Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT

Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT


Table 1.2: Effect of simulation results on mission with tuning. # Simulation Action On-Orbit Action Result Prediction Performance 1 meet req launch good none success 2 meet req launch bad tune success 3 within bound launch good none success 4 within bound launch bad tune success eration of model uncertainty. Robust Performance Tailoring (RPT) refers to robust structural optimization in which robustness to a specified uncertainty model is in- cluded in the design objective. Robust Performance Tailoring for Tuning (RPTT) is an extension to RPT in which a design is optimized for performance, robustness and tunability. In this approach the tuning or adjustment on hardware is anticipated and explicitly planned for during the design optimization. 1.2.3 Research Objectives The main objective of this thesis is to develop a design methodology that is appropri- ate for high-performance and high-risk systems such as space-based interferometers. Available robust design tools are applied to this problem and evaluated for effective- ness. An extension to robust design that includes a formal tuning methodology is developed. The specific research goals, and thesis chapters in which they are ad- dressed, are as follows: • Apply structural optimization and the robust design framework and tools to space-based interferometer design. Identify control and noise parameters rele- vant to the design of precision structures for optical space systems [Chapters 2 and 3]. • Evaluate the performance of robust design techniques on high-performance and high-uncertainty systems [Chapter 3]. • Formalize an efficient tuning methodology that can be applied to flight hard- ware either during component testing or on-orbit operation to bring the system 28

performance within requirements [Chapter 4]. • Extend robust design techniques to include tailoring for tuning. Define the concept of tunability and incorporate the idea into robust optimization resulting in a formal relationship between structural tailoring and tuning [Chapter 5]. • Demonstrate through simulation that RPTT guarantees that the desired per- formance can be achieved given an accurate model of parametric uncertainty [Chapter 5]. • Apply the RPTT design methodology to an integrated model of a precision optical space structure. Choose appropriate tailoring and tuning parameters for the focus application [Chapter 6]. 1.3 Previous Work The research presented in this thesis draws from previous work in systems engineering, structural dynamics, integrated modeling, optimization and robust design. In this section a review of the relevant work in these fields is presented. Structural optimization is a well-developed field with a rich history. The advent of the digital computer made optimizing structural elements in the design process practical. Numerous examples can be found in the literature of sizing, shape and topology optimization [64]. Sizing optimization is typically applied to a truss structure and uses parameters such as member cross-sectional area and plate thickness as design variables. In shape optimization the topology is fixed, but the structural boundaries are allowed to change [56]. In topology optimization much less is known about the structure and the search is for optimal material distributions to yield a preliminary structural configuration [114, 73]. A large body of work exists on the application of sizing optimization to truss prob- lems to minimize mass subject to static constraints such as maximum stress. Many different optimization techniques have been applied to variations of this problem. The reader is referred to Kirsch [66] for an overview of gradient methods and examples. It 29

performance <strong>with</strong>in requirements [<strong>Chapter</strong> 4].<br />

• Extend robust design techniques to include tailoring for tuning. Define the<br />

concept of tunability and incorporate the idea into robust optimization resulting<br />

in a formal relationship between structural tailoring and tuning [<strong>Chapter</strong> 5].<br />

• Demonstrate through simulation that RPTT guarantees that the desired per-<br />

formance can be achieved given an accurate model of parametric uncertainty<br />

[<strong>Chapter</strong> 5].<br />

• Apply the RPTT design methodology to an integrated model of a precision<br />

optical space structure. Choose appropriate tailoring and tuning parameters<br />

for the focus application [<strong>Chapter</strong> 6].<br />

1.3 Previous Work<br />

The research presented in this thesis draws from previous work in systems engineering,<br />

structural dynamics, integrated modeling, optimization and robust design. In this<br />

section a review of the relevant work in these fields is presented.<br />

Structural optimization is a well-developed field <strong>with</strong> a rich history. The advent<br />

of the digital computer made optimizing structural elements in the design process<br />

practical. Numerous examples can be found in the literature of sizing, shape and<br />

topology optimization [64]. Sizing optimization is typically applied to a truss structure<br />

and uses parameters such as member cross-sectional area and plate thickness as design<br />

variables. In shape optimization the topology is fixed, but the structural boundaries<br />

are allowed to change [56]. In topology optimization much less is known about the<br />

structure and the search is for optimal material distributions to yield a preliminary<br />

structural configuration [114, 73].<br />

A large body of work exists on the application of sizing optimization to truss prob-<br />

lems to minimize mass subject to static constraints such as maximum stress. Many<br />

different optimization techniques have been applied to variations of this problem. The<br />

reader is referred to Kirsch [66] for an overview of gradient methods and examples. It<br />


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