For the examinations at a smaller scale, the applied methods should be improved<br />

as follows:<br />

• Further development and/or adaptation of the damage functions for the<br />

Oder catchment area or the Republic of Poland respectively<br />

• Reference to real damage data and surveys<br />

The following maps give an overview of the areas most affected as regards<br />

the potential damage (> Euro 50 million) and the number of people living in<br />

potentially flooded areas (> 10,000).

Figure 22: Hot spots with largest amount of potential damages in the area investigated<br />

along the Oder<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Basic information for decision making - the Oder Atlas<br />

Figure 23: Hot spots with largest number of endangered inhabitants in the area investigated along the Oder<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

44<br />

5 Transnational action framework<br />

As part of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project, the first survey of all existing and planned<br />

flood protection objects and measures in the Oder catchment area was completed.<br />

With the transnational action framework, the project provides a solid<br />

basis for the future transnational cooperation in flood protection, where special<br />

emphasis is placed on the development of a joint flood protection strategy (in<br />

the form of flood management plans according to the draft EU Directive on the<br />

assessment and management of flood risks).<br />

5.1 Approach and basis<br />

A number of steps were required for the identification of the transnational<br />

action framework:<br />

• Survey of existing installations and measures<br />

• Analysis, evaluation and summarisation of strategies in subcatchments<br />

• Development and coordination of the action framework<br />

The data of existing water management structures and planned flood protection<br />

objects was collected in a database and then transferred onto 65 water<br />

management maps at a scale of 1:100,000.<br />

The maps show the following details:<br />

1. Borders of the subcatchments<br />

2. River network with kilometre marks<br />

3. Reservoirs and retention basins with indication of volume and area<br />

4. Polders with indication of volume and area<br />

5. Other buildings and flood-relevant structures (relief channels, sluices,<br />

reservoirs, gauges)<br />

6. Planned objects and objects under construction<br />

7. Dykes (with degree of protection, where known)<br />

8. Planned dykes, and dykes under construction (with degree of protection,<br />

where known)<br />

9. Administrative borders (counties, regions/federal states, districts, municipalities)<br />

and larger towns

Figure 24: Sheet cut index of water management maps<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

Figure 25: Example of the map on water management in the area of Schwedt/Oder<br />

46<br />

����<br />

The contents of the maps were reviewed by the respective authorities. Keeping<br />

the maps and database up to date and complete will be a long-term task<br />

for all involved parties.<br />

On the one hand, the information system formed by the database and the<br />

maps serves as a basis for the drafting of flood management plans. On the<br />

other hand, it will also be used for monitoring purposes for national and<br />

regional investment programmes.<br />

As part of the work in the action framework, 5 regional analyses of partial<br />

areas were completed. For these areas, the current planning standard was<br />

evaluated, based on planning documents and in cooperation with the authorities<br />

in charge of water management. Within the OdraRegion partial project,<br />

the following rivers and sections were examined in more detail: Border Oder,<br />

Warta and Szczecin Lagoon within the borders of the voivodships of Lower<br />

Silesia, Lubuskie and Western Pomerania. Two additional regional analyses<br />

focus on the upper reaches of the Oder in the Czech Republic and the Lusatian<br />


5.2 Action framework for partial areas<br />

The detailed and comprehensive surveys, analyses and comparisons formed<br />

the basis on which the action framework for the various partial areas along the<br />

Oder was developed. For this purpose, the catchment area of the Oder was<br />

divided into nine action areas. The distribution was based on the hydrological<br />

subcatchments and the flood hot spots.<br />

The action framework is presented in two sets of maps:<br />

• One set of maps focussing on the topic of "Water Management"<br />

• One set of maps focussing on the topic of "Planning"<br />

The maps provide an overview about the key risk situations and the main<br />

existing and planned protective measures in the Oder catchment area, as<br />

assessed by the experts involved in the project.<br />

The "Water Management" maps include an inventory of the technical flood<br />

protection measures and structures as well as a brief description of the various<br />

constructions. They also show planned objects, such as polders, reservoirs<br />

and retention basins. The information on hot spots is accompanied with<br />

details of the actual and the aspired degree of flood protection. The degree of<br />

protection for dykes is only available for the German bank of the Border Oder.<br />

The maps are accompanied by some text, describing the partial areas and<br />

providing specific information on the hot spots.<br />

Figure 26: Key to the action framework - water management maps<br />

����<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

48<br />

Figure 27: Delimitation of action areas A - I

Facts that are deemed important from a spatial planning point of view are<br />

recorded in the "Planning" set of maps. They cover single objects as well as<br />

areas at risk of flooding. Apart from the planned flood protection measures,<br />

the maps also include planned road connections and bridges to be built across<br />

the Oder. The maps include the current road and rail network.<br />

The contents of the action framework were developed in a cooperative process<br />

involving the administrative bodies in charge of spatial planning and water<br />

management. In addition, national working groups who discussed and revised<br />

the draft proposals were established in each of the project countries Germany,<br />

Poland and the Czech Republic.<br />

The two sets of maps are an important instrument for all parties involved in<br />

water management and spatial planning in the Oder catchment area and are<br />

of particular use in all questions concerning flood protection.<br />

Figure 28: Working process for the elaboration of action framework maps<br />

Working process for the elaboration of the Action Programme maps 'Water Management' and 'Planning'<br />

Water Management<br />

Planning Work-meetings<br />

IU<br />

WARR<br />

<strong>OderRegio</strong> I -<br />

flood<br />

protection<br />

measures<br />

Working Group Action Programme - DE<br />

Water Management: LUA Potsdam/Frankfurt/Cottbus, RP Dresden<br />

Planning: Joint Planning Authority Berlin-Brandenburg,Regional Planning<br />

authorities (Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien, Lausitz-Spreewald, Oderland-Spree,<br />

Uckermark-Barnin)<br />

Working Group Action Programme - CZ<br />

Water Management: Povodí Odry, Ministry of Environment<br />

Planning: MMR, Regional Planning Authorities<br />

Research of planned flood protection measures<br />

(internet, questionnaires) in coop. with authorities<br />

Working Group Action Programme - PL<br />

Water Management: RZGW Wroclaw/PoznanGliwice, IMGW (Wroclaw/Poznan),<br />

Programu dla Odry-2006, Marshal Office of Slaski Voivodship, Marshal Office of<br />

Opole Voivodship<br />

Planning: Wojewódzkie Biuro Urbanistyczne we Wroclawiu<br />

IU<br />

WARR<br />

Odra river<br />

stripe study<br />

Information from<br />

LUA<br />

RP Dresden<br />

Povodí Odry<br />

Dikes, flood polders, retenction basins, reservoirs<br />

Existing and planned measures<br />

Coordination of process on Polish side<br />

Coordination of process on Polish side<br />

Odra river<br />

stripe study<br />

Information from<br />

from local and<br />

regional plans<br />

WFD -<br />

catchments<br />

Establishing and completion of database 'flood protection measures'<br />

(permanent process)<br />

Definition of<br />

the content of<br />

the maps<br />

Definition of<br />

Map Layout<br />

Working Group Action<br />

Programme<br />

DE-part<br />

June 2006 Potsdam<br />

Action Area F, G<br />

Water Management Authorities<br />

Planning Authorities<br />

Definition of<br />

the content of<br />

the maps<br />

Definition of<br />

Map Layout<br />

Derivation of suitable<br />

Action Areas basing of<br />

WFD-catchments with<br />

special attention to flood<br />

aspects: 9 Action Areas -<br />

A-I<br />

Working Group Action<br />

Programme<br />

CZ-part<br />

June 2006 Prague<br />

Action Area A, F<br />

Water Management Authorities<br />

Planning Authorities<br />

Derivation of suitable<br />

Action Areas basing of<br />

WFD-catchments with<br />

special attention to flood<br />

aspects: 9 Action Areas -<br />

A-I<br />

Drafts of maps<br />

(1:500,000)<br />

Action Programme -<br />

Water Management<br />

Action Programme -<br />

Planning<br />

Drafts of maps<br />

(1:500,000)<br />

Action Programme -<br />

Water Management<br />

Action Programme -<br />

Planning<br />

Integration of<br />

feedback and<br />

completion of the<br />

maps<br />

Working Group Action<br />

Programme<br />

PL-part<br />

October 2006 Wroclaw<br />

Action Area A-I<br />

Water Management Authorities<br />

Planning Authorities<br />

Integration of<br />

feedback and<br />

completion of the<br />

maps<br />

Preparation<br />

of final<br />

version of<br />

Water<br />

Managment<br />

maps<br />

- evaluation of map drafts<br />

- completion of map<br />

drafts<br />

- correction of map drafts<br />

Preparation<br />

of final<br />

version of<br />

flood<br />

Planning<br />

maps<br />

Maps<br />

Water<br />

Management<br />

Maps<br />

Action<br />

Programme<br />

Maps<br />

Planning<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

50<br />

5.2.1 Action area A – upper reaches of the Oder with Ostrava/Bohumín<br />

(CZ)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

The action area includes the upper reaches of the Oder with its tributaries<br />

Opava, Ostravice and Olše to the Czech-Polish border at Bohumín. The action<br />

area is located in the densely populated industrial region of Moravskoslezsky<br />

with coal mining and steel industry. The Pan-European Transport Corridor No.<br />

5 from Gdańsk via Katowice to Brno crosses the action area. As part of this<br />

transport corridor, the A 47 (D 47) motorway is being extended in 2007/2008.<br />

Between Ostrava and Bohumín, this road runs parallel to the Oder and<br />

crosses the river at three points.<br />

Figure 29: Action area A – upper reaches of the Oder with Ostrava/Bohumín (CZ)<br />

Upstream from Ostrava and along the Czech-Polish border, the Oder meanders<br />

through a mainly unspoilt river landscape. The neighbouring mountain<br />

regions of Oderské vrchy (Oder Mountains) and Moravskoslezski Beskidy<br />

have great potential as recreational areas.

These mountainous regions form the catchment area of a number of tributaries<br />

of the Oder. Due to the high annual precipitation and steep slopes, they<br />

are flood originating areas. One group of the tributaries shows considerable<br />

steep slopes and these rivers are thus prone to considerable dynamic, short<br />

floods. The risk of flash-floods is particularly high on the Oder, Opava and<br />

Olše (see "Water Management" map of the respective action area). Of significance<br />

are the lower reaches of these tributaries that are particularly prone to<br />

flooding, and the flat lands along the Oder near Ostrava and Bohumín.<br />

The three large hot spots in this action area are:<br />

• Krnov (population 25,700)<br />

• Ostrava (population 315,400)<br />

• Bohumín (population 23,200)<br />

There are another six hot spots with more than 5,000 inhabitants in this area<br />

(namely Opava, Odry Jablunkov, Třinec, Český Těsin, Cieszyn and Karvina).<br />

All these towns and villages were heavily flooded in 1997.<br />

Existing protection system<br />

The current flood protection system consists of a number of reservoirs. A total<br />

retention volume of 264.7 million m³ is available in the catchment area of the<br />

Moravice, a tributary of the Opava, designed in particular to protect the town of<br />

Opava. A number of additional measures must be taken in the upper reach<br />

area of the Opava in order to protect the towns of Krnov and Opava.<br />

Three reservoirs with a total retention volume of 104.2 million m³ in the subcatchment<br />

of Ostravice are designed primarily to protect Frydek-Mistek and<br />

Ostrava. To optimise the water management, two relief channels were built.<br />

This system provides adequate flood protection, and only a few small areas of<br />

local significance are at risk of flooding in the catchment area of the Ostravice.<br />

In addition to the reservoir system in the upper reaches of the Oder, there is<br />

another reservoir with a retention capacity of 27.4 million m³ to be built on the<br />

Stonávka, a tributary of the Olše. The degree of protection of the town and<br />

cities located along the Olše varies greatly, and the protection system does<br />

not meet the requirements. Upstream of the town of Ceský Těsin, the situation<br />

is rather complex, as subsidence takes place, affecting the drainage of the<br />

land. This subsidence is caused by mining in the region.<br />

Subsidence can also be observed along the Oder, where it is caused primarily<br />

by coal mining. As a result, the dykes must be built higher, particularly near<br />

the town of Ostrava and Bohumín.<br />

Action framework<br />

The responsibility for the development and implementation of flood protection<br />

concepts in the Czech section of the action area rests with the river area<br />

administration of Povodí Odry. In general it can be said that, since the disastrous<br />

flood of 1997, flood protection measures were pursued with great commitment.<br />

By defining target degrees of protection for settlement areas based<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

52<br />

on use, the authorities have laid down the objectives to be achieved by suitable<br />

measures.<br />

For this purpose, the Povodí Odry drew up a detailed flood protection concept<br />

(Povodí Odry 2003: "Koncepční dokument pro plánování v oblasti vod na<br />

území Moravskoslezského kraje v přechodném období do r. 2010" – Concept<br />

paper for planning in the Moravskoslezského Kraje until 2010, part D). It is to<br />

be implemented in steps starting in 2007. For the period 2007 to 2010, a total<br />

of 850 million Czech crowns have been dedicated to 24 different measures.<br />

The flood protection concept also includes a number of individual projects to<br />

be implemented at the upper reach of the Oder.<br />

For the hot spot of Krnov, a degree of protection of 100% is set as the target.<br />

To achieve this, a number of different measures were evaluated in a comprehensive<br />

decision-finding process. Based on this evaluation, the Czech government<br />

decided in 2006 to continue funding the construction of the Nove<br />

Heřminovy reservoir. This measure is controversial, for reasons of natural<br />

protection and as it requires the relocation of several hundred local people. In<br />

the decision-making process, alternative solutions such as water retention<br />

measures integrated into the landscape, polders, and the extension of the<br />

river bed capacity were examined. These measures were however deemed<br />

unsuitable, as they would not have been sufficient to reach the set goal, or<br />

because they would only have passed the risk of flooding to people living<br />

further downstream. The preparatory work for the construction of the reservoir,<br />

including technical studies, an environmental impact assessment, compensation<br />

payment to land owners, etc., began in 2006 and the structure is scheduled<br />

to be completed in 2013. The project also made it necessary to re-route<br />

road no. 45.<br />

For the catchment area of the Olše, the construction of the reservoirs of Bokovec<br />

and Horni Lomná is expected to have the greatest flood protection effect.<br />

These two reservoirs would result in a degree of protection corresponding to a<br />

100-year event water level for the hot spots of Jablunkov, Třinec, Český Těsin<br />

and Karvina. If only the reservoir of Horni Lomná is built, additional local<br />

measures must be taken to protect the towns of Třinec and Karvina.<br />

The particularly flood-prone section of the Oder starting at the confluence of<br />

the Opava to the Polish border, including the hot spots of Ostrava and Bohumín<br />

were analysed in greater detail in the course of a PHARE project (CTU<br />

Prague 2006: Final report of Czech PHARE project: "Analýza povodňových<br />

škod, povodňových rizik a ekonomické efektivnosti navržených protipovodňových<br />

opatření v úseku Odry: soutok s řekou Opavou – státní hranice s<br />

Polskou republikou" – “Evaluation of the flood damage, the flood risk and the<br />

economic benefit of the proposed flood protection measures at the Oder from<br />

the Opava confluence to the Polish border”). As part of this project, a number<br />

of proposals for the improvement of the current degree of protection of the<br />

urban area of Koblov (Ostrava) and of Bohumín were made, which are to be<br />

implemented over the next few years. The proposals were based on a detailed<br />

flood risk assessment and damage estimation. As part of this study, the average<br />

potential damage was estimated to be Euro 72.82 million.

