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Informatics Institute<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />



Informatics Institute<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />



Contents<br />

Informatics Institute 4<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

04 Contents<br />

05 Chapter 1 Introduction<br />

07 Chapter 2 F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

42 Chapter 3 Applied Research and Education<br />

45 Chapter 4 Facts and Figures<br />

47 Appendix 1 Publications<br />

74 Appendix 2 Cooperations and Supporting Institutions<br />

77 Appendix 3 Other Contributions<br />

86 Appendix 4 Contact Information

Chapter 1<br />

Introduction<br />

Introduction<br />

5<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

1 Introduction<br />

The research in the Informatics Institute focuses on interactive complex<br />

information systems, processing large <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>ts of data in a distributed setting.<br />

This research goal is reflected in the three laboratories of the institute: the<br />

Computing, System Architecture, and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Laboratory (CSP), with a<br />

focus on Complex systems, Chair prof. Peter Sloot, the Intelligent Systems<br />

Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong> (ISLA), with a focus on complex data- and information<br />

structures, Chair prof. Arnold Smeul<strong>der</strong>s, and the Human Computer Studies<br />

(HCS) laboratory, with a focus on interaction in complex systems, Chair prof.<br />

Bob Wielinga.<br />

In 2004 the Human Computer Studies laboratory (HCS) was fo<strong>un</strong>ded as a<br />

merger of the Social Scientific Informatics group joining us, from the Faculty of<br />

Social and Behavioral Sciences, with the information management and the<br />

machine learning groups of our institute.<br />

The year 2004 was a very good year for the Institute. The result of year-long<br />

investments materialized. The results of the national quality assessment of<br />

computer science made clear that the institute is in good shape. The overall<br />

scores of our institute were very good indeed. The ISIS group of prof. Arnold<br />

Smeul<strong>der</strong>s in ISLA was awarded the highest rank of all groups in the<br />

Netherlands. Other groups of the institute were <strong>am</strong>ong the best as well.<br />

The year 2004 was also the year in which two bsik-projects initiated from the<br />

UvA have been awarded. They are VL-e and MultimediaN, of which you will<br />

read more in the report. In addition, the institute participates in a third bsikproject,<br />

ICIS. And, in 2004, two new chairs were appointed in our institute;<br />

Prof Chris Jesshope, the future successor of prof. Bob Hertzberger, on the chair<br />

of system architecture engineering in the CSP-laboratory, and prof. Maarten de<br />

Rijke on the new chair, in ISLA, of Information Processing and Internet.The<br />

first ever VENI-award was awarded to dr. J-M. Geusebroek, ISLA, on the<br />

theme of cognitive vision.<br />

The members of the Institute deliver the majority of courses in the curriculums<br />

of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems. The new<br />

Bachelor-Masters structure has required a major effort, by the members of the<br />

institute, in restructuring many of the individual classes, a task they dealt with<br />


The institute currently holds 8 full professorships, 7 part-time professorships<br />

and 9 associate professorships. In the institute there were 20 assistant<br />

professors, 37 postdocs, 48 PhD-students, 22 software developers and 1 lecturer.<br />

Many PhD-students and postdocs were f<strong>un</strong>ded by the national science<br />

fo<strong>un</strong>dation, the royal academy, public-pri<strong>va</strong>te f<strong>un</strong>ding, and industry. Overall,<br />

external f<strong>un</strong>ding covers some 50% of our total research.<br />

In 2004, we enjoyed 7 PhD-graduations on diverse topics ranging from An<br />

agent based architecture for constructing Interactive Simulation Systems and<br />

Style characterization of machine printed texts.<br />

The staff members of the institute have generated 61 journal publications and<br />

201 publications in refereed conference proceedings, a total of 262 publications.<br />

The institute has made an effort to popularize computer science by displaying<br />

the f<strong>un</strong> and results of the institute in television and radio progr<strong>am</strong>s such as<br />

covering the topic of road traffic simulation in Vara progr<strong>am</strong> "Nieuwslicht" by<br />

prof. Peter Sloot.<br />

The Institute participates in three national research schools: ASCI, the research<br />

school on Architecture and Image Systems (CSP and ISLA), IPA the research<br />

school for Progr<strong>am</strong>ming and Algorithms (CSP) and SIKS the research school<br />

on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Based Systems (HCS and ISLA).<br />

All in all 2004 was a good year for the institute with many promising<br />

developments for the future.<br />

Prof.dr.ir. Frans C.A. Groen, Director<br />

Introduction<br />

6<br />

Annual Report 2004

Chapter 2<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

7<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The Laboratory for Computing, System Architecture and<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

The Computing, System architecture, and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Laboratory<br />

(CSP-Lab), integrates three core computer science research questions: How to<br />

build complex computer systems, how to progr<strong>am</strong> them and how to process<br />

information on them. The laboratory consists of the groups on Parallel Systems<br />

Architecture, Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Environments and Computational<br />

Informatics.<br />

The Parallel Systems Architecture progr<strong>am</strong> involves the design and e<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

of parallel hardware and software architectures as integrated systems with<br />

emphasis on experiments. The project includes applications of distributed<br />

architectures.<br />

The Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments progr<strong>am</strong> focuses<br />

on the one hand on generating progr<strong>am</strong>ming environments given a formal<br />

language definition, in particular the construction of generic user-interfaces and<br />

the development of generic methods for the textual and graphical representation<br />

of structured objects. On the other hand the progr<strong>am</strong> focuses on development<br />

of a process theory and tools that can be used to specify and verify concurrent<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>icating or progr<strong>am</strong>med systems.<br />

The progr<strong>am</strong> Computational Informatics focuses on how global macroscopic<br />

processes emerge from local microscopic rules and interactions and is inspired<br />

by the paradigm of complex systems. Through modelling and simulation they<br />

seek to discover the way information is being processed in such systems. High<br />

dimensional cellular automata are studied as a representation of the<br />

computation. The applicability of this approach is <strong>va</strong>lidated through the<br />

development of high performance problem solving environments for<br />

asynchronous natural processes.

1 Computational Informatics<br />

General information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr P.M.A. Sloot<br />

Telephone : +31 - 20 - 525 7462<br />

URL : http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/scs/<br />

Fax : +31 - 20 - 525 7419<br />

E-mail : sloot@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the Organisation<br />

"Computational Informatics" is one of the three research groups of the<br />

Computing, System Architecture and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Laboratory of the<br />

Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science.<br />

The Computational Informatics group closely collaborates with other groups<br />

within the University, especially in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences, and<br />

is an important player in the Amsterd<strong>am</strong> Centre for Computational Science<br />

(ACCS). (See http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/accs/) The Section<br />

Computational Science Participates in the Dutch graduate research school<br />

`ASCI'.<br />

Characterization<br />

Nature has a very efficient way to process information. Most natural processes<br />

are inherently parallel. We seek to discover, describe and use the way<br />

information is being processed in natural systems. We adopt the notion of<br />

complex systems to study how (global) macroscopic processes emerge from<br />

(local) microscopic rules and interactions. High dimensional cellular automata<br />

are used as a representation of these computational processes. The applicability<br />

of this approach is <strong>va</strong>lidated through realistic, high performance simulations of<br />

natural processes.<br />

Key Words<br />

Problem Solving Environments and Metacomputing; Distributed and Grid<br />

Computing; Interactive Algorithms; Modelling and Simulation of Complex<br />

Systems; Parallel Discrete Event Simulation, Self-organized criticality.<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

8<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

NOAG-I -Themes Modelling, Simulation and Visualization; Parallel and<br />

Distributed Computing.<br />

Main themes<br />

Our research on how global macroscopic processes emerge from local<br />

microscopic rules and interactions is inspired by the paradigm of complex<br />

systems. Through modeling and simulation we seek to discover the way<br />

information is being processed in such systems. High dimensional cellular<br />

automata are used as a representation of the computation. The applicability of<br />

this approach is <strong>va</strong>lidated through the development of high performance<br />

problem solving environments for asynchronous natural processes.<br />

Modelling and Simulation<br />

Nature is inherently asynchronous: Hubermann, PNAS, 1997<br />

Modelling and simulation requires mapping of (natural) phenomena onto a<br />

model, mapping the model onto a parallel solver, and finally mapping the<br />

parallel solver to the computing resource. We do not follow the conventional<br />

partial differential equations approach in modelling, rather we try to model by<br />

directly mapping natural phenomena on (intrinsically parallel) solvers. For this<br />

we adopt the concept of Cellular Automata (CA). CA are spatio-temporal<br />

discrete, decentralized, finite state systems consisting of a large number of<br />

simple identical components with local connectivity. The research focuses on<br />

the information processing in asynchronous CA's and their execution<br />

behaviour on distributed systems.<br />

Problem Solving Environments and Visualization<br />

Progress in natural science comes from taking things apart, progress in<br />

computer science comes from bringing things together: W.D. Hillis, MIT, 1982.<br />

We strongly believe in experimental <strong>va</strong>lidation of theoretical work. We<br />

investigate the mapping of Cellular Automata (CA) to parallel, distributed and<br />

hybrid architectures. Both architectural design and parallelisation of CAmodels<br />

for these designs guide our research. The usability, efficiency, stability,<br />

and the correctness of our models are tested through their use in interactive<br />

Problem Solving environments. We adopt the common software-component<br />

architecture approach to obtain inter operable, modular PSE's that integrate

modelling, simulation, interaction and visualization on Grid-like distributed<br />

compute systems.<br />

2004 Results<br />

Introduction<br />

Within each of the two main themes in our research, a number of projects are<br />

being pursued. Sometimes these projects intersect both themes. We will start<br />

this section with the one thesis defended in 2004, by Z. Zhao, and then move on<br />

to a thematic report on the projects that were active in 2004. 2004 also saw the<br />

publication of the assessment of the Computer Science research institutes in the<br />

Netherlands, performed by a te<strong>am</strong> of scientists of international renown on<br />

behalf of the Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities (QANU). In this<br />

report our research received the qualification "very good" on all scores.<br />

Theses<br />

After the four theses defended in 2003, 2004 saw only a single thesis defence, by<br />

Z. Zhao. In his thesis "An agent based architecture for constructing Interactive<br />

Simulation Systems" he describes an architecture for ISS that separates the control<br />

of the integrated from low-level comm<strong>un</strong>ication infrastructure. In this manner<br />

existing components can be flexibly reused, without repeated reprogr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

or restructuring of the basic software. The system can be seen as a system<br />

supporting a flexibly reconfigurable workflow between the constituent components.<br />

Modelling and Simulation<br />

AMCG<br />

People involved J.A. Kaandorp, J. Cui.<br />

The bioinformatics group of Amsterd<strong>am</strong> Genomics Center (AmGC) is a<br />

collaboration between researchers from SILS-UVA, IvI-UvA and Academic<br />

Medical Center Amsterd<strong>am</strong> working on bioinformatics. The bioinformatics<br />

group is coordinated by Antoine H.C. <strong>va</strong>n K<strong>am</strong>pen (Academic Medical Center<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>) and Jaap Kaandorp (Section Computational Science, UvA). One of<br />

the major current research themes within the AmGC is the analysis and modelling<br />

of biological networks. The bioinformatics of biological networks involves<br />

a broad range of research and approaches. This research includes topics like<br />

identification of common regulatory elements for genes in a pathway, the<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

9<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

modelling and simulation of pathways, the reconstruction of pathways from<br />

experimental data, the visualization of pathways, and the representation of<br />

pathways in graphs and databases. To accelerate our <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing of the<br />

(dyn<strong>am</strong>ics of) biological networks, it is imperative that these efforts are<br />

combined. Subsequently they have to be applied to real biological problems.<br />

Recently three projects related to modelling and simulation of biological<br />

networks have been started up within the Section Computational Science<br />

(Mesoscale simulation paradigms for biological systems, Simulation of<br />

developmental regulatory networks, Mathematics and Computation for the<br />

System Biology of Cells). In March 2004 the bioinformatics group organised<br />

an international symposium on networks in bioinformatics.<br />

Mesoscale simulation paradigms for biological systems<br />

People involved J.A. Kaandorp, J. Cui.<br />

Project f<strong>un</strong>ded by the Applied Mathematics progr<strong>am</strong>me of the Dutch Science<br />

fo<strong>un</strong>dation, duration 2003 - 2007, total <strong>va</strong>lue Eur 329000<br />

In this proposed project we want to develop and compare computational<br />

models of parts of the living cell that can calculate in detail system properties<br />

from experimentally obtained molecular and physical-chemical data. Such a<br />

model is as close as possible to the biological experiments and therefore can be<br />

used not only for <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing the principles of f<strong>un</strong>ction but also to steer<br />

further biologicalexperiments.<br />

Simulation of developmental regulatory networks<br />

People involved J.A. Kaandorp, Y. Fomekong Nanfack, B. Leskes<br />

F<strong>un</strong>ded by Computational Life Sciences progr<strong>am</strong>me of the Dutch Science fo<strong>un</strong>dation,<br />

duration 2003 - 2007, total <strong>va</strong>lue Eur 328000<br />

In this project we will develop a model for simulating regulatory networks that<br />

are capable of quantitatively reproducing spatial and temporal expression patterns<br />

in developmental processes. The model is a generalization of the standard<br />

connectionist model used for modelling genetic interactions. The model will be<br />

coupled with a biomechanical model of cell aggregates and used to study the<br />

formation of spatial and temporal expression patterns of gene products during<br />

development in cellular systems (sponges and scleractinian corals).<br />

Mathematics and Computation for the System Biology of Cells (Cell.Math.)<br />

People involved J.A. Kaandorp, J. Vidal Rodriguez<br />

Project f<strong>un</strong>ded by Computational Life Sciences progr<strong>am</strong>me of the Dutch<br />

Science fo<strong>un</strong>dation, duration 2003 - 2007, total <strong>va</strong>lue Eur 487000<br />

The aim of the project is to develop, implement, and <strong>va</strong>lidate mathematical and

computational techniques for the systems biology of the cell. Biologists and<br />

mathematicians together will formulate realistic mathematical models of<br />

metabolic and regulatory networks including intrinsic spatial non-homogeneity.<br />

Depending on the cellular phenomenon consi<strong>der</strong>ed, models and methods of<br />

appropriate temporal and spatial scales will be developed and can then be<br />

applied: models in the form of ordinary differential equations and methods for<br />

system reduction; multi-adaptive computational methods for partial differential<br />

equations (PDEs) for mo<strong>der</strong>ate spatial and temporal <strong>va</strong>riability within a cell or<br />

an organelle; particle models describing the interaction of individual molecules<br />

and computational methods for the e<strong>va</strong>luation of the dyn<strong>am</strong>ic behavior; and<br />

methods for integration of these different approaches into a single simulation.<br />

Modelling and Ananlysis of Growth and Form of Sponges and Scleratinian Corals<br />

People: J.A. Kaandorp, R.M.H Merks<br />

In the bio-informatics field our research in the area of marine biology also<br />

continues. Un<strong>der</strong>standing external deciding factors in growth and morphology<br />

of reef corals is essential to elucidate the role of corals in marine ecosystems, and<br />

to explain their susceptibility to pollution and global climate change. A model<br />

has been developed for simulating the growth and form of a branching coral and<br />

simulated morphologies have been compared to three-dimensional images of the<br />

coral species Madracis mirabilis. With this model it is possible to generate<br />

morphologies that are virtually indistinguishable from the three-dimensional images<br />

of the actual colonies. Such models can be used to test hypotheses on mass transfer<br />

t h rough bo<strong>un</strong>dary layers and the impact of the physical environment on coral gro w t h .<br />

BMI<br />

People: P.M.A. Sloot<br />

In the BMI project, we work on the modelling of HIV infections and drug<br />

therapy of HIV-infected patients in collaboration with C. Boucher of the<br />

University of Utrecht and A.V. Boukhanovsky and A.B. Degtyarev of the IHP-<br />

CIS in St. Petersburg. In 2003 significant results describing the Stochastic<br />

Modeling of Temporal Variability of HIV-1 Population were published.<br />

Nato SfP<br />

People: A.G. Hoekstra, M Yurkin, K. Gilev, K. Semianov<br />

In the context of the Science for Peace progr<strong>am</strong> of Nato we collaborate with<br />

institutes in Minsk (Belarus) and Novosibirsk (Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation) on new<br />

sensitive methods for cytological analysis of he<strong>am</strong>atological s<strong>am</strong>ples. We<br />

concentrate on the computational science aspects and HPC simulations in the<br />

field of computational electromagnetics of the project.<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

10<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

LBM<br />

A.G. Hoekstra, L. Abrah<strong>am</strong>yan<br />

The work on mesoscopic modeling and simulation concentrated on adapting<br />

the LBM method, and specifically the L-BGK method, for <strong>un</strong>steady flow, and<br />

to apply this to modeling flow of blood during a full heart beat in the lower<br />

abdominal aorta. We also initiated research to adapting the models to take<br />

ad<strong>va</strong>ntage of state of the art (parallel) numerical algorithms (such as multi grids).<br />

Moreover we studied fluid-structure interaction in LBM, and have<br />

demonstrated that for 2D time-harmonic flow coupled to a simple elastic wall a<br />

theoretical expression for a dispersion relation is recovered, thus demonstrating<br />

the correctness of our model.<br />

PECVD<br />

Involved: V.K. Krzhizhanorskaya, P.M.A. Sloot<br />

In this project a grid-based PSE to study the plasma enhanced chemical <strong>va</strong>pour<br />

deposition of thin films is being developed. Internally f<strong>un</strong>ded project in close<br />

collaboration with the IHPCIS in St. Petersburg. The research was conducted<br />

with financial support from the Dutch National Science Fo<strong>un</strong>dation NWO and<br />

the Russian Fo<strong>un</strong>dation for Basic Research <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> grants number 047.016.007<br />

and 047.016.018, and with partial support from the CrossGrid EU project IST-<br />

2001-32243.<br />

Cluster of Grapes<br />

People involved: S. Portegies Zwart, A. Gualandris, M.S. Sipior, E. Gaburov, B.<br />

Bastijns, P.M.A. Sloot, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada + collaboration with the Pannekoek<br />

Astronomical Institute<br />

One of the other research areas in which the SCS group is active, is<br />

computational astronomy. "A Cluster of Grapes", a joint NWO proposal with<br />

the astronomical institute "Anton Pannekoek" to NWO was honoured in 2001.<br />

The research covers a wide range of subjects on the bo<strong>un</strong>dary of Astronomy<br />

and Computational Science. As an ex<strong>am</strong>ple, Gualandris, Tirado-R<strong>am</strong>os and<br />

Portegies Zwart studied the performance of a parallel astrophysical N-body<br />

solver on pan-European computational grids. It was demonstrated that esp<br />

ecially for large problems grids constitute a suitable computational<br />

environment. Sipior is working to merge the "Kira integrator" with the<br />

GADGET tree code developed at MPI Garching. The end result will allow us<br />

to make use of the <strong>un</strong>ique ad<strong>va</strong>ntages of each numerical approach – the high<br />

precision of Kira for studying the dyn<strong>am</strong>ics of a large stellar cluster, and the<br />

computational speed of a tree code, used to simulate the galaxy in which the<br />

cluster is embedded. The first stage of this effort is now completed and <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>going<br />


Problem Solving Environments and Visualization<br />

CrossGrid<br />

People: A.G. Hoekstra, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong>, A. Tirado R<strong>am</strong>os, R. Shulakov, D.<br />

Sh<strong>am</strong>onin, P.M.A. Sloot, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, M. Scarpa<br />

In the CrossGrid project, we participate in a large European collaboration of 21<br />

partners in the development of interactive applications in a Grid environment.<br />

These environments are characterized by the participation of multiple, geographically<br />

distributed organizations, sharing computational resources and data.<br />

This gives an improved access to these resources and data, at a cost in network<br />

and scheduling delays. In CrossGrid, we provide an application aiming to support<br />

<strong>va</strong>scular surgeons in pre-operative planning. 2004 was a consolidation of a<br />

consortium-wide integration of grid support tools and applications. The result<br />

is a fully integrated virtual <strong>va</strong>scular surgery on the grid, which will be demonstrated<br />

live during the European Grid Conference 2005 in Amsterd<strong>am</strong>.<br />

Fig.1 CrossGrid<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

11<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Token2000<br />

People: A.G. Hoekstra, P.M.A. Sloot, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong>, M. Scarpa, L. Abrah<strong>am</strong>yan<br />

Token2000 is a nationally f<strong>un</strong>ded project (NWO), where we collaborate closely<br />

with the Universities of Leiden and Twente on the development of an<br />

interactive medical application, somewhat similar to the work in CrossGrid.<br />

This application is intended for training of surgeons. In collaboration with<br />

Leiden University Medical Centre we have created Hemosolve, a problem<br />

solving environment for image based computational He<strong>am</strong>odyn<strong>am</strong>ics.<br />

Hemosolve includes our L-BGK solver, but also a FEM Navier-Stokes solver.<br />

Moreover, it contains a 3D editing tool and powerfull visualization modules.<br />

ViSE-VL<br />

People: J.A. Kaandorp, R.G. Belleman, P.M.A. Sloot<br />

In the ViSE-VL project we have developed a Visualisation and Simulation<br />

Environment, specifically aimed at medical applications. The results of the<br />

ViSE project are being used in the CrossGrid and Token2000 projects.<br />

ViSE-VL was f<strong>un</strong>ded through the ICES/KIS 2 Min EZ project<br />

High Performance Simulation on the GRID<br />

Dutch-Russian project: NWO-RFBS-047.016.007<br />

People: P.M.A. Sloot, A.V. Bogdanov.<br />

In this project we study the use of Grid systems for High Performance<br />

Simulations. The project is a collaboration between Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, St. Petersburg,<br />

Moscow and Novosibirsk.<br />

Dyn<strong>am</strong>ite<br />

People: K.A. Iskra, T. Gubala, B. Ó Nualláin, D.A. Kaarsemaker, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Albada, P.M.A. Sloot.<br />

The Dyn<strong>am</strong>ite project (now internally f<strong>un</strong>ded) is the continuation of work on<br />

the dyn<strong>am</strong>ic scheduling and migration of tasks in parallel progr<strong>am</strong>s started in<br />

the ESPRIT project Dyn<strong>am</strong>ite. In 2004 work continued on the single task<br />

checkpointer (ironing out some smaller remaining defects) and on developing<br />

support for MPI and grid environments.<br />

PDES<br />

Involvement: K.A. Iskra, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot.<br />

This research on parallel discrete event simulation is a continuation of the work<br />

by Overein<strong>der</strong> on the behaviour of optimistic PDES, extended to grid-like<br />

environments. In 2004 further important results regarding the behaviour of<br />

PDES in a wide-area distributed environment were obtained. Important

strategies like dedicated routers, message aggregation and lazy cancellation were<br />

studied and diff e rent methods of "global virtual time" e<strong>va</strong>luations were e<strong>va</strong>luated.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

The long-standing problem of information processing in evolving Cellular<br />

Automata will be further investigated, using elements from Information Theory<br />

and Complexity theory. Our approach will be based on the notion of "local<br />

entropy" as formulated in the concept of Fischer-Information. The research will<br />

be supplemented by simulations of specific instances of Cellular Automata and<br />

will form the theoretical embedding of our CA-based modelling and<br />

simulations of biomedical phenomena.<br />

We are currently increasing our emphasis on (Interactive) Problem Solving<br />

Environments in distributed systems like the GRID. Based upon our previous<br />

experience using HLA and the Dyn<strong>am</strong>ite system, our focus will be on<br />

middleware, remote access and data integration, using the currently emerging<br />

Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) and component technology for<br />

scientific computing (the Common Component Architecture - CCA).<br />

Participate in the CrossGrid project, a large consortium of 22 laboratories from<br />

all over Europe, with the goal to develop a software architecture for a Grid<br />

based interactive problem solving environment, applied to a number of<br />

challenging CA-based applications from Biology, Medicine and flood-crisis<br />

management. The SCS group has the final responsibility for issues related to<br />

scientific computing on the grid and the applications within the Crossgrid<br />

project. We also strongly participate in the European HealthGrid initiative.<br />

As to the applications, we will further strengthen our attention in the<br />

Biomedical field. The main topics will be interactive simulation and<br />

visualization on the grid. A prototypical application will be <strong>va</strong>scular<br />

reconstruction. This application is part of the CrossGrid project and of the<br />

NWO- TOKEN2000 project, and is carried out in collaboration with the<br />

Leiden University Medical Centre (for the medical datasets) and the University<br />

of Twente (with cognitive psychologists, working on man-machine interaction<br />

and learning in VR). Another domain is hierarchical modelling and data<br />

integration through CA's. For ex<strong>am</strong>ple, in collaboration with the University of<br />

Utrecht Medical Center and the AMC (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>) we work in the field of<br />

HIV infection modelling using CA, and a rule-based medical expert system for<br />

HIV medication. As reported, three new NWO-f<strong>un</strong>ded projects in the area of<br />

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Computational Life sciences have been obtained in 2003; these will play an<br />

important role in shaping our research in the coming years.<br />

We have intensified our international collaborations. Within the fr<strong>am</strong>ework of a<br />

formal agreement between the Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong> and the Saint<br />

Petersburg State University, Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation, a joint laboratory for<br />

computational science was established in Saint Petersburg. This lab works on<br />

problem solving environments and applications. We formally collaborate with<br />

CYFRONET, Cracow, Poland, through joint Ph.D. students in the field of<br />

monitoring and scheduling for scientific computing on the Grid. In the<br />

fr<strong>am</strong>ework of a recently started NATO Science for Peace progr<strong>am</strong> we<br />

collaborate with institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of<br />

Science in the field of biomedical diagnostic systems. Finally, strong research<br />

cooperation is established with a number of USA based <strong>un</strong>iversities (Stanford<br />

University, Mississippi State University).<br />

Relation to other progr<strong>am</strong>mes<br />

We collaborate with the Parallel Systems Architecture and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

Methods and Environments groups in the Computing, System architecture,<br />

and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Laboratory (CSP-Lab).<br />

Through the Virtual Lab project we strongly collaborate with the Parallel<br />

Systems Architecture group. The theoretical work on evolving CA is done in<br />

collaboration with the Algorithms and Complexity Theory group of the ILLC.

2. Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

General Information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr L.O. Hertzberger<br />

Telephone : +31 - 20 - 525 7464<br />

URL : http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/arch/<br />

Fax : +31 - 20 - 525 7419<br />

E-mail : bob@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the Organisation<br />

The Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering progr<strong>am</strong>me is carried out by<br />

the Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems (CAPS) group, one of the<br />

three research groups of the Computing, System Architecture and<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Laboratory at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science.<br />

The CAPS group participates in the Dutch Graduate School `ASCI'.<br />

Characterization<br />

Computer architecture is driven by the interaction between technology-push<br />

from the development of sub-micron technology and demand-pull for efficient<br />

and portable implementations of applications. Research in this field is relatively<br />

broad as it expands from single processor systems to complex parallel and<br />

heterogeneous computer systems. More specifically, computer architecture<br />

research may <strong>va</strong>ry from the study of large-scale distributed systems such as<br />

applied for traffic control towards the study of embedded systems-on-chip, as<br />

being used in mo<strong>der</strong>n digital multimedia consumer electronics. The research<br />

field further expands when the consequences and requirements set by the<br />

applications on the <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>lying software and hardware systems are also taken<br />

into consi<strong>der</strong>ation. For instance, mo<strong>der</strong>n multimedia networking applications<br />

may tolerate lossy comm<strong>un</strong>ication when dealing with audio and video<br />

stre<strong>am</strong>ing, whereas mo<strong>der</strong>n database applications require lossless and often<br />

red<strong>un</strong>dant comm<strong>un</strong>ication. These databases themselves form the basis for many<br />

new application areas such as virtual enterprises and virtual laboratories, of<br />

which we can observe an impact on the system architecture. In other situations,<br />

computer systems are embedded in a larger environment that will put their own<br />

specific (real-time) demands on the overall computer system.<br />

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Keywords<br />

Parallel, distributed and grid-based system architectures, computer systems<br />

modeling and simulation, (fe<strong>der</strong>ated) database architecture, cooperative and<br />

inter-operable systems, optical networking, AAA architecture.<br />

NOAG-I-Theme: Parallel and Distributed Computing<br />

Main themes<br />

The leading objective of the Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>me is to let its research be driven by problems that are of rele<strong>va</strong>nce to<br />

society. The methodology applied is to find rele<strong>va</strong>nt problems that can be<br />

translated into interesting research questions that are challenging to be solved.<br />

As the rele<strong>va</strong>nt real-world applications will mainly be fo<strong>un</strong>d in industry and the<br />

governmental agencies, collaboration with these actors is essential. In our<br />

research we restrict ourselves to methods and tools for complex, typically<br />

parallel/distributed, computing systems design and realization. This research<br />

activity comprises two major tracks:<br />

Methods and tools for (embedded) computing systems design<br />

Ad<strong>va</strong>nced information management system support<br />

The research on computing systems design (track 1) concentrates on modeling<br />

and simulation of complex computer based systems with the aim to predict<br />

performance. From two decades of modeling and simulation experience, we<br />

learned that the generalization of the models and the choice of abstraction levels<br />

is very dependent of the design questions posed, as well as of the system <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong><br />

study. We are currently applying this knowledge to the problem of embedded<br />

systems design. Mo<strong>der</strong>n embedded systems, like those for media processing,<br />

often have a heterogeneous system architecture with components in the range<br />

from fully progr<strong>am</strong>mable to dedicated hardware. These components are<br />

integrated as a system-on-chip that exploits task-level parallelism. The design<br />

complexity of such embedded systems makes it essential<br />

to have good tools a<strong>va</strong>ilable for exploring different design choices at an early<br />

design stage. Our research, which is performed in close collaboration with<br />

Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven and other Dutch <strong>un</strong>iversities, aims<br />

at developing modeling and simulation methods for the efficient design space<br />

exploration of heterogeneous embedded media systems. Key to this work is the<br />

definition of the abstraction levels at which these systems can be efficiently<br />


Another field of embedded system design we are studying is that of road<br />

transport telematics applications, like electronic fee collection. Contrary to the<br />

previous case where the emphasis is on modeling the architecture and<br />

application(s) separately, here the emphasis has been on modeling the computer<br />

system and application, including the sensory system, as a whole. In the<br />

computing systems design track, we also perform research on ad<strong>va</strong>nced Internet<br />

topics. The main emphasis of this work is to get the best Internet Quality of<br />

Service (QoS) for different applications and to design policy and security<br />

architectures for GRID applications and Middleware.<br />

The information management research (track 2) focuses on the design and the<br />

prototypical development of database systems to support the classification and<br />

manipulation of the information handled within ad<strong>va</strong>nced and complex<br />

data-intensive applications. Consi<strong>der</strong>ing the wide <strong>va</strong>riety of both the<br />

information handling characteristics and the environment heterogeneity<br />

required by such complex applications, multi-faceted methodologies and<br />

mechanisms are to be consi<strong>der</strong>ed in this research. Two main areas of research<br />

and development are consi<strong>der</strong>ed. The first area is focused on the design and<br />

development of f<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental infrastructures and mechanisms to support the<br />

ad<strong>va</strong>nced and complex data-intensive application domains. The second area is<br />

focused on certain specific system engineering applications, and the design and<br />

development of tailored fr<strong>am</strong>eworks and tools to support their needs. The<br />

Virtual Laboratory (VL) fr<strong>am</strong>ework (discussed later on) is an important<br />

initiative that integrates the research in both areas.<br />

Organizational changes<br />

During 2004, Dr. H. Afsarmanesh left CAPS to join the Human-Computer<br />

Studies Lab. Also in 2004, Prof. C. Jesshope joined the UvA to form a new<br />

group, called Computer Systems Architecture (CSA). The CSA group currently<br />

still operates <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the umbrella of CAPS. With the appointment of Prof. C.<br />

Jesshope, Dr. A.D. Pimentel moved to the CSA group.<br />

Track 1: Methods and tools for (embedded) computing systems design<br />

Architectures and meThods for Embedded MedIa Systems (Artemis)<br />

In the Artemis project, an architecture modeling and simulation workbench is<br />

developed which aims at the efficient design space exploration of heterogeneous<br />

embedded media systems. In 2004, which was the final year of Artemis, we continued<br />

to address the problem of architecture model refinement. More specifically,<br />

we apply a refinement method -- based on Integer-controlled Data-Flow<br />

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(IDF) models -- that allows for r<strong>un</strong>time<br />

transformation of application-level<br />

events to architecture-level events.<br />

Using case studies, we have shown that<br />

our method allows for refining both<br />

architectural comm<strong>un</strong>ication behavior<br />

and computational behavior.<br />

In addition, we continued the development<br />

of our prototype modeling & simulation software fr<strong>am</strong>ework, called<br />

Ses<strong>am</strong>e, to support all developed modeling and simulation technology.<br />

Moreover, we performed several studies on mathematically modeling the<br />

mapping of application models onto architecture models. For this work, we<br />

developed a multi-objective optimization tool to quickly explore different<br />

mappings <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> multiple criteria. Finally, we developed a layer on top of the<br />

widely-used SystemC simulation language, raising the abstraction level of this<br />

language and allowing easier construction of so-called transaction-level models<br />

(these are the performance models applied in Artemis).<br />

Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Internet Research (AIR)<br />

The main emphasis is to map different demanding grid applications to optical /<br />

photonic networks and to design control, policy and security architectures for<br />

Grid applications and Middleware. To that extent competence was gained in<br />

three areas of research: Authentication, Authorization and Acco<strong>un</strong>ting (AAA)<br />

architectures and models, Optical networks and high bandwidth data transport<br />

protocols and test environments. In 2004, a key demonstration was given at<br />

SuperComputing 2004 by showing the first working concept of software to<br />

provision dedicated optical paths (l<strong>am</strong>bdas) in real time in a multi-domain<br />

scenario. The demonstrator worked over four domains using NORTEL<br />

software with our AAA toolkit interfaced and showed restoration f<strong>un</strong>ctionality<br />

in case of a link failure. The next paragraphs describe work in the different<br />

subsections in the AIR group.<br />

Optical networking architectures and models.<br />

Trans-oceanic optical transportation, 10 Gbps Ethernet WAN PHY and<br />

L<strong>am</strong>bda switching have already geared <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing on how to build an<br />

optical Internet exchange, but this <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing is still not yet fully developed.<br />

We are working on "terminology and modeling of networks". We studied the<br />

ITU G.805 standard (together with related ITU standards) and compared our<br />

terminology with the ITU definitions. The ITU definitions make it possible to<br />

accurately describe a network connection. We try to develop a simpler model,

maybe giving more simplified descriptions of single end to end connections,<br />

which can be more suitable for describing complete networks<br />

IP transport protocols, performances monitoring and measurements .<br />

In this field we have worked on tools to measure performances of network<br />

infrastructure, tools to graphically display that information and we worked on<br />

<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing why performances are as we measure them. We also enabled<br />

existing grid infrastructures to be used as throughput measurement tools. We<br />

performed a large number of throughput tests divided over <strong>va</strong>rious topology<br />

setups, and also worked on improving the tools used to test, measure and<br />

estimate the bandwidth. We want to use the grid infrastructure including<br />

distributed computing middleware to build a traffic generator. We have<br />

developed applications r<strong>un</strong>ning <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the Globus Toolkit with MPICH-G2 to<br />

use grid resources to generate known traffic profiles. We are also working on<br />

providing access to network elements via Web Services. This will allow end<br />

users and applications to dyn<strong>am</strong>ically monitor and possibly manage the <strong>va</strong>rious<br />

network components.<br />

Authorization, Authentication and Acco<strong>un</strong>ting.<br />

This part of the research focuses on the development en testing of concepts<br />

aro<strong>un</strong>d Generic AAA. The AIR group has developed a Generic AAA toolkit on<br />

a testbed build with <strong>va</strong>rious network components. This work focused on the<br />

RFC 2903 based Rule Based Engine and its associated language. Furthermore,<br />

we have been working on the next generation Application Specific Modules<br />

(ASMs), and have designed an ASM fr<strong>am</strong>ework working in Service Oriented<br />

Architecture by making all ASM web-services compliant.<br />

In 2004 we worked on positioning GAAA toolkit within <strong>va</strong>rious research<br />

projects.<br />

Prototyping environment.<br />

This activity encompasses all work to build and maintain the research<br />

networking infrastructure and the build of prototypes and demonstrators. In<br />

cooperation with SARA, we have created an ad<strong>va</strong>nced networking and grid<br />

integration research laboratory, called the LightHouse.<br />

Track 2: Ad<strong>va</strong>nced information management system support<br />

Virtual Laboratory for e-Science (VL-e)<br />

The aim of the ‘Virtual Laboratory for e-Science’ project is to bridge the gap<br />

between the technology push of the high performance networking and the Grid<br />

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and the application pull of a wide range of scientific experimental applications.<br />

It will provide generic f<strong>un</strong>ctionalities that support a wide class of specific<br />

e-Science application environments and set up an experimental infrastructure<br />

for the e<strong>va</strong>luation of the ideas.<br />

Earlier work on virtual laboratory technology resulted in VLAM-G, the<br />

Grid-based Virtual Laboratory AMsterd<strong>am</strong>, which provides a science portal for<br />

distributed analysis in applied scientific research. It offers scientists the<br />

possibility to carry out their experiments in a f<strong>am</strong>iliar environment, where content<br />

and data are clearly separated. We have made the outcome of the VLAM-G<br />

project a<strong>va</strong>ilable to the VL-e consortium as an experimental environment on the<br />

DAS2 clusters. This included the migration of the expertise developed in the<br />

context of the VLAM-G project to the Virtual Lab School project. For the<br />

(near) future, we have planned work on dyn<strong>am</strong>ic workflow for e-science<br />

applications in Grid based environments, as well as resource management.<br />

VL-e/COLIM (Collaborative Information Management)<br />

VL-e is a multi-disciplinary environment aiming to support a <strong>va</strong>riety of<br />

scientific environments from areas ranging from food informatics to<br />

bioinformatics and biodiversity. Collaborative Information Management<br />

(COLIM) is the subprogr<strong>am</strong> of the VL-e project that addresses the<br />

management of information generated and manipulated by scientific<br />

experiments. COLIM addresses the design and implementation of a generic<br />

collaborative information management system (CIMS), design and development

of necessary assisting tools, and exploration of the Grid technology for<br />

fe<strong>der</strong>ated query processing. Based on the initial results of requirements analysis,<br />

the high-level COLIM architecture has been designed. Another task being<br />

performed in COLIM is to support specific information management<br />

requirements of some applications, such as biodiversity. In the near future, the<br />

design of the system will be finalized consi<strong>der</strong>ing the requirements of the<br />

VL-e applications as well as the designs and directions of the other generic<br />

VL-e subprogr<strong>am</strong>s. The development activities for the system and the necessary<br />

assisting tools will start. The existing VLAM-G/VIMCO software will be<br />

migrated to the production environment and maintained. A database for<br />

biodiversity domain has been developed, which will be extended/ updated<br />

taking the international developments in the domain into acco<strong>un</strong>t.<br />

NWO Flexworks – A Fr<strong>am</strong>ework for Flexible Data Integration to Support<br />

System Biology<br />

The aim of the Flexworks project was to combine data generated using different<br />

biomolecular techniques on a genome-wide scale in a flexible manner for the<br />

Dutch scientific comm<strong>un</strong>ity. Major research aim of UvA – IvI was to provide<br />

information management support in the domain of system biology. The<br />

information management work focused on the definition of common data<br />

models, design and development of collaborative database architectures, design<br />

and development of Grid and Virtual Laboratory-based infrastructures for<br />

properly supporting the data manipulation requirements of the targeted<br />

bio-molecular experimentation environments. In 2004, the project has ended<br />

and a final report for the project has been generated. The achieved results<br />

include information modeling and management for DNA sequence analysis and<br />

for microarray gene expression analysis.<br />

EC 5FP ENBI – European Network for Biodiversity Information<br />

The main objective of UvA-IvI in ENBI is the analysis and design of a<br />

co-operative fe<strong>der</strong>ated information management system inter-linking and<br />

integrating the <strong>va</strong>ried biodiversity databases as well as investigating a number of<br />

other technologies and paradigms, n<strong>am</strong>ely Virtual Organizations, the Grid<br />

technology, and Collaborative Information Management System (CIMS), to<br />

address the information management challenges in ENBI. In 2004, UvA-IvI<br />

explored the potential of using these technologies and paradigms in the<br />

biodiversity domain and presented the results in three different deliverables.<br />

In the near future, a design of the fe<strong>der</strong>ated architecture for the Collaborative<br />

Information Management System will be developed, which will be provided in<br />

two deliverables: Draft and final design report of the fe<strong>der</strong>ated architecture.<br />

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3. Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Research<br />

General Information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr J.A. Bergstra<br />

Telephone : +31 - 20 - 525 7462<br />

URL : http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/prog/<br />

Fax : +31 - 20 - 525 7419<br />

E-mail : janb@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the Organisation<br />

The Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments progr<strong>am</strong>me is<br />

carried out by the Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Research Group (PRG) at the Informatics<br />

Institute of the Faculty of Science. This group is one of the three research<br />

groups of the Computing, System Architecture and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming (CSP)<br />

Laboratory at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science.<br />

The PRG participates in the Dutch Graduate School `IPA'.<br />

Characterization<br />

Research in the Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Research Group takes shape in two projects:<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments.<br />

In the first project, the design and systematic use of algebraic methods in<br />

specification languages, modeling of processes and progr<strong>am</strong> transformations are<br />

point of departure. This project primarily aims at the transfer of results to the<br />

scientific literature and to the educational stre<strong>am</strong>.<br />

The Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments project concentrates on the generation of<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>ming environments from a formal language definition, in particular<br />

generic user-interfaces and implementation and integration of distributed,<br />

interactive systems. This project has produced several systems that are being<br />

distributed to others.<br />

Keywords<br />

Algebraic Specification, Generic Language Technology, Term Rewriting,<br />

Interoperability of Software Components, Semantics of Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

Languages, System Reno<strong>va</strong>tion.<br />

NOAG-I-Themes: Software Engineering (SE), Algorithms and Formal<br />

Methods (AFM).

Main themes<br />

The work in the Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Environments progr<strong>am</strong>me during<br />

2004 comprises two major projects:<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods<br />

General subject is the design and systematic use of algebraic methods in<br />

specification languages, modeling of processes, and progr<strong>am</strong> transformations.<br />

This includes the design and development of tools to support research and<br />

education in this field. This project is supervised by Bergstra.<br />

In the Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods project, process algebra is used to specify and<br />

analyze the semantics of progr<strong>am</strong>s and progr<strong>am</strong>med systems. With process<br />

algebra, one fully abstracts from the textual, syntactic appearance of progr<strong>am</strong>s,<br />

and reasons in terms of behavior. Process algebra exists within the paradigm of<br />

semantics as homomorphism on syntax (compositional semantics): behavior can<br />

be expressed in process expressions and is subject to forms of algebraic<br />

reasoning. In progr<strong>am</strong> algebra - contrary to process algebra - one consi<strong>der</strong>s<br />

aspects of the form of progr<strong>am</strong>s that are not preserved after abstraction to<br />

behavior. Ex<strong>am</strong>ples of such aspects are software metrics or progr<strong>am</strong>s with jump<br />

instructions (go to's); here the semantics is no longer a homomorphic image of<br />

the syntax. Progr<strong>am</strong> algebra is meaningful in the study of progr<strong>am</strong><br />

transformations that occur, for instance, in compilers. Module algebra is also<br />

part of progr<strong>am</strong> algebra; flattening a modularized specification is a manifest<br />

ex<strong>am</strong>ple of a progr<strong>am</strong> transformation with non-trivial semantics.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments<br />

The general research approach is to bring together established f<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental<br />

notions such as modularization, term rewriting, and progr<strong>am</strong> generation with<br />

pragmatic needs such as component-based development and <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing or<br />

transforming legacy systems. Formal language definitions play an important<br />

role in this approach. They describe the syntax and semantics of a domainspecific<br />

or progr<strong>am</strong>ming language and form the basis for the analysis and<br />

transformation of software in existing languages, for the generation of specific<br />

tools, and for the development of domain-specific languages. The aim is to<br />

realize truly generic language technology that can be applied in many problem<br />

areas. This project is supervised by Klint and mainly carried out at CWI.<br />

From the perspective of the Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments project, both<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>ming languages and application-oriented languages (e.g., for accessing<br />

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Annual Report 2004<br />

databases or specifying financial products) need interactive tools to support<br />

activities like progr<strong>am</strong> development, maintenance, and reno<strong>va</strong>tion. In this<br />

project, we generate dedicated interactive environments and tools for these<br />

activities from formal definitions of the desired languages. The tooling for<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments is based on f<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental notions like algebraic<br />

specification, term rewriting, process algebra, and generalized LR parsing.<br />

The research aims at further development and application of these notions<br />

(e.g., efficient compilation of term rewriting, scannerless parsing) as well as<br />

applications (e.g., reno<strong>va</strong>tion factories for software transformations).<br />

2004 Results<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods<br />

In the field of process algebra, we concentrated on fo<strong>un</strong>dational research,<br />

extensions of the theory, and publication in the scientific literature.<br />

Furthermore, our external collaborations in this area of research were<br />

continued. The progr<strong>am</strong> algebra project emerged in 1998. This project primarily<br />

aims at the transfer of this work to the scientific literature and to our own<br />

students. A new line of development within this project is thread algebra,<br />

focusing on behavioral semantics and tailored to extensions that precisely<br />

model <strong>va</strong>rious forms of multi-threading. Finally, our fo<strong>un</strong>dational work in the<br />

theory of algebraic specification and module algebra was continued as well.<br />

We summarize our specific research results:<br />

Process algebra<br />

A model theory for process algebra has been developed. Also a study to<br />

process algebra for hybrid systems was <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>taken.<br />

A new characterization of orthogonal bismulation equi<strong>va</strong>lence in terms of<br />

the compression structure of a process was fo<strong>un</strong>d and will be published in<br />

IPL next year.<br />

A topic of ongoing research in process algebra is the integration of Bellnap’s<br />

four-<strong>va</strong>lued logic and process algebra via conditional composition.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> algebra<br />

Further development and applications of progr<strong>am</strong> algebra, e.g., the definition<br />

of higher, special purpose dialects. Ex<strong>am</strong>ples are enrichments with notions<br />

for compilers and networks, and client-server interaction. Finally,<br />

appropriate projection f<strong>un</strong>ctions for these enrichments were defined.<br />

Definition of an intermediate language suitable to interpret Object-Oriented

languages such as Ja<strong>va</strong> and C#, and appropriate projection f<strong>un</strong>ctions.<br />

Design and implementation of the basic instruction sets MSPio and of a<br />

generic compiler for the PGA-Toolset at this moment capable of compiling<br />

to Parrot (the virtual machine for Perl6) and CIL (ditto for .NET).<br />

Maintenance and further development of the PGA-Toolset, for instance a<br />

web-interface for some of the tools was added (see<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/prog/projects/pga).<br />

Algebraic specification and module algebra<br />

In 2004, some work was done in the book project "Fo<strong>un</strong>dations of algebraic<br />

specification" (Rodenburg). In the tradition of algebraic specification<br />

many-sorted algebras play an important part, but there are <strong>va</strong>riants, and many<br />

alternative semantics have been proposed (Goguen and Burstall have described<br />

these in general as institutions). A model theory can be developed that embraces<br />

them all. (In particular it also subsumes the theory of categories.) Ol<strong>der</strong> ideas<br />

about reduction relations in algebras, a generalisation of term rewriting, will<br />

find their place here. Furthermore, work is in progress on a final version of<br />

