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Radio Free Asia - Khmer Krom Recipes


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qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina 2007 PART II Year2_No.13 March 2007<br />

RkumRBwtþib½Rt KURsHRsI cUlrYme)aHeqñat ¬fteday³ kBaØa eyog kUlIka ¦<br />

ទំនក់ទំនង: Website: www.khmerkromrecipes.com<br />

E-mail: mylinhnakryd@yahoo.com , E-mail: chanthabopha@yahoo.com

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

√`âÞìkឿU<br />

1> GarmÖkfa<br />

2> RbvtþiTivanarIGnþrCati<br />

3> etImanExµreRkamb:unµannak;edlmansiT§icUlrYme)aHeqñat ?<br />

4> RbvtþiGñkRsI Kwm FIG‘Uy<br />

5> Rbvtþielak sWn TYn<br />

6> sERmkkUnExµrkm erOgRbvtþisa®sþ ³ rs;>>>eRBaHh‘ansøab; ¬fIeday pat; ¦<br />

8> naTIkMNaBü ³ - ´ nig km erOg³ sWn g:ukfaj; kñúgrbbyYnkumµúynisþ ¬t¦<br />

11> Other News<br />

12> Rbvtþi vIr³burs nigGñkts‘UExµreRkam<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 2 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

sUmfVaybgÁM nigCMrabsYrdl; RBHefranuetßr³RKb;RBHGgÁ bgb¥Ún BukEm: CnrYmCatiExµrkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

niBn§l,IeQµaH CMuvijBiPBelak nigpSayBaNiC¢kmµepSg². RBwtþibRtKURsHRsI eCosminputBIkarxus<br />

qÁg nana dUecñHsUmRbiymitþGñkGankñúgnigeRkARbeTs emtþaCYypþl;mti eyabl; dl;eyIg´ edIm,IrYm<br />


YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

RbvtþiTivanarIGnþrCati 08 mina<br />

enAmunqñaM 1910 kmµkarinI eragcRkkat;edr nigshRKasnana CaeRcIn nig®sþIEdleFVIkarbeRmIenA<br />

tampÞH swgEtTaMgGs;Kña enARbeTsCaeRcIn kñúgBiPBelak RtUv)aneKrMelaPeFVI)aby:agxøaMg eday[eFVI<br />

kareRcInhYsem:ag )ak;kmøaMg nigTTYl)anR)ak;ebovtSr_TabCaTIbMput. minEtb:ueNÑaH siT§iesrIPaBrbs;®sþI<br />

kalBICMnan;enaH )anrtUvhamXat;RKb;Ebby:ag dUcCa siT§ie)aHeqñat CaedIm .<br />

TivanarIGnþrCatielIkTI 1 shrdæGaemrik RtUv)anR)arBVeFVIeLIgdMbUgbMput enAéfTI28 kumÖ³ 1909<br />

edayRkumGgÁkar®sþIsgÁmniym enAshrdæGaemrik Edl)annaMKñadEgðCak,Ün)atukmµ d¾FMmYy TamTarsiT§i<br />

e)aHeqñat siT§icUlrYmneya)ay nigesdækic©sgÁm .<br />

enAkñúgqñaM1910 kic©RbCMud¾FMmYyrbs;®sþIsgÁmniymGnþrCati )anRtUverobcMeFVIeLIgenATIRkug<br />

Copenhagen énRbeTsdaNam:ak edIm,IBiPakSaelIbBaðaCaeRcIn rbs;®sþI nigkarcg;)an[TivanarIGnþrCati<br />

Edl)anR)arBVeFVIeLIgdMbUg enAshrdæGaemrik éfTI28 kumÖ³ 1909 køayeTACaTivanarIGnþrCati edIm,I<br />

GbGrsaTr nigTTYlsÁal; karxMRbwgERbgts‘U rbs;Rkumclna®sIþ CaeRcIn kñúgBiPBelak .<br />

minEtb:ueNÑaH esckþIesñIsMuCaeRcInkñúgkic©RbCMunaeBlenaH )anRtUv®sþIEdlGeBa©IjmkcUlrYm<br />

RbmaNCag 100nak; tMNagmkBIRbeTs 17 / kñúgenaHman mkBIRbeTsGU®sþalI/ daNam:ak/ sVis/<br />

GalWøm:g; .l. k¾)anseRmcRBmeRBogCaÉkcánÞfa nwgCYyKaMRTkñúgRKb;skmµPaB®sþITUTaMgBiPBelak<br />

EdlTamTarcg;)an siT§iesrIPaB smPaB nigPaByutþiFm_ kñúgsgÁm .<br />

eRkayBIkic©RbCMu enATIRkug Copenhagen qñaM1910mk TivanarIGnþrCati k¾RtUv)anR)arBVeFVIeLIg<br />

dMbUg enAéf19 mina 1911 enARbeTsGU®sþalI daNam:ak GalWøm:g; nigsVis EdlmanGñkcUlrYmrab;rylannak;<br />

.<br />

cab;taMgBIeBlenaHmk TivanarIGnþrCati )anRtUvR)arBVeFVI enARKb;RbeTsGPivDÆn_ nigkMBugGPivDÆn_<br />


YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

etImanExµrkm . b:uEnþman<br />

RbCaBlrdæExµreRkamd¾tictYcNas; RbEhlEt 5° eT Edl)anGaCJaFrkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

vtþRTnMRCwg. b:uEnþ RBHraCGaCJaGmtulakarextþkNþal nigKN³kmµakarvtþRTnMRCwg )aneFVIkarbdiesFmin<br />

[eFVIkarKas;saksB b¤eFVIbuNüepSg²enATIenaH edaymUlehtuminc,as;las; enHb¤EdlCakarykcitþ<br />


YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

t BIelxmun<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 8 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 9 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