Table 5: Overview of potential damages and endangered objects in Ostrava-Koblov and<br />

Bohumín<br />

Area at risk: 35 km²<br />

People at risk: 15,800<br />

Damage: Potential flood damage in Koblov and Bohumín in the Oder valley (extreme event)<br />

Land use Average damage [million<br />

Euro]<br />

Quantitative damage Unit<br />

Building 32.45 3,708 units<br />

House content 7.25 1,877 units<br />

Public facilities 2.25 64,122 m²<br />

Road / railway track 3.35 925,693 / 47,971 m²<br />

Bridges 0.68 83 units<br />

Utility networks 0.97 183,465 meters<br />

Industrial 25.15 1,145,530 m²<br />

Agricultural 0.72 1,706 ha<br />

Total 72.82<br />

The measures in the action area A that have a transnational effect are listed<br />

below (see also maps in the appendix).<br />

Table 6: Planned technical measures in action area A with transnational effect<br />

Measure River Capacity Effects<br />

Reservoirs<br />

Nove<br />

Heřminovy<br />

Horni Lomná<br />

Total retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Opava 36.9<br />

Lomná (Olše catchment<br />

area)<br />

16.2<br />

Bukovec Olše 67.8<br />

Protection of the town of Krnov and<br />

of other villages along the Opava<br />

Protection of the towns along the<br />

Lomná and Olše, transnational<br />

effects<br />

Protection of the towns along the<br />

Olše, transnational effects<br />

The above retention measures, of technical or non-technical nature, envisaged<br />

for this action area do not only improve the flood situation in the named<br />

hot spot area. They also indirectly contribute to considerably improved flood<br />

protection of areas further downstream.<br />

Planning issues<br />

To lower the risk of flooding, a number of recommendations for planning,<br />

aiming in particular at reducing the water load from the flood originating areas,<br />

are proposed. They include:<br />

• Limitation of ground sealing<br />

• Agricultural and forestry methods preventing drainage<br />

• Renaturation of rivers<br />

• Decentralised small-scale retention measures<br />

For the hot spots, it is important that<br />

• the damage potential is reduced,<br />


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Transnational Action Framework<br />

54<br />

�<br />

Other studies:<br />

• building development is limited and constructive flood protection measures<br />

are implemented,<br />

• the public is informed on possible protective measures and on what to do<br />

in the event of flooding, whereby this information must be disseminated to<br />

various target groups,<br />

• local disaster plans are devised and implemented, and relevant information<br />

is made available to competent contact persons.<br />

The implementation of technical flood protection measures must be given<br />

priority in the spatial planning. Concerns of the protection of the environment<br />

and the preservation of the natural landscape are also to be taken into account.<br />

It is also recommended that information regarding risks is published, and<br />

areas at particular risk of flooding are defined in the local spatial plans.<br />

The construction of route D 47 along the Oder to the Polish border includes a<br />

number of new bridges and renovations of existing bridges. In this context, it is<br />

important that sufficient discharge capacities are provided and that the construction<br />

of the bridge is coordinated with other flood protection measures.<br />

Regional analysis of the upper reaches of the Oder river (Czech Republic),<br />

(<strong>OderRegio</strong>)<br />

"Koncepční dokument pro plánování v oblasti vod na území Moravskoslezského kraje<br />

v přechodném období do r. 2010" – Concept paper for planning in the Moravskoslezského<br />

Kraje until 2010, part D, (Povodí Odry 2003)<br />

Final report of Czech PHARE project: "Analýza povodňových škod, povodňových rizik a<br />

ekonomické efektivnosti navržených protipovodňových opatření v úseku Odry: soutok s<br />

řekou Opavou – státní hranice s Polskou republikou" – Evaluation of the flood damage,<br />

the flood risk and the economic benefit of the proposed flood protection measures on the<br />

Oder from the Opava confluence to the Polish border (CTU Prague 2006).

5.2.2 Action area B – Bohumín to Opole (PL/CZ)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

The action area extends from the Czech-Polish border near Bohumín to just<br />

upstream from the point where the Nysa Kłodzka enters the Oder.<br />

It includes parts of the voivodships of Opolskie and Śląskie.<br />

Figure 30: Action area B – Bohumín to Opole (PL/CZ)<br />


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56<br />

The eastern part of the action area is located in the densely populated industrial<br />

region of Upper Silesia with the towns of Gliwice, Zabrze, Jastrzębie Zdrój<br />

and Bytom. Opole, Kędzierzyn-Koźle and Racibórz are other important regional<br />

industrial and administrative centres on the banks of the Oder. Opole is<br />

the capital of the voivodship of Opolskie.<br />

The Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 3 from Dresden / Berlin via Wrocław<br />

/ Opole to Kiev runs through the action area. The A 4 motorway was<br />

completed a few years ago. The E30 / C-E 30 railway line running along the<br />

north-eastern edge of the Oder valley will be upgraded between 2007 and<br />

2013.<br />

Several landscape parks in the north-east of the Oder valley are a great recreational<br />

resource.<br />

In this action area, the Oder has medium to low slope. The measures proposed<br />

for this area are of particular importance for people living further downstream,<br />

and in particular for the city of Wrocław.<br />

The flood risk in the Oder valley is still mainly determined by the drainage<br />

situation in action area A.<br />

The city of Opole (population 128,000) is the most important hot spot in the<br />

area. More than 50,500 people are threatened by floods, and the potential<br />

damage amounts to more than Euro 179 million. The following cities are other<br />

hot spots along this section of the Oder:<br />

• Racibórz (population 58,300)<br />

• Kędzierzyn-Koźle (population 66,100)<br />

A number of communities with more than 1,500 inhabitants exposed to a flood<br />

risk are additional hot spots. They include: Cisek, Bierawa, Tarnów Opolski,<br />

Nędza, Krapkowice, Dąbrowa, Gorzyce and Kuźnia Raciborska.<br />

The description below provides an overview of the flood risk situation along<br />

the Oder in action area B.

Figure 31: Flood risk along the Oder in action area B<br />

Hot Spots (damage > Euro 30 million, or more than 10,000 persons at risk):<br />

Opole (Euro 179 million / population 50,500), Racibórz (Euro 119 million / population 20,900), Kędzierzyn-Koźle (Euro 114 million /<br />

population 26,500), Cisek (Euro 58 million / population 3,900), Bierawa (Euro 33 million / population 3,800), Tarnów Opolski (Euro 31<br />

million / population 3,100)<br />

Area at risk: 417 km 2<br />

People at risk:<br />

Number of persons living in the<br />

area at risk of flooding<br />

Persons at risk:<br />

water depth ≥ 2 m<br />

Persons affected:<br />

water depth < 2 m<br />

130,800 84,200 46,600<br />

Land use (total area: 417 km²) Land use<br />

Damage<br />

Area [km²]<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

Settlements Industry/Tra<br />

de<br />

Traffic Agriculture Grassland Forest Recreation Others<br />

Land Use [%] 13% 2% 0% 54% 15% 7% 1% 9%<br />

Land Use [km²] 53,7 7,3 1,6 223,1 60,6 29,9 4,5 35,9<br />

Forest<br />

7%<br />

Grassland<br />

15%<br />

Total potential damage Euro 700 million Loss distribution<br />

Damages [million Euro]<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

Settlements Industry/Tr<br />

ade<br />

Mobile damages 371,8 27,7 1,4<br />

Traffic Agriculture Grassland Forest Recreation<br />

Immobile damages 162,9 79,5 5,1 44,6 1,2 0,9 0,1<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

15%<br />

Recreation<br />

1%<br />

Traffic<br />

Agriculture<br />

1%<br />

6%<br />

Others<br />

9%<br />

Settlements<br />

13%<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

2%<br />

Agriculture<br />

54%<br />

Recreation<br />

0% Others<br />

Grassland<br />

Forest 0%<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

Traffic<br />

0%<br />

Settlements<br />

77%<br />


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58<br />

Existing protection system<br />

The existing protection system consists of polders, reservoirs (total retention<br />

capacity: 230 million m³), retention basins and relief channels. The polders are<br />

mainly located along the Oder (retention capacity 81 million m³). The Buków<br />

polder with a retention capacity of 62 million m³ is the largest existing retention<br />

area in this action area, and was first flooded in the spring of 2006. It is one<br />

component of a complex flood protection system designed to reduce the impact<br />

of the flood wave from the upper reaches of the river, and thus relieving<br />

the hot spots further downstream. Serving the same purpose is the planned<br />

dry retention basin of Racibórz Dolny.<br />

The relief channels of Opole, Racibórz and Kędzierzyn-Koźle help protect the<br />

respective hot spots from the water.<br />

The existing dyke system along the Oder is about 75 kilometres long.<br />

Action framework<br />

A number of projects along the Oder and its tributaries are planned in order to<br />

improve the technical flood protection in this area. They are designed to increase<br />

the current protection level.<br />

Of key importance for the protection of the hot spots along the Oder listed<br />

above is the construction of the dry retention basin of Racibórz Dolny. They<br />

are closely linked to additional protective measures to be taken in the lower<br />

reaches of the river (influencing for example the effectiveness of the Wrocław<br />

water node). The planning process of this project is well advanced, and the<br />

measure is scheduled to be implemented from 2007. The necessary relocation<br />

of the more than one thousand inhabitants of two villages has already commenced.<br />

Apart from this large-scale project, another five polders are planned. The table<br />

below provides an overview of the technical measures planned in the action<br />

area B.<br />

In addition to the extension of the retention capacity, new dykes with a total<br />

length of about 52 kilometres along the Oder are planned.<br />

Table 7: Planned technical measures in action area B<br />

Measure River Capacity Effects<br />

Retention<br />

basins<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Racibórz Dolny Oder 170-300<br />

Kotlarnia Bierawka<br />

Włodzienin Troja 5.6<br />

Jasiona Osobłoga 21<br />

Protection of several settlements<br />

along the Oder, including a<br />

number of hot spots. Key measure<br />

for the implementation of the flood<br />

protection system from Racibórz<br />

to Wrocław<br />

Protection of the communities of<br />

Prudnik and Lubrza, and the city<br />

of Głogówek

Measure River Capacity Effects<br />

Racławice-<br />

Osobłoga<br />

Polders<br />

Osobłoga 50<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Koźle-Rogów Oder 11<br />

Dąbrówka-Opole Oder 25<br />

śelazna II Oder 18<br />

Chróścice Oder 20<br />

Planning issues<br />

Protection of the cities of<br />

Głogówek and Krapkowice<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity, protection of Kędzierzyn-<br />

Koźle<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity, protection of Opole<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity, local protection of a<br />

power station<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity; local effects<br />

The implementation of these technical flood protection measures must be<br />

given priority in the spatial planning. The following additional measures help<br />

lower the damage potential:<br />

• Publication of the risk maps, and identification of areas at risk of flooding in<br />

regional and local spatial plans<br />

• Constructive flood protection measures in areas at risk (e.g. in conjunction<br />

with local spatial planning) aimed at a long-term reduction of the damage<br />

potential<br />

• Information to the general public and instructions regarding the correct<br />

behaviour in the event of a flood<br />

• Pro-active promotion of disaster plans for residential as well as industrial<br />

areas and assistance to concerned resident groups<br />

In action area B, there exist a great number of planning proposals regarding<br />

the infrastructural and residential development with regard to flood protection .<br />

For the new bridges across the Oder, it is for example particularly important<br />

that the construction conforms to the requirements laid down for the protection<br />

of the natural habitat and the environment, and that the discharge capacity of<br />

the river is not in any way obstructed. Other planning measures concern the<br />

following roads: Racibórz bypass (route 935), Rudnik/ Nedza (421), Bierawa/Cisek<br />

(422), Kędzierzyn-Koźle (40), northern bypass of Kędzierzyn-Koźle<br />

(423), Zdzieszowice (45/423), Opole south circular road (94/45), and Opole<br />

(94 and 45).<br />

The towns, and in particular Opole and Racibórz, should consider whether the<br />

Oder could be integrated as a more positive element in the development plan.<br />


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60<br />

5.2.3 Action area C - Opole to Wrocław (PL)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

Figure 32: Action area C - Opole to Wrocław (PL)<br />

Action area C is located between the confluence of the Nysa Kłodzka to a<br />

point just below Wrocław. It includes the Oder tributaries that are major contributors<br />

to the flood risk of Wrocław, namely the Nysa Kłodzka as well as the<br />

Widawa, Oława, Ślęza and Bystrzyca. Due to the differences in the topologies<br />

of the areas, the Oder valley and the Kłodzko valley are discussed separately<br />


Action area C includes the south-eastern part of the Dolnośląskie voivodship,<br />

the western part of the Opolskie voivodship and a number of smaller areas in<br />

the Czech Republic.<br />

It also contains Wrocław, which is the commercial and administrative centre of<br />

the Dolnośląskie voivodship. Wrocław and the adjacent districts are highly<br />

industrialised. Thanks to the promising economic outlook for this area, it is<br />

expected that the population will grow over the next few years, leading to a<br />

suburban development.<br />

Other highly populated and industrialised places are Oława and Brzeg located<br />

on the banks of the Oder as well as Wałbrzych and Świdnica in the south-east<br />

of the action area. The region around Wałbrzych is currently undergoing restructuring<br />

as modern industries replace the traditional coal mining industry.<br />

The Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 3 from Dresden / Berlin via Wrocław<br />

/ Opole to Kiev runs through the action area. The A 4 motorway was<br />

completed a few years ago.<br />

The southern part of the action area is an important tourist resort. Góry<br />

Stołowe and the valley of the Nysa Kłodzka are the main centres of tourism<br />

here, also offering spa facilities. The reservoirs of Kozielno, Topola, Nysa and<br />

Otmuchów provide important recreational areas for the inhabitants of the<br />

region.<br />

The population density in the potentially flooded area between Opole and<br />

Wrocław is about average.<br />

The mountainous regions of the valley of the Nysa Kłodzka, located in the<br />

south-west of the action area is dominated by steep slopes, which contribute<br />

decisively to the drainage situation and the flood risk further downstream.<br />

Extremely high flash-floods with short warning times are typical for these flood<br />

originating areas of the region. The risk of flash-floods is greatest in the upper<br />

reaches of the Oder tributaries that show steep slopes (see also "Water Management"<br />

map of the action area).<br />

The largest hot spots in the valley of the Nysa Kłodzka are:<br />

• Kłodzko (population of 28,500) located at the edge of the valley<br />

• Nysa (population 47,800) below the reservoir cascade of Kozielno, Topola,<br />

Otmuchów and Nysa.<br />

Another hot spot on the Nysa Kłodzka is Lewin Brzeski. The hot spots of Nysa<br />

and Lewin Brzeski are at a particularly high risk in the event of an emergency<br />

release of water, i.e. when the retention basins further upstream are opened.<br />

The Oder valley is for example threatened if the flood waves of the Oder and<br />

the Nysa Kłodzka coincide.<br />

The largest hot spots along the Oder are:<br />

• Oława (population 31,100)<br />

• Wrocław (population 636,300)<br />

Wrocław is by far the largest hot spot in the entire catchment area of the Oder.<br />

In this city, more than 280,000 people are at risk of flooding, and the expected<br />


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62<br />

damage amounts to more than Euro 650 million. The special position of the<br />

city at a node where the tributaries Widawa, Oleśnica and Bystrzyca flow into<br />

the Oder contributes to the difficult hydrological situation. As the area at risk of<br />

flooding includes several large industrial plants, flooding can cause a serious<br />

risk to the environment.<br />

A number of communities with more than 1,500 inhabitants exposed to a flood<br />

risk are additional hot spots. They include: Lubsza, Oława and environs,<br />

Popiełów, Święta Katarzyna, Siechnice, Czernica, Dobrzeń Wielki, Brzeg and<br />

Jelcz-Laskowice.<br />

Figure 33: Flood risk along the Oder in action area C<br />

Hot spots (damage > Euro 30 million, or more than 10,000 persons at risk):<br />

Wrocław (Euro 656 million / population 282,200), Lubsza (Euro 48 million / population 5,600), Popielów (Euro 47 million / population<br />

