ANNIVeRSARY AIR SHow! - Royal New Zealand Air Force

ANNIVeRSARY AIR SHow! - Royal New Zealand Air Force

ANNIVeRSARY AIR SHow! - Royal New Zealand Air Force


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celebrating 75 Years of service to new <strong>Zealand</strong><br />

LAuncHinG our <strong>Air</strong><br />

<strong>Force</strong> AnniVersArY<br />

A<br />

special event was held at Parliament<br />

on 14 March, to officially recognise<br />

the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>’s 75th Anniversary, and<br />

launch the series of events that are being<br />

held to celebrate this. The evening included<br />

a video message from our <strong>Air</strong> commodore<br />

in chief, His <strong>Royal</strong> Highness the Prince of<br />

wales, an opening speech from the Minister<br />

of defence, remarks by the chief of <strong>Air</strong><br />

<strong>Force</strong> and the launch of the new stamp<br />

collection, the specially minted silver coin,<br />

and our new official history.<br />

A fanfare, by the trumpeters of the central band of the RNZAF,<br />

announced the arrival of the official party.<br />

First, was the video message from our <strong>Air</strong> commodore in<br />

chief. His <strong>Royal</strong> Highness had, just two days before, recorded<br />

a special message to the men and women of the RNZAF to<br />

commemorate our 75th Anniversary and this was played at the<br />

Parliamentary event.<br />

The Minister of defence, Hon dr Jonathan coleman, and<br />

the Minister for Arts, culture & Heritage, Hon chris Finlayson,<br />

were present. In his speech, dr coleman highlighted the new<br />

purchases for the RNZAF; he noted that he had flown in one of<br />

our new A109 helicopters for the first time, just the day before.<br />

He was very complimentary of the history of the RNZAF and<br />

noted that our <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> has a bright future.<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Vice-Marshal Stockwell said that the night was the<br />

first major event of our 75th Anniversary celebrations. “we<br />

are honoured to have so many distinguished guests with us<br />

tonight. This evening we officially launch the RNZAF 75th<br />

Anniversary book, as well as the commemorative stamp and<br />

coin collection.”<br />

He concluded his remarks by saying that the RNZAF vision<br />

is we will be ready, resilient and respected. “Not only is this a<br />

forward-looking vision to guide us into the future, but it has<br />

also been evident throughout our 75 year history.”<br />

Margaret Mcclure spoke of the new book, Fighting Spirit: 75<br />

years of the RNZAF [see page 30]. She mentioned some of the<br />

heroic deeds of our past, notably SGT James ward Vc, as well<br />

as remarking on the resilience of the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> in the wake of<br />

organisational and financial challenges in recent decades.<br />

both the author and the chief of the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> acknowledged<br />

the support of Random House, the publishers, and the RNZAF<br />

History board, chaired by AVM John Hamilton, who made<br />

‘sterling efforts’ to facilitate the new history.<br />

The chief executive of NZ Post, Mr brian Roche, introduced<br />

the stamp and coin collection, which showcases the <strong>Air</strong><br />

<strong>Force</strong>’s history from the early Tiger Moths to our most modern<br />

helicopter, the NH90. The stamp collection vividly illustrates<br />

the RNZAF’s past, present and immediate future.<br />

The assembled guests and their hosts enjoyed a lively and<br />

fulfilling evening; it was an auspicious start to our anniversary<br />

celebrations.<br />

AVM Stockwell with dr coleman,<br />

Margaret Mcclure and brian Roche<br />

<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> news 17

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