¬t BI elxmun¦<br />

¬ t BIelxmun¦ Éksar nigrUbPaB pþl;edayelak fac; es<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 10 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

enAman t elxeRkay<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 11 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

t BIelxmun<br />

VIII.<br />


YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

IX . RbvtþiRBHetCRBHKuN G‘ag suxeFOn<br />

RBHetCKuN G‘ag suxeFOn<br />

éfTI26 mina 2007 nig 27 mina 2007<br />

enAvtþsamKÁIrgSI RkugPñMeBj smaKmRBHsgÇExµrkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

raCFanIPñMeBj>éfTI 26-27 mIna qñaM 2007<br />

vieyaKkfa<br />

-sUmnmsSkar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CaTIskáar³<br />

-sUmnmsSkarRBHefranuefr³RKb;RBHGgÁCaTIskáar³<br />

-sUmcMerInBrsemþc RBHGgÁm©as; RTg; sIlvn½ Ék]tþm elakCMTav Gs;elak elakRsI<br />

ePJovkitþiys jatimitþénRBHsB .<br />

éfenHeyIg)anmkCYbCMuKñaenATIenH kñúgkþITukçeRkomRkM RsBab;RseBanTgWáHxSwkkSÜl GYlGak; ya:g<br />

éRkElg edIm,IR)arB§BIFIbuNüsB RBHetC³RBHKuuNG‘ag suxeFOnCaTIeKarBRsLaj; EdlKN³kmµkar<br />

erobcMbuNüRBHsB nigGgÁkar smaKm RBmTaMgjatimitþRBHsB )antmál;RBHsBeFVIbuNüTkiçNanub,Tan<br />

tamRbéBNI RBHBuT§sasna nigRbéBNICatiéfenH. RBHetC³RBHKuN G‘ag suxeFOn Ca\sSrsgÇd¾<br />

]tþúgÁ]tþmmYyRBHGgÁ )ancMNayeBlevlaeBjmYyCIvitrbs;RBHGgÁ kñúgkarbMerIya:gskmµ elICatimatuPUmi<br />

nig vis½ysasnad¾Bisidæ nigCaTIesñharbs; GgÁkar smaKm RBHsgÇ jatimitþ mitþPkþ½Exµrkm Ec taM RsI CabgTImYy<br />

2> Ec eBan RsI CabgTI BIr<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 14 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

3> elak G‘ag econ Rbus CabgTI bI<br />

RBHetC³RBHKuNG‘ag suxeFOn CakUnTI4 eBAeKbg¥s;. kalenACakumarPaB)ancUleronenAsala<br />

>Đaỉ Tam Một pøÚvbMEbk CaPasaevotNam qñaM 1982 . rYcbYsCasameNrenAqñaM 1991 kñúgRBHCnµayu<br />

16 qñaM enAvtþkMBg;ta\nÞ RCYyTwmfµI extþXøaMgkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

dMeNIrehtu³<br />

éfTI 24 ExkumÖ³ qñaM 2007 enAevlaema:g 6 lacRBHetC³RBHKuN G‘ag suxeFOn )aneTA<br />

sMuvtþéRB b¤sSIKg;enA Etmin)an RBHGgÁk¾nimnþeTAKg;enAvtþsVaymas¬24-25¼03¼07¦ kñúg<br />

sgáat;bnÞHLag xNç½degáa raCFanIPñMeBj. luHéfTI 27 RBHGgÁ)annimnþeTAvtþéRBb¤sSIvij CYbCamYYydUnCI<br />

twk sy RBHCnµayu 63 qñaM ehIymin)anniyayKñaeT k¾EbkKña . RBHGgÁ G‘ag suxeFOn )anmk<br />

PñMeBjrkRBHmhaeyOg sin b:uEnþminCYb. RBHmha eyOg sin )anCYbRBHetC³RBHKuN G‘ag suxeFOn<br />

enAkEnøg)atukmµ xagmuxsßanTUtevotNam RbcaM RkugPñMeBj . RbEhlCaema:g 11 RBHetC³RBHKuN G‘ag<br />

suxeFOn )aneTACYbelak yay symþgeTot enAéfTI 27 kumÖ³ 2007 enH )anBwgelak yaysy<br />

eGayCYyrkvtþKg;enA . elakyay sy yl;RBm k¾)aneTAvtþRTnMRCwg CYbRBHecAGFikar RBHnam G‘ u¿<br />

ejon RBHCnµay29 vsSa b:uEnþminCYb RBHecAGFikar elakyayk¾esñIsMutamTUrsBÞ½ RBHecAGFikar)an<br />

yl;RBmeGayPikçú G‘agsuxeFOn Kg;enAvtþRTnMRCwgbeNþaHGasnñ .<br />

RbEhlCaema:g 1 resol RBHetC³RBHKuN G‘ag suxeFOn )aneTAKg;enAvtþRTnMRCwg kñúgéfTI 27<br />

Ex kumÖ³ qñaM 2007 .<br />

éfGgÁar_ TI 27 Ex kumÖ³ qñaM 2007 evlaRbEhlema:g 7 yb; RBHetC³RBHKuN G‘ag suxeFOn man<br />

RBHCnµayu 32 RBHvsSa CaRBHsgÇExµrkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

RBHetC³RBHKuN G‘agsuxeFOn CaTIRsLaj; nigCaTIeKarBskáar³ eTaHCasac;Rss; QamRss;)an<br />

relHrlYy køayeTACapuy FulIEpHpgk¾eday b:uEnþGVIEdlesssl;enA ePøIgmineqH minrlYy mins¥úy min<br />

rlt; rlaydUcCarUbkayenaHKW esckþIl¥ GMeBICakusl »vaTl¥² kitþiys esckþIéføfñÚr PaBskmµ GMNt;<br />

