Greetings XCI #2 - Wayland Academy

Greetings XCI #2 - Wayland Academy Greetings XCI #2 - Wayland Academy


alumniartists K 10 ara Johnstad `81 is a successful singer, producer, and radio host living in Berlin. Her music could be claimed by numerous genres, but her voice has a consistently jazzy edge. At times she dips into a New Age swoon or a torch singer’s smiling growl. KARA Johnst wayland academy greetings

Her most recently completed album, paths X, is available in the states via iTunes or Amazon and has charted in the top ten on many Internet charts. She is currently producing three projects: a poetry compilation, Kite Tailor, with Las Vegas artist MJ Hummingway; a performance of French composer Michael Legrand’s works entitled Le Grand Love; and an original album scheduled for release in early 2010, Moon in Capricorn. The latter is a collaboration with the Italian film composer and arranger, Fabrizio Pigliucci. In addition, she is working on an orchestral production called Ladies of Swing, which she will be performing for two thousand people in August 2009. ad Greetings: If you don’t mind tracing your path a little bit, I understand you were born in Germany, moved to Wisconsin when you were six, and then moved on to Minnesota and big things beyond. What brought you back to Germany? KJ: I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and then went to Berlin with my family. We moved back to Wisconsin when I was in first grade. It is true that after studying at Wayland, and then at the University of Minnesota, I returned to Europe. I always smile at the question what brings us somewhere? Every young person I know dreams of traveling. Many Americans dream of studying in Europe, and many Europeans dream of studying in the states. I made my dream a reality and traveled the world and moved back to Europe. I knew someone in Berlin, so it was the logical choice. Otherwise, I would have happily gone to London, Paris, or Rome. Now I call this wonderful city of Berlin my home. Greetings: You wear a lot of hats: performer, coach, writer, and radio host. Which of these is most fulfilling? Or are they all fulfilling in different ways? KJ: I do wear many hats and enjoy exploring the many facets of my personality. If you look closely, there is one red thread connecting it all. I have been given a vision which I live in utter totality — it is that of the human voice and the role it plays in our development as humans and the world we live in. If you really look at the vastness of my work — it is concentric circles and in the middle is the human voice. This human voice has the ability to heal and make our world a more peaceful place to live. In the middle is me as a singer/songwriter. I write and listen and in owning my own truths and working on myself I am changed. Slowly polishing my rough edges, I look at the light and shadow; I relax in the now and pull out threads and ribbons of memory from the past. This involves many hours of deep reflection, meditation, and discipline. The next ring/circle is to take the impulses, the colors, the words and put them onto paper and record them and then put them out onto stage. This is a very empowering and very fragile process for all artists, yet this is our calling. We bring spirit to earth, create works of art that inspire, knowing that at some point we/it/all will return back to spirit. It is a circle. Sometimes we ask ourselves... what is the point? Why work so hard when we know we are all passing? That is the point. It is a process, and the more you are able to 11 ALUMNI ARTISTS

alumniartists<br />

K<br />

10<br />

ara Johnstad `81 is a<br />

successful singer, producer, and radio host<br />

living in Berlin. Her music could be<br />

claimed by numerous genres, but her<br />

voice has a consistently jazzy<br />

edge. At times she dips into<br />

a New Age swoon or<br />

a torch singer’s<br />

smiling<br />

growl.<br />

KARA<br />

Johnst<br />

wayland academy greetings

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