Module algebra for initial algebra semantics (PRG-report P9407) based on an<br />

improved <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing of the notion of export. Finally, a talk on this subject<br />

was contributed to the ASL Logic Colloquium 2004 (Turin, Italy).<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments<br />

The basic technological fr<strong>am</strong>ework for our research is the Asf+Sdf Meta-<br />

Environment: both an interactive development environment for Asf+Sdf<br />

specifications and a generator for progr<strong>am</strong>ming environments. The formalism<br />

Asf+Sdf is based on algebraic specifications and context-free gr<strong>am</strong>mars and is<br />

used to specify syntactic and semantic aspects of progr<strong>am</strong>ming and application<br />

languages. Implementation techniques for the Meta-Environment include term<br />

rewriting, scannerless generalized LR parsing (SGLR) and coordination of<br />

software components. The main scientific results can be summarized as follows:<br />

Component-based software engineering. Interconnection techniques for<br />

software components and coordination languages were developed. The main<br />

result is the ToolBus coordination architecture that uses a scripting language<br />

based on Process Algebra for describing (and executing) the cooperation<br />

between heterogeneous software components.<br />

ATerms. One of the abstractions used in the ToolBus architecture is that the<br />

exchange of data between components is described by simple prefix terms that<br />

can carry annotations for specific purposes. This idea has been perfected in<br />

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ATerms: a very efficient library for the exchange of term-structured data. Main<br />

features are maximal subterm sharing, automatic garbage collection and binary<br />

term encoding.<br />

Efficient implementation of Asf+Sdf. Using ATerms (and hence maximal<br />

subterm sharing) during term rewriting has two major implications: testing for<br />

term equality becomes a cheap, constant-time, operation that only uses pointer<br />

equality and the size of terms that can be manipulated increases or<strong>der</strong>s of<br />

magnitude. Combining these two ideas with several optimization techniques we<br />

can compile specifications to highly efficient C code. The resulting code is very<br />

fast and can handle huge terms (more than 10^6 nodes).<br />

Scannerless, generalized, LR parsing (SGLR). Generalized LR parsing (GLR)<br />

has always been used in the Meta-Environment. The primary reason is that<br />

GLR can be used to parse arbitrary context-free gr<strong>am</strong>mars. Since context-free<br />

gr<strong>am</strong>mars are closed <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> composition, they can be used for parsing modular<br />

gr<strong>am</strong>mars. This is a major ad<strong>va</strong>ntage when dealing with large gr<strong>am</strong>mars for real<br />

languages (e.g., Cobol). SGLR takes this approach a step further by integrating<br />

lexical analysis and syntax analysis. As a result, the dis<strong>am</strong>biguation mechanisms<br />

that are already present in GLR can also be applied at the lexical level.<br />

In 2004, Klint continued experiments in using relational calculus for<br />

manipulating facts extracted from source code. The resulting scripting<br />

language Rscript has already been used for manipulating facts <strong>der</strong>ived from Ja<strong>va</strong><br />

and Cobol progr<strong>am</strong>s as well as for managing facts extracted from our daily<br />

build process.<br />

This project has produced several systems that are being distributed to others:<br />

1. The Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment: an interactive development environment<br />

for formal specifications that also acts as a generator for progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

environments. In use at, for instance, <strong>un</strong>iversities in Aarhus, Amsterd<strong>am</strong> (UvA<br />

and Free University), La Cor<strong>un</strong>a, Eindhoven, Glasgow, Groningen, Iowa,<br />

Leiden, Milano, M<strong>un</strong>ich, Nijmegen, Rostock, Utrecht, York, and at Cap<br />

Gemini Ernst & Yo<strong>un</strong>g (Utrecht), CWI (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>), Compuware<br />

(Amsterd<strong>am</strong>), First ResultConsultants (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>), IBM Thomas Watson<br />

Research Center (New York), INRIA (Nancy), Fortis (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>), ING<br />

(Amsterd<strong>am</strong>), Postbank (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>), and Software Improvement Group<br />

(Amsterd<strong>am</strong>). Applications of this system have been developed for (and in<br />

cooperation with), for instance, ABN AMRO, Cap Gemini Ernst & Yo<strong>un</strong>g,

Dutch Navy, Dutch PTT, GCEI, Fortis, IBM, Ne<strong>der</strong>land-Haarlem, and Dutch<br />

Railways (NS). For more information see<br />

http://www.cwi.nl/~projects/MetaEnv.html.<br />

2. The ToolBus coordination architecture: a system for the interconnection of<br />

heterogeneous, distributed systems. The ToolBus is in use at all sites where the<br />

Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment is being used. For more information see<br />

http://www.cwi.nl/htbin/sen1/twiki/bin/view/SEN1/ToolBus<br />

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The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

The Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterd<strong>am</strong> (ISLA) now proudly presents three<br />

research groups. They are the Intelligent Sensory Information Systems group<br />

(ISIS), the Intelligent Autonomous Systems group (IAS), and the Information<br />

and Language Processing Systems group (ILPS). The three groups share an<br />

interest in processing pictorial, auditory and/or textual information, the content<br />

of such information as well as the consequences for actions and knowledge. The<br />

topics are covered from theory to practice, from basic principles to<br />

implementations of applications.<br />

The prime scientific target of ISIS is to create access to the content of digital<br />

images. The aim is to bridge the semantic gap between pictorial data and the<br />

interpretation of the data by in<strong>va</strong>riant vision and learning from (very) large<br />

image databases. Video, color and tracking are important topics as well as<br />

parallel image processing. Applications are, <strong>am</strong>ong others, in structured and<br />

<strong>un</strong>structured video, color image analysis, content-based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l, and<br />

picture search engines.<br />

The IAS-Group studies methodologies to create intelligent autonomous<br />

systems, which perceive their environment through sensors. The information is<br />

used to act and generate intelligent, goal-directed behavior. This work includes<br />

formalization, generalization and learning in autonomous systems.<br />

Collaborating multi-agent systems create groups of autonomously operating<br />

systems working together to realize a task. In the group the theory of geometric<br />

algebra is also studied in depth as a means to formalize the addressing of space<br />

in a computer.<br />

Research within the ILPS group is aimed at developing and studying the<br />

computational, statistical, and linguistic <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>pinnings of effective ways of<br />

providing intelligent information access, especially to massive <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>ts of<br />

information. Their leading methodology is to identify real-world scenarios that<br />

give rise to interesting research challenges. ILPS takes part in, and organizes, a<br />

number of world-wide e<strong>va</strong>luations in information retrie<strong>va</strong>l and language<br />

processing. This allows ILPS to subject its software infrastructure to qualitative<br />


1. Intelligent Sensory Information Systems<br />

General information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr ir A.W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s<br />

Telephone : +31 - 20 - 525 7460<br />

URL : http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/isis<br />

Fax : +31 - 20 - 525 7490<br />

E-mail : smeul<strong>der</strong>s@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the Organisation<br />

This progr<strong>am</strong> is carried out within the group Intelligent Sensory Information<br />

Systems at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science. The Intelligent<br />

Sensory Information System Group participates in the Dutch Graduate School<br />

'ASCI'.<br />

Characterisation<br />

The prime scientific target is to create access to the content of digital images and<br />

to learn from multimedia data repositories in general. New topics of research<br />

are picture-language combined information, tracking objects in video, learning<br />

object recognizers and image space delivery. We aim to bridge the semantic gap<br />

between pictorial data and the interpretation of the data. We do so from the<br />

image data driven interpretation by computer vision, as well as driven from<br />

knowledge about the image, designing algorithms of image analysis,<br />

experimenting on visual data, and learning from (very) large image data<br />

repositories. The research ranges from the theory of computer vision to<br />

inno<strong>va</strong>tive applications in multimedia. Implementations are in digital document<br />

structure analysis, video analysis, color image analysis and picture search<br />

engines. Application areas currently are in industrial vision, multimedia<br />

document analysis, biological image processing.<br />

Key Words<br />

Computer vision, image processing, multimedia information analysis, pattern<br />

recognition, multimedia databases, e-documents, image/video retrie<strong>va</strong>l,<br />

performance e<strong>va</strong>luation of vision, mathematical morphology, color vision,<br />

shape, content-based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l, query optimization, parallel processing,<br />

extensible databases.<br />

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Main themes<br />

Content-based access of multi-media data<br />

The goal of multimedia information access is to provide efficient content-based<br />

methods for indexing and retrieving multimodal information (images, video,<br />

so<strong>un</strong>d, music). The success of a content-based multimedia retrie<strong>va</strong>l engine<br />

depends on the generality, expressiveness and robustness of the multimedia<br />

features expressing the similarity between multimedia documents. We aim at<br />

new storage and retrie<strong>va</strong>l technology to make large scale image/video assets<br />

manageable, searchable, targetable and reusable.<br />

Colour in computer vision<br />

Colour computer vision aims at defining a colour theory for vision and image<br />

sequences and to develop models for colour image processing methods. Colour<br />

vision is a very powerful component in image databases, image sequences as<br />

well as the processing of real world scenes. The purpose is to formulate<br />

computational methods, data structures and colour space representations to<br />

design proper colour image processing algorithms and to develop sets of colour<br />

in<strong>va</strong>riant image features.<br />

Theory of computer vision<br />

In<strong>va</strong>riance in computer vision is a recurrent theme in the design of methods to<br />

describe shape and form analysis for the identification of equi<strong>va</strong>lence classes<br />

with respect to particular shape descriptor. That is, the tools are designed to be<br />

in<strong>va</strong>riant <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the appearance changes that leave the interpretation constant.<br />

Shape and form analysis is based on linear theory encompassing linear<br />

scale-space theory and the differential structure of images as well as<br />

mathematical morphological based on complete lattice theory with a strong<br />

emphasis on the multi-local geometrical interpretation. To design long-term<br />

tracking of objects, we study on instant learning of appearances.<br />

Segmentation, learning and tracking<br />

Learning in computer vision is taken on as a new topic driven by the fact that<br />

so many and so large a <strong>va</strong>riety of digital images is a<strong>va</strong>ilable these days. The aim<br />

is to learn rather model object class appearances and to do this interactively by<br />

active annotation.<br />

Spatial and extensible databases<br />

Spatial and pictorial databases are being researched for the purpose of<br />

providing consistency to spatial reasoning in an attempt to enhance spatial

data-structure design. The formalization of spatial queries and the formalization<br />

of spatial data is pursued to guarantee consistency on a pictorial content-level to<br />

spatial databases. The purpose is to ad<strong>va</strong>nce the insight in spatial and multi<br />

media data databases as they differ from standard databases. The long-term goal<br />

is integrating computer vision tools, OO-databases, and image query tools into<br />

complete image information systems.<br />

Software and systems<br />

The aim of vision systems is to define a fr<strong>am</strong>ework to support software<br />

development. The aim is to get to a fr<strong>am</strong>ework consisting of a number of<br />

software modules, workbenches for performance analysis and environments<br />

with databases, including appropriate interfaces. Performance e<strong>va</strong>luation to<br />

establish precisely what a computational method can or cannot achieve. In the<br />

computer vision comm<strong>un</strong>ity these engineering aspects are only recently taken<br />

into consi<strong>der</strong>ation. We design meta-systems to enable easy performance<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luation.<br />

2004 Results<br />

Content-based access of multi-media data<br />

Content-based access to large stacks of images has been a topic of study for<br />

some time now. Based on the in<strong>va</strong>riant colour features, to be described below,<br />

successful methods have been designed to achieve image retrie<strong>va</strong>l robust against<br />

<strong>va</strong>riations in illumination, viewpoint and occlusion.<br />

Large sets of documentsare analysed for their page layout characteristics, the<br />

reading or<strong>der</strong>, and their type of genre (e.g. scientific/news/commercial papers).<br />

These methods were successfully applied to classify office documents and<br />

scientific papers.<br />

For the retrie<strong>va</strong>l of videos, we aim to make multimedia archives as accessible as<br />

their textual co<strong>un</strong>terpart. To that end, our research efforts concentrate on<br />

automatic semantic indexing and interactive retrie<strong>va</strong>l of multimedia sources.<br />

To <strong>va</strong>lue the merit of our efforts on high international standards, all research is<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luated within the TRECVID benchmark for multimedia retrie<strong>va</strong>l.<br />

An import asset in our endeavor for semantic access is indexing of semantic<br />

concepts. An architecture for semantic indexing has been developed that<br />

facilitates generic indexing based on integrated analysis from multi-media<br />

sources on content, style, and context level. Experiments with a lexicon of 32<br />

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concepts on the 2004 TRECVID benchmark indicate that our approach is<br />

state-of-the-art.<br />

Despite the good results for automatic indexing, the current lexicon is still too<br />

limited for daily practice retrie<strong>va</strong>l. Therefore, we view user interaction as an<br />

essential part of multimedia retrie<strong>va</strong>l systems. To this end, we have developed a<br />

novel paradigm for interactive retrie<strong>va</strong>l which uses a lexicon of detectable<br />

concepts in combination with keyword and visual ex<strong>am</strong>ple search to boost<br />

interactive retrie<strong>va</strong>l. Implementation of the paradigm within a video search<br />

engine, see Figure 1, yielded the highest score for the interactive retrie<strong>va</strong>l task of<br />

TRECVID 2004.<br />

Search engine for video retrie<strong>va</strong>l, showing results for vehicles and cars.<br />

We will continue this line of research with a further integration of multi-media<br />

sources, a further <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing of the structure of video documents and<br />

interactive access to the semantic content of large collections of multi-media<br />

information.<br />

Colour in computer vision<br />

Colour is an important cue in image analysis. Image processing of colour images<br />

requires special attention as well as new possibilities to see detail where grey<br />

<strong>va</strong>lue methods cannot.<br />

In previous years, local color, geometric and spatial frequency in<strong>va</strong>riants were<br />

developed at ISIS. These local features aim at the robust measurement of the<br />

color, shape and texture of an object, <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the most common accidental<br />

viewing conditions. These accidental conditions can be largely characterized by<br />

direction of view, the incident light, the color of the light and the other<br />

accidents as the presence of a foregro<strong>un</strong>d or backgro<strong>un</strong>d. An in<strong>va</strong>riant

epresentation of the object implies that the <strong>va</strong>rious conditions <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> which the<br />

s<strong>am</strong>e view of the object may be perceived do not have to be learned. To test the<br />

discriminative power of color, geometric and spatial frequency in<strong>va</strong>riants, the<br />

ALOI collection was recorded, containing color images of 1000 real-world<br />

objects recorded <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> <strong>va</strong>riuous illumination directions (Figure 2), and<br />

different illumination colors (Figure 3).<br />

The in<strong>va</strong>riants were shown to increase discriminative power for object<br />

recognition when compared to the visual measurements of which the in<strong>va</strong>riants<br />

were composed. More specifically, the illumination intensity in<strong>va</strong>riant W and<br />

the color constant shadow and shading in<strong>va</strong>riant N proof to be discriminative<br />

when recognizing objects from a data set containing much photometric<br />

<strong>va</strong>riation. However, the in<strong>va</strong>riants are shown to be only marginally color<br />

constant. The in<strong>va</strong>riant sets outperform SIFT-features extracted from<br />

distinctive keypoints when the object is recorded <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> <strong>va</strong>rious illumination<br />

directions or when the object is rotated in 3 dimensions. Combining local<br />

in<strong>va</strong>riant features and the incorporation of color are known to be nontrivial<br />

problems in computer vision, for which we have provided solutions.<br />

From the general theory, methods are <strong>der</strong>ived for industrial colour vision,<br />

analysis of colour in documents, colour in microscopy, general images as<br />

appearing on the worldwide web. The topic on colour has led to many<br />

publications in journals (International Journal on Computer Vision and IEEE<br />

Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence). We aim at expanding the<br />

analysis to take on the s<strong>am</strong>e in<strong>va</strong>riant representation of texture next, as well as<br />

the semantic meaning of colour.<br />

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Ex<strong>am</strong>ple objects from the ALOI dataset.<br />

Ex<strong>am</strong>ple object from ALOI <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> different illumination directions.<br />

Theory of computer vision<br />

Mathematical morphology is an important paradigm for low-level image<br />

processing. Our group has a long tradition on the topic at a theoretical as well<br />

as a practical level, with applications in industrial and machine vision. Research<br />

has been carried out on bringing two basic theories of low-level vision (i.e.<br />

linear theory and morphological theory) on par. To that end, the slope<br />

transform has been introduced as the morphological equi<strong>va</strong>lent of the Fourier<br />

transform. Morphological scale-space has been fo<strong>un</strong>ded on the s<strong>am</strong>e principles<br />

as linear scale-space. For practical mathematical morphology, we aim at<br />

developing efficient algorithms. This implies efficient decomposition schemes<br />

for structuring elements as well as the design of C++ patterns for morphological<br />

image processing.<br />

One of the most f<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental tasks in computer vision is edge and line detection<br />

in images. The difficulty of edge and line detection is emphasized when the<br />

structures r<strong>un</strong> close together or cross each other, as is the case in engineering<br />

drawings or two-dimensional projections of complex (3D) scenes. In these<br />

cases, one would often like to have a detection method which takes ad<strong>va</strong>ntage of<br />

the anisotropic nature of lines and edges. We have shown the decomposition of<br />

the anisotropic Gaussian filter method in two Gaussian line filters in non<br />

orthogonal directions. The anisotropic Gaussian filtering method allows fast<br />

calculation of edge and ridge maps, with high spatial and angular accuracy.

Segmentation and Learning<br />

Image segmentation is the task of delineating the image of an object from the<br />

real world in the digital data array. It is one of the f<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental difficulties of<br />

computer vision, easily surpassed by man's superior capabilities. The difficulty<br />

resides in the fact that even man cannot rarely give a formal pictorial description<br />

why a bo<strong>un</strong>dary is positioned at a certain location and that is what a computer<br />

needs to perform the job. We contribute a <strong>va</strong>riety of solutions.<br />

The necklace approach offers a solution to inhomogeneous bo<strong>un</strong>daries as seen<br />

in three-dimensional images of the spine. A bo<strong>un</strong>dary will be inhomogeneous<br />

when there are neighboring, touching or overlapping objects, or when the<br />

bo<strong>un</strong>dary is out of sight due to noise or occlusion. In our ex<strong>am</strong>ple, individual<br />

vertebrae are delineated using an a priori geometrical model to be deformed for<br />

each vertebra.<br />

A string is a <strong>va</strong>riational deformable model that is learned from a collection of<br />

ex<strong>am</strong>ple objects rather than built from a priori analytical or geometrical<br />

knowledge. As opposed to existing approaches, an object bo<strong>un</strong>dary is<br />

represented by a one-dimensional multi<strong>va</strong>riate curve in f<strong>un</strong>ctional space, a<br />

feature f<strong>un</strong>ction, rather than by a point in vector space. Strings have been<br />

compared with active shape models on 145 vertebra images, showing that<br />

strings produce better results when initialized close to the target bo<strong>un</strong>dary,<br />

and comparable results otherwise.<br />

The watersnake approach has established a connection between the well-known<br />

watershed segmentation from mathematical morphology and energy-based<br />

segmentation methods. While the original watershed algorithm does not allow<br />

incorporation of a priori information regarding object shape, we succeeded<br />

doing so by formalizing and representing the watershed segmentation as a<br />

minimization problem. In particular the imposing of contour smoothness on<br />

the segmentation results, solves the problem with noisy bo<strong>un</strong>daries that are<br />

often enco<strong>un</strong>tered with the original watershed.<br />

The topic on image segmentation have lead to two articles in IEEE trans. on<br />

Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE PAMI). This is the most<br />

prominent journal in the area of pattern recognition and is <strong>am</strong>ong the top three<br />

journals in computer science in the world.<br />

Spatial and extensible databases<br />

Spatial and extensible databases are developed in the MAGNUM-project,<br />

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which ended in 1999. Amongst the results obtained, the Monet database kernel<br />

and its modules for image and geo-spatial reasoning stands out. Research in the<br />

area of database kernels was focused on consolidation of the results obtained in<br />

recent years in journal papers. The activities were realized in close co-operation<br />

with the CWI-database group. In the area of database kernels, an inno<strong>va</strong>tive<br />

experimental analysis <strong>un</strong>covered the lack of performance improvement in<br />

database technology over the last decade. The <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>lying reason is the relative<br />

progress in CPU- and RAM-technology, which shows a increasing performance<br />

bottleneck. As a result, traditional database solutions use less then a few percent<br />

of the a<strong>va</strong>ilable resources. This obser<strong>va</strong>tion has led to novel techniques to<br />

measure the resource waste and new database algorithms to avoid resource<br />

stales.<br />

The topic on spatial databases resulted in papers in several conferences<br />

including the VLDB conference.<br />

Software and systems<br />

The year 2004 has been a period of change for software engineering from the<br />

large complex and abstract Horus system which is now completed to smaller<br />

targets systems solving one computer vision task at the time but completely.<br />

A separate seed topic is the study of parallelism in multimedia processing tasks.<br />

The purpose of the research is to anticipate on future generation computer<br />

systems while constructing a parallel processing library compatible with Horus.<br />

A Ph.D. thesis on this topic has been completed by F.J. Seinstra entitled "User<br />

Transparent Parallel Image Processing". The research has led to publications in<br />

a.o. "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed aystems", "Parallel<br />

Computing", and "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience".<br />

In addition, the developed parallel software has been applied in the 2004 TREC-<br />

VID competition, in which the expected sequential processing time of over 250<br />

days was reduced to less than 60 hours. This reduction was obtained without<br />

any hand-parallelization, and played an important role in the realization of our<br />

top-ranking TRECVID results.<br />

Image processing as a design process<br />

The research topic of developing image processing tools as a design process was<br />

concluded as a separate research topic. One sub-topic was the design of<br />

methods for e<strong>va</strong>luating the performance in terms of robustness of image<br />

processing methods. Formalization of the design of image processing tools<br />

results in the use of self-reliant detectors each carefully documented on its

operational domain describing the complete picture set for which the detector<br />

will operate well. The method has been applied to engineering drawings as well<br />

as seeds. The topic on design process has lead to a paper in IEEE trans. on<br />

PAMI.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

With first priority we will increase the effectiveness of our solutions in image<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l and image search engines by expanding on our experience with<br />

learning from image databases.<br />

Computational efficiency of image search engines will be increased by the joint<br />

development with spatial and extensible databases. This is important as it will<br />

open up domains of h<strong>un</strong>dreds of thousands of images, a significant step towards<br />

data-mining the content.<br />

At the s<strong>am</strong>e time, we aim to expand to create full access to multimedia<br />

documents. The integration of information from text and pictures is a very<br />

interesting topic both scientifically, as it reveals a lot about the nature of<br />

information, as well as practically as multimedia documents will be ubiquitous<br />

as is the need for their access. The MultimediaN project provides the<br />

opport<strong>un</strong>ity to reach this goal with the intended delivery of a large-scale<br />

experimentation platform for multimedia information analysis.<br />

Concerning color research, we aim at the extraction of in<strong>va</strong>riants from<br />

interesting regions of the image. Regions improve on the robustness when<br />

compared to strictly local interest point based object recognition. For instance,<br />

from color distributions we may <strong>der</strong>ive appearance properties. Further, we aim<br />

at exploiting distributions of color edges to <strong>der</strong>ive texture properties. We will<br />

concentrate on regions that are interesting from an information theoretical<br />

point of view. To increase the specifity of regions, we will incorporate the<br />

statistics of regions throughout the ALOI collection. We consi<strong>der</strong> this<br />

collection to be a natural starting point for visual cognition.<br />

Over the years we have invested in a new, object-oriented software platform for<br />

vision. By the end of the year we hope to deliver a first complete system for<br />

internal use with an expected life time of 10 years.<br />

Further, the a<strong>va</strong>ilable parallel f<strong>un</strong>ctionality to heterogeneous wide-area Grid<br />

systems is projected to be extended in 2005. The main focus is on the<br />

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development of an efficient and easy-to-use execution model based on so-called<br />