Büayam PaBmwugma:t; twgrwgkñúgkargar sñaédd¾l¥rbs;RBHetC³RBHKuN edIm,IRbCaBlrdæ nigRBHBuT§sasna<br />

enAEtsßitenACanic©Kµanéfsøab;eLIy .<br />

eyIg´RBHkruNa TaMgGs;GgÁ nwgbnþrkSanUv]tþmKti mnsika menaseBa©tna sasna mitþPkþ½<br />

sac;jati nigKMrUd¾éføføa rbs;;RBHetC³RBHKuNeGaysßitesßrCanirnþr_.<br />

sUmRBHviBaØaNkçn§½rbs;RBHetC³RBHKuN)aneTAesaysuxkñúgsuKtiPBkMubIxan nigsUmRBHviBaØaN<br />

kçn§½ rbs;RBHetC³RBHKuN gakeRkayeGayBrdl;RBHsgÇExµrkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

t BIelxmun<br />

eRkay 18 mIna 1970 KWenAéf 1 ExsIha 1970 ´<br />

)anTTYlzannþrskþiCa GnuesniyÉk ehIy)anmkbMerIRksYg<br />

GPivDÆn_shKmn_ rhUtsBVéf . eRkayBI)ancUlbMeBjviC¢a<br />

enAbNÐitsPa eyaFa enARkuPñMeBj .<br />

qakRbyuT§ Exµr-yYn enA<br />

km>¬rs;eRBaHha‘nsøab;¦ nwgbgðaj;mþgeTot nUvkmøaMgrbs;sgÁmmYy EdlecHrYmKña ecHsþab;<br />

Kña CaBiesskñúgkarRbQmmuxTl;nwgsRtUv.<br />

sßanPaB ³ PUmisa®sþ nig mnusS<br />

extþXøaMg CaextþmYydUcextþRkmYns-RBHRtBaMg-ERBkb¤sSI-Bam)ara:C-mat;RCUk-Bllav-<br />

GMBYya-TwkexµA .l. Edr KWsßitenAkñúgEdndIsNþénTenøemKgÁ. tamtaTYc´R)ab;fa extþenHkaledIm<br />

eLIyenAeRkamGaNaBüa)alrbs;extþbnÞaymas ¬kMBt¦.<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 18 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

extþXøaMg CaextþmanKmnaKmn_bribUN’ tampøÚvTwkk¾dUcCapøÚveKak . enAEb:kxagekIt manmat;Tenø<br />

emKgÁ EdlhUrecjCacMBamecjeTAsmuRT naMl,b;eTAcak;ekItCadIfµI FMeLIg². erogral;qñaM dIl,b;hUr<br />

dl;Na edImeQIduHdl;enaH R bCaBlrdæeTAtaMglMenAdæanenATIenaHbnþbnÞab;eTA.<br />

BlrdæénextþXøaMg EdlCam©as;edIm manenAkuHkrrab;Ban;nak; kñúgPUminImYy² EdlxøHmanbeNþay<br />

rhUYtdl;eTA 7 K>m )aøy dUcCaPUmiepñakMbut-PUmiERBkKy-PUmidgekþag-kUnEk¥k-edImeBaFI-PUmixVintagkMBg;eQITal-PUmiédnag-ERBkcak-bwgRBlwt-tanav-man;eKag-epþAeBn-TenøÉt,Úg-PUmiÉlic-<br />

PUmiepñaekIt.l. ¬1¦. lMenAdæaneRcIn sg;reboberagedalkalCMnan;mun sBVéfcab;epþImmanpÞH<br />

fµeRBagRBat . GñkRsukEdlenACitmat;Twk eKeRcInCIkRbLay xVat;ExVgenACMuvijpÞHedIm,I[TwkcUl)an<br />

RtITTYlTanpg nigdaMedImdUg edImeck elIsac;dIenaHpg.<br />

rbrrkTTYlTanKWeFIVERs nigensaT . dIERsenARKb;TisTI latsn§wgdac;knÞúyEPñk. kalBICMnan;<br />

edImBlrdæExµrCaeRcInsuT§swgEtCam©as;kmµsiT§rab;ryhitta .<br />

eRkayBIrdækareyokNameFIVneya)ayEkERbTMrg;dImk . mñak;²manRtwmEtdIEdlxøÜnRbkbrbr<br />

edaypÞal; KWmanBImYyeTAdl; 15hitta Etb:ueNÑaH . bgb¥ÚneyIgenARsukenaH BMusUveRbIeKaeT b:uEnþman<br />

RkbIrab;Ban; rab;mWunk,al. enArdUvERs manksikrxøH manm:asIunP¢Ür sRmab;sIuQñÜlP¢ÜrdI ksikrPaKeRcIn<br />

manmeFüa)aydwknaMpÞal;CakaNUttUc² b¤TUkKKIr . enAkñúgPUminImYy² eKeXIjmanedImb¤sSI BIgBg;<br />

edImeQIEpø dUcCa dUg søa sVay sVaycnÞI RBIg. edImRkUc b¤ FUer:n etñat BMusUvmaneT . b:uEnþRsukenaH<br />

sm,ÚredImcak EdlGñkRsukdaMtammat;ERBksRmab;yksøwkRbk;pÞH. RtIERs RtIsmuRT bgág kþamsmuRT<br />

sMbUrhUrehor enArdUvP¢MúbiNÐ. enArdUvR)aMgxSt;RtIERsEtman RtIsmuRTTTYlTanRKb;RKan; . ehtudUcenH<br />

ehIy)anCaeKBMuTTYlTankþameT . CnNaTTYlTankþamERs eKTukCamnusSGn; dUcCaGñkkm

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

eBalKWeKeRcIneqøóteFIV[eBlevlamantémø rhUt eBlni®nÞa. rdUvP¢Ür ras; sÞÚg k¾dUcCardUvCa rdUvRcUtkat;<br />

e)akEbnEdr . m©as;ERsnimYy² bMerIePJóvEdl eTACYykic©karxøÜn edayRsa )arI ÉrImðÚb nig bEg¥m eKeRcIn<br />

