Vegan Sustainability Magazine - Spring 2017

A free, online, quarterly magazine for vegans and non-vegans worldwide who are interested in the Environment and Sustainability.

A free, online, quarterly magazine for vegans and non-vegans worldwide who are interested in the Environment and Sustainability.


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Issue 8 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

<strong>Vegan</strong><br />

<strong>Sustainability</strong><br />

<strong>Magazine</strong><br />

What Happens to our<br />

Waste?<br />

Moving to a <strong>Vegan</strong> Agriculture<br />

System for Australia<br />

Dr. Michael Greger:<br />

Diet and Climate Change:<br />

Cooking up a Storm<br />

Matthieu Ricard:<br />

‘On Keeping a <strong>Vegan</strong> or<br />

Vegetarian Diet’<br />

The Nonhuman Rights<br />


Welcome to the 8th edition of <strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />

I was recently reading the story of Harold Brown a fifth-generation cattle farmer in the US,<br />

who went vegan for health reasons but gradually noticed other changes. The most significant<br />

change he encountered was beginning to understand animals as individuals. “I realised<br />

they have familial bonds; they crave safety, experience joy and happiness.” Reflecting<br />

on this he observed that “It is odd how we as humans have profound capabilities to avert<br />

our eyes from the obvious that is in plain sight.” In this issue we hear about the work of two<br />

organisations, the Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy and the Non-human Rights Project<br />

who are working through scientific research and the legal system to transform our relationships<br />

with other animals from exploitation to mutual respect.<br />

We feature an article and a books review from both Dr. Michael Greger and Dr. Richard Oppenlander.<br />

Both highlight the single simple solution to the different crises occurring globally<br />

at this time. We have increases in chronic illnesses and obesity with health care systems being<br />

over-stretched by increased demands, rising costs and falling budgets. We have continuing<br />

poverty, hunger, and malnourishment from Europe and the US to sub-Saharan Africa.<br />

And we have ecosystems destruction with the associated biodiversity loss together with climate<br />

change, which according to the respected Lancet medical journal, represents the<br />

biggest global health threat of the 21 st century. It turns out that the foods with by far the lowest<br />

ecological impact are also the foods with the lowest green house gas emissions. These<br />

foods also happen to be the least expensive and the most effective in counteracting many<br />

of our most common chronic diseases. As Mathieu Ricard says, “It just takes one second to<br />

decide to stop. It doesn't create any huge chaotic changes in our life. It's just that we eat<br />

something else. It's so simple. A small effort can bring a very big result for animals, for the disadvantaged,<br />

for the planet, for our own health. A sensible mind can see this is not an extreme<br />

perspective. This is a most reasonable, ethical, and compassionate point of view.”<br />

We look at the benefits of this transition in the article Moving to a <strong>Vegan</strong> Agriculture System<br />

for Australia which outlines the steps to a national vegan agricultural system. We also review<br />

a book on vegan permaculture which has lots of great ideas. We highlight some vegan sustainability<br />

stories in the news from around the world and the efforts being made to transition<br />

to a zero waste society.<br />

If we are sincere about not continuing to drastically compromise the ability of present and<br />

future generations of all species to meet their needs then the ethical transition to vegan living<br />

is becoming a necessity. It seems that at the same time as millions of people are waking<br />

up and making this transition the old order are trying to divide and sow fear. But if each of us<br />

are devoted, compassionate, energetic and well informed then the movement to a peaceful,<br />

ethical vegan human society that is in harmony with all living beings will continue to<br />

grow.<br />

<strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Website: www.vegansustainability.com<br />

E-mail: info@vegansustainability.com<br />

Find us on Facebook.

3 The World According to Intelligent and<br />

Emotional Chickens<br />

by Marc Bekoff<br />

6 The <strong>Vegan</strong> Book of Permaculture<br />

(book review)<br />

by Bronwyn Slater<br />

7 Animal Agriculture, Hunger, and How<br />

to Feed a Growing Global Population by Richard Oppenlander<br />

10 Natural and Homemade Personal Care<br />

and Cleaning Products<br />

by Bronwyn Slater<br />

11 What Happens to our Waste by Bronwyn Slater<br />

16 Food Choice and <strong>Sustainability</strong> by Richard Oppenlander<br />

17 Diet and Climate Change: Cooking<br />

up a Storm<br />

by Dr. Michael Greger<br />

19 Moving to a <strong>Vegan</strong> Agriculture<br />

System for Australia<br />

by Greg McFarlane<br />

24 The Kimmela Centre for Animal<br />

Advocacy<br />

James O’Donovan (ed.)<br />

25 The Nonhuman Rights Project<br />

27 How not to Die (book review) by Michael Greger MD<br />

30 <strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> in the News by Bronwyn Slater<br />

31 On Keeping a <strong>Vegan</strong> or a Vegetarian<br />

Diet<br />

by Matthieu Ricard<br />


The World According to Intelligent and Emo<br />

Report Review and article by Marc Bekoff<br />

Chickens are birds. I know most, if not all of you, already know this. However,<br />

on more than one occasion, I've mentioned to someone who's<br />

munching on a chicken sandwich, that they're eating a smart and emotional<br />

bird. Often, they look at me thinking something like, "I am? But I'm<br />

eating chicken." Regardless, we've known for a while that chickens are very<br />

intelligent and feeling bird beings. And, so too, are many other birds. The<br />

excellent essays written for Psychology Today by bird experts John Marzluff<br />

and Tony Angell in their column called "Avian Einsteins" amply demonstrate<br />

this, and recently, I've written two essays about birds that also show<br />

just how smart, adaptive, and emotional they truly are (please see "Bird<br />

Brain: An Exploration of Avian Intelligence" and "Bird Minds: An Outstanding<br />

Book About Australian Natives"). The books these essays cover<br />

are outstanding.<br />

“If you torture a single chicken and are caught, you’re likely to be arrested. If you scald thousands of<br />

chickens alive, you’re an industrialist who will be lauded for your acumen. ... Workers grab the birds<br />

and shove their legs upside down into metal shackles on a conveyor belt. The chickens are then carried<br />

upside down to an electrified bath that is meant to knock them unconscious. The conveyor belt then<br />

carries them — at a pace of more than two chickens per second — to a circular saw that cuts open<br />

their necks so that they bleed to death before they are scalded in hot water and their feathers<br />

plucked.” (Nicholas Kristof, To Kill a Chicken)<br />

The way in which chickens are treated on their<br />

way to human mouths is not at all a pleasant<br />

journey. I don't want to go into the gory details.<br />

The facts are simple and utterly sickening: "More<br />

than 9 billion chickens, along with half a billion<br />

turkeys, are slaughtered for food in the United<br />

States each year. This number represents more<br />

than 95 percent of the land animals killed for<br />

food in the country. Worldwide, more than 50<br />

billion chickens are raised and slaughtered annually."<br />

Mr. Kristof concludes, "Think about that. If a<br />

naughty boy pulls feathers out of a single chicken,<br />

he’s punished. But scald hundreds of thousands<br />

of chickens alive each year? That’s a business model."<br />

Thinking chickens: a review of cognition, emotion, and behavior in the domestic chicken, by Dr. Lori<br />

Marino.<br />

But, there's good news and let's hope that it's used on behalf of chickens and other birds who are<br />

served up as meals. Dr. Lori Marino, founder of the Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy Inc., has recently<br />

published a review article called "Thinking chickens: a review of cognition, emotion, and behavior<br />

in the domestic chicken." It appeared in the journal Animal Cognition and is available online. The<br />

abstract for Dr. Marino's review reads:<br />


tional Chickens<br />

Chickens are as cognitively, emotionally,<br />

and socially complex as many mammals.<br />

Domestic chickens are members of an order, Aves, which has been the focus of a revolution in our understanding<br />

of neuroanatomical, cognitive, and social complexity. At least some birds are now known to be on<br />

par with many mammals in terms of their level of intelligence, emotional sophistication, and social interaction.<br />

Yet, views of chickens have largely remained unrevised by this new evidence. In this paper, I examine<br />

the peer-reviewed scientific data on the leading edge of cognition, emotions, personality, and sociality in<br />

chickens, exploring such areas as self-awareness, cognitive bias, social learning and self control, and comparing<br />

their abilities in these areas with other birds and other vertebrates, particularly mammals. My overall<br />

conclusion is that chickens are just as cognitively, emotionally and socially complex as most other birds<br />

and mammals in many areas, and that there is a need for further noninvasive comparative behavioral research<br />

with chickens as well as a re-framing of current views about their intelligence.<br />