Multimedia Grid Services, i.e. high-performance multimedia f<strong>un</strong>ctionality that<br />

can be invoked from within sequential applications r<strong>un</strong>ning on a standard<br />

desktop machine. A key ex<strong>am</strong>ple is our Aibo robot dog, whose video data is<br />

being processed at multiple cluster systems all over the globe. This research<br />

direction is prioritized with the arri<strong>va</strong>l of the new Distributed ASCI<br />

Supercomputer 3 (DAS-3), which is co-financed by the MultimediaN<br />


2. Intelligent Autonomous Systems<br />

General information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr ir F.C.A. Groen<br />

Telephone : +31 - 20 - 525 7461<br />

URL : http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/ias/<br />

Fax : +31 - 20 - 525 7490<br />

E-mail : groen@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the Organisation<br />

This progr<strong>am</strong> is carried out by the Intelligent Autonomous Systems group, one<br />

of the two research groups of the Multimedia and Intelligent Systems<br />

Laboratory at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science. The Intelligent<br />

Autonomous Systems group participates in the Dutch Graduate School 'ASCI'.<br />

Characterisation<br />

We develop methodologies to create intelligent autonomous systems that<br />

perceive their environment through sensors and use that information to<br />

generate intelligent, goal-directed behaviour in a perception-action cycle.<br />

These intelligent systems may be single systems, or multiple systems working<br />

together. In particular, we study perception for autonomous systems based on<br />

vision; we develop a <strong>un</strong>ified fr<strong>am</strong>ework for geometric computations; we study<br />

decision making of single- and multi-agent systems <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> <strong>un</strong>certainty; and we<br />

develop computational methods for learning systems and probabilistic<br />

reasoning.<br />

Key Words<br />

Machine learning, Bayesian networks, neural computation, graphical models,<br />

robotics, sensor data fusion, cognitive robots, <strong>am</strong>bient inteligence, human-robot<br />

interaction, autonomous systems, reasoning with <strong>un</strong>certainty, geometric<br />

algebra, geometric progr<strong>am</strong>ming, multi-agent systems, decision making,<br />

planning, Markov decision processes, stochastic g<strong>am</strong>es.<br />

Main themes<br />

We study the methodologies to create intelligent autonomous systems. Such<br />

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systems obtain their information from sensors and use that information to<br />

generate intelligent, goal-directed actions. As these systems operate in a<br />

sense-think-act loop, they can inherently learn from perceiving the result of<br />

their actions. They may be single entities or cooperating multi-agent systems,<br />

and they must operate in a real dyn<strong>am</strong>ic world, inhabited by humans and other<br />

agents.<br />

Characteristic for real-world problems is that the sensor data are noisy and hard<br />

to interpret since models are often <strong>un</strong>a<strong>va</strong>ilable, inaccurate, or incomplete. On<br />

the other hand, because of the real-world environment, data and models have<br />

geometrical coherence and are constrained by physics. Our research focuses on<br />

new methods which inherently incorporate this real-world structure, in or<strong>der</strong> to<br />

produce data processing and modelling that is robust to noise and<br />

computationally efficient.<br />

Decision making <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> <strong>un</strong>certainty is an important issue for intelligent systems.<br />

We are developing single- and multi-agent planning algorithms for this<br />

problem. In particular, multi-agent systems are capable of sharing their<br />

perceptions, resulting in a distributed world model. Coordinating the actions of<br />

multiple agents is a real challenge, which we approach by Markov decision<br />

processes and multi-agent learning strategies. As case study we use Robot<br />

Soccer.<br />

In the field of intelligent robots, specific applications we work on include<br />

service and personal robots and intelligent cars both in structured and<br />

<strong>un</strong>structured terrain. In the area of surveillance and safety, we have projects in<br />

distributed surveillance systems and decision support agents.<br />

2004 Results<br />

Perception for autonomous systems<br />

We develop methodologies for accurate motion estimation and interpretation<br />

from image sequences. Mobile vision platforms have their applications in traffic<br />

and driving in <strong>un</strong>structured terrain. Applications of static platforms are in<br />

public safety, and intelligent care homes for the el<strong>der</strong>ly. We cooperate with<br />

TNO-D&V on a number of projects, which are related to autonomous systems,<br />

such as the RoboJeep autonomous robot vehicle.<br />

Terrain classification is important for off-road autonomous robot vehicle<br />

guidance. Range based sensor systems, such as stereo vision, cannot distinguish

Orignal Colour Image Recognized Terrain Types<br />

Terrain classification results for images recorded in different weather conditions.<br />

Blue = sky, Dark Green = foliage, Light green = grass, yellow = sand, gray = gravel and<br />

pixels colored red have been rejected.<br />

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between solid obstacles such as rocks or soft obstacles such as tall patches of<br />

grass. Terrain classification is needed to prevent that the robot vehicle is stopped<br />

needlessly by the obstacle detection system. It can also be used to recognize<br />

sand roads or other dri<strong>va</strong>ble areas.<br />

We have developed a colour based method to classify typical terrain coverings<br />

such as sand, grass or foliage. Using colour recognition outdoors is difficult,<br />

because the observed colour of a material is heavily influenced by environment<br />

conditions such as the scene composition and illumination type.<br />

A novel approach has been developed for classifying different environment<br />

states in outdoor colour images that does not require any additional sensor data.<br />

By differentiating between environment states only a small <strong>va</strong>riation in material<br />

colour remains to be modeled. The results (as can be seen in the figure) show<br />

that our approach is able to classify terrain types in real images with large<br />

differences in illumination.<br />

Also in cooperation with TNO-FEL methodologies for public safety are<br />

developed. Many surveillance algorithms consist of different parts, such as<br />

object detection, segmentation, tracking, and recognition. Literature focuses on<br />

algorithms for one of these individual tasks. Integration of and comm<strong>un</strong>ication<br />

between these tasks is often rather ad-hoc. In this project we worked on a<br />

statistical fr<strong>am</strong>ework for visual tracking applications. It allows easy adaptation<br />

of the tracking application by substitution of one of the algorithms for part of<br />

the problem, without altering the remain<strong>der</strong> of the application. Furthermore,<br />

the fr<strong>am</strong>ework uses minimum cost classification and feedback for updating the<br />

models using knowledge a<strong>va</strong>ilable elsewhere in the application. Another<br />

problem for many surveillance algorithms is that often c<strong>am</strong>eras with automatic<br />

gain control have to be used. As part the scene changes, static parts of the scene<br />

may suddenly become brighter or darker. We developed and compared a range<br />

of techniques to automatically correct for these changes. This enables us to use<br />

affordable auto-gain c<strong>am</strong>eras to do sophisticated image processing.

Radars bec<strong>am</strong>e a common component of perimeter monitoring systems.<br />

Current state-of-the-art radars are cheap, portable, and small. A disad<strong>va</strong>ntage of<br />

radar is that its measurements cannot be directly visualized like an electrooptical<br />

sensor. One way to visualize radar measurements is by showing them as<br />

a 3D scene in a virtual environment, which can be interpreted by a human<br />

observer. This requires the estimation of human motion features to animate the<br />

person.<br />

In the previous work we presented animate walking persons with the<br />

model-based approach that provide a realistic look-alike of the real walking<br />

person with the global Boulic par<strong>am</strong>eters. Although we estimated only the<br />

global Boulic par<strong>am</strong>eters the animation showed a certain level of<br />

personification. Disad<strong>va</strong>ntages of the model-based approach are: It requires<br />

human motion models for each type of motion like walking, jogging and<br />

r<strong>un</strong>ning. The computation time of the fit between the model response and<br />

measurements is not real-time. Although the model-based approach has a<br />

certain level of personification not all personification of human motion is<br />

presented in the models for ex<strong>am</strong>ple a difference in the left step length and the<br />

right step length. The research focuses on a feature-based approach to estimate<br />

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the motion par<strong>am</strong>eters. Three different methods are presented to extract the<br />

maximum, minimum and centre velocity.<br />

In addition to these features we extract an independent estimate of the<br />

repetition frequency on bases of velocity slices in the spectrogr<strong>am</strong>. The leg<br />

model, torso model and repetitive behaviour are <strong>der</strong>ived from the human<br />

walking model of Boulic. Kalman filters smooth the leg, torso and repetition<br />

frequency features and estimate the global Boulic par<strong>am</strong>eters. The global Boulic<br />

features completely describe the human motion and the leg features and torso<br />

features give additional personification information. These par<strong>am</strong>eters are input<br />

to the human model of Boulic which forms the basis for animation. A multiple<br />

processor application gives a real time solution. In the end of the year we start<br />

with the arm movement estimation and estimate the difference between<br />

swinging and non-swinging arms. The range dimension is added in the<br />

measurements and a Principal Component extraction is used to locate the<br />

human motion in the step-frequency- step-length space and classify the<br />

different humans. (Ready to submit paper: Feature-based Human Motion<br />

Par<strong>am</strong>eter Estimation with Radar.)<br />

Principles of autonomous systems<br />

In the project on geometric algebra, we have continued the development of the<br />

conformal model as a compact language for progr<strong>am</strong>ming geometry, though in<br />

the past year the effort was consi<strong>der</strong>ably reduced due to prolonged illness (RSI)<br />

of the chief investigator. We have deepened the work on efficient<br />

implementation, and on facilities for visualization of and experimentation with<br />

geometric algebra and geometry. This involves compiler and interpreter<br />

construction, and is a cooperation with the Faculty of Computer Science at the<br />

Free University (VU). We have started writing a book ‘Geometric Algebra for<br />

Computer Science’, based on our paper and interactive tutorials, to help spread<br />

the distribution of the technique to the field.<br />

Learning, probabilistic and neural computing<br />

We develop learning and probabilistic reasoning methods for intelligent systems<br />

operating in a real world. One line of research focusses on intelligent<br />

environments which must be able to localize and track humans and analyze<br />

their behaviour. In particular we studied a surveillance application with many<br />

c<strong>am</strong>eras which do not have overlapping field of views (see figure below). Such a<br />

system is faced with the problem whether an object observed with a c<strong>am</strong>era at<br />

some time is the s<strong>am</strong>e object as observed by some other c<strong>am</strong>era some time ago.<br />

To deal with the <strong>un</strong>certainty we use probabilistic networks. The methods we

developed outperform conventional (multi-hypothesis) tracking methods. The<br />

project is f<strong>un</strong>ded by STW.<br />

Another line of research concerns the modelling of sensory data. We developed<br />

probabilistic methods that map high dimensional data to a non-linear low<br />

dimensional subspace that preserves the structure of the data. Applications of<br />

developed techniques in the field of behaviour analysis are studied. Work is<br />

supported by STW.<br />

An important new line of research concerns `cognitive devices’ for intelligent<br />

environments. With top partners in Europe in the field of robots and<br />

human-robot interaction we started a 6th fr<strong>am</strong>ework Integrated Project<br />

‘Cogniron’ in which a cognitive robotic assistant is developed. Our group<br />

works on human activity analysis and on cognitive representations of objects<br />

and space. With this Cogniron project, the work started in the NWO project<br />

‘Concept learning’ and the work carried out in the ITEA project ‘Ambience’ is<br />

continued.<br />

Decision making in single- and multi-agent systems<br />

We have studied the problem of agent sequential decision making (planning)<br />

<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> <strong>un</strong>certainty. In the hardest case, the agent does not observe the true state<br />

of its environment, but it only receives noisy obser<strong>va</strong>tions that are<br />

stochastically coupled to the state. Solving such planning problems in an exact<br />

fashion is known to be intractable, so our focus has been on approximate<br />

solution techniques. We have developed "Perseus", an approximate <strong>va</strong>lue<br />

iteration algorithm for arbitrary POMDPs (partially obser<strong>va</strong>ble Markov<br />

decision processes) which is very competitive over existing methods.<br />

We are also interested in cooperative multi-agent systems. Here we use the<br />

fr<strong>am</strong>ework of coordination graphs which allows for a tractable approach to<br />

multi-agent coordination, by decomposing the global payoff f<strong>un</strong>ction of the<br />

system into a sum of local terms. Our current work on coordination graphs<br />

involves (i) message passing techniques for approximate decision making<br />

(similar to belief propagation in Bayesian networks), and (ii) distributed<br />

cooperative reinforcement learning (Q-learning). We incorporated this<br />

fr<strong>am</strong>ework in our UvA Trilearn RoboCup simulation te<strong>am</strong> which won the<br />

2004 German Open.<br />

We have applied our experience to the real soccer g<strong>am</strong>e when performed by a<br />

small number of robots. Previously we cooperated with the Delft University of<br />

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Technology in the Mid-Size League, this year a Dutch Aibo Te<strong>am</strong> was formed.<br />

The 4-Legged Soccer League is an ideal challenge, because it defines a standard<br />

hardware platform, which allows excelling on algorithms to perceive the<br />

environment, to reason about the optimal (joint) actions, and to perform those<br />

actions in a smooth way. The Dutch Aibo Te<strong>am</strong> was a successful debutant,<br />

which qualified directly for the WorldCup in Osaka with their performance in<br />

the Technical Challenges.<br />

The soccer world is dyn<strong>am</strong>ic, but has a fixed number of agents, and small<br />

playing field. To study the influence of larger real-world models, we focused on<br />

cooperation between te<strong>am</strong>s of rescue-agents in a city after a disaster. In our<br />

research we have experimented with a g<strong>am</strong>e-tree approach. In this approach the<br />

agents construct a strategy for multiple steps in the future instead of just<br />

selecting the behavior which currently has the highest priority. They do that not<br />

only for themselves, but also for a limited number of te<strong>am</strong> members. This<br />

g<strong>am</strong>e-tree approach can also be used to trace the situation and the behaviors of<br />

the agents multiple cycles back in history, to estimate which actions were really<br />

beneficial on the long r<strong>un</strong>.

We applied this g<strong>am</strong>e-tree approach in the UvA RoboCup Rescue simulation<br />

te<strong>am</strong>, which participated in the Rescue Middle Earth competition at the<br />

PRICAI 2004. The figure shows a D visualization of a burning city after an<br />

earthquake, as provided by the Robocup Rescue Simulation Project. In this city<br />

<strong>am</strong>bulance, fire brigades, and police forces have to cooperate, while the<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>ication is strictly limited because of a collapsed infrastructure.<br />

Another research line involves `Interactive Hierarchical Awareness’ in a<br />

multi-agent system. Modeling and control of such a system may benefit<br />

immensely from representing it at multiple levels of abstraction, i.e., using a<br />

hierarchy of representations. This means that the system's state is represented at<br />

multiple resolutions (in terms of time and abstraction) simultaneously for<br />

different levels in the hierarchy, and similarly, that actions are taken at multiple<br />

resolutions. In the Interactive Collaborative Information Systems (ICIS) project<br />

we aim at developing scalable and theoretically so<strong>un</strong>d methods for constructing<br />

and updating hierarchical state representations for multi-agent systems. We are<br />

working on establishing criteria for hierarchical state representations, for<br />

instance based on action utilities, the Markov property, <strong>un</strong>certainty, etc.<br />

Furthermore, we are developing algorithms that enforce/approximate these<br />

criteria based on the theory of MDPs, POMDPs, HPOMDPs, DBNs, and Utile<br />

Distinction methods. Our main application domain is road traffic management.<br />

Distributed perception and sensor fusion<br />

Intelligent process control and decision making in complex systems require<br />

adequate situation assessment, which in turn requires processing of large<br />

<strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>ts of heterogeneous information originating from different, spatially<br />

dispersed sources, such as, sensory systems, human observers, databases, etc.<br />

However, such "sensor fusion" is not trivial, since it requires adequate mapping<br />

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between very heterogeneous concepts, we are confronted with noisy<br />

information sources and, due to large <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>ts of information, significant<br />

processing resources might be required (i.e. computational bottlenecks).<br />

Another characteristic of the domains we are focusing on is that constellations<br />

of information sources can change frequently and, prior to the operation, we<br />

never know which information sources will be a<strong>va</strong>ilable. In addition, such<br />

fusion systems often provide results which have a critical impact on the decision<br />

making process and, consequently, further course of events. Therefore, high<br />

quality of fusion results and prevention of misleading results is indispensable.<br />

In or<strong>der</strong> to be able to deal with the mentioned challenges, we have introduced<br />

Distributed Perception Networks (DPN), multi-agent systems which support<br />

fusion based on distributed Bayesian Networks (BN). In this context, our<br />

research is focused primarily on the following problems: (i) Task driven<br />

self-configuration of DPN agents at r<strong>un</strong>time, which allows adaptation to<br />

dyn<strong>am</strong>ic information source constellations and supports reuse of partial fusion<br />

results. (ii) Efficient and robust information fusion with distributed BNs, which<br />

provide adequate mapping between obser<strong>va</strong>ble events and beliefs in hypotheses<br />

about hidden events. (iii) Resource allocation in distributed fusion systems<br />

based on information theoretic criteria. (iv) Approaches to improved fusion<br />

accuracy, such as fail-safe design of fusion systems as well as localization of<br />

faulty model components and information sources.<br />

In a related line of research we have studied the problem of decentralized data<br />

mining (<strong>un</strong>supervised learning) using gossip-based comm<strong>un</strong>ication protocols.<br />

In such protocols, random pairs of nodes repeatedly exchange their local<br />

par<strong>am</strong>eter estimates and combine them by weighted averaging. We have<br />

provided theoretical and experimental evidence that <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> such protocols,<br />

nodes converge exponentially fast to the correct par<strong>am</strong>eter estimates.<br />

Intelligent vehicles<br />

Our research interest involves developing new vision-based techniques for<br />

applications in the intelligent vehicles domain. In or<strong>der</strong> to preserve safety,<br />

current operational systems, such as automated transports and people movers,<br />

need areas or lanes that are separated from other traffic. Reliable, robust and<br />

real-time obstacle detection methodologies are needed to enable the safe<br />

operation of these types of intelligent vehicles <strong>am</strong>ong other traffic participants<br />

such as cars and pedestrians.

Real-time Stereo vision based obstacle detection on the road. The left shows the system in<br />

action from inside of the vehicle. The images on the right hand side show the system’s<br />

display. shown. Notice that a "caution" warning is given when the pedestrian is too close.<br />

In joint research with TNO we have developed and e<strong>va</strong>luated a real-time<br />

obstacle detection system. The obstacle detection system is based on dense<br />

stereo vision. In contrast to sparse stereo vision, it uses matching algorithms<br />

which estimate a depth for almost all pixels in the stereo image pair. Robust<br />

algorithms are then applied to detect which of the pixel disparities belong to the<br />

road surface. Other pixels, which belong to positive obstacles, are clustered into<br />

separate instances. All parts of the obstacle detection system have been<br />

optimized for the SIMD instruction sets that are a<strong>va</strong>ilable on normal computer<br />

systems. The current version of the system achieves processing speeds of 5 Hz.<br />

The figure above shows image of a test on the road, where the system detects<br />

pedestrians. The system was also e<strong>va</strong>luated in the state-of-the-art VEHIL<br />

facility of TNO in Helmond. This facility provides VeHicle In the Loop testing<br />

for new sensors systems by using small robotic vehicles to simulate other traffic<br />

(see photo below). By comparing the gro<strong>un</strong>d truth positions of the robotic<br />

vehicles to that estimated by our obstacle detection system we determined that<br />

the error in stereo ranging is less than 1/8 of a pixel<br />

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E<strong>va</strong>luation of real-time stereo vision based obstacle detection system in the VEHIL<br />

facilty of TNO in Helmond. The vehicle with the stereo vision system (RoboJeep)<br />

observes the small robotic vehicle which simulates a moving obstacle.<br />

More than 150.000/6000 pedestrians are injured/killed yearly in traffic EUwide.<br />

A collaboration with DaimlerChrysler Research (Germany) focuses on<br />

these vulnerable traffic participants, aiming to develop a system for video-based<br />

pedestrian recognition from a moving vehicle. From a methodical point of view,<br />

this application is very challenging because it combines the difficulties of a<br />

moving c<strong>am</strong>era, a wide range of possible (deformable) object appearances,<br />

cluttered backgro<strong>un</strong>ds, stringent performance criteria and hard real-time<br />

constraints. The second phase of the research project focuses on a Bayesian<br />

extension to hierarchical shape-based object detection.

3. Information and Language Processing Systems<br />

General information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr M. de Rijke<br />

Telephone : +31 - 20 - 525 5358<br />

URL : http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/<br />

Fax : +31 - 20 - 525 7490<br />

E-mail : mdr@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the Organisation<br />

This progr<strong>am</strong> is carried out by the Information and Language Processing<br />

Systems (ILPS) group, one of the three research groups of the Intelligent<br />

Systems Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong> (ISLA) at the Informatics Institute of the<br />

Faculty of Science. The Information and Language Processing Systems group<br />

participates in the Dutch Graduate School SIKS.<br />

As of April 1, 2004, the Information and Language Processing Systems group<br />

(formerly the Language and Inference Technology (LIT) group) is part of the<br />

Informatics Institute of the Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. Previously, the LIT<br />

group was part of the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).<br />

Fo<strong>un</strong>ded by Maarten de Rijke and Michael Masuch in 2001, the group quickly<br />

grew to become an award-winning group of aro<strong>un</strong>d 20 people pursuing<br />

fo<strong>un</strong>dational, experimental, and applied research in intelligent information<br />

access. The following people have left the ILLC along with Maarten de Rijke:<br />

Loredana Afanasiev, David Ahn, Caterina Caracciolo, Sisay Fissaha, Massimo<br />

Franceschet, E<strong>va</strong>n Goris, Willem <strong>va</strong>n Hage, Gabriel Infante-Lopez, Valentin<br />

Jijko<strong>un</strong>, Maarten Marx, Gilad Mishne, Rob Mokken, Karin Mueller, Stefan<br />

Schlobach, Borkur Sigurbjörnsson, Maarten Stol, and Petrucio Viana. During<br />

the second half of 2004, Bal<strong>der</strong> ten Cate, Leonie IJzereef, and Erik Tjong Kim<br />

Sang joined the group.<br />

Characterization<br />

Research within the Information and Language Processing Systems group is<br />

aimed at developing and studying the computational, linguistic, and statistical<br />

<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>pinnings of effective ways of providing intelligent information access,<br />

especially in the face of massive <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>ts of information. Addressing this task<br />

requires synergy between AI-research, IR-techniques, and applied natural<br />

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language processing. Our leading methodology is to identify real-world<br />

scenarios that give rise to interesting research challenges. If possible we try to<br />

address such challenges from a broad spectrum of perspectives, ranging from<br />

fo<strong>un</strong>dational and theoretical to experimental.<br />

The ILPS group takes part in a number of world-wide e<strong>va</strong>luation exercises in<br />

the areas of information retrie<strong>va</strong>l and language processing, including TREC,<br />

CLEF, INEX, ACE, and Sense<strong>va</strong>l. To support our participation in these<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luation efforts, the group has made, and continues to make, a consi<strong>der</strong>able<br />

investment in software infrastructure. During 2004 the ILPS increasingly<br />

become both a participant and an organizer of large-scale e<strong>va</strong>luation efforts.<br />

It has now become co-ordinator of the Dutch question answering efforts for<br />

CLEF, as well as organizer of the WebCLEF multi-lingual web retrie<strong>va</strong>l<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luation effort.<br />

Key Words<br />

Information retrie<strong>va</strong>l, applied natural language processing, knowledge<br />

representation and reasoning, machine learning, data mining, question<br />

answering, social networks, semi-structured data.<br />

Main themes<br />

The overall aim of the projects carried out within the Information and<br />

Language Processing Systems group is to put abstract theories to work with<br />

the aim of gaining insights in the computational, statistical, and linguistic<br />

<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>pinnings of dealing with large <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>ts of textual information.<br />

Research activities within the Information and Language Processing Systems<br />

group fall <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> one or more of the following headings:<br />

Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l<br />

Work <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> this heading covers topics such as spatial reasoning and image<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l, semistructured data, cross-lingual retrie<strong>va</strong>l, mono-lingual retrie<strong>va</strong>l for<br />

European languages, question answering systems, knowledge representation,<br />

and web logs.<br />

Applied Natural Language Processing<br />

This heading covers topics such as information extraction, text mining, lexical<br />

semantics, shallow parsing technologies, robust generation of semantic<br />

representations, and online sentiment analysis.