cMhuyRtIéRb BgTa b¤ xRtI b¤ sac;RCUk CaBiess eKeRcInesarel

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

´ nig km

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

stvtSdb;R)aM ÉksarEpþpþaM eyIgeKcaMenA<br />

cUldb;R)aMmYy ExµrRBYyeBkkUv eRBaHxµaMgeQaH LÚv<br />

KWeRTOg mijy:ag .<br />

bEnßmmYyeTot RtwgRTugetog evot EsnlanGaRsUv<br />

elIkT½Bvayluk dl;PUmi)ayqav rsukfáÚv enAextþ<br />

ehARBHRtBaMg .<br />

sm½yts‘U CIvitpþac;bþÚr ]kj:anamm:g;<br />

]kj:amwunÉk nigTnSaesam eRkamkardwknaM<br />

]kj:a sWn Kuy .<br />

¬enAman t elxeRkay ¦<br />

Éksapþl;eday ³ elaksWn CMu PkþI<br />

rrr j sss<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 22 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

ងឺ ម ុ<br />

ំញ ឺ ុ ់<br />

ី ូ ្ត ់ ៍<br />

ិ៍្ត ំញ ់ ើ ី<br />

ុ<br />

្ត<br />

ុ ខ ទ ់ ្ត ័ ្ឌ ី<br />

ំ ្វ គ ់<br />

ួ ួ ្ល ្វើ ី<br />

ជមែខរខឈចកចប្របណ<br />

ពពជសនន�បសតវត�រ<br />

េករេកះខអសេហយេនដវត<br />

ទកជបនតេខតខណសម។<br />

្រប�ទ្របែលងែលង�លបនេទៀត ពកយន�េឆ�តយកេធទផ�រ<br />

បបត�ងែខរពេករដន�<br />

ំ ់ ំ ម ី ិ៍្ត<br />

ូ យកេឡះជផ�រែខរកែលងក។ ម ៏ ្តី<br />

ងឺ ម ុ<br />

ំញ ី ួ ម ំ<br />

ូ<br />

ំ ើ មី<br />

ួ ិ ម ី ម<br />

ិ ិ ិធ ី ម ំ ំ<br />

ជមែខរខមកពយនខង<br />

ឥឡវេ�គបង�ល�លេកតថ<br />

លបិចយនមនឲយែខរមនរស<br />

បទសទេសរែខរទងបពន។<br />

ងឺ ម ុ<br />

ំញ ិ<br />

ើ ី ំ ័<br />

ូ្វ<br />

ូ ម ុ<br />

ំញ ឺ ិ ្ត ូ<br />

ូ៊ ំ ម ំ ួ ីក<br />

ងឺ ម ុ<br />

ំញ<br />

ួ ុ<br />

្វើ គ ើ ្ល ់ ី<br />

ឆ ំ ឆ ំ ម ី<br />

្ល ់ ី ន ូ៊ ម<br />

ជមែខរខពបកពយបល<br />

េកតពដ�លសមយហ�ន<br />

ឥឡវែខរខឈចតខច្របណ<br />

ស្រទែលងបនេ្រពះខងយនស។<br />

ជមែខរខេ្រពះយនហតឈម<br />

�េធស�ងមេដមបីបនដ<br />

បេញតប�ងផងែខរេសរ<br />

សមបកវអកតសែខរ។<br />

ឱកញសនគយកពលេច�យ<br />

៉ ឺ ុ ំ ូ ្វ ស�បែតកយ�សនឲយែថ<br />

ូ៊ ្ល ់<br />

វរបរសចតេ�ះឥតែ្រប<br />

ី ុ ិ ្ត ម<br />

ខងយនបែងរែខរ�បជេ្រចន។<br />

ម ំ ួ ្វ ម ្ល ់ ើ<br />

ួ ូ ី ិ ្តី<br />

ិ ិ ូ៊ ្ត ី ិ ី<br />

ូ<br />

កើ<br />

ូច<br />

ី ំ ំ ើ ់ ្ហើ ់ ្ត<br />

ងឺ ម ំញ ឺ ំ<br />

ុ ួ<br />

ឺ ់<br />

ួទ<br />

ី ួ<br />

ម ្ល ់ ំ ិ<br />

ូ ្ល<br />

ពកហជមញសមមនពត<br />

សបជវតយកដបេងន<br />

បញលែផនទឲយធសេបម<br />

េពល�ចដេងមកបតសេមចឪ។<br />

ជមែខរខគដេបយន<br />

ឈចបផនៗមកពយនេន<br />

ែខរ�បទងជ្រងុក�បទផវ<br />

ែតអងលេនែខរអក�ឱន៕<br />

ុ ំ ម ន<br />

éf 2 Ex kBaØa qñaM 2005<br />

ភកខ<br />

ិ ុ<br />

ថច់ កុងផួង<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 23 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

Nhoam sadao nung sach krup muk<br />

(Sadao meat and seafood salad)<br />

My family favorite crisp *sadao* and cucumber salad with grilled fish, boiled pork<br />

meat and shrimp savory with tamarind sauce is absolutely delicious <strong>Khmer</strong> ethnic food.<br />

*Sadao* is edible leaves and flowers of natural insecticide Neem trees. In medicine, *sadao* is<br />

rich with calcium and fiber. The villagers use *sadao* as natural laxative for treats<br />

constipation.<br />

Ingredients :<br />

4 Cups water<br />

1 lb. Fresh *sadao* or 2 packages frozen *sadao* ,removed tough stems, washed<br />

and drained<br />

2 Large cucumber, peeled and sliced thin<br />

1 Teaspoon salt<br />

1 Medium snakehead fish or ½ lb fillet basa<br />

½ lb Pork belly *sach chrouk bei choen*<br />

4 Cups water<br />

½ lb Shrimp<br />

A handful fresh <strong>Asia</strong>n coriander leaves, chopped (option)<br />

Tamarind sauce,(please follow recipe)<br />

Procedures : Boiled 4 cups water in a large pot, put sadao in boiling water, stirs quickly and<br />