4,900), Święta Katarzyna (Euro 33 million), Oława (Euro 14 million / population 11,500)<br />

Area at risk: 617 km²<br />

People at risk:<br />

Number of persons living in the<br />

area at risk of flooding<br />

Land use<br />

Persons at risk:<br />

water depth ≥ 2m<br />

Persons affected:<br />

water depth < 2m<br />

332,800 141,500 191,300<br />

Total area 617 km² Land use<br />

Area [km²]<br />

Damage<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

Settlemen Industry/T<br />

ts rade<br />

Traffic<br />

Agricultur<br />

e<br />

Grasslan<br />

d<br />

Forest Recreatio<br />

n<br />

Others<br />

Land Use [%] 12% 2% 0% 42% 21% 18% 2% 3%<br />

Land Use [km²] 73,5 11,6 1,5 256,7 128,9 113,1 14,0 17,8<br />

Forest<br />

18%<br />

Grassland<br />

21%<br />

Total damage Euro 933 million Loss distribution<br />

Damages [million Euro]<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

Settlements Industry/Tr<br />

ade<br />

mobile 597,8 34,2 0,9<br />

Traffic Agriculture Grassland Forest Recreation<br />

immobile 168,3 69,6 3,3 51,3 2,6 4,8 0,3<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

11%<br />

Recreation<br />

2%<br />

Others<br />

3%<br />

Recreation<br />

Agriculture<br />

0%<br />

6% Grassland<br />

Traffic<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

Forest<br />

1%<br />

Settlements<br />

12% Industry/Trade<br />

2%<br />

Traffic<br />

0%<br />

Others<br />

0,00%<br />

Agriculture<br />

42%<br />

Settlements<br />


Existing protection system<br />

The existing technical protection system of the Nysa Kłodzka consists of two<br />

dry retention basins (total retention capacity 2.21 million m³) and four reservoirs<br />

(total retention capacity 393.2 million m³) located downstream of<br />

Kłodzko. After the flood disaster of 1997, a warning system was installed. It<br />

was designed to enable people to respond faster and more effectively to flashfloods<br />

that are typical for this region.<br />

The protection system along the Oder consists of three large polders (total<br />

retention capacity 54 million m³) and three smaller polders (total retention<br />

capacity 7.4 million m³). In addition to these retention facilities, we find relief<br />

channels in Oława and Wrocław.<br />

Action framework<br />

In addition to the already introduced warning system in the valley of the Nysa<br />

Kłodzka, a number of technical measures must be implemented in order to<br />

effectively protect the settlements in this valley as well as the town of Kłodzko<br />

from flash-floods. Apart from the listed retention measures, a relief channel for<br />

the town of Lewin Brzeski near the confluence of the Nysa Kłodzka into the<br />

Oder is planned.<br />

The table below provides an overview of the technical measures planned in<br />

the catchment area of the Nysa Kłodzka.<br />

Table 8: Planned technical measures in action area C in the catchment area of the Nysa<br />

Kłodzka<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Retention basins<br />

Kamieniec<br />

Ząbkowicki<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Nysa Kłodzka 30-48<br />

Pawłowice Budzówka n/a<br />

Tarnów Budzówka n/a<br />

Goszów Biała Lądecka 3.60<br />

Bolesławów Morawa 2.1<br />

Szalejów Górny<br />

Bystrzyca<br />

Dusznicka<br />

7.6<br />

Boboszów Nysa Kłodzka 1.2<br />

Nagodzice Nysa Kłodzka 3.0<br />

Roztoki<br />

Bystrzyckie<br />

Goworówka 1.5<br />

Krosnowice Duna 1.32<br />

Tłumaczów Ścinawka 4.2<br />

Completion of retention cascade:<br />

expected flow load reduction<br />

(including reservoirs of Nysa,<br />

Otmuchow and Kozielno): approx.<br />

400 m³/s.<br />

Protection of the Kłodzka valley<br />

by reducing the risk of flashfloods<br />

and increase of the<br />

retention capacity<br />


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64<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Sarny Włodzica 5.65<br />

Wawrzeńczyce Strzegomka<br />

Kątki Czarna Woda<br />

Czechy Pełcznica<br />

KsiąŜ Pełcznica<br />

Cieszów CzyŜynaka<br />

Kamionka Pieszycki Potok<br />

16.6<br />

Relief channels Discharge (m³/s)<br />

1.0<br />

7.5<br />

3.6<br />

4.0<br />

0.5<br />

Lewin Brzeski Nysa Kłodzka 800<br />

Protection of the Bystrzyca valley<br />

by reducing the risk of flashfloods<br />

and increase of the<br />

retention capacity<br />

Protection of Lewin Brzeski in the<br />

event of drainage or emergency<br />

relief of the Nysa retention<br />

system.<br />

To improve the flood protection in the Oder valley, the following aspects are of<br />

particular importance:<br />

• Suitable management strategies for the reservoirs and retention basins in<br />

the upper reaches of the Nysa Kłodzka and Oder, aimed at preventing that<br />

the flood waves in the Nysa Kłodzka coincide with those in the Oder<br />

• Construction of new polders to increase the retention capacity<br />

• Improvement of the protection of the hot spots<br />

• Increase of the water load capacity for the complex water node at Wrocław<br />

by upgrading and extending the existing system<br />

• Implementation of the large-scale retention projects in the upstream action<br />

areas A and B<br />

The table below provides an overview of the measures required to meet these<br />

objectives (see also maps in the appendix).<br />

Table 9: Planned technical measures in action area C along the Oder<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Relief<br />

channels<br />

Wrocław<br />

Przelew do<br />

Widawy<br />

Lewin<br />

Brzeski<br />

Retention<br />

areas<br />

Discharge (m³/s)<br />

Oder - Widawa 200<br />

Nysa Kłodzka 800<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Paniowice Oder 3.6<br />

Protection of the city of Wrocław in<br />

the event of an extreme flood. This<br />

measure is part of the upgrading<br />

scheme for the Wrocław water<br />

node.<br />

Protection of Lewin Brzeski in the<br />

event of drainage or emergency<br />

relief of the Nysa retention system.<br />

In order to limit the damage, these technical projects must be accompanied by<br />

information campaigns. This is obvious from the high rate of damage to mobile<br />

assets, which could have been reduced if suitable preventive measures had

een taken. This requires however that people change their behaviour, which<br />

is only possible if they are given good information and guidance.<br />

Planning issues<br />

To lower the risk of flooding, a number of recommendations for planning,<br />

aiming in particular at reducing the run-off from the flood originating areas, are<br />

proposed. They include:<br />

• Limitation of ground sealing<br />

• Agricultural and forestry methods preventing drainage<br />

• Renaturation of rivers<br />

• Decentralised small-scale retention measures<br />

The implementation of these technical flood protection measures must be<br />

given priority in spatial planning. The following additional measures help lower<br />

the damage potential:<br />

• Publication of the risk maps, and identification of areas at risk of flooding in<br />

regional and local spatial plans<br />

• Constructive flood protection measures in areas at risk (e.g. in conjunction<br />

with local spatial planning) aimed at a long-term reduction of the damage<br />

potential<br />

• Information to the general public and instructions regarding the correct<br />

behaviour in the event of a flood<br />

• Pro-active promotion of disaster plans for residential as well as industrial<br />

areas<br />

It is obvious that, in the near future, the environs of Wrocław in the districts of<br />

Wrocławski and Oławski will see an increase in population due to suburbanisation.<br />

It is crucial that the urban development in these two districts is done<br />

with due regard to the flood risk and protection measures.<br />

Four new bridges across the Oder are planned in action area C. These constructions<br />

must meet the nature preservation and environmental protection<br />

requirements, and are designed in such a way that the discharge capacity of<br />

the river is not restricted. These planning measures concern the following<br />

roads: Brzeg (route 39), Oława bypass (396), bridges in Wrocław (5 and 8).<br />

The flood protection projects in the upper reaches of the tributaries (reservoirs,<br />

etc.) must be planned and implemented with due regard to the natural character<br />

of the mountain landscape so that the area's recreational potential and<br />

beauty is not impaired.<br />

The Oder as a feature in the landscape could be further enhanced in the<br />

towns of Oława, Brzeg and Wrocław, for example with the construction of<br />

promenades along its banks, the further improvement of the tourism facilities<br />

in the area, including jetties and moorings.<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

66<br />

�<br />

Other studies:<br />

Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej Kotliny Kłodzkiej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem<br />

ochrony miasta Kłodzka (Flood protection study for the Kłodzka valley)<br />

Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej zlewni Nysy Kłodzkiej poniŜej Barda (Flood<br />

protection study for the Kłodzka valley downstream of Bardo)<br />

Modernizacja wrocławskiego systemu ochrony przed powodzią – studium programowo –<br />

przestrzenne dla miasta Wrocławia i powiatu wrocławskiego (Study for the<br />

modernisation of the Wrocław water node)<br />

Studium Wykonalności dla budowy zbiornika przeciwpowodziowego Racibórz i<br />

modernizacji Wrocławskiego Węzła Wodnego (Feasibility study for the retention basin of<br />

Racibórz and the modernisation of the Wrocław water node)

5.2.4 Action area D - Wrocław to Ratzdorf (PL)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

The population density in action area D is about average, and the slope of the<br />

Oder is small. The area is dominated by extensive agricultural land use. It<br />

features a number of interlinked natural habitats and natural floodplains with<br />

large wet meadows and forests many of which have special protective status.<br />

An important tributary in this action area is the Kaczawa. The Bóbr (in action<br />

area E) enters the Oder near the town of Krosno Odrzańskie.<br />

Figure 34: Action area D - Wrocław to Ratzdorf (PL)<br />


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68<br />

Action area D covers the northern part of the Dolnośląskie voivodship, the<br />

southern part of the Lubuskie voivodship and the most southern tip of the<br />

Wielkopolskie voivodship. The southern area of the action area around Legnica<br />

and Brzeg Dolny is part of the industrial region of Lower Silesia, which<br />

includes the neighbouring city of Wrocław. The largest cities and towns in the<br />

action area D are Legnica and Głogów in Dolnośląskie, Nowa Sól in Lubuskie<br />

and Leszno in Wielkopolskie.<br />

The Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 3 from Dresden / Berlin via Wrocław<br />

/ Opole to Kiev runs through the action area. The A 4 motorway was<br />

completed a few years ago. The planned track of the Central European<br />

Transport Corridor (CETC) is to cross action area D in north-south direction.<br />

According to the plans, it is to cross the Oder to the north of Zielona Góra.<br />

The action area has some potential for tourism, in particular along the mainly<br />

unregulated Oder between Brzeg Dolny and the German-Polish border.<br />

The upper reaches of the Kaczawa are at particular risk of flash-floods, due to<br />

the steep slopes in this region.<br />

The city of Legnica with a population of 106,100 is the most exposed hot spot<br />

on the Kaczawa.<br />

Along the Oder, there is a risk of extensive flooding, as the estimated potential<br />

flooded area of more than 1,700 km² indicates.<br />

The largest hot spots on the Oder are Głogów (population 69,400) and Nowa<br />

Sól (population 40,600).<br />

A number of communities with more than 1,500 inhabitants exposed to a flood<br />

risk are additional hot spots. They include: Bojadła, Brzeg Dolny, Czerwieńsk,<br />

Góra, Kargowa, Kolsko, Kotla, Krosno Odrzańskie, Miękinia, Niechlów, Nowa<br />

Sól and environs, Otyń, Pęcław, Ścinawa, Siedlisko, Sulechów, Trzebiechów,<br />

Wąsosz and Wińsko.<br />

In this section of the Oder, the share of areas with high damage potential (i.e.<br />

residential and industrial areas) is small. Nearly 75% of all damage is however<br />

caused in these two zones. The damage to agricultural crops and premises<br />

amounts to 25% of the overall loss or Euro 135 million, which is quite high.<br />

The towns of Nowa Sól and Glogów are the largest hot spots in the action<br />

area. In these two cities, more than 23,600 and 7,800 people are exposed to a<br />

flood risk and the damage potential is Euro 29 million and Euro 36 million<br />

respectively.<br />

The description below provides an overview of the flood risk situation along<br />

the Oder in action area D.

Figure 35: Flood risk along the Oder in action area D<br />

Hot spots (damage > Euro 30 million, or more than 10,000 persons at risk):<br />

Pęcław (Euro 46 million / population 2,300), Miękinia (Euro 36 million / population 3,100), Głogów - urban (Euro 36 million / population<br />

7,800), Głogów - rural (Euro 31 million / population 3,500), Nowa Sól (Euro 29 million / population 23,600)<br />

Area at risk: 1.722 km²<br />

People at risk<br />

Number of people living<br />

Land use<br />

People at risk<br />

water depth ≥ 2m<br />

Persons affected:<br />

water depth < 2m<br />

98,500 44,700 53,800<br />

Total area 1,722 km² Land use<br />

Damage<br />

Area [km²]<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

Settlement Industry/Tr<br />

s ade<br />

Traffic<br />

Agricultur<br />

e<br />

Grassland Forest Recreation Others<br />

Land Use [%] 3% 0% 0% 39% 22% 33% 0% 3%<br />

Land Use [km²] 57,9 3,5 2,3 677,7 372,5 560,0 1,1 47,1<br />

Total damage: Euro 583 million Loss distribution<br />

Schäden in Mil. Euro<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

Settlements Industry/Tr<br />

ade<br />

Damages mobile 287,9 9,0 1,4<br />

Traffic Agriculture Grassland Forest Recreation<br />

Damages Immobile 96,0 17,9 5,2 135,5 7,4 22,4 0,0<br />

Forest<br />

33%<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

5%<br />

Traffic<br />

1%<br />

Recreation<br />

0%<br />

Others<br />

3%<br />

Grassland<br />

22%<br />

Traffic<br />

Settlements 0%<br />

3% Industry/Trade<br />

0%<br />

Agriculture<br />

23%<br />

Settlements<br />

66%<br />

Grassland<br />

1%<br />

Recreation<br />

0%<br />

Forest<br />

4%<br />

Agriculture<br />

39%<br />

Others<br />

0,00%<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

70<br />

Existing protection system<br />

The technical flood protection system in this section of the Oder consists of<br />

the two large polders of Tarńow Bycki and Połupin (total retention capacity: 85<br />

million m³). These retention measures are complemented by three dry retention<br />

basins (total retention capacity: 3.7 million m³) located in the subcatchment<br />

of the Kaczawa and a reservoir (retention capacity: 38.6 million m³).<br />

Action framework<br />

The risk level and the type of the damage (in particular the high level of damage<br />

to mobile assets) indicate that additional measures are necessary.<br />

To improve the effectiveness of the technical flood protection, a number of<br />

projects are planned along the Oder and in the catchment area of the Kaczawa.<br />

They are intended to increase the current degree of protection. These<br />

measures also contribute considerably to the improvement of the flood protection<br />

situation along the Border Oder and are thus also relevant for the lower<br />

reaches of the Oder. These projects include a number of possible polders as<br />

well as the creation of natural floodplains. In this context, the planned extensive<br />

dyke relocation project Domaszków - Tarchalice is to be mentioned.<br />

The table below provides an overview of the planned measures in action area<br />

D (see also maps in the appendix).<br />

Table 10: Planned technical measures in action area D<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Relief channels Discharge (m³/s)<br />

Nowa Sól Oder not known<br />

Polders<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Bieliszów-Lubów Oder 9<br />