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning<br />

Work <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> this heading includes semistructured data, constraint satisfaction<br />

problems, expressive power and f<strong>un</strong>ctionality of query languages for XML data<br />

and of restricted description languages (including modal, description, and<br />

feature logic), proof and decision methods for modal-like logics, benchmarking<br />

XML query languages, query e<strong>va</strong>luation for XPath and automated reasoning.<br />

Much of the research in the Information and Language Processing Systems<br />

group is aimed at <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing the computational behavior of information and<br />

language processing technologies, especially in relation to their potential<br />

benefits for real world information processing tasks. As a consequence, there is<br />

a strong emphasis on implementation efforts.<br />

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2004 Results<br />

Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l<br />

Our retrie<strong>va</strong>l work was organized aro<strong>un</strong>d participations in CLEF, INEX,<br />

and TREC, with work on XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l, multi-lingual retrie<strong>va</strong>l, question<br />

answering, and web retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In the area of XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l, we investigated the<br />

appropriate <strong>un</strong>it of retrie<strong>va</strong>l for XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l, which lead to a large number of<br />

publications, both at SIGIR and elsewhere. We also studied the potential<br />

contribution of structural hints in XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l; this too proved a fruitful<br />

research area with publications at CIKM and elsewhere.<br />

Mixing content-dependent and content-independent document features, our<br />

web retrie<strong>va</strong>l work proved competitive at the 2004 TREC Web track, building<br />

on our expanding work on statistical language modeling. Additional work on<br />

the use of light-weight query refinement techniques for web retrie<strong>va</strong>l led to an<br />

ECIR publication, best student paper award.<br />

Work on our multi-stre<strong>am</strong> question answering technology proved fruitful and<br />

productive, with a successful participation in the question answering track at<br />

CLEF, and with publications on question analysis, predictive answering, as well<br />

as answer selection. We have started up efforts to marry our question answering<br />

and XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l efforts, and are exploring question answering against online<br />

encyclopedia and against collections of frequently asked questions mined from<br />

the web.<br />

Applied Natural Language Processing<br />

Work here was organized aro<strong>un</strong>d a number of e<strong>va</strong>luation efforts. For a start, we<br />

took part in Sense<strong>va</strong>l-3 (Semantic forms and Logic forms), as part of our work<br />

on robust shallow semantic analysis of natural texts. Our semantic<br />

representations provide a good trade-off between the richness of the resulting<br />

structures and the complexity and robustness of the computational methods.<br />

Richer levels of linguistic analysis were studied as part of a new generative<br />

language modeling formalism that allowed group members to systematically<br />

study a broad spectrum of gr<strong>am</strong>matical formalisms.<br />

Among other applied linguistic interests were pursued question generation and<br />

the study of word or<strong>der</strong> <strong>va</strong>riations. In a pilot study, manual annotations in a<br />

treebank were exploited and used to generate complete syntactic annotations of<br />

questions <strong>der</strong>ived from declarative sentences.<br />

Within the NWO project "ITEQA: Inference for Temporal Question<br />

Answering", we worked on the general issues of improving information

extraction systems by incorporating data-driven techniques. Recognition of<br />

temporal expressions yields readily to machine learning, but their normalization,<br />

or interpretation, when consi<strong>der</strong>ed as a monolithic task, seems to call for a<br />

rule-based approach. We worked an analysis of normalization that separates<br />

context-independent from context-dependent processing and, in particular,<br />

identifies context-dependent classification tasks as a potential application area<br />

for machine learning. We have fo<strong>un</strong>d that that automatically learned classifiers<br />

can improve timex normalization performance while simplifying system<br />

development.<br />

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning<br />

Almost all technology for processing XML data makes use of the W3C<br />

standard language XPath. Within the NWO projects "A Model Checking<br />

Approach to Query E<strong>va</strong>luation on XML Documents" and "Model Checking<br />

Algorithms and Tools for Hybrid Logics" we started with extending the XMark<br />

XQuery benchmark to test the full f<strong>un</strong>ctionality of XPath 1.0.<br />

Within the NWO project "Complex Knowledge Base Classification" we<br />

worked on establishing the computational complexity and expressive power of<br />

XML query languages. This work is mainly disseminated in the database<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>ity. Using techniques from modal and temporal logic we could provide<br />

a complete characterization of the important Navigantional XPath language.<br />

We characterized the W3C standard language XPath 1.0, as the two <strong>va</strong>riable<br />

fragment of first or<strong>der</strong> logic (SIGMOD Record) and we designed a natural<br />

extension of XPath 1.0 which is complete in the sense of Codd (ACM PODS<br />

2004, best paper award).<br />

The master thesis of one of our students has been turned into the NWO<br />

Mozaïek proposal "A Model Checking Approach to Query E<strong>va</strong>luation on XML<br />

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Documents" which has been granted in 2004. The PhD student started working<br />

on this project in September. The aim is to see whether the techniques developed<br />

in temporal logic model checking can be applied to XML query<br />

processing.<br />

Finally, within the NWO Pioneer Project held by ILPS work was done on<br />

constructing ontologies. To help improve current modeling and reasoning<br />

environments we introduced, jointly with researchers from the AMC, formal<br />

criteria for good modeling of terminologies. By introducing methods for<br />

debugging, explanation and automatic semantical enrichment to support the<br />

modeling process, we aim at encouraging others to use more expressive<br />

formalisms.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

In 2005 we will continue to shift our focus to web-based information access.<br />

This development will show up very prominently in our organization efforts<br />

for WebCLEF, a new multi-lingual web retrie<strong>va</strong>l task that is being<br />

set up <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the CLEF umbrella.<br />

Additionally, we will extend our web-based question answering demo's. Going<br />

beyond factoid questions will be one of main question answering aims for 2005,<br />

and it will centered aro<strong>un</strong>d crawling, extracting, and retrieving<br />

frequently asked question pages.<br />

Further planned activities include creating synergy between our XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l<br />

and question answering activities. In particular, we aim to re-implement much<br />

of the language processing required for question answering as off-line<br />

annotation activities, thus creating collections of concurrent XML files.<br />

Answering question would then be adressed as retrie<strong>va</strong>l against these files.<br />

Finally, our work on benchmarking XML query e<strong>va</strong>luation engines will<br />

continue, and we now aspire to create multiple test sets that together cover as<br />

much of the required query and language f<strong>un</strong>ctionality as possible.

The Laboratory For Human Computer Studies<br />

The Human Computer Studies (HCS) laboratory performs research on<br />

theories, methods and technology regarding the design and use and e<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

of complex human-computer systems. A first class of complex humancomputer<br />

that are object of study are knowledge-intensive systems. Such<br />

systems can be based on human knowledge that is represented in ontologies and<br />

knowledge bases, or can contain knowledge obtained by machine learning<br />

methods. This research is centered aro<strong>un</strong>d questions concerning semantic<br />

modeling, ontology engineering, multi-agent systems and adaptive systems.<br />

Typical ex<strong>am</strong>ples of such systems are: Semantic Web applications, text mining<br />

tools, tools for developing and maintaining ontologies, qualitative reasoning<br />

systems, adaptive systems and ontology population and learning systems.<br />

Application domains include: cultural heritage, E-government services on the<br />

web, knowledge management, modeling physical systems, intelligent learning<br />

environments, bioinformatics, collaborative information management and<br />

virtual organizations.<br />

A second class of complex human-computer systems that are object of study at<br />

HCS, are e-learning environments, simulation environments for educational<br />

purposes and interactive systems. A central topic is the study of interaction<br />

requirements and user experiences, in particular for special user groups. Results<br />

of this research include methods for requirement extraction, user e<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

methods and best practices.<br />

General Information<br />

Contact person : Prof Dr B.J. Wielinga<br />

Telephone : +31 – 20 – 888 4696/4689<br />

URL : http://hcs.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Fax : +31 – 20 – 525 6896<br />

Email : wielinga@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Position within the organization<br />

The laboratory for Human Computer Studies (HCS) is one of the three<br />

laboratories at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science at the<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. The HCS laboratory was fo<strong>un</strong>ded in 2004 as a<br />

merger between the former Social Science Informatics group in the Faculty of<br />

Social and Behavioural Sciences and a number of smaller groups in the Faculty<br />

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of Science. The HCS group participates in the Dutch Graduate School "SIKS"<br />

(School for Knowledge and Information Systems).<br />

Characterization<br />

The general mission of HCS is the study of how people interact with ICT<br />

applications to achieve their goals, how human knowledge can be brought to<br />

bear in ICT applications and how ICT technology can support human<br />

activities. The research in HCS can be categorized <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the following main<br />

themes:<br />

Knowledge, Agent and Semantic Web Technology<br />

Adaptive Information Management<br />

Co-operative Information Management in Fe<strong>der</strong>ated Systems<br />

Interactive Systems<br />

Qualitative Reasoning<br />

Each of these themes will be discussed in detail below.<br />

Knowledge, Agent and Semantic Web Technology<br />

Key Words<br />

Ontologies, Semantic Web, Multi-agent systems, Knowledge-based indexing<br />

and retrie<strong>va</strong>l<br />

Main Theme<br />

This theme concerns research on theories, methods and technologies for<br />

representing, extracting and interpreting the semantics of information resources.<br />

The backgro<strong>un</strong>d of the research is the vision of the Semantic Web: an extension<br />

of the current web with meaning attached to information resources such as<br />

documents, images, video and audio material. Ontologies as a shared<br />

conceptualization of a part of the world, will play an essential role in the<br />

attribution of meaning to heterogeneous information resources. Hence, an<br />

important topic in the theme is the representation of, the reasoning with and the<br />

acquisition (automatic or semi-automatic) of ontologies.<br />

The Semantic Web will be a distributed system. Hence one may expect that<br />

agent technology will play an important role in the Semantic Web. The role of<br />

agents will be to harvest, combine and extract information from heterogeneous

sources. Agents will have different types of knowledge. For ex<strong>am</strong>ple one agent<br />

may know how to extract terms from a document, another agent may have<br />

knowledge about an ontology of a particular domain. One of the research topics<br />

of the theme is how such agents can be organized in a multi-agent system.<br />

2004 Results<br />

Ontologies<br />

The Ph.D. project on knowledge-rich indexing of learning objects (S. Kabel)<br />

showed that re-use of learning material can be facilitated by using ontologies for<br />

indexing and retrie<strong>va</strong>l. Fragments of instructional material represented by<br />

<strong>va</strong>rious media (text, video, images, audio) were indexed using ontologies of<br />

<strong>va</strong>rious types (domain, instructional, knowledge type). Empirical studies using<br />

the indexed material and the ontologies for retrie<strong>va</strong>l showed that the ontologies<br />

increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of re-use of instruction material.<br />

Document analysis and indexing<br />

The general goal of the Metis project is the development of knowledge on how<br />

to make organisations smarter by focusing on: collaboration and<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>ication; relating and visualizing information and comm<strong>un</strong>ication; and<br />

organisational perspectives on knowledge management. The HCS laboratory<br />

has contributed by developing tools and ontologies that make it possible to<br />

index and retrieve documents within comm<strong>un</strong>ities of practice (CoPs). An initial<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luation of the results at a large plastics company suggests that the<br />

"knowledge maps" semi-automatically generated from such CoPs make it easier<br />

to retrieve rele<strong>va</strong>nt knowledge. Further application of text analysis tools to<br />

"noisy" document-sets is ongoing.<br />

Multi-agent systems<br />

In 2004 C. <strong>va</strong>n Aart completed his thesis on "Organizational Building Blocks<br />

for Design of Distributed Intelligent Systems". This work resulted in a<br />

fr<strong>am</strong>ework for multi-agent design, based both on human organizational models<br />

and principles for distributed intelligent systems design. Three organizational<br />

structures were developed for coordination and cooperation in multi-agent<br />

systems. A number of case studies were developed as a proof of principle for the<br />

theoretical concepts.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming and Semantic Web infrastructure<br />

The core of the HCS software resources is formed by SWI-Prolog and its<br />

supporting packages dealing with visualization, networking, markup languages,<br />

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semantic web storage and querying and much more. After initial development<br />

within an EU project for editing models in the field of knowledge engineering<br />

the system has grown to a world-wide accepted open source resource for<br />

research and education. The current focus is on ontology management and text<br />

mining.<br />

Achievements over 2004 include addition of Constraint Logic Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

(CLP) in cooperation with KU Leuven, multi-threaded HTTP/HTTPS server<br />

and client support, extension of the semantic web storage module with<br />

concurrency and internationalization (<strong>un</strong>icode) support and provide a Ses<strong>am</strong>e<br />

compatible query engine and API in cooperation with the VU.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

Semantic Web and E-culture<br />

The work on the topics decribed above will continue in 2005 and beyond. The<br />

work on converting existing thesauri to ontologies represented with Semantic<br />

Web technology (RDF(S) and OWL) will continue. In particular, conversion<br />

and use of large ontologies, such as the Getty thesauri (AAT, TGN, ULAN), in<br />

the domain of annotating cultural heritage objects will be an important research<br />

topic for the coming years.<br />

Another topic in this context is population and learning of ontologies from<br />

heterogeneous sources. Initial tests in the domain of e-culture have shown that<br />

relations, for ex<strong>am</strong>ple between artist and art style can be automatically <strong>der</strong>ived<br />

from information on the WWW. This work will be extended to ontology<br />

learning: the extraction of generic concepts and relations from <strong>va</strong>rious sources.<br />

Comm<strong>un</strong>ication Coordination in Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems<br />

The major objective of the CCHMAS part of the CDM cluster in the ICIS<br />

project (Bsik) is to investigate organizational structures and strategies for the<br />

coordination in dyn<strong>am</strong>ic, distributed and hybrid agent systems. <strong>va</strong>n Aart et al.<br />

(2004) have used traditional organizational principles to build ad-hoc intelligent<br />

systems from intelligent services. The CCHMAS project will extend this work<br />

to more dyn<strong>am</strong>ic situations, where there is <strong>un</strong>certainty about the world in<br />

which the agents operate, the (<strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>t of) information and the a<strong>va</strong>ilability of<br />

agents. We will research a specific class of agents - so-called manager agents -<br />

that have no other task then to organize and coordinate a dyn<strong>am</strong>ic set of diverse<br />

operator agents in an <strong>un</strong>certain world, and that report to, and take instructions<br />

from humans. The project has started end of 2004. In 2005 we will set-up a<br />

prototype system within the RoboCup Rescue Simulation environment.

We will use this environment to define initial coordination and comm<strong>un</strong>ication<br />

ontologies for joint actions within the RoboCup Rescue world. We will extend<br />

this fr<strong>am</strong>ework by successively introducing more and more dyn<strong>am</strong>ics into the<br />

environment, into the organizational structures and into a<strong>va</strong>ilable information.<br />

Adaptive Information Management<br />

Key Words<br />

machine learning, data mining, adaptive systems, knowledge discovery,<br />

gr<strong>am</strong>mar induction, web mining, interactive systems<br />

Main Theme<br />

The research on Adaptive Information Management (AIM) focuses on the<br />

study of systems that can adapt their behavior to the environment. There are<br />

two main lines of research, single learning systems, and groups of cooperating<br />

systems. This field of research has a strong link with the study of agents.<br />

The distinguishing character of AIM is the focus on adaptation of behavior and<br />

learning. The <strong>am</strong>bition of the AIM group in the coming five years is:<br />

to study formal models of adaptive systems,<br />

to study collaboration models<br />

to realize a number of industrial or prototypical applications of adaptive<br />

systems,<br />

to study the complexity and explain the efficacy of existing learning systems.<br />

2004 Results<br />

In the DUMPERS project, it was shown that a method for clustering page<br />

transitions can discover structure in usage from the traces of users. This can<br />

be used to automatically construct navigation support.<br />

The thesis by Floor Verdenius discussed the application of Machine<br />

Learning for industrial problems and provided methods for selecting an<br />

appropriate learning method for a problem. A methodology is outlined and a<br />

method is presented to assess if a particular class of models is appropriate.<br />

In the context of AID we will be building a suite of dyn<strong>am</strong>ic, model driven<br />

information access and knowledge extraction tools on top of an architecture<br />

for grid-based distributed data analysis over the next 4 years. In the AID<br />

VL-e project an activity analysis of the cases provided by the Food<br />

Informatics partners was made. This analysis is the basis for a demo<br />

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application of the adaptive query environment that will be presented to the<br />

project partners in February 2005. We decided to participate in the TREC<br />

Genomics Track to test our results in an international context. The AID<br />

tools were made operational on the TREC Genomics data set of over 4<br />

million Medline abstracts using the Mesh ontology.<br />

Research on data assimilation resulted in a study in the biological domain<br />

(bird migration) and traffic forecasting area.<br />

Research into virtual organizations to support ICT led to novel concepts for<br />

ICT maintenance. In the scope of the VL-e project, the proposed models are<br />

experimentally verified.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

Two new projects started at the end of 2004. An IOP-MMI project will address<br />

methods for text classification applied in the context of trainable information<br />

distribution: can a system be trained to send information to the person for<br />

which it is most useful consi<strong>der</strong>ing current activities. In the ICIS-CHIM<br />

project, adaptive systems will be studied from the perspective of acceptability<br />

for the user. Other themes are the discovery of concepts and relations from text<br />

methods for learning and sharing "learning bias", knowledge that is used for<br />

further learning. In 2005 the AID VL-e project will make it’s first prototype of<br />

the adaptive information retrie<strong>va</strong>l tool suite a<strong>va</strong>ilable on the GRID Proof of<br />

Concept environment of VL-e. In 2005 we will also start collaboration with the<br />

Biorange progr<strong>am</strong> focusing on the following themes: SP3: Integrative<br />

Bioinformatics. Research theme 5: Content Driven Data Modeling and SP4:<br />

VL-e for Bioinformatics Applications. Research theme 3: Collaborative<br />

Information Management.<br />

Collaborative Information Management in Fe<strong>der</strong>ated Systems<br />

Keywords<br />

Fe<strong>der</strong>ated/distributed databases, collaborative networked organizations,<br />

knowledge management, ontology engineering, schema matching/integration,<br />

knowledge discovery, virtual organization breeding environment<br />

Main theme<br />

Research in the CO-IM group is primarily focused on collaborative<br />

information management in Fe<strong>der</strong>ated Systems. It addresses the design and

development of architectural fr<strong>am</strong>eworks, semantic models, and supporting<br />

services necessary for the inter-operation and coordination of goal-oriented<br />

collaboration <strong>am</strong>ong heterogeneous / autonomous systems. Special emphasis is<br />

given to: modeling of information / knowledge, ontology engineering, fe<strong>der</strong>ated<br />

schema management, fe<strong>der</strong>ated query processing, and semi-automatic assisting<br />

tools for developers of fe<strong>der</strong>ated architectures and systems, all of which applied<br />

to a wide <strong>va</strong>riety of complex emerging domains, from scientific to<br />

manufacturing and from control engineering to tele-assistance. The main areas<br />

of research and prototypical development activities aim at the following:<br />

Fe<strong>der</strong>ated information/knowledge engineering in complex emerging domains<br />

Information management architecture for cooperative systems<br />

Semi-automatic tools supporting integration / inter-operability <strong>am</strong>ong<br />

heterogeneous / autonomous environments<br />

Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNO) paradigm, their theoretical<br />

fo<strong>un</strong>dations, management of breeding environments, ontology engineering /<br />

discovery, trust modeling and trust management<br />

2004 Results<br />

In EC 5FP ENBI – European Network for Biodiversity Information, the<br />

applicability and potential of both the GRID technology and Virtual<br />

Organizations to biodiversity domain was explored. An analysis and<br />

characterization of collaborative information management needs for the ENBI<br />

application domain was performed, and the results of activities were reported to<br />

the global biodiversity comm<strong>un</strong>ity of GBIF.<br />

In EC 5FP – two Networks of Experts: THINKcreative, and VOSTER,<br />

collaborated in the organization of several international workshops/conferences<br />

related to the area of Virtual Organizations. We were involved (as a co-editor) in<br />

the preparation of a technical book, published by Springer, with several chapters<br />

based on the results of the THINKcreative project, and other chapters<br />

submitted by international experts in the field. Both of these projects ended in<br />

2004.<br />

In EC 6FP ECOLEAD– European Collaborative networked Organization<br />

LEADership initiative, the CO-IM group is one of the main four players in this<br />

large Integrated Project, with 19 European partners, la<strong>un</strong>ched in April 2004.<br />

During its first year, the key entities and components of the Breeding<br />

Environment for collaborative networks (VBE) are identified and modelled,<br />

VBE operating principles are defined, and the design of a VBE support<br />

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infrastructure is achieved. Furthermore, requirement analysis of the VBE<br />

f<strong>un</strong>ctionality has identified the need for: pro-active VBE competency<br />

management system, support for ontology discovery/evolution during the life<br />

cycle of the VBE, and performance-based trust establishment <strong>am</strong>ong the VBE<br />

members.<br />

In Dutch Bsik VL-e – Virtual Laboratory e-Science, the design of VL-e<br />

COLIM (collaborative information management) component started. A study<br />

was performed on the development of flexible approaches for automatic<br />

generation of database schema definitions based on the ontology entries<br />

provided by expert scientists. Also an existing proof of concept module for<br />

virtual laboratory information management (VIMCO), developed earlier by the<br />

CO-IM group, was enhanced and made a<strong>va</strong>ilable on the GRID proof of<br />

concept environment of the VL-e. The VIMCO component will be used as a<br />

"base" for information management by VL-e’s existing scientific applications.<br />

The PhD thesis of Ersin Kaletas represented the information management of the<br />

Virtaul Laboratory project and introduced the use of pre-defined "Process Flow<br />

Templates" and workflows for proper modeling of experimentation steps in<br />

different scientific domains.<br />

In EC 5FP TeleCARE – Multi-Agent Tele-Supervision System for El<strong>der</strong>ly<br />

Care, the development of several key information management components<br />

were completed, including: the fe<strong>der</strong>ated database system, its schema<br />

management, and agent-based fe<strong>der</strong>ated query processing, the resource catalog<br />

management system supporting TeleCARE’s HW/SW resources, and the tool<br />

for semi-automatic generation of data structures from their ontology<br />

definitions. These components were demonstrated and e<strong>va</strong>luated, serving as the<br />

proof of concepts. The project completed in 2004.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