immediately pour sadao in to colander to drained, set it a side.<br />

In a large bowl, mix sliced cucumber and salt together, squeezed liquid out from<br />

cucumber and set it a side.<br />

Cooked fish on hot grill, when fish cooked set a side to cool then cut it to bite sizes and<br />

set a side.<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

sadao<br />

Boiled meat with 4 cups water till meat tender, removed<br />

cooked pork meat from boiling water, sliced thin and set a<br />

side.<br />

Add shrimp to remaining boiled water, cook till shrimp<br />

turns darkers pink color, drained cooked shrimp in a<br />

colander, rinsed under cold water, peeled, de-veined and<br />

set a side.<br />

In large bowl, mixed sadao with cucumber, <strong>Asia</strong>n<br />

coriander leaves, pork meat, fish, shrimp and ½ cup<br />

prepared tamarind sauce. Serve immediately with rice and<br />

remaining tamarind sauce .<br />

Enjoy!<br />

ttttt<br />

Tirk umpel<br />

( Tamarind sauce )<br />

<strong>Khmer</strong> ethnic sweet, sour, and spicy tamarind sauce is delicous<br />

for dipping meat or seafood .<br />

Ingredients :<br />

1/3 Cup water<br />

CI BgTakUn<br />

2 Tablespoons seedless tamarind pulps<br />

2 Tablespoons sugar<br />

2 Tablespoons fish sauce<br />

2 Cloves garlic, crushed(option)<br />

2 Chopped hot pepper(option)<br />

Procedures : Put water and tamarind in a small sauce-pan, stirs and cook till water bubbling.<br />

Add sugar, fish sauce, garlic and hot chili pepper, stirs till sugar dissolved, removed from heat, let it<br />

cool before serve.<br />

Note: Tamarind absorb liquid very fast like sponge, add more fish sauce as you eat. If you like sweeter,<br />

add more sugar. More fish sause if you like it saltier. Always taste the sauce to your liking before serve.<br />

Enjoy!<br />

By: Danh Nakry<br />

tamarind pulps<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

t BIelxmun<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

enAman t elxeRkay<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

Other News<br />

<strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Asia</strong> - Vietnamese<br />

Cảnh sát Campuchia ngăn cản các nhà sư <strong>Khmer</strong> Nam bộ làm lễ cầu siêu<br />

2007.03.18<br />

Nguyễn Bình, đặc phái viên đài RFA<br />

Tại Campuchia, hồi cuối tháng 02 vừa qua, cảnh sát từng ngăn chặn các sư sãi gốc <strong>Khmer</strong> Nam<br />

bộ biểu tình tại thủ đô Phnom Penh, nay lại tiếp tục ngăn cản các vị sư này làm lễ cầu siêu. Nếu<br />

chỉ là lễ cầu siêu đơn thuần, tại sau chính quyền lại ngăn cản? Xin mời quí thính giả bài tường<br />

trình của phóng viên Nguyễn Bình từ Campuchia chi tiết như sau.<br />

Cảnh sát Campuchia được bố trí dầy đặc trên con đường đi vào một ngôi chùa ở tình Kandal<br />

gần thủ đô Phnom Penh để ngăn chặn các vị sư gốc <strong>Khmer</strong> Nam bộ làm lễ cầu siêu cho vị sư<br />

Eng Sok Thoun vào sáng ngày 16 tháng 03 năm 2007 vừa qua.<br />

Sư Eng Sok Thuon, 32 tuổi, quê ở<br />

huyện Mỹ Xuyên, tỉnh Sóc Trăng, đã<br />

chết ở trong một ngôi chùa thuộc tỉnh<br />

Kandal của Campuchia vào ngày 28<br />

tháng 02 vừa qua. Ngay trong ngày<br />

hôm đó, cảnh sát tỉnh Kandal thông<br />

báo rằng nhà sư này đã sử dụng thuốc<br />

kích thích và sau đó tự tử.<br />

Tìm hiểu nguyên nhân<br />

Nhưng các tổ chức nhân quyền cho<br />

rằng kết luận của nhân viên công lực<br />

là quá vội vã, vì họ đã đến hiện trường<br />

thấy vết máu dính ở bức tường giống<br />

như có sự vật lộn với người nào đó trước khi nhà sư này chết. Hơn nữa quan sát tử thi thấy vết<br />

đứt cổ quá lớn, họ kết luận rằng có kẻ nào đó đứng đằng sau cắt cổ, chứ không phải nhà sư tự<br />

mình cắt cổ. Qua đó, các tổ chức nhân quyền đề nghị cơ quan chức năng tiếp tục điều tra thêm<br />

để làm rõ sự việc.<br />

Những kết luận khác nhau giữa chính quyền và các quan sát viên của tổ chức nhân quyền khiến<br />

các vị sư sãi người gốc <strong>Khmer</strong> Nam bộ ở thủ đô Phnom Penh hoan mang. Vì sư Eng Sok<br />

Thoun từng tham gia biểu tình ở gần đại sứ quán Việt Nam vào ngày 27 tháng 02 vừa qua để<br />

phảng đối chính quyền Sóc Trăng buột 9 vị sư <strong>Khmer</strong> ở đó hoàng tục. Trong cuộc biểu tình đó<br />

các nhà sư và nhân viên công lực có lời lẽ xúc phạm lẫn nhau.<br />

Để hiểu rõ thêm nguyên nhân chết của nhà sư Eng Sok Thoun, Hội sư sãi <strong>Khmer</strong> Kampuchea<br />

<strong>Krom</strong> ở thủ đô Phnom Penh từng đề nghị viện kiểm sát và tòa án tỉnh Kandal giám định pháp y<br />

xem nhà sư có sử dụng thuốc kích thích hay không? thì bị 2 cơ quan trên từ chối.<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 28 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