Dobrzejowice-<br />

Czerna<br />

Tarnów Bycki<br />

(planned restoration)<br />

Oder 3.8<br />

Oder 15<br />

Otyń-Bóbrowniki Oder not known<br />

Milsko Oder not known<br />

Tarnawa Oder<br />

Nietkowice-Będów Oder<br />

not known<br />

not known<br />

Czerwieńsk Oder not known<br />

Połupin<br />

(existing,<br />

Oder 70<br />

Extreme flood protection of Nowa<br />

Sól<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity and local flood protection<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacities and improvement of<br />

the flood protection of Bytom<br />

Odrzański<br />

Restoration work aimed at<br />

improving the effectiveness of the<br />

flood protection structures;<br />

improvement of the protection of<br />

Nowa Sól<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity and local flood protection<br />

Restoration work aimed at<br />

improving the effectiveness of the

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

restoration<br />

planned)<br />

Krzesin-Bytomiec<br />

(existing, restoration<br />

planned)<br />

Oder 20<br />

Rzymówka Kaczawa 9.8<br />

Retention areas<br />

Domaszków-<br />

Tarchalice<br />

Retention basins<br />

Skała Wierzbiak<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Oder 4.9<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

1.7<br />

flood protection structures;<br />

improvement of the protection of<br />

Krosno Odrzańskie<br />

Restoration work aimed at<br />

improving the effectiveness of the<br />

flood protection structures;<br />

improvement of the protection of<br />

Racław<br />

Protection of Legnica. Activation<br />

of polder, if the flow load exceeds<br />

50 m³/s.<br />

Increase of the retention capacities<br />

and local flood protection by<br />

means of dyke relocation<br />

Increase of the retention capacities<br />

and local flood protection<br />

Wolbromek Sodówka 1.95 Protection of Jawor and Legnica<br />

Bystrzyk Bystrzyk 1.0 Protection of Legnica<br />

Chwalimierz Sredzka Woda not known Protection of Środa Śląska<br />

Grobla Nysa Mała<br />

Pielgrzymka Skóra<br />

3.9<br />

4.3<br />

Protection of Legnica<br />

Protection of Chojnów and<br />

Legnica<br />

Apart from these technical measures, it is particularly important that the public<br />

is better informed of the flood risks, as the high rate of damage to mobile<br />

assets can be reduced by a change in behaviour.<br />

Planning issues<br />

The implementation of these technical flood protection measures must be<br />

given priority in spatial planning. The following additional measures help lower<br />

the damage potential:<br />

• Publication of the risk maps, and identification of areas at risk of flooding in<br />

regional and local spatial plans<br />

• Constructive flood protection measures in areas at risk (e.g. in conjunction<br />

with local spatial planning) aimed at a long-term reduction of the damage<br />

potential<br />

• Regular information regarding the flood risk in order to increase the<br />

awareness of this problem<br />

• Information to the general public and instructions regarding the correct<br />

behaviour in the event of a flood<br />

• Pro-active promotion of disaster plans for residential as well as industrial<br />

areas<br />

Along the Oder, a number of ferry connections are to be replaced with bridges.<br />

These constructions must meet the nature preservation and environmental<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

72<br />

protection requirements and must be designed in such a way that the discharge<br />

capacity of the river is not restricted. The planned bridges are part of<br />

the following routes: Brzeg-Dolny ferry connection, Ścinawa (route 36), Chobienia<br />

(334), Ciechanów (323), Głogów (12), Bytom Odrzański (293), Milsko<br />

(282), Cigacice (3), Pomorsko (281), Brody (280), Krosno Odrzańskie (29) and<br />

Połęcko (138).<br />

Considering the forecast increase in population in the greater Wrocław region,<br />

the urban development in the adjacent districts of Środa Śląska, Trzebnica<br />

and Wołów should be done with due regard to the flood risk and protection<br />

measures.<br />

The considered development of the river landscape has the potential to turn<br />

the action area into a tourist destination. For this reason, the preservation of a<br />

natural river landscape should be in the focus of regional development, while<br />

the attraction of the destination can be further enhanced with suitable tourist<br />

facilities along the Oder in the towns of Krosno Odrzańskie, Nowa Sól,<br />

Głogów, Ścinawa and Brzeg Dolny, to name but a few.

5.2.5 Action area E - Bóbr (PL)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

Action area E consists of the catchment area of the Bóbr. The river's source is<br />

located in Bobr near Žacléř in the Czech Republic and flows east of the Lusatian<br />

Neisse through Dolnośląskie from south to north, crossing the towns of<br />

Jelenia Góra, Bolesławiec and śagań. The river eventually joins the Oder at<br />

Krosno Odrzańskie. The 268 km long Bóbr is not navigable.<br />

Figure 36: Action area E - Bóbr (PL)<br />


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74<br />

The action area covers the south-west corner of the voivodships of Dolnośląskie<br />

and Lubuskie and a few smaller areas in the Czech Republic. The<br />

main towns are Jelenia Góra, Lubań, Bolesławiec and śagan.<br />

The Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 3 from Dresden / Berlin via Wrocław<br />

/ Opole to Kiev runs through the action area. Sections of the A3 motorway<br />

from Zgorzelec to KrzyŜowa and from Olszyna to Golnice are to be completed<br />

by 2010. This road project includes two bridges over the Bóbr at Bolesławiec.<br />

The Giant Mountains located in the south of the action area are a major tourist<br />

destination in Poland. To the north of Bolesławiec, the action area is sparsely<br />

populated and covered in forests but offering no special tourist attractions.<br />

The upper reaches of the Bóbr are very steep, so that the water level tends to<br />

rise rapidly, posing a risk of flash-floods whereas its lower reaches show less<br />

slope.<br />

The following potential hot spots have been identified in the action area:<br />

• Jelenia Góra (population 87,000)<br />

• Lwówek Sląski (population 9,800)<br />

• Bolesławiec (population 41,100)<br />

• Szprotawa (population 12,600)<br />

• śagań (population 26,700)<br />

• Nowogród Bobrzański (population 9,300)<br />

Existing protection system<br />

The flood protection system in the area consists of a combination of retention<br />

facilities, dry basins and dykes and is quite advanced.<br />

There are two reservoirs on the Kwisa upstream of Lubań. Along the Bóbr, we<br />

find three reservoirs and a retention basin near Jelenia Góra, while there are<br />

another reservoir and two smaller retention basins upstream of Kamienna<br />

Góra.<br />

The five retention basins have a total capacity of 16.4 million m³, while the six<br />

reservoirs can hold back 117.2 million m³ of water.<br />

Action framework<br />

To improve the technical flood protection in the action area, it is planned to<br />

build the retention basins listed below.<br />

Table 11: Planned technical measures in action area E<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Retention basins<br />

Total retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Mirsk Czarny Potok 3.06<br />

Oleszna Oldza 2.99<br />

General increase of the retention<br />

capacity and local flood protection

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Świecie Bruśnik 0.41<br />

Jurków Grabiszówka 0.92<br />

Gościszów Sowinka 1.24<br />

Brzeźnica BrzeŜniczanka not known<br />

Kostrzyca Jedlica 2.7<br />

Kamienica Kamienica 11.1<br />

Sędzisław Lesk 2.0<br />

Karpniki Karpnicki Potok 7.8<br />

Stara Białka Świdnik 11.0<br />

Wojanów Bóbr 20.4<br />

Planning issues<br />

To lower the risk of flooding, a number of recommendations for planning,<br />

aiming in particular at reducing the water load from the flood originating areas,<br />

are proposed. They include:<br />

• Limitation of ground sealing<br />

• Agricultural and forestry methods preventing drainage<br />

• Renaturation of rivers<br />

• Decentralised small-scale retention measures<br />

Areas in which technical flood protection measures are planned must be prioritised<br />

in the regional and spatial planning. The following additional measures<br />

help lower the damage potential:<br />

• Publication of the risk maps, and identification of areas at risk of flooding in<br />

regional and local spatial plans<br />

• Constructive flood protection measures in areas at risk (e.g. in conjunction<br />

with local spatial planning) aimed at a long-term reduction of the damage<br />

potential<br />

• Information to the general public and instructions regarding the correct<br />

response in the event of a flood<br />

• Regular communication regarding the flood risk in order to increase<br />

awareness<br />

• Pro-active promotion of disaster plans for residential as well as industrial<br />

areas<br />

The potential for tourism along the Bóbr should be assessed in a separate<br />

study.<br />


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Transnational Action Framework<br />

76<br />

�<br />

Other studies:<br />

Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej zlewni Górnego Bobru (Study of flood protection<br />

options for the upper reaches of the Bóbr river)<br />

Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej zlewni Kwisy (Flood protection study of the Kwisa<br />


5.2.6 Action area F - Lusatian Neisse (PL/DE/CZ)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

The Lusatian Neisse originates in the Czech Jizera Mountains to the northeast<br />

of Jablonec nad Nisou near the border to Poland. It flows through<br />

Jablonec nad Nisou and Liberec, reaches the point to the south of Zittau<br />

where the German, Czech and Polish borders meet and then continues as the<br />

border river between Germany and Poland. The Lusatian Neisse reaches the<br />

Oder near Ratzdorf, about 256 km from its source.<br />

Figure 37: Action area F – Lusatian Neisse (PL/DE/CZ)<br />


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78<br />

The action area includes the south-west corner of the Dolnośląskie voivodship,<br />

the western part of the Lubuskie voivodship, the south-eastern section of<br />

the German Federal State of Brandenburg, the eastern parts of the Free State<br />

of Saxony as well as the northern part of the Liberecky kraj. With the exception<br />

of its southern part, the area is rather sparsely populated. The main centres<br />

of population are Liberec, Görlitz-Zgorzelec, Zittau, Forst and Guben-<br />

Gubin.<br />

The Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 3 from Dresden / Berlin via Wrocław<br />

/ Opole to Kiev crosses the action area near Forst and Görlitz-Zgorzelec.<br />

The motorway bridges of the A4 and A18 have been completed.<br />

The region where the three countries meet, located in the south of the action<br />

area offers a number of tourist attractions of cultural and historic interest,<br />

including the cities of Görlitz-Zgorzelec as well as the small triangle Hradec<br />

nad Nisou, Bogatynia, Liberec and Zittau. The Zittau and the Jizera Mountains,<br />

and the western foothills of the Giant Mountains are established tourist<br />

regions for nature lovers.<br />

Due to the steep slope of the Lusatian Neisse upstream of the Cerná Nisa<br />

confluence, there is a considerable risk of flash-floods. This also applies to the<br />

subcatchments of the Jenče and Smědá. This region is classified by experts<br />

as a flood originating area. On the German side, the Pliessnitz in Saxony<br />

poses a flash-flood risk.<br />

A total of eleven hot spots were identified along the Lusatian Neisse. The<br />

border cities of Görlitz-Zgorzelec and Ostritz are particularly exposed. The<br />

damage potential in the Saxon area alone is approximately Euro 660 million.<br />

Other hot spots are: Jablonec, Hrádek, Zittau, Hirschfelde, Rothenburg, Bad<br />

Muskau, Forst/Lausitz, the mining area of Jänschwalde and Guben-Gubin.<br />

Existing protection system<br />

The protection system along the upper reaches of the Lusatian Neisse in the<br />

Czech Republic consists of five reservoirs with a total retention capacity of<br />

17.6 million m³. The tributaries originating in Poland feature two reservoirs<br />

(total retention capacity: 6.8 million m³) and a retention basin of 0.9 million m³<br />

in size.<br />

Action programme<br />

A number of projects aimed at improving the protection for the towns of<br />

Jablonec n. Nisou, Liberec and Hrádek n. Nisou are planned for the Czech<br />

upper reaches of the Lusatian Neisse. They include a range of local measures<br />

as well as an improvement to the reservoir management. The measures are to<br />

be fully implemented by 2015. For this purpose, the Povodí Labe has drawn<br />

up a detailed flood protection concept.<br />

To improve the flood protection on the German bank of the river, the Dresden<br />

Regional Council developed a flood protection concept for the Lusatian<br />

Neisse, defining the actions to be taken in the German region along the river.<br />

In this context, a concept based on gradiated degrees of protection according<br />

to actual land use and with reference to damage potential was drawn up. It

includes local measures for improved flood protection, ranging from technical<br />

intervention to construction measures at individual buildings that are to be<br />

implemented in stages. The total investment in these measures is Euro 55<br />

million. A key project affecting areas in all border countries is the construction<br />

of the retention basin on the Pliessnitz.<br />

The action plan for the renaturation of the former surface mine of Berzdorf<br />

where mining ceased in 1999 envisages using the mining lake known as<br />

Berzdorfer See to act as a retention facility for the Pliessnitz and the Lusatian<br />

Neisse, providing an additional capacity of 5 million m³.<br />

There are currently no specific flood protection concepts in place for the Polish<br />

and Brandenburg sections in the action area.<br />

Table 12: Planned technical measures in action area F with cross-border effects<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Retention<br />

basins<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Rennersdorf Pliessnitz 4,63<br />

Retention<br />

facilities<br />

Berzdorf<br />

Lusatian Neisse /<br />

Pliessnitz<br />

Retention capacity (million<br />

m³)<br />

340 (5 for flood protection)<br />

Protection of settlements along<br />

the Pliessnitz<br />

Improvement of flood protection of<br />

the cities of Görlitz/Zgorzelec<br />

A transnational approach to flood protection with measures that have effects<br />

across national borders is not only desirable from the point of view of the<br />

people living in the regions further downstream of this action area. Along the<br />

border river between Germany and Poland, there is a need to define an<br />

agreed degree of protection to be achieved. The application of the Saxon<br />

approach of gradiated degrees of protection rating concept based on actual<br />

land use should therefore be considered for the other districts in the action<br />

area.<br />

Planning issues<br />

To lower the risk of flooding, a number of recommendations for planning,<br />

aiming in particular at reducing the water load from the flood originating areas,<br />

are proposed. They include:<br />

• Limitation of ground sealing<br />

• Agricultural and forestry methods preventing drainage<br />

• Renaturation of rivers<br />

• Decentralised small-scale retention measures<br />

A good example of transnational cooperation is the flood information and<br />

hazard map of the cities of Görlitz-Zgorzelec whose production was coordinated<br />

by the State Government Agency for Environment and Geology of<br />

Saxony. A similar approach could be adopted by other border towns such as<br />

for example Guben-Gubin.<br />


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Transnational Action Framework<br />

80<br />

�<br />

Other studies:<br />

The future use of the surface mining lake known as Berzdorfer See should not<br />

only focus on leisure activities but also on its role as a retention basin in the<br />

event of floods. Special protective measures must be taken in the mining area<br />

near Jänschwalde to prevent possible eluviation.<br />

The development of the town centre of Guben-Gubin has always been closely<br />

linked to the Lusatian Neisse. The world heritage site of the Muskauer Park<br />

near Bad Muskau is also located directly on the river.<br />

From a planning point of view, the following issues must be considered in<br />

connection with the known hot spots:<br />

• The risk situation and potential areas at risk must be identified and published<br />

in the regional and local spatial plans.<br />

• Areas where technical flood protection measures are planned must be<br />

identified in regional and local spatial plans.<br />

• The measures aimed at the long-term reduction of the damage potential in<br />

the areas at risk can for example be implemented in conjunction with the<br />

local spatial plan.<br />

• The envisaged constructive flood protection measures must be implemented<br />

in all areas at risk of flooding.<br />

• The public should be informed with leaflets, etc. on what to do in the event<br />

of flooding.<br />

• The drafting of disaster control plans for the residential and industrial areas<br />

is to be supported and funded.<br />

• The transnational cooperation aimed at reaching the target degree of<br />

protection along the Lusatian Neisse is to be strengthened.<br />

The Lusatian Neisse is crossed by eight bridges, which should be examined<br />

as regard the discharge in the event of flooding. This especially concerns the<br />

modernisation of two railway bridges near Horka and Forst.<br />

The Oder-Neisse cycle route links the various tourist attractions in the area.<br />