In her essay Dr. Marino covers a number of different areas of research including Sensory abilities, Visual<br />

cognition and spatial orientation, Recognizing partly occluded objects, Numerical abilities, Time perception/<br />

anticipation of future events, Episodic memory, Reasoning and logical inference, Self-awareness, different<br />

forms of communication, social cognition and complexity, social learning, fear, emotional contagion and<br />

empathy, personality, and much more. She concludes:<br />

1. Chickens possess a number of visual and spatial capacities, arguably dependent upon mental representation,<br />

such as some aspects of Stage four object permanence and illusory contours, on a par with other<br />

birds and mammals.<br />

2. Chickens possess some understanding of numerosity and share some very basic arithmetic capacities<br />

with other animals.<br />

3. Chickens can demonstrate self-control and self-assessment, and these capacities may indicate selfawareness.<br />

4. Chickens communicate in complex ways, including through referential communication, which may depend<br />

upon some level of self-awareness and the ability to take the perspective of another animal. This<br />

capacity, if present in chickens, would be shared with other highly intelligent and social species, including<br />

primates.<br />

5. Chickens have the capacity to reason and make logical inferences. For example, chickens are capable of<br />

simple forms of transitive inference, a capability that humans develop at approximately the age of<br />

seven.<br />

6. Chickens perceive time intervals and may be able to anticipate future events.<br />

7. Chickens are behaviorally sophisticated, discriminating among individuals, exhibiting Machiavellian-like<br />

social interactions, and learning socially in complex ways that are similar to humans.<br />

8. Chickens have complex negative and positive emotions, as well as a shared psychology with humans and<br />

other ethologically complex animals. They exhibit emotional contagion and some evidence for empathy.<br />

9. Chickens have distinct personalities, just like all animals who are cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally<br />

complex individuals.<br />

There are numerous reviews of Dr. Marino's essay and I encourage you to read some of them. Her essay is<br />

an incredibly important one because it shows just how much we know about chickens (and other birds)<br />

from detailed comparative research, and it's not being "touchy/feely" or sentimental to argue that chickens<br />

experience enduring deep suffering on their way to human mouths.<br />


Would you do it to a dog? Bridging the empathy gap<br />

Often, when I’m discussing some aspect of nonhuman animal (animal) abuse, I ask people, “Would you do it<br />

to your dog?” Across the board people are incredulous when I ask this question, and I simply explain to them<br />

that dogs aren’t more sentient than food animals such as cows, pigs, or chickens, laboratory animals such as<br />

mice and rats, or entertainment animals such as elephants or orcas.<br />

In another essay by Mr. Kristof called "Do You Care More About a Dog Than a Refugee?" in his conclusion he<br />

asks, "If we can rally on behalf of a frightened dog in Orlando, can’t we also muster concern for billions of<br />

farm animals — as well as the humans struggling to raise them?" I wrote about his essay in a piece called<br />

"Valuing Dogs More Than War Victims: Bridging the Empathy Gap" in which I argued that we can and should<br />

use dogs to bridge the empathy gap we conveniently construct between ourselves and other animals and<br />

among the animals themselves.<br />

I bring up these discussions to discuss the idea of using dogs to connect us to other animals. Using dogs in this<br />

way asks people to recognize that we're often extremely inconsistent in how we view and treat other nonhuman<br />

animals in comparison to how we view and treat our canine, feline, and numerous other household companions.<br />

We also view and treat our companions with much more compassion and empathy than we do some<br />

groups of humans.<br />

This also is a point that Jessica Pierce and I make in The Animals'<br />

Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the<br />

Human Age, namely that dogs can indeed bridge the empathy<br />

gap if we're open to this possibility. At the very least it's essential<br />

to ask difficult questions and come to an understanding of<br />

why we hold the attitudes we do and how we can use our feelings<br />

about companion animals and extend compassion and empathy<br />

to other nonhumans and humans who truly need all the<br />

help that they can get. Dr. Pierce and I also argue that we simply<br />

must use what we know on the animals' behalf, because<br />

there is a huge division we call the "knowledge gap" between<br />

what we know and how we use it to protect other animals<br />

Egg Incubator<br />

(please see, for example, "The Animal Welfare Act Claims Rats<br />

and Mice Are Not Animals" and "Homo Denialus: Mice Aren't Animals, Climate Change Is Real" and links<br />

therein).<br />

I hope Dr. Marino's essay or at least the popular reviews receive the global attention they deserve, and that<br />

people do something with this knowledge. Chickens are sentient beings and we should stop torturing them by<br />

the billions for our meal plans. Providing them with "good welfare" is not good enough, and even if they receive<br />

what's called "a better life," it hardly borders on "a good life" or what we offer dogs and other animals.<br />

Note: Here are two added tidbits along the lines of this essay: Please also see Paul Shapiro's "We are seeing<br />

animals in a different light" and "Walruses Found Using Birds as Toys for First Time."<br />

Marc Bekoff's latest books are Jasper's Story: Saving Moon Bears (with Jill Robinson), Ignoring Nature No<br />

More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation, Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed: The Fascinating<br />

Science of Animal Intelligence, Emotions, Friendship, and Conservation, Rewilding Our Hearts: Building<br />

Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence, and The Jane Effect: Celebrating Jane Goodall (edited with Dale<br />

Peterson). The Animals' Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age (with Jessica<br />

Pierce) will be published in April <strong>2017</strong> and Canine Confidential: An Insider’s Guide to the Best Lives For Dogs<br />

and You will be published in early 2018.<br />


Book Review:<br />

The <strong>Vegan</strong> Book of Permaculture<br />

By Graham Burnett<br />

Very few books have been written about <strong>Vegan</strong> Permaculture, so this book came as a welcome addition to<br />

an already sparse collection when it was published in 2014. The book's author is Graham Burnett who runs<br />

vegan permaculture courses in the UK and elsewhere. His 'Spiralseed' website is well worth a look.<br />

Some of the topics covered in the book include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

An introduction to Permaculture<br />

Designing your garden or permaculture system<br />

<strong>Vegan</strong>ic growing<br />

Soil types and soil quality, whether to dig or not to dig<br />

Making your own fertiliser, green manures and compost<br />

Crop rotation<br />

Companion planting<br />

Insects – beneficial insects and how to encourage these as they<br />

control ‘pests’<br />

Controlling and removing weeds<br />

When and how to plant<br />

Water, soil and fertility requirements<br />

When to save seed<br />

Woodlands, orchards and how to design a forest garden<br />

Tips on reducing your ecological footprint in your home and<br />

your life<br />

Ethical shopping, fair-trade and eco-friendly living<br />

Reconnecting with nature<br />

Eating with the seasons<br />

Health, nutrition and a list of nutrients provided by each plant<br />

Windowsill herbs and indoor plants<br />

This is as much a cookbook as it is a gardening book, and at least half the book is devoted to plant-based<br />

whole food recipes, most of the ingredients coming from your own garden. Each recipe is simple, with the<br />

minimum of ingredients, and the reader is encouraged to experiment and modify the recipes to his or her<br />

own taste. All of the recipes include a high proportion of vegetables, greens, fruits, nuts and legumes. Making<br />

your own jams, chutneys, preserves and fermentation are also covered. The book is worth the price for<br />

the recipes alone, and they will inspire you to want to grow your own produce. It is amazing to see the diversity<br />

of dishes that can be prepared from a single garden.<br />

This is a good book for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Highly recommended, and you can purchase<br />

it on Amazon or at Graham's Spiralseed website.<br />

Review by Bronwyn Slater<br />


Animal Agriculture, Hunger, and How<br />

by Richard Oppen<br />

In part one, we explored how eating animals affects hunger and the<br />

world’s agricultural resources. In this article Dr. Oppenlander outlines<br />

current and future hunger and food security solutions.<br />


Most researchers and organizations involved in the plight of nations suffering from hunger believe that efforts<br />

and dollars should be spent on improved information technologies, increasing intensified livestock<br />

operations, and fostering the continuation of cultural practices while supplying them with conventional<br />

food-basket relief. I disagree. Since 75% of their work force is engaged in agriculture and more than half of<br />

their population illiterate, I suggest that these developing countries should emphasize three measures:<br />

1. Education.<br />

2. Redefinition of the word “yield” beyond short-term consumptive gain.<br />

3. Implementation of fully organic plant-based agricultural systems.<br />

These measures could thus build a sustainability umbrella and form the key link between ecology, human<br />

health, and equity for current and future generations. They would effectively improve soil fertility and provide<br />

the most nutritious food for the least environmental cost, while opening doors to economic opportunities.<br />

