Gwreiddio yn Nuw? Rooted in God?




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<strong>Gwreiddio</strong> <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>?<br />

<strong>Rooted</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Llyfr<strong>yn</strong> y Grawys<br />

A Lent Book

Daw’r dyf<strong>yn</strong>iadau ysgrythurol o’r<br />

Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig.<br />

Mae gweddill y testun, gan g<strong>yn</strong>nwys<br />

y gweddïau a’r addasiadau o’r Beibl,<br />

wedi’i ysgrifennu gan Janet Fletcher,<br />

wedi ei olygu â chymorth cydweithwyr<br />

esgobaethol ac wedi ei gyfieithu gan<br />

Siôn Aled Owen.<br />

Hawlfra<strong>in</strong>t © Bwrdd Cyllid Esgobaeth Bangor 2017<br />

The biblical extracts are from the New<br />

Revised Standard Version of the Bible.<br />

All other writ<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g prayers<br />

and adaptations of the Bible is by<br />

Janet Fletcher, with editorial assistance<br />

from diocesan colleagues and a<br />

translation by Siôn Aled Owen.<br />

Copyright © Bangor Diocesan Board of F<strong>in</strong>ance 2017<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>hyrchwyd â chymorth<br />

grant gan All Churches Trust.<br />

Produced with the aid of a grant<br />

from the All Churches Trust.

3<br />

4Dau ddarlleniad allweddol<br />

Two key read<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

6Rhagarwe<strong>in</strong>iad<br />

Introduction<br />

7Beth mae bod wedi e<strong>in</strong><br />

gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>’n ei olygu?<br />

What does it mean to be<br />

rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

8Sut i ddefnyddio’r llyfr hwn<br />

How to use this book<br />

9Sut i ddefnyddio’r Goeden<br />

a gweddïo gyda hi<br />

How to use and pray<br />

with the Tree<br />

10<br />

I’r sawl sy’n arwa<strong>in</strong><br />

cwrs Grawys<br />

For those lead<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a Lent course<br />

13<br />

Ymgodymu?<br />

Wythnos G<strong>yn</strong>taf y Grawys<br />

Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The First Week of Lent<br />

25<br />

Rhoi?<br />

Ail Wythnos y Grawys<br />

Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The Second Week of Lent<br />

37<br />

Datguddio?<br />

Trydedd Wythnos y Grawys<br />

Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The Third Week of Lent<br />

49<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>?<br />

Pedwaredd Wythnos y Grawys<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The Fourth Week of Lent<br />

61<br />

Dyheu?<br />

Pumed Wythnos y Grawys<br />

Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The Fifth Week of Lent<br />

74<br />

Addo?<br />

Chweched Wythnos y Grawys<br />

Promis<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The Sixth Week of Lent<br />

78<br />

Gwasanaethu?<br />

Dydd Iau Cablyd<br />

Serv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Maundy Thursday<br />

82<br />

Marw?<br />

Dydd Gwener y Groglith<br />

Dy<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Good Friday<br />

86<br />

Disgwyl?<br />

Noswyl y Pasg<br />

Wait<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Holy Saturday<br />

91<br />

Byw?<br />

Sul y Pasg<br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Easter Day

4<br />

Dau ddarlleniad allweddol<br />

Diarhebion 3:13-18<br />

Gw<strong>yn</strong> ei fyd y sawl a gafodd ddoeth<strong>in</strong>eb,<br />

a’r un sy’n berchen deall.<br />

Y mae mwy o elw <strong>yn</strong>ddi nag mewn arian,<br />

a’i ch<strong>yn</strong>nyrch <strong>yn</strong> well nag aur.<br />

Y mae’n fwy gwerthfawr na gemau,<br />

ac nid yw dim a ddymuni <strong>yn</strong> debyg iddi.<br />

Yn ei llaw dde y mae hir oes,<br />

a chyfoeth ac anrhydedd <strong>yn</strong> ei llaw chwith.<br />

Ffyrdd hyfryd yw ei ffyrdd,<br />

a heddwch sydd ar ei holl lwybrau.<br />

Y mae’n bren bywyd i’r neb a gydia <strong>yn</strong>ddi,<br />

a dedwydd yw’r rhai sy’n gl<strong>yn</strong>u wrthi.<br />

Effesiaid 3:14-21<br />

Oherwydd h<strong>yn</strong> yr wyf <strong>yn</strong> plygu fy ngl<strong>in</strong>iau gerbron y Tad,<br />

yr hwn y mae pob teulu <strong>yn</strong> y nefoedd ac ar y ddaear <strong>yn</strong> cymryd ei enw oddi wrtho.<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd iddo ganiatáu i chwi, <strong>yn</strong> ôl cyfoeth ei ogoniant,<br />

gryfder a nerth mewnol trwy’r Ysbryd.<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd i Grist breswylio <strong>yn</strong> eich calonnau drwy ffydd,<br />

wrth i chi wreiddio mewn cariad fel eich sylfaen.<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd i chi gael eich galluogi i amgyffred <strong>yn</strong>ghyd â’r holl sa<strong>in</strong>t<br />

beth yw lled a hyd ac uchder a dyfnder cariad Crist.<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd i chi wybod am y cariad hwnnw, er ei fod uwchlaw gwybodaeth.<br />

Felly dygir chwi i gyflawnder, hyd at holl gyflawnder Duw.<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo ar yr hwn sydd â’r gallu ganddo i wneud <strong>yn</strong> anhraethol well<br />

na dim y gallwn ni ei ddeisyfu na’i ddychmygu, trwy’r gallu sydd ar waith <strong>yn</strong>om ni.<br />

I Dduw bo’r gogoniant <strong>yn</strong> yr eglwys ac <strong>yn</strong>g Nghrist Iesu,<br />

o genhedlaeth i genhedlaeth, byth bythoedd! Amen.

5<br />

Two key read<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

Proverbs 3:13-18<br />

Happy are those who f<strong>in</strong>d wisdom,<br />

and those who get understand<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

For her <strong>in</strong>come is better than silver,<br />

and her revenue better than gold.<br />

She is more precious than jewels,<br />

and noth<strong>in</strong>g you desire can compare with her.<br />

Long life is <strong>in</strong> her right hand;<br />

<strong>in</strong> her left hand are riches and honour.<br />

Her ways are ways of pleasantness,<br />

and all her paths are peace.<br />

She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her;<br />

those who hold her fast are called happy.<br />

Ephesians 3:14-21<br />

For this reason I bow my knees before <strong>God</strong> the Creator,<br />

from whom every family <strong>in</strong> heaven and on earth takes its name.<br />

I pray that, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the riches of <strong>God</strong>’s glory,<br />

you may be strengthened <strong>in</strong> your <strong>in</strong>ner be<strong>in</strong>g with power through the Spirit.<br />

I pray that, Christ may dwell <strong>in</strong> your hearts through faith,<br />

as you are be<strong>in</strong>g rooted and grounded <strong>in</strong> love.<br />

I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the sa<strong>in</strong>ts,<br />

what is the breadth and length and height and depth of <strong>God</strong>’s love.<br />

I pray that you come to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,<br />

so that you may be filled with all the fullness of <strong>God</strong>.<br />

I pray to the One who by the power at work with<strong>in</strong> us<br />

is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imag<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

To <strong>God</strong> be glory <strong>in</strong> the church and <strong>in</strong> Christ Jesus to all generations,<br />

for ever and ever. Amen.

6<br />

Rhagarwe<strong>in</strong>iad<br />

Introduction<br />

Fel esgobaeth, rydym wedi ymrwymo<br />

i feithr<strong>in</strong> e<strong>in</strong> disgyblaeth, e<strong>in</strong><br />

hysbrydolrwydd a’n defosiwn.<br />

Byddwn am geisio Duw <strong>yn</strong> y pethau<br />

cyffred<strong>in</strong> gan ganfod <strong>yn</strong>o ryfeddod ei<br />

Bresenoldeb. Byddwn am ymest<strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong><br />

disgwylgarwch mewn gweddi, ehangu’n<br />

gorwelion a chyfarfod â Duw mewn<br />

ffyrdd newydd, gan gyflawni’n galwad<br />

i ddil<strong>yn</strong> Iesu’n fwy ffyddlon.<br />

As a diocese, we have committed<br />

ourselves to nurtur<strong>in</strong>g and deepen<strong>in</strong>g<br />

our Christian discipleship, spirituality<br />

and devotion. Christian discipleship<br />

means seek<strong>in</strong>g out <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> the ord<strong>in</strong>ary<br />

and f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g the extraord<strong>in</strong>ary presence<br />

of the Div<strong>in</strong>e. It is to stretch out our<br />

prayerful expectation, to widen our<br />

horizons and meet with <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> new<br />

ways, and live out more faithfully our<br />

call to follow the way of Jesus.<br />

Mae’r alwad i ddil<strong>yn</strong> Iesu’n alwad i fyw fel disgybl ac<br />

<strong>yn</strong> alwad i weddïo. Heb e<strong>in</strong> bod wedi e<strong>in</strong> gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong><br />

<strong>Nuw</strong> mewn gweddi ni fyddwn <strong>yn</strong> sylwi ar gyffyrddiad<br />

tawel yr Ysbryd, nac <strong>yn</strong> clywed t<strong>yn</strong>er lais Duw <strong>yn</strong><br />

siarad â ni drwy drwst prysurdeb pob dydd.<br />

Mae wythnosau’r Grawys <strong>yn</strong> galw arnom i oedi ac<br />

edrych ar e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>, e<strong>in</strong> bywydau, y ffordd rydym <strong>yn</strong><br />

dil<strong>yn</strong> Iesu a’n gweddïo. Yn ystod y Grawys byddwn <strong>yn</strong><br />

ail-fyw hanesion cyfarwydd, a fydd <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> harwa<strong>in</strong> <strong>yn</strong><br />

ôl at y Groes ac at yr Atgyfodiad. Ac eto, pob Grawys,<br />

fe’n gelwir i edrych ar yr hanesion h<strong>yn</strong> â llygaid<br />

newydd ac â chalon newydd sy’n agored i bresenoldeb<br />

Duw drwy’n profiadau n<strong>in</strong>nau fel yr ydym ni heddiw.<br />

Deuwn at y Grawys, ac at weddi, fel unigolion unigryw,<br />

wedi’n mowldio i raddau, wrth gwrs, gan y bobl o’n<br />

cwmpas. Rydym <strong>yn</strong> cerdded llwybr ffydd gyda phobl<br />

eraill ddirifedi, ac eto dim ond fel unigolion y gallwn<br />

ymateb i alwad Duw i ddil<strong>yn</strong>, i weddïo ac i ddyfnhau’n<br />

perth<strong>yn</strong>as â’r Dwyfol <strong>yn</strong> barhaus. Ni all neb arall<br />

wneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> lle. E<strong>in</strong> dewis ni ydyw, ac nid dewis<br />

unwaith ac am byth ond dewis beunyddiol. Dyma<br />

ddewis a phenderf<strong>yn</strong>iad a roir ar waith drwy’n gweddïo<br />

bob dydd a thrwy’n ffyrdd arbennig e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> o<br />

wasanaethu Duw a dil<strong>yn</strong> ei alwad.<br />

The call to follow is a call to discipleship and a call to<br />

prayer. Without be<strong>in</strong>g rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong> through prayerful<br />

engagement, we will miss the quiet touch of the Spirit<br />

and the gentle voice of <strong>God</strong> speak<strong>in</strong>g to us through the<br />

noise <strong>in</strong> the busy rush of our days.<br />

These weeks of Lent call out to us to pause and look<br />

at ourselves, our lives, our way of follow<strong>in</strong>g Jesus<br />

and our prayer. Dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent we re-enter <strong>in</strong>to familiar<br />

stories, ones which take us back to the Cross and back<br />

to the Resurrection. Yet, each Lent, we are called to<br />

look at these stories with new eyes, and with a new<br />

heart open to <strong>God</strong>’s presence, <strong>in</strong> and through the<br />

experiences of the person we are at this moment.<br />

We come to Lent, to prayer, through the uniqueness<br />

of our <strong>in</strong>dividual self, shaped to some extent of<br />

course by the people around us. In faith we follow<br />

with countless others, and yet, only we, the <strong>in</strong>dividual<br />

person, can answer <strong>God</strong>’s call to follow, to pray, to<br />

be <strong>in</strong> an ever deepen<strong>in</strong>g relationship with the Div<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

No-one else can do this for us. It is our choice, made<br />

not simply once, but daily. This is a choice and a<br />

decision which is then lived out through our daily<br />

prayer, and through our own particular ways of<br />

serv<strong>in</strong>g and follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>God</strong>’s call.

7<br />

Beth mae bod wedi e<strong>in</strong><br />

gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>’n ei olygu?<br />

What does it mean to be<br />

rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Gall coeden fod <strong>yn</strong> ddarlun defnyddiol<br />

i’n c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo i feddwl am h<strong>yn</strong>. Waeth<br />

pa mor fawr yw coeden, oni bai fod ei<br />

gwreiddiau <strong>yn</strong> ei hangori <strong>yn</strong> ddwfn <strong>yn</strong><br />

y ddaear, bydd <strong>yn</strong> cwympo’n hawdd <strong>yn</strong><br />

y stormydd sy’n ysgubo dros y tir.<br />

To enable us to th<strong>in</strong>k about this, the<br />

image of a tree can be very helpful. A<br />

tree, no matter its size, without hav<strong>in</strong>g<br />

its roots deeply embedded with<strong>in</strong> the<br />

ground, can be easily felled by the<br />

storms that come and shake the land.<br />

Heb fod iddi wreiddiau dwfn, gall rhuthr llifogydd neu<br />

w<strong>yn</strong>toedd cryfion ddistrywio neu ddadwreiddio unrhyw<br />

goeden sydd <strong>yn</strong> eu ffordd.<br />

Gall y goeden fod <strong>yn</strong> drosiad ar gyfer n<strong>in</strong>nau a’n<br />

bywydau. Gallwn edrych ar wahanol rannu o’r goeden,<br />

neu agweddau arni - er enghraifft, y boncyff, y dail, y<br />

canghennau a’r gwreiddiau - i’n c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo i edrych<br />

ar y gwahanol rannau ac elfennau o’n bywydau n<strong>in</strong>nau.<br />

Gall coeden fod <strong>yn</strong> dal ac urddasol, <strong>yn</strong> hudo’n llygaid<br />

i edmygu ei grym, ond os nad yw wedi ei gwreiddio’n<br />

gadarn <strong>yn</strong> y pridd oddi tani, arw<strong>yn</strong>ebol a bregus fydd<br />

ei grym a’i hurddas. Nid oes iddi ddyfnder i’w ch<strong>yn</strong>nal.<br />

Wrth ddarllen yr efengylau, gwelwn nad oedd gwreiddiau<br />

ffydd y disgyblion bob amser <strong>yn</strong> ddwfn iawn! Roeddent<br />

<strong>yn</strong> amau ac <strong>yn</strong> methu deall, a bu idd<strong>yn</strong>t fradychu Iesu<br />

a gwadu eu bod <strong>yn</strong> ei adnabod. Bodau d<strong>yn</strong>ol fel n<strong>in</strong>nau<br />

oedd y disgyblion a gallwn n<strong>in</strong>nau, fel hwythau, deimlo<br />

bod amrywiol stormydd bywyd <strong>yn</strong> hyrddio <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> herb<strong>yn</strong><br />

a’n siglo. Golyga gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> y Duw <strong>yn</strong> yr hwn ‘yr<br />

ydym <strong>yn</strong> byw ac <strong>yn</strong> symud ac <strong>yn</strong> bod’ (Actau 17:28)<br />

y bydd e<strong>in</strong> ffydd <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> c<strong>yn</strong>nal, pa b<strong>yn</strong>nag brofiadau<br />

a ddaw i’n rhan drwy fywyd.<br />

I fyw’n ffyddlon heddiw, rhaid i wreiddiau e<strong>in</strong> ffydd<br />

fod <strong>yn</strong> ddwfn a sefydlog. Rhaid nerthu’r ‘gwreiddiau’<br />

h<strong>yn</strong>ny drwy weddi, astudio, cyfeillgarwch, cydgyfarfod<br />

i addoli, ceisio maddeuant, c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo’n gilydd a<br />

thrwy geisio heddwch a chyfiawnder ag ysbryd hael.<br />

Mae gof<strong>yn</strong> i ni hefyd fod ag ymrwymiad dyfnach bob<br />

dydd i ddil<strong>yn</strong> llwybr Iesu, mewn ffydd a chariad.<br />

Without a depth of rootedness, any pass<strong>in</strong>g deluge of<br />

water or fast mov<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>d can break down or uproot a<br />

tree that comes <strong>in</strong> path.<br />

We can use the image of a tree as a metaphor for our<br />

own selves and our own lives. We can look at different<br />

parts, or aspects, of the tree - e.g. trunk, leaves,<br />

branches, roots - to help us to look at the different<br />

aspects and parts of our own life.<br />

A tree can stand tall and majestic, command<strong>in</strong>g the eye<br />

to look and see its power, and yet, without be<strong>in</strong>g rooted<br />

<strong>in</strong> the ground beneath, its power and majesty is but<br />

shallow and superficial. It has no depth to susta<strong>in</strong> it.<br />

Read<strong>in</strong>g the gospels, we discover that the ‘rootedness’<br />

of the disciples’ faith wasn’t always very deep! They<br />

questioned, they didn’t understand, they betrayed and<br />

they denied know<strong>in</strong>g Jesus. Like us the disciples were<br />

human, and we like them can feel ‘blown about’ and<br />

shaken by the various storms of life. <strong>Rooted</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>God</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong> whom ‘we live and move and have our be<strong>in</strong>g’<br />

(Acts 17:28) means our faith will hold us together,<br />

no matter what experiences <strong>in</strong> life we go through.<br />

To live <strong>in</strong> faith today, the roots of our faith need to<br />

be deep and secure. Our ‘roots’ need to be grounded<br />

and held firm by prayer, study, and friendship, by<br />

gather<strong>in</strong>g together <strong>in</strong> worship, seek<strong>in</strong>g forgiveness,<br />

and support<strong>in</strong>g one another, by offer<strong>in</strong>g a generosity<br />

of spirit <strong>in</strong> seek<strong>in</strong>g peace and justice. It is also to have<br />

an ever deepen<strong>in</strong>g commitment to follow the way of<br />

Jesus, <strong>in</strong> faith and love.

8<br />

Sut i ddefnyddio’r llyfr<strong>yn</strong> yma / How to use this book<br />

Sut i ddefnyddio’r<br />

llyfr hwn<br />

How to use<br />

this book<br />

Gall unigolion a grwpiau ddefnyddio’r<br />

llyfr hwn ar gyfer y Grawys. Ceir <strong>yn</strong>ddo<br />

fyfyrdodau a chwesti<strong>yn</strong>au, darlleniadau<br />

o’r Beibl a gweddïau i’ch c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo i<br />

ddyfnhau eich perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw <strong>yn</strong> ystod<br />

yr wythnosau h<strong>yn</strong>. Os defnyddir y llyfr<br />

gan unigol<strong>yn</strong>, gellid defnyddio rhannau<br />

o’r deunydd ar gyfer pob wythnos bob<br />

dydd drwy’r wythnos <strong>yn</strong> hytrach nag<br />

ymdr<strong>in</strong> â’r cyfan ar un diwrnod.<br />

This book for Lent can be used by<br />

<strong>in</strong>dividuals and by groups. There are<br />

reflections and questions, passages<br />

from the Bible and prayers to help<br />

engage more deeply with <strong>God</strong> dur<strong>in</strong>g<br />

these weeks. If used by <strong>in</strong>dividuals,<br />

sections of each week could be used<br />

each day through the week rather<br />

than all on one day.<br />

Mae’r deunydd ar gyfer Trydedd Wythnos y Grawys,<br />

‘Datguddio?’ <strong>yn</strong> sôn am y gwaith celf gan Tim Iliffe <strong>yn</strong>g<br />

Nghadeirlan Bangor. Mae’n defnyddio’r ddelwedd o<br />

goeden acasia Affricanaidd sydd â rhwyd wedi’i daenu<br />

ar draws ei changhennau ac ar draws corff yr eglwys.<br />

Gosodir blychau <strong>yn</strong>ghrog ar y goeden a’r rhwyd. Mae’r<br />

blychau’n c<strong>yn</strong>rychioli blychau meddyg<strong>in</strong>iaeth fel y<br />

rhai a ddefnyddir gan bobl sydd ag afiechyd meddwl.<br />

Thema’r artist yw ‘Yn e<strong>in</strong> meddyliau mae llawer o<br />

ystafelloedd’, sy’n adleisio Ioan 14, a’r ffordd y gall<br />

afiechyd meddwl beri i ddioddefwyr deimlo eu bod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> symud o un ystafell i’r llall. Derb<strong>yn</strong>iodd y gwaith<br />

celf gefnogaeth gan G<strong>yn</strong>gor Celfyddydau Cymru,<br />

Llywodraeth Cymru a’r Loteri Genedlaethol. Fel rhan<br />

o’r Cwrs Grawys hwn, ceisiwch neilltuo amser i f<strong>yn</strong>d i’r<br />

Gadeirlan i weld y gwaith celf ac efallai i of<strong>yn</strong> am flwch<br />

i’w addurno ar gyfer ei grogi ar y goeden <strong>yn</strong> ystod ei<br />

thaith o gwmpas Cymru.<br />

Chweched Wythnos y Grawys yw’r Wythnos Fawr.<br />

Yn hytrach nag un myfyrdod hir, mae’r wythnos hon<br />

<strong>yn</strong> c<strong>yn</strong>nwys nifer o fyfyrdodau neu weddïau byrion<br />

i’n harwa<strong>in</strong> o Sul y Blodau hyd at y Groes ar Ddydd<br />

Gwener y Groglith, ac o’r fan honno i’r disgwyl tawel<br />

Noswyl y Pasg a’r Atgyfodiad ar Sul y Pasg. Gellir<br />

ystyried y rha<strong>in</strong> gyda’i gilydd os bydd Cwrs Grawys <strong>yn</strong><br />

parhau <strong>yn</strong> ystod yr Wythnos Fawr, neu gellir gweddïo<br />

gyda’r deunydd ar eich pen eich hun gartref.<br />

Lent 3, ‘Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?’ <strong>in</strong>cludes a mention of the art<br />

<strong>in</strong>stallation by Tim Iliffe <strong>in</strong> Bangor Cathedral. He uses<br />

the image of the African acacia tree which has a net<br />

stretched across its branches, and across the nave. On<br />

the tree and the nett<strong>in</strong>g, boxes will be hung. The boxes<br />

represent medication boxes as used by those with<br />

mental ill health. His theme is ‘In our m<strong>in</strong>ds there are<br />

many rooms’ taken from John 14, and how <strong>in</strong> mental<br />

ill health there can be the sense of mov<strong>in</strong>g from one<br />

room to another. The art work is supported by the<br />

Arts Council of Wales, the Welsh Government and the<br />

National Lottery. As a part of this Lent Course, try to<br />

make the time to go to the Cathedral to see this art<br />

work, and maybe ask for a box to decorate to be hung<br />

on the tree as it travels around Wales.<br />

Lent 6 takes us <strong>in</strong>to Holy Week. Rather than a long<br />

reflection, this week has a number of short reflections<br />

or prayers to take us from Palm Sunday to the Cross<br />

of Good Friday, and from there to the quiet wait<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of Holy Saturday and the Resurrection of Easter Day.<br />

These could be put together if a Lent Course cont<strong>in</strong>ues<br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g Holy Week, or can be prayed at home alone.<br />

The reflections and thoughts <strong>in</strong> this book can also be<br />

used by Worship Leaders.<br />

Gall Arwe<strong>in</strong>wyr Addoliad hefyd ddefnyddio’r<br />

trafodaethau a’r myfyrdodau <strong>yn</strong> y llyfr hwn.

Sut i ddefnyddio’r llyfr<strong>yn</strong> yma / How to use this book<br />

9<br />

Sut i ddefnyddio’r Goeden<br />

a gweddïo gyda hi<br />

How to use and<br />

pray with the Tree<br />

Efallai eich bod <strong>yn</strong> gyfarwydd â’r dull<br />

hwn o weddïo.<br />

T<strong>yn</strong>nwch lun o goeden fel y mae h<strong>yn</strong> y llyfr ar ddarn<br />

mawr o bapur; neu gallech ddefnyddio’r un <strong>yn</strong> y llyfr. Yna<br />

wrth i chi deithio drwy wythnosau’r Grawys, defnyddiwch<br />

lun y goeden fel rhan o’ch gweddïo personol gerbron<br />

Duw. Gellid hefyd wneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny fel rhan o Gwrs Grawys<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> myfyrio ar yr h<strong>yn</strong> rydych wedi’i ddysgu, ei<br />

ddeall, ei ddirnad a’i drafod <strong>yn</strong> ystod pob sesiwn.<br />

Er mw<strong>yn</strong> gweddïo <strong>yn</strong> greadigol gyda darlun y goeden,<br />

edrychwch ar y darnau canl<strong>yn</strong>ol ac ysgrifennwch eich<br />

atebion:<br />

Y gwreiddiau:<br />

• I ba raddau mae eich ffydd wedi’i ‘gwreiddio’ <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>?<br />

• Sut ellid cryfhau’r gwreiddiau h<strong>yn</strong>ny?<br />

W<strong>yn</strong>eb y tir:<br />

• Beth yw eich gobeithion a’ch disgwyliadau<br />

ar gyfer y Grawys hwn?<br />

• Pwy/Beth sydd wedi’ch c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo i dyfu mewn ffydd?<br />

Y boncyff:<br />

• Pa mor gryf neu gadarn yw eich ffydd?<br />

• Beth sydd wedi siglo eich ffydd, neu beth allai<br />

wneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny?<br />

Y canghennau:<br />

• Sut mae eich ffydd wedi tyfu a datblygu?<br />

• Sut ddelwedd sydd gennych chi o Dduw? A yw’r<br />

ddelwedd wedi newid dros y bl<strong>yn</strong>yddoedd?<br />

Os ydyw, sut?<br />

Y dail:<br />

• Yn gyffred<strong>in</strong>ol - Beth yw dail eich ffydd - y doniau sydd<br />

gennych a phopeth y gallwch ei wneud a’i g<strong>yn</strong>nig<br />

mewn gwasanaeth i Dduw?<br />

• Ar y goeden - Beth mae angen i chi ei hepgor<br />

i roi mwy o amser i chi i fod gyda Duw?<br />

• Yn disg<strong>yn</strong> - Beth sydd wedi disg<strong>yn</strong> i’r llawr (profiadau<br />

personol) sydd wedi herio neu ddyfnhau eich ffydd?<br />

• Ar y llawr neu <strong>yn</strong> y pridd - Beth sy’n bwydo eich<br />

ffydd ac <strong>yn</strong> cryfhau eich gwreiddiau <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong> o<br />

ddydd i ddydd?<br />

This may be a way of prayer that<br />

is familiar.<br />

Draw a picture of a tree as pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> the book on a<br />

large piece of paper; or you could use the one <strong>in</strong> the<br />

book. Then as you journey through the weeks of Lent,<br />

use the image of the tree as a part of your personal<br />

prayer before <strong>God</strong>. This could also be done as part of<br />

a Lent Course to reflect upon what has been learnt,<br />

understood, discerned or discussed with<strong>in</strong> that session.<br />

To pray creatively with the image of the tree look at<br />

the follow<strong>in</strong>g parts of the tree, and write down your<br />

answers:<br />

The roots:<br />

• How ‘rooted’ <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong> is your faith?<br />

• How may those roots be strengthened?<br />

Ground level:<br />

• What are your hopes and expectations<br />

for this season of Lent?<br />

• Who/What has helped you grow <strong>in</strong> faith?<br />

The trunk:<br />

• How strong or ‘sturdy’ is your faith?<br />

• What has or may ‘shake’ your faith?<br />

The branches:<br />

• How has your faith grown and developed?<br />

• What is your image of <strong>God</strong> and has it and how<br />

has it changed over the years?<br />

The leaves:<br />

• General - What are the leaves of your faith - the<br />

gifts you have and all you do and can offer <strong>in</strong> the<br />

service of <strong>God</strong>?<br />

• On the tree - What do you need to ‘let go’<br />

of to give you more time to be with <strong>God</strong>?<br />

• Fall<strong>in</strong>g - What has fallen to the ground<br />

(personal experiences) which has challenged<br />

or deepened your faith?<br />

• On or <strong>in</strong> the ground - What nurtures your<br />

day to day faith and rootedness <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?

10<br />

I’r sawl sy’n arwa<strong>in</strong><br />

cwrs Grawys<br />

For those lead<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a Lent course<br />

Bydd rhai o’r cwesti<strong>yn</strong>au’n cyffwrdd â meddyliau<br />

personol felly bydd angen sicrhau cyfr<strong>in</strong>achedd o<br />

fewn y grŵp. Dylid hefyd annog yr aelodau ond i rannu<br />

pethau maent <strong>yn</strong> gyffyrddus ac <strong>yn</strong> fodlon eu rhannu.<br />

Efallai na fydd rhai ohon<strong>yn</strong>t am gyfrannu unrhyw beth<br />

personol, er enghraifft, wrth ystyried afiechyd meddwl,<br />

ac mae angen idd<strong>yn</strong>t wybod bod h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n iawn ac <strong>yn</strong><br />

dderb<strong>yn</strong>iol.<br />

Efallai y byddwch am d<strong>yn</strong>nu llun o goeden ar ddarn<br />

mawr o bapur ar gyfer pob wythnos, a hefyd sicrhau bod<br />

gennych greonau neu farcwyr ffelt ar gyfer ysgrifennu.<br />

Some of the questions may touch upon personal<br />

thoughts and so there will be the need to ensure<br />

confidentiality with<strong>in</strong> the group. Also encourage those<br />

present only to share what they are comfortable and<br />

happy to share. It may be that some will not want<br />

to contribute anyth<strong>in</strong>g personal, for example, when<br />

look<strong>in</strong>g at mental ill health, and they need to know<br />

that that is f<strong>in</strong>e and accepted.<br />

You may want to draw out a tree on a large piece of<br />

paper for each week, also to have crayons or felt pens<br />

to write with.



13<br />

Ymgodymu?<br />

Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Wythnos G<strong>yn</strong>taf y Grawys<br />

The First Week of Lent

14<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Gweddi agoriadol<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Diarhebion<br />

Gw<strong>yn</strong> ei fyd y sawl a gafodd ddoeth<strong>in</strong>eb,<br />

a’r un sy’n berchen deall.<br />

Proverbs<br />

Happy are those who f<strong>in</strong>d wisdom,<br />

and those who get understand<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Effesiaid<br />

Oherwydd h<strong>yn</strong> yr wyf <strong>yn</strong> plygu<br />

fy ngl<strong>in</strong>iau gerbron y Tad,<br />

yr hwn y mae pob teulu <strong>yn</strong> y nefoedd ac<br />

ar y ddaear <strong>yn</strong> cymryd ei enw oddi wrtho.<br />

Ephesians<br />

For this reason I bow my knees<br />

before <strong>God</strong> the Creator,<br />

from whom every family <strong>in</strong> heaven<br />

and on earth takes its name.<br />

Ar ddechrau tymor y Grawys:<br />

Boed i mi geisio a chanfod doeth<strong>in</strong>eb,<br />

boed i mi geisio a chanfod deall.<br />

Deuaf ger dy fron, Dduw’r holl greadigaeth, a phenl<strong>in</strong>io<br />

mewn gweddi:<br />

boed i wreiddiau fy ffydd fod <strong>yn</strong> ddwfn,<br />

boed i mi sefyll <strong>yn</strong> gadarn <strong>yn</strong> dy bresenoldeb, na foed<br />

i mi wamalu na syrthio ar f<strong>in</strong> y ffordd.<br />

Gyda holl deulu’r eglwys:<br />

pan fyddaf <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu i fod <strong>yn</strong> ffyddlon,<br />

llanwa fi â dewrder,<br />

pan fyddaf <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu i barhau mewn gweddi,<br />

llanwa fi â thangnefedd,<br />

pan fyddaf <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu i ddeall sefyllfa eraill,<br />

llanwa fi â chariad.<br />

Amen.<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

At the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of this season of Lent:<br />

may I seek and f<strong>in</strong>d wisdom,<br />

may I seek and f<strong>in</strong>d understand<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

I come before you, <strong>God</strong> of all creation,<br />

and kneel <strong>in</strong> prayer:<br />

may the roots of my faith be deep,<br />

may I stand firm <strong>in</strong> your presence,<br />

may I not waver or fall at the wayside.<br />

With the whole family of the church:<br />

<strong>in</strong> my times of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g to be faithful,<br />

fill me with courage,<br />

<strong>in</strong> my times of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g to be prayerful,<br />

fill me with peace,<br />

<strong>in</strong> my times of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g to be understand<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

fill me with love.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and prayer this Lent.<br />


Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

15<br />

Ymgodymu?<br />

Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Dechreuwn ar e<strong>in</strong> taith drwy’r<br />

Grawys drwy atgoffa e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> nad<br />

yw ufuddhau i alwad Iesu bob amser<br />

<strong>yn</strong> hawdd! Mae <strong>yn</strong>a adegau, efallai<br />

llawer o adegau, pan fyddwn <strong>yn</strong><br />

ymgodymu i ddeall beth <strong>yn</strong> union<br />

mae e<strong>in</strong> ffydd <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i ni <strong>yn</strong>g<br />

nghyd-destun y byd o’n cwmpas. Bydd<br />

adegau hefyd pan allwn ni deimlo’n<br />

wag neu’n sych wrth geisio Duw mewn<br />

gweddi, pan fyddwn <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu’n<br />

fewnol i ganfod geiriau gweddi neu’r<br />

tawelwch ar gyfer gweddïo.<br />

We beg<strong>in</strong> our Lenten journey with<br />

a rem<strong>in</strong>der that follow<strong>in</strong>g the call<br />

of Jesus is not always easy! There are<br />

times, and perhaps, many times when<br />

we wrestle to understand what our faith<br />

really means to us with<strong>in</strong> the context of<br />

the wider world. Times too, when we<br />

may have a feel<strong>in</strong>g of empt<strong>in</strong>ess or<br />

aridness when seek<strong>in</strong>g <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> prayer;<br />

an <strong>in</strong>ner wrestl<strong>in</strong>g to f<strong>in</strong>d the words to<br />

pray or the quietness <strong>in</strong> which to pray.<br />

Pryd ydych chi wedi ymgodymu â’ch ffydd?<br />

When have you wrestled with your faith?<br />

Pryd ydych chi wedi ymgodymu i weddïo<br />

a theimlo bod gweddïo’n anodd?<br />

When have you wrestled and struggled to pray?<br />

Beth wnaethoch chi ddysgu amdanoch eich<br />

hun ac am Dduw <strong>yn</strong> ystod yr adegau h<strong>yn</strong>ny?<br />

What did you learn about yourself<br />

and about <strong>God</strong>, dur<strong>in</strong>g those times?