Better cooperation and intensified promotion of the cities in the border region<br />

as tourist destinations can help increase tourism in the area. Another area of<br />

great tourism potential is the adjacent Lusatian lake lands.<br />

Hochwasserschutzkonzept Lausitzer Neiße (RP Dresden 2004) (Flood protection<br />

concept for the Lusatian Neisse)<br />

Gefahrenhinweiskarte Sachsen (LfUG 2005) (Hazard information map of Saxony)<br />

Gefahrenhinweiskarte Görlitz – Zgorzelec (LfUG 2006) (Hazard information map of<br />

Görlitz/Zgorzelec)<br />

Regionalanalyse für das Einzugsgebiet der Lausitzer Neiße (<strong>OderRegio</strong>) (Regional<br />

analysis of the catchment area of the Lusatian Neisse)

5.2.7 Action area G - Border Oder (DE/PL)<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

The action area reaches from the confluence of the Lusatian Neisse to just<br />

outside Szczecin. Along this section, the slope of the Oder is very small, and<br />

the land threatened by floods is partly below river level and includes the area<br />

of the Oderbruch. The area consists mainly of agricultural land located behind<br />

dykes and number of larger settlements.<br />

Figure 38: Action area G - Border Oder (DE/PL)<br />


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82<br />

In action area G, we find parts of the Lubuskie voivodship, the German Federal<br />

State of Brandenburg and the south-eastern section of the Zachodniopomorskie<br />

voivodship. The main urban centres are Frankfurt (Oder)-Słubice,<br />

Eisenhüttenstadt, Eberswalde and Schwedt.<br />

Action area G is crossed by the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 2 from<br />

Berlin via Poznań to Moscow. The motorway bridge of the A2 near Frankfurt<br />

(Oder) - Świecko has been completed.<br />

The lower Oder valley and the adjacent area around the Warta conjunction<br />

and the Lubuskie region are dominated by mainly unspoilt natural landscapes.<br />

The Oderbruch is a cultural landscape with a history going back hundreds of<br />

years. These areas are not only of huge value as nature resorts and habitats,<br />

but are also great recreational areas, attracting visitors interested in nature<br />

and culture alike.<br />

Due to the topographical situation on the left and right bank of the Oder, this<br />

section of the basin is threatened by floods extending over large areas. The<br />

causes of flooding in this region vary. In the winter and spring, ice packing and<br />

melt water play an important role. During the summer, most floods are caused<br />

by heavy rains in the upper and middle reaches of the Oder.<br />

In the lower regions of the action area (downstream from Wriezen / Hohensaaten),<br />

coastal winds also have an affect on the flood situation. In certain<br />

weather conditions, the discharge into the Baltic Sea is reduced. This effect<br />

originates in the Szczecin Lagoon and can lead to a higher water level in the<br />

Oder.<br />

In the action area along the Border Oder near the estuary of the Szczecin<br />

Lagoon and the Baltic Sea, the flooding of polders has only a minimum effect<br />

on the water level in the Oder. The existing and planned retention measures in<br />

the upper and middle reaches of the river are therefore crucial for the protection<br />

of this region.<br />

On the other hand, the action area has the advantage of early warning, allowing<br />

for proper preparation including for example the evacuation of people. As<br />

floods along this section of the Oder tend to be prolonged, dykes might be<br />

softened and thus become destabilised. The duration of the floods is therefore<br />

an important aspect for the assessment of the risk. This applies in particular to<br />

the Oderbruch, where a total dyke length of about 70 kilometres must be kept<br />

up in the event of flooding.<br />

The Oderbruch with its special topographical situation poses special problems<br />

in this regard. Most of its area is located below the Oder level, and is thus<br />

exposed to a particularly high risk of flooding, should the dykes be breached.<br />

In order to properly assess this risk, the breach of nine dykes along the Oderbruch<br />

dyke line was simulated in a separate case study. It was the objective of<br />

this study to obtain an accurate picture of the flooding behaviour and to assess<br />

the maximum flood risk. The scenarios used in the study were discussed<br />

and agreed with the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment.

Figure 39: Simulation of a flood event in the Oderbruch region at defined intervals<br />

Orange line:<br />

Dyke line<br />

Red dots:<br />

Defined dyke breaches<br />

The result of the simulation indicates clearly that the entire area of the Oderbruch<br />

is exposed to a serious risk of flooding, whereby the northern part is<br />

prone to particularly high water levels (see Oder Atlas).<br />

The Oderbruch features many small settlements, where most of the potential<br />

damage occurs. Also relatively high is the estimated damage to agriculture of<br />

Euro 160 million.<br />

The following cities and towns are the hot spots in the action area:<br />

• Oderbruch (population approx. 60,000)<br />

• Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice (population 64,400 and 17,300 respectively)<br />


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84<br />

• Schwedt (population 37,700)<br />

The Oderbruch covers an area of about 900 km² which is nearly entirely exposed<br />

to a serious risk of flooding. A number of settlements with a total population<br />

of about 26,200 are exposed to a particularly high risk, while the potential<br />

damage to crops is also very high.<br />

The border cities of Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice are located at a river narrowing.<br />

For Słubice, the situation is critical, as the entire area of the town is exposed<br />

to a high risk of flooding and about 17,100 people must be evacuated in a very<br />

short period of time.<br />

The town of Schwedt, which among other industries is the home of a modern<br />

paper mill, is also at risk of flooding. Extreme floods in the Oder cause backwater<br />

in the canal of the Hohensaaten-Friedrichsthaler Wasserstrasse, causing<br />

flooding in the town and adjacent industrial areas.<br />

Other areas at high risk of flooding are Brieskow-Finkenheerd (population<br />

2,600) and the towns of Kostrzyn (population 17,600) and Gryfino (population<br />


Figure 40: Flood risk along the Oder in action area G<br />

Hot spots (damage > Euro 30 million, or more than 10,000 persons at risk):<br />

Oderbruch (Euro 473 million / population 26,200), Schwedt (Euro 134 million / population 17,600), Słubice (Euro 76 million / population<br />

17,100), Frankfurt (Oder) (Euro 69 million / population 4,500)<br />

Area at risk: 1.216 km²<br />

People at risk<br />

Number of people living<br />

Land use<br />

People at risk<br />

water depth ≥ 2m<br />

Persons affected:<br />

water depth < 2m<br />

52,500 30,300 22,200<br />

Total area 1,216 km² Land use<br />

Damage<br />

Area [km²]<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

Settlement Industry/Tr<br />

s ade<br />

Traffic<br />

Agricultur<br />

e<br />

Grassland Forest Recreation Others<br />

Land Use [%] 3,3% 0,3% 0,0% 66,8% 23,3% 4,8% 0,2% 3,7%<br />

Land Use [km²] 40,3 4,2 0,2 816,2 284,8 58,7 2,8 45,2<br />

Grassland<br />

23,3%<br />

Total damage Euro 1024 million Loss distribution<br />

Damages [million Euro]<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

Settlemen Industry/T<br />

ts rade<br />

Traffic<br />

Damages mobile 328,8 19,7 0,1<br />

Agricultur<br />

e<br />

Grasslan<br />

d<br />

Forest Recreatio<br />

n<br />

Damages immobile 476,1 26,7 2,1 163,2 5,7 2,1 0,0 0,0<br />

Others<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

6%<br />

Forest<br />

4,8%<br />

Recreation<br />

0,2%<br />

Traffic<br />

0%<br />

Others<br />

3,7%<br />

Settlements<br />

3,3%<br />

Agriculture<br />

15%<br />

Settlements<br />

76%<br />

Industry/Trade<br />

0,3% Traffic<br />

0,0%<br />

Agriculture<br />

66,8%<br />

Grassland<br />

1% Forest<br />

1%<br />

Recreation<br />

0%<br />

Others<br />

0,00%<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

86<br />

Existing protection system<br />

After the flood of 1997, the State of Brandenburg proposed a programme for<br />

the construction of new dykes and the restoration of existing ones. It aimed at<br />

increasing the height of the dykes along the Border Oder to a 200-year event<br />

level. Most of the proposed measures have already been implemented. In the<br />

area of Ratzdorf and Oderbruch, the construction work was completed in<br />

2005. The other reconstruction measures are to be carried out over the next<br />

few years.<br />

These protection measures are accompanied by a number of retention projects,<br />

such as the polder of Krzesin-Bytomiec (PL) with a capacity of 20 million<br />

m³ and an additional six polders to the north of the Oderbruch, providing a<br />

combined retention capacity of 121.7 million m³. Other existing polders in the<br />

action area protect agricultural land and are not part of the flood protection<br />

system.<br />

Action framework<br />

Considering the substantial damage potential and the type of damage that<br />

floods can cause in the area, additional efforts must be made to reduce the<br />

risk.<br />

The Border Oder region features a number of areas where the retention capacity<br />

could be increased. The planning procedure for the polders near<br />

Neuzeller and in the Ziltendorfer Niederung, including compensation payments,<br />

should be processed without delay.<br />

A number of natural retention areas could be extended for flood protection<br />

purposes. Such a project is envisaged for an area near Staffelde, where a<br />

former polder is to be turned into a natural floodplain.<br />

A number of possible solutions for the protection of Słubice are currently being<br />

discussed. The options under review include a polder, a relief channel and<br />

higher dykes, which would result in a reduced discharge capacity of the Oder.<br />

A final decision has not yet been made.<br />

The planned measures are listed in the table below:<br />

Table 13: Planned technical measures in action area G<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Polders<br />

Neuzeller Niederung<br />

Ziltendorfer<br />

Niederung<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Oder 46-51<br />

Oder not yet known<br />

Słubice Oder not known<br />

Retention areas<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Improved protection of Ratzdorf,<br />

Eisenhüttenstadt, Frankfurt (Oder)<br />

and Słubice, transnational effects<br />

Increased retention capacity,<br />

scale of measure depending on<br />

road construction<br />

Improved protection of Frankfurt<br />

(Oder) and Słubice, transnational<br />


Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Staffelde Oder not known<br />

Opening of current polder and<br />

conversion into natural floodplain<br />

Apart from these technical flood protection projects, building protection measures<br />

must be taken in towns and cities and the population must be informed of<br />

the damage that floods can cause to mobile assets. In order to reduce losses,<br />

the land use must be adjusted accordingly, in particular in areas behind the<br />

dykes, and a number of construction measures must be introduced. The population<br />

must be instructed in what to do in the event of flooding.<br />

Planning issues<br />

Large agricultural land sections in polder areas, such as the Neuzeller Niederung,<br />

could be used for water retention purposes. To make this possible,<br />

cultivation strategies should be developed.<br />

Due to the high flood risk and the large size of the affected area, a strategy<br />

combining the future development and disaster protection must be devised for<br />

the Oderbruch. Such a strategy requires intercommunal cooperation with<br />

consultation of the affected population.<br />

From a planning point of view, the following general recommendations can be<br />

made:<br />

• Publication of the risk maps, and identification of areas at risk of flooding in<br />

regional and local spatial plans<br />

• Highlighting areas where technical flood protection measures are planned<br />

in regional and local spatial plans<br />

• Long-term reduction of the damage potential in the areas at risk (e.g. in<br />

conjunction with local spatial plans), implementation of technical flood protection<br />

measures<br />

• Changes in the use of land to reduce the damage potential to crops<br />

• Development of cultivation strategies for agricultural land located in areas<br />

exposed to high flood risk<br />

• Distribution of information regarding the correct behaviour in the event of<br />

flooding<br />

• Drafting and pro-active promotion of disaster plans for residential as well<br />

as industrial areas<br />

• Regular information on the flood risk in order to promote greater awareness<br />

among the public<br />

A number of bridges and new roads across the Oder are to be built in the<br />

action area. These constructions must meet the nature preservation and environmental<br />

protection requirements and must be designed in such a way that<br />

the discharge capacity of the river is not restricted.<br />

This concerns in particular the following projects: Bridge to the north of Eisenhüttenstadt,<br />

bridge between Frankfurt (Oder) and Świecko (motorway), railway<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

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88<br />

�<br />

bridge between Frankfurt (Oder) and Kunowice, bridge between Frankfurt<br />

(Oder) - Słubice, railway and road bridge Küstrin-Kietz - Kostrzyn, pedestrian<br />

bridge Neurüdnitz - Stara Rudnica, road bridge Hohenwutzen - Osinów Dolny,<br />

and northern bypass of Schwedt.<br />

The road connection to the north of Eisenhüttenstadt must be built on a dam,<br />

so that it would be possible to combine this road project with the construction<br />

of a polder in the Ziltendorfer Niederung.<br />

The Oder-Neisse cycle route links the various tourist attractions in the Border<br />

Oder area. Closer cooperation between the German and Polish tourism authorities<br />

and the establishment of German-Polish holiday regions could help<br />

increase tourism in this action area. The following cooperations are proposed:<br />

• Lower Oder valley (national park region of Lower Oder valley with landscape<br />

park area and Gryfiński district)<br />

• Oderbruch region (German Märkisch-Oderland district and adjacent Polish<br />

districts Gryfiński and Myśliborski)<br />

• City of Frankfurt (Oder), German Oder-Spree district and Polish districts<br />

Słubicki and Krośnieński.<br />

Other studies:<br />

Program prewencyjnego zapobiegania powodzi w dorzeczu Odry ze szczególnym<br />

uwzględnieniem dorzecza Warty i Zalewu Szczecińskiego - OdraRegion - Programme<br />

for preventive flood protection in the Odra River basin with special attention to the Warta<br />

River basin and the Szczecin Lagoon - OdraRegion (final report of PHARE project<br />

OdraRegion 2006)<br />

Regionalanalyse für das Einzugsgebiet der Border Oder (<strong>OderRegio</strong>) (Regional analysis<br />

of the catchment area of the Border Oder)

5.2.8 Action area H - Warta (PL)<br />

The results described here have already been published in the final report of<br />

the PHARE project OdraRegion (Programme for preventive flood protection in<br />

the river basin with special attention to the Warta river basin and the Szczecin<br />

Lagoon – OdraRegion). They represent however only a small section of the<br />

results of this project, which amongst others focused on the catchment area of<br />

the Warta and in the Lubuskie region.<br />

General description and flood risk<br />

The action area covers the entire catchment area of the Warta, which was not<br />

examined to the same level of detail as the other action areas covered by the<br />

<strong>OderRegio</strong> project.<br />

It includes nearly the entire voivodship of Wielkopolskie as well as smaller part<br />

of the voivodships of Zachodniopomorskie, Lubuskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie,<br />

Pomorskie, Łódzkie and Śląskie.<br />

The urban area of Poznań, one of the most dynamic economic regions of<br />

Poland, is located in the action area. A considerable increase in population is<br />

forecasted for the region around Poznań, and also the cities of Bydgoszcz,<br />

Toruń and Łódź.<br />

Action area H is crossed by the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. 2 from<br />

Berlin via Poznań to Moscow. The A2 motorway between Świecko and Nowy<br />

Tomyśl is to be built between 2007 and 2009. It does not cross the Warta.<br />

Although the action area is dominated by agriculture, it features unspoilt landscape,<br />

especially along the lower reaches of the Warta (Warta Mouth National<br />

Park), in the lake lands of Western Pomerania (Drawieński National Park,<br />

Bory Tucholskie National Park), along the Warta river (Wielkopolskie National<br />

Park) and in the south of the action area near Częstochowa (Jura Krakowsko-<br />

Częstochowska). The cities of Poznań, Gniezno and Częstochowa are Polish<br />

and international tourist destinations.<br />

Similar to the Border Oder region (action area G), the lower reaches of the<br />

Warta might freeze over, posing all risks associated with ice. This applies in<br />

particular to the first 68 kilometres upstream of the river from the Oder confluence.<br />

At several points on this stretch, there is a high risk of ice packing,<br />

causing the water level to rise rapidly. This also applies to the tributary Noteć.<br />