In ENBI, the design of CIMS infrastructure for Cooperative Information<br />

Management System, that applies the GRID technology, fe<strong>der</strong>ated information<br />

management, and the Virtual Organization, to the biodiversity domain, will be<br />

finalized. This model and approach will be e<strong>va</strong>luated for adoption by the Global<br />

biodiversity comm<strong>un</strong>ity of GBIF.<br />

The ECOLEAD project r<strong>un</strong>s <strong>un</strong>til 2008. By that time, development of the breeding<br />

environment to support establishment and operation of collaborative networked<br />

organizations (CNO) will be achieved. Significant contributions will be

made to: development of a reference model, and reference system architecture<br />

for the VO breeding environments, the VBE management system, the VBE life<br />

cycle support, discovery / evolution of competency/resource ontology, trust<br />

models, and approaches to performance-based trust establishment.<br />

The VL-e project r<strong>un</strong>s <strong>un</strong>til 2008. The VL-e COLIM will approach several<br />

open issues related to design and implementation of "generic and extensible<br />

collaborative information management architecture" for supporting the VL-E<br />

application areas, including:<br />

Common representation models and common fr<strong>am</strong>ework / language, to<br />

support integration of pre-existing heterogeneous information systems,<br />

towards their full fe<strong>der</strong>ation.<br />

Development of Grid-based modules for fe<strong>der</strong>ated information retrie<strong>va</strong>l and<br />

fe<strong>der</strong>ated query processing.<br />

Development of ad<strong>va</strong>nced semi-automatic tools, e.g. schema matching/<br />

integration and automatic generation of database schemas, to assist the<br />

VL-e’s scientists, developers and administrators, with management of their<br />

information,<br />

Interactive Systems<br />

Key Words<br />

Human computer interaction, Cultural aspects of ICT, E-government, Learning<br />

environments, Meta-cognition<br />

Main Theme<br />

In general this theme covers the theory and practice of human computer<br />

interaction in a <strong>va</strong>riety of contexts. One topic <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> this theme is the study of<br />

interaction requirements and user experiences for special user groups (blind<br />

children, cultural minorities, disad<strong>va</strong>ntaged comm<strong>un</strong>ities, entrepreneurs,<br />

students). Special e<strong>va</strong>luation methodologies have to be developed to gain insight<br />

in interface design principles for these groups.<br />

A second topic <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> this theme is the design and e<strong>va</strong>luation of interactive<br />

learning environments. What design principles can be developed for systems<br />

that support learners in their learning tasks. An important theoretical issue is<br />

how the principles <strong>der</strong>ived from theories of learning and instruction can be<br />

translated into methods for e-learning environments.<br />

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2004 Results<br />

Human Computer Interaction for the Blind<br />

In or<strong>der</strong> to gain insight in the barriers towards optimal user experience for blind<br />

and visually impaired our research aims to develop an international online<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>ity for blind and seeing children. This research focus offers us the<br />

opport<strong>un</strong>ity to push theory and technological inno<strong>va</strong>tion further to cater for<br />

solutions to the problems we enco<strong>un</strong>ter. These inno<strong>va</strong>tions are thought to offer<br />

contributions for the field of Human Computer Interaction in general and<br />

contribute towards bridging human sensory capabilities with technology.<br />

In 2004, our efforts have focused on requirements analyses of blind and seeing<br />

children to identify differences in requirements and user experience. We find<br />

that blind children build different cognitive models concerning Internet and<br />

computer technology than seeing children do and these differences influence<br />

interaction.<br />

Cultural aspects of E-government<br />

In previous studies investigating the effects of culture on design preferences,<br />

attitude towards computers, <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing of interfaces, use of e-government<br />

systems, we have measured cultural <strong>va</strong>lue dimensions and have tried to relate<br />

them to design preferences, user attitudes, user experience or usage behaviour.<br />

In a recent study we investigated multi-cultural user experience of<br />

e-government applications for SME’s, In another study we tested attitude<br />

towards computers in the Akshaya project (a pilot project in rural India to<br />

make at least one person in every household computer literate). In these studies,<br />

cultural dimensions were not fo<strong>un</strong>d to correlate with aspects of attitude or user<br />

experience. Our findings suggest that socio-economic factors such as<br />

knowledge of language, education and computer experience are better factors to<br />

predict user preferences and attitudes. Even though these factors offer the<br />

ability to model a particular target user group, it still leaves the question about<br />

the way in which cognitive models of the real world are shared within a culture<br />

and whether modeling of users on a group or cultural level is possible.<br />

Not only to assess international and cultural aspects of Human Computer<br />

Interaction but also to inform theories on collaborative systems. In investigating<br />

cross-cultural user behaviour we will need to build a complete and more<br />

complex model of the user and the context in which technology is used.<br />

E-government for multicultural entrepreneurs.<br />

The city of Amsterd<strong>am</strong> is developing many new ways to improve service<br />

delivery to citizens and entrepreneurs in the city. Recently, a virtual business

co<strong>un</strong>ter, het on<strong>der</strong>nemersloket, has opened in Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. We investigated how<br />

users with different ethnic and cultural backgro<strong>un</strong>ds experience the use of this<br />

virtual co<strong>un</strong>ter. The main findings indicate that language skills and virtualisation<br />

of the company of the user affect the use of the virtual co<strong>un</strong>ter more than<br />

cultural backgro<strong>un</strong>d and other demographic <strong>va</strong>riables.<br />

ICT for development<br />

Other research focuses on poverty reduction in developing nations and the role<br />

of technology in this process. Previously, a project was briefly mentioned where<br />

technology acceptance was e<strong>va</strong>luated for people in rural India who are taking<br />

part of a computer literacy project. The research offered insights in the impact<br />

of technology on economically disad<strong>va</strong>ntaged comm<strong>un</strong>ities. Another study<br />

investigates access to education for children in developing co<strong>un</strong>tries. This<br />

research is in collaboration with the NIIT institute of India (KIOSK project)<br />

and involves the development and placement of publicly accessible computer<br />

kiosks in rural India. Our research investigates what knowledge children<br />

develop by using computers without any assistance. The research provides<br />

insights into the knowledge needed to make optimal use of computers and the<br />

internet and what schooling and knowledge could potentially be provided<br />

through the kiosks.<br />

Learning in simulation environments<br />

This project investigates factors that influence learning processes in simulation<br />

environments such as KM-Quest. The main results of the research are:<br />

1. Contrary to the literature (cf. De Jong & Van Joolingen) the g<strong>am</strong>ing –<br />

simulation environment KM Quest for the domain of Knowledge<br />

Management does promote learning success. Students acquire declarative and<br />

procedural knowledge as a result of playing the g<strong>am</strong>e.<br />

2. The prospective measurement of meta-cognition (in which meta-cognition is<br />

regarded as a more or less stable trait or disposition) by means of a self-report<br />

inventory, does not influence the acquisition of knowledge and skills<br />

3. The retrospective measurement of meta-cognition (in which meta-cognition<br />

is viewed as a transitory state) by means of a self-report inventory, does<br />

influence the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Students that report to be<br />

weaker in using meta-cognitive skills, achieve more learning success than<br />

students that report to be stronger in using meta-cognitive skills. The<br />

assumption is that KM Quest, that is strongly rooted in constructivist<br />

principles, is especially beneficial for students that are weaker in monitoring<br />

and controlling their learning behaviour.<br />

4. The addition of a task model to the learning environment that prescribes how<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

39<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

to solve KM problems is of no influence on learning achievements or use of<br />

meta-cognitive skills.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

In 2005 further research in the ICIS-CHIM project will investigate the<br />

interaction necessary for user involvement in automated filtering or information<br />

distribution. In complex collaborative dyn<strong>am</strong>ic environments such as crisis<br />

control situations, information overload is co<strong>un</strong>tered through adaptive<br />

information filtering. These filtering systems are based on machine learning<br />

technology and mix automatic and manual profile generation. The way in which<br />

users in complex dyn<strong>am</strong>ic settings can collaborate and collectively train the<br />

information distribution system will be one of the focus areas of research.<br />

Affective aspects of interaction will be investigated as effectiveness and<br />

efficiency of the system will depend on user trust and acceptance.<br />

A new research project proposed involves user interaction and interface<br />

preferences for multimodal Virtual Reality visualization. Virtual environments<br />

support a <strong>va</strong>riety of modalities ranging from non-immersive desktop<br />

representations on a conventional PC or a PDA, to fully immersive CAVE-like<br />

environments and augmented reality (AR). The range of f<strong>un</strong>ctionalities<br />

supported is <strong>va</strong>riable and can focus on projection and analysis of complex data<br />

(MRI scan based visualisations of human physical conditions) or virtual meeting<br />

places where remote social interaction is realised through virtual presence in a<br />

virtual space. The selection of an appropriate modality in accordance with the<br />

user’s tasks, preferences and personal features is increasingly important.<br />

The research will investigate to what extent task-orientation, user culture and<br />

socio-psychological factors influence user preferences for interaction in<br />

different projection modalities.<br />

Ongoing research concerning special user groups will lead to developments of<br />

prototype systems to facilitate interaction between blind and seeing users.<br />

E-learning tools to facilitate <strong>un</strong>supervised learning in disad<strong>va</strong>ntaged<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>ities and the development of a model of culture as well as a model of<br />

emotion to effectively investigate the effects of culture and the effects of<br />

emotion on human computer interaction. Data collection tools will be<br />

developed from these models and administered in a large scale international<br />

empirical study.

Qualitative Reasoning<br />

Keywords<br />

Knowledge capture and comm<strong>un</strong>ication, Knowledge simulation, Conceptual<br />

knowledge, Common-sense reasoning, Question generation, Diagr<strong>am</strong>matic<br />

reasoning, External representations, Concept Maps, Explanation.<br />

Main theme<br />

Qualitative reasoning is an area of Artificial Intelligence that is concerned with<br />

the construction of knowledge models that capture insights domain experts<br />

have of systems’ structure and their behaviour (f<strong>un</strong>ctioning). Qualitative<br />

reasoning provides a rich vocabulary for describing objects, situations, relations,<br />

causality, assumptions, and mechanisms of change. Using this vocabulary it is<br />

possible to capture conceptual knowledge about systems and their behaviour<br />

and use that knowledge to automatically <strong>der</strong>ive rele<strong>va</strong>nt conclusions without<br />

requiring numerical data. Qualitative modelling uses a compositional approach<br />

to enable reusability. This is achieved by constructing libraries of partial<br />

behaviour descriptions (model-fragments) that apply to the smallest entities<br />

rele<strong>va</strong>nt within a domain. As larger systems are built from these basic elements,<br />

reasoning about the behaviour of larger systems means combining the<br />

behaviour of these elements. This prevents having to develop dedicated models<br />

for each system enco<strong>un</strong>tered. Our main research questions include:<br />

Constructing knowledge libraries for new domains<br />

Distributed and collaborative model-building<br />

Automated question generation<br />

Explanation generation and automated model debugging<br />

The application of QR technology to education<br />

Diagr<strong>am</strong>matic languages for knowledge visualization<br />

2004 Results<br />

Tools for Knowledge Capture and Comm<strong>un</strong>ication<br />

A set of tools has been constructed that is currently being used by domain<br />

experts (mainly ecologists) to capture and share knowledge <strong>am</strong>ong experts,<br />

stakehol<strong>der</strong>s and learners. The latest versions of this software produced in 2004<br />

are: GARP (version 2), VisiGarp (version 2.04), and HOMER (version 2.1)<br />

(http://hcs.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/projects/GARP/.) GARP is a domain independent<br />

qualitative reasoning engine that allows users to simulate the behaviour of<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

40<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

systems using a command-based interface. VISIGARP is a graphical interface to<br />

GARP that allows users to select, r<strong>un</strong> and inspect qualitative simulation models<br />

by interacting with automatically generated visualizations. HOMER is a<br />

model-building environment that allows users to construct qualitative models<br />

using a graphical interface. Models constructed with HOMER can be exported<br />

as a set of files and used as input for GARP and/or VisiGarp.<br />

Learning by modeling<br />

Interactive Learning Environments that can be used by learners to learn while<br />

constructing. This is a special research track within the theme Qualitative<br />

Reasoning. It concerns research questions such as external representations,<br />

knowledge visualisation, and automated help. The Ph.D. project carried out by<br />

V. Bessa Machado showed that with careful designed diagr<strong>am</strong>matic<br />

representations novices were capable of using the model-building workbench<br />

MOBUM successfully. A multi-agent approach was developed to support the<br />

modelling process. The agents provided different kinds of help, such as general<br />

information on the formalisms and tailored feedback addressing the individual<br />

needs of a learner. Agents thus have scope, provide context-sensitive help, and<br />

are personified according to the type of support they provide. An e<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

study showed that such a help-system can effectively support users. V. Bessa<br />

Machado successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on this topic in 2004 (promotor<br />

prof. dr. B.J. Wielinga and co-promotor dr. B. Bredeweg).<br />

MONET network of Excellence<br />

Monet is a European Network of Excellence in Model Based Systems and<br />

Qualitative Reasoning (MBS & QR) (Contract No: IST-33540). The Project<br />

brings together experts in these fields from Academia and Industry in or<strong>der</strong> to<br />

realize the potential of this area. The primary aim being to bring these<br />

technologies to the point where they are of use to Industry and therefore<br />

forward the competitiveness of the joint economies of Europe. The methods<br />

used in MBS & QR are applicable to many and diverse areas of Research and<br />

Industry. Some applications are more developed than others; some are already<br />

in commercial use at this time. The Project aims to further the use of these<br />

technologies and then apply the lessons learned in their development to<br />

furthering the areas that are not quite so developed.<br />

Portal on QRM<br />

Due to the ad<strong>va</strong>nced representational features of Qualitative Reasoning, users<br />

find it often hard to use. One of the major problems with using Qualitative<br />

Reasoning is gaining the experience required to use them. Although the

software is a<strong>va</strong>ilable (in our case freely so) if learners, teachers, stake-hol<strong>der</strong>s or<br />

domain experts want to use QR software it is difficult, if not impossible for<br />

them to do so <strong>un</strong>aided. A portal has been implemented that supports users of<br />

QR technology. The current version of the portal (version 2) includes<br />

information on QR ontologies, modelling and simulation<br />

(http://monet.aber.ac.uk/). There is an initial enumeration of typical ex<strong>am</strong>ples<br />

and assignments, a list of FAQ and a glossary. The goal is to have this portal<br />

grow and support a comm<strong>un</strong>ity of practice on using and developing QR<br />

technology.<br />

2005 and beyond<br />

NaturNet-Redime is a EU FP6 STREP project that has just started (March 1st,<br />

2005). It will develop educational progr<strong>am</strong>mes to contribute to and accompany<br />

the design of the European Union’s Strategy for Sustainable Development.<br />

The technology produced will increase knowledge of the <strong>va</strong>rious factors that<br />

affect sustainable development. By building <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing of processes,<br />

decision makers, stakehol<strong>der</strong>s, and citizens will be able to make more informed<br />

and equitable decisions. All materials will be a<strong>va</strong>ilable via the NaturNet-<br />

Redime (www.naturnet.org) web portal. Interaction with end users will provide<br />

feedback to ensure optimization.<br />

The tools for knowledge capture and comm<strong>un</strong>ication developed by our group<br />

will be the basis for the ecologist in the project to construct conceptual models.<br />

While collaborating with the experts, we will further improve our tools and<br />

develop means to support their usage. Three areas of research are planned.<br />

First, the integration of existing software packages into a se<strong>am</strong>less workbench<br />

for capturing and sharing ecological knowledge. Secondly, tools, method and<br />

support for a collaborative approach to modelling. Third, intelligent support<br />

and means for model-debugging to aid users (particularly, citizens and<br />

stakehol<strong>der</strong>s) in their needs to created <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing and construct<br />

argumentation.<br />

F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>ental Research<br />

41<br />

Annual Report 2004

Chapter 3<br />

Applied Research<br />

and Education<br />

Applied Research and Education<br />

42<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The Laboratory for Computing, System Architecture and<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

1. Computational Informatics<br />

The knowledge acquired through Computational Science is vital to solve many<br />

important problems in contemporary society, not only in the general sense,<br />

through the development of know-how, solution techniques and tools, but also<br />

through the development of specific applications and Grid middleware.<br />

The Grid promises to become an important paradigm for business computing<br />

and our efforts in developing grid based environments is therefore very<br />

rele<strong>va</strong>nt. Many of our applications have a clear societal rele<strong>va</strong>nce. As an<br />

ex<strong>am</strong>ple, consi<strong>der</strong> the work performed for the <strong>va</strong>scular reconstruction. The<br />

societal rele<strong>va</strong>nce of the flooding crisis management application in the<br />

CrossGrid project has been dr<strong>am</strong>atically demonstrated recently, with and<br />

estimated d<strong>am</strong>age of over 10 billion Euros due to flooding in Germany alone.<br />

Finally, the HIV infection related work clearly is of high societal rele<strong>va</strong>nce.<br />

2. Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

The social and technological rele<strong>va</strong>nce of our research is illustrated by the<br />

impact this research has for companies like Philips, where the architectures of<br />

consumer electronics become increasingly heterogeneous<br />

and complex. Good tool support, to assist architects during all design stages,<br />

becomes more and more important for designing these systems. Another<br />

ex<strong>am</strong>ple is the introduction of road pricing along the Dutch roads, which has<br />

been a political issue for many years. In the CAPS group, we have concentrated<br />

on the technical issues of this subject. In both ex<strong>am</strong>ples modeling and<br />

simulation of the systems play an important role in studying their behavior<br />

before they are actually built. The industrial benefit of our Virtual Laboratory<br />

research is illustrated by the opport<strong>un</strong>ities offered to, for ex<strong>am</strong>ple, commercial<br />

aviation companies: using virtual laboratory infrastructures, companies like<br />

Boeing have access to a Virtual Wind T<strong>un</strong>nel to perform large simulations<br />

needed for the design of new wind turbines for aircrafts.<br />

3. Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments<br />

In the Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Environments progr<strong>am</strong>me, the general aim is<br />

to support the development of better software in a systematic manner. Design

and analysis on the conceptual level both are indispensable for a better<br />

<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing of progr<strong>am</strong>ming, progr<strong>am</strong>ming languages and progr<strong>am</strong>med<br />

systems. The connection between our different projects has always been the<br />

transfer of concepts and models to the experimental stre<strong>am</strong> and to the scientific<br />

comm<strong>un</strong>ity.<br />

Sophisticated tools based on a firm fo<strong>un</strong>dation are crucial for the gradual<br />

improvement of software engineering practices. The results of the<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments project may have a major impact on the longer<br />

term software development strategies in industry. In the software IT industry,<br />

most<br />

development is about enhancing existing systems, for instance, providing new<br />

front-ends to established back-ends, capitalizing on existing relational<br />

technology for data storage, and building new interfaces to existing software<br />

assets. Organizations are more and more trying to find effective ways to reuse<br />

their investments in existing packages, data bases, and legacy assets. Evidently,<br />

more and more people working in the software engineering area will be<br />

working on existing systems. This project perfectly fits these needs from the IT<br />

industry.<br />

Applied Research and Education<br />

43<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

1. Intelligent Sensory Information Systems<br />

ISIS has been awarded as one of three national centers in the IOP-progr<strong>am</strong> for<br />

industrial vision. Over the years, the IOP-project is performed in cooperation<br />

with Stork, Oce, Philips CFT, Philips Medical Systems, ENZA, TNO, DLO,<br />

Noldus, Ne<strong>der</strong>lands Forensisch Instituut, SPC and a few other industries.<br />

The AMIS project combines five computer science research schools of the<br />

Netherlands into one integrated project on image search. The emphasis towards<br />

multimedia is further developed through an ICES KIS II grant of MEuro 4 to<br />

the UvA and the CWI with additional support from Elsevier, Oce, TNO,<br />

Datadistilleries. The aim is to convert high level research in multi-media<br />

information analysis into demonstrators, half-products and other means of<br />

inno<strong>va</strong>tion in Dutch industry.<br />

The European IMAT project is developed with support from a <strong>va</strong>riety of<br />

industries in Europe.<br />

We have set up a joint venture with TNO called MediaMill in the area of<br />

multi-media information analysis. And we commenced a cooperation with the<br />

Ducth Forensic Institute, Rijswijk.<br />

In the context of the ICES KIS and IOP progr<strong>am</strong>s, we design and show<br />

demonstrators to a large <strong>va</strong>riety of industries and institutions. Demonstrators<br />

are in the area of image search, the PictoSeek system as well as the Filter Image<br />

Browser, document image analysis, document genre classification and the<br />

MediaMill video indexer.<br />

Based on our experience with SCIL-Image, an environment for image<br />

processing algorithms implemented for 10 years in a large number of scientific<br />

labs for image processing mostly within the Netherlands, we have concluded<br />

work on the object-oriented pattern-based Horus C++ package.<br />

2. Intelligent Autonomous Systems<br />

To promote robotics at a yo<strong>un</strong>g age, the IAS-group has initiated in 2004<br />

RoboCup J<strong>un</strong>ior (http://www.robocupj<strong>un</strong>ior.nl). RobuCup J<strong>un</strong>ior is a special<br />

league in which children between 9 and 19 compete with robots of their own<br />

design. In cooperation with the Amstel Institute and Nemo annual workshops

and competitions are organized. During these g<strong>am</strong>es the best te<strong>am</strong>s are selected<br />

and may then participate in international competitions. RoboCup J<strong>un</strong>ior<br />

consists of three leagues that are divided into a number of age groups from 9 to<br />

19.<br />

Peter <strong>va</strong>n Lith and Jelle Kok were the scientific hosts of the Beta Festi<strong>va</strong>l, a<br />

yearly event to promote science in the Netherlands<br />

(http://www.stu<strong>der</strong>en.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/betafesti<strong>va</strong>l/). This year the focus was on robotics.<br />

3. Information and Language Processing Systems<br />

In collaboration with colleagues at the Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC)<br />

work continued on support tools for developing terminologies, such as<br />

debugging, explanation, and summarization.<br />

We started the developement of a benchmark for XML query engines. The goal<br />

of this project is to improve existing, both commercial and open-source,<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>s. The benchmark discovered bugs in two of the three systems we<br />

tested. These have been reported to the developers of the query engines and<br />

fixed.<br />

Using TREC e<strong>va</strong>luation measures, the search engine of the UvA website has<br />

been tested and compared to state of the art search engine technologies. This has<br />

resulted in a number of concrete recommendations to the ICT group of the<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>.<br />

Collaborative work with several cultural heritage partners was set up, and has<br />

so far lead to final year projects and/or drafts of research proposals. Contacts<br />

with Elsevier Science were re-newed, and possibilities for future collaborations<br />

in the area of semi-structured retrie<strong>va</strong>l are being explored.<br />

Finally, within the setting of the Adaptive Information Disclosure project,<br />

ontology-based search technology is being developed to support the literature<br />

search efforts of bio-informaticians.<br />

Applied Research and Education<br />

44<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The Laboratory for Human Computer Studies<br />

Interapy<br />

Interapy conducts research on Computer-mediated Therapy (CMT) using a<br />

structured approach administered via the WWW. Interapy is a company that<br />

grew out of collaborative research between participants from Psychology and<br />

Social-science Informatics (now HCS). An important class of treatments deals<br />

with Post-traumatic Stress Syndromes (PTSS).<br />

Ontologies<br />

The methods and tools developed as part of the ontology research activities<br />

were used to develop a number of ontologies for knowledge management<br />

application projects in two large companies.<br />

Eduction<br />

One outcome of the research performed by UvA within the THINKcreative<br />

network of experts - focused on the study of virtual/networked organizations –<br />

was editing a book on "Collaborative Networked Organizations". This book is<br />

now being used by several Universities for graduate courses in this area.