Ngăn chặn lễ cầu siêu<br />

Sau đó Hội sư sãi <strong>Khmer</strong> Kampuchea <strong>Krom</strong> tập hợp được<br />

khoảng 50 vị sư, do Hòa thượng Dương Sinh làm trưởng<br />

đoàn từ Phnom Penh đến ngôi mộ của sư Eng Sok Thoun ở<br />

tỉnh Kandal để làm lễ cầu siêu vào sáng ngày 16 tháng 03<br />

vừa qua, nhưng gần tới nơi thì bị cảnh sát ngăn chặn.<br />

Hòa thượng Dương Sinh nói rằng cảnh sát cương quyết<br />

không cho các nhà sư <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> đến gần ngôi mộ của sư<br />

Eng Sok Thoun. Cảnh sát không giải thích lý do gì cả, mà<br />

chỉ cho biết là họ làm theo lệnh của cấp trên.<br />

Các tổ chức nhân quyền và Phủ cao ủy nhân quyền Liên hiệp quốc tại thủ đô Phnom Penh hay<br />

tin đến quan sát sự việc, dọc đường cũng bị cảnh sát ngăn chặn.<br />

Bà Pong Chiu Kek, Giám đốc tổ chức nhân quyền ADHOC nói rằng bà không hiểu lý do tại<br />

sao nhân viên công lực ở đây lại có hành động ngăn chặn người dân hành lễ. Bà nói rằng những<br />

người từng phạm tội nghiêm trọng như Sadam Hussein ở Iraq, sau khi bị xử tử, thi hài của ông<br />

vẫn được giao cho thân nhân để làm lễ tang.<br />

Sự căn thẳng giữa các nhà sư và lực lượng cảnh sát kéo dài suốt 5 giờ đồng hồ, từ 6 giờ sáng<br />

đến 12 giờ trưa, đến khi các nhà sư quay trở lại thủ đô Phnom Penh.<br />

Sự kiện cảnh sát ngăn chặn các nhà<br />

sư gốc <strong>Khmer</strong> Nam bộ làm lễ cầu siêu đã<br />

được báo chí Campuchia quan tâm và đăng<br />

tải dường như đủ số báo. Có một số bài báo<br />

cho rằng chính phủ Campuchia nghe tin<br />

nhằm rằng các nhà sư nói trên có ý muốn bốc<br />

mộ sư Eng Sok Thoun đem đi giám định để<br />

tìm hiểu về nguyên nhân tử vong, thay vì họ<br />

chỉ đến để làm lễ cầu siêu, nên bố trí lực<br />

lượng cảnh sát để ngăn chặn.<br />

Mr. Yeang Vanna and Mr.Thach Setha<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 29 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

Bộ ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ bênh vực Đại sứ Mỹ tại Việt Nam<br />

2007.03.28<br />

Ông Michael Marine, Đại sứ Hoa Kỳ tại Việt Nam. file photo.<br />

Bộ ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ lên tiếng bênh vực đại sứ Mỹ tại Việt Nam, sau khi một Dân biểu chỉ trích ông<br />

Michael Marine hồi tuần trước, đòi ông này phải từ chức vì không bảo vệ được nhân quyền và tự do tôn<br />

giáo ở Việt Nam.<br />

Trong cuộc họp báo của bộ ngoại giao hôm thứ ba tại Washington, trả lời câu hỏi của báo chí về việc<br />

dân biểu Frank Wolf đã tỏ ra không hài lòng với hoạt động của đại sứ Mỹ tại Việt Nam, phát ngôn viên<br />

bộ ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ Tom Casey trả lời rằng:<br />

“Vấn đề cổ võ cho nhân quyền và tự do tôn giáo là một vấn đề quan trọng đối với hành pháp Mỹ, nằm<br />

trong lịch trình làm việc hằng ngày của toà đại sứ. Bộ ngoại giao không thấy có lý do gì để nói rằng đại<br />

sứ Martin đã không thi hành tốt chính sách của hành pháp Mỹ ở Việt Nam, và chắc chắn ai cũng muốn<br />

thấy thêm những tiến bộ trong việc ủng hộ nhân quyền vào lúc gần đây, trong một số lãnh vực mà Hoa<br />

Kỳ quan tâm.”<br />

Người phát ngôn bộ ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ nói tiếp: “Đặc sứ của<br />

Mỹ về tự do tôn giáo đang tìm cách dàn xếp với Việt Nam để<br />

cố gắng cải thiện tình hình trong lĩnh vực này. Đó là mối quan<br />

tâm thường xuyên mà Hoa Kỳ đang giải quyết, cũng như đại sứ<br />

Marine và toà đại sứ Mỹ đang nỗ lực giải quyết.”<br />

Hôm thứ tư tuần trước, trước tiền đình Quốc hội Mỹ, dân biểu<br />

Frank Wolf đã chỉ trích đại sứ Marine về việc thi hành nhiệm<br />

vụ tại Việt Nam trong lãnh vực bênh vực nhân quyền và tự do tôn giáo. Ông Wolf tuyên bố đại sứ<br />

Marine nên từ chức, nếu không sẽ bị bãi nhiệm.<br />

2007 <strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Asia</strong><br />

————————————————————————————<br />

KHMER KROM UPDATE: Rebecca Sommer Stands by Her Reporting of Oppression of<br />

<strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> Indigenous Peoples by Hanoi Regime; U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Weighs<br />

In; <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> Spokesman Says Story is Factual<br />

By David M. Kinchen ( Editor, Huntington News Network )<br />

We recently reported on the plight of the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> -- an indigenous people in southern<br />

Vietnam, making a valiant effort to preserve their culture, language, Buddhist religion and way of life as<br />

a distinct, differentiated ethnic and cultural group.<br />

Society for Threatened Peoples International representative Rebecca Sommer has traveled to the<br />

area and spent time with the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> and takes issue with a letter to me, David M. Kinchen, from<br />

the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi in which the ambassador, Michael W. Marine, saw no oppression. The letter<br />

is printed below, along with Sommer's response. We also received a letter from a <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong><br />

spokesman who stated that the March 17, 2007 story was correct; his letter is also included in this report,<br />

following Sommer's.<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 30 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