The profile of the river bed and one narrow passage in the city of Gorzów<br />

Wielkopolski can cause particularly high water levels in this area, and the<br />

existing relief channel is insufficient to prevent flooding.<br />

The state of the dykes in the action area along the Warta and the Noteć was<br />

examined in the course of the OdraRegion project and was found not satisfactory.<br />

More than sixty percent of the Warta dykes are in a poor state and none<br />

of the dyke sections along the Noteć was rated as "good".<br />

There are quite a number of villages and towns located behind these protective<br />

structures that are at risk of being flooded.<br />


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Transnational Action Framework<br />

90<br />

Existing protection system<br />

The existing protection system in the action area (i.e. Warta catchment area in<br />

Lubuskie region) consists of dykes (175 km), polders, relief channels and river<br />

regulation measures. Also necessary are large-scale drainage measures in<br />

the land behind the dykes. Crucial for the flood protection of the area are the<br />

large retention facilities in the upper reaches of the Warta. They include the<br />

reservoirs of Poraj and Jeziorsko, while the Pakość reservoir is located in the<br />

upper reaches of the Noteć. Several polders in the valleys of the Warta and<br />

the Noteć have been built to retain flood water.<br />

The action area includes two large-size polders designed as flood protection<br />

structures, namely the Santok polder (retention capacity 150 million m³) near<br />

the Noteć confluence and the Ujscie Warty polder (retention capacity 148<br />

million m³) near where the Warta joins the Oder. Two additional polders are<br />

located along the Noteć (Trzebicz-Drezdenko and Goscim, total retention<br />

capacity 101 million m³). A relief channel each has been built to relieve the<br />

towns of Skwierzyna and Gorzów Wielkopolski.<br />

Action framework<br />

The following technical measures are proposed to improve the flood protection<br />

in the Warta catchment area:<br />

• Modernisation and extension of flood protection dykes<br />

• Construction of the Warniki and Polichno-Ludzsilawice-Goszczanowiec<br />

polders<br />

• Construction of the Wielowieś Klasztorna reservoir<br />

• proper maintenance of the existing polders<br />

• Modernisation of the icebreaker fleet<br />

Table 14: Planned technical measures in action area H<br />

Measure River Retention capacity Effects<br />

Polders<br />

Retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Warniki Warta 90.5<br />

Polichno-<br />

Ludzsilawice-<br />

Goszczanowiec<br />

Reservoirs<br />

Wielowieś<br />

Klasztorna<br />

Warta 63<br />

Total retention capacity<br />

(million m³)<br />

Prosńa 67.5<br />

Protection of the town of Kalisz<br />

and other areas along the river to<br />

its confluence with the Warta<br />

Apart from technical flood protection measures, it is necessary to extend the<br />

natural retention areas. This should be done in the context of nature preservation<br />

projects and the abandonment of dykes that protect land where floods<br />

cause only little damage.

Planning issues<br />

• Inclusion of the areas at risk in the regional development plans<br />

• Limitation of the development in areas at risk, and definition of clear conditions<br />

under which the construction of residential buildings is permitted<br />

• Identification of areas at risk and measures aimed at enhancing the<br />

awareness of flood damage among the general public<br />

• Improvement of local flood protection plans<br />

• Purchase of land in areas at risk of flooding<br />

As it is expected that the population of greater Poznań and the regions of<br />

Bydgoszcz-Toruń and Łódź will continue to grow, planning should focus on the<br />

development in the adjacent rural districts, ensuring that construction is<br />

adapted to the flood risk and the protection measures.<br />

The Warta and its tributaries such as the Noteć are ideal rivers for hiking along<br />

waterways. The attraction of the area can be further enhanced by linking it to<br />

the Oder-Spree river system. To attract more visitors, the necessary infrastructure<br />

must be established in the towns on the Warta banks (Kostrzyn, Gorzów<br />

Wlkp., Poznań, Konin, etc.) to cater for waterway tourism.<br />

Other studies:<br />

Program prewencyjnego zapobiegania powodzi w dorzeczu Odry ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem<br />

dorzecza Warty i Zalewu Szczecińskiego - OdraRegion - Programme for<br />

preventive flood protection in the Odra River basin with special attention to the Warta<br />

River bassin and the Szczecin Lagoon - OdraRegion (final report of PHARE project<br />

OdraRegion 2006)<br />

�<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Transnational Action Framework<br />

Figure 41: Action area I – Szczecin Lagoon (PL)<br />

92<br />

5.2.9 Action area I - Szczecin Lagoon (PL)<br />

The results described here have already been published in the final report of<br />

the PHARE project OdraRegion (Programme for preventive flood protection in<br />

the river basin with special attention to the Warta river basin and the Szczecin<br />

Lagoon – OdraRegion). They represent however only a small section of the<br />

results of this project, results which covered also the Polish part of the<br />

Szczecin Lagoon and the Oder near its estuary.

General description and flood risk<br />

The action area includes the Szczecin Lagoon and the tributaries of the Oder<br />

downstream from Szczecin, as well as the catchment area of the Uecker.<br />

The lagoon could be described as a coastal retention basin with unrestricted<br />

flow. It extends over an area of nearly 700 km², has a coast line of 243 km and<br />

consists of two distinct sections, namely the Wielki Zalew (or Grosses Haff in<br />

German) located in Poland, and the Kleines Haff (or Mały Zalew in Polish) on<br />

German territory.<br />

The action area extends over the western part of Zachodniopomorskie voivodship,<br />

the eastern section of the German federal state of Mecklenburg-Western<br />

Pomerania and the north-eastern part of the federal state of Brandenburg. It is<br />

of mainly rural character and includes Szczecin, an important urban area near<br />

the Baltic Sea shore with access to the international shipping traffic through<br />

the Szczecin-Świnoujście port.<br />

Apart from the Szczecin Lagoon, the action area includes a landscape of<br />

glacial moraines and numerous lakes, which form part of the eastern parts of<br />

the Mecklenburg lake district, the Schorfheide or the Puszcza Bukowska<br />

region near Szczecin. The town of Świnoujście on Usedom island is an important<br />

tourist resort.<br />

As the action area is essentially located in an estuary, it has a number of<br />

special hydrological characteristics: the sea water level determined by the<br />

tides and winds is a key factor for the discharge from the lagoon. Of particular<br />

interest here are wind backwater and ice packing. The lagoon is thus exposed<br />

to influences of the sea as well as the water discharge from the Oder.<br />

The following flooding events can occur in and around the lagoon:<br />

• Storm tides<br />

• Flooding caused by ice packing<br />

• Flooding caused by melt water and / or heavy precipitation in the upper<br />

and middle reaches of the Oder<br />

The most common flooding events in the lagoon are storm tides, causing the<br />

water to rise up to 3 metres above normal level in Świnoujście. The storm<br />

tides in the lagoon are the highest along the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea.<br />

Floods caused by ice packing pose a particularly serious threat. They occur, if<br />

the cross-section of the lagoon is obstructed by ground ice, and if the water<br />

flow is impaired by ice floes. Due to the low height of the bridges in Szczecin,<br />

not all icebreakers can enter the Oder from the lagoon, which can make the<br />

situation even worse.<br />

If the region is part of a low pressure area during a storm tide and while the<br />

Oder level is low, the river levels can temporarily rise considerably. In such a<br />

situation, the water is pushed from the lagoon into the Oder and further upstream.<br />

The opportunities of improving the retention of the water and to thus reduce<br />

the flood wave are very limited, due to the factors described above and the<br />


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specific topology of the area. Retention measures must therefore be implemented<br />

further upstream along the upper and middle reaches of the Oder or<br />

Warta respectively.<br />

The city of Szczecin, which is located on the banks of the Oder, is the main<br />

hot spot in this action area.<br />

The following cities and towns are however also threatened by flood damage:<br />

Gryfino, Kołbaskowo, Police, Goleniów, Stepnica, Nowe Warpno, Wolin,<br />

Międzyzdroje, Świnoujście, Kamień Pomorski and Dziwnów.<br />

The following areas are particularly exposed to flooding:<br />

• Land along the Oder banks<br />

• The valleys near the confluences of the Tywa, Płonia and Gunica<br />

• Area around the Dąbie Lake<br />

• Area around the Szczecin Lagoon and the valleys of the confluences of<br />

the Gowienica, Olczenica, Świniec and the Dziwna<br />

• Southern parts of Świnoujście and Wolin<br />

Existing protection system<br />

Dykes have been built along the Oder and the Baltic coast and form a key<br />

element of the protection system. For the future, it is important that these<br />

dykes are modernised and repaired, so that they can fulfil their function and<br />

are stable, which is not always helped by the difficult underlying ground.<br />

Action framework<br />

• No extension of the areas protected by dykes along the Oder. Existing<br />

dykes must be restored and maintained.<br />

• It is not considered useful to extend the dyke systems in the area around<br />

the Dąbie Lake and the Szczecin Lagoon. Existing dykes should however<br />

be repaired in stages.<br />

• For the Dąbie Lake, measures must be taken to accommodate the ice that<br />

is formed.<br />

• Puck Island: a complete renewal of the dyke system is necessary to properly<br />

protect settlements.<br />

• The flood protection structures along the Oder must be regularly maintained<br />

and restored to ensure proper discharge, in particular in sections<br />

where there is a risk of ice packing.<br />

• At Cedyński polder, the dyke must be completely renewed.<br />

• In the upper reaches, the discharge flow conditions can be improved with<br />

measures in the land outside the dyke.

Planning issues<br />

From a planning point of view, the following measures should be considered:<br />

• Technical flood protection measures for buildings that are at risk of flooding<br />

and that pose an environmental hazard or are of special economic or<br />

social importance.<br />

• Discussion of the development of the Puck Island areas, with a view of<br />

controlling the urban sprawl and protecting the land and hydrological ecosystems.<br />

• Drafting and updating of communal flood protection plans<br />

• Adaptation of land cultivation to flood risk<br />

Given the expected growth in population in the conurbation of Szczecin, special<br />

measures must be taken to ensure that developments near the rivers and<br />

along the coast of the lagoon are in line with flood protection principles. The<br />

issue of flood protection must also be taken into account, if the industrial<br />

zones of Szczecin, Świnoujście and Police are to be extended.<br />

Special measures must be taken as regards the landfill site to the south of<br />

Świnoujście, a local phosphorus waste dump and associated industrial premises<br />

near Police and a number of chemical plants in Szczecin.<br />

Around the Szczecin Lagoon, the proximity to the Baltic coast provides a great<br />

opportunity for closer cooperation between the German and Polish tourism<br />

authorities, as the countryside along the Baltic coast could be developed<br />

further with cycle routes and additional tourist attractions.<br />

Other studies:<br />

Program prewencyjnego zapobiegania powodzi w dorzeczu Odry ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem<br />

dorzecza Warty i Zalewu Szczecińskiego - OdraRegion - Programme for<br />

preventive flood protection in the Odra River basin with special attention to the Warta<br />

River basin and the Szczecin Lagoon - OdraRegion (final report of PHARE project<br />

OdraRegion 2006)<br />

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6 Information management – objectives and strategies<br />

Comprehensive preventive flood protection requires expertise and specialist<br />

knowledge. This is however not sufficient in itself. To succeed, the available<br />

knowledge and data must be disseminated among decision-makers and the<br />

population affected by flood risks. This can be achieved with pro-active information<br />

management.<br />

In the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project, the focus is thereby on the production of technical<br />

information material for the catchment area of the Oder aimed at decisionmakers.<br />

Based on maps indicating the flood hazard and risk, concerned persons,<br />

politicians and experts can see where floods are likely to occur and what<br />

damage they could cause. In addition to information, a broad public discussion<br />

must be initiated, so that the necessary decisions can be made at all levels<br />

and after consultation with all affected parties. This is particularly important as<br />

such decisions are not always easy.<br />

6.1 Exchange of knowledge and information among experts<br />

Nobody can predict the time and extent of a flood. Even experts find it often<br />

difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive flood protection measures.<br />

This is however not possible without their specialist knowledge. In this context,<br />

experts are sources of information. On the other hand, they are the target<br />

public, as many of them are experts in only a rather narrow technical field. It is<br />

therefore important that all experts have access to all data and information, in<br />

particular when considering the size and trinational character of the Oder<br />

catchment area.<br />

The technical responsibility for preventive flood protection lies normally with<br />

the environmental authorities focussing on water management and the planning<br />

offices.<br />

In the Oder catchment area, responsibility for water management is assigned<br />

to different authorities:<br />

• Poland: Ministry of the Environment (Ministerstwo Środowiska) and the<br />

subordinate offices (National Board for Water Management - Krajowy Zarząd<br />

Gospodarki Wodnej, KZGW) and its regional offices (Regional Board<br />

for Water Management - Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej, RZGW);<br />

the Institute for Meteorology and Water Management (Instytut Meteorologii<br />

i Gospodarki Wodnej, IMGW) with its regional offices and the departments<br />

of the Marshall's offices for land melioration and hydraulic construction<br />

(Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń Wodnych, ZMiUW)<br />

• Germany: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and<br />

Nuclear Safety (Bundeministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit,<br />

BMUNR) and the Federal Water and Shipping Administration<br />

(Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, WSV);<br />

Brandenburg: Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Consumer<br />

Protection (Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Verbrauch-

erschutz, MLUV) and the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment<br />

(Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, LUA);<br />

Saxony: State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture (Staatsministerium<br />

für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, SMUL) and the State Authority for<br />

Environment and Geology (Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, LfUG),<br />

Regional Governmental Office Dresden, environmental department (Umweltfachabteilung<br />

Bautzen im Regierungspräsidium Dresden)<br />

• Czech Republic: Ministry of the Environment (Ministerstvo životního<br />

prostředí ČR, MŽP), Ministry of Agriculture (Ministerstvo zemědělství, MZ)<br />

and its subordinate catchment area office of the Oder (Povodí Odry)<br />

Responsibility for spatial planning is assigned to the following offices:<br />

• Poland:<br />

- Ministry of Construction (Ministerstwo Budownictwa, MB), Department<br />

for regional development at national level<br />

- Departments in charge of spatial planning subordinate to the Marshall's<br />

Offices (Urząd Marszałkowski) or technical institutes at regional level<br />

- Cities and communities at local level<br />

• Germany:<br />

- Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (Bundesministerium<br />

für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, BMVBS) at national<br />

level<br />

- State ministries and subordinate departments for state development<br />

planning (Brandenburg: Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning<br />

(Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Raumordnung, MIR), Joint State<br />

Planning Department of Berlin and Brandenburg (Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung<br />

Berlin-Brandenburg, GL); Saxony: State Ministry<br />

of the Interior (Staatsministerium des Innern, SMI)<br />

- Regional planning authorities / regional planning associations for regional<br />

planning,<br />

- Cities and communities at local level<br />

• Czech Republic:<br />

- Ministry for Regional Development (Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR,<br />

MMR) at national level<br />

- Regions (Kraje) for regional planning<br />

- Communities (obce) at local level<br />

It must be said that the exchange of knowledge and data between the above<br />

authorities is not always easy and that it requires a clear commitment to cooperation<br />

on all parts. At international level, language barriers must be overcome,<br />

which makes the exchange and discussion across state borders even<br />

more difficult.<br />


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The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project has since 1999 been successful in developing constructive<br />

and useful cooperation structures that complement the official international<br />

organisations such as the International Commission for the Protection<br />

of the Oder (ICPO) or the border river commissions.<br />

The project brought together experts from a wide range of disciplines such as<br />

urban and regional planners, hydrologists, meteorologists, water management<br />

experts, etc. who worked together at regional conferences, in expert workshops<br />

and working groups and also met on a one-to-one basis towards shared<br />

results.<br />

Figure 42: Expert workshop in Potsdam, 27 - 28 June 2005<br />

At the three regional conferences in Wrocław, Ostrava and Frankfurt<br />

(Oder), experts in the fields of water management and spatial planning had<br />

the opportunity to share their experience and knowledge regarding preventive<br />

flood protection. These interdisciplinary and transnational events brought<br />

together officials from various technical departments.<br />

At the international expert workshops, specific questions were discussed in<br />

detail. They concerned for example the methods used in the project, the available<br />

data for modelling, the use of spatial planning instruments and the design<br />

and purpose of flood hazard and risk maps. Apart from the official representatives,<br />

these events were always attended by external experts. This ensured<br />

that the knowledge and experience gained in other river systems was available<br />

to the participants.<br />

The cooperation with neighbouring river basins has been assured by closely<br />

working together with the project ELLA where preventive measures for flood<br />

protection by transnational spatial planning were elaborated for the Elbe<br />

catchment.<br />

Some of the publications produced as part of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project are destined<br />

for an expert audience. The <strong>OderRegio</strong> brochures contain the results of<br />

the project, but also consider the entire catchment area, for example by dis-

cussion of the different approaches taken in Poland, the Czech Republic and<br />