Chapter 4<br />

Facts and Figures<br />

Facts an Figures 45<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Financial paragraph (x 1000 Euro) 2005<br />

Income<br />

Lump sum (<strong>un</strong>iversity f<strong>un</strong>ding) 3451<br />

Income from research activities 3981<br />

Other income 150<br />

Total 7582<br />

Expenses<br />

Personnel 6100<br />

Other expenses 2076<br />

Total 8176<br />

Net result -594<br />

Human Resource Input in fte for 2004<br />

Human Resource F<strong>un</strong>ding CSP ISLA HCS<br />

Input 2004<br />


Full Professor 1 1 2 0.6 1.2 1 0.75 1<br />

2<br />

3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4<br />

Associate Pro f e s s o r 1 1 2 1 2 0.5 0.7<br />

2<br />

3 0.9<br />

Assistant Pro f e s s o r 1 2 3 2 1.3 1.8 0.75 5.1<br />

2 0.7<br />

3 0.4 0.2 0.3<br />

Post doc 1 1 2 0.6 3.6 1.7<br />

2 2 3 1 2.8<br />

3 1.2 2.8 3 3 2.8<br />

PhD Student 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1<br />

2 4.5 1 2 3 1.5 2<br />

3 5 3 2 1 0.75 8<br />

S o f t w a r<br />

e Developers 1 1 1 1 1<br />

2<br />

3 6 9 2 1<br />

Other 1 1.3 1 1 0.8<br />

2 1.5<br />

3 2.3 7.6 3<br />

Guests 1 2 0.4 1.2

Research Input 2004 F<strong>un</strong>ding CSP ISLA HCS<br />


Full Professor 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.38 0.5<br />

2<br />

3 0.2 0.3<br />

Associate Professor 1 0.4 0.5 0.4 1 0.4<br />

2 0.2<br />

3 0.1 0.4 0.5<br />

Assistant Professor 1 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.5 1 0.38 2.65<br />

2 0.7<br />

3 0.4<br />

Post doc 1 0.4 0.3 1.1 1.15<br />

2 0.6 0.5 0.8 3.03<br />

3 4.8 2 2.4 1.35<br />

PhD Student 1 0.7 0.7 2 0.7 0.56 0.75<br />

2 2.55 1.4 2.4 1.37 0.94<br />

3 3.3 4.4 2.6 1.4 0.87 1.24<br />

Other 1 0.3 0.2<br />

2<br />

3 4.4 0.9 0.7<br />

Guests 0.3 0.4 0.7<br />

Scientific Output 2004 CSP ISLA HCS Total<br />


Dissertations 1 1 1 1 3 7<br />

Journal Articles 19 7 2 14 4 4 11 61<br />

Books, bookchapters,<br />

special issues 6 12 1 6 25<br />

Conference<br />

contributions 22 20 1 37 34 57 30 201<br />

Reports 11 4 4 7 26<br />

Professional<br />

publications 1 1 6 1 9<br />

Facts an Figures<br />

46<br />

Annual Report 2004

Appendices<br />

Appendices Informatics Institute<br />

47<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Appendix 1: Publications<br />

The Laboratory for Computing, System Architecture and<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

1. Computational Informatics<br />

Recent key publications<br />

[1] K.A. Iskra, R.G. Belleman, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, J. Santoso, P.M.A. Sloot, H.E.<br />

Bal, H.J.W. Spoel<strong>der</strong> and M. Bubak. The pol<strong>der</strong> computing environment, a<br />

system for interactive distributed simulation. Concurrency and Computation:<br />

Practice and Experience, 14:1313-1335, 2002. Special Issue on Grid Computing<br />

Environments.<br />

[2] J.A. Kaandorp, E.A. Koopman, P.M.A. Sloot, R.P.M. Bak, M.J.A. Vermeij<br />

and L.E.H. L<strong>am</strong>pmann. Simulation and analysis of flow patterns aro<strong>un</strong>d the<br />

scleractinian coral Madracis mirabilis (Duchassaing and Michelotti). Phil. Trans.<br />

R. Soc. Lond. B, vol. 358 (1437), pp. 1551 - 1557. 2003.<br />

[3] B.D. Kandhai, D. Hlushkou, A.G. Hoekstra, P.M.A. Sloot, H. <strong>va</strong>n As and<br />

U. Tallarek. Influence of stagnant zones on transient and asymptotic dispersion<br />

in macroscopically homogeneous porous media. Physical Review letters,<br />

88(23):234501:1-4, 2002.<br />

[4] S.F. Portegies Zwart, H. Baumgardt, P. Hut, J. Makino and S.L.W. McMillan.<br />

Formation of massive black holes through r<strong>un</strong>away collisions in dense yo<strong>un</strong>g<br />

star clusters. Nature, vol. 428, pp. 724-726, 2004.<br />

[5] P.F. Spinnato, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada and P.M.A. Sloot. Performance modelling of<br />

distributed hybrid architectures. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed<br />

Systems,vol. 15, nr 1 pp. 81-92. January 2004.<br />

[6] A. Tirado-R<strong>am</strong>os, P.M.A. Sloot, A.G. Hoekstra and M. Bubak. An<br />

Integrative Approach to High-Performance Biomedical Problem Solving<br />

Environments on the Grid. Parallel Computing, vol. 30, nr 9-10 pp. 1037-1055,<br />

(Ch<strong>un</strong>-Hsi Huang and Sanguthe<strong>va</strong>r Rajasekaran, editors), 2004.

Dissertations<br />

[1] Z. Zhao: An agent based architecture for constructing Interactive Simulation<br />

Systems,PhD thesis, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The<br />

Netherlands, (Promotor: Prof. Dr. P.M.A. Sloot, Co-promotor: Dr. G.D. <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Albada) December 2004.<br />

Journal articles<br />

[1] A.M.M. Artoli, B.D. Kandhai, H.C.J. Hoefsloot, A.G. Hoekstra and P.M.A.<br />

Sloot. Lattice BGK of flow in a symmetric bifurcation. Future Generation<br />

Computer Systems, vol. 20, nr 6 pp. 909-916, 2004.<br />

[2] D. Chakrabarty and S.F. Portegies Zwart. An Inverse-Problem Approach to<br />

Cluster Dyn<strong>am</strong>ics. Astronomical Journal,vol. 128, pp. 1046-1057, September<br />

2004.<br />

[3] B. Chopard and A.G. Hoekstra. Guest Editorial, Computational science of<br />

lattice Boltzmann modelling. Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 20, nr 6<br />

pp. 907-908, August 2004.<br />

[4] H.S.M. Cr<strong>am</strong>er, V. Evers, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong> and P.M.A. Sloot. Context analysis<br />

to inform virtual reality application development. International Journal of<br />

Virtual Reality, vol. 7, nr 3 pp. 177-186, 2004.<br />

[5] J.M. Fregeau, P. Che<strong>un</strong>g, S.F. Portegies Zwart and F.A. Rasio. Stellar collisions<br />

during binary-binary and binary-single star interactions. Mon. Not. Royal<br />

Astr. Soc., vol. 352, pp. 1-19, July 2004.<br />

[6] A. Gualandris, S.F. Portegies Zwart and P.P. Eggleton. N-body simulations<br />

of stars escaping from the Orion nebula. Mon.Not.Royal Astron. Soc., vol. 350,<br />

pp. 615-626, May 2004.<br />

[7] A.G. Hoekstra, J. <strong>va</strong>n 't Hoff, A.M.M. Artoli and P.M.A. Sloot. Unsteady<br />

flow in a 2D elastic tube with the Lattice BGK method. Future Generation<br />

Computer Systems,vol. 20, nr 6 pp. 917-924, 2004.<br />

[8] C. Hopman, S.F. Portegies Zwart and T. Alexan<strong>der</strong>. Ultraluminous X-Ray<br />

Sources as Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Fed by Tidally Captured Stars.<br />

Astrophys. J. Let., vol. 604, pp. L101-L104, April 2004.<br />

Appendices 48<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[9] R.M.H. Merks, A.G. Hoekstra, J.A. Kaandorp and P.M.A. Sloot. Polyp<br />

oriented modelling of coral growth. Journal of Theoretical Biology,vol. 228, nr<br />

4 pp. 559-576, 2004.<br />

[10 ] D. Merrit, S. Piatek, S.F. Portegies Zwart and M. Hemsendorf. Core<br />

Formation by a Population of Massive Remnants. Astrophys. J. Let., vol. 608,<br />

pp. L25-L28, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[11] G. Nelemans, L.R. Y<strong>un</strong>gelson and S.F. Portegies Zwart. Short-period AM<br />

CVn systems as optical, X-ray and gravitational-wave sources. Mon. Not. Royal<br />

Astr. Soc., vol. 349, pp. 181-192, March 2004.<br />

[12] S.F. Portegies Zwart, J. Dewi and T. Maccarone. Intermediate mass black<br />

holes in accreting binaries: formation, evolution and obser<strong>va</strong>tional appearance.<br />

Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc. , vol. 355, pp. 413-423, December 2004.<br />

[13] S.F. Portegies Zwart, P. Hut, S.L.W. McMillan and J. Makino: Star cluster<br />

ecology - V. Dissection of an open star cluster: spectroscopy, Mon. Not. Royal<br />

Astr. Soc., vol. 351, pp. 473-486, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[14] S.F. Portegies Zwart, H. Baumgardt, P. Hut, J. Makino and S.L.W.<br />

McMillan. Formation of massive black holes through r<strong>un</strong>away collisions in<br />

dense yo<strong>un</strong>g star clusters. Nature, vol. 428, pp. 724-726, April 2004.<br />

[15] C.P. Salzberg, A.T. Antony and H. Say<strong>am</strong>a. Evolutionary dyn<strong>am</strong>ics of cellular<br />

automata-based self-replicators in hostile environments. BioSystems, vol.<br />

78, nr 1-3 pp. 119-134, 2004.<br />

[16] K.A. Semyanov, P.A. Tarasov, A.E. Zharinov, A.V. Chernyshev, A.G.<br />

Hoekstra and V.P. Maltsev. Single-Particle Sizing from Light Scattering by<br />

Spectral Decomposition. Applied Optics,vol. 43, nr 26 pp. 5110-5115,<br />

September 2004.<br />

[17] M.S. Sipior, S.F. Portegies Zwart and G. Nelemans. Recycled pulsars with<br />

black hole companions: the high-mass analogues of PSR B2303+46. Mon. Not.<br />

Royal Astr. Soc., vol. 354, pp. L49-L53, November 2004.<br />

[18] P.F. Spinnato, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada and P.M.A. Sloot. Performance Modeling of<br />

Distributed Hybrid Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and<br />

Distributed Systems,vol. 15, nr 1 pp. 81-92, January 2004.

[19] A. Tirado-R<strong>am</strong>os, P.M.A. Sloot, A.G. Hoekstra and M. Bubak. An<br />

Integrative Approach to High-Performance Biomedical Problem Solving<br />

Environments on the Grid. Parallel Computing, vol. 30, nr 9-10 pp. 1037-1055,<br />

(Ch<strong>un</strong>-Hsi Huang and Sanguthe<strong>va</strong>r Rajasekaran, editors), 2004.<br />

Books, bookchapters and special issues<br />

[1] M. Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra. Computational<br />

Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9,<br />

2004. Proceedings, Part I, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol. 3036,<br />

Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004, ISBN 3-540-22114-X.<br />

[2] M. Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra. Computational<br />

Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9,<br />

2004. Proceedings, Part II, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.<br />

3037, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004, ISBN 3-540-22115-8.<br />

[3] M. Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra. Computational<br />

Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9,<br />

2004. Proceedings, Part III, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.<br />

3038, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004, ISBN 3-540-22116-6.<br />

[4] M. Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra. Computational<br />

Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9,<br />

2004. Proceedings, Part IV, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol.<br />

3039, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004, ISBN 3-540-22129-8.<br />

[5] J.A. Kaandorp and R.A. Garcia Lei<strong>va</strong>. Morphological analysis of two- and<br />

three-dimensional images of branching sponges and corals. In A.M.T. Elewa,<br />

editor, Morphometrics - Applications in Biology and Paleontology, pp. 83-94.<br />

Springer-Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-540-21429-1.<br />

[6] P.M.A. Sloot, B. Chopard and A.G. Hoekstra. Cellular Automata: 6th<br />

International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry,<br />

ACRI 2004, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, October 25-28, 2004. In series<br />

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3305, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,<br />

October 2004, ISBN: 3-540-23596-5.<br />

Appendices<br />

49<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] A.M.M. Artoli, L. Abrah<strong>am</strong>yan and A.G. Hoekstra. Accuracy versus<br />

Performance in Lattice Boltzmann BGK Simulations of Systolic Flows. In M.<br />

Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra, editors,<br />

Computational Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków,<br />

Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9, 2004, Proceedings, Part IV, in series Lecture Notes in<br />

Computer Science,vol. 3039, pp. 548-555, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e<br />

2004, ISBN 3-540-22129-8.<br />

[2] H.S.M. Cr<strong>am</strong>er, V. Evers, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong> and P.M.A. Sloot. Usability<br />

E<strong>va</strong>luation of a Simulated Vascular Reconstruction System. In Proceedings of<br />

the VIRART Virtual Reality Design and E<strong>va</strong>luation Workshop 2004, (CD-<br />

ROM, Panel VI (Design methods/process and e<strong>va</strong>luation)) University of<br />

Nottingh<strong>am</strong>, United Kingdom, January 2004, ISBN 0 85358 123 1.<br />

[3] J. Cui and J.A. Kaandorp. Mathematical modelling of calcium homeostasis in<br />

yeast cells. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent<br />

Systems for Molecular Biology and 3rd European Conference on Computational<br />

Biology (ISMB/ECCB), (abstract) pp. 215, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, July 2004.<br />

[4]D.P. Gavidia, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong> and P.M.A. Sloot. A Client-Server Engine for<br />

Parallel Computation of High-Resolution Planes. In M. Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra, editors, Computational Science - ICCS<br />

2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9, 2004,<br />

Proceedings, Part III, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol. 3038, pp.<br />

970-977, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004, ISBN 3-540-22116-6.<br />

[5] M. Gieles. E. Athanassoula and S.F. Portegies Zwart. The Effect of Spiral<br />

Arms on Star Cluster Evolution. AAS/Division of Dyn<strong>am</strong>ical Astronomy<br />

Meeting, vol. 35, pp. May 2004.<br />

[6] E. Gorbachev Yu, M.A. Zate<strong>va</strong>khin, A.A. Ignatiev, V.V. Krzhizhanovskaya.<br />

Simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in PECVD reactors for silicon<br />

films growth <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> the conditions of intense formation of higher silanes in the<br />

gas phase in The 5th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, MIF-<br />

2004. May 24-28, 2004. Minsk, Belarus. Book of abstracts, V. 1, pp. 301-302 (in<br />

Russian), Proceedings published on CD, index S04/4-08. Proceedings on the<br />

Web: http://relay.itmo.by/forum/mif5/S04/4-08.PDF

[7]Y.E. Gorbachev, V.V. Krzhizhanovskaya and P.M.A. Sloot. Using GRID<br />

technologies for simulation of complex physical-chemical systems. In<br />

Proceedings of the XI All-Russian conference Telematika '2004. (In Russian) pp.<br />

165-167, Publ.: SPbSU ITMO "Informika", St. Petersburg, Russia, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[8] Y.E. Gorbachev, M.A. Zate<strong>va</strong>khin, A.A. Ignatiev and V.V.<br />

Krzhizhanovskaya. Virtual Laboratory for Research and Education. In XI<br />

International Conference on High Technologies and Quality of Education and<br />

Science. pp. 90-91, SPbSPU, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, February<br />

2004.<br />

[9] K.A. Iskra, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada and P.M.A. Sloot. Towards Grid-aware Time<br />

Warp. In Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed<br />

Simulation, pp. 63-70, IEEE Computer Society, Kufstein, Austria, May 2004,<br />

ISBN 0-7695-2111-8.<br />

[10] M.B.N. Kouwenhoven, A.G.A. Brown, A. Gualandris, L. Kaper, S.F.<br />

Portegies Zwart and H. Zinnecker. The Primordial Binary Population in OB<br />

Associations, in Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series,<br />

(Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System ) pp. 139-140, August 2004.<br />

[11] M.B.N. Kouwenhoven, S.F. Portegies Zwart, A. Gualandris, A.G.A.<br />

Brown, L. Kaper and H. Zinnecker. Recovering the primordial binary population<br />

using simulating obser<strong>va</strong>tions of simulations. Astronomische Nachrichten<br />

Supplement, (Abstract) vol. 325, pp. 101, 2004.<br />

[12] V.V. Krzhizhanovskaya, M.A. Zate<strong>va</strong>khin, A.A. Ignatiev, Y.E. Gorbachev,<br />

W.J. Goedheer and P.M.A. Sloot. A 3D Virtual Reactor for Simulation of<br />

Silicon-Based Film Production, in 5th International Bi-Annual ASME/JSME<br />

Symposium on Computational Technologies For Fluid / Thermal / Chemical /<br />

Stressed Systems With Industrial Applications, held in conj<strong>un</strong>ction with the<br />

ASME/JSME PVP Conference. In series ASME PVP, vol. 491, nr 2 pp. 59-68,<br />

San Diego / La Jolla, California, July 2004, ISBN 0-7918-4686-5.<br />

[13] V.V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Y.E. Gorbachev and P.M.A. Sloot. A Grid-Based<br />

Problem-Solving Environment for Simulation of Plasma Enhanced Chemical<br />

Vapor Deposition. In Book of abstracts of the International Conference<br />

"Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education", pp.<br />

89-90, JINR Dubna, Dubna, Russia, J<strong>un</strong>e-July 2004, ISBN 5-9530-0052-9.<br />

Appendices<br />

50<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[14] B. Leskes and P.M.A. Sloot. Unlearning Phenomena in Co-evolution of<br />

Non-<strong>un</strong>iform Cellular Automata. In P.M.A. Sloot, B. Chopard and A.G.<br />

Hoekstra, editors, Cellular Automata: 6th International Conference on Cellular<br />

Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The<br />

Netherlands, October 25-28, 2004, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science,<br />

vol. 3305, pp. 172-181, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, October 2004, ISBN: 3-<br />

540-23596-5.<br />

[15] B. Ó Nualláin and S. de Rooij. Online Suffix Trees with Co<strong>un</strong>ts. In<br />

Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference 2004, (accepted) IEEE<br />

Computer Society Press, 2004.<br />

[16] K. Rycerz, M. Bubak, M. Malawski and P.M.A. Sloot. Support for Effctive<br />

and Fault Tolerant Execution of HLA-Based Applications in the OGSA<br />

Fr<strong>am</strong>ework. In M. Bubak, G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada, P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra,<br />

editors, Computational Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference,<br />

Kraków, Poland, J<strong>un</strong>e 6-9, 2004, Proceedings, Part III, in series Lecture Notes in<br />

Computer Science,vol. 3038, pp. 848-855, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, J<strong>un</strong>e<br />

2004, ISBN 3-540-22116-6.<br />

[17] K. Rycerz, B. Bali_, R. Szymacha, M. Bubak and P.M.A. Sloot: Monitoring<br />

of HLA Grid Application Fe<strong>der</strong>ates with OCM-G. In S.J. Turner, D. Roberts<br />

and L. Wilson, editors, Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed<br />

Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT'04), pp. 125-132, IEEE,<br />

Budapest, H<strong>un</strong>gary, October 2004, ISBN 3-540-22116-6.<br />

[18] P.M.A. Sloot, A. Tirado-R<strong>am</strong>os, A.G. Hoekstra and M. Bubak. An<br />

Interactive Grid Environment for Non-In<strong>va</strong>sive Vascular Reconstruction, in<br />

2nd International Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid<br />

(BioGrid'04), in conj<strong>un</strong>ction with Fourth IEEE/ACM International Symposium<br />

on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2004), (CD-ROM IEEE Catalog<br />

# 04EX836C) IEEE, Chicago, Illinois, USA, April 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8431-8.<br />

[19] A. Tirado-R<strong>am</strong>os, J.M. Ragas, D.P. Sh<strong>am</strong>onin, H. Rosmanith and D.<br />

Kranzlmueller. Integration of Blood Flow Visualization on the Grid: the<br />

FlowFish/GVK Approach. In M.D. Dikaiakos, editor, Grid Computing:<br />

Proceedings of the 2nd European AcrossGrids Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, in<br />

series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3165, pp. 77-79, Springer Verlag,<br />

Nicosia,Cyprus, January 28-30 2004, ISBN: 30540-22888-8.

[20] L.R. Y<strong>un</strong>gelson, G. Nelemans and S.F. Portegies Zwart. AM CVn systems<br />

as optical, X-ray and GWR sources. In Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y<br />

Astrofisica Conference Series, pp. 117-119, July 2004.<br />

[21] K. Zajac, M. Bubak, M. Malawski and P.M.A. Sloot. Execution and<br />

Migration Management of HLA-Based Interactive Simulations on the Grid. In<br />

R. Wyrzykowski, J.J. Dongarra, M. Paprzycki and J. Wa_niewski, editors,<br />

Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 5th International Conference,<br />

PPAM 2003, Czestochowa, Poland, September 7-10, 2003. Revised Papers, in<br />

series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3019, pp. 872-879, Springer-<br />

Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004, ISBN 3-540-21946-3.<br />

[22] E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong> and P.M.A. Sloot. Multi-modal Interaction in Biomedicine.<br />

In Y. Cai, editor, Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery, in series Lecture<br />

Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3345, pp. 184-201, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,<br />

2004.<br />

Professional publications<br />

[1] P.M.A. Sloot and A.G. Hoekstra: Virtual Vascular Surgery on the Grid,<br />

ERCIM news, October 2004.<br />

Other products<br />

Software<br />

[1] The Dyn<strong>am</strong>ite software package for the checkpointing of PVM progr<strong>am</strong>s is<br />

a<strong>va</strong>ilable through http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/scs/Software<br />

[2] Development of "Roche" binary evolution web interface:<br />

http://carol.wins.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~spz/act/roche/roche.html<br />

[3] Development of "McScatter" hybrid software package for Monte-Carlo<br />

dyn<strong>am</strong>ics with binary evolution http://manybody.org/McScatter.html<br />

[4] MODESTA is a dedicated parallel computer platform for MOdeling DEnse<br />

STellar systems in Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. The machine bec<strong>am</strong>e a<strong>va</strong>ilable for production<br />

on 2 October 2004 and is now working full time. Current performance is<br />

1.01TFLOPs sustained speed. MODESTA has a dedicated web site:<br />

http://modesta.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/<br />

Appendices<br />

51<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Interviews e.d.<br />

P.M.A. Sloot:<br />

[1] Interview Time Magazine:<br />

http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,574849-3,00.html<br />

[2] Natuur, wetenschap en techniek, nr 12, 2004: Wetenschapper aan het woord:<br />

Boeken top 3 <strong>va</strong>n Prof. Peter Sloot;<br />

[3] AT 5: A commercial based on the theme "inno<strong>va</strong>tion" in the series for the<br />

c<strong>am</strong>paign 'I Amsterd<strong>am</strong>' filmed at the Sciencepark, aired three times in<br />

December.<br />

[4] 10 December 2004 VARA Interview: Vara: "Nieuwslicht", popular scientific<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>.<br />

http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/stre<strong>am</strong>s?/tv/<strong>va</strong>ra/nieuwslicht/bb.20041210.asf<br />

S.F. Portegies Zwart (selection):<br />

[5] Sky & Telescope (August 2004, P.20) How to build a midsize black hole by<br />

Robert Naeye<br />

[6] Radio (AM 747) progr<strong>am</strong> Hoe by Teleac (2 July 2004, at 13:00).<br />

[7] Jornal de Ciencia (22 April 2004) Grupo propoe receita para buracos negros<br />

[8] NRC Handelsblad (24 April 2004) Middelzware zwarte gaten<br />

[9] Scientific American (28 April 2004) Colliding Stars May Form Intermediate<br />

Black Holes<br />

[10] Sky & Teleskope (20 April 2004) Black hole construction zone by Robert<br />

Naeye<br />

[11] Life on national radio VPRO Noor<strong>der</strong>licht (20 April 2004) missende<br />

zwarte gaten in het heelal by <strong>va</strong>n Hattum.<br />

[12] Polskie radio (14 April 2004) Astronomia: Czarna dziura w budowie<br />

[13] Aljazeera (15 April 2004) Missing link fo<strong>un</strong>d in black hole by the editor<br />

[14] de Volkskrant (18 April 2004) Amsterd<strong>am</strong>mers vinden zwart gat by the<br />

editor<br />

[15] BBC news (15 April 2004) New support for black hole theory by Paul<br />

Rincon<br />

[16] cnn.com (14 April 2004) Colliding stars may create black holes by Robert<br />