Sommer says international human rights organizations are increasingly alarmed about<br />

Vietnam's oppression of the freedom of speech and religion of the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong>. Numerous reports on<br />

severe human rights violations have been reported, but little has been done by the international<br />

community, she told HNN.<br />

First, the letter from the U.S. Embassy:<br />

Dear Mr. Kinchen: I would like to clarify some of the events you describe in your article of March 17<br />

on Rebecca Sommer's Report "<strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> in Southern Vietnam Face Oppression from Hanoi<br />

Regime" which reports that U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Michael W. Marine visited a <strong>Khmer</strong> Buddhist<br />

temple in Soc Trang Province that had a heavy police presence.<br />

The Ambassador did indeed visit the temple in early March, but in fact there was no heavy security<br />

presence and he did not see any evidence of protest during his visit. Furthermore, a senior <strong>Khmer</strong><br />

Buddhist monk at the temple told him in private that there was no government crackdown against<br />

<strong>Khmer</strong> Buddhists.<br />

Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Sincerely,<br />

Angela P. Aggeler<br />

Press and Cultural Attaché<br />

American Embassy Hanoi, Vietnam<br />

Some background on the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong>, courtesy of Rebecca Sommer:<br />

"The <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong>, who originated as the "first peoples" in the Mekong River Delta, usually<br />

live in villages surrounded by rice fields. The majority of the deeply religious <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> population<br />

sustain themselves with farming, fishing and hunting."<br />

Letter from Rebecca Sommer:<br />

Dear Mr. Kinchen. First of all I would like to thank you for writing articles which one usually<br />

doesn't find in the mainstream media. You ensure that the voices of many desperate peoples are heard,<br />

loud and clear, in the public -- around the globe. The very same peoples, which are silenced by force,<br />

intimidation, and misinformation propaganda by powerful entities.<br />

The information which I provided to you and which was included in your recent article on the<br />

<strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> in southern Vietnam, is just one example of many - on how indigenous people are<br />

oppressed and silenced. I am not astonished that the Ambassador to Vietnam Michael W. Marine did not<br />

find any "heavy" security presence while visiting the scene of the most recent atrocities against the<br />

<strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks. It's certain that the military and police presence was ordered to step back<br />

into the background while the Ambassador made his prominent visit. Wouldn't you do the same, if you<br />

know that someone important is coming to investigate something which you do not want to be visible to<br />

the outside world? I am also not astonished that the Ambassador was told in "private" by a senior monk,<br />

that there was no government crackdown against <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> Buddhists. Let me explain that I visited<br />

numerous temples while traveling through the traditional land of the first peoples of southern Vietnam,<br />

the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong>. What struck me during my many conversations, (also in private), with monks,<br />

villagers, and refugees outside Vietnam -- was their collective voice explaining that the Buddhist<br />

temples, and Buddhist schools, are severely infiltrated and controlled by the Vietnamese authorities.,<br />

qñaMTI2 elx13 Exmina qñaM2007 31 Âពãត÷âបÂតÂសាវ½វSé�pô�pä

YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

I may not have made that clear to you -- the Buddhist temples chief monks are in most cases put<br />

in their positions by the governmental authorities. This --- I have been told in so many cases, that I<br />

would say -- the claims were countless. In some very few cases, Chief monks are able to hold their<br />

positions, by juggling a balance of acting as traitors -- but secretly protecting their very own peoples.<br />

This, Mr. Kinchen, I have been told by the very same chief monks, or senior monks, on filmed<br />

tapes -- and heard this with my own ears. It is left to our imagination, who this senior monk was serving.<br />

With my eyes I saw the fear of Chief monks -- any monks for that matter -- who informed to be targeted<br />

for any whatsoever small issues, and explained to be under constant intimidation by local authorities<br />

which do not halt to enter and day and night into the temples for investigations, and placing into the<br />

temples their spies.<br />

Yes, "spies", because that is how the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> described them, not in one temple, in all<br />

temples I visited and in every village I heard this claim, over and over again. Many voices, but one<br />

collective voice with the same story. Usually, every monk, and every villager said that they know who<br />

the "spies" are, but what can they do? Report them to the governmental authorities? The sad part is that<br />

this forced infiltration and surveillance has caused many disappearances and imprisonment of <strong>Khmer</strong><br />

<strong>Krom</strong> people -- or simply such intimidation that they are too afraid and silenced.<br />

I met many of them who were released and told me their story. Not one or two stories.<br />

Especially those are targeted, which are loved by their <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> communities --- those who truly<br />

engage in social and cultural activities for the betterment of their communities --- the way the<br />

communities wants and needs them..<br />

Beautiful, peaceful and kind people- who have committed no crime, but were targeted for their<br />

leadership roles and good examples they set within their communities. The <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong>, a deeply<br />

religious people, say that they are not to be allowed to truly have their religion. That they are supposed<br />

to have another religion, which means, praying and following the communist doctrines of the country in<br />

which they live.<br />

That they are not allowed to study certain ancient text of Buddha's teachings, or the pure<br />

Sanskrit language in the Pali schools. Everything is controlled, changed, and communist propaganda<br />

included, other parts are excluded and if taught in the temples, once again, is arrested.<br />

They are not allowed to transmit their full knowledge of their peoples' history which goes back to the<br />

Funan culture, because it would mean that the future generations of <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> would remain with<br />

their pride and feeling of belonging as an informed people, with their distinct identity as the <strong>Khmer</strong><br />

<strong>Krom</strong>.<br />

It appears to me, that the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> are to be Vietnamized until they vanish as a people, and<br />

are simply "Vietnamese." Therefore, I thank you for reporting on the latest incident, where the <strong>Khmer</strong><br />