16<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at yr Hen Destament<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Old Testament<br />

Darllenwch drwy’r darn hwn o Lyfr<br />

Genesis 32:22-32, lle mae Jacob <strong>yn</strong><br />

ymgodymu drwy’r nos.<br />

Yn y dyddiau h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Yn ystod y nos cododd<br />

Jacob a chymryd ei ddwy wraig, ei ddwy forw<strong>yn</strong><br />

a’i un mab ar ddeg, a chroesi rhyd Jabboc. Wedi<br />

iddo’u cymryd a’u hanfon dros yr afon, anfonodd<br />

ei eiddo drosodd hefyd. Gadawyd Jacob ei hunan,<br />

ac ymgodymodd gŵr ag ef hyd doriad y wawr.<br />

Pan welodd y gŵr nad oedd <strong>yn</strong> cael y trechaf arno,<br />

trawodd wasg ei glun, a datgysylltwyd clun Jacob<br />

wrth iddo ymgodymu ag ef.<br />

Yna dywedodd y gŵr, ‘Gollwng fi, oherwydd<br />

y mae’n gwawrio.’ Ond atebodd <strong>yn</strong>tau, ‘Ni’th<br />

oll<strong>yn</strong>gaf heb iti fy mendithio.’ ‘Beth yw d’enw?’<br />

meddai ef. Ac atebodd <strong>yn</strong>tau, ‘Jacob.’ Yna<br />

dywedodd, ‘Ni’th elwir Jacob mwyach, ond Israel,<br />

oherwydd yr wyt wedi ymdrechu â Duw a d<strong>yn</strong>ion,<br />

ac wedi gorchfygu.’ A gof<strong>yn</strong>nodd Jacob iddo,<br />

‘Dywed imi dy enw.’ Ond dywedodd <strong>yn</strong>tau, ‘Pam<br />

yr wyt <strong>yn</strong> gof<strong>yn</strong> fy enw?’ A bendithiodd ef <strong>yn</strong>o.<br />

Felly enwodd Jacob y lle Penuel, a dweud, ‘Gwelais<br />

Dduw w<strong>yn</strong>eb <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>eb, ond arbedwyd fy mywyd.’<br />

Cododd yr haul arno fel yr oedd <strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d heibio i<br />

Penuel, ac yr oedd <strong>yn</strong> gloff o’i glun. D<strong>yn</strong>a pam nad<br />

yw plant Israel <strong>yn</strong> bwyta giew<strong>yn</strong> gwasg y glun hyd<br />

heddiw, oherwydd trawo gwasg clun Jacob i fyw<br />

y giew<strong>yn</strong>.<br />

Mae hanes Jacob <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu drwy’r nos <strong>yn</strong> rhoi cip<br />

i ni ar hanes ehangach ei fywyd <strong>yn</strong> dil<strong>yn</strong> galwad Duw.<br />

Mae’r cyfarfyddiad annisgwyl hwn <strong>yn</strong> dod <strong>yn</strong> drobw<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

ym mywyd Jacob. Roedd ar ei ben ei hun ac <strong>yn</strong>a mae<br />

dieithr<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> ei gyfarch ac am ymladd. Er mor fl<strong>in</strong>edig<br />

y byddai Jacob, mae’n ymladd <strong>yn</strong> ôl ac nid yw am ildio<br />

nes y bydd <strong>yn</strong> curo! Wrth i’r haul godi, a’i glun wedi’i<br />

afleoli, sylweddolodd Jacob â phwy y bu’n ymladd<br />

drwy’r nos. Mae’n derb<strong>yn</strong> bendith am iddo ymdrechu<br />

a threchu.<br />

Sut fyddai Jacob <strong>yn</strong> teimlo ar ôl i’r dieithr<strong>yn</strong> ei adael?<br />

Pa feddyliau a theimladau a fyddai’n rhedeg drwy’i<br />

feddwl a’i gorff ar ôl yr ornest ymgodymu annisgwyl<br />

hon? Yn ymarferol, fe adeiladodd allor, ond sut oedd<br />

Jacob <strong>yn</strong> emosi<strong>yn</strong>ol ac <strong>yn</strong> ysbrydol, ac at bwy y gallai<br />

droi i geisio doeth<strong>in</strong>eb a deall o’r profiad hwn?<br />

Read through the passage from the<br />

Book of Genesis 32:22-32, where Jacob<br />

wrestles through the night.<br />

In those days: Jacob got up at night and took his<br />

two wives, his two maids, and his eleven children,<br />

and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. He took them<br />

and sent them across the stream, and likewise<br />

everyth<strong>in</strong>g that he had. Jacob was left alone; and<br />

a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the<br />

man saw that he did not prevail aga<strong>in</strong>st Jacob, he<br />

struck him on the hip socket; and Jacob’s hip was<br />

put out of jo<strong>in</strong>t as he wrestled with him.<br />

Then he said, ‘Let me go, for the day is break<strong>in</strong>g.’<br />

But Jacob said, ‘I will not let you go, unless you<br />

bless me.’ So he said to him, ‘What is your name?’<br />

And he said, ‘Jacob.’ Then the man said, ‘You shall<br />

no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you<br />

have striven with <strong>God</strong> and with humans, and have<br />

prevailed.’ Then Jacob asked him, ‘Please tell me<br />

your name.’ But he said, ‘Why is it that you ask my<br />

name?’ And there he blessed him.<br />

So Jacob called the place Peniel, say<strong>in</strong>g, ‘For I<br />

have seen <strong>God</strong> face to face, and yet my life is<br />

preserved.’ The sun rose upon him as he passed<br />

Penuel, limp<strong>in</strong>g because of his hip. Therefore to<br />

this day the Israelites do not eat the thigh muscle<br />

that is on the hip socket, because he struck Jacob<br />

on the hip socket at the thigh muscle.<br />

The story of Jacob wrestl<strong>in</strong>g through the night offers<br />

us a glimpse <strong>in</strong>to the wider story of his life of follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the call of <strong>God</strong>. This unexpected meet<strong>in</strong>g becomes a<br />

turn<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> the story of Jacob’s life. He was alone<br />

and then f<strong>in</strong>ds himself accosted by a stranger who wants<br />

to fight. However tired Jacob may have been, he fights<br />

back and isn’t go<strong>in</strong>g to give <strong>in</strong> until he’s won! As the<br />

sun rose, and with his hip out of jo<strong>in</strong>t, realisation dawned<br />

and Jacob knew who he had been fight<strong>in</strong>g with all night.<br />

He is blessed because he had striven and prevailed.<br />

How did Jacob feel after the stranger had left him? What<br />

thoughts and feel<strong>in</strong>gs raced through his m<strong>in</strong>d and body<br />

after this unsought for wrestl<strong>in</strong>g match? Practically, he<br />

built an altar, but emotionally and spiritually how was<br />

he, and who could he have turned to, to f<strong>in</strong>d wisdom<br />

and understand<strong>in</strong>g from this experience?

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

17<br />

Pam ydych chi’n meddwl y digwyddodd<br />

yr ornest ymgodymu hon?<br />

Why do you th<strong>in</strong>k this wrestl<strong>in</strong>g<br />

match took place?<br />

Mae hanes Jacob <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu fel petai’n torri ar<br />

draws llif hanes Jacob, ac eto efallai y’i gosodir ar y<br />

pw<strong>yn</strong>t hwn am reswm. C<strong>yn</strong> y digwyddiad hwn, rydym<br />

<strong>yn</strong> cyfarfod â d<strong>yn</strong> nad oedd bob amser <strong>yn</strong> ymddw<strong>yn</strong><br />

ag anrhydedd a chariad. Ar ôl i h<strong>yn</strong> ddigwydd, rydym<br />

<strong>yn</strong> cyfarfod â d<strong>yn</strong> a oedd <strong>yn</strong> byw ei fywyd mewn ffordd<br />

wahanol iawn, bywyd a oedd wedi’i wreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>.<br />

Bydd adegau <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> bywydau pan fyddwn n<strong>in</strong>nau hefyd<br />

wedi methu ag ymddw<strong>yn</strong> â chariad ac anrhydedd ar<br />

ddelw Crist, ac adegau eraill pan fyddwn wedi gwneud<br />

e<strong>in</strong> gorau i ddil<strong>yn</strong> ffordd Duw. Mae hanes Jacob <strong>yn</strong><br />

ymgodymu’n e<strong>in</strong> hatgoffa nad yw e<strong>in</strong> taith drwy fywyd<br />

a chyda Duw bob amser <strong>yn</strong> hawdd, ac y byddwn n<strong>in</strong>nau<br />

hefyd <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>ebu heriau, gofidiau, pryderon ac weithiau<br />

gornestau ymgodymu.<br />

Yn ei llyfr, Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by Hope,<br />

dywed Joan Chittister fod ‘ymgodymu’n dod â ni at<br />

drothwyon mewn bywyd pan fyddwn wed<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> dod <strong>yn</strong><br />

bobl newydd, weithiau’n waeth, <strong>yn</strong> aml <strong>yn</strong> well, ond<br />

bob amser <strong>yn</strong> wahanol’. I raddau helaeth, byddwn<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ysgrifennu geiriau e<strong>in</strong> stori e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>, eto bydd<br />

llawer o bethau’n dylanwadu ar y stori, megis e<strong>in</strong><br />

hamgylchiadau, e<strong>in</strong> profiadau, e<strong>in</strong> credoau, aelodau’r<br />

teulu a chyfeillion a digwyddiadau <strong>yn</strong> y byd. Pr<strong>in</strong> y<br />

bydd gwneud penderf<strong>yn</strong>iadau o ddydd i ddydd <strong>yn</strong><br />

golygu ymgodymu c<strong>yn</strong> darganfod yr ateb neu’r dewis<br />

cywir. Ar adegau eraill, fodd b<strong>yn</strong>nag, <strong>yn</strong> arbennig<br />

mewn cysylltiad â materion pwysicach, materion,<br />

efallai, na ŵyr neb ond y ni amdan<strong>yn</strong>t, neu rai rydym<br />

ond wedi ymddiried mewn un person arall amdan<strong>yn</strong>t,<br />

gallwn w<strong>yn</strong>ebu gornest hirach na’r un noson a<br />

dreuliodd Jacob <strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu.<br />

The story of Jacob wrestl<strong>in</strong>g seems to break <strong>in</strong>to the<br />

overall flow of the story of Jacob, and yet maybe it is<br />

placed where it is for a reason. Before this, we meet<br />

with a man who didn’t always behave with honour and<br />

love. After this, we meet with a man whose life is lived<br />

out very differently, a life lived rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>.<br />

There will be times <strong>in</strong> our lives when we too haven’t<br />

acted with Christ-like love and honour, and times when<br />

we try our best to follow the way of the <strong>God</strong>. The<br />

wrestl<strong>in</strong>g Jacob rem<strong>in</strong>ds us that our journey through<br />

life and with <strong>God</strong>, is not always easy, nor without its<br />

challenges, worries, concerns, and sometimes its<br />

wrestl<strong>in</strong>g matches.<br />

In her book, Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by<br />

Hope, Joan Chittister writes that, ‘struggle br<strong>in</strong>gs us<br />

to cross over po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> life after which we become new<br />

people, sometimes worse, often better, but always<br />

different.’ To a great extent we write the words of<br />

our own story, and yet it will be <strong>in</strong>fluenced by our<br />

circumstances, experiences, beliefs, family and<br />

friends, and world events. Often, day to day decision<br />

mak<strong>in</strong>g will rarely <strong>in</strong>volve a sense of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g before<br />

discover<strong>in</strong>g the answer or right choice. At other times,<br />

though, particularly with more serious issues, ones<br />

perhaps only known to ourselves, or trusted and<br />

shared with another person, it may mean a longer<br />

wrestl<strong>in</strong>g match than the one night Jacob had.

18<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Trafodwch y cwesti<strong>yn</strong>au canl<strong>yn</strong>ol, <strong>yn</strong>ghylch pethau<br />

mewn bywyd y gallwn orfod ymgodymu â hwy, mewn<br />

grwpiau bach, <strong>yn</strong>a rhannwch â’r grŵp cyfan:<br />

Ymdr<strong>in</strong> ag adegau o newid mawr - ymddeol, y<br />

plant <strong>yn</strong> gadael cartref, wyrion, priodi, cyf<strong>yn</strong>gu ar<br />

symudedd, gost<strong>yn</strong>giad mewn <strong>in</strong>cwm, newid neu<br />

golli swydd, symud cartref, afiechyd, dod <strong>yn</strong> ofalwr,<br />

profedigaeth ac ati.<br />

Y byd gwleidyddol a chymdeithasol - pa blaid<br />

i bleidleisio drosti, effeithiau Brexit, arwe<strong>in</strong>wyr<br />

gwledydd y byd, pryderon <strong>yn</strong>ghylch yr amgylchedd,<br />

masnach deg, ailgylchu, cau banciau a swyddfeydd<br />

post, pr<strong>in</strong>der trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, toriadau<br />

llywodraeth leol, gost<strong>yn</strong>giad mewn cyfleusterau ar<br />

gyfer pobl o bob oedran, y digartref, pobl sy’n gaeth i<br />

sylweddau ac arferion ac ati.<br />

Problemau byd-eang - effaith trych<strong>in</strong>ebau<br />

naturiol, y bwlch rhwng gwledydd cyfoethog a<br />

thlawd, economeg fyd-eang, terfysgaeth, rhyfel a<br />

gwrthdaro, d<strong>in</strong>istrio tir a threftadaeth genedlaethol,<br />

pryderon amgylcheddol ac ati.<br />

E<strong>in</strong> ffydd, e<strong>in</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw a’r eglwys - ateb<br />

galwad Duw i wasanaethu, neu beidio, teimlo bod<br />

Duw <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> profi, sut i rannu e<strong>in</strong> ffydd ag eraill,<br />

pryderon <strong>yn</strong>ghylch adeiladau eglwysig, pryderon<br />

<strong>yn</strong>ghylch dyfodol yr eglwys ac ati.<br />

Beth mae e<strong>in</strong> ffydd <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu ni, neu beth mae’n<br />

ei ddweud wrthym, wrth i ni ymgodymu â natur<br />

amlddiwylliannol ac amlgrefyddol y byd heddiw?<br />

Gall ymgodymu fod <strong>yn</strong> brofiad cadarnhaol ac <strong>yn</strong><br />

un sy’n cyfoethogi’n bywydau. Gall hefyd fod <strong>yn</strong><br />

brofiad poenus wrth i ni gael e<strong>in</strong> gorfodi i w<strong>yn</strong>ebu’n<br />

camdybiaethau <strong>yn</strong>ghylch y byd a ni e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>. Mae<br />

Joan Chittister <strong>yn</strong> ysgrifennu, <strong>yn</strong>g nghyd-destun ei<br />

ffydd, bod ‘ymgodymu â Duw <strong>yn</strong> rhan o hanfod bywyd.’<br />

Drwyddo byddwn <strong>yn</strong> dysgu mwy am Dduw, mwy<br />

amdanom e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> a mwy <strong>yn</strong>ghylch e<strong>in</strong> cyfrifoldeb<br />

tuag at bawb arall a’r greadigaeth gyfan.<br />

In small groups, and then share with the whole<br />

group, consider the follow<strong>in</strong>g questions of life<br />

we may wrestle with:<br />

Deal<strong>in</strong>g with times of transition - retirement,<br />

children leav<strong>in</strong>g home, grandchildren, marriage,<br />

restricted mobility, reduced f<strong>in</strong>ances, job change,<br />

redundancy, mov<strong>in</strong>g home, ill health, becom<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

carer, bereavement, etc.<br />

The political and social world - which party to<br />

vote for, the effects of Brexit, other world leaders,<br />

concerns about the environment, fair-trade,<br />

recycl<strong>in</strong>g, closure of banks and post offices, lack of<br />

public transport, local government cuts, reduced<br />

facilities for all the ages, the homeless, those with<br />

addictions, etc.<br />

The consequences of a global world - effects of<br />

natural disasters, the difference between rich and<br />

poor countries, world economics, acts of terrorism,<br />

war and conflict, destruction of land and national<br />

heritage, environmental concerns, etc.<br />

Our faith, our relationship with <strong>God</strong> and the church -<br />

answer<strong>in</strong>g, or not, a call from <strong>God</strong> to serve, a sense<br />

of be<strong>in</strong>g tested by <strong>God</strong>, how to share faith with<br />

others, concerns about church build<strong>in</strong>gs, concerns<br />

about the future of the church, etc.<br />

What does our faith mean to us, or tell us, as we<br />

wrestle with the multi-cultural and multifaith nature<br />

of the world today?<br />

Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g can be a positive and life enhanc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

experience. It can also be a pa<strong>in</strong>ful encounter as<br />

we are forced to confront the illusions we may have<br />

about the world and our own selves. Joan Chittister<br />

writes that <strong>in</strong> regard of our faith, ‘wrestl<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>God</strong><br />

is of the essence of life.’ Through it we learn more<br />

about <strong>God</strong>, more about ourselves, and more about<br />

our responsibility towards all people, all creation.

Edrych tuag at y Testament Newydd<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the New Testament<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

19<br />

Darllenwch drwy’r darn hwn o Efengyl<br />

Mathew 5:1-12: y Gw<strong>yn</strong>fydau.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Pan welodd Iesu y tyrfaoedd, aeth i<br />

f<strong>yn</strong>y’r m<strong>yn</strong>ydd, ac wedi iddo eistedd i lawr, daeth<br />

ei ddisgyblion ato. Dechreuodd eu hannerch a’u<br />

dysgu fel h<strong>yn</strong>:<br />

‘Gw<strong>yn</strong> eu byd y rhai sy’n dlodion <strong>yn</strong> yr ysbryd,<br />

oherwydd eidd<strong>yn</strong>t hwy yw teyrnas nefoedd. Gw<strong>yn</strong><br />

eu byd y rhai sy’n galaru, oherwydd cânt hwy eu<br />

cysuro. Gw<strong>yn</strong> eu byd y rhai addfw<strong>yn</strong>, oherwydd<br />

cânt hwy etifeddu’r ddaear.<br />

Gw<strong>yn</strong> eu byd y rhai sy’n new<strong>yn</strong>u a sychedu am<br />

gyfiawnder, oherwydd cânt hwy eu digon. Gw<strong>yn</strong><br />

eu byd y rhai trugarog, oherwydd cânt hwy<br />

dderb<strong>yn</strong> trugaredd. Gw<strong>yn</strong> eu byd y rhai pur eu<br />

calon, oherwydd cânt hwy weld Duw. Gw<strong>yn</strong> eu byd<br />

y tangnefeddwyr, oherwydd cânt hwy eu galw’n<br />

blant i Dduw. Gw<strong>yn</strong> eu byd y rhai a erlidiwyd <strong>yn</strong><br />

achos cyfiawnder, oherwydd eidd<strong>yn</strong>t hwy yw<br />

teyrnas nefoedd.<br />

Gw<strong>yn</strong> eich byd pan fydd pobl <strong>yn</strong> eich gwaradwyddo<br />

a’ch erlid, ac <strong>yn</strong> dweud pob math o ddrygair<br />

celwyddog <strong>yn</strong> eich erb<strong>yn</strong>, o’m hachos i.<br />

Llawenhewch a gorfoleddwch, oherwydd mae eich<br />

gwobr <strong>yn</strong> fawr <strong>yn</strong> y nefoedd, oherwydd felly <strong>yn</strong> wir<br />

yr erlidiwyd y proffwydi oedd o’ch blaen chwi.’<br />

Read through the passage from the<br />

Gospel of Matthew 5:1-12: the Beatitudes.<br />

At that time: When Jesus saw the crowds, he<br />

went up the mounta<strong>in</strong>; and after he sat down,<br />

his disciples came to him. Then he began to<br />

speak, and taught them, say<strong>in</strong>g:<br />

‘Blessed are the poor <strong>in</strong> spirit, for theirs is the<br />

k<strong>in</strong>gdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn,<br />

for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek,<br />

for they will <strong>in</strong>herit the earth.<br />

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for<br />

righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are<br />

the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed<br />

are the pure <strong>in</strong> heart, for they will see <strong>God</strong>. Blessed<br />

are the peacemakers, for they will be called<br />

children of <strong>God</strong>. Blessed are those who are<br />

persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs<br />

is the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of heaven.<br />

Blessed are you when people revile you and<br />

persecute you and utter all k<strong>in</strong>ds of evil aga<strong>in</strong>st<br />

you falsely on my account.<br />

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great <strong>in</strong><br />

heaven, for <strong>in</strong> the same way they persecuted the<br />

prophets who were before you.’

20<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y darn hwn o<br />

safbw<strong>yn</strong>t ymgodymu. Yna trafodwch â’r grŵp cyfan.<br />

Fe glywn bobl <strong>yn</strong> dweud <strong>yn</strong> aml ‘cyfrwch eich<br />

bendithion’, ond beth mae’n ei olygu o ddifrif i gael<br />

eich bendithio? Petaech chi’n cyfrif eich bendithion,<br />

pa fendithion fyddech chi’n eu c<strong>yn</strong>nwys? Mae bendithio,<br />

bendith a chael eich bendithio’n cyfeirio at<br />

sancteiddrwydd, cysegredigrwydd, bod <strong>yn</strong> ffodus<br />

<strong>yn</strong> yr h<strong>yn</strong> sydd gennym, a cheisio Duw.<br />

Mae Iesu’n dweud wrthym yma beth ddylem ei wneud<br />

os ydym am dderb<strong>yn</strong> bendith. Er mai ysbrydol yw’r<br />

bendithion h<strong>yn</strong>, mae idd<strong>yn</strong>t ganl<strong>yn</strong>iadau ymarferol;<br />

daw e<strong>in</strong> gweithredoedd n<strong>in</strong>nau o’r galon ac maent<br />

wedi’u sylfaenu ar ffydd. Golyga bod dan fendith e<strong>in</strong><br />

bod wedi’n gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong> a’n bod mewn perth<strong>yn</strong>as<br />

weddigar â Duw o ddydd i ddydd.<br />

Nid yw bod dan fendith Duw a bod <strong>yn</strong> fendith i eraill<br />

<strong>yn</strong> golygu na fyddwn <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>ebu adegau pan fyddwn<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ymgodymu ac <strong>yn</strong> gorfod brwydro. Gwybod bod<br />

Duw’n e<strong>in</strong> bendithio ac <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> caru yw’r gwreiddiau<br />

a’n ceidw’n gadarn drwy unrhyw gyfnod o ymgodymu.<br />

In small groups consider this passage from the perspective<br />

of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g. Then share with the wider group.<br />

There is the well known phrase ‘count your<br />

bless<strong>in</strong>gs’, but what does it really mean to be<br />

blessed? If count<strong>in</strong>g your bless<strong>in</strong>gs what would<br />

you want to <strong>in</strong>clude? Blest, bless<strong>in</strong>g and blessed<br />

refers to hol<strong>in</strong>ess, sacredness, be<strong>in</strong>g fortunate for<br />

what we have, and a seek<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Jesus tells us here what we are to do if we are to<br />

be blessed. These bless<strong>in</strong>gs are spiritual and yet<br />

have an outward action; our action comes from the<br />

heart and is born out of faith. To be blessed is to be<br />

rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>, to be <strong>in</strong> a prayerful relationship with<br />

<strong>God</strong> day by day.<br />

To be blessed by <strong>God</strong> and to show bless<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

to others, does not take away from us the times<br />

of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g and struggle. To know that we are<br />

blessed and loved by <strong>God</strong> is the ground to hold<br />

us firm throughout any time of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Beth fyddech chi’n ei ddweud yw’r<br />

fendith <strong>yn</strong> eich bywyd?<br />

What would you call the bless<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> your life?<br />

A fu unrhyw adeg arbennig y bu i chi<br />

deimlo bod Duw’n eich bendithio?<br />

Is there any particular time when<br />

you have felt blessed by <strong>God</strong>?

Edrych tuag at y Groes<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Cross<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g? 21<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Efengyl<br />

Ioan 11:45-53 <strong>yn</strong>ghylch y c<strong>yn</strong>llun<br />

i ladd Iesu.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Daeth llawer o’r Iddewon, y rhai oedd<br />

wedi dod at Mair a gweld beth yr oedd Iesu wedi<br />

ei wneud, i gredu <strong>yn</strong>ddo. Ond aeth rhai ohon<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

i ffwrdd at y Phariseaid a dweud wrth<strong>yn</strong>t beth yr<br />

oedd Iesu wedi ei wneud. Am h<strong>yn</strong>ny galwodd y prif<br />

offeiriaid a’r Phariseaid gyfarfod o’r Sanhedr<strong>in</strong>, a<br />

dywedasant: ‘Beth yr ydym am ei wneud? Y mae’r<br />

d<strong>yn</strong> yma’n gwneud llawer o arwyddion. Os gadawn<br />

iddo barhau fel h<strong>yn</strong>, bydd pawb <strong>yn</strong> credu <strong>yn</strong>ddo,<br />

ac fe ddaw’r Rhufe<strong>in</strong>iaid a chymryd oddi wrthym<br />

e<strong>in</strong> teml a’n cenedl hefyd.’ Ond dyma un ohon<strong>yn</strong>t,<br />

Caiaffas, a oedd <strong>yn</strong> archoffeiriad y flwydd<strong>yn</strong><br />

honno, <strong>yn</strong> dweud wrth<strong>yn</strong>t: ‘Nid ydych chwi’n deall<br />

dim. Nid ydych <strong>yn</strong> sylweddoli mai mantais i chwi<br />

fydd i un d<strong>yn</strong> farw dros y bobl, <strong>yn</strong> hytrach na bod<br />

y genedl gyfan <strong>yn</strong> cael ei difodi.’ Nid ohono’i hun y<br />

dywedodd h<strong>yn</strong>, ond proffwydo yr oedd, ac <strong>yn</strong>tau’n<br />

archoffeiriad y flwydd<strong>yn</strong> honno, fod Iesu’n m<strong>yn</strong>d<br />

i farw dros y genedl, ac nid dros y genedl <strong>yn</strong> unig<br />

ond hefyd er mw<strong>yn</strong> casglu plant Duw oedd ar<br />

wasgar, a’u gwneud <strong>yn</strong> un. O’r diwrnod hwnnw,<br />

felly, gwnaethant g<strong>yn</strong>llw<strong>yn</strong> i’w ladd ef.<br />

Mae <strong>yn</strong>a ymdeimlad o ymgodymu drwy gydol<br />

yr efengylau wrth i’r rhai sy’n gwrando ar Iesu<br />

benderf<strong>yn</strong>u p’run a yw <strong>yn</strong> llefaru gwirionedd Duw,<br />

<strong>yn</strong>teu a fydd ei s<strong>yn</strong>iadau’n dymchwel statws cwo’r<br />

bywyd gwleidyddol a chrefyddol. Bu trafod <strong>yn</strong> y<br />

dirgel a dechreuwyd llunio c<strong>yn</strong>llw<strong>yn</strong> i ladd Iesu.<br />

Read through the passage from<br />

the Gospel of John 11:45-53 and<br />

the plan to kill Jesus.<br />

At that time: Many of the Jews, who had<br />

come with Mary and had seen what Jesus<br />

did, believed <strong>in</strong> him. But some of them went<br />

to the Pharisees and told them what he had<br />

done. So the chief priests and the Pharisees<br />

called a meet<strong>in</strong>g of the council, and said,<br />

‘What are we to do? This man is perform<strong>in</strong>g<br />

many signs. If we let him go on like this,<br />

everyone will believe <strong>in</strong> him, and the Romans<br />

will come and destroy both our holy place and<br />

our nation.’ But one of them, Caiaphas, who<br />

was high priest that year, said to them, ‘You<br />

know noth<strong>in</strong>g at all! You do not understand<br />

that it is better for you to have one man die<br />

for the people than to have the whole nation<br />

destroyed.’ He did not say this on his own, but<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g high priest that year he prophesied that<br />

Jesus was about to die for the nation, and not<br />

for the nation only, but to gather <strong>in</strong>to one the<br />

dispersed children of <strong>God</strong>. So from that day<br />

on they planned to put him to death.<br />

There is a sense of wrestl<strong>in</strong>g throughout the<br />

Gospels as those who listen to Jesus decide<br />

whether he is speak<strong>in</strong>g the truth of <strong>God</strong>, or<br />

whether his ideas are go<strong>in</strong>g to topple the status<br />

quo of political and religious life. Conversations<br />

took place beh<strong>in</strong>d closed doors and the plot to<br />

kill Jesus began to be formed.<br />

Sut ddaethoch chi i gofleidio ffydd<br />

ac i gredu <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>?<br />

How did you come to faith and belief <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Wrth i’r dail farw a disg<strong>yn</strong> o’r goeden, maent <strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d<br />

i mewn i’r pridd i faethu bywyd y goeden i’r dyfodol.<br />

As the leaves die and fall from the tree, they enter <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the ground to nurture the ongo<strong>in</strong>g life of the tree.<br />

Beth allai fod angen ‘marw a disg<strong>yn</strong>’ i sicrhau<br />

bywyd yr eglwys <strong>yn</strong> y dyfodol?<br />

What may need to ‘die and fall’ to ensure<br />

the ongo<strong>in</strong>g life of the church?

22<br />

Edrych tuag at y Goeden<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Tree<br />

O’r trafodaethau <strong>yn</strong> y sesiwn hon:<br />

From the discussions dur<strong>in</strong>g this session:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden y pethau a<br />

allai achosi gornest ymgodymu mewn bywyd a ffydd.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree those th<strong>in</strong>gs which<br />

may cause a wrestl<strong>in</strong>g match <strong>in</strong> life and faith.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden<br />

y pethau sydd <strong>yn</strong> fendith mewn bywyd a ffydd.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree those th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

which are a bless<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> life and faith.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.<br />

Ar eich Coeden bersonol eich hun:<br />

On your own personal Tree:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden y pethau<br />

rydych wedi ymgodymu â hwy mewn ffydd.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree those th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

which you have wrestled with <strong>in</strong> faith.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden y pethau<br />

rydych wedi cael eich bendithio â hwy <strong>yn</strong> ystod<br />

eich bywyd.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree those th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

which you have been blessed with <strong>in</strong> your life.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.