Citizens could essentially “feed themselves” while creating a food, economic, and environmental<br />

security net, despite what repressive forces they may encounter.<br />

Even many desertified areas, including those in semi-arid regions, would be much healthier and more productive<br />

if restored with resource-efficient, earth-regenerative fully plant-based measures rather than with<br />

livestock. These measures might include the re-introduction of indigenous drought-resistant plants, agroforestry,<br />

implementing conservation techniques such as terracing and other plant based organic methods,<br />

or plant-generated microbiological procedures.<br />

82% of starving children live in countries where food is fed to animals, and the animals<br />

are eaten by western countries.<br />


The majority of efforts to bring aid to those afflicted in developing countries can be categorized in two<br />

ways: direct supply of food, and investment in commercial agricultural development by various multinational<br />

entities. Supplying food relief to these countries may offer a temporary, diminutive patching of the<br />

much larger problem. The overriding reason there has been little improvement in the number affected and<br />

severity of hunger and poverty in African countries is that food supply has always been separated from the<br />

multitude of layered factors.<br />


to Feed a Growing Global Population<br />

lander<br />

In the past twenty years, foreign investors have established lease arrangements with many African governments<br />

under the guise of helping to eliminate poverty and hunger. However, evidence shows that many are<br />

simply using the land as an investment for shareholders or private sector investors (pension funds and private<br />

equity groups) or to establish commercial agricultural operations that will bring them a return.<br />

Some argue that these lease arrangements will eventually create a trickle-down effect that improves the<br />

economic status of the people of these developing countries. Most observers, though, have referred to<br />

them as simply “land grabbing’—acquiring land by making unfulfilled promises to reimburse the locals for<br />

use of their land and crops.<br />

To date, foreign investors have procured 400 million acres in developing countries. Much of this has been in<br />

African countries, where large businesses set up timber, mining, and agricultural operations. The latter are<br />

predominantly meat-based—pork, beef, poultry, dairy, and crops to feed them. Long-term strategic alliances<br />

are currently being made by G8 countries and multinational corporations to provide funding for various<br />

agricultural projects within certain African countries under the façade of economic assistance. However,<br />

nearly all projects thus far (ProSavana, Land O’ Lakes, AGRA, ISFM, and efforts by the UN, NGOs, various<br />

think tanks, and others) are merely vehicles that perpetuate resource depletion and further the hungerpoverty<br />

cycle by way of continued livestock predominance.<br />

The short- and long-term solution to the hunger and poverty cycle appear to lie in connecting most of the<br />

dots—creating a path of optimal relative sustainability—for the people themselves. All efforts for global assistance,<br />

whether from a humanitarian or agricultural perspective, should be first directed at creating the<br />

most efficient and nourishing food production systems possible. These systems should build and conserve<br />

topsoil and soil fertility, while using the least amount of land, water, and other resources. These goals can<br />

best be accomplished by devoting all agricultural efforts toward purely plant-based systems—no livestock,<br />

no dairy, and no chickens.<br />


So far this has not been accomplished. If anything, most organizations design their projects to enhance livestock<br />

production, attempting to remedy feed issues, cure or prevent diseases with vaccinations for livestock,<br />

and train villagers or farmers to use animal husbandry techniques that are thought to improve food<br />

security.<br />

There are two reasons for this:<br />

1. Culture is complex and interwoven into many aspects of life, so it is something more easily left alone<br />

than improved upon or evolved from.<br />

2. Eating meat is part of the culture and belief system of the researchers and organizations themselves.<br />

How could researchers and advisors conceive of another approach to solving hunger and poverty if their<br />

own food choices include eating animals?<br />

Affected indigenous people who rely solely on the food relief efforts of outside agencies and subsistence<br />

farming find themselves cemented in perpetual poverty. Establishing for-profit agricultural protocols<br />

(“commercial farming”) for smallholder farmers will need to be an integral part of any successful program in<br />

the developing countries of Africa—but not with the use of livestock or as a subordinated appendage of<br />

multinational corporations associated with the meat and dairy industries.<br />



In 2009, world leaders gathered for the Summit on Food Security in Rome to discuss what many consider to<br />

be the most pressing concern we will face this century—how to feed all of us. Focusing its attention on this<br />

topic, the G8 Summit in May of 2012 committed funding to eradicate hunger by way of an alliance between<br />

the G8 nations, multinational businesses, and certain countries in Africa. This, in turn, has fostered initiatives<br />

that support animal agriculture without addressing the issue of food choice change.<br />

Our human population is expected to reach over 9 billion by the year 2050—34 percent higher than it is today.<br />

This, combined with rising food prices, our dwindling supply of land and other natural resources, and changing<br />

climate, makes it ieasy to see why food security is such a concern. However, despite all the rhetoric and projected<br />

G8 funding, our imminent and projected food security crises are unlikely to be solved using the resource-intensive<br />

agricultural systems currently in place, which are driven by our demand to eat animals and<br />

animal products.<br />

Most of the predicted population and livestock production increase will occur in developing countries. Many<br />

researchers feel that in order to feed that many people, the world will have to increase annual meat production<br />

by over 200 million tons (to reach an estimated 517 million tons), which will stress the already-stretched<br />

ecosystem services necessary to produce it. Demand for livestock products will likely double in sub-Saharan<br />

Africa and South Asia by 2050.<br />

Globally, livestock production has responded to increased demand by changing from extensive, small-scale,<br />

subsistence livestock production to more intensive, large-scale, commercially oriented production. Whether<br />

with industrialized production or simply increased units of smallholder farmers raising livestock, increasing<br />

annual meat production is not the answer. Either method eventually translates into more land use and deforestation,<br />

escalated climate change, draining of aquifers and fresh water, loss of biodiversity, more hunger, and<br />

more poverty. Methane emissions alone from African cattle, goats, and sheep will likely increase by 50 percent,<br />

to 11.1 million tons per year, by 2030.<br />


According to the United Nations, “livestock production holds great importance for ensuring food security.”<br />

That’s because global demand for meat, dairy, and eggs is predicted to increase as the world’s population increases.<br />

In 2012, the world produced and consumed 290 million tons of beef, pork, sheep and goat meat and<br />

poultry, in addition to 154 million tons of fish (wild-caught and from aquaculture). This translates into a staggering<br />

number of animals unnecessarily raised and slaughtered at the expense of our planet’s health. So, yes,<br />

livestock does hold great importance: the less we raise, the more secure our food will be.<br />


Most of us find it difficult to appreciate how our food choices can have such far-reaching effects. But they<br />

clearly do. We can do our part in reducing world hunger and poverty and improving<br />

our future food security by increasing awareness about the multidimensional<br />

benefits of a fully plant-based diet—and then, individually and collectively, moving<br />

the change forward.<br />

About the Author<br />

Author of the award-winning books Comfortably Unaware and Food Choice and <strong>Sustainability</strong>,<br />

Dr. Richard Oppenlander is a consultant, researcher, and lecturer on the topics of food choice<br />

and sustainability. He started an organic vegan food production company, operates an animal<br />

rescue sanctuary, and is the founder and president of Inspire Awareness Now. Dr. Oppenlander<br />

has written numerous articles and serves as an adviser for organizations, municipalities, and<br />

institutions. Visit the Comfortably Unaware website for more.<br />


Natural and Homemade Personal Care<br />

and Cleaning Products<br />

More tricks of the trade on making your own home<br />

made products by Bronwyn Slater<br />

Laundry Detergent:<br />

Cleaning Products<br />

Baking soda can be used as a laundry detergent. Add half to 1 cup of baking soda to<br />

your machine (depending on the size of the load) in the same way you would use<br />

detergent. I used baking soda recently to wash clothes and I was very happy with the<br />

results. Baking soda can also be used to pre-treat stains and whiten clothes. Check<br />

out this short video.<br />

Soap Nuts:<br />

These are not a home made product as such, but soap nuts are a natural laundry<br />

detergent. They are literally dried soap berries. The soap berry is a subtropical<br />

plant normally grown in India or China and it contains natural saponins. Boxes of<br />

soapnuts can be bought at your local health or whole food store, and usually<br />

come with a small drawstring cloth bag. Put 5 or 6 nuts into the bag, tie securely<br />

and add to the tub along with your clothes. I’ve used soap nuts many times in the past and found them<br />

quite good at getting the laundry clean, but it is important they don’t escape from the bag or they could<br />

stain your clothes. The nuts can be reused a few times. Check out this short video.<br />

Deoderant:<br />

Personal Care Products<br />

Coconut oil mixed with a little baking soda works well as a deodorant.<br />

Coconut oil in its solid form has a similar consistency to stick deodorant.<br />