<strong>Krom</strong> temples and the monks stood up on behalf of their communities and their religious belief system,<br />

and peacefully protested against this ongoing oppression. That needed a lot of courage of the monks,<br />

and a lot of devotion, as for sure, they have to pay now a heavy price. many are hiding, others fled to<br />

Cambodia, some were arrested, some are under surveillance, they all pay a heavy toll. They knew it, but<br />

they did it, regardless. Because they want to have the right to their own religion, and traditional way of<br />

life.<br />

Sadly, Ambassador to Vietnam Michael W. Marine was pulled aside by one of those senior<br />

monks, who decided for his individual gain and security to play the rules of the game established by<br />

Hanoi, by misinforming the Ambassador that there was no government crackdown against <strong>Khmer</strong><br />

Buddhists.<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

For sure, this senior monk will walk free, while the others don't. But the good part is, that the<br />

outside world can have its own informed opinions, and luckily the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong>, the poorest of the poor<br />

in southern Vietnam, the most marginalized and disadvantaged and oppressed, use these days modern<br />

tools, even so they endure raids in their offices, temples, computers are checked on a monthly bases by<br />

the authorities, are arrested and imprisoned for having listened to foreign radio such as <strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Asia</strong>,<br />

or Voice of America, or checking in the internet information on human rights laws from the UN -- Some<br />

few <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> have cameras today, they will continue using them, and the internet or phone,<br />

messengers and letters, to inform the outside world.<br />

This information flow cannot be stopped, only denied - if at all. Wouldn't the world be a better<br />

place, if human rights and the truth would not any longer be pushed aside --- for the sake of diplomacy<br />

and globalization interests?<br />

Rebecca Sommer, Representative of the NGO Society for Threatened Peoples International, in<br />

consultative status to the United Nations ECOSOC and in participatory status with the Council of<br />

Europe. Indigenous Peoples Department , USA website: .<br />

Finally, a letter to me from the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> spokesman:<br />

Dear Huntington News Network Editor:<br />

We would like to thank your public the article on <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong>'s issue which made the world<br />

known who we are.<br />

I, on behalf of the <strong>Khmer</strong>s Kampuchea-<strong>Krom</strong> Federation (KKF) representing the indigenous<br />

<strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> people of the Mekong Delta (South Vietnam) and the <strong>Khmer</strong> <strong>Krom</strong> diasporas around the<br />

world, would like to confirm that the information absolutely true and the unjust prosecution of <strong>Khmer</strong>-<br />

<strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks, in Soc Trang province in South Vietnam, for the alleged crime of organizing<br />

and participating in a peaceful demonstration partaking with 200 <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks on 8th<br />

February 2007 to request for religious freedom.<br />

The two hundred <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks taking part in the demonstration and members<br />

of their immediate families have and continue to be subjected to elevated acts of intimidation,<br />

harassment and oppression as Vietnamese authorities continue to crack down on human right related<br />

activities.<br />

On 22nd February 2007, nine <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks were forced to disrobe:<br />

1. Thach Do aged 27 from Wat Ta Sek, Vinh Hoa commune, Vinh Chau district, Kleang (Soc Trang)<br />

province.<br />

2. Ly Hoang aged 22 from Wat Sam Rong, Phuong 5, Kleang (Soc Trang) province.<br />

3. Ly Tang Thong aged 23 from Wat Sam Rong, Phuong 5, Kleang (Soc Trang) province.<br />

4. Ly Thanh Suoi aged 28 from Wat Teok Praiy, Long Phu district, Kleang (Soc Trang) province.<br />

5. Thach Xuan Hien aged 21 from Wat Ta Meon, Vinh Binh commune, My Xuyen district, Kleang<br />

(Soc Trang) province.<br />

6. Tang Phien aged 22 from Wat Ta Meon, Vinh Binh commune, My Xuyen district, Kleang (Soc<br />

Trang) province.<br />

7. Ly Suong aged 21 from Wat Teok Praiy, Long Phu district, Kleang (Soc Trang) province.<br />

8. Kim Muon from Wat Ta Sek, Vinh Hoa commune, Vinh Chau district, Kleang (Soc Trang) province.<br />

9. Thach Thuong aged 28 from Wat Teok Praiy, Long Phu district, Kleang (Soc Trang) province.<br />

As current, several of the disrobed monks have been apprehended by Vietnamese authorities<br />

and taken to an unknown location while others continue to face harassment, torture and are placed under<br />

heavy surveillance. Many are prohibited from communicating with outside organisations and others<br />

have placed under house arrest. The fate and well being of the apprehended former <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong><br />

Buddhist monks remains unknown.<br />

The US Ambassador in Hanoi, Mr. Michael W. Marine, has visited and talked with the senior<br />

monk who is not the victim. And his visit was 3 weeks after the incident.<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

Forced disrobement of these Buddhist monks continues to be used as a discriminatory mean<br />

punish these monks for taking part in a non violent demonstration. It serves to further prohibit the rights<br />

of the <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks and civilian to practice their religion and customs according to<br />

their indigenous ways. Such acts can also be seen as means to undermine the minority communities and<br />

to halt the important role that Buddhist monks alone play in preserving and passing of the <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong><br />

language, customs and values.<br />

Unfortunately, the recently prosecution of these <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> Buddhist monks by the<br />

Vietnamese Communist government is a clear reflection of the increasing human rights and religious<br />

violations against the <strong>Khmer</strong>-<strong>Krom</strong> people. I personally believe that there will continue to be civil<br />

unrest and further prosecution for such acts and if left unresolved may potentially cause greater<br />

instability in the <strong>Asia</strong>n Pacific region.<br />

Respectfully Yours,<br />

Thach Ngoc Thach ( President of <strong>Khmer</strong>s Kampuchea-<strong>Krom</strong> Federation )<br />

—————————————————————<br />

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YEAR.2_No.13 March 2007 www.khmerkromrecipes.com KU SRAHSREY Magazine<br />

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