Germany to tackle a shared problem.<br />

In the brochure entitled “Flood Protection and Planning”, the legal basis for<br />

action in the three countries is discussed, and agreed definitions of certain<br />

terms are introduced. The brochure entitled “Transnational Action Programme<br />

– Spatial Planning for Preventive Flood Protection in the Oder<br />

Catchment Area” presents an action programme for the entire catchment<br />

area of the river. It has been designed for both planners and water management<br />

specialists. All other brochures provide information targeted at the general<br />

public and political decision-makers.<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project thus succeeded in preparing data and information for<br />

the decision-making process based on agreed methods and procedures. This<br />

great cooperation at a technical level is exemplary and concerns not only the<br />

results but also the working structures developed as part of the project. In<br />

addition to the formal structures such as the ICPO and the bilateral border<br />

river commission, the establishment of effective working structures for a continued<br />

cooperation in the field of flood protection is of great importance.<br />

The information and data collected and prepared as part of the <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

project provides a solid basis for the further development of the cooperation.<br />

The Oder Atlas was one of the key results of the project and contains flood<br />

hazard and flood risk maps at a scale of 1:50,000. The atlas comprises crucial<br />

information about the Oder valley, the areas at risk of flooding and the water<br />

depth in the event of an extreme flood.<br />

The Oder Atlas is thus an important reference document for all technical and<br />

political decisions taken in its area. Certain aspects require however more<br />

detailed examination:<br />

- The identified hot spots should be studied more closely in order to gain<br />

a better picture of the potential damage and the actual risk situation.<br />

This can only be done, when there are detailed elevation models of the<br />

Polish territory available.<br />

- The maps should be complemented with information regarding the operational<br />

disaster control measures. This should of course be done in<br />

consultation with the persons responsible for such operations.<br />

Another important result of the project is the Transnational Action Framework.<br />

It proposes measures and activities for nine distinct partial areas, combining<br />

the concerns and approaches of water management and planning. The<br />

Oder Atlas is the first set of maps of its type covering the entire catchment<br />

area of the river. The maps and the database on flood protection measures<br />

on which the action programme is based are important reference documents<br />

for<br />

- the drafting of flood protection concepts and the planning of flood protection<br />

measures<br />

- the drafting of spatial planning documents<br />

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The information available in the atlas and the database should be freely accessible<br />

to all authorities and offices in the Oder catchment area involved in<br />

planning and water management.<br />

Given some centralised coordination, the water management authorities would<br />

thereby not only be able to use the information for their own planning tasks,<br />

but could continue to update the data and provide additional more detailed<br />

information gathered as part of their daily work. In this context, it would be<br />

particularly useful, if information on a number of objects that are not yet surveyed<br />

(including data on dyke lines and heights) or on certain partial areas<br />

(such as the partial areas of the Warta and the Szczecin Lagoon) could be<br />

added. The information enables the concerned parties to develop joint innovative<br />

flood protection strategies for the future.<br />

The above coordination tasks could best be taken on by the ICPO, as this<br />

organisation is based on solid international treaties.<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project did not only make the above flood-related information<br />

available to the concerned parties. It also devised the basis for the application<br />

of legal and planning instruments. The recommended measures for the application<br />

of legal and planning instruments and the publication Guidelines<br />

“Transnational Spatial Planning” are particularly relevant for the understanding<br />

of planning processes that cross national borders. These two publications<br />

were combined in the brochure “Flood Protection and Planning”.<br />

Apart from the further development and provision of information and data, it is<br />

important that the dialogue at working level is continued. The exchange of<br />

experience and expertise between planners and water management specialists<br />

should be intensified. The methods developed in the course of the Oder-<br />

Regio project should be applied to other tributaries of the Oder and to other<br />

river systems. The results of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project were presented at numerous<br />

international conferences and seminars to a specialist audience, and a lot<br />

of people being involved in the planning and water management in other river<br />

systems are familiar with the <strong>OderRegio</strong> approach. This exchange and dissemination<br />

of information should be continued.<br />

6.2 Information to parties affected by flooding and the general public<br />

Apart from experts, the people living in areas at risk of flooding must be informed<br />

of the associated risks and protective measures, as their actions can in<br />

many cases help prevent or at least reduce the damage caused by the water.<br />

They must therefore know when and where the danger occurs, and what can<br />

be done to avert it. It is also a fact that not all people in the affected areas can<br />

rely on their own experience.<br />

The last serious flood happened more than ten years ago and was much<br />

worse than had been expected and forecast. Until 1997, the flood of 1903 was<br />

considered an extreme event. In the winter of 1947, a dyke breach caused the<br />

Oderbruch to be completely flooded, with all the devastating consequences of<br />

such an event. The flood of 1997 made the public more aware of the danger of<br />

floods. This awareness was of course particularly high in areas that were

actually under water at the time. A wide range of social, communal and community<br />

activities shows that the people in the area are increasingly aware of<br />

the causes and risk of flooding and understand that joint action is required to<br />

tackle the problem (see also chapter on communal flood protection).<br />

Memories fade however, and it is therefore important that all people living in<br />

areas at risk of flooding are regularly informed and furnished with more detailed<br />

data concerning this risk, as it is done for example in the Rhine and<br />

Neckar area.<br />

The Oder Atlas informs people of the risk to which they are exposed.<br />

The brochures entitled “Living with floods” and “Flood protection along<br />

the Oder river” target affected citizens in particular and the wider public in<br />

general. They contain articles and checklists concerning the protection of<br />

buildings and the do’s and don’ts in the event of flooding, thus providing the<br />

people with concrete instructions on how to minimise damage. These publications<br />

help improve the understanding of the complex interaction between<br />

hydrological aspects, the occurrence of floods and local building development.<br />

A short video has been produced aimed at increasing the awareness for the<br />

topic. In a few minutes, the video shows why and how floods occur, how they<br />

recede and how one can survive them without too much loss, provided one is<br />

prepared. This simple message is to be brought across in a light-hearted and<br />

humorous manner and will motivate people at risk of flooding to take the issue<br />

more seriously.<br />

The above brochures and the video have been introduced at a number of<br />

regional conferences. The public in the affected areas was also informed<br />

through the regional and local media.<br />

The project website at www.oderregio.org provides access to up-to-date<br />

information and the project publications such as brochures, maps and reports.<br />

The information on offer online is designed for experts in the field as well as<br />

citizens concerned by flooding.<br />

All partners involved in the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project are however fully aware that this<br />

is only the beginning of better communication and more intensive cooperation<br />

with the people at risk of flooding.<br />

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Figure 43: The "Flutzeichen" memorial near Neuranft (Oderbruch) is a reminder of the<br />

struggle to protect the land against the flood of 1997<br />

In order to achieve lasting awareness and knowledge of the flood risks, national<br />

and regional authorities must cooperate with communal offices and<br />

community initiatives. The results of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project provide these<br />

parties with important source material and suggestions on how to coordinate<br />

their activities.<br />

There are many promising proposals in the pipeline: apart from distributing the<br />

brochures and the Oder Atlas more widely within the community, the website<br />

should be maintained or even upgraded with interactive forums.<br />

Such measures would allow the people in areas at risk of flooding to actively<br />

contribute to the discussions. This is of course only possible with knowledge of<br />

previous floods and the devastation they left behind. There are a number of<br />

ways how the public could be regularly reminded of these events:<br />

• Flood level marks have for many centuries proved an effective way of<br />

keeping the memory alive and are still useful as reminders of the continued<br />

risk of flooding.<br />

• Competitions in schools focusing on the topic of floods help increase<br />

the awareness for the danger among young people. Where children<br />

are interested and concerned with a topic, they tend to bring it home to<br />

their parents, informing and educating them.<br />

• Public events such as river and flood days can also help make the public<br />

more aware of the risk of flooding. In this context, the collaboration<br />

of the local and regional media is of course of great importance.<br />

The events and actions may however not be organised in isolation and must<br />

be coordinated based on a long-term strategy. This requires again the cooperation<br />

of partners at local and regional level.<br />

6.3 Decision-makers - partnerships for flood protection<br />

The decision-makers at local and regional level are important partners for<br />

successful preventive flood protection. As elected lord mayors of cities and

communities and representatives in communal parliaments or officers in<br />

communal authorities, they are directly answerable to the people affected by<br />

flooding and are also in constant contact with citizens.<br />

Local decision-makers must however be aware that effective flood protection<br />

and prevention of damage requires measures on a scale that exceeds that of<br />

their community.<br />

Retention areas can for example not be built in urban areas, but must be<br />

provided in rural districts some distance upstream from the city at risk of flooding.<br />

Certain activities in rural areas, such as the sealing of the ground, the<br />

felling of forests and certain local flood protection measures such as relief<br />

channels might increase the risk of flooding in areas further downstream.<br />

To tackle the challenge of preventive flood protection in a complex geographical<br />

and political area, communes must cooperate with each other. This can<br />

best be achieved by establishing networks, where decision-makers meet each<br />

other regularly to discuss pressing topics and to coordinate their decisions and<br />

measures.<br />

Such networks have already been set up successfully in the river systems of<br />

the Rhine and Neckar, to name just two examples.<br />

The Hochwassernotgemeinschaft Rhein e.V. is an association of sixty cities,<br />

communes and community initiatives along the Middle and the Upper Rhine.<br />

About one million people benefit from the cooperation activities between upstream<br />

and downstream communities. The Hochwassernotgemeinschaft<br />

Rhein e.V. informs people living in areas at risk of flooding how they can protect<br />

their houses, cooperates closely with the International Commission for the<br />

Protection of the Rhine (ICPR), organises meetings where experts can exchange<br />

their experience and data and undertakes a number of public relations<br />

activities, such as the annual "Hochwasserpreis", a prize awarded to outstanding<br />

contributions that help heighten the awareness for flood risks.<br />

Similar structures have been established since 2003 along the Neckar in the<br />

form of flood partnerships. They are organised along the boundaries of subcatchments<br />

and consist of representatives of communes, regional government<br />

offices and technical departments. In 2006, there were thirty such partnerships<br />

in operation along the Neckar. During special partnership events, topics that<br />

are relevant for flood protection such as the use of flood hazard maps, alarm<br />

systems, operational schedules or flood information systems are discussed.<br />

Another important activity of the partnerships is of course the information of<br />

the public. In this context, demonstrations of practical flood protection technology<br />

in conjunction with the technical rescue organisation THW play an important<br />

role.<br />

Initiation of a communal network in the course of the regional conference<br />

"Communal flood protection - information and cooperation in the Oder valley"<br />

Apart from a few cooperation initiatives that are however limited in scope and<br />

size, such as the cooperation between the Görlitz and Zgorzelec as regards<br />

disaster control or the coordination efforts of Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice,<br />

there are currently no intercommunal cooperation structures in place in the<br />

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Oder valley that could be compared with the partnerships of associations<br />

established in Baden-Württemberg and along the Rhine respectively.<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project aims at bringing representatives of communes together<br />

in order to establish a platform for the formation of such partnerships.<br />

Figure 44: Third regional conference in Frankfurt (Oder), 13 - 14 November 2006<br />

With this objective in mind, the regional conference on local flood protection<br />

- information and cooperation in the Oder basin", 13 - 14 November<br />

2006 has been organised. At the conference, a number of projects undertaken<br />

at communal level were presented and the participants had the opportunity to<br />

discuss their experience in this area since the flood of 1997. In this context,<br />

the possibilities of closer intercommunal cooperation in the form of a network<br />

of cities and communes were discussed. To facilitate this discussion, representatives<br />

of existing such networks and initiatives were invited to present<br />

their views and proposals.<br />

The activities undertaken in the course of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project provided<br />

representatives of communes along the Oder with an opportunity to get to<br />

know each other and to begin a dialog on topics related to flood protection that<br />

involves parties from all over the catchment area. Additional measures are<br />

however necessary to strengthen this cooperation:<br />

• The results of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project should be presented to and discussed<br />

with communal decision-makers as well as representatives of<br />

community initiatives.<br />

• The upcoming tenth anniversary of the flood of 1997 would provide a<br />

good opportunity for the organisation of “flood days”; in the entire Oder<br />

catchment area. During these events, communal decision-makers, experts<br />

and the general public could meet and discuss potential risks and<br />

appropriate and practical protection measures in their area.

These events can help make the Oder the focus of intercommunal cooperation<br />

across national borders. Topics to be explored in this context are for example<br />

tourism, nature conservation, economic and cultural cooperation and improved<br />

transport and communications infrastructure.<br />

6.4 Outlook<br />

The <strong>OderRegio</strong> project partners will continue to implement the recommendations<br />

laid down in this final report, as far as their means and responsibilities<br />

allow them to do so. Their activities in this regard will be guided by the objective<br />

of achieving the best possible flood protection of the Oder catchment<br />

area.<br />

They will continue to disseminate the results of the project among national<br />

authorities and international organisations such as the International Commission<br />

for the Protection of the Oder (ICPO) and encourage these parties to use<br />

the results of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project in their future work.<br />

Flood protection is an ongoing interdisciplinary task. These characteristics of<br />

the challenge are also emphasised in the draft EU Directive on the assessment<br />

and management of flood risk (also referred to as the EU Flood Protection<br />

Directive), which will require member-states to become more involved and<br />

proactive in the field of flood protection. Its core elements are:<br />

• Initial assessment of the flood risk<br />

• Drawing of flood hazard maps<br />

• Drawing of flood risk maps<br />

• Drafting of flood risk management plans<br />

The results of the <strong>OderRegio</strong> project already cover some of the steps of the<br />

envisaged assessment procedure and provide detailed information on the<br />

flood hazard and flood risk in the form of maps. Other results of the project will<br />

provide a sound foundation for the flood risk management plans in the Oder<br />

valley.<br />

105<br />


Final report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Project results and other studies<br />