To make it more solid you can add arrowroot powder. You can<br />

add essential oils to the mix as well, if you wish. This short video shows<br />

you how.<br />

Facial Toner:<br />

Mix one part organic raw apple cider vinegar and 2 parts distilled or filtered water. (Add a few drops of<br />

witch hazel or essential oil also if you like). Shake to combine the mixture and apply to your face as normal.<br />


What Happens to our Waste?<br />

Landfill:<br />

Where does our waste go?<br />

Each person in Europe currently produces about half a ton of<br />

household waste per year. Only 40% of this is reused or recycled<br />

and the remainder goes to landfill. A major disadvantage to burying<br />

rubbish in landfills is the potential to pollute the surrounding<br />

soil and groundwater with toxins and leachate. Huge amounts of<br />

carbon dioxide, methane and other harmful greenhouse gases are<br />

also produced during decomposition in landfills.<br />

Incineration:<br />

Many countries carry out waste incineration in addition to landfill and recycling. Modern incinerators can reduce<br />

the volume of the original waste by 95% and the process can also be used to generate electricity or heat<br />

(although this energy can usually only serve the equivalent of a small<br />

town). The problem with incineration is that the gases and ash produced<br />

contain toxins that can pollute the environment. Hence the ‘not in my<br />

backyard’ attitude by locals whenever incineration plants are proposed.<br />

Composting:<br />

Recycling:<br />

Germany and Sweden operate waste-to-energy incineration plants and<br />

they also import waste from other countries in order to keep their incineration<br />

plants going. Less than 1% of Sweden’s waste has been sent to<br />

landfill each year since 2011.<br />

Glass, paper, cardboard, aluminium and some plastics can all be recycled. Plastic<br />

recycling is complicated and the uses for recycled plastics are limited. Plastic,<br />

unlike glass, can only be recycled once. Some types of plastics are not recyclable<br />

and these end up as trash (see below).<br />

Every home should have a compost bin for food and garden waste. On a large scale,<br />

many countries operate anaerobic digestion plants which use agricultural waste such<br />

as manures, slurries, crops, residues and municipal waste to create biogas which in<br />

turn can be used to create heat or electricity.<br />

The Oceans:<br />

Research released a year ago found there were more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic<br />

floating in the seas. Plastic debris includes municipal waste such as bottles,<br />

bags and packaging. The plastic breaks down into successively smaller pieces and<br />

can kill fish and seabirds when ingested. An autopsy carried out on a beached<br />


Bronwyn Slater looks at what happens to all our trash, and then outlines<br />

some of the measures we can take to reduce or eliminate it.<br />

whale in Norway recently showed the animal's stomach was empty of<br />

food and full of plastic including 30 plastic bags.<br />

Once a plastic bottle is tossed into the ocean or left on the street, it<br />

won’t fully degrade for 1,000 years. It will instead break into many<br />

tiny pieces that have the capacity to absorb harmful toxins. These microplastics<br />

are consumed by fish and plankton. The plastic never disappears,<br />

but continues to circulate in a vicious cycle.<br />

Plastics production is expected to double in the next 20 years and research<br />

suggests that, unless action is taken, there could be more plastic<br />

than fish in the sea by 2050.<br />

Other marine debris includes plastic sheets and covers, tarpaulins,<br />

crates, pallets, ropes, strapping and miscellaneous packaging, building<br />

materials, sealed drums and assorted industrial fishing nets, traps and<br />

lines.<br />

How did it all get there?<br />

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One of the most common ways that marine debris enters the sea is by being swept through storm<br />

drains. Small pieces of trash tossed into the street are often washed into storm drains during rain<br />

storms, which deposit the water – and the trash – into the sea.<br />

Rivers and other waterways can also wash plastics and rubbish into our oceans. In Jakarta, less than<br />

half of the city's rubbish may reach landfill and the balance heads seaward via 13 rivers. Some Indian<br />

and Pacific ocean islands have municipal dumps at one end of the island, and the monthly high tide lifts<br />

the lot and washes it out to sea.<br />

Beachgoers and picnickers also play a part by leaving plastic cups, aluminium cans, bottle caps, plastic<br />

utensils and food wrappers behind them after a day out.<br />

Extreme weather like hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis and flooding can also produce large amounts of<br />

debris which are washed into the sea.<br />

Commercial shipping, drilling platforms, and recreational boating produce about 18% of all marine debris.<br />

Rough seas can also cause ships to lose cargo or gear overboard. The International Convention for<br />

the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) was developed primarily to address marine oil pollution,<br />

but the convention also requires ships to store and bring waste to port.<br />

Clothing:<br />

Approximately 85% of all discarded clothes are sent to landfill,<br />

which means that clothing is responsible for a high percentage of<br />

our waste. In addition, the manufacture of clothing itself requires<br />

vast amounts of water, energy and chemicals. The Water Footprint<br />

Network estimates that 10,000 tons of water are required to produced<br />

one ton of cotton. The textile industry has caused river pollution<br />

in China, India, Cambodia, and Bangladesh. Cotton is the most<br />


widely used fabric in the clothing industry. It is grown on just 2.4% of the world’s cropland but accounts for<br />

24% of global sales of insecticides.<br />

What is the Solution?<br />

The Zero Waste Movement:<br />

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<br />

This new movement is gaining popularity worldwide, and it is now possible to find many zero-waste<br />

groups popping up on Facebook, for example.<br />

Zero waste supermarkets are another new idea, although it remains to be<br />

seen whether they will take off and become widespread.<br />

Bea Johnson, described by the New York Times as ‘the priestess of wastefree<br />

living’, has written a book called Zero Waste Home. The book has been<br />

translated into 12 languages. You can watch her TEDx talk here. Johnson<br />

refers to buying in bulk as one of the key areas where waste can be reduced.<br />

Trash is for Tossers is a popular blog and aims to help people reduce or<br />

eliminate waste.This Japanese town aims to produce zero trash by 2020.<br />

This article in a previous edition of <strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> has some tips for<br />

reducing your waste.<br />

How do we clean up the Oceans:<br />

There are currently some very promising projects which aim to tackle ocean waste:<br />

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21-year old Boyan Slat has created an ocean cleanup array which can remove plastic from the ocean. He<br />

claims that a single array could remove half of the plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in just 10<br />

years. You can find out more about the Ocean Cleanup Project here.<br />

The team from SAS Ocean Phoenix, a maritime engineering company based in the South of France, wants<br />

to tackle the trash problem with a massive cleanup ship which would ply the polluted Pacific. The boat<br />

would suck ocean water into chambers between its parallel hulls, where a series of filters would catch<br />

first the big chunks of plastic, then successively smaller pieces. SAS Ocean Phoenix says the staggered filters<br />

would allow fish to swim between them and return to the ocean.<br />

The Environmental Cleanup Coalition is an organisation dedicated to cleaning up the oceans. Their website<br />

provides a lot of information on the current problem, as well as a variety of solutions to it.<br />

Ultimately, we need to stop debris from entering the sea in the first place. This can be done by making<br />

sure there is a suitable waste infrastructure in every country. Beaches and public amenities need to be<br />

kept clean at all times, and visitors should be made aware of the need to bring their trash home with<br />

them. Education and behaviour modification is key and people need to be made aware of where their<br />

rubbish could end up after they throw it away.<br />


Plastic:<br />

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<br />

Delhi has recently passed a law which bans plastic from the city completely, and France has passed a law<br />

which will come into effect in 2020 to ensure that all plastic cups, cutlery and plates can be composted<br />

and are made of biologically-sourced materials.<br />

Biodegradable plastic is an alternative to petroleum-based plastic. However, there are problems associated<br />

with the production of these kinds of plastics also, which you can read about here.<br />

This short video explains the problem with plastic packaging and how we can help reduce or eliminate it.<br />

This video is also useful.<br />

When buying liquids you can choose glass bottles and jars instead of plastic.<br />

Refuse plastic bags when they are offered and always bring cloth bags with<br />

you when shopping.<br />

Choose paper, cardboard, or no packaging when buying produce.<br />

Buy in bulk as much as possible.<br />

Make sure your local neighbourhood does regular cleanups if litter is a problem<br />

in your area.<br />

Always bring your trash home with you after a day out.<br />

Check out this blog and book: My Plastic Free Life for some great tips on becoming plastic-free.<br />

The Circular Economy:<br />

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<br />

The Circular Economy is a model of production in which waste is reduced or eliminated, and all manufactured<br />

items are re-used at the end of their lifetime.<br />

At clothing company H&M, for example, the idea of circular production has really taken off. In 2013 the<br />

clothing retailer launched an in-store garment collecting initiative. You can now leave old textiles at any<br />

