Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT

Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT


defined by the user and indicate the number of designs that must be accepted or rejected, respectively, at a given temperature. When either A = kA or R = kR the temperature is reduced according to a user-defined cooling constant, kC: Tk = Tk−1 (1 − kC) (2.45) and the A and R counters are reset to zero. The search continues in this manner until the termination conditions are met. The termination conditions are chosen by the user based on the specific problem statement. In the PT SCI search the algorithm terminates when kR designs are rejected at three temperatures in a row. Equation 2.44 is called the Boltzman probability, and is the critical feature of the SA algorithm. At high temperatures the probability of accepting a design that increases the cost is high. By randomly accepting less favorable designs the algorithm allows itself to climb out of areas of local minimum and more thoroughly search the space. As the temperature decreases the acceptance probability, pA, becomes lower, and the search eventually converges in the neighborhood of a favorable design. The minimum cost and corresponding design variables are identified from the history of accepted design costs. There is no guarantee that the resulting design is an optimum in the mathematical sense, in fact it most likely is not. However, if the cooling schedule is set appropriately for the given problem the resulting design is a good design and in many cases is better than a locally optimal design resulting from a gradient search. 2.5 Performance Tailoring Results The results of the PT optimizations run on the SCI development model are presented in the following section. Three optimization algorithms, SQP, MC SQP and SA are compared for performance and efficiency. The SQP algorithm is part of the MATLAB optimization toolbox, and the SA algorithm is implemented as outlined in Figure 2-4. At each optimization or search iteration a new SCI state-space model is built 60

and the RMS OPD is computed using Equations 2.13 and 2.14. The SCI model is built in MATLAB as indicated in the algorithm outlined in Figure 2-5. The input to the model generation code is a vector of tailoring design variables, x. These design variables are used to build the appropriate finite element model that includes the truss elements, optics, design masses and ACS model. The eigenvalue problem is solved, resulting in the natural frequencies and mode shapes for this particular design. The rigid body modes are removed and a state-space model, SY S (x) is assembled. Data: tailoring parameters, �x Result: SCI system model, SY S(�x) begin Build finite element model including: truss, optics, design masses and ACS → K(�x),M(�x) Solve eigenvalue problem → Ω(K, M), Φ(K, M) Remove rigid body modes Build state-space model → A(Ω,Z),B(Φ),C(Φ) Build data structure and return model end Figure 2-5: Development model generation algorithm. 2.5.1 Comparison of Optimization Algorithms The model performance is evaluated in the nominal configuration to provide a base- line for comparison with the optimized designs. Building the model with the nominal tailoring parameters listed in Table 2.3 and running the disturbance analysis results in a nominal RMS OPD of 471 µm. The cost, optimal tailoring parameters, compu- tation time and number of function evaluations for each optimized design are listed in Table 2.4. Table 2.4: PT optimization results, J0 = 471 µm. Tailoring Parameters Algorithm J [µm] d1[m] d2[m] m1[kg] m2[kg] time [min] nfun SA 101.57 0.03 0.03 0.3614 2.520 8.74 1619 SQP 100.53 0.03 0.03 0.0 1.934 1.28 29 MC SQP 100.53 0.03 0.03 1.941 0.0 18.1 447 61

defined by the user and indicate the number of designs that must be accepted or<br />

rejected, respectively, at a given temperature. When either A = kA or R = kR the<br />

temperature is reduced according to a user-defined cooling constant, kC:<br />

Tk = Tk−1 (1 − kC) (2.45)<br />

and the A and R counters are reset to zero. The search continues in this manner until<br />

the termination conditions are met. The termination conditions are chosen by the<br />

user based on the specific problem statement. In the PT SCI search the algorithm<br />

terminates when kR designs are rejected at three temperatures in a row.<br />

Equation 2.44 is called the Boltzman probability, and is the critical feature of<br />

the SA algorithm. At high temperatures the probability of accepting a design that<br />

increases the cost is high. By randomly accepting less favorable designs the algorithm<br />

allows itself to climb out of areas of local minimum and more thoroughly search the<br />

space. As the temperature decreases the acceptance probability, pA, becomes lower,<br />

and the search eventually converges in the neighborhood of a favorable design. The<br />

minimum cost and corresponding design variables are identified from the history of<br />

accepted design costs. There is no guarantee that the resulting design is an optimum<br />

in the mathematical sense, in fact it most likely is not. However, if the cooling<br />

schedule is set appropriately for the given problem the resulting design is a good<br />

design and in many cases is better than a locally optimal design resulting from a<br />

gradient search.<br />

2.5 <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Tailoring</strong> Results<br />

The results of the PT optimizations run on the SCI development model are presented<br />

in the following section. Three optimization algorithms, SQP, MC SQP and SA are<br />

compared for performance and efficiency. The SQP algorithm is part of the MATLAB<br />

optimization toolbox, and the SA algorithm is implemented as outlined in Figure 2-4.<br />

At each optimization or search iteration a new SCI state-space model is built<br />


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