Gweddi i gloi<br />

Clos<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Ymgodymu? / Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g? 23<br />

O Dduw, bydd gyda mi <strong>yn</strong> fy ymgodymu,<br />

a bendithia fi â’th ddoeth<strong>in</strong>eb.<br />

O Dduw, bydd gyda mi <strong>yn</strong> fy mrwydrau,<br />

a bendithia fi â’th ddeall.<br />

O Dduw, bydd gyda mi <strong>yn</strong> fy mywyd beunyddiol,<br />

a bendithia fi â’th dangnefedd a’th obaith.<br />

O Dduw, bydd <strong>yn</strong> fy nghalon,<br />

a rhoi i mi’r dewrder i gyd-gerdded<br />

â thi <strong>yn</strong> ystod y Grawys.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my wrestl<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

and bless to me your wisdom.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my struggles,<br />

and bless to me your understand<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my daily life,<br />

and bless to me peace and hope.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my heart,<br />

and bless to me courage to walk<br />

with you dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent.<br />



25<br />

Rhoi?<br />

Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Ail Wythnos y Grawys<br />

The Second Week of Lent

26<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Gweddi agoriadol<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Diarhebion<br />

Y mae mwy o elw <strong>yn</strong>ddi nag mewn arian,<br />

a’i ch<strong>yn</strong>nyrch <strong>yn</strong> well nag aur.<br />

Proverbs<br />

For her <strong>in</strong>come is better than silver,<br />

and her revenue better than gold.<br />

Effesiaid<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd<br />

iddo ganiatáu i chwi,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ôl cyfoeth ei ogoniant,<br />

gryfder a nerth mewnol trwy’r Ysbryd.<br />

Ephesians<br />

I pray that, accord<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

the riches of <strong>God</strong>’s glory,<br />

you may be strengthened <strong>in</strong> your <strong>in</strong>ner be<strong>in</strong>g with<br />

power through the Spirit.<br />

Beth a allaf ei roi i ti, O Dduw?<br />

Rhoddaf i ti fy nghalon i’th garu’n ddyfnach<br />

o ddydd i ddydd.<br />

Rhoddaf i ti fy nwylo i weithio <strong>yn</strong> dy enw.<br />

Rhoddaf i ti fy llais i lefaru dros<br />

y rhai sydd heb lais <strong>yn</strong> y byd hwn.<br />

Rhoddaf i ti o’m h<strong>in</strong>cwm<br />

i g<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo dy eglwys.<br />

Rhoddaf i ti o gyfoeth dy ogoniant,<br />

y’m bendithiaist ag ef, <strong>yn</strong> dy wasanaeth.<br />

Rhoddaf i ti yr h<strong>yn</strong> a allaf, drwy nerth<br />

dy Ysbryd sydd ar waith <strong>yn</strong>of.<br />

Beth a allaf ei roi i ti, O Dduw?<br />

Ceisiaf roi mwy o amser i ti mewn gweddi.<br />

Ceisiaf roi mwy o amser i ti wrth<br />

astudio dy air.<br />

Ceisiaf rannu dy gariad<br />

croesawgar <strong>yn</strong> amlach.<br />

Ceisiaf rannu’n fwy hyderus<br />

fy ffydd <strong>yn</strong> Iesu Grist.<br />

Ceisiaf roi a rhannu pryd b<strong>yn</strong>nag<br />

a lle b<strong>yn</strong>nag y gallaf.<br />

Ceisiaf roi a rhannu gan wybod<br />

fy mod <strong>yn</strong> gwneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny drwy<br />

nerth dy Ysbryd sydd ar waith <strong>yn</strong>of.<br />

Amen.<br />

What can I give to you, O <strong>God</strong>?<br />

I will give my heart to love you<br />

more deeply day by day.<br />

I will give my hands to work <strong>in</strong> your name.<br />

I will give my voice to speak for the voiceless<br />

<strong>in</strong> this world.<br />

I will give from my <strong>in</strong>come<br />

to support your church.<br />

I will give of the riches of your glory blessed<br />

to me <strong>in</strong> service.<br />

I will give what I can, through the power<br />

of your Spirit at work with<strong>in</strong> me.<br />

What can I give to you, O <strong>God</strong>?<br />

I will seek to give more time to you <strong>in</strong> prayer.<br />

I will seek to give more time to you<br />

<strong>in</strong> study of your word.<br />

I will seek to share more often<br />

the hospitality of your love.<br />

I will seek to share more confidently<br />

my faith <strong>in</strong> Jesus Christ.<br />

I will seek to give and share<br />

when and where I can.<br />

I will seek to give and share<br />

know<strong>in</strong>g I do so through the power<br />

of your Spirit at work with<strong>in</strong> me.<br />


Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g? 27<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and prayer this Lent.<br />

Amen.<br />

Rhoi?<br />

Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Un agwedd ar e<strong>in</strong> taith drwy’r Grawys<br />

yw elusengarwch. Drwy gydol y Beibl,<br />

gwelwn gyfeiriadau at roi neu ddegymu.<br />

Mae rhoi <strong>yn</strong> aml <strong>yn</strong> gysylltiedig â<br />

chyfrannu arian. Yn yr Hen Destament,<br />

disgwylir i bawb ddegymu ond <strong>yn</strong> y<br />

Testament Newydd daw degymu’n fwy<br />

o weithred ymwybodol ac <strong>yn</strong> fater o<br />

sylweddoli fa<strong>in</strong>t y dylem n<strong>in</strong>nau ei roi<br />

mewn diolchgarwch am gariad Duw<br />

tuag atom ni.<br />

One aspect of our Lenten journey is<br />

that of almsgiv<strong>in</strong>g. Throughout the<br />

Bible we f<strong>in</strong>d references to giv<strong>in</strong>g, or<br />

tith<strong>in</strong>g. Giv<strong>in</strong>g is often related to our<br />

monetary offer<strong>in</strong>g. In the Old Testament<br />

tith<strong>in</strong>g was expected to be given by<br />

all but <strong>in</strong> the New Testament tith<strong>in</strong>g<br />

becomes more of a conscious action<br />

and realisation of how much we should<br />

give because of <strong>God</strong>’s love for us.<br />

Beth mae bod <strong>yn</strong> hael <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu?<br />

What does it mean to be a giv<strong>in</strong>g person?<br />

Pa mor gyffyrddus neu anghyffyrddus yw hi i<br />

feddwl am roi mewn perth<strong>yn</strong>as ag arian?<br />

How comfortable or not is it to th<strong>in</strong>k<br />

of giv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> relation to money?<br />

Beth arall a allem ei roi<br />

i Dduw ac i eglwys Dduw?<br />

What else may we give to<br />

<strong>God</strong> and <strong>God</strong>’s church?

28<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at yr Hen Destament<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Old Testament<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Broffwydoliaeth<br />

Amos 4:1-5, lle mae’r proffwyd<br />

<strong>yn</strong> annerch y rhai sydd wedi colli<br />

eu ffordd.<br />

Clywch y gair hwn, fuchod Basan, sydd ym<br />

m<strong>yn</strong>ydd Samaria, sy’n gorthrymu’r tlawd ac <strong>yn</strong><br />

treisio’r anghenus, sy’n dweud wrth eu gwŷr,<br />

‘Dewch â gw<strong>in</strong>, <strong>in</strong>ni gael yfed’: T<strong>yn</strong>godd yr<br />

Arglwydd Dduw i’w sancteiddrwydd, ‘Fe ddaw,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> wir, ddyddiau arnoch pan ddygir chwi i ffwrdd<br />

â bachau, a’r olaf ohonoch â bachau pysgota.<br />

Ac ewch allan trwy’r bylchau, pob un ohonoch<br />

ar ei chyfer, ac fe’ch bwrir i Harmon,’ medd<br />

yr Arglwydd. ‘Dewch i Fethel a throseddu, i Gilgal<br />

a phechu fwyfwy; dygwch eich aberthau bob bore<br />

a’ch degymau bob tridiau; offrymwch aberth<br />

diolch o fara lefe<strong>in</strong>llyd, cyhoeddwch aberthau<br />

gwirfodd, a gwnewch hwy’n hysbys; canys h<strong>yn</strong><br />

a hoffwch, bobl Israel,’ medd yr Arglwydd Dduw.<br />

Pwy oedd Amos? Roedd <strong>yn</strong> byw tua deng milltir i’r<br />

de o Jerwsalem, a chredir efallai mai perchennog<br />

y defaid ydoedd <strong>yn</strong> hytrach na bugail (1:1). Dywed<br />

Amos nad yw’n broffwyd nac <strong>yn</strong> fab i broffwyd, ond<br />

<strong>yn</strong> lleygwr wedi’i alw gan Dduw (7:14) i lefaru <strong>yn</strong><br />

erb<strong>yn</strong> yr anghyfiawnder cymdeithasol a’r trachwant<br />

a oedd wedi goddiweddyd y bobl. Tua 760CC y bu’n<br />

gwe<strong>in</strong>idogaethu, a h<strong>yn</strong>ny ond am ychydig fisoedd <strong>yn</strong><br />

ôl yr ysgolheigion. Mae’n galw ar y bobl i edifarhau a<br />

thrawsnewid eu bywydau. O neidio ymlaen sawl canrif,<br />

clywn broffwyd arall <strong>yn</strong> galw ar y bobl i edifarhau a<br />

thrawsnewid eu bywydau. Siaradai Ioan Fedyddiwr, fel<br />

Amos, heb flew<strong>yn</strong> ar ei dafod, gan alw am yr edifeirwch<br />

a fyddai’n arwa<strong>in</strong> at adferiad Israel.<br />

Erb<strong>yn</strong> amser Amos, roedd y bwlch rhwng y cyfoethog<br />

a’r tlawd wedi lledu, ac roedd gormes gymdeithasol<br />

wedi dod <strong>yn</strong> ei sgil. Llefarodd <strong>yn</strong> erb<strong>yn</strong> y cyfoethogion<br />

a geisiai gasglu mwy o gyfoeth heb boeni am neb ond<br />

amdan<strong>yn</strong>t hwy eu huna<strong>in</strong> - hwy oedd y rhai oedd <strong>yn</strong><br />

‘gorthrymu’r tlawd ac <strong>yn</strong> treisio’r anghenus’ (4:1).<br />

Llefarodd <strong>yn</strong> erb<strong>yn</strong> cyflawni defodau crefyddol er<br />

mw<strong>yn</strong> ymddangosiad <strong>yn</strong> hytrach nac i f<strong>yn</strong>egi unrhyw<br />

wir gred, ac <strong>yn</strong> erb<strong>yn</strong> y rhai a dreulient amser <strong>yn</strong><br />

addoli wrth allorau duwiau eraill.<br />

Mae Amos <strong>yn</strong> cyhoeddi sawl barn <strong>yn</strong> erb<strong>yn</strong> y bobl,<br />

ond mae ei lyfr a’i eiriau proffwydol <strong>yn</strong> diweddu mewn<br />

gobaith. Efallai’n wir y bydd y genedl <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>ebu<br />

Read through the passage from the<br />

Prophecy of Amos 4:1-5, where the<br />

prophet speaks to those who have<br />

lost their way.<br />

Hear this word, you cows of Bashan who are on<br />

Mount Samaria, who oppress the poor, who crush<br />

the needy, who say to their husbands, ‘Br<strong>in</strong>g<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g to dr<strong>in</strong>k!’ The Lord <strong>God</strong> has sworn by<br />

his hol<strong>in</strong>ess: ‘The time is surely com<strong>in</strong>g upon you,<br />

when they shall take you away with hooks, even<br />

the last of you with fish-hooks. Through breaches<br />

<strong>in</strong> the wall you shall leave, each one straight<br />

ahead; and you shall be flung out <strong>in</strong>to Harmon,’<br />

says the Lord. ‘Come to Bethel-and transgress;<br />

to Gilgal-and multiply transgression; br<strong>in</strong>g your<br />

sacrifices every morn<strong>in</strong>g, your tithes every three<br />

days; br<strong>in</strong>g a thank-offer<strong>in</strong>g of leavened bread,<br />

and proclaim freewill-offer<strong>in</strong>gs, publish them; for<br />

so you love to do, O people of Israel!’ says the<br />

Lord <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Who was Amos? He lived about ten miles south of<br />

Jerusalem, and it is thought that he could have been the<br />

owner of the sheep, rather than be<strong>in</strong>g a shepherd (1:1).<br />

Amos declares that he isn’t a prophet, nor the son of a<br />

prophet, but a lay person called by <strong>God</strong> (7:14) to speak<br />

out aga<strong>in</strong>st the social <strong>in</strong>justice and greed that had<br />

overtaken the people. His m<strong>in</strong>istry took place around<br />

760BC, and accord<strong>in</strong>g to scholars, it only lasted a few<br />

months. The call to the people is to repent and change<br />

their lives around. Jump<strong>in</strong>g several centuries ahead,<br />

we hear another prophet call<strong>in</strong>g the people to repent<br />

and turn their lives around. John the Baptist, like Amos,<br />

spoke with bluntness, seek<strong>in</strong>g a change of heart that<br />

would lead to the restoration of Israel.<br />

At the time of Amos, the divide between rich and<br />

poor had widened and along with it came social<br />

oppression. He spoke aga<strong>in</strong>st the wealthy who sought<br />

to gather more riches with no regard for anyone except<br />

themselves; those ‘who oppress the poor, who crush the<br />

needy’ (4:1). He spoke aga<strong>in</strong>st the religious practices<br />

that were for show rather than any true belief, and<br />

also aga<strong>in</strong>st those who spent time worshipp<strong>in</strong>g at the<br />

shr<strong>in</strong>es of other gods.<br />

Amos offers a number of judgements on the people, but<br />

his book and his prophetic words end with hope. The<br />

nation may be destroyed, but there is a promise from<br />

<strong>God</strong> that all the people will ultimately be blessed. ‘“I

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g? 29<br />

distryw, ond mae addewid gan Dduw y bendithir yr holl<br />

bobl <strong>yn</strong> y pen draw. ‘“Fe’u plannaf <strong>yn</strong> eu gwlad, ac ni<br />

ddiwreiddir hwy byth eto o’r tir a rois idd<strong>yn</strong>t,” medd yr<br />

Arglwydd Dduw’ (9:15). C<strong>yn</strong> h<strong>yn</strong>ny, fodd b<strong>yn</strong>nag, mae<br />

gandd<strong>yn</strong>t lawer i’w ddysgu!<br />

will plant them upon their land, and they shall never be<br />

plucked up out of the land that I have given them,” say<br />

the Lord your <strong>God</strong>’ (9:15). First, though, they have a lot<br />

to learn!<br />

Darllenwch y darn eto. Beth allwn ni<br />

ei ddysgu drwy eiriau Amos?<br />

Read through the passage aga<strong>in</strong>. What may<br />

we learn through the words of Amos?<br />

Mae e<strong>in</strong> byd ni heddiw’n wahanol iawn i fyd Amos -<br />

ond pa mor wahanol yw pethau mewn gwirionedd?<br />

Ysgrifennodd C.S. Lewis: ‘Buddsoddir egni rhyfeddol<br />

- adeiledir gwareiddiadau - dyfeisir sefydliadau<br />

rhagorol; ond bob tro mae rhywbeth <strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d o’i le.<br />

Mae rhyw wall t<strong>yn</strong>gedfennol bob amser <strong>yn</strong> sicrhau<br />

mai’r bobl hunanol a chreulon sy’n cyrraedd y brig<br />

ac mae popeth <strong>yn</strong> llithro’n ôl i drallod drylliedig.’<br />

Mae’r geiriau h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n llefaru wrth y bobl y trigai<br />

Amos <strong>yn</strong> eu plith <strong>yn</strong> ogystal ag wrthym n<strong>in</strong>nau. Mae’r<br />

agwedd y cyfeirir ati’n dirymu cydwybod gymdeithasol,<br />

a’r gydwybod sydd o Dduw, sy’n e<strong>in</strong> hannog oll i<br />

weithredu er daioni mewn cymdeithas.<br />

Gan ddefnyddio darlun y goeden, os byddwn <strong>yn</strong><br />

t<strong>yn</strong>nu’r rhisgl, beth fydd y cylchoedd oddi mewn <strong>yn</strong><br />

ei ddatgelu? Mae’r cylchoedd h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n dangos oed y<br />

goeden a’r modd y bu iddi oroesi drwy’r bl<strong>yn</strong>yddoedd<br />

bras a’r bl<strong>yn</strong>yddoedd llwm. Mae i eiriau Amos adlais<br />

i n<strong>in</strong>nau gan e<strong>in</strong> bod n<strong>in</strong>nau hefyd <strong>yn</strong> byw mewn byd<br />

sydd â gagendor cymdeithasol enfawr, byd y gred <strong>yn</strong><br />

y ‘fi fawr <strong>yn</strong> g<strong>yn</strong>taf’, lle mae’r cyfoethogion <strong>yn</strong> dod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> fwy cyfoethog a’r tlodion <strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d <strong>yn</strong> dlotach, <strong>yn</strong><br />

hytrach nag mewn cymuned o gyd-gymorth a rhannu.<br />

Safodd Amos <strong>yn</strong> ddewr gerbron y cyfoethog a’r<br />

grymus gan, <strong>yn</strong> y bôn, ‘ddweud y drefn’ wrth<strong>yn</strong>t mewn<br />

geiriau na allent eu camddeall! Y broblem yw, a fu<br />

idd<strong>yn</strong>t wrando o ddifrif? Gallem of<strong>yn</strong> yr un cwestiwn<br />

heddiw. A ydym <strong>yn</strong> gwrando ar Dduw mewn gweddi,<br />

ac ar y rhai sydd mewn angen a cheisio rhoi a ch<strong>yn</strong>nig<br />

beth b<strong>yn</strong>nag a allwn i’w c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo hwythau neu<br />

geisio newid agweddau’r rhai sydd mewn awdurdod?<br />

Our world today is very different to the world of Amos,<br />

or is it? C.S. Lewis wrote: ‘Terrific energy is expended -<br />

civilizations are built up - excellent <strong>in</strong>stitutions devised;<br />

but each time someth<strong>in</strong>g goes wrong. Some fatal flaw<br />

always br<strong>in</strong>gs the selfish and the cruel people to the<br />

top and it all slides back <strong>in</strong>to misery and ru<strong>in</strong>.’ This<br />

speaks to the people Amos was among as well as to<br />

us. This attitude removes the social conscience, and<br />

the conscience that is of <strong>God</strong>, which encourages us<br />

all to be active for the good with<strong>in</strong> society.<br />

Us<strong>in</strong>g the imagery of the tree, if we strip back the bark<br />

what will the <strong>in</strong>ner r<strong>in</strong>gs reveal? The <strong>in</strong>ner r<strong>in</strong>gs show<br />

the age of the tree and how it has survived the times of<br />

plenty and times of little. The words of Amos resonate<br />

for us because we too live <strong>in</strong> a world of great social<br />

divisions, of a belief <strong>in</strong> ‘self first’, where the rich get<br />

richer and the poor become poorer, rather than <strong>in</strong> a<br />

community of help and share.<br />

Amos bravely stood <strong>in</strong> front of the rich and powerful,<br />

and basically ‘told them off’, and that <strong>in</strong> words which<br />

they couldn’t fail to not understand! The problem is,<br />

did they really listen? We could ask the same question<br />

today. Do we listen to <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> prayer and to those <strong>in</strong><br />

need and then seek to give and offer whatever we can<br />

to help, or to change the attitudes of those <strong>in</strong> positions<br />

of authority?

30<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y cwesti<strong>yn</strong>au canl<strong>yn</strong>ol<br />

y mae Amos <strong>yn</strong> eu codi am fywyd. Yna trafodwch â’r<br />

grŵp cyfan:<br />

In small groups, and then share with the whole<br />

group, consider the follow<strong>in</strong>g questions of life<br />

Amos raises:<br />

Proffwydi heddiw - a allech chi fod <strong>yn</strong> broffwyd<br />

fel Amos? Mae bod <strong>yn</strong> broffwyd <strong>yn</strong> golygu bod<br />

wedi eich galw gan Dduw - pwy yw proffwydi’r byd<br />

heddiw, o fewn yr eglwys ac o fewn y byd seciwlar?<br />

Prophets today - could you be a prophet like<br />

Amos? To be a prophet is to have a call<strong>in</strong>g from<br />

<strong>God</strong> - who are the prophets of the world today,<br />

with<strong>in</strong> the church and with<strong>in</strong> the secular world?<br />

Y byd materol heddiw - sut ydym n<strong>in</strong>nau fel<br />

Cristnogion <strong>yn</strong> cefnogi busnesau lleol a phr<strong>yn</strong>u<br />

c<strong>yn</strong>nyrch masnach deg? Pa le sydd i foeseg <strong>yn</strong> eich<br />

bywyd bob dydd - bancio a siopa, er enghraifft?<br />

Sut allwn ni fod <strong>yn</strong> llai materol?<br />

The material world of today - how as Christians<br />

do we support local bus<strong>in</strong>esses, and buy fairtrade<br />

products? What place does ethics have <strong>in</strong> your day<br />

to day life - bank<strong>in</strong>g, shopp<strong>in</strong>g for example? How<br />

can we be less materialistic?<br />

Y mili<strong>yn</strong>au y gellir eu hennill heddiw - beth yw eich<br />

barn am y mili<strong>yn</strong>au y gellir eu hennill o gardiau<br />

crafu a chardiau loteri? Pwy sy’n elwa o ddifrif?<br />

The millions that can be won today - what do you<br />

th<strong>in</strong>k of the millions that can be won from scratch<br />

cards and lottery cards? Who really benefits?<br />

Ffoaduriaid, pobl ddigartref, y rhai sydd angen<br />

defnyddio banciau bwyd heddiw - beth yw eu lle<br />

o fewn cymdeithas? Ai dyma’r bobl roedd Amos<br />

<strong>yn</strong> llefaru ar eu rhan? Fa<strong>in</strong>t mwy allwn n<strong>in</strong>nau ei<br />

wneud, <strong>yn</strong> unigol neu fel eglwys, i roi ac i g<strong>yn</strong>nig<br />

cymorth a chefnogaeth?<br />

The refugees, homeless, and those need<strong>in</strong>g<br />

food banks today - where are they placed with<strong>in</strong><br />

society? Are these the people who Amos was<br />

speak<strong>in</strong>g out for? What more could we do,<br />

<strong>in</strong>dividually or as a church, to give and offer<br />

help and support?<br />

E<strong>in</strong> haddoliad - llefarodd Amos <strong>yn</strong> erb<strong>yn</strong> arferion a<br />

defodau crefyddol gweigion. Pa arfer neu ddefod<br />

grefyddol sy’n eich galluogi i ddyfnhau eich ffydd<br />

<strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>? Beth sydd, neu beth fyddai, <strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau<br />

eich perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw, ac felly’n hybu eich rhoi i’r<br />

eglwys ac i’r gymuned?<br />

Our worship - Amos spoke aga<strong>in</strong>st religious practice<br />

and ritual that was for show. What religious practice<br />

or ritual enables you to deepen your faith <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

What does, or would, draw you <strong>in</strong>to a deeper<br />

relationship with <strong>God</strong>, and so enhance your giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to the church and community?<br />

Mae rhoi, <strong>yn</strong>g nghyd-destun Amos, <strong>yn</strong> ymwneud â<br />

chyfiawnder a pherth<strong>yn</strong>as gywir a dilys â Duw ac â<br />

phobl eraill, sy’n arwa<strong>in</strong> at gydbarchu, cydraddoldeb<br />

a ffydd sy’n effro i anghenion eraill ac sy’n ymateb<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ymarferol i’r anghenion h<strong>yn</strong>ny. Rhoddodd Amos y<br />

cyfan a feddai mewn ffydd, a chan w<strong>yn</strong>ebu gwir berygl,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> gwneud gwaith Duw. Mae llawer o bobl ledled<br />

y byd heddiw’n w<strong>yn</strong>ebu perygl os byddant <strong>yn</strong> datgelu<br />

eu ffydd Gristnogol. Yma, rydym <strong>yn</strong> ffodus bod i ni<br />

ryddid i addoli ac i fod <strong>yn</strong> agored <strong>yn</strong>ghylch e<strong>in</strong> ffydd.<br />

Ac eto, oni allwn ddod <strong>yn</strong> rhy hunanfodlon, fel y bobl y<br />

llefarodd Amos <strong>yn</strong> eu herb<strong>yn</strong>? Ac a allai e<strong>in</strong> ffydd ddod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> eilbeth i agweddau mwy materol y byd?<br />

Giv<strong>in</strong>g, from the context of Amos, is about justice and<br />

a true and real relationship with <strong>God</strong> and one another<br />

that leads to mutuality, equality and a faith that is<br />

aware - with action - of others’ needs. Amos gave<br />

all he had <strong>in</strong> faith, and with a large degree of risk, to<br />

do the work of <strong>God</strong>. Many across the world still face<br />

a risk if they reveal their Christian faith. Here, we<br />

are fortunate for we are given a freedom to worship<br />

and to be open <strong>in</strong> our faith. Yet, can we become too<br />

complacent, so that like <strong>in</strong> the case of those Amos<br />

spoke aga<strong>in</strong>st, faith becomes secondary to the more<br />

material aspects of the world?<br />

Beth allwn ni ei wneud i sicrhau na fyddwn<br />

<strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d <strong>yn</strong> hunanfodlon am e<strong>in</strong> ffyd a’n perth<strong>yn</strong>as<br />

â Duw?<br />

What can we do to ensure we do not<br />

become complacent <strong>in</strong> our faith and<br />

relationship with <strong>God</strong>?

Edrych tuag at y Testament Newydd<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the New Testament<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g? 31<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Efengyl<br />

Mathew 6:1-4 ar wir weddi<br />

ac elusengarwch.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Dywedodd Iesu, ‘Cymerwch ofal i<br />

beidio â chyflawni eich dyletswyddau crefyddol<br />

o flaen eraill, er mw<strong>yn</strong> cael eich gweld gandd<strong>yn</strong>t;<br />

os gwnewch, nid oes gwobr i chwi gan eich Tad,<br />

yr hwn sydd <strong>yn</strong> y nefoedd. Felly, pan fyddi’n rhoi<br />

elusen, paid â chanu utgorn o’th flaen, fel y mae’r<br />

rhagrithwyr <strong>yn</strong> gwneud <strong>yn</strong> y s<strong>yn</strong>agogau ac <strong>yn</strong><br />

yr heolydd, er mw<strong>yn</strong> cael eu canmol gan eraill.<br />

Yn wir, rwy’n dweud wrthych, y mae eu gwobr<br />

gandd<strong>yn</strong>t eisoes. Ond pan fyddi di’n rhoi elusen,<br />

paid â gadael i’th law chwith wybod beth y mae dy<br />

law dde <strong>yn</strong> ei wneud. Felly bydd dy elusen di <strong>yn</strong> y<br />

dirgel, a bydd dy Dad, sydd <strong>yn</strong> gweld <strong>yn</strong> y dirgel,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> dy wobrwyo.’ gwobr <strong>yn</strong> fawr <strong>yn</strong> y nefoedd,<br />

oherwydd felly <strong>yn</strong> wir yr erlidiwyd y proffwydi<br />

oedd o’ch blaen chwi.’<br />

Read through the passage from<br />

Gospel of Matthew 6:1-4 on true<br />

prayer and almsgiv<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

At that time: Jesus said, ‘Beware of practis<strong>in</strong>g<br />

your piety before others <strong>in</strong> order to be seen by<br />

them; for then you have no reward from your<br />

Father <strong>in</strong> heaven. So whenever you give alms,<br />

do not sound a trumpet before you, as the<br />

hypocrites do <strong>in</strong> the s<strong>yn</strong>agogues and <strong>in</strong> the<br />

streets, so that they may be praised by others.<br />

Truly I tell you, they have received their reward.<br />

But when you give alms, do not let your left hand<br />

know what your right hand is do<strong>in</strong>g, so that your<br />

alms may be done <strong>in</strong> secret; and your Father who<br />

sees <strong>in</strong> secret will reward you.

32<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y darn hwn o safbw<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

rhoi. Yna rhannwch â’r grŵp cyfan.<br />

Mae Iesu’n adleisio geiriau Amos, gan fod <strong>yn</strong> eglur<br />

iawn <strong>yn</strong>ghylch beth mae’n ei feddwl <strong>yn</strong>ghylch pobl sy’n<br />

arfer eu ‘duwioldeb’ a’u ‘helusengarwch’ <strong>yn</strong>g ngolwg<br />

pawb. Gŵyr Duw am bopeth rydym <strong>yn</strong> ei roi, ac mae<br />

Duw’n gwrando ar e<strong>in</strong> gweddïau; nid oes angen i ni<br />

wneud sioe o’r peth gerbron unrhyw un arall.<br />

Pan edrychwn ar roi <strong>yn</strong> yr Hen Destament, gwelwn ei<br />

fod <strong>yn</strong> cyfeirio at gyfrannu arian degwm, a dalwyd gan<br />

bawb i g<strong>yn</strong>nal yr offeiriaid a’r tlodion. Yn y Testament<br />

Newydd, gwelwn newid - byddai pobl <strong>yn</strong> rhoi’n<br />

ariannol mewn ymateb i gariad Duw <strong>yn</strong> Iesu. Deillia<br />

e<strong>in</strong> rhoi o’n ffydd, o’n gweddi ac o’n perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw.<br />

Mater rh<strong>yn</strong>gom ni a Duw yw rhoi ariannol. Pa mor<br />

anodd b<strong>yn</strong>nag yw hi i’n heglwysi drafod arian, ni allwn<br />

anwybyddu h<strong>yn</strong>ny - <strong>yn</strong> union fel mae angen gwario ar<br />

e<strong>in</strong> cartrefi, felly hefyd e<strong>in</strong> heglwys. Fodd b<strong>yn</strong>nag, mae<br />

llawer ffordd o roi ac nid yw pob un <strong>yn</strong> gysylltiedig â’r<br />

casgliad! Gallwn roi e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> - y doniau a’r sgiliau<br />

y gallwn eu defnyddio i adeiladu’r eglwys. Yn ystod y<br />

Grawys clywn yr alwad i ‘hepgor’ rhywbeth, ond efallai<br />

y dylem <strong>yn</strong> hytrach roi mwy o’n hamser a gwneud<br />

rhywbeth ychwanegol a fydd <strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau’n ffydd, neu<br />

sy’n deillio o’n ffydd ac <strong>yn</strong> rhoi i eraill.<br />

In small groups consider this passage from the<br />

perspective of giv<strong>in</strong>g. Then share with the wider group.<br />

In a similar way, Jesus echoes the words of Amos, <strong>in</strong><br />

be<strong>in</strong>g very clear <strong>in</strong> what he th<strong>in</strong>ks about those whose<br />

‘piety’ and ‘almsgiv<strong>in</strong>g’ is seen or announced to all<br />

around. <strong>God</strong> knows what we give, <strong>God</strong> hears our<br />

prayers; we do not need to proclaim it to anyone else.<br />

When we look at giv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the Old Testament it referred<br />

to money given as a tithe, paid by everyone to support<br />

the priesthood and the poor. In the New Testament,<br />

there is a change, and monetary giv<strong>in</strong>g was to be<br />

given <strong>in</strong> response to the love of <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> Jesus. Our<br />

giv<strong>in</strong>g evolves out of our faith, prayer and relationship<br />

with <strong>God</strong>.<br />

When look<strong>in</strong>g at our monetary giv<strong>in</strong>g, then that is<br />

between ourselves and <strong>God</strong>. However difficult it is for<br />

our churches to discuss money, we can’t ignore it; as<br />

our homes need f<strong>in</strong>ancial outlay, so does our church.<br />

There are though many different ways of giv<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

not all them to do with the collection plate! We have<br />

the giftedness of our own self, the gifts and skills we<br />

can use to build up the church. Dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent we hear<br />

the call to ‘give up’ someth<strong>in</strong>g, but it may be that<br />

<strong>in</strong>stead we should give more of our time and ‘take up’<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g which will deepen our faith, or comes out<br />

from our faith and so gives to others.<br />

Meddyliwch am y doniau a’r sgiliau sydd<br />

gennych - beth yd<strong>yn</strong>t? Sut allwch chi annog<br />

eraill i roi o’r doniau a’r sgiliau rydych <strong>yn</strong> eu<br />

gweld <strong>yn</strong>dd<strong>yn</strong>t hwy?<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>k about your own gifts and skills - what are<br />

they? How can you encourage the giv<strong>in</strong>g of the<br />

gifts and skills you can see <strong>in</strong> others?<br />

Gall enwi a chydnabod yr h<strong>yn</strong> na allwn ei roi e<strong>in</strong><br />

rhyddhau i enwi a chydnabod yr h<strong>yn</strong> y gallwn ei roi.<br />

Ni allwn roi popeth na rhoi i bopeth, ond gallwn roi<br />

rhywbeth. Y cwestiwn yw, ‘Beth allai h<strong>yn</strong>ny fod?’<br />

Nam<strong>in</strong>g and acknowledg<strong>in</strong>g what we cannot give can<br />

set us free to name and acknowledge what we can give.<br />

We cannot give, or give to, everyth<strong>in</strong>g, but we can give<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g. The question is, ‘What may that be?’<br />

Mewn sawl ffordd ydych chi’n ‘rhoi’ i Dduw <strong>yn</strong><br />

sgil eich ffydd a’ch aelodaeth o’ch eglwys? Pa<br />

mor gyffyrddus ydych chi â derb<strong>yn</strong> oddi wrth<br />

Dduw, ac oddi wrth bobl eraill?<br />

How many ways do you ‘give’ to <strong>God</strong> because of<br />

your faith and be<strong>in</strong>g a member of your church?<br />

How comfortable are you with receiv<strong>in</strong>g from<br />

<strong>God</strong>, or from others?<br />

Ym mha ffyrdd ydych chi’n dod<br />

at Dduw mewn gweddi?<br />

How many ways do you come<br />

to <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> prayer?