H&M store in the world and the company will upcycle, re-use and resell them.<br />

Clothing companies like Nike, Levi-Strauss, North Face, Zara and Patagonia are also keen to get on board<br />

the circular economy bandwagon, and have begun collecting old garments for recycling and reuse.<br />

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition – an alliance of retailers, brands, and nonprofits – has been working for<br />

about five years to measure and reduce the industry’s environmental footprint.<br />

A new app for mobiles called Stuffstr lets users know where they can donate, repair or bring back used<br />

clothing or household items.<br />

Composting:<br />

Make sure you compost food and garden waste at home, or if you generate large amounts of garden or other<br />

biological waste your local recycling service may be able to accept it.<br />


Recycling:<br />

Not all plastics can be recycled. This video shows which types of plastics can and cannot be recycled.<br />

The book Reduce, Reuse, Recycle may also be helpful.<br />

Upcycling and Remakeries:<br />

Upcycling makes new items out of old ones. Used furniture is a great example of upcycling and items can be<br />

newly upholstered, repaired, re-varnished, etc. Remakeries take used goods and repair, upcycle and re-sell<br />

them. Check out the Edinburgh Remakery here as an example.<br />

Repair Cafés:<br />

The repair café concept was founded in Amsterdam in 2009 and<br />

there are now 1,180 repair cafés in 30 countries. You can check<br />

many of them out online here. The basic concept is that you take<br />

your broken item to the café and it will be repaired there (by a<br />

volunteer) while you wait. There is a social and local dimension to<br />

these cafés where tea and coffee are provided and people can<br />

relax and chat to others.<br />

Freecycle and Donation:<br />

Freecycling or giving away your unwanted items for free has also<br />

become very popular and you should now be able to find freecycle<br />

groups in most major towns and cities. Charity donation is also<br />

another option when giving away unwanted goods.<br />

Repair Cafe<br />

In conclusion, a lot is being done to address the problem of waste. Along with a growing awareness of the<br />

problem, new movements to address it are gaining ground. As time goes on, perhaps technology will advance<br />

to the point where waste is no longer a problem. In the meantime, there is a lot that we can do as individuals<br />

in order to reduce the amount of waste we produce.<br />


Book Review:<br />

Food Choice and <strong>Sustainability</strong><br />

By Richard Oppenlander<br />

Following up on his excellent Comfortably Unaware Dr. Oppenlander goes deeper into the massive environmental<br />

impacts of our current animal based agriculture system on land and in the oceans. Brian<br />

Wendel, Creator and Executive Producer of Forks Over Knives wrote that Dr. Oppenlander’s important<br />

work shows how the long-term health of our planet and its<br />

inhabitants will be determined, in large part, by our willingness<br />

to adopt a plant-based diet en masse. In reading “Food<br />

Choice and <strong>Sustainability</strong>”, one may find empowerment that<br />

such a simple and effective remedy can begin at our next<br />

meal.<br />

Julieanna Hever, Author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to<br />

Plant-Based Nutrition commented that “Food Choice and<br />

<strong>Sustainability</strong>” intricately weaves food choice to the destruction<br />

of the planet, offering the one and only solution—the<br />

evolution to a plant-based diet.<br />

What we choose to eat is killing our planet and us, yet use of<br />

the word ‘sustainable’ is ubiquitous. Explanation of this incongruity<br />

lies in the fact that sustainability efforts are rarely<br />

positioned to include food choice in an accurate or adequate<br />

manner. This is due to a number of influencing cultural, social,<br />

and political factors that disable our food production<br />

systems and limit our base of knowledge—falsely guiding us<br />

on a path of pseudo sustainability, while we devastate the ecosystems that support us, cause mass extinctions,<br />

and generate narrowing time lines because of our global footprint that will ultimately jeopardize our<br />

very survival as a civilization. Dr. Oppenlander’s goal with this book is to increase awareness in order to<br />

effect positive change—before it is too late. This is a groundbreaking book, and given the urgency and<br />

magnitude of the problem, it's a book that anyone who cares about our future and that of other species<br />

should read —individuals, academic institutions, businesses, organizations, and policy makers. Categories<br />

of global depletion are detailed, widely held myths are debunked, critical disconnects are exposed, and<br />

unique, profound solutions are offered. This book also unveils a new model of multidimensional sustainability<br />

for developing countries to eradicate world hunger and poverty as it compels us all to become<br />

aware of the enormous effect of our food choices, make necessary changes, and then, inspire others to do<br />

the same.<br />

As another reviewer Jon Stryker, President and Founder of the Arcus Foundation, put it Dr. Oppenlander’s<br />

remarkable book clearly makes the case imperative: our food choices are degrading our climate, exhausting<br />

our natural resources and creating monumental struggles for people in developing world nations. We<br />

must raise our awareness and make ethical and moral food choices.<br />


Diet and Climate Change: Cooking up a Storm<br />

By Michael Greger at nutritionfacts.org<br />

One of the most prestigious medical journals in the world commented<br />

that climate change represents the biggest global health threat of the<br />

21 st century, and currently, chronic diseases are, by far, the leading<br />

cause of death. Might there be a way to combat both at the same time?<br />

For example, riding our bikes instead of driving is a win-win-win for<br />

people, planet, and pocketbook. Good for us, the environment, and<br />

cheaper too. Are there similar win-win situations when it comes to diet?<br />

Dr. Michael Greger<br />

The same foods that create the most greenhouse gases appear to be the same foods that are contributing<br />

to many of our chronic diseases. Meat, fish, eggs, and dairy were found to have the greatest environmental<br />

impact, whereas grains, beans, fruits and vegetables had the least impact. And, not only did the<br />

foods with the heaviest environmental impact tend to have lower nutritional quality, but also a higher<br />

price per pound, thereby scoring that win-win-win scenario.<br />

The European Commission, the governing body of the European Union, commissioned a study on what individuals<br />

can do to help the climate. In terms of transport, if Europeans started driving electric cars, it<br />

could prevent as much as 174 million tons of carbon from getting released. We could also turn down the<br />

thermostat a bit, maybe put on a sweater. But, the most powerful thing people can do is shift to a meatfree<br />

diet. What we eat may have more of an impact on global warming than what we drive. Even just cutting<br />

out animal protein intake one day of the week could have a powerful effect. Even just Meatless Mondays<br />

could beat out working from home all week and not commuting.<br />

And, a strictly plant-based diet may be better still, responsible<br />

for only about half the greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, studies<br />

have suggested that moderate dietary changes are not<br />

enough to reduce impacts from food consumption drastically.<br />

Changes to healthier diets, without significant meat and dairy<br />

intake reductions, may result only in rather minor reductions of<br />

environmental impacts. This is because the average fossil energy<br />

input for animal protein production systems is approx. 25<br />

calories of fossil energy input for every one calorie produced—<br />

more than 11 times greater than that for grain protein production,<br />

for example, which is down around two to one.<br />

Researchers in Italy compared seven different diets to see<br />

which one was the environmentally friendliest. They compared<br />

a conventional, omnivorous diet adhering to dietary guidelines,<br />

to an organic, omnivorous diet, conventional vegetarian, organic<br />

vegetarian, conventional vegan, and organic vegan to what the average person actually eats. For<br />

each dietary pattern, they looked at carcinogens, air pollution, climate change, effects on the ozone layer,<br />

the ecosystem, acid rain, and land, mineral, and fossil fuel use. This is what they came up with. This is how<br />

many resources it took to feed people on their current diets. These are the negative effects the diet is having<br />

on the ecosystem, and the adverse effects on human health. If they were eating a healthier diet, conforming<br />

to the dietary recommendations, the environmental impact would be significantly less. An organic<br />

omnivorous diet would be better, similar to a vegetarian diet of conventional foods, beaten out by an organic<br />

vegetarian diet, conventional vegan and organic vegan diet.<br />


The Commission report described the barriers to animal product reduction as largely, lack of knowledge,<br />

ingrained habits and culinary cultures. Proposed policy measures include meat or animal protein taxes, educational<br />

campaigns, and putting the greenhouse gas emissions info right on food labels.<br />

Climate change mitigation is expensive. A global transition to even just a low-meat diet, as recommended<br />

for health reasons, could reduce these mitigation costs. A healthier low-meat diet would cut the cost of<br />

mitigating climate change from about 1% of GDP by more than half; a no-meat diet could cut two-thirds of<br />

the cost, and a no-animal-product-diet could cut the cost 80%.<br />

But many aren’t aware of the<br />

cow in the room. It seems that<br />

very few people are aware that<br />

the livestock sector is one of the<br />

largest contributors to greenhouse<br />

gas emissions. But that’s<br />

changing.<br />

The UK’s National Health Service<br />

is taking a leading role in<br />

reducing carbon emissions. Patients,<br />

visitors, and staff can look forward to healthy low carbon menus with much less meat, dairy, and<br />

eggs, for evidence shows that as far as the climate is concerned, meat is heat.<br />

