Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT

Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT Chapter 5 Robust Performance Tailoring with Tuning - SSL - MIT


timization (Equation 4.2) to the model at the worst-case uncertainty vertex. The resulting optimal tuning parameters and tuned performances for the three designs are listed in Table 5.3. In all cases, the tuning mass is concentrated in one arm of the interferometer. The RPTT design is tuned on the positive-x arm while the PT and RPT designs are tuned by adding mass to the negative-x arm. This mirror effect is simply due to the choice of worst-case uncertainty vertex. Since the model is perfectly symmetric there are two vertices that result in the same worst-case performance. The tuned performance values indicate that the RPTT design can achieve the best performance through a combination of tailoring and tuning. Consider, for ex- ample, a performance requirement of 240µm, shown with a solid horizontal line in Figure 5-1. Nominal performance is indicated by circles and tuned performance by triangles. The top of the solid error bars is the worst-case untuned performance, and the dashed error bar denotes the worst-case tuned performance. The PT design meets Performance [µm] 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Requirement Nominal Worst−Case Tuned PT RPT RPTT Figure 5-1: Nominal, worst-case and tuned performance for PT, RPT and RPTT designs. Nominal and tuned performances shown with circles and triangles, respectively, and worst-case performance indicated by error bars. The solid black horizontal line indicates a performance requirement of 240 µm. this requirement nominally with a performance value of 100.58µm, but is far above 160

it in the worst-case uncertainty realization at 1355µm. Tuning the PT design at this worst-case vertex improves the performance greatly to 303µm, but does not succeed in bringing the system performance within the requirement. The RPT design is much less sensitive to uncertainty, but sacrifices nominal performance, and consequently tunability, to gain robustness. As a result, it does not meet the requirement in either the nominal (263.87µm) or tuned worst-case (273.32µm) configurations. The RPTT design methodology improves on RPT by tailoring for multiple sets of tuning param- eters instead of just one. RPTT sacrifices some robustness for tunability resulting in a worst-case performance of 573µm, higher than that of RPT, but this worst-case hardware realization is tunable to just under 216µm and meets the requirement. In this context, tunability is considered a form of robustness. Although the design is somewhat sensitive to uncertainty, the physical hardware is guaranteed to be tunable to below the requirement resulting in a robust system. To understand the physical source of the increased tuning authority consider the energy information provided in Figure 5-2. The output PSDs of the RPTT design in nominal (solid line), worst-case (dotted line) and tuned worst-case (dash-dot line) uncertainty configurations are plotted in Figure 5-2(a). The normalized cumulative variance plot shows that the majority of the energy in the worst-case realization is concentrated in the first bending mode. This result is consistent with the PT and RPT designs. The distribution of energy in the nominal and tuned configurations is similar, but the modal frequencies are much lower in the tuned case due to the additional tuning mass. The bar chart, Figure 5-2(b), presents the percent of energy accumulated in the critical modes. The nominal uncertainty case is shown by the black bars, the worst- case uncertainty realizations by gray bars and the tuned configurations by white bars. The first three modes are most critical, and the first bending mode contains most of the energy in the worst-case uncertainty situation. The accompanying table (Figure 5-2(c)) lists the modal frequencies, percent energy and absolute RMS of each mode. Note the large increase in energy in Mode #2 in the worst-case realization and the drop in frequency of Mode #3 in the tuned case. 161

timization (Equation 4.2) to the model at the worst-case uncertainty vertex. The<br />

resulting optimal tuning parameters and tuned performances for the three designs<br />

are listed in Table 5.3. In all cases, the tuning mass is concentrated in one arm of the<br />

interferometer. The RPTT design is tuned on the positive-x arm while the PT and<br />

RPT designs are tuned by adding mass to the negative-x arm. This mirror effect is<br />

simply due to the choice of worst-case uncertainty vertex. Since the model is perfectly<br />

symmetric there are two vertices that result in the same worst-case performance.<br />

The tuned performance values indicate that the RPTT design can achieve the<br />

best performance through a combination of tailoring and tuning. Consider, for ex-<br />

ample, a performance requirement of 240µm, shown <strong>with</strong> a solid horizontal line in<br />

Figure 5-1. Nominal performance is indicated by circles and tuned performance by<br />

triangles. The top of the solid error bars is the worst-case untuned performance, and<br />

the dashed error bar denotes the worst-case tuned performance. The PT design meets<br />

<strong>Performance</strong> [µm]<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Requirement<br />

Nominal<br />

Worst−Case Tuned<br />


Figure 5-1: Nominal, worst-case and tuned performance for PT, RPT and RPTT<br />

designs. Nominal and tuned performances shown <strong>with</strong> circles and triangles, respectively,<br />

and worst-case performance indicated by error bars. The solid black horizontal<br />

line indicates a performance requirement of 240 µm.<br />

this requirement nominally <strong>with</strong> a performance value of 100.58µm, but is far above<br />


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