Edrych tuag at y Groes<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Cross<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g? 33<br />

Darllenwch y darn hwn o<br />

Efengyl Ioan 11:55-57, sy’n<br />

sôn am erlid Iesu.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Yr oedd Pasg yr Iddewon <strong>yn</strong> ymyl,<br />

ac aeth llawer i f<strong>yn</strong>y i Jerwsalem o’r wlad c<strong>yn</strong><br />

y Pasg, ar gyfer defod eu puredigaeth. Ac yr<br />

oeddent <strong>yn</strong> chwilio am Iesu, ac <strong>yn</strong> sefyll <strong>yn</strong> y<br />

deml a dweud wrth ei gilydd, ‘Beth dybiwch<br />

chwi? Nad yw ef ddim <strong>yn</strong> dod i’r ŵyl?’ Ac er<br />

mw<strong>yn</strong> idd<strong>yn</strong>t ei ddal, yr oedd y prif offeiriaid<br />

a’r Phariseaid wedi rhoi gorchm<strong>yn</strong>ion, os<br />

oedd rhywun <strong>yn</strong> gwybod lle’r oedd ef, ei fod<br />

i’w hysbysu hwy.<br />

Mae’r c<strong>yn</strong>llw<strong>yn</strong>io a’r c<strong>yn</strong>llunio i ddal Iesu’n parhau.<br />

Roedd yr Archoffeiriaid a’r Phariseaid <strong>yn</strong> ofni Iesu.<br />

Credent ei fod <strong>yn</strong> tanseilio’r drefn ac fe’i gwelent fel<br />

bygythiad i’w ffordd o fyw.<br />

Y s<strong>yn</strong>dod i lawer fydd na fydd Iesu’n cuddio. Fe fydd<br />

<strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>ychu Gŵyl y Pasg. Nid <strong>yn</strong> unig y bydd Iesu <strong>yn</strong>o,<br />

ond bydd <strong>yn</strong> aberthu ei hun er mw<strong>yn</strong> sicrhau nad yw<br />

gwaith Duw <strong>yn</strong> y byd <strong>yn</strong> dod i ben. O un diwedd bydd<br />

dechrau newydd <strong>yn</strong> codi.<br />

Read through the passage<br />

from the Gospel of John 11:55-57,<br />

as Jesus is be<strong>in</strong>g hunted.<br />

At that time: The Passover of the Jews was<br />

near, and many went up from the country<br />

to Jerusalem before the Passover to purify<br />

themselves. They were look<strong>in</strong>g for Jesus and<br />

were ask<strong>in</strong>g one another as they stood <strong>in</strong> the<br />

temple, ‘What do you th<strong>in</strong>k? Surely he will not<br />

come to the festival, will he?’ Now the chief<br />

priests and the Pharisees had given orders that<br />

anyone who knew where Jesus was should let<br />

them know, so that they might arrest him.<br />

The plott<strong>in</strong>g and plann<strong>in</strong>g to capture Jesus<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>ues. The chief priests and Pharisees were<br />

afraid of Jesus. He upset, so they believed, the<br />

status quo, and was perceived to be a threat to<br />

their way of life.<br />

The surprise for many will be that Jesus doesn’t<br />

hide himself away. He will be at the Passover<br />

festival. Not only will Jesus be present, but he will<br />

give of himself to ensure the ongo<strong>in</strong>g work of <strong>God</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong> the world doesn’t come to an end. From one<br />

end<strong>in</strong>g a new beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g will rise up.<br />

Po gof<strong>yn</strong>nid i chi, sut fyddech chi’n disgrifio,<br />

neu’n egluro i rywun, beth mae eich ffydd wir<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i chi, ac <strong>yn</strong> disgrifio popeth rydych<br />

wedi’i dderb<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> rhodd gan Dduw?<br />

If asked, how would you describe, or tell<br />

someone, what your faith really means to<br />

you and about all that you have received,<br />

been given, from <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Pa mor agored a pha mor hyderus ydych<br />

chi i rannu eich ffydd ag eraill?<br />

How open are you, and how confident are you,<br />

<strong>in</strong> shar<strong>in</strong>g your faith with others?

34<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at y Goeden<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Tree<br />

O’r trafodaethau <strong>yn</strong> y sesiwn hon:<br />

From the discussions dur<strong>in</strong>g this session:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden y pethau<br />

h<strong>yn</strong>ny y gallwn n<strong>in</strong>nau, fel eglwys, eu ‘rhoi’ i’r byd<br />

o’n cwmpas.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree those th<strong>in</strong>gs which,<br />

as a church, we can ‘give’ to the wider world.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden leoedd<br />

neu bobl sydd angen cyfiawnder a chefnogaeth.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree places or<br />

people <strong>in</strong> need of justice and support.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.<br />

Ar eich Coeden bersonol eich hun:<br />

On your own personal Tree:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden<br />

y doniau a’r rhoddion y gallwch eu c<strong>yn</strong>nig<br />

i’r eglwys ac i’r byd.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree the gifts and<br />

almsgiv<strong>in</strong>g you can offer to the church and the<br />

wider world.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden eich<br />

gweddi eich hun am gyfiawnder a ch<strong>yn</strong>wysoldeb<br />

<strong>yn</strong> yr eglwys a’r byd.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree your own<br />

prayer for justice and <strong>in</strong>clusivity <strong>in</strong> the church<br />

and the wider world.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.

Gweddi i gloi<br />

Clos<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Rhoi? / Giv<strong>in</strong>g? 35<br />

O Dduw, bydd gyda mi <strong>yn</strong> fy rhoi,<br />

a bendithia fi â’th haelioni.<br />

O Dduw, bydd gyda mi <strong>yn</strong> fy ngweddïo,<br />

a bendithia fi â’th Ysbryd Glân.<br />

O Dduw, bydd gyda mi wrth i mi geisio cyfiawnder,<br />

a bendithia fi â’th ddewrder.<br />

O Dduw, bydd <strong>yn</strong> fy nghalon,<br />

a rhoi i mi’r ffydd i gyd-gerdded â thi <strong>yn</strong> ystod y Grawys.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my giv<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

and bless to me your generosity.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my pray<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

and bless to me your Holy Spirit.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my justice seek<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

and bless to me your courage.<br />

<strong>God</strong> be <strong>in</strong> my heart,<br />

and bless to me the faith to walk with you dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent.<br />



37<br />

Datguddio?<br />

Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Trydedd Wythnos y Grawys<br />

The Third Week of Lent

38<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Gweddi agoriadol<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Diarhebion<br />

Y mae’n fwy gwerthfawr na gemau,<br />

ac nid yw dim a ddymuni <strong>yn</strong> debyg iddi.<br />

Proverbs<br />

She is more precious than jewels, and noth<strong>in</strong>g you desire<br />

can compare with her.<br />

Effesiaid<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd i Grist breswylio <strong>yn</strong> eich<br />

calonnau drwy ffydd,<br />

wrth i chi wreiddio mewn cariad<br />

<strong>yn</strong> sylfaen i’ch bywyd.<br />

Ephesians<br />

I pray that Christ may dwell <strong>in</strong><br />

your hearts through faith,<br />

as you are be<strong>in</strong>g rooted and<br />

grounded <strong>in</strong> love.<br />

Datguddia i mi, O Dduw,<br />

dy bresenoldeb ar waith <strong>yn</strong> fy mywyd,<br />

dy bresenoldeb ar waith o fewn yr eglwys,<br />

dy bresenoldeb ar waith <strong>yn</strong> y byd.<br />

Datguddia i mi, O Dduw,<br />

y cariad rwyf i’w rannu,<br />

y ffydd rwyf i’w chyhoeddi,<br />

y ffordd rwyf i’w dil<strong>yn</strong>.<br />

Datguddia i mi, O Dduw,<br />

drwy dymor y Grawys,<br />

gyma<strong>in</strong>t dyfnach y gallaf ymwreiddio<br />

<strong>yn</strong> dy gariad <strong>yn</strong> sylfaen fy mywyd.<br />

gyma<strong>in</strong>t mwy y gallaf geisio<br />

gemau fy ffydd,<br />

gyma<strong>in</strong>t mwy y gallaf ddeisyfu<br />

doeth<strong>in</strong>eb dy wirionedd,<br />

fel y’i datguddiwyd <strong>yn</strong> Iesu Grist.<br />

Amen.<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

Reveal to me, O <strong>God</strong>,<br />

your presence at work with<strong>in</strong> my life,<br />

your presence at work with<strong>in</strong> the church,<br />

your presence at work with<strong>in</strong> the world.<br />

Reveal to me, O <strong>God</strong>,<br />

the love I am to share,<br />

the faith I am to declare,<br />

the way <strong>in</strong> which I am to follow.<br />

Reveal to me, O <strong>God</strong> through<br />

this season of Lent,<br />

how much more I can be rooted<br />

and grounded <strong>in</strong> your love.<br />

how much more I can seek out<br />

the jewels of my faith,<br />

how much more I can desire<br />

the wisdom of your truth,<br />

as revealed <strong>in</strong> Jesus Christ.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith<br />

and prayer this Lent.<br />


Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

39<br />

Datguddio?<br />

Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Ystyr datguddio yw dod â rhywbeth<br />

a fu’n guddiedig i’r amlwg. Yn y Beibl,<br />

datguddir natur Duw a’r ffordd y gellir<br />

dod i’w adnabod drwy’r geiriau a<br />

lefara’r proffwydi, drwy natur a pherson<br />

Iesu, a thrwy’r amryfal arwyddion, yr<br />

iacháu a’r gwyrthiau a all ddigwydd i<br />

bobl ac ym myd natur. Y datguddiad<br />

hwnnw a all e<strong>in</strong> tywys y tu hwnt i’r<br />

cyf<strong>yn</strong>gedig a’r caeedig at bosibiliadau<br />

ehangach yr h<strong>yn</strong> a allai fod a’r h<strong>yn</strong> sydd<br />

<strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>.<br />

Reveal<strong>in</strong>g is to br<strong>in</strong>g out <strong>in</strong>to the open<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g which may be, or was,<br />

otherwise hidden away. With<strong>in</strong> the<br />

Bible, reveal<strong>in</strong>g is about how <strong>God</strong> is<br />

and can be known by the words spoken<br />

through the prophets, through the be<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and person of Jesus, and the many<br />

signs, heal<strong>in</strong>gs and miracles that take<br />

place with<strong>in</strong> a person or through nature.<br />

A reveal<strong>in</strong>g that po<strong>in</strong>ts us beyond all<br />

that is limited and conta<strong>in</strong>ed to the<br />

wider possibility of all that could be,<br />

and through <strong>God</strong>, is.<br />

Beth mae’r gair ‘datguddio’ <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i chi?<br />

What does the word ‘reveal<strong>in</strong>g’ mean to you?<br />

Pwy wnaeth ‘ddatguddio’ llwybr ffydd i chi?<br />

Who ‘revealed’ to you the way of faith?<br />

Sut ydych chi’n datguddio’r ffaith<br />

eich bod <strong>yn</strong> Gristion i eraill?<br />

How do you reveal to others that<br />

you are a Christian?

40<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at yr Hen Destament<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Old Testament<br />

Darllenwch y darn hwn o<br />

Broffwydoliaeth Eseia 43:1-4,<br />

<strong>yn</strong>ghylch addewid Duw.<br />

Dyma’r h<strong>yn</strong> a ddywed yr Arglwydd a’th greodd,<br />

Jacob, ac a’th luniodd, Israel: ‘Paid ag ofni,<br />

oherwydd gwaredaf di; galwaf ar dy enw; eiddof<br />

fi ydwyt. Pan fyddi’n m<strong>yn</strong>d trwy’r dyfroedd,<br />

byddaf gyda thi; a thrwy’r afonydd, ni ruthrant<br />

drosot. Pan fyddi’n rhodio trwy’r tân, ni’th<br />

ddeifir, a thrwy’r fflamau, ni losgant di. Oherwydd<br />

myfi, yr Arglwydd dy Dduw, Sanct Israel, yw<br />

dy waredydd; rhof yr Aifft <strong>yn</strong> iawn trosot,<br />

Ethiopia a Seba <strong>yn</strong> gyfnewid amdanat. Am dy<br />

fod <strong>yn</strong> werthfawr <strong>yn</strong> fy ngolwg, <strong>yn</strong> ogoneddus,<br />

a m<strong>in</strong>nau’n dy garu, rhof eraill <strong>yn</strong> gyfnewid<br />

amdanat, a phobloedd am dy e<strong>in</strong>ioes.’<br />

Datguddia Eseia eiriau Duw ac wrth iddo wneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny,<br />

mae’n datgelu dyfnder cariad Duw tuag at bob un<br />

ohonom. Dyma ddarn a all ddod <strong>yn</strong> weddi bersonol<br />

iawn, <strong>yn</strong> enwedig os gosodwn e<strong>in</strong> henw e<strong>in</strong> hun o’i<br />

fewn: ‘galwaf ar dy enw, eich enw; eiddof fi, eich<br />

enw, ydwyt’. Mae Duw’n e<strong>in</strong> galw’n werthfawr ac <strong>yn</strong><br />

ogoneddus ac <strong>yn</strong> dweud ei fod <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> caru. Nid yw Duw<br />

<strong>yn</strong> cuddio dim. Beth b<strong>yn</strong>nag a ddigwydd <strong>yn</strong> ystod e<strong>in</strong><br />

bywydau, mae Duw gyda ni.<br />

Yn yr Hen Destament, mae’r gair Hebraeg am ‘datguddio’<br />

<strong>yn</strong> golygu dadorchuddio a bod <strong>yn</strong> agored a gweladwy.<br />

Daeth y datguddiad hwnnw drwy’r proffwydi, a ddygai,<br />

fel y gwnaeth Eseia, eiriau Duw i bawb. Yn ogystal â’r<br />

gair llafar, bu hefyd nifer o arwyddion a ddatguddiai fod<br />

Duw ei hun gyda phobl Israel, er enghraifft, y dilyw a’r<br />

enfys <strong>yn</strong> yr wybren; y plâu a rhannu’r Môr Coch; iacháu<br />

gwahangleifion a rhoi nerth i oresg<strong>yn</strong> adfyd.<br />

Yn ogystal, datguddiwyd presenoldeb ac amcanion<br />

Duw mewn gweledigaethau, megis gweledigaethau’r<br />

ll<strong>in</strong><strong>yn</strong> plwm a gwisgo’r esgyrn sychion â chnawd.<br />

Wrth i ni gyrraedd y Testament Newydd, gwelwn<br />

ddatguddio Duw <strong>yn</strong> llawnach ym mherson Iesu.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong> h<strong>yn</strong>ny, dim ond Moses a ddaeth <strong>yn</strong> ‘agos’ at<br />

Dduw, wrth iddo siarad â Duw ar F<strong>yn</strong>ydd S<strong>in</strong>ai a<br />

derb<strong>yn</strong> y Deg Gorchym<strong>yn</strong>.<br />

Fesul tip<strong>yn</strong>, datguddiwyd a datguddir hunaniaeth Duw, y<br />

Duw sy’n e<strong>in</strong> caru’n ddiamod ac sy’n e<strong>in</strong> galw’n werthfawr.<br />

Read through the passage from<br />

the Prophecy of Isaiah 43:1-4, and<br />

the promise of <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob,<br />

he who formed you, O Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I<br />

have redeemed you; I have called you by name,<br />

you are m<strong>in</strong>e. When you pass through the waters,<br />

I will be with you; and through the rivers, they<br />

shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through<br />

fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall<br />

not consume you. For I am the Lord your <strong>God</strong>, the<br />

Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. I give Egypt as<br />

your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba <strong>in</strong> exchange for<br />

you. Because you are precious <strong>in</strong> my sight, and<br />

honoured, and I love you, I give people <strong>in</strong> return<br />

for you, nations <strong>in</strong> exchange for your life.’<br />

Isaiah reveals the words of <strong>God</strong> and as he does so,<br />

he reveals the depth of the love that <strong>God</strong> has for each<br />

one of us. This is a passage that can become a very<br />

personal prayer, especially if we place our own name<br />

with<strong>in</strong> it, ‘I have called you, your name, by name, you,<br />

your name, are m<strong>in</strong>e’. <strong>God</strong> calls us precious, honoured<br />

and loved. <strong>God</strong> hides noth<strong>in</strong>g. No matter what happens<br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g our life, <strong>God</strong> is with us.<br />

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for ‘reveal’<br />

means to uncover, to be open and visible. This reveal<strong>in</strong>g<br />

came through the prophets, who like Isaiah brought to<br />

all <strong>God</strong>’s words. As well as the spoken word, a number<br />

of signs also revealed and identified <strong>God</strong>’s presence<br />

with the people of Israel. For example, the flood and<br />

the ra<strong>in</strong>bow <strong>in</strong> the sky; the plagues and the part<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

the Red Sea; the heal<strong>in</strong>g of lepers and the strength to<br />

overcome adversity.<br />

Added to this <strong>God</strong>’s, presence and purpose was also<br />

revealed through visions, of plumb l<strong>in</strong>es and putt<strong>in</strong>g<br />

flesh onto dead bones.<br />

As we come to the New Testament, <strong>God</strong> is revealed<br />

more fully <strong>in</strong> the person of Jesus. Before that time<br />

Moses was the only one to have come ‘close’ to <strong>God</strong>,<br />

as he spoke with <strong>God</strong> at Mount S<strong>in</strong>ai and received the<br />

Ten Commandments.<br />

Little by little, <strong>God</strong>’s own self was and is revealed; <strong>God</strong><br />

who gives us unconditional love, and calls us precious.<br />

Sut mae’n teimlo i adnabod y fath<br />

ddyfnder o gariad gan Dduw?<br />

What does it feel like to know this<br />

depth of love from <strong>God</strong>?

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g? 41<br />

Efallai y bydd y modd yr ydym <strong>yn</strong> ymdr<strong>in</strong> <strong>yn</strong> weddigar<br />

â’r darn hwn o broffwydoliaeth Eseia <strong>yn</strong> dib<strong>yn</strong>nu ar y<br />

ffordd y credwn y datguddir Duw i ni, y ddelwedd sydd<br />

gennym o Dduw, y modd rydym <strong>yn</strong> datguddio’n huna<strong>in</strong><br />

i Dduw a’r ffordd rydym <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> gweld e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>. Os<br />

ydym <strong>yn</strong> ei chael <strong>yn</strong> anodd caru e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>, gallwn ei<br />

chael <strong>yn</strong> anodd credu bod Duw wir <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> caru ni.<br />

Beth yw eich delwedd o Dduw ac ohonoch eich<br />

hun? Efallai fod h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n gwestiwn nad ydych am ei<br />

ateb o flaen pobl eraill. Mae gennym oll berth<strong>yn</strong>as<br />

â Duw, waeth pa mor agos neu pha mor bell mae<br />

h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n teimlo ar adegau. Fel gyda phob perth<strong>yn</strong>as<br />

a chyfeillgarwch, mae angen treulio amser <strong>yn</strong> dod<br />

i adnabod y person arall, ac wrth i ni wneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny<br />

byddwn <strong>yn</strong> dechrau datgelu’n araf fwy am ‘pwy ydw i’.<br />

Bydd y cyd-destun y byddwn <strong>yn</strong> dod i adnabod rhywun<br />

<strong>yn</strong>ddo hefyd <strong>yn</strong> effeithio ar fa<strong>in</strong>t y byddwn <strong>yn</strong> ei<br />

ddatgelu a fa<strong>in</strong>t y byddwn <strong>yn</strong> ei ‘guddio’. Er enghraifft,<br />

bydd cyfaill agos neu bartner <strong>yn</strong> gwybod llawer mwy<br />

amdanom, fel arfer, na chydweithiwr. Ac eto, fa<strong>in</strong>t<br />

ydym <strong>yn</strong> ei guddio amdanom e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> oddi wrth bobl<br />

eraill, oddi wrth Dduw ac oddi wrthym e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>?<br />

Gall fod llawer o achlysuron pan nad ydym <strong>yn</strong><br />

datguddio agwedd arnom e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> oherwydd e<strong>in</strong><br />

bod <strong>yn</strong> ansicr sut y byddai eraill <strong>yn</strong> adweithio, neu<br />

rhag ofn idd<strong>yn</strong>t gamddeall neu anwybyddu’r h<strong>yn</strong> a<br />

ddywedwn. Os byddwn <strong>yn</strong> cuddio rhywbeth amdanom<br />

e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>, y ‘pwy ydw i’ - megis e<strong>in</strong> hamheuon a’n<br />

pryderon mewnol, e<strong>in</strong> meddyliau a’n teimladau, e<strong>in</strong><br />

hiechyd neu’n hafiechyd - sut mae h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n effeithio<br />

ar e<strong>in</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong>as â’r rhai rydym <strong>yn</strong> eu caru? Sut mae<br />

h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n effeithio ar e<strong>in</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw, ac ar e<strong>in</strong> lles<br />

ysbrydol a meddyliol?<br />

Mae’r gwaith celf sy’n cael ei arddangos <strong>yn</strong> y Gadeirlan<br />

<strong>yn</strong> un ffordd o gychw<strong>yn</strong> trafodaeth agored <strong>yn</strong>ghylch<br />

materion iechyd meddwl. Yn anffodus, erys stigma<br />

o gwmpas afiechyd meddwl. Mae’n ymddangos bod<br />

iselder a straen ar g<strong>yn</strong>nydd. Mae bywyd wedi prysuro a<br />

chyflymu, gan ddod â mwy o bwysau. Nid yw diwylliant<br />

a chymdeithas fwy unigolyddol sy’n rhoi ‘fi’ <strong>yn</strong> flaenaf<br />

<strong>yn</strong> gwarantu amgylchedd iach iawn. Gall h<strong>yn</strong>ny hefyd<br />

olygu bod pobl am guddio afiechydon fel iselder.<br />

How we approach this passage from Isaiah prayerfully<br />

may depend upon the way <strong>in</strong> which we believe <strong>God</strong><br />

is revealed to us, our image of <strong>God</strong>, how we reveal<br />

ourselves to <strong>God</strong> and the image we have of ourselves.<br />

If we f<strong>in</strong>d it hard to love ourselves we may f<strong>in</strong>d<br />

difficulty <strong>in</strong> believ<strong>in</strong>g that we are truly loved by <strong>God</strong>.<br />

What is your image of <strong>God</strong> and of your own self? This<br />

may be a question you don’t want to answer <strong>in</strong> front of<br />

others. We all have a relationship with <strong>God</strong>, however<br />

close or distant that may feel to be at times. As with all<br />

of our various relationships and friendships, we need<br />

to spend time gett<strong>in</strong>g to know the other, and as we<br />

do this then we slowly beg<strong>in</strong> to reveal more about the<br />

‘who we are’.<br />

The context <strong>in</strong> which we know someone will also affect<br />

how much we reveal, and how much we keep ‘hidden’.<br />

Close friends or a partner will know far more about us<br />

than perhaps a work colleague for example. Yet, how<br />

much do we seek to hide and keep covered about our<br />

own self, to ourselves, or from others, or before <strong>God</strong>?<br />

There may be many <strong>in</strong>stances when we do not<br />

reveal an aspect of our own self, because we are<br />

unsure how others may react, or fear that they may<br />

misunderstand, or ignore what may be told. If we<br />

keep someth<strong>in</strong>g about ourselves hidden, the ‘who we<br />

are’ - for example, our <strong>in</strong>ner struggles and doubts, our<br />

thoughts and feel<strong>in</strong>gs, our health, our ill health, - how<br />

does that affect our relationships with those we love?<br />

How does that affect our relationship with <strong>God</strong>, and<br />

our spiritual and mental well-be<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

The art work on display <strong>in</strong> the Cathedral is one way of<br />

reveal<strong>in</strong>g, and br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the open a conversation<br />

about mental health issues. Unfortunately, there is<br />

still a stigma surround<strong>in</strong>g mental ill health. Depression<br />

and stress appear to be on the <strong>in</strong>crease. The pace of<br />

life with<strong>in</strong> the world has <strong>in</strong>creased, and brought with<br />

it extra pressure. A more <strong>in</strong>dividualistic culture and<br />

society which places self first does not necessarily<br />

mean a healthy environment. This too, can lead to<br />

illnesses such as depression be<strong>in</strong>g kept hidden.<br />

Ydych chi’n adnabod rhywun sy’n<br />

dioddef o afiechyd meddwl?<br />

Do you know anyone who suffers<br />

with mental ill health?<br />

Beth oedd eich ymateb pan<br />

glywsoch am h<strong>yn</strong>ny g<strong>yn</strong>taf?<br />

How did you react when you<br />

first heard about it?<br />

Mae’r darn o broffwydoliaeth Eseia’n c<strong>yn</strong>nig gobaith.<br />

Gobaith <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>, sydd gyda ni <strong>yn</strong> y tywyllwch <strong>yn</strong><br />

ogystal â’r goleuni, sydd gyda ni drwy’r dyfroedd<br />

dyfnion a’r fflamau tân. Yr adegau pan rydym <strong>yn</strong> teimlo<br />

bod Duw ymhell i ffwrdd, <strong>yn</strong>ghudd, yw’r adegau pan<br />

mae Duw’n agosach nag yr ydym <strong>yn</strong> sylweddoli.<br />

The passage from Isaiah is one that gives hope.<br />

A hope <strong>in</strong> the <strong>God</strong> who is with us <strong>in</strong> the darkness<br />

as well as <strong>in</strong> the light, is with us through the deep<br />

waters and flames of fire. The times when <strong>God</strong> feels<br />

far away, hidden, are the times when <strong>God</strong> is closer<br />

than we realise.

42<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y cwesti<strong>yn</strong>au canl<strong>yn</strong>ol<br />

sy’n seiliedig ar y darn o broffwydoliaeth Eseia. Yna<br />

rhannwch â’r grŵp cyfan:<br />

In small groups, and then share with the whole group,<br />

consider the follow<strong>in</strong>g questions drawn out from the<br />

passage from Isaiah:<br />

Sut fyddech chi’n disgrifio’r Duw rydych <strong>yn</strong><br />

gweddïo arno, <strong>yn</strong> yr eglwys ac <strong>yn</strong> breifat gartref?<br />

Beth yw eich delwedd o Dduw? Sut mae h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n<br />

effeithio ar y ffordd rydych <strong>yn</strong> agosáu at Dduw<br />

mewn gweddi? A yw’r adnodau o broffwydoliaeth<br />

Eseia’n rhai y gallech eu defnyddio mewn gweddi,<br />

gan roddi’ch enw chi <strong>yn</strong>dd<strong>yn</strong>t?<br />

How would you describe the <strong>God</strong> you pray to too,<br />

<strong>in</strong> church and privately at home? What is your<br />

image of <strong>God</strong>? How does that affect the way <strong>in</strong><br />

which you come to <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> prayer? Are the verses<br />

from Isaiah ones you could use <strong>in</strong> prayer, and add<br />

your own name <strong>in</strong>to them?<br />

Ystyriwch fa<strong>in</strong>t sy’n digwydd y tu ôl i ddrysau<br />

caeedig <strong>yn</strong> y byd heddiw. Fa<strong>in</strong>t ydych chi’n ei<br />

wybod, neu ddim <strong>yn</strong> ei wybod, am wleidyddiaeth<br />

<strong>yn</strong> lleol a thrwy’r byd, er mw<strong>yn</strong> eich galluogi i<br />

bleidleisio gyda hyder, er enghraifft? Fa<strong>in</strong>t ydych<br />

chi’n ei ddeall am strwythurau a phrosesau<br />

gwneud penderf<strong>yn</strong>iadau <strong>yn</strong> yr eglwys?<br />

With<strong>in</strong> the world today - consider how much takes<br />

place beh<strong>in</strong>d closed doors. How much or how little<br />

do you really know about world and local politics<br />

to ensure you are clear about how to vote, for<br />

example? How much do you understand about<br />

the structures and the decision mak<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong><br />

the church?<br />

Meddyliwch am yr holl bethau y gallai pobl fod <strong>yn</strong><br />

eu ‘cuddio’. Pam fyddent <strong>yn</strong> gwneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny?<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>k of all the th<strong>in</strong>gs people may keep ‘hidden’.<br />

Why may this be so?<br />

Ystyriwch effeithiau afiechyd meddwl. Sut allai’r<br />

eglwys a’r gyfundrefn iechyd g<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo i greu<br />

ymwybyddiaeth ddyfnach o afiechyd meddwl?<br />

Sut allech chithau fod o gymorth? Meddyliwch<br />

amdanoch eich huna<strong>in</strong>, neu am unrhyw un a<br />

adwaenwch sy’n dioddef o iselder neu afiechyd<br />

meddwl arall. Sut allech chi fod o gymorth a bod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> gefn iddo/iddi a’i sicrhau o gariad Duw?<br />

Consider the effects of mental ill health. How can<br />

the church and the health system help to create a<br />

deeper awareness of mental illness? How can you<br />

help? Th<strong>in</strong>k of yourself, or anyone you know who<br />

suffers from depression or other mental illnesses -<br />

how could you help and support them, and ensure<br />

them of <strong>God</strong>’s love?<br />

Gall datguddio ryddhau pobl, ond mae’n gof<strong>yn</strong><br />

ymddiriedaeth a dealltwriaeth gadarn o’r hunan <strong>yn</strong><br />

ogystal â bod wedi ymwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>. Mae’n cymryd<br />

amser i feithr<strong>in</strong> ymddiried mewn unrhyw berth<strong>yn</strong>as,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> enwedig y fath ymddiried lle gellir datgelu<br />

gwirioneddau cudd. Mae h<strong>yn</strong>ny’r un mor wir am e<strong>in</strong><br />

perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw ag y mae <strong>yn</strong>ghylch pob perth<strong>yn</strong>as a<br />

brofwn. Mae datgelu rhywbeth y buom <strong>yn</strong> ei guddio’n<br />

gof<strong>yn</strong> dewrder. A allwn ni wrando ar e<strong>in</strong> gilydd gyda<br />

chariad Crist, heb farnu na chondemnio?<br />

Reveal<strong>in</strong>g can be liberat<strong>in</strong>g, but it takes a degree<br />

of trust and a rootedness <strong>in</strong> understand<strong>in</strong>g the self<br />

as well as be<strong>in</strong>g rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>. All relationships<br />

take time to build up trust, especially a trust where<br />

hidden truths can be revealed. This is true about<br />

our relationship with <strong>God</strong> as it is with<strong>in</strong> all of our<br />

relationships. To reveal someth<strong>in</strong>g that has been<br />

otherwise hidden takes courage. Can we listen to<br />

one another with the love of Christ and not judge<br />

or condemn?

Edrych tuag at y Testament Newydd<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the New Testament<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g? 43<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Efengyl<br />

Mathew 13:45-46 am y perl<br />

gwerthfawr.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Dywedodd Iesu, ‘Eto y mae teyrnas<br />

nefoedd <strong>yn</strong> debyg i fasnachwr sy’n chwilio am<br />

berlau gwych. Wedi iddo ddarganfod un perl<br />

gwerthfawr, aeth i ffwrdd a gwerthu’r cwbl oedd<br />

ganddo, a’i br<strong>yn</strong>u.’<br />

Read through the passage from<br />

the Gospel of Matthew 13:45-46<br />

about the pearl of great price.<br />

At that time: Jesus said: ‘Aga<strong>in</strong>, the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of<br />

heaven is like a merchant <strong>in</strong> search of f<strong>in</strong>e pearls;<br />

on f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g one pearl of great value, he went and<br />

sold all that he had and bought it.’

44<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y darn hwn o<br />

safbw<strong>yn</strong>t datguddio. Yna rhannwch â’r grŵp cyfan.<br />

Mae’r sawl sy’n deall gwerth teyrnas nefoedd <strong>yn</strong><br />

fodlon rhoi’r cwbl i’w sicrhau, fel y mae’r masnachwr<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> pr<strong>yn</strong>u’r perl gorau. Mae’r ddameg hon o<br />

eiddo Iesu, fel pob dameg, <strong>yn</strong> datgelu neges gudd<br />

i’r sawl sydd â chlustiau i wrando.<br />

Ni ddisgwylir i ni werthu’r cyfan sydd gennym i<br />

ddil<strong>yn</strong> Iesu, ond fe’n gelwir i roi e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong>. Er<br />

mw<strong>yn</strong> darganfod y ‘perl gwerthfawr’, sef ffydd <strong>yn</strong><br />

Iesu, gof<strong>yn</strong>nir i ni agor e<strong>in</strong> calonnau a’n bywydau<br />

i bresenoldeb a chyffyrddiad yr Ysbryd. Mae gof<strong>yn</strong><br />

i ni ddod gerbron Duw <strong>yn</strong> fregus ac <strong>yn</strong> onest, gan<br />

ddatguddio popeth a heb gelu dim wrth i ni geisio’r<br />

ffordd Gristnogol drwy fywyd a’i dil<strong>yn</strong>.<br />

Datguddir Duw i ni mewn llawer o wahanol ffyrdd,<br />

rhai’n gyffred<strong>in</strong> a rhai’n rhyfeddol. Mae pob<br />

datguddiad gan Dduw <strong>yn</strong> berl gwerthfawr a all<br />

ddyfnhau a nerthu e<strong>in</strong> gallu i ddatguddio neges<br />

a hanes Duw <strong>yn</strong> Iesu Grist i eraill.<br />

In small groups consider this passage from the perspective<br />

of reveal<strong>in</strong>g. Then share with the wider group.<br />

The one who realises the value of the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of<br />

heaven is will<strong>in</strong>g to give everyth<strong>in</strong>g to ga<strong>in</strong> it, as does<br />

the merchant to buy the f<strong>in</strong>est of pearls. This parable<br />

of Jesus, like all parables reveals a hidden mean<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

those with ears to hear.<br />

We are not expected to sell all we have to follow the<br />

way of Jesus, but we are called to give of ourselves.<br />

To discover the ‘pearl of great price’, faith <strong>in</strong> Jesus, we<br />

are asked to open our hearts and lives to the presence<br />

and touch of the Spirit. It is to become vulnerable<br />

and honest before <strong>God</strong>, reveal<strong>in</strong>g all and not keep<strong>in</strong>g<br />

anyth<strong>in</strong>g hidden as we seek and follow the Christian<br />

path through life.<br />

<strong>God</strong> is revealed to us <strong>in</strong> many different ways, ord<strong>in</strong>ary<br />

and extraord<strong>in</strong>ary. Each reveal<strong>in</strong>g given by <strong>God</strong> is a pearl<br />

of great price to deepen and enable our reveal<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

others the message and the story of <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> Jesus Christ.<br />

Beth fyddech chi’n ei ddweud fu’r adegau<br />

i chi dderb<strong>yn</strong> ‘perl gwerthfawr’?<br />

What would you say are your moments<br />

of receiv<strong>in</strong>g a ‘pearl of great price’?<br />

Pwy ddatguddiodd ei ffydd i chi<br />

gan ysgogi eich ffydd chithau?<br />

Who revealed to you their faith which<br />

then encouraged you <strong>in</strong> your faith?<br />

Pwy sydd <strong>yn</strong> eich c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo i ddeall eich<br />

ymwneud â Duw <strong>yn</strong> eich gweddi a’ch bywyd - ai<br />

cyfarwyddwr ysbrydol, clerigwr <strong>yn</strong> yr eglwys<br />

<strong>yn</strong>teu gyfaill y gallwch ymddiried <strong>yn</strong>ddo/<strong>yn</strong>ddi?<br />

Who helps you understand your encounters<br />

with <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> prayer and life? Is this a spiritual<br />

director, a member of the clergy of the church,<br />

or a trusted friend?