106 106<br />

106<br />

<strong>OderRegio</strong> project results<br />

No. Titel Form DE PL CZ <strong>EN</strong><br />

I.1 Glossary working paper � � �<br />

I.2<br />

Recommendations for the Application of working paper � � �<br />

Spatial Planning Instruments legal analysis �<br />

I.3 Guideline „Transnational Spatial Planning“ working paper �<br />

I.4 Hand<strong>book</strong> Municpal Flood Protection presentation �<br />

I.5<br />

Study „Regional Analyses and Conceptual working paper �<br />

Proposals for the Development in the Oder<br />

Region“ set of maps �<br />

II.1 Map „Land Use“ CD, set of maps �<br />

II.2 Map „Flood Hazard“ (Oder-Atlas)<br />

II.3<br />

Map „Flood Risk“ (Oder-Atlas)<br />

CD, set of maps,<br />

Oder-Atlas �<br />

CD, set of maps,<br />

Oder-Atlas �<br />

Report „Damage Potential in the Oder Valley“ report �<br />

II.4 Data Base on Flood Protection Measures CD, lists �<br />

II.5 Map „Water Management“ CD, set of maps �<br />

II.6 Documentation of Data Oder-Atlas � � � �<br />

II.7<br />

II.8<br />

II.9<br />

Regional Analysis for the Upper Oder<br />

Catchment (Czech Republic)<br />

Regional Analysis for the Catchment Area of<br />

the Lusatian Neiße<br />

Regional Analysis for the Catchment Area of<br />

the Border Oder<br />

working paper �<br />

working paper �<br />

working paper �<br />

II.10 Final Report OdraRegion report � �<br />

III.1 Information material<br />

leaflet, poster,<br />

<strong>book</strong>mark<br />

� � � �<br />

III.2 „Flood Protection along the Oder River“ brochure � � �<br />

III.3 „Living with Floods“ brochure � � �<br />

III.4 „Flood Protection and Planning“ brochure � � �<br />

III.5<br />

III.6<br />

„Flood Protection – Common Action at the<br />

Local Level“<br />

„Transnational Action Programme – Spatial<br />

Planning for Preventive Flood Protection in<br />

the Oder Catchment Area“<br />

brochure � � �<br />

brochure � � � �<br />

III.7 OdraRegion brochure � �<br />

III.8 Flood-Spot CD � � �<br />

III.9 eNews 1-4 newsletter � � � �<br />

III.10 1 st Regional Conference Wrocław CD � � �<br />

III.11 2 nd Regional Conference Ostrava folder � � �<br />

III.12 3 rd Regional Conference Frankfurt (Oder) folder � � �

No. Titel Form DE PL CZ <strong>EN</strong><br />

III.13 www.oderregio.org web site � � � �<br />

IV.1<br />

Transnational Action Programme – Spatial final report � �<br />

Planning for Preventive Flood Protection in<br />

the Oder Catchment Area set of maps �<br />

V.1 Project application, subsidy contract folder � �<br />

V.2 Reporting folder � �<br />

V.3 Working structures, minutes folder �<br />

Other studies<br />

CTU Prag 2006: Analýza povodňových škod, povodňových rizik a ekonomické<br />

efektivnosti navržených protipovodňových opatření v úseku Odry: soutok<br />

s řekou Opavou – státní hranice s Polskou republikou (Analyse von Hochwasserschäden,<br />

Hochwasserrisiko und ökonomischen Nutzen für vorgeschlagene<br />

Hochwassermaßnahmen an der Oder von der Opavamündung bis<br />

zur Polnischen Grenze). Abschlussbericht Tschechisches PHARE-Projekt.<br />

Prag 2006<br />

LfUG 2005: Gefahrenhinweiskarte Sachsen. Dresden 2005<br />

LfUG 2006: Gefahrenhinweiskarte Görlitz-Zgorzelec. Dresden 2006<br />

Odra 2006: Program prewencyjnego zapobiegania powodzi w dorzeczu Odry<br />

ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dorzecza Warty i Zalewu Szczecińskiego –<br />

OdraRegion (Programme for preventive flood protection in the Odra River<br />

basin with special attention to the Warta River bassin and the Szczecin Lagoon<br />

– OdraRegion). Phare-Final report OdraRegion. Wrocław 2006<br />

Povodí Odry 2003: Koncepční dokument pro plánování v oblasti vod na území<br />

Moravskoslezského kraje v přechodném období do r. 2010“ („Konzeptpapier<br />

für Planungen im Moravskoslezského Kraje bis zum Jahr 2010“, Teil D).<br />

Frydek-Mistek 2003<br />

RP Dresden 2004: Hochwasserschutzkonzept Lausitzer Neiße. Dresden 2004<br />

RZGW Wrocław 2000: Modernizacja wrocławskiego systemu ochrony przed<br />

powodzią – studium programowo – przestrzenne dla miasta Wrocławia i<br />

powiatu wrocławskiego („Studie zur Modernisierung des Breslauer<br />

Wasserknotens”). Wrocław 2000<br />

RZGW Wrocław 2004: Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej Kotliny Kłodzkiej<br />

ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ochrony miasta Kłodzka<br />

(Hochwasserschutzstudie für das Glatzer Tal). Wrocław 2004<br />

RZGW Wrocław 2004: Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej zlewni Kwisy<br />

(Hochwasserschutzstudie für die Kwisa). Wrocław 2004<br />

RZGW Wrocław 2004: Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej zlewni Nysy<br />

Kłodzkiej poniŜej Barda (Hochwasserschutzstudie für die Glatzer Neiße unterhalb<br />

von Bardo). Wrocław 2004<br />

107<br />


Final report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Project results and other studies<br />

108 108<br />

108<br />

RZGW Wrocław 2005: Studium ochrony przeciwpowodziowej zlewni Górnego<br />

Bobru (Hochwasserschutzstudie für den Oberen Bober). Wrocław 2005<br />

RZGW Wrocław: Studium Wykonalności dla budowy zbiornika przeciwpowodziowego<br />

Racibórz i modernizacji Wrocławskiego Węzła Wodnego (Machbarkeitsstudie<br />

für das Rückhaltebecken Racibórz und die Modernisierung des<br />

Breslauer Wasserknotens). Wrocław

109<br />


Final report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix A: Involved authorities and experts<br />

110 110<br />

110<br />

Appendix A: Involved authorities and experts<br />

POLAND<br />

Project Partners<br />

Institution Contact<br />

Ministerstwo Budownictwa ElŜbieta Szelińska<br />

Anna Świątecka-Wrona<br />

ElŜbieta Pastwa<br />

Biuro Pełnomocnika Rządu do Programu dla<br />

Odry 2006<br />

National level<br />

Ministerstwo Środowiska, Dyrektor Biura<br />

Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Poznań<br />

Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Wrocław<br />

Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Gliwice<br />

Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Poznań<br />

Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Szczecin<br />

Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej<br />

Wrocław<br />

Agnieszka Cybulska-<br />

Malycha<br />

Paweł Potoczny<br />

Mieczysław S. Ostojski<br />

Piotr Kowalczak<br />

Andrzej Hański<br />

Alfred Dubicki<br />

Leszek Jelonek<br />

Józef Stadnicki<br />

Henryk Radaszkiewicz<br />

Artur Wójcik<br />

Tomasz Cywiński<br />

Dorota Popiołkiewicz-<br />

Blarowska<br />

Janusz Wiśniewski<br />

Andrzej Kreft<br />

Edward Hładki<br />

Ryszard Kosierb<br />

Roman Górecki<br />

Krzysztof Kitowski<br />

Stefan Bartoszewicz<br />

Urząd Morski w Szczecinie Piotr Domaradzki<br />

Regional level<br />

Lubuski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń<br />

Wodnych<br />

Dolnośląski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń<br />

Wodnych<br />

Piotr Warcholak<br />

Jerzy Maciejak<br />

Joanna Gustowska

Institution Contact<br />

Biuro Planowania Przestrzennego UM<br />

Wojewodztwa Lubuskiego<br />

Biuro Planowania Przestrzennego UM<br />

Wojewodztwa Opolskiego<br />

Regionalne Biuro Gospodarki Przestrzennej<br />

Szczecin<br />

Ryszard Polus<br />

Jolanta Paszkiewicz<br />

Zdzisław Stefaniak<br />

Piotr Kowalski<br />

Jerzy Urban<br />

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Śląskiego Katarzyna Mateja<br />

Wojewódzkie Biuro Urbanistyczne Wrocław Tomasz Polański<br />

Aleksandra Ruzikowska-<br />

Chmiel<br />

Agnieszka Wałęga<br />

Aleksandra Sieradzka-<br />

Stasiak<br />

Wydział Architektury Politechniki<br />

Wrocławskiej, Katedra Planowania<br />

Przestrzennego<br />

Wydzial Strategii Rozwoju i<br />

Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego UM<br />

Wojewodztwa Slaskiego<br />

Zachodnia Okręgowa Izba Urbanistów z<br />

siedzibą we Wrocławiu<br />

Local level<br />

Romuald Pustelnik<br />

Ewa Burchat-Blachuta<br />

Włodzimierz Szostek<br />

Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Urząd Miasta Janusz Sieńczyk<br />

Kłodzko, Starostwo Powiatowe Wydział<br />

Reagowania Kryzysowego<br />

Krzysztof Postrach<br />

Kostrzyn, Park Narodowy „Ujście Warty” Konrad Wypychowski<br />

KrzyŜanowice, Urząd Miasta i Gminy Wolfgang Kroczek<br />

Nowa Sól, Prezydent Miasta Wadim Tyszkiewicz<br />

Opole, Urząd Miasta Opola, Biuro<br />

Urbanistyczne<br />

Opole, Wydział Zarządzania Kryzysowego,<br />

Ochrony Ludności i Spraw Obronnych Urzędu<br />

Miasta Opola<br />

Małgorzata Maśko-Horyza<br />

Rajmund Dorotnik<br />

Racibórz, Prezydent Miasta Jan Osuchowski<br />

Słubice, Urząd Miasta<br />

Biuro Reagowania Kryzysowego, Wojskowości<br />

i Obrony Cywilnej<br />

Słubice, Komenda Powiatowa Państwowej<br />

StraŜy PoŜarnej<br />

Roman Filończuk<br />

Jacek Konsewicz<br />

Wołów, Urząd Miasta i Gminy Wydział Kontroli Jan Druzgała<br />

111<br />


Final report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix A: Involved authorities and experts<br />

112 112<br />

112<br />

i Bezpieczeństwa Powszechnego<br />

Institution Contact<br />

Wrocław, Centrum Zarządzania Kryzysowego Marek Janusz<br />

Zgorzelec, Urząd Miasta<br />

Wydział Zarządzania Kryzysowego<br />

Experts / Others<br />

Flis Odrzanski<br />

c/o WyŜsza Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Turystyczna<br />

Szczecin<br />

Sejmik Odrzański<br />

c/o Civitas Christiana<br />

Oddział Opolski<br />

Jan Biały<br />

ElŜbieta Marszałek<br />

Józef Pixa<br />

GISPartner Andrzej Szostek<br />

Marcin Bajtek<br />

Emil śyszkowski<br />

Joanna Wezik<br />

Experte Andrzej Kwapiszewski<br />


Partners<br />

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj Petr Kalivoda<br />

Veronika Supová<br />

National level<br />

Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČR Josef Reidinger<br />

Eva Sovjakova<br />

Ústav územního rozvoje Marie Polešáková<br />

Povodí Odry Petr Brezina<br />

Jiří Piksadyky<br />

Břetislav Tureček<br />

Mr. Pagáč<br />

Regional level<br />

Krajský úřad Moravskoslezský kraj, odbor<br />

územního plánování a stavebního řádu<br />

Anna Dohnalová<br />

Krajský úřad Liberecký kraj Irena Koškova<br />

Experts / Others<br />

ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební Katedra<br />

hydrotechniky<br />

Ladislav Satrapa,<br />

Pavel Fošumpaur

Institution Contact<br />

Hydrology / GIS expert Jiri Vidman<br />

Water management expert Leopold Zubek<br />


Partners<br />

Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung der<br />

Länder Berlin und Brandenburg<br />

Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und<br />

Stadtentwicklung<br />

Klaus Ermer<br />

Michael Braune<br />

Hagen Eyink<br />

Knut Klotz<br />

Alexander Dürnagel<br />

Sächsisches Staatsministerium des Innern Edgar Trawnicek<br />

Janka Beltschewa<br />

Federal level<br />

Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Herbert Brockmann<br />

State level<br />

Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt<br />

und Verbraucherschutz Brandenburg<br />

Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, Frankfurt<br />

(Oder)<br />

Werner Stein<br />

Michael Cuno<br />

Eberhard Schmidt<br />

Wolfgang Fröhlich<br />

Rolf Liese<br />

Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, Potsdam Marco Oelze<br />

Jens Martin<br />

Uwe Schultz<br />

Frau Günther<br />

Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, Cottbus Eberhard Becker<br />

Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie<br />

Regierungspräsidium Dresden, Umweltfachbereich<br />

Bautzen<br />

Regional level<br />

Andre Freiwald<br />

Petra Walther<br />

Bernd Fritzsche<br />

Christel Sauer<br />

Regionale Planungsstelle Lausitz-Spreewald Ralf Ullrich<br />

Regionale Planungsgemeinschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien<br />

Jörg Weichler<br />

Regionale Planungsstelle Oderland-Spree Wolfgang Rump<br />

Regionale Planungsstelle Uckermark-Barnim Wolfgang Pflugbeil<br />

Claudia Henze<br />

113<br />


Final report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix A: Involved authorities and experts<br />

114 114<br />

114<br />

Local level<br />

Institution Contact<br />

Frankfurt (Oder), Umweltamt Anette Eger<br />

Frankfurt (Oder), Amt für Katastrophenschutz Helmut Otto<br />

Görlitz, Amt für öffentliche Ordnung Abteilung<br />

Brand- u. Katastrophenschutz / Rettungswesen<br />

Uwe Restetzki<br />

Görlitz, Umweltamt Barbara Andreß<br />

Experts and others<br />

Ruiz Rodriguez-Zeisler-Blank GbR Ernesto Ruiz-Rodriguez<br />

Peter Zeisler<br />

Andreas Blank<br />

PlanEval Walter Pflüger<br />

Technische Universität Darmstadt Sandra Pennekamp<br />

Geomer Stefan Jäger<br />

André Assmann<br />


Internationale Commission for the Protection<br />

of the Oder River against Pollution (ICPO),<br />

Secretariat in Wrocław<br />

Piotr Barański<br />

Regina Solova

115<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

116 116<br />

116<br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

The detailed and comprehensive surveys, analyses and comparisons formed<br />

the basis on which the action framework for the various partial areas along the<br />

Oder were developed. For this purpose, the catchment area of the Oder was<br />

divided into nine action areas. The distribution was based on the hydrological<br />

subcatchments and the flood hot spots:<br />

• Action area A: Upper reaches, Ostrava, Bohumin<br />

• Action area B: Racibórz, Opole<br />

• Action area C: Wrocław, Kłodzko<br />

• Action area D: Legnica, Głogów<br />

• Action area E: Subcatchment of the Bóbr<br />

• Action area F: Lusatian Neisse<br />

• Action area G: Border Oder<br />

• Action area H: Warta-subcatchment<br />

• Action area I: Szczecin Lagoon<br />

The action framework is presented in two sets of maps:<br />

• One set of maps focussing on the topic of "Water Management"<br />

• One set of maps focussing on the topic of "Planning".<br />

The general maps indicate the key risk situations and the main existing and<br />

planned protective measures in the Oder catchment area, as assessed by the<br />

experts involved in the project.<br />

Maps in the scale 1:500,000 are available from www.oderregio.org.

117<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

118 118<br />

118<br />

Action framework for action area A, water management map

Action framework for action area A, spatial planning map<br />

119<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

120 120<br />

120<br />

Action framework for action area B, water management map

Action framework for action area B, spatial planning map<br />

12 121 12

Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

122 122<br />

122<br />

Action framework for action area C, water management map

Action framework for action area C, spatial planning map<br />

123<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

124 124<br />

124<br />

Action framework for action area D1, water management map

Action framework for action area D1, spatial planning map<br />

125<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

126 126<br />

126<br />

Action framework for action area D2, water management map

Action framework for action area D2, spatial planning map<br />

127<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

128 128<br />

128<br />

Action framework for action area E, water management map

Action framework for action area E, spatial planning map<br />

129<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

130 130<br />

130<br />

Action framework for action area F, water management map

Action framework for action area F, spatial planning map<br />

131<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

132 132<br />

132<br />

Action framework for action area G, water management map

Action framework for action area G, spatial planning map<br />

133<br />


Final Report <strong>OderRegio</strong><br />

Appendix B: Action framework for partial areas – map preview<br />

134 134<br />

134<br />

Action framework for action area I, water management map

Action framework for action area I, water management map<br />

135<br />


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