The Swedish Government recently amended their dietary recommendations to encourage citizens to eat<br />

less meat. Even if we seek only to achieve the conservative objective of avoiding further long-term increases<br />

in greenhouse gas emissions from livestock, we are still led to rather radical recommendations such<br />

as cutting current consumption levels in half in affluent countries—an unlikely outcome if there were no<br />

direct rewards to citizens for doing so. Fortunately, there are such rewards: important health benefits. By<br />

helping the planet we can help ourselves.<br />


Moving to a <strong>Vegan</strong> Agricul<br />

In part 1 of a 2-part series Greg McFarlane of <strong>Vegan</strong> Australia outlines<br />

the steps that need to be taken to transition to a fully plant-based<br />

agricultural system.<br />

The road to an ethical Australia, which fully values the interests of all animals, may be long but we can accelerate<br />

the move towards this goal if we develop an understanding of what a vegan Australia would look like and what<br />

changes would be required. This goal is achievable and by moving towards an animal-free agricultural system, Australia<br />

can become an ethical world leader.<br />

To try to understand a future where animals are no longer exploited, <strong>Vegan</strong> Australia has explored different aspects<br />

of a vegan agricultural system for Australia. How the land use, food security, environment, the economy, employment<br />

and other areas would be affected by moving to a vegan agricultural system. The aim is to prepare a plan for<br />

this vegan agricultural transition answering questions about what Australia would look like and how this could be<br />

achieved.<br />

Justification<br />

The case for moving towards a vegan agricultural system is based on the understanding that the use of animals for<br />

food, clothing or any other purpose<br />

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<br />

results in suffering and exploitation of animals;<br />

is unnecessary for human health and wellbeing;<br />

is wasteful of land and food suitable for human consumption contributing to hunger and famine; Eighty percent<br />

of starving children live in countries that actually have food surpluses - the children remain hungry because<br />

farmers feed the grain and legumes to animals instead of people.<br />

produces various pollutant streams (sewage, methane, anti-biotics, etc.);<br />

is a main driver of climate change;<br />

is harmful to other species and ecosystems;<br />

is the main user of fresh water globally; Fresh water is becoming a scarce resource and is excessively used for<br />

the production of animal products. The lack of fresh water is a major cause of disease transmission, especially<br />

amongst the world's poor.<br />

is responsible for 80% of deforestation. Deforestation is often in areas occupied by indigenous people and their<br />

rights and interests are often ignored.<br />


ture System for Australia<br />

<strong>Vegan</strong> Australia Transition Principles<br />

This study uses sound economics and agricultural and environmental science to outline the transition and<br />

the changes in land use and agriculture are guided by the following principles.<br />

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<br />

There should be no negative effects on the availability of food (locally or for export) to provide for a<br />

healthy population. The changes will result in different food types being available, but the consumption<br />

levels for all essential macro and micro nutrients should be maintained or enhanced.<br />

The changes should maintain or improve current living standards.<br />

Costs, including monetary and externalities such as environmental costs, should not be deferred to<br />

future generations.<br />

The changes should protect the state of the environment and maintain food and water security.<br />

Any economic and employment impacts should be minimised and alternatives investigated.<br />

Where economic and employment impacts are unavoidable, the costs of these must be met by society<br />

in general and not left to landholders and workers to bear. No individual should be disadvantaged.<br />

Consumers respond to changes in social attitudes and economic conditions, reflecting cultural<br />

changes, changing attitudes to eating meat as well as price fluctuations.<br />

Rural Australians will play a crucial role in the transition to a productive, healthy, ethical, ecological<br />

land management approach and accurate valuation of ecosystem services and innovative financial<br />

incentives will be required to enable them to restore and strengthen vital ecosystem services.<br />

Shared responsibility will be crucial to ensure fairness. Moving to an animal-free agricultural system will<br />

result in significant changes to large areas of Australia, potentially impacting the lives and livelihood of a<br />

number of people. The changes will result in major benefits to the environment and climate and these<br />

benefits will be shared by all Australians. To ensure that rural Australians are not asked to shoulder this<br />

burden by themselves, the economic costs of these changes must be shared by society.<br />

Land use<br />


This section looks at options for reusing land that is currently used for animal agriculture in Australia. It quantifies<br />

how much land is currently used for animal farming and then describes how this land could be reused<br />

for other purposes, that do not involve the use of animals.<br />

Since European settlement, the Australian continent has been extensively modified by animal agriculture,<br />

with livestock (mainly cattle, sheep and dairy) grazing native or modified pastures on 56% of the continent.<br />

About 3.5% of land is used to grow plant foods for humans.<br />

The area of the Australian continent is about 770 million hectares (Mha). Of this, 429 Mha (56%) are used to<br />

graze beef, sheep and dairy. In addition, 3 Mha are used for fodder crops to be fed to farmed animals and 4<br />

Mha are used to grow grain to be fed to farmed animals. This compares to the 20 Mha used to grow plant<br />

foods for humans (both domestic consumption and export). About 30% of feed for dairy cattle comes from<br />

crops and up to to 90% of the food given to farmed chickens and pigs are grains fit for human consumption.<br />

In agricultural analysis, Australia is often divided into intensive and extensive land-use zones. The intensive<br />

zone covers eastern Australia and south-west Western Australia. The main agricultural activities in the intensive<br />

zone are cropping, pastoral production and dairying, with an average annual value of agricultural production<br />

of about $193 per hectare. The rest of the continent makes up the extensive land-use zone. The extensive<br />

zone is arid or semi-arid and is not suitable for cropping. The main agricultural activity is grazing<br />

sheep and cattle on native vegetation, with an average annual value of agricultural production of only $3.35<br />

per hectare. In parts of Northern Australia the land is used very inefficiently by raising cattle, taking up to 50<br />

hectares to support just one animal.<br />

Animal agriculture uses over 430 Mha (well over half) of Australia's land mass, consisting of about 300 Mha<br />

in the extensive zone and 100 in the intensive zone. We estimate that about 2.9 Mha would be required to<br />

grow the extra plant foods for domestic and overseas human consumption. This would leave vast areas of<br />

land available for other uses beneficial to people and wildlife. Possible uses include the following. (Note that<br />

the suggested areas are very approximate.)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

land currently used for both cropping and grazing should be used solely for cropping (35 Mha)<br />

extra forestry for timber logging (1-5 Mha)<br />

carbon farming (sequestering carbon dioxide) by regrowing vegetation, enriching the soil (100 Mha)<br />

would enable the land use sector to become a sink for emissions from other sectors, such as power generation<br />

and transport.<br />

biochar production from tree crops (1-5 Mha)<br />

restoration of rangelands (200 Mha)<br />

sequestering carbon dioxide in soil and vegetation<br />


providing native habitat for endangered species<br />

increasing biodiversity<br />

reducing erosion and soil loss<br />

reducing salinisation<br />

improve water quality<br />

new irrigation schemes in Northern Australia (1.5Mha)<br />

Wooleen Case Study Western Australia<br />

One interesting example of a change in<br />

land use in line with a vegan agricultural<br />

system is the destocking and regeneration<br />

of the rangelands at Wooleen Station<br />

in Western Australia. This land had<br />

been over-grazed for over 100 years resulting<br />

in most of the prime land being in<br />

poor or very poor condition with some of<br />

it being badly eroded and degraded to<br />

the point where it was never expected to<br />

recover. The situation at Wooleen is typical<br />

of neighbouring areas and in fact of<br />

much of the Australian rangelands.<br />

In 2007, the leaseholders of the 200,000 hectare station "Wooleen" decided to completely destock the entire<br />

property for four years. The re-establishment of the vegetation "has progressed much better than expected".<br />