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g? 45<br />

Edrych tuag at y Groes<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Cross<br />

Darllenwch y darn hwn o Efengyl<br />

Luc 21:25-33 <strong>yn</strong>ghylch yr arwyddion<br />

sydd i ddod.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Dywedodd Iesu, ‘Bydd arwyddion<br />

<strong>yn</strong> yr haul a’r lloer a’r sêr. Ar y ddaear bydd<br />

cenhedloedd mewn cyf<strong>yn</strong>gder <strong>yn</strong> eu pryder rhag<br />

trymru ac ymchwydd y môr. Bydd pobl <strong>yn</strong> llewygu<br />

gan ofn y pethau sy’n dod ar y byd; oherwydd<br />

ysgydwir nerthoedd y nefoedd. A’r pryd hwnnw<br />

gwelant Fab y D<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> dyfod mewn cwmwl gyda<br />

nerth a gogoniant mawr. Pan ddechreua’r pethau<br />

h<strong>yn</strong> ddigwydd, ymunionwch a chodwch eich<br />

pennau, oherwydd mae eich rhyddhad <strong>yn</strong> agosáu.’<br />

Adroddodd ddameg wrth<strong>yn</strong>t: ‘Edrchwch ar y<br />

ffigysbren a’r holl goed. Pan fyddant <strong>yn</strong> dechrau<br />

deilio, fe wyddoch eich huna<strong>in</strong> o’u gweld fod yr<br />

haf bellach <strong>yn</strong> agos. Felly chwithau, pan welwch<br />

y pethau h<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> digwydd, byddwch <strong>yn</strong> gwybod<br />

fod teyrnas Dduw <strong>yn</strong> agos. Yn wir, rwy’n dweud<br />

wrthych, nid â’r genhedlaeth hon heibio nes i’r<br />

cwbl ddigwydd. Y nef a’r ddaear, ânt heibio, ond<br />

fy ngeiriau i, nid ânt heibio ddim.’<br />

Mae Iesu’n sôn am yr h<strong>yn</strong> oll a ddatguddir c<strong>yn</strong> iddo<br />

ddod mewn gallu a gogoniant. Yn e<strong>in</strong> byd heddiw mae<br />

llawer o bobl <strong>yn</strong> byw mewn ofn, mewn lleoedd llawn<br />

trais a lleoedd yr effeithiwyd arn<strong>yn</strong>t gan drych<strong>in</strong>ebau<br />

naturiol, <strong>yn</strong> debyg i ddisgrifiad Efengyl Luc. Eto, er<br />

efallai nad yw’r digwyddiadau h<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> y byd heddiw’n<br />

cyhoeddi dyfodiad teyrnas Dduw <strong>yn</strong> union syth, maent<br />

<strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> galw i weddïo ac i weithredu.<br />

Wrth i ni ddisgwyl am y diwrnod hwnnw, rydym i fod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> effro ac ar e<strong>in</strong> gwyliadwriaeth. Rydym i wrando ar<br />

eiriau Iesu achos beth b<strong>yn</strong>nag a ddigwydd dyma’r<br />

geiriau sy’n datguddio cariad Duw atom. M<strong>yn</strong>d a dod<br />

wna’r tymhorau, ond erys Duw gyda ni.<br />

Mae’r darn hwn <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> hatgoffa i beidio â chladdu’n<br />

pennau <strong>yn</strong> y tywod ond i edrych ar realiti e<strong>in</strong> byd a<br />

cheisio ffyrdd i ddatguddio, <strong>yn</strong> hytrach na chuddio,<br />

presenoldeb Duw <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> bywydau a bywyd y byd.<br />

Read through the passage from Gospel<br />

of Luke 21:25-33 concern<strong>in</strong>g the signs<br />

to come.<br />

At that time: Jesus said, ‘There will be signs <strong>in</strong><br />

the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth<br />

distress among nations confused by the roar<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

the sea and the waves. People will fa<strong>in</strong>t from fear<br />

and forebod<strong>in</strong>g of what is com<strong>in</strong>g upon the world,<br />

for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then<br />

they will see “the Son of Man com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a cloud”<br />

with power and great glory. Now when these th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

beg<strong>in</strong> to take place, stand up and raise your heads,<br />

because your redemption is draw<strong>in</strong>g near.’<br />

Then he told them a parable: ‘Look at the fig tree<br />

and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you<br />

can see for yourselves and know that summer is<br />

already near. So also, when you see these th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

tak<strong>in</strong>g place, you know that the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of <strong>God</strong><br />

is near. Truly I tell you, this generation will not<br />

pass away until all th<strong>in</strong>gs have taken place.<br />

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words<br />

will not pass away.’<br />

Jesus speaks of all that will be revealed before his<br />

com<strong>in</strong>g with power and glory. In the world of today<br />

many live <strong>in</strong> fear, <strong>in</strong> places of violence, or <strong>in</strong> places<br />

affected by natural disasters, as described <strong>in</strong> Luke’s<br />

Gospel. Yet, whilst these world events today may not<br />

herald the com<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>God</strong>’s k<strong>in</strong>gdom at this precise<br />

moment, they do call us to prayer and action.<br />

As we wait for that day to come, we are to be alert and<br />

watchful. We are to listen to the words Jesus speaks,<br />

because no matter what happens, these are the words<br />

which reveal to us the love <strong>God</strong> has for us. Seasons<br />

come and go, but <strong>God</strong> is with us.<br />

This passage rem<strong>in</strong>ds us not to bury our heads <strong>in</strong> the<br />

sand, but to look at the reality of the world <strong>in</strong> which<br />

live, and to seek out the ways <strong>in</strong> which we can make<br />

visible, not hidden, <strong>God</strong>’s presence <strong>in</strong> our lives and <strong>in</strong><br />

the life of the world.<br />

Beth mae’r darn hwn <strong>yn</strong> ei ddatguddio i ni ar<br />

y pw<strong>yn</strong>t hwn <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> taith drwy’r Grawys?<br />

What does this passage reveal to us at this po<strong>in</strong>t<br />

on our Lenten journey?<br />

Sut allwch chi ddatguddio eich<br />

ffydd mewn gweddi?<br />

Sut allwch chi ddatguddio eich ffydd<br />

mewn gweithredu?<br />

How can you reveal your faith <strong>in</strong> prayer?<br />

How can you reveal your faith <strong>in</strong> action?

46<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at y Goeden<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Tree<br />

O’r trafodaethau <strong>yn</strong> y sesiwn hon:<br />

From the discussions dur<strong>in</strong>g this session:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden rannau o<br />

fywyd a gedwir <strong>yn</strong> gudd ond y gellid eu datguddio.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree areas of life which<br />

are kept hidden but could be revealed.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden ffyrdd<br />

y gallai’r eglwys g<strong>yn</strong>nig cymorth a chefnogaeth i<br />

bobl sy’n dioddef o afiechyd meddwl.<br />

<br />

In another colour, write on the tree how the<br />

church may be able to offer help and support<br />

to those with mental ill health.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.<br />

O’r trafodaethau <strong>yn</strong> y sesiwn hon:<br />

From the discussions dur<strong>in</strong>g this session:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden ran o’ch<br />

bywyd, heddiw neu <strong>yn</strong> y gorffennol, y bu i chi ei<br />

guddio ond yr hoffech ei ddatguddio neu yr ydych<br />

wedi ei ddatguddio.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree an area of your life,<br />

past or present, which you have kept hidden but<br />

would like to reveal, or have revealed.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden<br />

eich delwedd bersonol chi o Dduw.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree your<br />

own personal image of <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.

Gweddi i gloi<br />

Clos<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Datguddio? / Reveal<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

47<br />

O Dduw, datguddia dy gariad i mi,<br />

a ffydd i rannu’r cariad hwnnw ag eraill.<br />

O Dduw, datguddia dy Air i mi,<br />

a ffydd i rannu’r Gair hwnnw ag eraill.<br />

O Dduw, datguddia dy ddoeth<strong>in</strong>eb i mi,<br />

a ffydd i rannu’r doeth<strong>in</strong>eb hwnnw ag eraill.<br />

O Dduw, datguddia dy hun <strong>yn</strong> fy nghalon,<br />

a bendithia fi â’r ffydd i gydgerdded â thi drwy’r Grawys.<br />

Amen.<br />

O <strong>God</strong>, reveal to me your Love,<br />

and a faith to share that love with others.<br />

O <strong>God</strong>, reveal to me your Word,<br />

and a faith to share that Word with others.<br />

O <strong>God</strong>, reveal to me your Wisdom,<br />

and a faith to share that wisdom with others.<br />

O <strong>God</strong>, be revealed with<strong>in</strong> my heart,<br />

and bless to me the faith to walk with you dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent.<br />



49<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>?<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Pedwaredd Wythnos y Grawys<br />

The Fourth Week of Lent

50<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Gweddi agoriadol<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Diarhebion<br />

Yn ei llaw dde y mae hir oes,<br />

a chyfoeth ac anrhydedd <strong>yn</strong> ei llaw chwith.<br />

Proverbs<br />

Long life is <strong>in</strong> her right hand;<br />

<strong>in</strong> her left hand are riches and honour.<br />

Effesiaid<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd i chi gael<br />

eich galluogi i amgyffred <strong>yn</strong>ghyd â’r<br />

holl sa<strong>in</strong>t beth yw lled a hyd ac uchder<br />

a dyfnder cariad Crist.<br />

Ephesians<br />

I pray that you may have the power<br />

to comprehend, with all the sa<strong>in</strong>ts,<br />

what is the breadth and length and<br />

height and depth of <strong>God</strong>’s love.<br />

Rwyt wedi fy ngalw, O Dduw,<br />

i’th ddil<strong>yn</strong> di, i ddod i berth<strong>yn</strong>,<br />

mewn ffydd, i’th deulu di, yr Eglwys.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi i ddeall gwir ystyr h<strong>yn</strong>ny.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi i ddeall gwir ystyr dyfnder dy gariad<br />

tuag ataf.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi i ddeall gwir ystyr<br />

yr amryfal ddoniau y bu i ti fy<br />

mendithio â hwy.<br />

Gan berth<strong>yn</strong>, mewn ffydd:<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi wrth i mi<br />

geisio c<strong>yn</strong>nig croeso i bawb.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi wrth i mi<br />

geisio rhannu dy gariad â phawb.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi wrth i mi<br />

geisio gweddïo’n ddyfnach dros bawb.<br />

Gan berth<strong>yn</strong>, mewn ffydd:<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi i fyw fy mywyd â thangnefedd.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi i fyw fy mywyd â llawenydd.<br />

C<strong>yn</strong>orthwya fi i fyw fy mywyd â chariad<br />

tuag atat ti a’r holl greadigaeth.<br />

You have called me O <strong>God</strong>, to follow you,<br />

to come and belong, <strong>in</strong> faith, to the family of your<br />

Church.<br />

Help me to truly comprehend<br />

what this means.<br />

Help me to truly comprehend<br />

the depth of your love for me.<br />

Help me to truly comprehend the many gifts<br />

you have blessed to me.<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> faith:<br />

Help me as I seek to offer<br />

a welcome to all people.<br />

Help me as I seek to share<br />

your love with all people.<br />

Help me as I seek to pray<br />

more deeply for all people.<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> faith:<br />

Help me to live my life with peace.<br />

Help me to live my life with joy.<br />

Help me to live my life with love<br />

for you and all creation.

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g? 51<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />

Amen.<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>?<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Yn ddwfn o fewn pob un ohonom mae<br />

galwad, ac efallai angen, i berth<strong>yn</strong>. Yn y<br />

Beibl, roedd perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> golygu bod <strong>yn</strong><br />

rhan o bobl Israel, cenedl etholedig<br />

Duw. Gyda dyfodiad Iesu, dechreuwyd<br />

herio’r s<strong>yn</strong>iad hwnnw o berth<strong>yn</strong>, wrth<br />

iddo geisio pobl nad oedd ‘o’r Israel’.<br />

Mae’r gair ‘perth<strong>yn</strong>’ <strong>yn</strong> c<strong>yn</strong>nwys<br />

cymhlethdod o ystyron ac emosi<strong>yn</strong>au.<br />

Mae perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> cyffwrdd â chraidd e<strong>in</strong><br />

bod, a chraidd e<strong>in</strong> hiechyd. Gall perth<strong>yn</strong><br />

fod <strong>yn</strong> brofiad cadarnhaol neu negyddol.<br />

<strong>Rooted</strong> deep with<strong>in</strong> us all is a call, and<br />

perhaps a need, to belong. With<strong>in</strong> the<br />

Bible, belong<strong>in</strong>g was to be a part of the<br />

people of Israel, <strong>God</strong>’s chosen. With the<br />

com<strong>in</strong>g of Jesus, then this sense of<br />

belong<strong>in</strong>g began to be challenged, as he<br />

sought out people who were not ‘of Israel’.<br />

The word ‘belong<strong>in</strong>g’ holds with<strong>in</strong> it a<br />

complexity of mean<strong>in</strong>gs and emotions.<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g touches our <strong>in</strong>ner be<strong>in</strong>g, and<br />

our <strong>in</strong>ner well-be<strong>in</strong>g. Belong<strong>in</strong>g can be a<br />

positive or a negative experience.<br />

Beth yw ystyr y gair ‘perth<strong>yn</strong>’ i chi <strong>yn</strong>g nghyddestun<br />

eich bywyd personol?<br />

What do you understand by the word ‘belong<strong>in</strong>g’<br />

with<strong>in</strong> the context of your personal life?<br />

Beth yw ystyr y gair ‘perth<strong>yn</strong>’ i chi<br />

<strong>yn</strong>g nghyd-destun y byd?<br />

What do you understand by the word ‘belong<strong>in</strong>g’<br />

with<strong>in</strong> the context of the world?<br />

Beth yw ystyr y gair ‘perth<strong>yn</strong>’ i chi<br />

<strong>yn</strong>g nghyd-destun yr eglwys?<br />

What do you understand by the word ‘belong<strong>in</strong>g’<br />

with<strong>in</strong> the context of the church?

52<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at yr Hen Destament<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Old Testament<br />

Darllenwch y darn hwn o Lyfr Ruth<br />

1:15-22 <strong>yn</strong>ghylch dechrau bywyd<br />

newydd.<br />

Yn y dyddiau h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Dywedodd Naomi, ‘Edrych,<br />

y mae dy chwaer-<strong>yn</strong>g-nghyfraith wedi m<strong>yn</strong>d <strong>yn</strong><br />

ôl at ei phobl a’i duw; dychwel dithau ar ei hôl.’<br />

Ond meddai Ruth, ‘Paid â’m hannog i’th adael, na<br />

throi’n ôl oddi wrthyt, oherwydd i ble b<strong>yn</strong>nag yr<br />

ei di, fe af f<strong>in</strong>nau; dy bobl di fydd fy mhobl i, a’th<br />

Dduw di fy <strong>Nuw</strong> <strong>in</strong>nau. Lle y byddi di farw, y byddaf<br />

f<strong>in</strong>nau farw ac <strong>yn</strong>o y’m cleddir. Fel h<strong>yn</strong> y gwnelo’r<br />

Arglwydd i mi, a rhagor, os bydd unrhyw beth ond<br />

angau <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> gwahanu ni. Gwelodd Naomi ei bod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> benderf<strong>yn</strong>ol o f<strong>yn</strong>d gyda hi, ac fe beidiodd â’i<br />

hannog rhagor.<br />

Aeth y ddwy ymlaen nes dod i Fethlehem; ac wedi<br />

idd<strong>yn</strong>t gyrraedd, bu cyffro drwy’r holl dref o’u<br />

plegid, a’r merched <strong>yn</strong> gof<strong>yn</strong>, ‘Ai Naomi yw hon?’<br />

Dywedodd hithau wrth<strong>yn</strong>t, ‘Peidiwch â’m galw’n<br />

Naomi, galwch f lokvvvi’n Mara,9 oherwydd bu’r<br />

Hollalluog <strong>yn</strong> chwerw iawn wrthyf. Yr oeddwn<br />

<strong>yn</strong> llawn wrth f<strong>yn</strong>d allan, ond daeth yr Arglwydd<br />

â mi’n ôl <strong>yn</strong> wag. Pam y galwch fi’n Naomi, a’r<br />

Arglwydd wedi tystio i’m herb<strong>yn</strong> a’r Hollalluog<br />

wedi dod â drwg arnaf?’<br />

Fel h<strong>yn</strong> y dychwelodd Naomi o wlad Moab, a’i<br />

merch-<strong>yn</strong>g-nghyfraith, Ruth y Foabes, gyda hi.<br />

Daethant i Fethlehem <strong>yn</strong> nechrau’r c<strong>yn</strong>haeaf haidd.<br />

Roedd <strong>yn</strong> rhaid i Ruth w<strong>yn</strong>ebu’r her o benderf<strong>yn</strong>u lle<br />

y perth<strong>yn</strong>ai o ddifrif. Ai gyda’i phobl ei hun, <strong>yn</strong> y lle<br />

y bu’n byw hyd farwolaeth ei gŵr? Ai gyda Naomi,<br />

ei mam-<strong>yn</strong>g-nghyfraith, gan f<strong>yn</strong>d i fyw mewn lle<br />

gwahanol? Mae Ruth <strong>yn</strong> gwbl benderf<strong>yn</strong>ol. Bydd <strong>yn</strong><br />

byw ym Methlehem gyda’i mam<strong>yn</strong>gnghyfraith. Nid<br />

dim ond dil<strong>yn</strong> Naomi a wnaeth Ruth, ond newid, a<br />

thrawsnewid, ei bywyd <strong>yn</strong> llwyr; deuai Duw Naomi<br />

<strong>yn</strong> Dduw i Ruth hefyd.<br />

Daeth perth<strong>yn</strong> i olygu rhywbeth gwahanol i Ruth.<br />

Byddai un agwedd ar y perth<strong>yn</strong> hwnnw, ar fod ym<br />

Methlehem gyda Naomi, <strong>yn</strong> un na fyddai Ruth erioed<br />

wedi’i ddisgwyl. Yn ll<strong>in</strong>ach Iesu, ysgrifenna Mathew fod<br />

‘Boas <strong>yn</strong> dad i Obed, a Ruth <strong>yn</strong> fam iddo, Obed <strong>yn</strong> dad<br />

i Jesse, a Jesse <strong>yn</strong> dad i’r Bren<strong>in</strong> Dafydd’ (1:5-6).<br />

Daeth Ruth, yr estrones a’r un nad oedd <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong>,<br />

nad oedd <strong>yn</strong> fodlon i’w mam-<strong>yn</strong>g-nghyfraith deithio na<br />

byw ar ei phen ei hun, i berth<strong>yn</strong> i gyff teuluol Iesu.<br />

Read through the passage from the<br />

Book of Ruth 1:15-22 about beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a new life.<br />

In those days: Naomi said, ‘See, your sister-<strong>in</strong>-law<br />

has gone back to her people and to her gods; return<br />

after your sister-<strong>in</strong>-law.’ But Ruth said, ‘Do not<br />

press me to leave you or to turn back from follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will<br />

lodge; your people shall be my people, and your<br />

<strong>God</strong> my <strong>God</strong>. Where you die, I will die - there will I<br />

be buried. May the Lord do thus and so to me, and<br />

more as well, if even death parts me from you!’<br />

When Naomi saw that she was determ<strong>in</strong>ed to go<br />

with her, she said no more to her.<br />

So the two of them went on until they came to<br />

Bethlehem. When they came to Bethlehem, the<br />

whole town was stirred because of them; and the<br />

women said, ‘Is this Naomi?’ She said to them,<br />

‘Call me no longer Naomi, call me Mara, for the<br />

Almighty has dealt bitterly with me. I went away<br />

full, but the Lord has brought me back empty; why<br />

call me Naomi when the Lord has dealt harshly<br />

with me, and the Almighty has brought calamity<br />

upon me?’<br />

So Naomi returned together with Ruth the<br />

Moabite, her daughter-<strong>in</strong>-law, who came back<br />

with her from the country of Moab. They came to<br />

Bethlehem at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the barley harvest.<br />

Ruth faced the challenge of where she truly belonged.<br />

Was that to be with her own people, <strong>in</strong> the place she<br />

had lived until her husband died? Was it to be with<br />

Naomi, her mother-<strong>in</strong>-law, and to go and live <strong>in</strong> a<br />

different place? Ruth is adamant <strong>in</strong> her decision. Her<br />

life will be <strong>in</strong> Bethlehem with her mother-<strong>in</strong>-law. Ruth<br />

did not simply follow Naomi, but was will<strong>in</strong>g to make a<br />

total transition, and transformation, <strong>in</strong> her life; the <strong>God</strong><br />

of Naomi would also become the <strong>God</strong> for Ruth.<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g took on a new mean<strong>in</strong>g for Ruth. One aspect<br />

of this belong<strong>in</strong>g, of be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Bethlehem with Naomi,<br />

would be one that Ruth would never have expected.<br />

In the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew writes, ‘Boaz the<br />

father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse,<br />

and Jesse the father of K<strong>in</strong>g David’ (1:5-6). Ruth, a<br />

foreigner and outsider, who would not let her mother<strong>in</strong>-law<br />

travel or live alone, came to belong on the family<br />

tree of Jesus.

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g? 53<br />

Meddyliwch eich bod <strong>yn</strong> sefyllfa Ruth. A fyddech<br />

chi wedi aros <strong>yn</strong> eich cartref <strong>yn</strong>teu a fyddech<br />

wedi m<strong>yn</strong>d gyda’ch mam-<strong>yn</strong>g-nghyfraith?<br />

Put yourself <strong>in</strong> the place of Ruth. Would you<br />

have stayed <strong>in</strong> the place you lived or would you<br />

have gone with your mother-<strong>in</strong>-law?<br />

Rhaid bod Ruth <strong>yn</strong> credu y byddai’n perth<strong>yn</strong> lle b<strong>yn</strong>nag<br />

y byddai Naomi’n m<strong>yn</strong>d. Rhaid bod Ruth <strong>yn</strong> teimlo’n<br />

ddiogel ac <strong>yn</strong> sefydlog <strong>yn</strong> ei pherth<strong>yn</strong>as â Naomi i<br />

barhau i deithio gyda hi. Ar ôl cyrraedd Bethlehem,<br />

sefydlodd Ruth wreiddiau ei bywyd <strong>yn</strong>o. Heb iddi wir<br />

sylweddoli h<strong>yn</strong>ny, dyma nid <strong>yn</strong> unig y lle roedd <strong>yn</strong><br />

perth<strong>yn</strong> ond y lle y cafodd ei galw iddo gan Dduw.<br />

Yn ei lyfr, Eternal Echoes: Explor<strong>in</strong>g our Hunger to<br />

Belong, mae John O’Donohue <strong>yn</strong> ysgrifennu am<br />

berth<strong>yn</strong> fel rhywbeth sy’n ymwneud â ch<strong>yn</strong>hesrwydd,<br />

haelioni, rhyddid a ‘phresenoldeb byw ag angerddol<br />

yr enaid’(t. 3). Mae perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> fwy na lle neu’r fan<br />

rydym <strong>yn</strong> byw, mae tu hwnt i’r bobl rydym <strong>yn</strong> eu<br />

hadnabod neu’r ‘pethau’ rydym <strong>yn</strong> berchen arn<strong>yn</strong>t.<br />

Mae perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> ymwneud mwy â dewis, hygrededd,<br />

hunanymwybyddiaeth, bod <strong>yn</strong> un â Duw mewn ffydd,<br />

byw mewn ffydd a chyfranogi mewn bywyd a dirnad<br />

e<strong>in</strong> rhan ni <strong>yn</strong>ddo, pa mor fach neu fawr y bo honno.<br />

Ysgrifennai John O’Donohue <strong>yn</strong>g nghyd-destun ei<br />

gefndir mewn Ysbrydolrwydd Celtaidd <strong>yn</strong> Iwerddon.<br />

Ysgrifennai <strong>yn</strong>ghylch y ffordd yr oedd coed i’r Celtiaid<br />

<strong>yn</strong> arbennig ac <strong>yn</strong> sanctaidd, a’r modd y gallwn<br />

ddysgu llawer am e<strong>in</strong> taith drwy fywyd drwy edrych<br />

ar y ffordd mae coed <strong>yn</strong> ymlwybro drwy dymhorau<br />

o dyfiant a chrebachu. Cyfeiriodd hefyd at y modd y<br />

mae’n rhaid i’n bywyd mewnol fod â dyfnder iddo os<br />

ydym i faethu’n huna<strong>in</strong> ac eraill.<br />

Gall coeden ymest<strong>yn</strong> tuag at y goleuni, a goddef<br />

y gw<strong>yn</strong>t, y glaw a’r storm, <strong>yn</strong> union oherwydd<br />

ei gwreiddiau. Mae doeth<strong>in</strong>eb y goeden <strong>yn</strong><br />

cydbwyso’r llwybr i mewn a’r llwybr allan. Pan<br />

fyddwn <strong>yn</strong> ymwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> y ddaear, byddwn <strong>yn</strong><br />

dewis o gyfoeth bywyd, ac mae angen i ni fod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> d<strong>yn</strong>er ofalus lle’r aiff y gwreiddiau. Un o fe<strong>in</strong>i<br />

prawf allweddol hygrededd personol yw p’run a<br />

ydych <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong> i’ch bywyd eich hun ai peidio.<br />

Pan ydych <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong>ddoch eich hun bydd<br />

gennych gydbwysedd a rhyddid. Hyd <strong>yn</strong> oed pan<br />

fydd storm dioddefa<strong>in</strong>t neu ddryswch <strong>yn</strong> rhuo, ni<br />

fydd <strong>yn</strong> eich digartrefu. Hyd <strong>yn</strong> oed <strong>yn</strong> nhrow<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

ansicrwydd bydd gennych ryw angor cadarn o’ch<br />

mewn. Bydd y gwreiddiau mewnol h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n eich<br />

galluogi i chi ddeall a dysgu oddi wrth y dioddef<br />

<strong>yn</strong> nes ymlaen. Gall gwir berth<strong>yn</strong> oddef cyfnodau<br />

alltudiaeth. (t. 213)<br />

No doubt Ruth believed that she belonged wherever<br />

Naomi went. Ruth must have felt safe and secure <strong>in</strong> her<br />

relationship with Naomi to cont<strong>in</strong>ue to travel with her.<br />

Once <strong>in</strong> Bethlehem, Ruth became rooted <strong>in</strong> life there.<br />

Without her really know<strong>in</strong>g, it was not only the place of<br />

her belong<strong>in</strong>g, but also the place of her call<strong>in</strong>g, by <strong>God</strong>.<br />

In his book, Eternal Echoes: Explor<strong>in</strong>g our Hunger<br />

to Belong, John O’Donohue writes about belong<strong>in</strong>g<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g about warmth, generosity, freedom, liberation<br />

and ‘the liv<strong>in</strong>g and passionate presence of the soul’<br />

(p. 3). Belong<strong>in</strong>g is beyond a place or where we live,<br />

it is beyond the people we know or the ‘th<strong>in</strong>gs’ we<br />

have. Belong<strong>in</strong>g is more about choice, <strong>in</strong>tegrity, selfawareness,<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g at one with <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> faith, liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> faith<br />

and partak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> life and discern<strong>in</strong>g the part we are to<br />

play, however small or big.<br />

John O’Donohue wrote from his background of<br />

Celtic Spirituality <strong>in</strong> Ireland. He wrote of the Celtic<br />

understand<strong>in</strong>g and sense of trees be<strong>in</strong>g special<br />

and sacred, and the way we can learn much about<br />

our journey through life by look<strong>in</strong>g to the way trees<br />

navigate their way through the seasons of loss and<br />

growth. Also, that our <strong>in</strong>ner life has to have depth if<br />

we are to nourish our own selves and that of others.<br />

The tree can reach towards the light, endure w<strong>in</strong>d,<br />

ra<strong>in</strong> and storm, precisely because it is rooted. The<br />

wisdom of the tree balances the path <strong>in</strong>wards with<br />

the pathway outwards. When we put down our<br />

roots <strong>in</strong>to the ground, we choose from life’s bounty,<br />

we need to exercise a tender caution about where<br />

the roots should go. One of the vital criteria of<br />

personal <strong>in</strong>tegrity is whether you belong to your<br />

own life or not. When you belong <strong>in</strong> yourself, you<br />

have poise and freedom. Even when the storm<br />

of suffer<strong>in</strong>g or confusion rages, it will not unhouse<br />

you. Even <strong>in</strong> the maelstrom of turbulence<br />

some place with<strong>in</strong> you will still anchor you<br />

faithfully. These <strong>in</strong>ner roots will enable you later<br />

to understand and <strong>in</strong>tegrate the suffer<strong>in</strong>g that has<br />

visited. True belong<strong>in</strong>g can <strong>in</strong>tegrate the phases of<br />

exile. (p. 213)<br />

A oes gennych unrhyw feddyliau neu sylwadau<br />

ar y darn hwn o waith John O’Donohue?<br />

Any thoughts or comments on this<br />

passage from John O’Donohue?

54<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mae elfennau cadarnhaol a negyddol i berth<strong>yn</strong>, ac ar<br />

y cyd â h<strong>yn</strong>ny deimladau o gael eich derb<strong>yn</strong> a chael<br />

eich gwrthod. Gall geiriau ac agweddau cadarnhaol <strong>yn</strong><br />

ymwneud â pherth<strong>yn</strong> g<strong>yn</strong>nwys rhoi, croesawu, caru,<br />

bywhau, cefnogi, caniatáu methu, derb<strong>yn</strong>, cyfrifoldeb,<br />

tangnefedd, hunanymwybyddiaeth, bod <strong>yn</strong> fregus.<br />

Ymhlith y geiriau ac agweddau negyddol mae cyf<strong>yn</strong>gu,<br />

rheoli, tra-arglwyddiaethu, trachwant, meddiangarwch,<br />

meddiannu, camdr<strong>in</strong>, allgau, cyltiau/sectau.<br />

Gan ei bod <strong>yn</strong> dod o rywle arall, gallai Ruth <strong>yn</strong> hawdd<br />

fod wedi cael ei hallgau o’r gymuned y daeth i fyw<br />

<strong>yn</strong>ddi, gan orfodi iddi deimlo nad oedd <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong>.<br />

Mae perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> rhan allweddol o fod <strong>yn</strong> fod d<strong>yn</strong>ol<br />

- cael eich hoffi, teimlo bod eich angen, bod <strong>yn</strong><br />

o ddefnydd. Yn ysbrydol, perth<strong>yn</strong> yw dyfnhau e<strong>in</strong><br />

gwreiddiau <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>, dyfnhau e<strong>in</strong> deall o’r ffydd y<br />

galwodd Duw ni iddi a dyfnhau e<strong>in</strong> cariad at yr h<strong>yn</strong><br />

ydym, yr un a gerir gan Dduw.<br />

There are both positive and negative elements with<strong>in</strong><br />

belong<strong>in</strong>g, and alongside this, a sense of <strong>in</strong>clusion<br />

and exclusion. Positive words or attitudes related to<br />

‘belong<strong>in</strong>g’ can <strong>in</strong>clude - giv<strong>in</strong>g, welcom<strong>in</strong>g, lov<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

life-giv<strong>in</strong>g, supportive, allowed to fail, acceptance,<br />

responsibility, peace, self awareness, vulnerability.<br />

Negative words or attitudes can <strong>in</strong>clude - constrictive,<br />

controll<strong>in</strong>g, rul<strong>in</strong>g, greed, possessiveness, ownership,<br />

abuse, exclusion, cult/sects.<br />

Com<strong>in</strong>g from a different place, Ruth could easily have<br />

been excluded from the community she came to live <strong>in</strong>,<br />

enforc<strong>in</strong>g a sense of not belong<strong>in</strong>g. To belong is of the<br />

essence of be<strong>in</strong>g human - to be liked, to be wanted, to<br />

be useful. To belong, spiritually, is to deepen our roots<br />

<strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>, to deepen our understand<strong>in</strong>g of the faith <strong>God</strong><br />

has called us to, and to deepen our love for the person<br />

we are as loved by <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y cwesti<strong>yn</strong>au canl<strong>yn</strong>ol<br />

sy’n deillio o’r darn o lyfr Ruth. Yna trafodwch â’r grŵp<br />

cyfan:<br />

In small groups, and then share with the whole group,<br />

consider the follow<strong>in</strong>g questions drawn out from the<br />

passage from the book of Ruth:<br />

Ym mha sawl ffordd wahanol ydych chi’n ‘perth<strong>yn</strong>’<br />

- er enghraifft, i eglwys, grŵp diddordeb arbennig<br />

neu weithle?<br />

In how many different ways do you ‘belong’,<br />

For example, to a church, <strong>in</strong>terest group,<br />

or place of work?<br />

Pa fathau o bobl, o fewn cymdeithas heddiw, a allai<br />

ei chael <strong>yn</strong> anodd teimlo eu bod <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong> neu’n<br />

cael eu derb<strong>yn</strong>?<br />

Who, with<strong>in</strong> society today, may f<strong>in</strong>d it difficult<br />

to f<strong>in</strong>d a sense of belong<strong>in</strong>g or acceptance?<br />

Fel eglwys, sut ydym <strong>yn</strong> annog perth<strong>yn</strong> mewn<br />

ffydd ac <strong>yn</strong> dysgu a dangos h<strong>yn</strong>ny i’r rhai sy’n<br />

ceisio ffordd Iesu?<br />

As a church, how is a belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> faith<br />

encouraged, taught or shown to those who<br />

are seek<strong>in</strong>g the way of Jesus?<br />

A yw’n heglwysi’n groesawgar ac <strong>yn</strong> lleoedd<br />

y gall pobl deimlo eu bod <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong> idd<strong>yn</strong>t?<br />

Are our churches places of welcome<br />

and belong<strong>in</strong>g?

