Namaskar Oct 2012

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Dristi Death<br />

What to Do at the Time of f Death<br />

ath?<br />

Clayton Horton<br />

Yoga teaches us to be present, non-attached, awake, clear,<br />

conscious, aware of the results of our actions and aware of the<br />

eternal Self within. A lifetime of yoga practice prepares us for the<br />

moment we leave our physical body. Many spiritual traditions and<br />

sacred texts say the content of our consciousness at the time of<br />

death determines our fate in the afterlife.<br />

What happens when we die? Do we have a choice to be born again<br />

or can we be liberated from the cycle of birth and death? We can<br />

look to many Eastern traditions for instructions, teachings and<br />

advice on what to do at this auspicious time.<br />

The Tibetan Book of the Dead encourages a fearless, clear and calm<br />

mind as one travels through the trials and tribulations of the<br />

afterlife. Instruction is given for skillful navigation through<br />

different lokas (celestial landscapes) and encounters with demonic<br />

and divine beings in the afterlife. Positive attributes learned and<br />

gained through spiritual practice could be forgotten in this<br />

transition if one is distracted by earthly attachments, has fear of the<br />

unknown or is numbed by pharmaceutical medication.<br />

The Vipassana meditation tradition of S. N. Goenka teaches the<br />

practitioner to reduce and thin their personal attachments and<br />

aversions (samskaras) by letting go of and not reacting to the<br />

content the mind that arises during the waking state of<br />

consciousness. Goenka explains in his teachings that this reservoir<br />

of samskaras can rise to the surface of the conscious mind, and is<br />

no different than someone’s “life flashing before their eyes” at the<br />

time of death or near death. If one has worked adequately to<br />

reduce their personal collection of attachments and aversions, this<br />

paves the way for a calm, clear, and peaceful mind at the time of<br />

death. An individual with an equanimous and peaceful mind is<br />

capable of focusing their awareness towards the divine, and<br />

consciously directing their soul in the afterlife without distraction<br />

or interruption.<br />

mind completely stilled, free of<br />

selfish passions and concentration<br />

fixed at the third eye, you will<br />

realise the supreme Lord<br />

The Bhagavad Gita’s eighth chapter is perhaps one of the most<br />

popular and well-read instructions on ascension. Here, Lord<br />

Krishna instructs Arjuna on what to do at the time of death,<br />

before he goes to war on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.<br />

Krishna tells Arjuna, “Those who remember me at the time of<br />

death will always come to me. Whatever occupies the mind at the<br />

time of death determines the destination of the dying. Therefore,<br />

remember me at all times. When you make the mind one-pointed<br />

through the practice of meditation, you will find the supreme glory<br />

of the Lord. With your mind completely stilled, free of selfish<br />

passions and your concentration fixed at the third eye between your<br />

eyebrows, you will realize the supreme Lord. Close down the doors<br />

of the senses and place your mind in the heart.<br />

“Then, while absorbed in meditation, focus all energy upwards to<br />

the head, repeating the sacred sound of OM, the sound of the<br />

eternal Godhead. You will go forth from the body and attain the<br />

supreme goal, union with me. At the time of death, there are two<br />

paths the soul may follow Arjuna. One, the path of darkness and<br />

rebirth, the other is of light and liberation. Attain this knowledge<br />

through perseverance in Yoga and you will never be deluded<br />

again.”<br />

In a similar tale of divine instruction from the Katha Upanishad, a<br />

young man by the name of Nachiketa asks Yama (the lord of<br />

death) what happens when one leaves the physical body. Yama<br />

explains the mystery of death. He tells Nachiketa, “Eternal peace<br />

and freedom from rebirth is attainable to those who recognize the<br />

Self in their own hearts.<br />

The wise, who still the mind and senses no longer chase after the<br />

objects of the senses and the world of change. Established in the<br />

Self, they enter the unitive state, never to be separate from divine<br />

source again. When all desires of the heart are renounced, mortals<br />

become immortal, free from the wheel of birth and death.”<br />

Yama continues, “the Self abides in the human heart in a form<br />

about the size of a human thumb and from this heart area, there<br />

are 101 energetic pathways (nadis) leading from the heart. One leads<br />

to the crown of the head. This pathway leads to immortality. The<br />

other pathways lead to death and rebirth. At the time of death,<br />

draw the Self up towards the crown of the head and out of the<br />

physical sheath. Know thyself to be pure and immortal!”<br />

The time of death is a great mystery. Spiritual traditions suggest we<br />

stay awake and alert, with our awareness in the unitive state and our<br />

mind focused on the divine. We must be prepared to let go of a<br />

lifetime of attachments and desires as our life could end at any<br />

moment. Such a task is ultimately challenging and could be<br />

considered the spadework of our soul.<br />

The Winter solstice (December 21) is a time for rebirth, a<br />

celebration of the days getting longer, symbolizing coming out of<br />

darkness and moving into light. Looking ahead to this years’<br />

solstice, it is said to be an end or death of a larger time cycle in our<br />

planet’s evolution. We have the opportunity to create a new and<br />


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