A multitude of plants re-appeared, including the slow growing, but sturdy, saltbush. This regrowth occurred<br />

because cattle were no longer grazing and despite a long drought. Some plants returned to areas where they<br />

were never expected to grow. Plant and animal species threatened with extinction also began to return. Perennial<br />

plants, crucial to restoring the land, were among those re-established.<br />

The image above shows the transplanting of native grasses into flowing creek lines<br />

after good rains.<br />

During the time when no farmed animals grazed, grasses were planted and infrastructure was changed to replicate<br />

the natural systems that had been lost, culminating in the Roderick River flowing clear of eroded sediment<br />

for the first time in living memory. In just four years, a red river had been turned clear by removing<br />

farmed animals from the land and restoring some of the natural systems. "Nature is bouncing back." Please<br />

see video presentation on the regeneration at Wooleen.<br />


Monitoring Photo—Wooleen Lake Bed<br />

Before 2004 After 2009<br />

In Australia, most grazing land is owned by the state and leased to farmers. It is interesting to note that a<br />

condition of the lease is that the land must be stocked with farmed animals. The majority of income must<br />

come from grazing. Other uses, such as tourism, are not encouraged. In fact, the leaseholders of Wooleen<br />

had to wait one year for permission from the Pastoral Lands Board to remove stock from the property.<br />

These unhelpful regulations act as barriers to change and will need replacing to be more in line with present<br />

day needs of the country. The success of this case study in such a short time suggests that it may be<br />

possible to restore land quickly and without great expense in many parts of Australia.<br />

<strong>Vegan</strong> Australia is supporting this research and are looking for funding to be able to progress this project as<br />

quickly as possible. They are also looking for other researchers to work on parts of it. If you can assist in any<br />

way, please email Greg McFarlane at greg@veganaustralia.org.au<br />

The next issue of <strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> will feature Part 2 of this article where <strong>Vegan</strong> Australia explore the<br />

effects of transitioning to a <strong>Vegan</strong> Agriculture System from an economic, environmental, and health perspective<br />

including what steps need to be taken to make it happen.<br />


The Kimmela Centre for<br />

Animal Advocacy<br />

The Kimmela Centre for Animal Advocacy was founded by Dr. Lori Marino who is a neuroscientist and<br />

expert in animal behavior and intelligence, formerly on the faculty of Emory University. She is internationally<br />

known for her work on the evolution of the brain and intelligence in dolphins and whales and<br />

comparisons to primates.<br />

Dr. Lori Marino<br />

Kimmela is a Native American word for butterfly, the most widely recognized symbol of transformation<br />

in nature. Kimmela are devoted to transforming our relationship with other animals from exploitation to<br />

respect by combining academic scholarship with animal advocacy.<br />

It is the only organization focusing exclusively on bridging the gap between academic research and<br />

scholarship and on-the-ground animal advocacy efforts. A “think and do tank” dedicated to moving beyond<br />

debate and theoretical discourse into real-world animal advocacy applications. It empowers animal<br />

advocacy by connecting it with science and scholarship in order to transform attitudes and behavior<br />

toward other animals.<br />

They have a great website with links to a lot of other organisations doing important work in protecting<br />

and understanding our animal kin.<br />

(article from the Kimmela website, edited by James O'Donovan)<br />


The Nonhuman Rights Project<br />

Q&A about the Nonhuman Rights Project<br />

Q: What is the Nonhuman Rights Project?<br />

A: It is the first and only organization petitioning courts<br />

to recognize that, based on existing scientific evidence,<br />

certain nonhuman animals – specifically great apes,<br />

dolphins, and elephants – are entitled to such basic legal<br />

rights as bodily liberty and integrity.<br />

Q: What exactly is the “scientific evidence” on which<br />

you base your claims?<br />

A: Our legal claims are based on the best scientific<br />

findings on genetics, intelligence, emotions and social<br />

lives of these animals showing they are self-aware,<br />

autonomous beings. Our work is supported by an international group of the world’s most respected primatologists.<br />

Q: Who have been your plaintiffs so far?<br />

A: In December 2013, we filed lawsuits on behalf of all four chimpanzees currently imprisoned in New York<br />

State. Those cases are currently making their way through the appellate courts as we prepare our next series<br />

of suits.<br />

Q: Specifically what rights are you seeking?<br />

A: The right to bodily liberty – i.e. not to be imprisoned.<br />

Q: By bodily liberty, do you mean they should all be set free?<br />

A: We argue that our first chimpanzee plaintiffs should be freed, then transferred to a sanctuary where<br />

they can live out their days with many other chimpanzees in an environment as close to the wild as is possible<br />

in North America.<br />

Q: Your first plaintiffs are chimpanzees, and you are also talking about elephants, whales and dolphins.<br />

What’s next after that? Dogs and pigs?<br />

A: Our plaintiffs will be animals for whom there is clear scientific evidence of such complex cognitive abilities<br />

as self-awareness and autonomy. Currently that evidence exists for elephants, dolphins and whales,<br />

and all four species of great apes. So, for the foreseeable future, our plaintiffs are likely to come from these<br />

three groups.<br />

Q: Why do you talk about “nonhuman animals”?<br />

A: Humans are animals; people tend to forget that. Under current law, the only animals recognized as having<br />

legal rights are humans.<br />


At VSM we believe that all species should be able to live out their lives free from<br />

human imprisonment, abuse, or interference.<br />

The Nonhuman Rights Project is working in the US to establish a legal precedent for<br />

these rights using the court system.<br />

Q: Don’t rights come with responsibilities? If you can’t be responsible, then you can’t have rights.<br />

A: Not true. Millions of humans have fundamental rights that are not linked to responsibilities. Children and<br />

physically or mentally impaired adults cannot bear responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have<br />

legal rights. You can’t just lock them up or use them for entertainment (at least not anymore).<br />

Q: Surely human rights are only for humans.<br />

A: That’s right. Human rights are for humans. Chimpanzee<br />

rights are for chimpanzees. Chimpanzees do not need the<br />

right to vote, for example, but they do need the right not to<br />

be held captive in shocking conditions in laboratories or<br />

roadside zoos.<br />

Q: Haven’t other organizations tried to do this before?<br />

A: No. The Nonhuman Rights Project is the first organization to demand legal rights for a nonhuman animal<br />

in a court of law. Other organizations have sought protections for certain animals through legislation. But no<br />

one has ever used the legal system to demand a legal right for a nonhuman animal.<br />

Q: What is the distinction between animal rights and animal welfare? Which are you focused on?<br />

A: Animal welfare is about providing better conditions for animals – for example in circuses and laboratories.<br />

There are thousands of animal welfare groups doing this important work.<br />

The Nonhuman Rights Project is the only group demanding legal rights for any nonhuman animal. This is<br />

about the legal system recognizing that at least some nonhuman animals have legal rights that can be enforced<br />

on their behalf, just as human children have legal rights that their parents can enforce on their behalf.<br />

We are asking the courts to recognize, for the first time, that these cognitively sophisticated, autonomous<br />

beings are legal persons who have the basic right to not be held in captivity.<br />

Q: What do you mean by “legal person”?<br />

A: A legal person is an entity capable of having legal rights. These have included humans, fetuses, corporations,<br />

and ships. (Even, in Indian courts, idols and holy books have been granted legal personhood.) It’s society’s<br />

way of acknowledging that an entity counts in the law.<br />

Not long ago, men generally agreed that women and children could not be legal persons, but were simply<br />

the property of men. In this country we said the same thing about African-American slaves. We are asserting,<br />

based on clear scientific evidence, that it’s time to take the next step and recognize that certain nonhuman<br />

animals cannot continue to be exploited as property.<br />

Q: Why are you going to court rather than trying to pass legislation?<br />

A: Courts are where a plaintiff goes to enforce rights and obtain justice. State legislatures and the U.S. Congress<br />

enact statutes, but common law state judges make law, too, based on precedents and their sense of<br />


what is right, good and just. (Contract and tort law are almost entirely<br />

common law.) Our argument that a chimpanzee, for example,<br />

is entitled to the basic right to bodily liberty is based on precedents<br />

and what is right, good and just.<br />

The common law is deliberately flexible. It changes and adapts as<br />

morality changes and new experiences and scientific facts come to<br />

light. Evidence is mounting every day that certain nonhuman animals<br />

are extraordinarily cognitively complex. The common law is<br />

ideally suited to recognize this.<br />

Q: How can people get involved in the Nonhuman Rights Project?<br />

A: We work with the help of volunteer lawyers, scientists, biologists, natural scientists, mathematicians and<br />

predictive analytics professionals, as well as with people who are spreading the word about our work<br />

through their social networks.<br />

Over the coming years, we will be filing as many cases as we can afford, so contributions are very important,<br />

too. We also need funds to help establish sanctuaries for the animals we’re working to free from captivity.<br />

Q: Why should it matter to people that animals should have legal rights?<br />

A: Abraham Lincoln put it best: “In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free.” When you<br />

deny freedom to anyone who deserves it, you undermine the freedom of everyone.<br />