Edrych tuag at y Testament Newydd<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the New Testament<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g? 55<br />

Darllenwch y darn o’r Llythyr at<br />

yr Effesiaid 4:25 - 5:2, sef rheolau’r<br />

bywyd newydd.<br />

Frodyr a chwiorydd: Gan h<strong>yn</strong>ny, ymaith â<br />

chelwydd! Dywedwch y gwir bob un wrth ei<br />

gymydog, oherwydd yr ydym <strong>yn</strong> aelodau o’n<br />

gilydd. Byddwch ddig, ond peidiwch â phechu;<br />

peidiwch â gadael i’r haul fachlud ar eich<br />

digofa<strong>in</strong>t, a pheidiwch â rhoi cyfle i’r diafol. Y<br />

mae’r lleidr i beidio â lladrata mwyach; <strong>yn</strong> hytrach,<br />

dylai ymroi i weithio’n onest â’i ddwylo ei hun, er<br />

mw<strong>yn</strong> cael rhywbeth i’w rannu â’r sawl sydd mewn<br />

angen. Nid oes yr un gair drwg i ddod allan o’ch<br />

genau, dim ond geiriau da, sydd er adeiladaeth <strong>yn</strong><br />

ôl yr angen, ac felly’n dw<strong>yn</strong> bendith i’r sawl sy’n<br />

eu clywed. Peidiwch â thristáu Ysbryd Glân Duw,<br />

yr Ysbryd y gosodwyd ei sêl arnoch ar gyfer dydd<br />

eich pr<strong>yn</strong>u’n rhydd. Bwriwch ymaith oddi wrthych<br />

bob chwerwder, llid, digofa<strong>in</strong>t, twrw, a sen, <strong>yn</strong>ghyd<br />

â phob drwgdeimlad. Byddwch <strong>yn</strong> dirion wrth<br />

eich gilydd; <strong>yn</strong> d<strong>yn</strong>er eich calon, <strong>yn</strong> maddau i’ch<br />

gilydd fel y maddeuodd Duw <strong>yn</strong>g Nghrist i chwi.<br />

Byddwch, felly, <strong>yn</strong> efelychwyr Duw, fel plant<br />

annwyl iddo, gan fyw mewn cariad, <strong>yn</strong> union fel<br />

y carodd Crist ni, a’i roi ei hun trosom, <strong>yn</strong> offrwm<br />

ac aberth i Dduw, o arogl pêr.<br />

Read through the passage from the<br />

Letter to the Ephesians 4:25 - 5:2,<br />

the rules for the new life.<br />

Brothers and sisters: Putt<strong>in</strong>g away falsehood, let<br />

all of us speak the truth to our neighbours, for we<br />

are members of one another. Be angry but do not<br />

s<strong>in</strong>; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and<br />

do not make room for the devil. Thieves must give<br />

up steal<strong>in</strong>g; rather let them labour and work<br />

honestly with their own hands, so as to have<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g to share with the needy. Let no evil talk<br />

come out of your mouths, but only what is useful<br />

for build<strong>in</strong>g up, as there is need, so that your<br />

words may give grace to those who hear. And do<br />

not grieve the Holy Spirit of <strong>God</strong>, with which you<br />

were marked with a seal for the day of redemption.<br />

Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and<br />

anger and wrangl<strong>in</strong>g and slander, together with<br />

all malice, and be k<strong>in</strong>d to one another, tenderhearted,<br />

forgiv<strong>in</strong>g one another, as <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> Christ<br />

has forgiven you. Therefore be imitators of <strong>God</strong>,<br />

as beloved children, and live <strong>in</strong> love, as Christ<br />

loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant<br />

offer<strong>in</strong>g and sacrifice to <strong>God</strong>.

56<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y darn hwn o safbw<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

perth<strong>yn</strong>. Yna trafodwch â’r grŵp cyfan.<br />

Ar daith ffydd rydym i dd<strong>yn</strong>wared Duw fel y mae wedi’i<br />

ddatguddio i ni <strong>yn</strong> Iesu. Beth oedd perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu<br />

i Iesu? Er mw<strong>yn</strong> darganfod ei ymdeimlad <strong>yn</strong>tau o<br />

berth<strong>yn</strong> bu’n rhaid iddo gofleidio’r dwyfol a’r d<strong>yn</strong>ol,<br />

y ddwy elfen i’w hunaniaeth. I Iesu, golygai perth<strong>yn</strong><br />

hefyd na fyddai bob amser <strong>yn</strong> bodloni disgwyliadau<br />

pobl! Ni ddil<strong>yn</strong>ai Iesu reolau cymdeithasol arferol ei<br />

oes wrth iddo gymdeithasu â gwahangleifion, casglwyr<br />

trethi a merched. Yng ngolwg yr awdurdodau crefyddol<br />

a gwleidyddol roedd <strong>yn</strong> tanseilio eu trefn sefydledig,<br />

a’u rheolaeth a’u grym dros y bobl. Arwe<strong>in</strong>iwyd Iesu i’w<br />

farwolaeth gan y rhai na allent, neu a wrthodent, berth<strong>yn</strong><br />

i ffordd tangnefedd a chariad fel y dysgai ef amdani.<br />

Golygai perth<strong>yn</strong> a bod <strong>yn</strong> driw iddo’i hun a’i alwad gan<br />

Dduw na allai Iesu wneud dim ond dil<strong>yn</strong>, <strong>yn</strong> ewyllysgar,<br />

y daith a osodwyd o’i flaen. Gelwir n<strong>in</strong>nau hefyd i<br />

berth<strong>yn</strong>, <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>, sy’n gof<strong>yn</strong> i ni fod <strong>yn</strong> driw i’r h<strong>yn</strong><br />

ydym ac i beidio â chael e<strong>in</strong> mowldio gan eraill i fod<br />

<strong>yn</strong> rhywun na ddylem fod.<br />

In small groups consider this passage from the perspective<br />

of belong<strong>in</strong>g. Then share with the wider group.<br />

In our journey of faith we are to be imitators of <strong>God</strong><br />

as revealed to us <strong>in</strong> Jesus. What did belong<strong>in</strong>g mean<br />

to Jesus? To discover his own sense of belong<strong>in</strong>g<br />

meant he needed to embrace both the div<strong>in</strong>e and the<br />

human; both elements of his personhood. To Jesus,<br />

belong<strong>in</strong>g also meant he didn’t always meet the<br />

peoples’ expectations! Jesus didn’t follow the social<br />

norms of his day as he met with lepers, tax collectors<br />

and women. In the eyes of the religious and political<br />

authorities he upset their ‘status quo’; their control<br />

and power over the people. Jesus was led to death by<br />

those who could not, or refused to, belong to the way<br />

of peace and love that he taught.<br />

Belong<strong>in</strong>g and be<strong>in</strong>g true to himself and his call from<br />

<strong>God</strong>, meant Jesus could do noth<strong>in</strong>g else but follow,<br />

will<strong>in</strong>gly, the journey laid out for him. We too are called<br />

to a belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong> that asks us to be true to the<br />

person we are, and not be moulded by others <strong>in</strong>to the<br />

person we are not to be.<br />

Oes <strong>yn</strong>a unrhyw newidiadau yr hoffech chi eu<br />

gwneud er mw<strong>yn</strong> bod <strong>yn</strong> driw i’r h<strong>yn</strong> rydych i<br />

fod, i wir adnabod beth yw perth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>?<br />

Are there any changes you would like to make to<br />

be true to who you are meant to be, to truly own<br />

your belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Oes <strong>yn</strong>a unrhyw newidiadau y teimlwch fod<br />

angen i’r byd crefyddol a gwleidyddol eu<br />

gwneud heddiw i sicrhau y gall pawb deimlo eu<br />

bod <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong> o fewn yr eglwys a’r gymuned<br />

ehangach - hyd <strong>yn</strong> oed os bydd rhai’n teimlo<br />

bod h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n siglo’r ‘statws cwo’?<br />

Are there any changes you feel the religious and<br />

political world of today needs to make to ensure<br />

that all can feel a belong<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> the church<br />

and the wider community - even if to some it<br />

upsets ‘the status quo’?

Edrych tuag at y Groes<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Cross<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g? 57<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Efengyl<br />

Luc 22:1-6 <strong>yn</strong>ghylch bradychu’r<br />

c<strong>yn</strong>nig o fywyd newydd.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Yr oedd gŵyl y Bara Croyw, y Pasg fel<br />

y’i gelwir, <strong>yn</strong> agosáu. Yr oedd y prif offeiriaid a’r<br />

ysgrifenyddion <strong>yn</strong> ceisio modd i’w ladd, oherwydd<br />

yr oedd arn<strong>yn</strong>t ofn y bobl. Ac aeth Satan i mewn<br />

i Jwdas, a elwid Iscariot, hwnnw oedd <strong>yn</strong> un o’r<br />

Deuddeg. Aeth ef a thrafod gyda’r prif offeiriaid a<br />

swyddogion gwarchodlu’r deml sut i fradychu Iesu<br />

idd<strong>yn</strong>t. Cytunasant <strong>yn</strong> llawen iawn i dalu arian<br />

iddo. Cyds<strong>yn</strong>iodd <strong>yn</strong>tau, a dechreuodd geisio cyfle<br />

i’w fradychu ef idd<strong>yn</strong>t heb i’r dyrfa wybod.<br />

A oedd Jwdas <strong>yn</strong> teimlo ei fod <strong>yn</strong> perth<strong>yn</strong> i’r grŵp<br />

ehangach o ddisgyblion? A wyddai beth fyddai’r<br />

canl<strong>yn</strong>iadau pan aeth g<strong>yn</strong>taf at yr archoffeiriaid a’r<br />

ysgrifenyddion? Ac eto, gyda chariad y cyfarchodd<br />

Iesu ef serch h<strong>yn</strong>ny. Mae adegau pan fyddwn n<strong>in</strong>nau<br />

hefyd <strong>yn</strong> gwneud neu’n dweud rhywbeth sy’n e<strong>in</strong><br />

pellhau oddi wrth Dduw. Rydym <strong>yn</strong> parhau i berth<strong>yn</strong><br />

ac ni chawn e<strong>in</strong> gadael <strong>yn</strong> amddifad, a thrwy’n<br />

hedifeirwch ac o geisio maddeuant gwyddom y<br />

c<strong>yn</strong>igir bywyd newydd i ni eto.<br />

Mae e<strong>in</strong> bedydd <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> dw<strong>yn</strong> i mewn i berth<strong>yn</strong> i deulu<br />

Duw. Drwy fedydd rydym oll <strong>yn</strong> gyfartal gerbron Duw,<br />

ac fe’n cerir a’n derb<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> gyfartal, beth b<strong>yn</strong>nag y<br />

teimlwn am h<strong>yn</strong>ny <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> bywydau o ddydd i ddydd.<br />

Mae bedydd <strong>yn</strong> agor y drws i fywyd newydd, perth<strong>yn</strong><br />

newydd a thaith <strong>yn</strong> llawn s<strong>yn</strong>dod, pan fyddwn<br />

weithiau’n bradychu’n ffydd ac ar adegau eraill <strong>yn</strong><br />

cyhoeddi’n ffydd.<br />

Read through the passage from<br />

Gospel of Luke 22:1-6, the betrayal<br />

of the offer of a new life.<br />

At that time: The festival of Unleavened Bread,<br />

which is called the Passover, was near. The chief<br />

priests and the scribes were look<strong>in</strong>g for a way to<br />

put Jesus to death, for they were afraid of the<br />

people. Then Satan entered <strong>in</strong>to Judas called<br />

Iscariot, who was one of the twelve; he went away<br />

and conferred with the chief priests and officers of<br />

the temple police about how he might betray him<br />

to them. They were greatly pleased and agreed to<br />

give him money. So he consented and began to<br />

look for an opportunity to betray him to them when<br />

no crowd was present.<br />

Did Judas feel as though he belonged with<strong>in</strong> the wider<br />

group of disciples? Did he realise what the consequences<br />

would be when he first went to the chief priests and<br />

scribes? Yet, Judas was still greeted by Jesus with<br />

love. There are times when we too do or say someth<strong>in</strong>g<br />

that takes us away from the closeness of <strong>God</strong>’s side.<br />

We still belong and we are not left alone, as through our<br />

repentance, our seek<strong>in</strong>g forgiveness we know the offer<br />

a new life aga<strong>in</strong>.<br />

Our baptism, draws us <strong>in</strong>to our belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>’s<br />

family. Through baptism we are all equal before <strong>God</strong>,<br />

and equally loved and accepted, whether or not we<br />

f<strong>in</strong>d that <strong>in</strong> our day to day lives. Baptism opens the<br />

door to a new life, a new belong<strong>in</strong>g and a journey of<br />

surprises where we may at times betray our faith and<br />

at other times proclaim our faith.<br />

Sut ydych chi’n teimlo am hanes<br />

Jwdas a’r h<strong>yn</strong> oll a wnaeth?<br />

How do you feel about the story<br />

of Judas and all he did?<br />

Beth mae eich bedydd <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i chi?<br />

What does your baptism mean to you?

58<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at y Goeden<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Tree<br />

O’r trafodaethau <strong>yn</strong> y sesiwn hon:<br />

From the discussions dur<strong>in</strong>g this session:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden<br />

elfennau cadarnhaol <strong>yn</strong>ghylch perth<strong>yn</strong> i ddiolch<br />

i Dduw amdan<strong>yn</strong>t.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree positive elements<br />

about belong<strong>in</strong>g to thank <strong>God</strong> for.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden elfennau<br />

negyddol <strong>yn</strong>ghylch perth<strong>yn</strong> i weddïo amdan<strong>yn</strong>t.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree negative<br />

elements about belong<strong>in</strong>g to br<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to prayer.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.<br />

Ar eich Coeden bersonol eich hun:<br />

On your own personal Tree:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden beth<br />

mae perth<strong>yn</strong> i Dduw mewn ffydd <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i chi.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree what belong<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to <strong>God</strong> <strong>in</strong> faith means to you.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden<br />

beth mae bedydd <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i chi.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree what<br />

baptism means to you.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.

Gweddi i gloi<br />

Clos<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Perth<strong>yn</strong>? / Belong<strong>in</strong>g? 59<br />

Diolch i ti, O Dduw, am fy mherth<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong>ot ti,<br />

ac am dy groeso i mi.<br />

Diolch i ti, O Dduw, am fy medydd,<br />

ac am dderb<strong>yn</strong> yr h<strong>yn</strong> wyf fi.<br />

Diolch i ti, O Dduw, am fy nhaith mewn ffydd,<br />

ac am gael bod <strong>yn</strong> ymwybodol o’r doniau y’m bendithiaist â hwy.<br />

Diolch i ti, O Dduw, am fy mherth<strong>yn</strong> gyda thi,<br />

a bendithia fi â’r ffydd i gydgerdded â thi <strong>yn</strong> ystod y Grawys.<br />

Amen.<br />

Thank you, O <strong>God</strong>, for my belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> you,<br />

and the welcome you give to me.<br />

Thank you, O <strong>God</strong>, for my baptism,<br />

and the acceptance of the ‘who I am’.<br />

Thank you, O <strong>God</strong>, for my journey of faith,<br />

and the awareness of the gifts blessed to me.<br />

Thank you, O <strong>God</strong>, for my belong<strong>in</strong>g with you,<br />

and bless to me the faith to walk with you dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent.<br />



61<br />

Dyheu?<br />

Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Pumed Wythnos y Grawys<br />

The Fifth Week of Lent

62<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Gweddi agoriadol<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Diarhebion<br />

Ffyrdd hyfryd yw ei ffyrdd,<br />

a heddwch sydd ar ei holl lwybrau.<br />

Proverbs<br />

Her ways are ways of pleasantness,<br />

and all her paths are peace.<br />

Effesiaid<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo y bydd i chi wybod am y cariad<br />

hwnnw, er ei fod uwchlaw gwybodaeth. Felly dygir chwi<br />

i gyflawnder, hyd at holl gyflawnder Duw.<br />

Ephesians<br />

I pray that you come to know the love<br />

of Christ that surpasses knowledge,<br />

so that you may be filled with all<br />

the fullness of <strong>God</strong>.<br />

O Dduw Dyhead,<br />

Cyfarwydda fy nghamau ar hyd<br />

llwybr dy dangnefedd di.<br />

Cyfarwydda fy nghamau ar hyd<br />

llwybrau sy’n hyfryd.<br />

Cyfarwydda fy nghamau ar hyd<br />

llwybr dy gariad di.<br />

Cyfarwydda fy nghamau ar hyd<br />

llwybrau gwirionedd.<br />

O Dduw Dyhead,<br />

Cyfarwydda fy nghalon i’th<br />

garu’n ddyfnach.<br />

Cyfarwydda fy ngeiriau i<br />

lefaru’n eglurach amdanat.<br />

Cyfarwydda fy meddwl i<br />

weddïo’n fwy trugarog.<br />

Cyfarwydda fy holl fod i’th<br />

ddil<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> fwy ffyddlon.<br />

O Dduw Dyhead,<br />

Cyfarwydda fi <strong>yn</strong> ffordd dy ddyhead di<br />

drwy fy ngwasanaeth, fy ngweddi a’m bywyd.<br />

Amen.<br />

O <strong>God</strong> of Desire,<br />

Guide my steps along<br />

your path of peace.<br />

Guide my steps along<br />

ways that are pleasant.<br />

Guide my steps along<br />

your path of love.<br />

Guide my steps along<br />

ways that are true.<br />

O <strong>God</strong> of Desire,<br />

Guide my heart to love<br />

you more deeply.<br />

Guide my words to speak<br />

of you more clearly.<br />

Guide my m<strong>in</strong>d to<br />

pray more compassionately.<br />

Guide my whole be<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

follow you more faithfully.<br />

O <strong>God</strong> of Desire,<br />

Guide me <strong>in</strong> the way of your desire<br />

<strong>in</strong> and through my service, prayer and life.<br />


Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g? 63<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />

Amen.<br />

Dyheu?<br />

Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Gall y geiriau ‘dyhead’ a ‘dyheu’ fod ag<br />

ystyron cadarnhaol neu negyddol. Mae<br />

dyheu’n golygu dymuno, hiraethu a<br />

deisyfu ac mae hefyd <strong>yn</strong> amlygu’n gallu<br />

i wneud penderf<strong>yn</strong>iadau ac i gydnabod<br />

bod canl<strong>yn</strong>iadau i bob penderf<strong>yn</strong>iad a<br />

wnawn. Yn negyddol, gall dyheu arwa<strong>in</strong><br />

at drachwant, meddiannu, rheoli ac<br />

anwybyddu teimladau pobl eraill.<br />

The words desire, and desir<strong>in</strong>g, can have<br />

both positive and negative mean<strong>in</strong>gs. To<br />

desire is to yearn, to long for, to wish for,<br />

and it also reveals our capacity to make<br />

choices and acknowledge that all<br />

decisions made have a consequence.<br />

Negatively, desir<strong>in</strong>g can result <strong>in</strong> greed, <strong>in</strong><br />

tak<strong>in</strong>g possession of, to have control over<br />

and have no regard for the other.<br />

Beth yw eich meddyliau c<strong>yn</strong>taf<br />

am y gair ‘dyheu’?<br />

What are your first thoughts about<br />

the word ‘desir<strong>in</strong>g’?<br />

Beth ydych chi’n ei feddwl am ddyheu<br />

mewn perth<strong>yn</strong>as â ffydd?<br />

What are your thoughts about desire<br />

<strong>in</strong> relation to faith?<br />

Beth ydych chi’n ei feddwl am ddyheu<br />

am Dduw mewn gweddi?<br />

What are your thoughts on desire<br />

of <strong>God</strong> with<strong>in</strong> prayer?

64<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at yr Hen Destament<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Old Testament<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Ganiad Solomon<br />

2:8-14 <strong>yn</strong>ghylch cariad <strong>yn</strong> dil<strong>yn</strong><br />

gwrthrych serch.<br />

Ust! Dyma fy nghariad, dyma ef <strong>yn</strong> dod; y mae’n<br />

neidio ar y m<strong>yn</strong>yddoedd, ac <strong>yn</strong> llamu ar y br<strong>yn</strong>iau.<br />

Y mae fy nghariad fel gafrewig, neu hydd ifanc;<br />

d<strong>yn</strong>a ef <strong>yn</strong> sefyll y tu allan i’r mur, <strong>yn</strong> edrych<br />

trwy’r ffenestri, ac <strong>yn</strong> syllu rhwng y dellt. Y mae<br />

fy nghariad <strong>yn</strong> galw arnaf ac <strong>yn</strong> dweud wrthyf,<br />

‘Cod <strong>yn</strong> awr, f’anwylyd, a thyrd, fy mhrydferth;<br />

oherwydd edrych, aeth y gaeaf heibio, ciliodd<br />

y glaw a darfu, y mae’r blodau’n ymddangos<br />

<strong>yn</strong> y meysydd, daeth <strong>yn</strong> amser i’r adar ganu,<br />

ac fe glywir cân y durtur <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> gwlad; y mae’r<br />

ffigysbren <strong>yn</strong> llawn ffigys ir, a blodau’r gw<strong>in</strong>wydd<br />

<strong>yn</strong> gwasgaru aroglau peraidd. Cod <strong>yn</strong> awr, f’anwylyd,<br />

a thyrd, fy mhrydferth.’ Fy ngholomen, sydd <strong>yn</strong><br />

encilion y graig, <strong>yn</strong>g nghysgod y clogw<strong>yn</strong>i, gad imi<br />

weld dy w<strong>yn</strong>eb, a chlywed dy lais, oherwydd y mae<br />

dy lais <strong>yn</strong> sw<strong>yn</strong>ol, a’th w<strong>yn</strong>eb <strong>yn</strong> brydferth.<br />

Read through the passage from the<br />

Song of Songs 2:8-14, of love follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the beloved.<br />

The voice of my beloved! Look, he comes, leap<strong>in</strong>g<br />

upon the mounta<strong>in</strong>s, bound<strong>in</strong>g over the hills. My<br />

beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Look,<br />

there he stands beh<strong>in</strong>d our wall, gaz<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> at the<br />

w<strong>in</strong>dows, look<strong>in</strong>g through the lattice. My beloved<br />

speaks and says to me: ‘Arise, my love, my fair<br />

one, and come away; for now the w<strong>in</strong>ter is past,<br />

the ra<strong>in</strong> is over and gone. The flowers appear on<br />

the earth; the time of s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g has come, and the<br />

voice of the turtle-dove is heard <strong>in</strong> our land. The<br />

fig tree puts forth its figs, and the v<strong>in</strong>es are <strong>in</strong><br />

blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love,<br />

my fair one, and come away. O my dove, <strong>in</strong> the<br />

clefts of the rock, <strong>in</strong> the covert of the cliff, let me<br />

see your face, let me hear your voice; for your<br />

voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.<br />

Un o’r llyfrau mwyaf annisgwyl sydd i’w weld <strong>yn</strong> yr<br />

Hen Destament yw llyfr sy’n ymwneud â dyhead;<br />

dyhead sy’n s<strong>yn</strong>hwyrus ac weithiau’n erotig. Yn yr Hen<br />

Destament, ystyrir dyhead <strong>yn</strong> niwtral <strong>yn</strong> foesol oni<br />

bai ei fod wedi ei gysylltu â thwyll, pechod a drygioni.<br />

Ceir cyfeiriadau at ddyheu a chariad ond mae angen<br />

chwilio’n ofalus am y rhe<strong>in</strong>i.<br />

Yng Nghaniad Solomon, m<strong>yn</strong>egir y dyheu mewn<br />

geiriau a delweddau. Dyma lyfr na sonir <strong>yn</strong>ddo am<br />

Dduw ac eto mae wedi cyrraedd canon y Beibl! Mae<br />

hanes y cariadon <strong>yn</strong> datgelu dyhead dwys y naill am<br />

y llall, a defnyddir y greadigaeth gyfan i ddisgrifio’r<br />

cariad a’r dyhead hwnnw.<br />

Dyma lyfr sydd <strong>yn</strong> ymhyfrydu ym mhrydferthwch y<br />

corff, ond mewn ffordd wahanol iawn i’r h<strong>yn</strong> a welwn<br />

heddiw, pan fo siâp a delwedd y corff <strong>yn</strong> decl<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong><br />

nwylo’r cyfr<strong>yn</strong>gau i gyfleu ‘perffeithrwydd’ a chariad<br />

cysylltiedig â rhyw. Yng Nghaniad Solomon, nid pethau<br />

sydd ‘ar werth’ yw dyhead a’r corff, ond <strong>yn</strong> hytrach<br />

delweddau sy’n cyfleu annib<strong>yn</strong>iaeth a’r dewis o rydd<br />

ewyllys i garu, i fod <strong>yn</strong> wrthrych dyhead ac i siarad o’r<br />

galon. Mae’n llyfr sy’n cyfleu mwy na dyhead corfforol -<br />

mae’n ddyhead am gyflawnder ac am i ddau fod <strong>yn</strong> un.<br />

I rai, dyma lyfr efallai nad yd<strong>yn</strong>t wedi edrych arno<br />

erioed, gall rhai pobl deimlo’n anghyffyrddus wrth<br />

ddarllen rhannau ohono ac i eraill bydd <strong>yn</strong> fodd i<br />

ddyfnhau eu gweddïau.<br />

One of the most surpris<strong>in</strong>g books to be found <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Old Testament is a book on desire; a sensuous and at<br />

times erotic desire. In the Old Testament desire is kept<br />

morally neutral until it becomes associated to deceit,<br />

s<strong>in</strong> and evil. Desire and love may be alluded to but it<br />

needs hunt<strong>in</strong>g out carefully.<br />

In the Song of Songs, desire is present <strong>in</strong> word and<br />

imagery. It is a book where no mention of <strong>God</strong> is made,<br />

and yet it found its way <strong>in</strong>to the canon of the Bible!<br />

The story of a lover and a beloved unfolds a deep and<br />

passionate desire for each other, and the whole of<br />

creation is used to describe that love and desire.<br />

This is a book that seeks out the beauty of the body, <strong>in</strong><br />

a sharp contrast to the present day, where body shape<br />

and imagery is a media tool for ‘perfection’ and desire<br />

and love associated with sex. In the Song of Songs<br />

desire and the body are not commodities ‘on sale’, but<br />

rather emphasise <strong>in</strong>dependence and free choice - to<br />

love, to be desired and to speak from the heart. It is a<br />

book that reveals more than physical desire, a desire for<br />

wholeness and to be at one with another.<br />

For some this may be a book that has never been<br />

looked at, for some the language used may lead to<br />

feel<strong>in</strong>g uncomfortable when read<strong>in</strong>g, for others it<br />

will be a way <strong>in</strong>to deeper prayer.

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g? 65<br />

Beth yw eich ymateb cychw<strong>yn</strong>nol<br />

i Ganiad Solomon?<br />

What are your <strong>in</strong>itial thoughts<br />

on the Song of Songs?<br />

Mae Caniad Solomon <strong>yn</strong> llyfr a fyddai wedi ysbrydoli<br />

llawer o gyfr<strong>in</strong>wyr yr Oesoedd Canol, a fyddai wedi<br />

ceisio undod gweddigar ac ysbrydol dwfn â Duw,<br />

er enghraifft, Teresa o Afila, Richard Rolle, Iwlian o<br />

Norwich a Ioan y Groes. Roeddent oll, mewn ffyrdd<br />

gwahanol, <strong>yn</strong> ystyried perth<strong>yn</strong>as â Duw <strong>yn</strong> berth<strong>yn</strong>as<br />

llawn cariad a dyhead. Byddai bywyd o weddi <strong>yn</strong> eu<br />

harwa<strong>in</strong> ar daith a fyddai’n dod â hwy’n agosach at<br />

galon a phresenoldeb Duw.<br />

Mae’n debyg mai am ei gerdd ‘Nos Dywyll yr Enaid’ y<br />

mae Ioan y Groes (1542-1591) <strong>yn</strong> fwyaf adnabyddus.<br />

Mae’n defnyddio delweddau sy’n debyg i’r rhai a<br />

geir <strong>yn</strong>g Nghaniad Solomon, <strong>yn</strong> rh<strong>in</strong>wedd y ffaith<br />

nad yw’n petruso ysgrifennu <strong>yn</strong>ghylch ei brofiadau<br />

gan ddefnyddio ieithwedd s<strong>yn</strong>hwyrus dyhead a iaith<br />

emosi<strong>yn</strong>au a theimladau. Credai po fwyaf y tyfem <strong>yn</strong>g<br />

nghariad Duw, po fwyaf y byddem <strong>yn</strong> gallu byw <strong>yn</strong> unol<br />

â’r cariad hwnnw <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> bywydau beunyddiol. Credai<br />

hefyd mai rhodd gan Dduw yw sancteiddrwydd y<br />

byddwn <strong>yn</strong> dod <strong>yn</strong> fwy ymwybodol ohono wrth dreulio<br />

mwy o amser mewn llonyddwch a gweddi gyda Duw.<br />

Po fwyaf y byddwn <strong>yn</strong> byw bywyd graslon, po fwyaf<br />

‘sanctaidd’, po agosaf at Dduw, y deuwn.<br />

Mae ‘Nos Dywyll yr Enaid’ <strong>yn</strong> darlunio profiadau’r<br />

awdur <strong>yn</strong> ystod cyfnod <strong>yn</strong> y carchar, ac eto fe’i<br />

hysgrifennwyd o safbw<strong>yn</strong>t edrych <strong>yn</strong> ôl ar yr adeg<br />

honno, ar ôl i Ioan ddod i sylweddoli, pa mor dywyll<br />

b<strong>yn</strong>nag y bu’r cyfnod hwnnw, bod Duw <strong>yn</strong> parhau’n<br />

bresennol drwy’r cyfan. Yn y pen draw, taith tuag at<br />

Dduw a chariad Duw yw’r nos dywyll, er iddi deimlo<br />

fel taith i’r gwrthw<strong>yn</strong>eb! D<strong>yn</strong>a gariad efallai na fyddwn<br />

n<strong>in</strong>nau, fel Ioan y Groes, <strong>yn</strong> ei werthfawrogi nac hyd <strong>yn</strong><br />

oed <strong>yn</strong> sylwi ei fod <strong>yn</strong>o hyd y daw adeg pan fyddwn <strong>yn</strong><br />

edrych <strong>yn</strong> ôl a myfyrio ar y profiad.<br />

Gall y nos dywyll hefyd olygu dil<strong>yn</strong> dyhead ‘anghywir’<br />

sy’n e<strong>in</strong> dw<strong>yn</strong> i ffwrdd oddi wrth gariad Duw. Gallwn<br />

ddyheu am wneud yr h<strong>yn</strong> rydym am ei wneud drosom e<strong>in</strong><br />

huna<strong>in</strong> heb hidio am Dduw na’n ffydd. Golyga dil<strong>yn</strong> Duw,<br />

ac adnabod dyhead Duw ar e<strong>in</strong> cyfer ni, e<strong>in</strong> bod <strong>yn</strong> gweld<br />

y pethau sy’n amherffaith amdanom ac <strong>yn</strong> eu cydnabod.<br />

Golyga hefyd of<strong>yn</strong> y cwestiwn, ‘Beth yw’r dyhead sy’n sail<br />

i’r cyfan rwyf <strong>yn</strong> ei ddweud neu’n eu wneud?’<br />

Darllenwch y cyfieithiad isod o ‘Dark Night’ - addasiad<br />

(<strong>yn</strong> 2010) o’r gerdd gan Ioan y Groes, sy’n gwarchod<br />

hanfod ac ystyr y gwreiddiol ym mhob pennill.<br />

Cyfeiria’r ddau bennill g<strong>yn</strong>taf at fod <strong>yn</strong> y tywyllwch<br />

ac i ffwrdd oddi wrth ras Duw. Mae’r chwe phennill<br />

dil<strong>yn</strong>ol <strong>yn</strong> ymwneud â’r daith o geisio ac adnabod<br />

maddeuant a glanhad - <strong>yn</strong> s<strong>yn</strong>hwyrol ac <strong>yn</strong> ysbrydol -<br />

c<strong>yn</strong> bod undod â Duw <strong>yn</strong> bosibl. Mae Ioan y Groes <strong>yn</strong><br />

deall y nos fel yr adeg y gall y cariad a gwrthrych ei<br />

serch gyfarfod a gwêl mai’r ‘nos dywyll yw ffydd, holl<br />

fywyd ffydd’ (John of the Cross: Classics of Christian<br />

Spirituality, t. 157).<br />

The Song of Songs is a book that would have <strong>in</strong>spired<br />

many of the Medieval mystics who sought out a deep<br />

prayerful and spiritual union with <strong>God</strong>, for example,<br />

Teresa of Avila, Richard Rolle, Julian of Norwich,<br />

John of the Cross. They each, <strong>in</strong> different ways, saw<br />

a relationship with <strong>God</strong> as a relationship of love and<br />

desire. A life of prayer was a life journey which would<br />

take them closer to the heart and presence of <strong>God</strong>.<br />

John of the Cross (1542-1591) is probably best known<br />

for his poem ‘The Dark Night of the Soul’. The imagery<br />

he uses is similar to that of the Song of Songs, <strong>in</strong> that<br />

he isn’t afraid of writ<strong>in</strong>g of his experiences us<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

language of desire and sensuousness, emotions and<br />

feel<strong>in</strong>gs. He believed that the more we grow <strong>in</strong> the <strong>God</strong><br />

of love, the more we will be able to live that love out <strong>in</strong><br />

our daily lives. He also believed that hol<strong>in</strong>ess as a gift<br />

from <strong>God</strong> was someth<strong>in</strong>g we become more aware of as<br />

we spent more time <strong>in</strong> stillness and prayer with <strong>God</strong>.<br />

The more we live out a life of grace the more ‘holy’ or<br />

close to <strong>God</strong> we will become.<br />

‘The Dark Night’ explores his experience of a time<br />

<strong>in</strong> prison, and yet it is written from the perspective<br />

of look<strong>in</strong>g back on that time, and from a belief that<br />

however ‘dark’ that time was, <strong>in</strong> look<strong>in</strong>g back he<br />

realised that <strong>God</strong> was still with him. Ultimately the<br />

dark night is a journey to <strong>God</strong>, and the love of <strong>God</strong>,<br />

even if it feels just the opposite! It is a love that for us,<br />

like John of the Cross, may not be realised or accepted<br />

as be<strong>in</strong>g present until there comes a time of reflection<br />

and look<strong>in</strong>g back.<br />

The dark night, could also mean follow<strong>in</strong>g a ‘wrong’<br />

desire which takes us away from <strong>God</strong>’s love. Our desire<br />

could be to do what we want for ourselves with no<br />

reference to <strong>God</strong> or faith. To follow <strong>God</strong>, and to know<br />

<strong>God</strong>’s desire for us, is to meet with our imperfections<br />

and acknowledge them. It is also to ask ourselves the<br />

question, ‘What is the desire beh<strong>in</strong>d all that I do or say?’<br />

Read through the ‘Dark Night’ - a re-writ<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>in</strong><br />

2010) of the poem by John of the Cross, but keep<strong>in</strong>g<br />

its essence and mean<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> each of the verses.<br />

The first two verses speak of be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the dark and<br />

away from the grace of <strong>God</strong>. The follow<strong>in</strong>g six verses<br />

then, relate to the journey of seek<strong>in</strong>g and know<strong>in</strong>g<br />

forgiveness and cleans<strong>in</strong>g - sensory and spiritually -<br />

before the union with <strong>God</strong> is possible. For John of the<br />

Cross, the night is understood as mean<strong>in</strong>g the time<br />

when the lover and the beloved can meet, and he sees<br />

that ‘the dark night is faith, the entire life of faith’<br />

(John of the Cross: Classics of Christian Spirituality,<br />

pp. 157).