You can find out more about the Nonhuman Rights project on their website.<br />

Book Review:<br />

How Not to Die<br />

By Michael Greger MD<br />

The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not<br />

to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-recognized lecturer, physician, and founder of NutritionFacts.org,<br />

examines the fifteen top causes of death in America (and in most countries around the world) – heart disease,<br />

various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and more – and explains how nutritional and lifestyle<br />

interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing<br />

us to live healthier lives.<br />

The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease.<br />

Around the world the 15 leading causes of death now claim the the majority of people’s lives each year. This<br />

doesn’t have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger’s advice, all of it backed up by peer-reviewed scientific evidence,<br />

you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer.<br />


History of prostate cancer in your family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet. Have high<br />

blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug—and without the side effects.<br />

What about liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming<br />

soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease (our #1 killer)? Switch to a whole-food,<br />

plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to help prevent the disease, but arrest and even<br />

reverse it.<br />

In addition to showing what to eat to help prevent the top 15 causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr.<br />

Greger’s Daily Dozen – a checklist of the foods we should try to consume every day (as shown on below). Full<br />

of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor’s orders are just<br />

what we need to live longer, healthier lives.<br />


All proceeds Dr. Greger receives from all book sales are donated to the 501c3 nonprofit charity<br />

www.nutritionfacts.org which is the best website we have found for peer reviewed scientific studies on the<br />

health benefits of a plant based diet.<br />


<strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> in the News<br />

A roundup of the main vegan and sustainability news stories from the past few months..<br />

London bombarded by vegan advertising campaigns in January<br />

Three of the world’s largest vegan advocacy organisations ran vegan advertising campaigns concurrently<br />

in London during the month of January. The Go <strong>Vegan</strong> World campaign ran ads on buses, taxis, billboards<br />

and video screens throughout the city. The ads launched in late December and early January in<br />

London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leicester, Newcastle and Bristol. Check out their brilliant<br />

free <strong>Vegan</strong> Guide.<br />

Simultaneously, PETA replaced every advert at Clapham<br />

Common tube station with a vegan poster. 60<br />

adverts in total showed photos of pigs, cows and<br />

chickens with the slogan "I'm ME, Not MEAT”.<br />

Meanwhile, <strong>Vegan</strong>uary, the charity that encourages<br />

people to go vegan for the month of January, had<br />

2,500 ads displayed inside London’s tube trains. The<br />

campaign started on the 15 th of December and ran<br />

until January 2 nd . It was crowdfunded by the vegan<br />

community. The ads featured three animals – Rocky<br />

the calf, a chick called Little Eric and a piglet named<br />

Ernie – who urge passengers to read their stories and<br />

join thousands of others around the world who choose to eat no animal products at all in January. The<br />

group described it as the biggest vegan campaign ever featured on the London Underground. <strong>Vegan</strong>uary<br />

also have a really good <strong>Vegan</strong> Starter Kit<br />

EU members demand Europe shifts to plant-based diet<br />

24 members of the EU parliament signed a letter to the European Commission President insisting on a<br />

reduction in animal agriculture and recommending a shift to a plant-based diet. The letter outlines the<br />

dangers posed by animal products to human health and the environment. It also recommends that EU<br />

policy should aim at a 30% reduction in the consumption of animal-based foods by 2030, and that the<br />

consumption of fruits and vegetables over meat be encouraged by means of an overhaul of the agricultural<br />

subsidies system which currently incentivises meat production.<br />

The five page letter can be read here.<br />

Fur Farming in Japan and Croatia comes to an end<br />

Since 2006 it has been illegal to establish any new mink farms in<br />

Japan. However, existing farms were allowed to continue operating<br />

and the Otsuka mink farm was the last remaining fur farm in<br />

the country. Its closure at the end of 2016 marks the end of the<br />

industry there.<br />

From the 1 st of January <strong>2017</strong> fur farming was also outlawed in<br />

By Bronwyn Slater<br />


Croatia. The introduction of the new law comes after a 10-year-long phase out period. Despite strong resistance<br />

from the fur industry, the government listened to concerned citizens and animal rights groups in coming<br />

to its decision. Celebrity Sharon Osborne’s video in partnership with PETA was described as instrumental in<br />

bringing awareness to the cruel chinchilla fur industry there.<br />

Bird Flu results in a cull of 22 million birds in South Korea<br />

More than 22.5 million poultry were killed amid the worst<br />

bird flu epidemic in farms across South Korea in recent<br />

times. Korea has suffered several bird flu outbreaks since<br />

2003 but the outbreak in the winter of 2016, caused by the<br />

highly pathogenic H5N6 strain of bird flu, has been described<br />

as the worst ever. The flu also spread to the local<br />

zoo which had to be closed. These diseases can spread to<br />

other wildlife and can also kill people. 36 people were killed<br />

in the last major outbreak in mainland China in 2013.<br />

In 2014 South Korea culled 14 million birds amid a bird flu<br />

outbreak. As of the end of March, 2016 the country had<br />

killed more than 156 million chickens and more than 9.5<br />

million ducks, according to government data.<br />

On Keeping a <strong>Vegan</strong> or a Vegetarian Diet<br />

by Matthieu Ricard<br />

“It just takes just one second to decide to stop. The<br />

main reason not to eat meat and fish is to spare another's<br />

life. This is not an extreme perspective. This is a<br />

most reasonable and compassionate point of view.”<br />

My first Buddhist teacher, Kangyur Rinpoche, was a<br />

very strict vegetarian (meaning a vegan diet). I was inspired<br />

by him and also by a deep inner reasoning that<br />

suddenly became obvious to me. I never hunted in my<br />

life, but did go fishing sometimes when I was a little boy in Brittany. When I was 13 years old, a thought<br />

bloomed in my mind “How can I do something like that”? I realized that I was totally avoiding putting myself<br />

in the place of the other. And when I was 20, I gave up eating meat. That was 50 years ago.<br />

The heart of the Buddhist path is compassion. That means to value others. If you value others, you value their<br />

wellbeing and are concerned by their suffering.<br />


We can find the means to survive without causing suffering to others. In India for example, there are over 400<br />

million vegetarian people who survive well. They are not sacrificing their health or reducing their life span. In<br />

fact, even from a selfish standpoint, it is better to be a vegetarian. Many studies have shown that red meat increases<br />

the incidences of colon cancer and other illnesses.<br />

However, the main reason to stop eating animals is to spare others' life. Today, 150 billion land animals and 1.5<br />

trillion sea animals are killed for our consumption. We treat them like rats and vermin and cockroaches to be<br />

eliminated. This would be called genocide or dehumanization if they were human beings.<br />

”the main reason to stop eating animals is to spare others’ life”<br />

We even go one step further with animals: we instrumentalize them. They become objects. They become the<br />

pig industry, sausage or meat factories. Ethically you cannot imagine progressing toward a more altruistic or<br />

more compassionate society while behaving like this.<br />

Eating meat reveals another selfishness in terms of other fellow human beings. Rich countries consume the<br />

most meat: about 100 kilos per year per inhabitant in the USA, compared to about 3 kilos in India. The more<br />

the GDP of a country increases, usually so does the amount of meat consumption.<br />

In order to produce one kilo of red meat, you need ten to sixteen kilos of vegetable proteins. This is at a cost to<br />

the poorest section of humanity. With two acres of land, you can feed fifty vegetarians or two meat eaters. The<br />

775 million tons of soy and corn that are used for industrial farming could be used for feeding people who are<br />

in need.<br />

The United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, a group that is not particularly fanatical about being<br />

vegetarian, recommends that we start by just eating less meat. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce global<br />

warming and could make a huge difference to the rate of climate change. The reason is that industrial farming<br />

causes the production of methane. Methane is thirty times more active in creating global warming than CO 2 .<br />

Agriculture is the second main factor for global warming before industry and transportation!<br />

It just takes one second to decide to stop. It doesn't create any huge chaotic changes in our life. It's just that we<br />

eat something else. It's so simple. A small effort can bring a very big result for animals, for the disadvantaged,<br />

for the planet, for our own health. A sensible mind can see this is not an extreme perspective. This is a most<br />

reasonable, ethical, and compassionate point of view.<br />

Matthieu Ricard is a Tibetan Buddhist Monk, an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker<br />

on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos, forums at the United Nations, and at<br />

TED where his talks on happiness and altruism have been viewed by over seven million people. He is a charismatic<br />

figure who has captured the minds and hearts of people all over the world. He is also the author of A<br />

Plea for the Animals, The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion,<br />

Shambhala Publications 2016. You can view his video entitled ‘On keeping a vegan or vegetarian diet’<br />

here.<br />


<strong>Vegan</strong> <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Website: www.vegansustainability.com<br />

E-mail: info@vegansustainability.com<br />

Find us on Facebook.<br />


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