66<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Y Nos Dywyll<br />

The Dark Night<br />

I’r nos dywyll honno, a’i hoerfel <strong>yn</strong> gafael,<br />

cariad sy’n dyheu i deimlo<br />

- ac adnabod, dyma ras!<br />

Yn rhydd, af allan, ac ni wêl neb;<br />

daw’r byd, a m<strong>in</strong>nau, <strong>yn</strong> llonydd stond.<br />

Dwfn y trywana’r tywyllwch, ac eto<br />

<strong>yn</strong> anwel y teithia i’m mewn,<br />

- ac adnabod, dyma ras!<br />

Ynghudd dan orchudd y nos<br />

daw’r byd, a m<strong>in</strong>nau, <strong>yn</strong> llonydd stond.<br />

Yn y nos dywyllach na thywyllwch,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ddirgel, lle roedd pawb <strong>yn</strong> ddall,<br />

ni edrychais i’r dde na’r aswy<br />

heb smic o olau i gyfeirio ‘nhraed,<br />

ond y tân ar aelwyd fy nghalon.<br />

Sicrach a chadarnach oedd golau’r fflamau h<strong>yn</strong>ny<br />

na golau gwelw’r lloer a foddai <strong>yn</strong> y nos<br />

- cyfarwydd imi’r golau hwnnw,<br />

a’m harwe<strong>in</strong>iodd <strong>yn</strong> d<strong>yn</strong>er i’r lle<br />

y disgwyliai Doeth<strong>in</strong>eb, <strong>yn</strong> unig, amdanaf.<br />

O Oleuni Doeth<strong>in</strong>eb, Soffia.<br />

Ni all rhyfeddod gwawr gystadlu dim<br />

â’r tân sy’n denu’r Cariad at yr Un a gâr,<br />

<strong>yn</strong>ghyd mewn undod, <strong>yn</strong> geni<br />

c<strong>yn</strong>ghanedd, tangnefedd a llawenydd trawsnewidiol serch.<br />

Cyfarfod mae’n cyrff, cofleidio, gorffwys, cysgu<br />

ar fy mron, y naill i’r llall <strong>yn</strong> unig.<br />

Tangnefedd ddaw wrth im anwesu’r Un <strong>yn</strong>ghwsg<br />

a’r awel <strong>yn</strong> llifo drwy’r coed<br />

<strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> hanwesu ni’n dau’n cydorwedd.<br />

Ymbletha’r awel lawr, lawr drwy frigau’r coed,<br />

wrth im godi rhwng fy mysedd wallt fy Nghariad,<br />

yr awel <strong>yn</strong> bigiadau ar fy ngwddf,<br />

a’i fysedd s<strong>yn</strong>hwyrus<br />

<strong>yn</strong> fy nh<strong>yn</strong>nu tu hwnt i’r fi a adwaenwn.<br />

Ildiaf <strong>yn</strong> llwyr y fi a fu<br />

a’m hw<strong>yn</strong>eb mewn angof <strong>yn</strong> pwyso ar f’Anwylyd.<br />

Saif popeth <strong>yn</strong> stond; dibwys yw popeth arall.<br />

Gadawaf fy hunan, a’r holl feichiau fu<br />

<strong>yn</strong> angof, <strong>yn</strong>o <strong>yn</strong> yr ardd.

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g? 67<br />

Into that cold dark shroud<strong>in</strong>g night,<br />

love yearn<strong>in</strong>g desires,<br />

- and to know, this is grace!<br />

Free, as I go out, and no-one sees,<br />

and all is becom<strong>in</strong>g still, I am still.<br />

The darkness penetrates deep, and yet<br />

masked, it journeys <strong>in</strong>ward,<br />

- and to know, this is grace!<br />

Covered by hid<strong>in</strong>g darkness<br />

all is becom<strong>in</strong>g still, I am still.<br />

On that dark darken<strong>in</strong>g night<br />

enclosed <strong>in</strong> secrecy with no-one to see,<br />

I looked neither to left or right, and<br />

there was no light to guide, make safe my steps<br />

other than the fire lit with<strong>in</strong> my heart.<br />

This burn<strong>in</strong>g light was more certa<strong>in</strong>, sure,<br />

than the fad<strong>in</strong>g light of the night moon<br />

- this light I knew well,<br />

which gently led me to the place, where<br />

Wisdom waited for me, alone.<br />

O Light of Wisdom, Sophia.<br />

The ris<strong>in</strong>g light of the dawn cannot compare<br />

with the blaze that draws the Loved to the one Beloved<br />

together <strong>in</strong> unison, br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g harmony,<br />

peace and the joy of transform<strong>in</strong>g love.<br />

Our bodies meet, embrac<strong>in</strong>g, rest, asleep<br />

upon my breast, for each other alone.<br />

There is peace as I caress the sleep<strong>in</strong>g One<br />

and the breeze flow<strong>in</strong>g through the trees<br />

caress us both, where we lie.<br />

The breeze weaves its way down from the tree tops,<br />

as I lifted the hair of my Beloved.<br />

I felt its pierc<strong>in</strong>g touch upon my neck, its sensuous f<strong>in</strong>gers<br />

draw<strong>in</strong>g me further beyond my own known self.<br />

I put aside my whole exist<strong>in</strong>g self<br />

forgett<strong>in</strong>g all as my face rests aga<strong>in</strong>st my Beloved.<br />

All stands still; noth<strong>in</strong>g else matters.<br />

I come out from myself, and no longer remembered,<br />

leave my burdens, there <strong>in</strong> the garden.

68<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y cwesti<strong>yn</strong>au canl<strong>yn</strong>ol<br />

sy’n seiliedig ar y darn o Ganiad Solomon. Yna<br />

rhannwch â’r grŵp cyfan:<br />

In small groups, and then share with the whole group,<br />

consider the follow<strong>in</strong>g questions drawn out from the<br />

passage from the Song of Songs:<br />

Mae Caniad Solomon <strong>yn</strong> dathlu prydferthwch y<br />

corff fel gwrthrych dyhead. Pa gwesti<strong>yn</strong>au sy’n<br />

codi o h<strong>yn</strong>ny <strong>yn</strong>ghylch y modd y mae’r cyfr<strong>yn</strong>gau’n<br />

ymdr<strong>in</strong> â’r corff a delwedd corff?<br />

In the Song of Songs, the body is an object<br />

of beauty as well as desire. What questions does<br />

this raise regard<strong>in</strong>g how the body, and body image,<br />

is portrayed by the media?<br />

A fyddech <strong>yn</strong> dweud eich bod <strong>yn</strong> dyheu am Dduw?<br />

Beth yw eich delwedd o Dduw?<br />

Would you describe your relationship with <strong>God</strong><br />

as one of desire? What is your image of <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Meddyliwch am yr adegau y gellid eu disgrifio fel<br />

‘nos dywyll’ - er enghraifft, salwch, afiechyd<br />

meddwl, colli swydd, galar, gorfod gwneud<br />

penderf<strong>yn</strong>iad anodd, sychder mewn gweddi. Beth<br />

neu bwy fu’n gymorth i chi drwy adeg felly? Lle<br />

roedd y goleuni a’r cariad a ddaw o Dduw?<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>k about times that could be described as<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g a ‘dark night’ - for example, illness, mental<br />

ill health, job loss, grief, difficult decision mak<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

arid prayer. What or who helped you through that<br />

time? Where was the light and love of <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Meddyliwch am y lleoedd <strong>yn</strong> y byd lle mae<br />

angen goleuni a chariad Duw.<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>k of the places <strong>in</strong> the world where<br />

the light of <strong>God</strong>’s love is needed.<br />

Sut gall yr eglwys hybu dysgeidiaeth gadarnhaol<br />

<strong>yn</strong>ghylch dyhead a’r cariad a ddaw o Dduw?<br />

How can the church support a positive teach<strong>in</strong>g<br />

on desire and the love of <strong>God</strong>?

Edrych tuag at y Testament Newydd<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the New Testament<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g? 69<br />

Darllenwch y darn o’r Llythyr C<strong>yn</strong>taf<br />

at y Cor<strong>in</strong>thiaid 13:4-13 am y cariad<br />

sy’n dal ati i’r eithaf.<br />

Frodyr a chwiorydd: Mae cariad <strong>yn</strong> am<strong>yn</strong>eddgar;<br />

y mae cariad <strong>yn</strong> gymw<strong>yn</strong>asgar; nid yw cariad<br />

<strong>yn</strong> cenfigennu, nid yw’n ymffrostio, nid yw’n<br />

ymchwyddo. Nid yw’n gwneud dim sy’n anweddus,<br />

nid yw’n ceisio ei ddibenion ei hun, nid yw’n gwylltio,<br />

nid yw’n cadw cyfrif o gam; nid yw’n cael llawenydd<br />

mewn anghyfiawnder, ond y mae’n cydlawenhau â’r<br />

gwirionedd. Y mae’n goddef i’r eithaf, <strong>yn</strong> credu i’r<br />

eithaf, <strong>yn</strong> gobeithio i’r eithaf, <strong>yn</strong> dal ati i’r eithaf.<br />

Nid yw cariad <strong>yn</strong> darfod byth. Ond proffwydoliaethau,<br />

fe’u diddymir hwy; a thafodau, bydd taw arn<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

hwy; a gwybodaeth, fe’i diddymir hithau. Oherwydd<br />

anghyflawn yw e<strong>in</strong> gwybod ni, ac anghyflawn e<strong>in</strong><br />

proffwydo ni. Ond pan ddaw’r h<strong>yn</strong> sy’n gyflawn,<br />

fe ddiddymir yr h<strong>yn</strong> sy’n anghyflawn. Pan oeddwn<br />

<strong>yn</strong> blent<strong>yn</strong>, fel plent<strong>yn</strong> yr oeddwn <strong>yn</strong> llefaru, fel<br />

plent<strong>yn</strong> yr oeddwn <strong>yn</strong> meddwl, fel plent<strong>yn</strong> yr oeddwn<br />

<strong>yn</strong> rhesymu. Ond wedi dod <strong>yn</strong> dd<strong>yn</strong>, yr wyf wedi<br />

rhoi heibio bethau’r plent<strong>yn</strong>. Yn awr, gweld mewn<br />

drych yr ydym, a h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n aneglur; ond <strong>yn</strong>a cawn<br />

weld w<strong>yn</strong>eb <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>eb. Yn awr, anghyflawn yw fy<br />

ngwybod; ond <strong>yn</strong>a, caf adnabod fel y cefais <strong>in</strong>nau<br />

fy adnabod. Mewn gair, y mae ffydd, gobaith, cariad,<br />

y tri h<strong>yn</strong>, <strong>yn</strong> aros. A’r mwyaf o’r rha<strong>in</strong> yw cariad.<br />

Read through the passage from the First<br />

Letter to the Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 13:4-13 and<br />

the love which endures all th<strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

Brothers and sisters: Love is patient; love is k<strong>in</strong>d;<br />

love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.<br />

It does not <strong>in</strong>sist on its own way; it is not irritable<br />

or resentful; it does not rejoice <strong>in</strong> wrongdo<strong>in</strong>g, but<br />

rejoices <strong>in</strong> the truth. It bears all th<strong>in</strong>gs, believes<br />

all th<strong>in</strong>gs, hopes all th<strong>in</strong>gs, endures all th<strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will<br />

come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as<br />

for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know<br />

only <strong>in</strong> part, and we prophesy only <strong>in</strong> part; but when<br />

the complete comes, the partial will come to an<br />

end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I<br />

thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when<br />

I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways.<br />

For now we see <strong>in</strong> a mirror, dimly, but then we will<br />

see face to face. Now I know only <strong>in</strong> part; then I<br />

will know fully, even as I have been fully known.<br />

And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three;<br />

and the greatest of these is love.

70<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mewn grwpiau bach, trafodwch y darn hwn o safbw<strong>yn</strong>t<br />

dyheu. Yna trafodwch â’r grŵp cyfan.<br />

Mae’r darn hwn o 1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thiaid <strong>yn</strong> dil<strong>yn</strong> patrwm tebyg<br />

i deithi meddwl Ioan y Groes. Taith tuag at Dduw yw<br />

e<strong>in</strong> bywyd, a thaith tuag at ‘weld’ Duw’n eglurach.<br />

Waeth pa mor hir y bu <strong>in</strong>i goleddu ffydd Gristnogol,<br />

mae <strong>yn</strong>a bob amser ragor y gallwn ei ddysgu a’i<br />

ddarganfod am Dduw ac amdanom e<strong>in</strong> huna<strong>in</strong> <strong>yn</strong>g<br />

nghyd-destun galwad Duw arnom.<br />

Mae cariad <strong>yn</strong> goddef i’r eithaf ac, fel yr ysgrifenna<br />

Paul, os nad oes gennym gariad, nid yw beth b<strong>yn</strong>nag<br />

arall sydd gennym <strong>yn</strong> werth dim. D<strong>yn</strong>a ddyfnder y<br />

cariad a ddeisyfa Duw ar gyfer yr holl greadigaeth.<br />

Y cariad di-ildio hwnnw a ddatguddiodd Iesu <strong>yn</strong> ei<br />

fywyd ac, fel y cofiwn wrth i’r Wythnos Fawr agosáu,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ei farw hefyd.<br />

Rydym i adlewyrchu’r cariad hwnnw mewn ffydd, ac<br />

eto, <strong>yn</strong> y byd fel y mae heddiw gall fod <strong>yn</strong> anodd iawn<br />

i g<strong>yn</strong>nal y cariad hwnnw <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>eb y cyfan a welwn <strong>yn</strong><br />

y papurau newydd ac ar y sgrîn deledu. Mae’n rhaid i’n<br />

cariad, a’n dyhead i garu, ddod o’n calonnau ar sail e<strong>in</strong><br />

ffydd. Mae gof<strong>yn</strong> i ni adlewyrchu goleuni cariad Duw<br />

hyd <strong>yn</strong> oed ar yr adegau tywyll.<br />

In small groups consider this passage from the perspective<br />

of desir<strong>in</strong>g. Then share with the wider group.<br />

The passage from 1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians follows a similar<br />

pattern to the understand<strong>in</strong>g of John of the Cross.<br />

Our life is a journey towards <strong>God</strong>, and a clearer<br />

‘see<strong>in</strong>g’ of <strong>God</strong>. No matter how long we have held<br />

a Christian faith there is always more for us to learn<br />

and discover about <strong>God</strong> and ourselves <strong>in</strong> relation to<br />

<strong>God</strong>’s call to us.<br />

Love endures everyth<strong>in</strong>g, and as Paul writes, if we<br />

do not have love than whatever else we may have<br />

it is worth noth<strong>in</strong>g. It is this depth of love that <strong>God</strong><br />

desires for all creation. It is this all endur<strong>in</strong>g love<br />

that Jesus revealed <strong>in</strong> his life, and as we remember<br />

as we move towards Holy Week, <strong>in</strong> his death.<br />

In faith we are to reflect this love, and yet, <strong>in</strong> the<br />

reality of the world of today it can be extremely hard<br />

to hold <strong>in</strong> love all we see <strong>in</strong> the newspapers or on the<br />

TV screens. Our love, and our desire to love, has to<br />

come from the heart and through our faith. We are to<br />

hold up the light of <strong>God</strong>’s love even <strong>in</strong> the dark times.<br />

Beth mae’n ei olygu i dderb<strong>yn</strong> y cariad hwn<br />

sy’n dal ati i’r eithaf oddi wrth Dduw ac i fyw<br />

<strong>yn</strong> unol â h<strong>yn</strong>ny?<br />

What does it mean to you to receive<br />

this endur<strong>in</strong>g love from <strong>God</strong>,<br />

and to live by it?<br />

A yw eich ffordd o weddïo wedi newid dros y<br />

bl<strong>yn</strong>yddoedd? Os ydyw, a ydych <strong>yn</strong> defnyddio<br />

geiriau gwahanol neu ddulliau gwahanol o<br />

weddïo? A yw eich delwedd o Dduw wedi newid?<br />

Has, and how has, your way of prayer changed<br />

over the years? Do you use different words, or<br />

styles of prayer? Has your image of <strong>God</strong> changed?

Edrych tuag at y Groes<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Cross<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g? 71<br />

Darllenwch y darn o Efengyl<br />

Mathew 26:6-13 <strong>yn</strong>ghylch dangos<br />

cariad drwy ene<strong>in</strong>io.<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Pan oedd Iesu ym Methania <strong>yn</strong><br />

nhŷ Simon y gwahanglwyfus, daeth gwraig ato<br />

a chanddi ffiol alabastr o enna<strong>in</strong>t gwerthfawr, a<br />

thywalltodd yr enna<strong>in</strong>t ar ei ben tra oedd ef wrth<br />

bryd bwyd. Pan welodd y disgyblion h<strong>yn</strong>, aethant<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ddig a dweud, ‘I ba beth y bu’r gwastraff hwn?<br />

Oherwydd gallesid gwerthu’r enna<strong>in</strong>t hwn am lawer<br />

o arian a’i roi i’r tlodion.’ Sylwodd Iesu ar h<strong>yn</strong> a<br />

dywedodd wrth<strong>yn</strong>t, ‘Pam yr ydych <strong>yn</strong> poeni’r wraig?<br />

Oherwydd gweithred brydferth a wnaeth hi i mi. Y<br />

mae’r tlodion gyda chwi bob amser, ond ni fyddaf<br />

fi gyda chwi bob amser. Wrth dywallt yr enna<strong>in</strong>t<br />

hwn ar fy nghorff, fy mharatoi yr oedd hi ar gyfer<br />

fy nghladdu. Yn wir, rwy’n dweud wrthych, pa le<br />

b<strong>yn</strong>nag y pregethir yr Efengyl yma <strong>yn</strong> yr holl fyd,<br />

adroddir hefyd yr h<strong>yn</strong> a wnaeth hon, er cof amdani.’<br />

Mae Mathew a Marc (14:3-9) <strong>yn</strong> adrodd yr un stori am<br />

dd<strong>yn</strong>es ddienw sy’n tollti enna<strong>in</strong>t drud dros Iesu. Mae<br />

Ioan (12:1-8) <strong>yn</strong> dweud wrthym bod Mair <strong>yn</strong> tywallt<br />

‘enna<strong>in</strong>t costfawr, nard pur’ dros draed Iesu, ac <strong>yn</strong>a’n<br />

eu sychu â’i gwallt.<br />

Mae’r delweddau <strong>yn</strong> y ddwy stori’n cyfleu anwyldeb<br />

ac agosatrwydd, <strong>yn</strong> enwedig <strong>yn</strong> yr h<strong>yn</strong> a ddywed Ioan.<br />

Dyhead y dd<strong>yn</strong>es yw ene<strong>in</strong>io Iesu, ac nid yw am adael i<br />

bresenoldeb y disgyblion ei rhwystro. Mae’r disgyblion<br />

<strong>yn</strong> gweld yr ene<strong>in</strong>io fel gwastraff arian - arian y gellid<br />

bod wedi’i ddefnyddio at ddibenion gwell. Mae Iesu,<br />

fodd b<strong>yn</strong>nag, <strong>yn</strong> dehongli ei gweithred mewn ffordd<br />

wahanol iawn. Mae hi wedi paratoi ei gorff i’w gladdu.<br />

Os edrychwn ymlaen <strong>yn</strong> stori’r Grawys, gwyddwn<br />

na fu amser i’w ene<strong>in</strong>io adeg ei farwolaeth, ac erb<strong>yn</strong><br />

i’r merched ddod at y bedd i wneud h<strong>yn</strong>ny, roedd yr<br />

atgyfodiad eisoes wedi digwydd.<br />

Mae cariad <strong>yn</strong> parhau, ac felly hefyd, medd Iesu,<br />

y bydd yr hanes am y dd<strong>yn</strong>es a’i hene<strong>in</strong>iodd.<br />

Read through the passage from<br />

the Gospel of Matthew 26:6-13<br />

about love shown <strong>in</strong> ano<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

At that time: While Jesus was at Bethany <strong>in</strong> the<br />

house of Simon the leper, a woman came to him<br />

with an alabaster jar of very costly o<strong>in</strong>tment, and<br />

she poured it on his head as he sat at the table. But<br />

when the disciples saw it, they were angry and<br />

said, ‘Why this waste? For this o<strong>in</strong>tment could have<br />

been sold for a large sum, and the money given to<br />

the poor.’ But Jesus, aware of this, said to them,<br />

‘Why do you trouble the woman? She has<br />

performed a good service for me. For you always<br />

have the poor with you, but you will not always<br />

have me. By pour<strong>in</strong>g this o<strong>in</strong>tment on my body she<br />

has prepared me for burial. Truly I tell you,<br />

wherever this good news is proclaimed <strong>in</strong> the whole<br />

world, what she has done will be told <strong>in</strong><br />

remembrance of her.’<br />

Matthew and Mark (14:3-9) tell the same story of an<br />

anonymous woman who pours expensive o<strong>in</strong>tment<br />

over Jesus. John (12:1-8) tells us that Mary pours<br />

‘costly perfume of pure nard’ over the feet of Jesus,<br />

and then wipes them with her hair.<br />

The imagery <strong>in</strong> both is one of <strong>in</strong>timacy, particularly<br />

<strong>in</strong> John’s Gospel. There is the desire of the woman to<br />

ano<strong>in</strong>t Jesus, and she does not let the presence of the<br />

disciples stop her. The disciples see this ano<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g as<br />

a waste of money which could have been put to better<br />

uses. Jesus though, <strong>in</strong>terprets this action of the woman<br />

very differently. She has prepared his body for burial.<br />

Jump<strong>in</strong>g ahead <strong>in</strong> the Lenten story we know that there<br />

was no time for ano<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g at his death, and when the<br />

women came to the tomb, the resurrection had already<br />

taken place.<br />

Love endures, and so too, Jesus says, will the story<br />

about the woman who ano<strong>in</strong>ted him.<br />

Sut ydych chi’n ymateb i’r darn hwn?<br />

What are your thoughts on this passage?<br />

A yw hwn <strong>yn</strong> ddarn o’r Ysgrythur y gallech ei<br />

ddefnyddio ar gyfer eich gweddïo personol, gan<br />

osod eich hun <strong>yn</strong> lle’r dd<strong>yn</strong>es sy’n ene<strong>in</strong>io Iesu?<br />

Is this a passage you could use for your own<br />

personal prayer, and to place yourself as the<br />

woman who ano<strong>in</strong>ts Jesus?

72<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Edrych tuag at y Goeden<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Tree<br />

O’r trafodaethau <strong>yn</strong> y sesiwn hon:<br />

From the discussions dur<strong>in</strong>g this session:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden<br />

eiriau i ddisgrifio Duw.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree words<br />

to describe <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden eich<br />

meddyliau <strong>yn</strong>ghylch ystyr y ‘nos dywyll’.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree thoughts<br />

on what the ‘dark night’ means.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth<br />

arall y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.<br />

Ar eich Coeden bersonol eich hun:<br />

On your own personal Tree:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden yr h<strong>yn</strong><br />

rydych <strong>yn</strong> dyheu amdano gan Dduw.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree what you<br />

desire from <strong>God</strong>.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden yr h<strong>yn</strong><br />

y gallai Duw ei ddyheu amdano oddi wrthych chi.<br />

<br />

In another colour, write on the tree what<br />

<strong>God</strong> may desire from you.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth arall<br />

y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.

Gweddi i gloi<br />

Clos<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Dyheu? / Desir<strong>in</strong>g? 73<br />

O Dduw cariad a dyhead,<br />

boed i’m gweddïau fy nw<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> fwyfwy agos at dy bresenoldeb.<br />

O Dduw cariad a dyhead,<br />

boed i’m geiriau a’m gweithredoedd adlewyrchu<br />

dy gariad di-ildio.<br />

O Dduw cariad a dyhead,<br />

boed i’m bywyd fod <strong>yn</strong> unol â’th alwad a’th ddyhead di.<br />

O Dduw cariad a dyhead,<br />

bendithia fi â’r ffydd i gydgerddedd â thi drwy’r Grawys.<br />

Amen.<br />

<strong>God</strong> of love and desire,<br />

may my prayer draw me ever closer <strong>in</strong>to your presence.<br />

<strong>God</strong> of love and desire<br />

may my words and actions reflect your all endur<strong>in</strong>g love.<br />

<strong>God</strong> of love and desire,<br />

may my life be all you call and desire it to be.<br />

<strong>God</strong> of love and desire,<br />

bless to me the faith to walk with you dur<strong>in</strong>g Lent.<br />


74<br />

Addo?<br />

Promis<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Chweched Wythnos y Grawys<br />

The Sixth Week of Lent

Gweddi agoriadol<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

Addo? / Promis<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

75<br />

Diarhebion<br />

Y mae’n bren bywyd i’r<br />

neb a gydia <strong>yn</strong>ddi,<br />

a dedwydd yw’r rhai sy’n gl<strong>yn</strong>u wrthi.<br />

Effesiaid<br />

Rwyf <strong>yn</strong> gweddïo ar yr hwn sydd â’r gallu ganddo i<br />

wneud <strong>yn</strong> anhraethol well na dim y gallwn ni ei ddeisyfu<br />

na’i ddychmygu, trwy’r gallu sydd ar waith <strong>yn</strong>om ni.<br />

Proverbs<br />

She is a tree of life to those<br />

who lay hold of her;<br />

those who hold her fast are called happy.<br />

Ephesians<br />

I pray to the One who by the<br />

power at work with<strong>in</strong> us<br />

is able to accomplish abundantly<br />

far more than all we can ask or imag<strong>in</strong>e.

76<br />

Addo? / Promis<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Addo?<br />

Promis<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Efengyl Ioan 12:12-19<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Clywodd y dyrfa fawr a oedd wedi dod<br />

i’r ŵyl fod Iesu’n dod i Jerwsalem. Cymerasant<br />

ganghennau o’r palmwydd ac aethant allan i’w<br />

gyfarfod, gan weiddi: ‘Hosanna! Bendigedig yw’r<br />

un sy’n dod <strong>yn</strong> enw’r Arglwydd, <strong>yn</strong> Fren<strong>in</strong> Israel.’<br />

Cafodd Iesu hyd i as<strong>yn</strong> ifanc ac eistedd arno, fel<br />

y mae’n ysgrifenedig: ‘Paid ag ofni, ferch Seion;<br />

wele dy fren<strong>in</strong> <strong>yn</strong> dod, <strong>yn</strong> eistedd ar ebol asen.’ Ar<br />

y c<strong>yn</strong>taf ni ddeallodd y disgyblion ystyr y pethau<br />

h<strong>yn</strong>, ond wedi i Iesu gael ei ogoneddu, cofiasant<br />

fod y pethau h<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> ysgrifenedig amdano, ac<br />

idd<strong>yn</strong>t eu gwneud iddo. Yr oedd y dyrfa, a oedd<br />

gydag ef pan alwodd Lasarus o’r bedd a’i godi o<br />

blith y meirw, <strong>yn</strong> tystiolaethu am h<strong>yn</strong>ny. D<strong>yn</strong>a pam<br />

yr aeth tyrfa’r ŵyl i’w gyfarfod - yr oeddent wedi<br />

clywed am yr arwydd yma yr oedd wedi ei wneud.<br />

Gan h<strong>yn</strong>ny, dywedodd y Phariseaid wrth ei gilydd,<br />

‘Edrychwch, nid ydych <strong>yn</strong> llwyddo o gwbl. Aeth y<br />

byd i gyd ar ei ôl ef.’<br />

Mae’r tyrfaoedd allan ar hyd y strydoedd. Maent<br />

<strong>yn</strong> tr<strong>in</strong> Iesu fel petai’n bencampwr Olympaidd, <strong>yn</strong><br />

seren roc neu’n dîm pêl-droed buddugoliaethus!<br />

Mae pawb, heblaw carfan fach, <strong>yn</strong> bloeddio’n uchel<br />

‘Hosanna!’ Maent <strong>yn</strong> chwifio canghennau palmwydd<br />

i’w groesawu. Beth oedd <strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d drwy feddwl Iesu?<br />

Mae’n marchogaeth i mewn i Jerwsalem ar as<strong>yn</strong> wedi’i<br />

fenthyg. Mae’n dod fel gwas, nid arglwydd. Beth<br />

oedd <strong>yn</strong> m<strong>yn</strong>d drwy feddyliau’r disgyblion? Roeddent<br />

wedi’i ddil<strong>yn</strong>, a hwy ddaeth â’r as<strong>yn</strong> iddo a chlywed y<br />

bonllefau o groeso. Rhaid bod yr h<strong>yn</strong> a ddigwyddodd<br />

wed<strong>yn</strong> wedi bod <strong>yn</strong> sioc fawr.<br />

Mae’n anodd gwrando ar stori gyfarwydd fel pe na<br />

fyddech erioed wedi’i chlywed o’r blaen a cheisio<br />

profi’r digwyddiadau fel pe byddai am y tro c<strong>yn</strong>taf.<br />

Mae gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong> <strong>yn</strong> golygu cofleidio o’r newydd<br />

yr hen stori, a’r addewid nad darfod yw ei diwedd ond<br />

dechrau newydd. Ond <strong>yn</strong> g<strong>yn</strong>taf, mae angen i ni deithio<br />

gyda Iesu a’i ddisgyblion drwy’r wythnos a alwn <strong>yn</strong> Fawr.<br />

The Gospel of John 12:12-19<br />

At that time: The great crowd that had come to the<br />

festival heard that Jesus was com<strong>in</strong>g to Jerusalem.<br />

So they took branches of palm trees and went out<br />

to meet him, shout<strong>in</strong>g, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is the<br />

one who comes <strong>in</strong> the name of the Lord - the K<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of Israel!’ Jesus found a young donkey and sat on<br />

it; as it is written: ‘Do not be afraid, daughter of<br />

Zion. Look, your k<strong>in</strong>g is com<strong>in</strong>g, sitt<strong>in</strong>g on a<br />

donkey’s colt!’ His disciples did not understand<br />

these th<strong>in</strong>gs at first; but when Jesus was glorified,<br />

then they remembered that these th<strong>in</strong>gs had been<br />

written of him and had been done to him. So the<br />

crowd that had been with him when he called<br />

Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the<br />

dead cont<strong>in</strong>ued to testify. It was also because they<br />

heard that he had performed this sign that the<br />

crowd went to meet him. The Pharisees then said to<br />

one another, ‘You see, you can do noth<strong>in</strong>g. Look,<br />

the world has gone after him!’<br />

The crowds are out and l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the streets. Jesus is<br />

treated like a return<strong>in</strong>g Olympian, pop star, or w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g<br />

football team! Everyone, except a few, shout out <strong>in</strong><br />

loud voices ‘Hosanna!’ They wave the branches from<br />

palm trees <strong>in</strong> welcome. What was go<strong>in</strong>g through the<br />

m<strong>in</strong>d of Jesus? He rides <strong>in</strong>to Jerusalem on a borrowed<br />

donkey. He comes as a servant not as a ruler. What<br />

was go<strong>in</strong>g through the m<strong>in</strong>ds of the disciples? They<br />

followed him, and they had brought the donkey to him<br />

and heard the shouts of welcome. What came next<br />

must have come as a great shock.<br />

It is difficult to enter <strong>in</strong>to a known story from a place<br />

of unknow<strong>in</strong>g, to try and experience it all as it unfolds<br />

as if for the first time. To be rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>, is to seek<br />

afresh the story now promised to us, and the promise<br />

that the end<strong>in</strong>g isn’t the end but a new beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g. But<br />

firstly, we need to make our journey with Jesus and his<br />

disciples through this week we call Holy.

Gweddi i gloi<br />

Clos<strong>in</strong>g prayer<br />

77<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />


78<br />

Gwasanaethu?<br />

Serv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Dydd Iau Cablyd<br />

Maundy Thursday

Gwasanaethu? / Serv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

79<br />

Efengyl Ioan 13:5-11<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Tywalltodd Iesu ddŵr i’r badell, a<br />

dechreuodd olchi traed y disgyblion, a’u sychu â’r<br />

tywel oedd am ei ganol. Daeth at Simon Pedr <strong>yn</strong><br />

ei dro, ac meddai ef wrtho, ‘Arglwydd, a wyt ti am<br />

olchi fy nhraed i?’ Atebodd Iesu ef: ‘Ni wyddost<br />

ti ar h<strong>yn</strong> o bryd beth yr wyf fi am ei wneud, ond<br />

fe ddoi i wybod ar ôl h<strong>yn</strong>.’ Meddai Pedr wrtho,<br />

‘Ni chei di olchi fy nhraed i byth.’ Atebodd Iesu<br />

ef, ‘Os na chaf dy olchi di, nid oes lle iti gyda<br />

mi.’ ‘Arglwydd,’ meddai Simon Pedr wrtho, ‘nid<br />

fy nhraed <strong>yn</strong> unig, ond golch fy nwylo a’m pen<br />

hefyd.’ Dywedodd Iesu wrtho, ‘Y mae’r sawl sydd<br />

wedi ymolchi drosto <strong>yn</strong> lân i gyd, ac nid oes arno<br />

angen golchi dim ond ei draed. Ac yr ydych chwi<br />

<strong>yn</strong> lân, ond nid pawb ohonoch.’ Oherwydd gwyddai<br />

pwy oedd am ei fradychu. D<strong>yn</strong>a pam y dywedodd,<br />

‘Nid yw pawb ohonoch <strong>yn</strong> lân.’<br />

Mae Pedr <strong>yn</strong> edrych ar Iesu, a’r disgybl a garai’n<br />

pwyso ar ei ysgwydd, gyda Jwdas <strong>yn</strong> diflannu <strong>yn</strong> y<br />

cefndir. Dyma Wledd y Pasg, ac eto? Maent <strong>yn</strong> symud<br />

i’r Ardd. Daw’r milwyr a chipio Iesu ymaith. Mae Pedr<br />

<strong>yn</strong> meddwl, aros, cofio - beth sy’n digwydd? Beth sydd<br />

wedi digwydd heno?<br />

The Gospel of John 13:5-11<br />

At that time: Jesus poured water <strong>in</strong>to a bas<strong>in</strong><br />

and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe<br />

them with the towel that was tied around him. He<br />

came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are<br />

you go<strong>in</strong>g to wash my feet?’ Jesus answered, ‘You<br />

do not know now what I am do<strong>in</strong>g, but later you<br />

will understand.’ Peter said to him, ‘You will never<br />

wash my feet.’ Jesus answered, ‘Unless I wash<br />

you, you have no share with me.’ Simon Peter said<br />

to him, ‘Lord, not my feet only but also my hands<br />

and my head!’ Jesus said to him, ‘One who has<br />

bathed does not need to wash, except for the feet,<br />

but is entirely clean. And you are clean, though<br />

not all of you.’ For he knew who was to betray him;<br />

for this reason he said, ‘Not all of you are clean.’<br />

Peter looks at Jesus, with the beloved disciple lean<strong>in</strong>g<br />

on his shoulder, and <strong>in</strong> the background a disappear<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Judas. This is the Passover Meal, and yet? They move<br />

to the Garden. The soldiers come and take Jesus away.<br />

Peter th<strong>in</strong>ks, stop, rew<strong>in</strong>d, what is go<strong>in</strong>g on? What has<br />

happened this even<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

A gawsoch chi olchi eich traed erioed<br />

mewn gwasanaeth Dydd Iau Cablyd<br />

- sut oedd h<strong>yn</strong>ny’n teimlo?<br />

Have you ever had your feet washed<br />

at a Maundy Thursday service<br />

- what did it feel like?<br />

Beth mae derb<strong>yn</strong> bara a gw<strong>in</strong> y<br />

Cymun heno’n ei olygu i chi?<br />

What does it mean to you to receive the bread<br />

and w<strong>in</strong>e of the Eucharist on this night?<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />


80<br />

Gwasanaethu? / Serv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Beth sy’n digwydd?<br />

What is happen<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Y sgwrsio’n furmur t<strong>yn</strong>er<br />

a phrysurdeb paratoi’r pryd,<br />

sawr cig oen a pherlysiau, bara a gw<strong>in</strong>,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> temtio’r chwant i flasu<br />

Gwledd y Pasg.<br />

Cofio ennill rhyddid ‘mhell <strong>yn</strong> ôl, rhyddid<br />

i addoli Duw a bod <strong>yn</strong> bobl iddo. A heddiw<br />

<strong>yn</strong> ceisio dihangfa o gaethiwed eto;<br />

gan gadw lle i Elias, a disgwyl Mab yr Addewid,<br />

y Meseia.<br />

Y Meseia? Gwylio, rhyw feddwl a rhyfeddu,<br />

Iesu’n iacháu, pregethu, dysgu, gwe<strong>in</strong>i gwyrthiau.<br />

Ai hwn yw’r Un? Tybed? Nage, erioed?<br />

Na, nid hwn. Nid d<strong>yn</strong> y llia<strong>in</strong> a’r dŵr a’r golchi traed.<br />

Nage, erioed?<br />

‘Gwnewch fel y gwelsoch f<strong>in</strong>nau’n gwneud,<br />

edrychwch, gwrandewch, gwnewch.<br />

Ni fyddaf <strong>yn</strong> eich cwmni lawer mwy.<br />

Dewch, bwytewch. Cymerwch y bara hwn,<br />

yfwch o’r cwpan hwn, a gwnewch h<strong>yn</strong> er cof amdanaf.’<br />

Medd Iesu.<br />

‘Rydym <strong>yn</strong> un, <strong>yn</strong>ghyd, <strong>yn</strong> gydradd, a galwaf<br />

ar bob un ohonoch, i fod <strong>yn</strong> was, a chlebran<br />

fy hanes. Mae’n prysur nosi ‘nawr, a gwn<br />

beth wnewch. Cofiwch y byddaf gyda chwi<br />

hyd byth.’<br />

Geiriau bradychu, gwadu, angau, sy’n llithro<br />

o’i enau. A chariad, caru’n gilydd.<br />

Beth yw ystyr h<strong>yn</strong>? Beth sy’n digwydd?<br />

Rhaid m<strong>yn</strong>d, mae’n amser m<strong>yn</strong>d. I lle?<br />

Iesu?<br />

Y sgwrsio’n furmur t<strong>yn</strong>er<br />

ar y ffordd i’r Ardd. Galwad i wylio a gweddïo.<br />

Sori. Mi gysgais. Tawelwch, anesmwythyd <strong>yn</strong> y nos,<br />

ansicrwydd, ofn. Adlais cerddediad <strong>yn</strong> y tywyllwch.<br />

Maen nhw yma.<br />

Cusan. Cipio. Ei lusgo i ffwrdd.<br />

Beth wed<strong>yn</strong>, be’ wnawn ni?

Gwasanaethu? / Serv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

81<br />

There’s a gentle hum of conversation<br />

background sounds of meal preparation,<br />

scents of lamb and herbs, bread and w<strong>in</strong>e<br />

tempt<strong>in</strong>g the appetite to partake <strong>in</strong> this<br />

Passover Meal.<br />

Remembrance of long ago liberation, freedom<br />

to worship, and be the people of <strong>God</strong>, and now<br />

still seek<strong>in</strong>g a way out from an occupied land;<br />

with a place set for Elijah, await<strong>in</strong>g the Promised One,<br />

the Messiah.<br />

The Messiah? They have wondered<br />

and watched Jesus heal<strong>in</strong>g, preach<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

teach<strong>in</strong>g, perform<strong>in</strong>g miracles.<br />

Is he the One, or not? Surely not?<br />

He can’t be. He takes a towel and water, washes feet.<br />

Surely not?<br />

‘Do as I have done, do as I do, listen and learn,<br />

for my time among you is draw<strong>in</strong>g to a close.<br />

Come and eat. Take this bread, dr<strong>in</strong>k this w<strong>in</strong>e,<br />

and do this <strong>in</strong> remembrance of me.’<br />

Jesus says.<br />

‘We are as one, together, equal, and I call<br />

to each of you, to serve and share my story.<br />

The night is darken<strong>in</strong>g now, and I know<br />

what you will do. Know that I will always<br />

be with you.’<br />

Words of betrayal, denial, and death float<br />

across the room from his lips, and love too,<br />

to love one another. What does this all mean?<br />

What is happen<strong>in</strong>g? It’s time to go, go where?<br />

Jesus?<br />

There’s a gentle hum of conversation down<br />

to the Garden, the call to watch and pray.<br />

Sorry. I fell asleep. Silence, uneasy<br />

<strong>in</strong> the darkness, uncerta<strong>in</strong>, afraid.<br />

Footsteps echo <strong>in</strong> the dark night.<br />

They come.<br />

A kiss, and they take him, drag him away.<br />

What now, what shall we do?

82<br />

Marw?<br />

Dy<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Dydd Gwener y Groglith<br />

Good Friday

Marw? / Dy<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

83<br />

Efengyl Ioan 19:28-30<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Yr oedd Iesu’n gwybod bod pob peth<br />

bellach wedi ei orffen, ac er mw<strong>yn</strong> i’r Ysgrythur gael<br />

ei chyflawni dywedodd, ‘Y mae arnaf syched.’ Yr<br />

oedd llestr ar lawr <strong>yn</strong>o, <strong>yn</strong> llawn o w<strong>in</strong> sur, a dyma<br />

hwy’n dodi ysbwng, wedi ei lenwi â’r gw<strong>in</strong> yma, ar<br />

ddarn o isop, ac <strong>yn</strong> ei godi at ei wefusau. Yna, wedi<br />

iddo gymryd y gw<strong>in</strong>, dywedodd Iesu, ‘Gorffennwyd.’<br />

Gwyrodd ei ben, a rhoi i f<strong>yn</strong>y ei ysbryd.<br />

The Gospel of John 19:28-30<br />

At that time: When Jesus knew that all was now<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ished, he said (<strong>in</strong> order to fulfil the Scripture),<br />

‘I am thirsty.’ A jar full of sour w<strong>in</strong>e was stand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

there. So they put a sponge full of the w<strong>in</strong>e on a<br />

branch of hyssop and held it to his mouth. When<br />

Jesus had received the w<strong>in</strong>e, he said, ‘It is f<strong>in</strong>ished.’<br />

Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.<br />

Myfyriwch ar hanes Dydd Gwener y Groglith.<br />

Meddyliwch am y gwahanol bobl a oedd <strong>yn</strong> rhan<br />

o’r digwyddiadau, eu rhannau <strong>yn</strong> yr hanes a’r h<strong>yn</strong><br />

y byddent wedi’i deimlo.<br />

Reflect on the story of Good Friday. Th<strong>in</strong>k about<br />

the different people <strong>in</strong>volved, their roles and<br />

what they may have been feel<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Meddyliwch am Iesu ar y groes, a’i wreiddio<br />

(ei ffydd) <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>. Pa mor ddwfn yw eich<br />

gwreiddiau chi <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>?<br />

Th<strong>in</strong>k about Jesus on the cross, and his<br />

rootedness (faith) <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>. How deeply rooted<br />

<strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong> are you?<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />


84<br />

Marw? / Dy<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Y Goeden<br />

The Tree<br />

Coron o ddra<strong>in</strong> ar ei ben,<br />

a gwawd yr offeiriaid, milwyr, pobl,<br />

a’r gri ‘Croeshoelier’ <strong>yn</strong> adlais rhwng y muriau,<br />

wrth hebrwng yr Un di-euog drwy’r strydoedd<br />

i’w godi uwch y br<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> w<strong>yn</strong>eb pawb.<br />

Coeden, wedi’i gweithio, ddeil ei baich gwerthfawr,<br />

fel bu i’w chwaer droi’n grud i’r baban g<strong>yn</strong>t.<br />

Staeniau ar ei boncyffion garw<br />

o’r corff sy’n crogi <strong>yn</strong>o,<br />

y chwys, a’r gwaed dywalltwyd.<br />

Coeden, prydferthwch byw y greadigaeth,<br />

bellach <strong>yn</strong> dyst i lid didostur,<br />

<strong>yn</strong> cofleidio angau. D<strong>in</strong>oethwyd ei dail.<br />

Fel y D<strong>yn</strong> a hoeliwyd, a glymwyd.<br />

Yn marw.<br />

Y dra<strong>in</strong> <strong>yn</strong> trywanu’i ben,<br />

coron ddychan ‘Bren<strong>in</strong> yr Iddewon’, ac <strong>yn</strong>tau<br />

<strong>yn</strong> edrych i lawr, o gwmpas, a dweud,<br />

‘maddau idd<strong>yn</strong>t’,<br />

‘byddi gyda mi ym mharadwys’.<br />

Coeden, wedi’i gweithio, <strong>yn</strong> dal ei baich gwerthfawr,<br />

ddaw’n groesfan cariad, wrth i’r Mab<br />

ymddiried ei fam i’r un a gâr. Edrycha fry,<br />

offryma’i ysbryd i ddwylo Duw, ac eto,<br />

‘pam y’m gadewaist’.<br />

Coeden, prydferthwch byw y greadigaeth,<br />

bellach <strong>yn</strong> gyffyrddle olaf, wrth i fywyd<br />

lithro’n drai o’i Awdur.<br />

‘Mae syched arnaf’. ‘Gorffennwyd.’<br />

Anadla Iesu, Fab Duw, ei anadl olaf.

Marw? / Dy<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

85<br />

A crown of thorns adorns His head,<br />

ridiculed by priest, soldier, people,<br />

the words ‘Crucify’ echo <strong>in</strong> the air, still, as<br />

One who is <strong>in</strong>nocent is led through the streets<br />

and lifted high for all to see.<br />

A tree, re-shaped, holds its precious load,<br />

as once its neighbour cradled a new born babe.<br />

Sta<strong>in</strong>ed now, its rough cut wood impr<strong>in</strong>ted<br />

by the sweat of the body hang<strong>in</strong>g there,<br />

the outpour<strong>in</strong>g of His blood.<br />

A tree, beauty and life <strong>in</strong> creation<br />

becomes now, the witness of cruelty,<br />

the embracer of death. Stripped of its<br />

foliage, as is the Man, nailed, tied,<br />

dy<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

A crown of thorns pierces His head,<br />

the notice says ‘K<strong>in</strong>g of the Jews’, and He<br />

looks down, looks around, and speaks,<br />

‘forgive them’,<br />

‘you will be with me <strong>in</strong> paradise’.<br />

A tree, re-shaped, hold<strong>in</strong>g its precious load,<br />

becomes a meet<strong>in</strong>g place of love, as the Son<br />

entrusted His mother to His beloved. Look<strong>in</strong>g up<br />

commends His spirit <strong>in</strong>to the hands of <strong>God</strong>, yet,<br />

‘why have you forsaken me’.<br />

A tree, beauty and life <strong>in</strong> creation,<br />

becomes now the last touch<strong>in</strong>g place, as life<br />

ebbs <strong>in</strong> the One it holds.<br />

‘I am thirsty’. ‘It is f<strong>in</strong>ished’.<br />

Jesus, Son of <strong>God</strong>, breathes his last breath.

86<br />

Disgwyl?<br />

Wait<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Noswyl y Pasg<br />

Holy Saturday

Disgwyl? / Wait<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

87<br />

Disgwyl?<br />

Wait<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Efengyl Ioan 19:38-42<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Gof<strong>yn</strong>nodd Joseff o Arimathea<br />

ganiatâd gan Pilat i gymryd corff Iesu i lawr. Yr<br />

oedd Joseff <strong>yn</strong> ddisgybl i Iesu, ond <strong>yn</strong> ddisgybl<br />

cudd, gan fod ofn yr Iddewon arno. Rhoddodd<br />

Pilat ganiatâd, ac felly aeth Joseff i gymryd y<br />

corff i lawr. Aeth Nicodemus hefyd, y d<strong>yn</strong> oedd<br />

wedi dod at Iesu y tro c<strong>yn</strong>taf liw nos, a daeth ef<br />

â thua chan mesur o fyrr ac aloes <strong>yn</strong> gymysg.<br />

Cymerasant gorff Iesu, a’i rwymo, <strong>yn</strong>ghyd â’r<br />

peraroglau, mewn llie<strong>in</strong>iau, <strong>yn</strong> unol ag arferion<br />

claddu’r Iddewon. Yn y fan lle croeshoeliwyd ef<br />

yr oedd gardd, ac <strong>yn</strong> yr ardd yr oedd bedd newydd<br />

nad oedd neb erioed wedi ei roi i orwedd <strong>yn</strong>ddo.<br />

Felly, gan ei bod <strong>yn</strong> ddydd Paratoad i’r Iddewon,<br />

a chan fod y bedd hwn <strong>yn</strong> ymyl, rhoesant Iesu i<br />

orwedd <strong>yn</strong>ddo.<br />

The Gospel of John 19:38-42<br />

At that time: Joseph of Arimathea, who was a<br />

disciple of Jesus, though a secret one because<br />

of his fear of the Jews, asked Pilate to let him<br />

take away the body of Jesus. Pilate gave him<br />

permission; so he came and removed his body.<br />

Nicodemus, who had at first come to Jesus by<br />

night, also came, br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g a mixture of myrrh<br />

and aloes, weigh<strong>in</strong>g about a hundred pounds.<br />

They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with<br />

the spices <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>en cloths, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the burial<br />

custom of the Jews. Now there was a garden <strong>in</strong><br />

the place where he was crucified, and <strong>in</strong> the<br />

garden there was a new tomb <strong>in</strong> which no one<br />

had ever been laid. And so, because it was the<br />

Jewish day of Preparation, and the tomb was<br />

nearby, they laid Jesus there.<br />

Beth sy’n digwydd <strong>yn</strong> eich eglwys chi<br />

ar y dydd hwn?<br />

What happens <strong>in</strong> your church on this day?<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />


88<br />

Disgwyl? / Wait<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mae bywyd <strong>yn</strong> parhau<br />

Life goes on<br />

Saif y coed <strong>yn</strong> gadarn lonydd.<br />

Ni chân yr adar <strong>yn</strong> nistawrwydd heddiw.<br />

Pobl, <strong>yn</strong>g ngorffwys y Saboth, <strong>yn</strong> disgwyl.<br />

Dim smic, a’r arswyd wedi lladd pob llais:<br />

Croes, corff, angau, claddu brysiog; ac<br />

Mae bywyd <strong>yn</strong> parhau.<br />

Daw cymylau duon i ddwysáu cysgodion<br />

coed, pobl, croes.<br />

Troedio’n ofalus, <strong>yn</strong> ofnus, <strong>yn</strong> wyliadwrus<br />

ar lwybr drwy’r ardd at fedd parod,<br />

i osod y corff i orffwys, c<strong>yn</strong> ei ene<strong>in</strong>io; yma<br />

Mae bywyd <strong>yn</strong> parhau.<br />

Disgwyl, disgwyl, eiliadau, munudau, oriau.<br />

Diwrnod llethol ansicrwydd ac ofn.<br />

Gwylio, a gwylio rhag y gwylwyr.<br />

Traed <strong>yn</strong> araf ddeffro, a’r meddwl <strong>yn</strong> cyflymu,<br />

symud, deall, gobeithio, addewid ar ffo; o hyd<br />

Mae bywyd <strong>yn</strong> parhau.<br />

Saif y coed <strong>yn</strong> gadarn lonydd.<br />

Y merched <strong>yn</strong> paratoi’r olewau a’r perlysiau.<br />

Ynghudd mae dil<strong>yn</strong>wyr yr Un<br />

a fenthycodd fedd. Ynghudd hefyd<br />

mae’r grym ar waith <strong>yn</strong> ddirgel, rywle <strong>yn</strong> y disgwyl; eto<br />

Mae bywyd <strong>yn</strong> parhau.

Disgwyl? / Wait<strong>in</strong>g? 89<br />

The trees stand tall, and still<br />

no birdsong disturbs the quietness of this day.<br />

People, on the Sabbath rest, wait<br />

no sound, as voiceless stays the shock:<br />

a cross, a body, a death, a quick burial; and<br />

Life goes on.<br />

Darken<strong>in</strong>g clouds shroud the outl<strong>in</strong>e<br />

of trees, of people, of cross.<br />

Feet tread with care, trepidation, watchfulness<br />

across a garden path to an unused tomb,<br />

to lay the body, ready for ano<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g; here<br />

Life goes on.<br />

Wait<strong>in</strong>g, wait<strong>in</strong>g as m<strong>in</strong>utes, hours, pass.<br />

A stretched out day of uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty, fear.<br />

A watch<strong>in</strong>g, look<strong>in</strong>g to see if watched,<br />

slowly, feet move, with speed the m<strong>in</strong>d<br />

moves, understand<strong>in</strong>g, hope, promise flees; as<br />

Life goes on.<br />

The trees stand tall, and still.<br />

The women prepare spices and oils.<br />

Hidden, the followers of the One laid<br />

<strong>in</strong> the borrowed tomb. Hidden too, the<br />

power at work with<strong>in</strong>, where <strong>in</strong> the wait<strong>in</strong>g; still<br />

Life goes on.


91<br />

Byw?<br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Sul y Pasg<br />

Easter Day<br />

Effesiaid<br />

I Dduw bo’r gogoniant <strong>yn</strong> yr eglwys<br />

ac <strong>yn</strong>g Nghrist Iesu, o genhedlaeth<br />

i genhedlaeth, byth bythoedd!<br />

Amen.<br />

Ephesians<br />

To <strong>God</strong> be glory <strong>in</strong> the church<br />

and <strong>in</strong> Christ Jesus to all generations,<br />

for ever and ever.<br />


92<br />

Byw? / Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Byw?<br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Efengyl Ioan 20:1-10<br />

Bryd h<strong>yn</strong>ny: Ar y dydd c<strong>yn</strong>taf o’r wythnos, <strong>yn</strong> fore,<br />

tra oedd hi eto’n dywyll, dyma Mair Magdalen <strong>yn</strong><br />

dod at y bedd, ac <strong>yn</strong> gweld bod y maen wedi ei<br />

d<strong>yn</strong>nu oddi wrth y bedd. Rhedodd, felly, nes dod at<br />

Simon Pedr a’r disgybl arall, yr un yr oedd Iesu’n<br />

ei garu. Ac meddai wrth<strong>yn</strong>t, ‘Y maent wedi cymryd<br />

yr Arglwydd allan o’r bedd, ac ni wyddom lle y<br />

maent wedi ei roi i orwedd.’ Yna cychw<strong>yn</strong>nodd Pedr<br />

a’r disgybl arall allan, a m<strong>yn</strong>d at y bedd. Yr oedd<br />

y ddau’n cydredeg, ond rhedodd y disgybl arall<br />

ymlaen <strong>yn</strong> g<strong>yn</strong>t na Pedr, a chyrraedd y bedd <strong>yn</strong><br />

g<strong>yn</strong>taf. Plygodd i edrych, a gwelodd y llie<strong>in</strong>iau <strong>yn</strong><br />

gorwedd <strong>yn</strong>o, ond nid aeth i mewn. Yna daeth Simon<br />

Pedr ar ei ôl, a m<strong>yn</strong>d i mewn i’r bedd. Gwelodd y<br />

llie<strong>in</strong>iau <strong>yn</strong> gorwedd <strong>yn</strong>o, a hefyd y cadach oedd<br />

wedi bod am ei ben ef; nid oedd hwn <strong>yn</strong> gorwedd<br />

gyda’r llie<strong>in</strong>iau, ond ar wahân, wedi ei blygu <strong>yn</strong>ghyd.<br />

Yna aeth y disgybl arall, y c<strong>yn</strong>taf i ddod at y bedd,<br />

<strong>yn</strong>tau i mewn. Gwelodd, ac fe gredodd. Oherwydd<br />

nid oeddent eto wedi deall yr h<strong>yn</strong> a ddywed yr<br />

Ysgrythur, fod <strong>yn</strong> rhaid iddo atgyfodi oddi wrth y<br />

meirw. Yna aeth y disgyblion <strong>yn</strong> ôl adref.<br />

Daeth dydd yr addewid. Ymgodymu, rhoi, datguddio,<br />

perth<strong>yn</strong>, dyheu, addo, gwasanaethu, marw a byw -<br />

cawsant eu plethu oll <strong>yn</strong>ghyd ym mherson Iesu. Daw<br />

pob un ohonom <strong>yn</strong> rhan o un cyfanrwydd wrth i ni<br />

ymroi i wreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>; mewn gweddi, <strong>yn</strong> e<strong>in</strong> bywyd<br />

fel disgyblion ac fel d<strong>in</strong>asyddion y byd o’n cwmpas.<br />

The Gospel of John 20:1-10<br />

At that time: Early on the first day of the week,<br />

while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to<br />

the tomb and saw that the stone had been<br />

removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to<br />

Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom<br />

Jesus loved, and said to them, ‘They have taken<br />

the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know<br />

where they have laid him.’ Then Peter and the<br />

other disciple set out and went towards the tomb.<br />

The two were runn<strong>in</strong>g together, but the other<br />

disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.<br />

He bent down to look <strong>in</strong> and saw the l<strong>in</strong>en<br />

wrapp<strong>in</strong>gs ly<strong>in</strong>g there, but he did not go <strong>in</strong>. Then<br />

Simon Peter came, follow<strong>in</strong>g him, and went <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the tomb. He saw the l<strong>in</strong>en wrapp<strong>in</strong>gs ly<strong>in</strong>g there,<br />

and the cloth that had been on Jesus’ head, not<br />

ly<strong>in</strong>g with the l<strong>in</strong>en wrapp<strong>in</strong>gs but rolled up <strong>in</strong> a<br />

place by itself. Then the other disciple, who<br />

reached the tomb first, also went <strong>in</strong>, and he saw<br />

and believed; for as yet they did not understand<br />

the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead.<br />

Then the disciples returned to their homes.<br />

The day of promise has arrived. Wrestl<strong>in</strong>g, giv<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

reveal<strong>in</strong>g, belong<strong>in</strong>g, desir<strong>in</strong>g, promis<strong>in</strong>g, serv<strong>in</strong>g, dy<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

wait<strong>in</strong>g and liv<strong>in</strong>g have been drawn together <strong>in</strong> the person<br />

of Jesus. Each one becomes a part of the greater whole<br />

as we seek to be rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>; <strong>in</strong> prayer, <strong>in</strong> discipleship<br />

and as participants <strong>in</strong> the life of the wider world.<br />

Ystyriwch eich taith mewn ffydd. Sut mae pob un o’r<br />

elfennau h<strong>yn</strong> <strong>yn</strong> y Cwrs Grawys wedi cyfrannu tuag<br />

at ddyfnhau eich gwreiddiau <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong>?<br />

Reflect upon your own journey of faith, how have<br />

each of these elements of the Lent Course played<br />

a part <strong>in</strong> root<strong>in</strong>g you deeper <strong>in</strong>to <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Mae gwreiddio <strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong> <strong>yn</strong> broses barhaus, proses pan<br />

fyddwn <strong>yn</strong> clywed yr un hanesion sy’n ganolog i’n<br />

ffydd bob blwydd<strong>yn</strong> ar e<strong>in</strong> taith. Ond y gobaith yw y<br />

byddwn <strong>yn</strong> ystyried y straeon h<strong>yn</strong>ny gan geisio rhyw<br />

olwg newydd, rhyw ymdeimlad newydd o bresenoldeb<br />

Duw bob tro y byddwn <strong>yn</strong> gwrando arn<strong>yn</strong>t.<br />

To be rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong> is an ongo<strong>in</strong>g journey. A journey<br />

where we meet with the same stories of our faith each<br />

year, but hopefully come to these stories look<strong>in</strong>g for<br />

new <strong>in</strong>sight, and a renewed sense of the presence of<br />

<strong>God</strong> each time we spend time on these stories.<br />

Ar ôl dil<strong>yn</strong> y Cwrs Grawys hwn, beth mae gwreiddio<br />

<strong>yn</strong> <strong>Nuw</strong> <strong>yn</strong> ei olygu i chi bellach?<br />

After this lent Course, what does it mean<br />

to you now, to be rooted <strong>in</strong> <strong>God</strong>?<br />

Anfonodd Iesu Mair i gyhoeddi newyddion<br />

da ei atgyfodiad. I wneud beth allai Iesu eich<br />

anfon chi allan?<br />

Jesus sent Mary to proclaim the news<br />

of his resurrection. What might you be<br />

sent out to do?

Edrych tuag at y Goeden<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g to the Tree<br />

Byw? / Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

93<br />

Ar eich Coeden bersonol eich hun:<br />

On your own personal Tree:<br />

Mewn un lliw, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden dri pheth<br />

sydd wedi eich c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo, eich herio neu eich<br />

ysbrydoli allan o ddarlleniadau’r Wythnos Fawr.<br />

In one colour, write on the tree three th<strong>in</strong>gs which<br />

have helped, challenged or <strong>in</strong>spired you from the<br />

read<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> Holy Week.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch ar y goeden dri<br />

pheth sydd wedi eich c<strong>yn</strong>orthwyo, eich herio neu<br />

eich ysbrydoli o’r Cwrs Grawys ar ei hyd.<br />

In another colour, write on the tree three th<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

which have helped, challenged or <strong>in</strong>spired you<br />

from the whole of the Lent Course.<br />

Mewn lliw arall, ysgrifennwch unrhyw beth arall<br />

y credwch ei fod <strong>yn</strong> bwysig.<br />

In another colour, anyth<strong>in</strong>g else of importance.<br />

Gweddi’r Arglwydd, a’i dil<strong>yn</strong> gan:<br />

Boed i Ras Duw fy nghysgodi,<br />

boed i Oleuni Duw fy arwa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

boed i Dangnefedd Duw fy amgylch<strong>yn</strong>u,<br />

boed i Gariad Duw fod i mi’n obaith,<br />

er mw<strong>yn</strong> dyfnhau fy ffydd a’m gweddïo drwy’r<br />

Grawys hwn.<br />

Amen.<br />

The Lord’s Prayer, followed by:<br />

May the Grace of <strong>God</strong> be upon me,<br />

the Light of <strong>God</strong> be my guide,<br />

the Peace of <strong>God</strong> be around me,<br />

the Love of <strong>God</strong> be my hope,<br />

to deepen my faith and<br />

prayer this Lent.<br />


94<br />

Byw? / Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Mair <strong>yn</strong> yr Ardd<br />

Mary <strong>in</strong> the Garden<br />

Wyt ti wedi atgyfodi? Wyt ti’n fyw?<br />

Ydy popeth wnest ti addo wedi digwydd?<br />

Alla i dy gyffwrdd, gafael <strong>yn</strong>ot ti?<br />

Sut wnes i ddim d’adnabod?<br />

Des i’th ene<strong>in</strong>io di.<br />

Wyddwn i ddim a fyddwn i’n gallu symud y maen.<br />

Roedd rhaid i mi ddod.<br />

Roedd rhaid i mi.<br />

Wyt ti’n fyw? Wyt ti wedi atgyfodi?<br />

Dyma ti’n sefyll <strong>yn</strong> yr ardd.<br />

Ti’n dweud fy enw.<br />

Dwi’n gwybod mai ti wyt ti.<br />

Mae ‘nghalon i’n gorfoleddu.<br />

Dwi’n credu.<br />

Be’ wna i nawr?<br />

Be’ wna i?<br />

Wyt ti wedi atgyfodi? Wyt ti’n fyw?<br />

Mi wnaf be’ ti’n of<strong>yn</strong>.<br />

Mi ddweda i wrth bawb dy fod <strong>yn</strong> fyw.<br />

Fyddan nhw’n fy nghredu i?<br />

Pam wnest ti fy newis i?<br />

Pam ddim un o’r lleill?<br />

Mi a i.<br />

Mi af.

Byw? / Liv<strong>in</strong>g?<br />

Byw? / Liv<strong>in</strong>g? 95<br />

Have you risen? Are you alive?<br />

Has all you promised taken place?<br />

Can I touch you, hold you?<br />

How did I not recognise you?<br />

I came to ano<strong>in</strong>t you.<br />

I didn’t know if I could move the stone.<br />

I had to come.<br />

I had to come.<br />

Are you alive? Have you risen?<br />

Here <strong>in</strong> the garden you stand.<br />

You speak my name.<br />

I know it is you.<br />

My heart rejoices.<br />

I believe.<br />

What shall I do now?<br />

What shall I do now?<br />

Have you risen? Are you alive?<br />

I will do as you ask.<br />

I will tell all that you are liv<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Will they believe me?<br />

Why did you choose me?<br />

Why not one of the others?<br />

I will go.<br />

I will go.

Tŷ De<strong>in</strong>iol, Clos y Gadeirlan,<br />

Bangor LL57 1RL<br />

01248 354999<br />

bangor@eglwys<strong>yn</strong>gnghymru.org.uk<br />

bangor.eglwys<strong>yn</strong>gnghymru.org.uk<br />

Tŷ De<strong>in</strong>iol, Cathedral Close,<br />

Bangor LL57 1RL<br />

01248 354999<br />

bangor@church<strong>in</strong>wales.org.uk<br />


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