Roy Britt<br />

[17] Wissenschaft-online.de (14 April 2004) Sternencrash bei viel Verkehr by the<br />

editor<br />

[18] Noor<strong>der</strong>licht (VPRO) (14 April 2004) Middengaten by Maarten<br />

Keulemans<br />

[19] Astronomy (March 2004) Black holes in the middle by Steve Nadis<br />

[20] Sky & Telescope (4 Febr 2004) Stellar Breakups by P<strong>am</strong>ela L. Gay

2. Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

Recent key publications<br />

[1] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, and L.O. Hertzberger. Management of<br />

Fe<strong>der</strong>ated Information in Tele-assistance Environments. The Journal on<br />

Information Technology in Healthcare, 2(2): 87-108, 2004.<br />

[2] A.S.Z Belloum, D.Groep, L.O. Hertzberger, V. Korkhov, Cees T.A.M de<br />

laat, D. Vas<strong>un</strong>in. "VLAM-G: a Grid-based Virtual Laboratory" . Future<br />

Generation Computer System,19, 2003, No 2, 209-217<br />

[3] C. de Laat, E. Radius, S. Wallace. "The Rationale of the Current Optical<br />

Networking Initiatives", iGrid2002 special issue, Future Generation Computer<br />

Systems,volume 19 issue 6, 2003.<br />

[4] A.D. Pimentel, L.O. Hertzberger, P. Lieverse, P. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Wolf and E.F.<br />

Deprettere. Exploring Embedded-systems Architectures with Artemis. IEEE<br />

Computer, 34(11):57-63, 2001.<br />

[5] Visser, H.H. Yakali, A.J. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Wees, M. Oud, G.A. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Spek and L.O.<br />

Hertzberger. "An hierarchical view on modelling the reliability of a dsrc-link<br />

for etc applications". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,<br />

3(2), J<strong>un</strong>e 2002.<br />

Dissertations<br />

[1] E.C. Kaletas: Scientific Information Management in Collaborative<br />

Experimentation Environments, PhD thesis, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>,<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. ISBN 90-5776-121-1. 2004.<br />

Journal articles<br />

[1] H. Afsarmanesh and L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos (Eds). International Journal<br />

of Networking and Virtual Organizations (In<strong>der</strong>science), Special issue on<br />

Infrastructures for new virtual organizations, Vol. 2, Nº 3, 2004.<br />

During 2004 H. Afsarmanesh switched from Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

to Human Computer Studies. Publications by H. Afsarmanesh have been listed in both<br />

groups but are co<strong>un</strong>ted in Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering.<br />

Appendices<br />

52<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[2] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, and L. O. Hertzberger. Management of<br />

Fe<strong>der</strong>ated Information in Tele-assistance Environments. The Journal on<br />

Information Technology in Healthcare,2 (2): 87-108, 2004.<br />

[3] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. A multi-agent based<br />

infrastructure to support virtual comm<strong>un</strong>ities in el<strong>der</strong>ly care. International<br />

Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, In<strong>der</strong>science, 2004 Vol. 2,<br />

No. 3, pp.246–266, ISSN 1470-9503, 2004.<br />

[4] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. TeleCARE: Collaborative<br />

virtual el<strong>der</strong>ly care support comm<strong>un</strong>ities. The Journal on Information<br />

Technology in Healthcare, Vol. 2, Issue 2, London, pp 73-86, ISSN 1479-649X,<br />

April 2004.<br />

[5] C. Curti, T. Ferrari, L. Gommans, S. <strong>va</strong>n Oudenaarde, E. Ronchieri, F.<br />

Giacomini, C. Vistoli. On Ad<strong>va</strong>nce Reser<strong>va</strong>tion of Heterogeneous Network<br />

Paths. Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, 2004<br />

[6] Y. Demchenko. Virtual Organisations in Computer Grids and Identity<br />

Management. Information Security Technical Report - Volume 9, Issue 1,<br />

January-March 2004, Elsevier, Pages 59-76<br />

[7] E. C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O. Hertzberger. A Collaborative<br />

Experimentation Environment for Biosciences. International Journal of<br />

Networking and Virtual Organizations, 2 (3): 209-231, 2004.<br />

Books, bookchapters and special issues<br />

[1] H. Afsarmanesh and L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos (Eds). International Journal of<br />

Networking and Virtual Organizations (In<strong>der</strong>science), Special issue on<br />

Infrastructures for new virtual organizations, Vol. 2, Nº 3, 2004.<br />

[2] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Marik and L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos. Challenges of<br />

collaborative networks in Europe. In Collaborative Networked Organizations –<br />

A research agenda for emerging business models, chap. 3.3, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[3] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh (Eds). Collaborative<br />

networked organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models, by<br />

both Springer and Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.

[4] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. A strategic roadmap for<br />

ad<strong>va</strong>nced virtual organizations. Loeh, F. Sturm, M. Ollus, in Collaborative<br />

Networked Organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models,<br />

chapter 7.2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[5] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. A roadmapping methodology<br />

for strategic research on VO. In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A<br />

research agenda for emerging business models, chapter 7.1, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[6] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. Formal modeling methods for<br />

collaborative networks. In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research<br />

agenda for emerging business models, chapter 6.3, Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[7] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Mato and H. Afsarmanesh. Emerging behavior in complex<br />

collaborative networks, In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research<br />

agenda for emerging business models, chapter 6.2, Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[8] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos, V. Tsch<strong>am</strong>mer and H. Afsarmanesh. On emerging<br />

technologies for VO. In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research<br />

agenda for emerging business models,chapter 5.4, Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[9] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. Support infrastructures for<br />

new collaborative form. In Collaborative Networked Organizations –<br />

A research agenda for emerging business models, chapter 5.2, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[10] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. Targeting major new trends.<br />

In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research agenda for emerging<br />

business models, chapter 3.2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-<br />

4, 2004.<br />

[11] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos, E. Banahan, J. Sousa, F. Sturm, H. Afsarmanesh, J.<br />

Barata, J. Playfoot and V. Tsch<strong>am</strong>mer. Emerging collaborative forms. In<br />

Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research agenda for emerging<br />

business models, chapter 2.4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-<br />

4, 2004.<br />

[12] A.D. Pimentel and S. Vassiliadis, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th Int.<br />

Appendices<br />

53<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Workshop on Systems, Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2004) ,<br />

LNCS 3133, S<strong>am</strong>os, Greece, July, 2004.<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis and L.O. Hertzberger. Fe<strong>der</strong>ated management<br />

of information for TeleCARE, in Proceedings of TELECARE 2004– Int.<br />

Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Comm<strong>un</strong>ities in El<strong>der</strong>ly<br />

Care, 13 Apr 2004, Porto, Portugal, INSTICC Press, pp 49-62, ISBN 972-8865-<br />

10-4, 2004.<br />

[2] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis and L.O. Hertzberger. Service-Oriented<br />

Architecture of TeleCARE. In Proceedings of On the Move to Meaningful<br />

Internet Systems 2004,OTM 2004 Workshops, OTM Confe<strong>der</strong>ated International<br />

Workshops and Posters, GADA, JTRES, MIOS, WORM, WOSE, PhDS, and<br />

INTEROP 2004.<br />

[3] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis and L.O. Hertzberger. Ontology-Based<br />

Automatic Data Structure Generation for Collaborative Networks. In<br />

Proceedings of PRO-VE'04- 5th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual<br />

Enterprises, 2004.<br />

[4] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. The emerging discipline of<br />

collaborative networks. In Proceedings of PRO-VE’04– Virtual Enterprises and<br />

Collaborative Networks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-8138-3,<br />

pp 3-16, 23-26, August 2004.<br />

[5] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. TeleCARE: Collaborative<br />

virtual el<strong>der</strong>ly support comm<strong>un</strong>ities.In Proceedings of TELECARE 2004– Int.<br />

Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Comm<strong>un</strong>ities in El<strong>der</strong>ly<br />

Care, 13 Apr 2004, Porto, Portugal, INSTICC Press, pp 1-12, ISBN 972-8865-<br />

10-4, 2004.<br />

[6] F. Dijkstra and C. de Laat, Optical Exchanges. GRIDNETS conference proceedings,<br />

October 2004<br />

[7] C. Erbas, S. Cerav-Erbas and A.D. Pimentel. Static Priority Scheduling of<br />

Event-Triggered Real-Time Embedded Systems'. In Proceedings of the<br />

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for<br />

Codesign (MEMOCODE'04), San Diego, USA, J<strong>un</strong>e 23-25, 2004.

[8] L. Gommans, F. Travostino, J. Vollbrecht, C. de Laat, R. Meijer. Tokenbased<br />

authorization of Connection Oriented Network resources. GRIDNETS<br />

conference proceedings, October 2004.<br />

[9] V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, H. Afsarmanesh and L.O. Hetzberger. Ontology-based<br />

automatic data structure generation for collaborative networks. In Proceedings<br />

of PRO-VE’04 – Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks, Kluwer<br />

Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-8138-3, pp 163-174, 23-26 August 2004.<br />

[10] V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, H. Afsarmanesh and L.O. Hertzberger. Service-<br />

Oriented Architecture for TeleCARE, presented at On the Move to Meaningful<br />

Internet Systems 2004: OTM 2004 workshops: OTM confe<strong>der</strong>ated International<br />

Workshops and Posters, GADA, JTRES, MIOS, WORM, WOSE, PhDS, and<br />

INTEROP 2004, Agia NAPA, Cyprus, 2004.<br />

[11] V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, O. Unal, E. C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O.<br />

Hertzberger. Using Ontologies for Collaborative Information Management:<br />

Some Challenges & Ideas. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference<br />

on Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Information Systems (ADVIS 2004), 2004.<br />

[12] E.C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh and L.O. Hetzberger. Analysis of requirements<br />

for collaborative scientific experimentation environments. In Proceedings<br />

of BASYS’04 – Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing Systems,<br />

Springer, ISBN 0-387-22828-4, pp. 251-262, 27-29 September 2004.<br />

[13] E.C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh, and L.O. Hertzberger. A Methodology for<br />

Integrating New Scientific Domains and Applications in a Virtual Laboratory<br />

Environment. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise<br />

Information Systems (ICEIS 2004), 2004.<br />

[14] V. Korkhov, A.S.Z Belloum, L.O. Hertzberger. VL-e: Approach to design a<br />

Grid-based Virtual Laboratory 5th Austrian-Hangarian yorkshop on<br />

Distributed and Parallel systems, Budapest, H<strong>un</strong>gary, September 19-22, 2004.<br />

[15] V. Korkhov, A.S.Z. Belloum, L.O. Hertzberger. E<strong>va</strong>luating Metascheduling<br />

Algorithms in VLAM-G environment, ASCI 2004 conference.<br />

[16] Thompson and A.D. Pimentel. A High-level Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Paradigm for<br />

SystemC. In the Proceedings of the 4th Int. Workshop on Systems,<br />

Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2004), LNCS, S<strong>am</strong>os,<br />

Greece, July, 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

54<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[17] Thompson and A.D. Pimentel. A High-level Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Paradigm for<br />

SystemC. In the Proceedings of the Progress workshop on Embedded Systems,<br />

October 2004.<br />

[18] A. Tokmakoff, Y. Demchenko and M. Snij<strong>der</strong>s. Collaboration and security<br />

in CNL's virtual laboratory. WACE 2004, September 2004.<br />

[19] A. Visser, J.G. Zoetebier, H.H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger. An application<br />

for the Virtual Traffic Laboratory: calibrating speed dependence on heavy<br />

traffic. Workshop on Dyn<strong>am</strong>ic Data Driven Application Systems, Krakow,<br />

Poland, 6-9 J<strong>un</strong>e, 2004.<br />

[20] A. Visser, J.G. Zoetebier, H.H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger. The measurement<br />

architecture of the Virtual Traffic Laboratory. International Conference on<br />

Computer Science (ICCS 2004), Krakow, Poland, 6-9 J<strong>un</strong>e, 2004.<br />

Professional publications<br />

[1] F. Dijkstra and D. Groep: Building a Multi-Domain Grid, ERCIM News 59,<br />

Oct 2004, pp 36-37.<br />

Other products<br />

[1] As part of Artemis, we developed a prototype modeling and simulation<br />

environment called Ses<strong>am</strong>e (Simulation of Embedded System Architectures for<br />

Multi-level Exploration). See http://ses<strong>am</strong>esim.sourceforge.net/ for the<br />

software.<br />

[2] VL-e/COLIM. The existing VLAM-G/VIMCO software has been<br />

extensively tested and prepared for migration to the production environment.<br />

Administrative tools for data source, user, and access rights management were<br />

developed. For the biodiversity application, an Oracle database has been<br />

developed. Data importing and visual query building f<strong>un</strong>ctionality was built for<br />

this database.

3. Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments<br />

Recent key publications<br />

[1] J.A. Bergstra, A. Ponse and M.B. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Zwaag. Branching Time and<br />

Orthogonal Bisimulation Equi<strong>va</strong>lence. Theoretical Computer Science,309<br />

(1-3):313-355, 2003.<br />

[2] J.A. Bergstra and A. Ponse. Register-machine based processes. Journal of the<br />

ACM, 48(6):1207-1241, 2001.<br />

[3] M.G.J. <strong>va</strong>n den Brand, J. Heering, P. Klint and P.A. Olivier. Compiling<br />

language definitions: The ASF+SDF compiler. ACM Transactions on<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Languages and Systems, Volume 24(4):334-368, 2002.<br />

[4] M.G.J. <strong>va</strong>n den Brand, P. Klint, and J.J. Vinju. Term Rewriting with<br />

Traversal F<strong>un</strong>ctions. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology,<br />

12(2):152-190, 2003.<br />

[5] Terese (editors), (<strong>am</strong>ong the authors I. Bethke and P. Klint). Term Rewriting<br />

Systems. C<strong>am</strong>bridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 55, C<strong>am</strong>bridge<br />

University Press, 2003.<br />

Journal articles<br />

[1] J.A. Bergstra and C.A. Middelburg. Located Actions in Process Algebra<br />

with Timing. F<strong>un</strong>d<strong>am</strong>enta Informaticae 64, pp 183-211, 2004.<br />

[2] S.P. Luttik, P.H. Rodenburg, and R.M. Verma. Remarks on Thatte's<br />

Transformation of Term Rewriting Systems. Information and Computation,<br />

195:66-87, 2004.<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] J.A.Bergstra. Machine F<strong>un</strong>ction Based Control Code Algebras. In F.S. de<br />

Boer, M.M. Bonsangue, S. Graf and W.P. de Roever (Eds.), Proceedings FMCO<br />

2003, SLNCS 3188, pp 17-41, 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

55<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Reports<br />

[1] J.A. Bergstra and I.Bethke. Linear Projective Progr<strong>am</strong> Syntax, Logic Group<br />

Preprint Series 233, Dept. of Philosophy, Utrecht University, 2004.<br />

[2] J.A. Bergstra. Axioms for SNABOK, a System and Network Administration<br />

Body of Knowledge: Missing Link Stage of Ontology Process,Logic Group<br />

Preprint Series 227, Dept. of Philosophy, Utrecht University, 2004.<br />

[3] J.A. Bergstra and C.A. Middelburg. Process Algebra for Hybrid Systems,<br />

Logic Group Preprint Series 225, Dept. of Philosophy, Utrecht University,<br />

2004.<br />

[4] J.A. Bergstra and C.A. Middelburg. Continuity controlled hybrid automata,<br />

Technical report 0411, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.<br />

[5] J.A. Bergstra and C.A. Middelburg. Model theory for process algebra,<br />

Technical report 0424, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.<br />

[6] J.A. Bergstra and C.A. Middelburg. Thread algebra for strategic<br />

interleaving, Technical report 0435, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004.<br />

[7] J.A. Bergstra and C.A. Middelburg. A thread algebra with multi-level<br />

strategic interleaving, Technical report 0441, Eindhoven University of<br />

Technology, 2004.<br />

[8] J.A. Bergstra and A. Ponse. Execution architectures for progr<strong>am</strong> algebra,<br />

Logic Group Preprint Series 230, Dept. of Philosophy, Utrecht University,<br />

2004.<br />

[9] B. Diertens. Molecular Scripting Primitives, Electronic report PRG0401,<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Research Group, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

[10] B. Diertens. A Compiler-projection from PGLEc.MSPio to Parrot ,<br />

Electronic report PRG0403, Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Research Group, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

[11] P. Klint, T. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Storm, and J.J. Vinju. Term rewriting meets aspectoriented<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>ming, Technical report SEN-E0421, CWI, 2004.

Professional publications<br />

[1] G. Ballintijn, S. Brinkkemper, R. L. Jansen, P. Klint, and T. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Storm.<br />

Intelligente levering <strong>va</strong>n productsoftware, Informatie 46:28-33, 2004.<br />

[2] I. Bethke, B. Diertens, and A. Ponse. Webklas Informatica: Wat is een progr<strong>am</strong>ma?,<br />

Electronic publication in Dutch, Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Research Group,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004,<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~alban/WebKlas/<br />

[3] M. Kas and P. Klint. Kenniseconomie <strong>va</strong>lt of staat met on<strong>der</strong>zoeksagenda<br />

informatica, Automatisering Gids(week 22), 2004.<br />

[4] P. Klint. Het Calimero effect. I/O Informatica On<strong>der</strong>zoek, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[5] P. Klint. Een patentoplossing? Nee, dank U!. I/O Informatica On<strong>der</strong>zoek,<br />

September 2004.<br />

[6] P. Klint. Wanneer wordt U geoutsourced?. I/O Informatica On<strong>der</strong>zoek,<br />

December 2004.<br />

Other products<br />

[1] Toolkit for process algebra (the PSF-Toolkit):<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~psf<br />

[2] Toolset for progr<strong>am</strong> algebra: http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/prog/projects/pga<br />

[3] The Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment:<br />

http://www.cwi.nl/~projects/MetaEnv.html<br />

[4] The ToolBus coordination architecture:<br />

http://www.cwi.nl/htbin/sen1/twiki/bin/view/SEN1/ToolBus<br />

Appendices<br />

56<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

1. Intelligent Sensory Information Systems<br />

Recent key publications<br />

[1] Th. Gevers and H.M.G. Stokman. Robust Histogr<strong>am</strong> Construction from<br />

Color In<strong>va</strong>riants for Object Recognition. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and<br />

Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 26(1), pp. 113-118, 2004.<br />

[2] S. Ghebreab and C. C. Jaffe and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Population-based<br />

incremental interactive concept learning for image retrie<strong>va</strong>l by stochastic string<br />

segmentations. IEEE trans. Medical Imaging, 676 - 689 , 23(6), 2004.<br />

[3] H.T. Nguyen and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Fast Occluded Object Tracking by a<br />

Robust Appearance Filter. IEEE trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine<br />

Intelligence. 26(8), 1099 - 1104, 2004.<br />

[4] F.J. Seinstra and D. Koelma and A.D. Bagdanov. Finite State Machine Based<br />

Optimization of Data Parallel Regular Domain Problems Applied in Low Level<br />

Image Processing. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,<br />

15(10), 865—877, oct 2004.<br />

[5] C.G.M. Snoek and M. Worring and J.M. Geusebroek and D.C. Koelma and<br />

F.J. Seinstra. In Proceedings of the 2th TRECVID Workshop, NIST Special<br />

Publication, Gaithersburg, USA, 2004.<br />

Dissertations<br />

[1] A.D.Bagdanov: Style characterization of machine printed texts, Ph D thesis,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

Journal Articles<br />

[1] M. Aiello and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Thick 2D Relations for Document<br />

Un<strong>der</strong>standing. Information Sciences, vol. 167, 147 – 176, 2004.<br />

[2] A. D. Bagdanov and M. Worring. Multi-scale document description using<br />

rectangular granulometries. International Journal of Document Analysis and<br />

Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 6, 3, pp. 181-191, March 2004.

[3] I. Cohen and N. Sebe and F.G. Cozman and M.C. Cirelo and T.S. Huang.<br />

Semi-supervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms and Their<br />

applications to Human-Computer Interaction, IEEE Transactions on Pattern<br />

Analysis and Machine Intelligence,26(12), 1553-1567, 2004.<br />

[4] Th. Gevers and H.M.G. Stokman. Robust Histogr<strong>am</strong> Construction from<br />

Color In<strong>va</strong>riants for Object Recognition. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and<br />

Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 26(1), pp. 113-118, 2004.<br />

[5] Th. Gevers. Robust Segmentation and Tracking of Colored Objects in<br />

Video. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,pp. 776- 781,<br />

J<strong>un</strong>e, 2004.<br />

[6] Th. Gevers, G. Finlayson, R. Schettini. Color for Image Indexing and<br />

Retrie<strong>va</strong>l. Guest Editorial, Computer Vision and Image Un<strong>der</strong>standing, 94, 1-3,<br />

2004.<br />

[7] S. Ghebreab and C. C. Jaffe and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Population-based<br />

incremental interactive concept learning for image retrie<strong>va</strong>l by stochastic string<br />

segmentations. IEEE trans. Medical Imaging, 676 - 689, 23(6), 2004.<br />

[8] S. Ghebreab and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Combining Strings and Necklaces for<br />

Interactive Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Spinal Images Using an<br />

Integral Deformable Spine Model. IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,<br />

50(10), 1821-1829, 2004.<br />

[9] L. Hollink and A. Th. Schreiber and B. Wielinga and M. Worring.<br />

Classification of User Image Descriptions. International Journal of Human<br />

Computer Studies,61(5), 601-626, 2004.<br />

[10] H.T. Nguyen and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Fast occluded object tracking by a<br />

robust appearance filter. IEEE trans. on pattern analysis and machine<br />

intelligence. 26(8), 1099 - 1104, 2004.<br />

[11] I. Patras and M. Worring and R. <strong>va</strong>n den Boomgaard. Dense motion estimation<br />

using regularization constraints on local par<strong>am</strong>etric models. IEEE<br />

Trans. Image Processing,13(11), 1432-1443, 2004.<br />

[12] F.J. Seinstra and D. Koelma and A.D. Bagdanov. Finite State Machine<br />

Based Optimization of Data Parallel Regular Domain Problems Applied in<br />

Appendices<br />

57<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Low Level Image Processing. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed<br />

Systems,15(10), 865—877, oct 2004.<br />

[13] F.J. Seinstra and D. Koelma. User Transparency: A Fully Sequential<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Model for Efficient Data Parallel Image Processing. Concurrency<br />

and Computation: Practice and Experience.16(6), 611-644, may 2004.<br />

[14] A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and T. S. Huang and T. Gevers. Guest editorial,<br />

International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 56, January-February, 2004.<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] F. Al<strong>der</strong>shoff and Th. Gevers. Visual Tracking and Localisation of Billboards<br />

in Stre<strong>am</strong>ed Soccer Matches. In SPIE Electronic Imaging 2004, San Jose, CA,<br />

USA.<br />

[2] J. Amores, N. Sebe, P. Rade<strong>va</strong>, Th. Gevers and A. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Boosting<br />

Conceptual Information in Content-based Image Retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceedings<br />

ACM SIGMM Multimedia Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Workshop (MIR'04), 2004,<br />

31-38.<br />

[3] G. J. Burghouts, J. M. Geusebroek and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Obser<strong>va</strong>bles<br />

and In<strong>va</strong>riance. In Proceedings Ad<strong>va</strong>nced School for Imaging and Computing<br />

04, Ouddorp, The Netherlands, 2004.<br />

[4] G. J. Burghouts, J. M. Geusebroek and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: Obser<strong>va</strong>bles<br />

and In<strong>va</strong>riance for Early Cognitive Vision. Proceedings of the Early Cognitive<br />

Vision Workshop, Schotland, 2004.<br />

[5] A. Diplaros, T. Gevers and N. Vlassis. Skin detection using the EM<br />

algorithm with spatial constraints. IEEE International Conference on Systems,<br />

Man and Cybernetics, The Hague, Netherlands, 2004.<br />

[6] E. Engbers, M. Lindenbaum and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. An information-based<br />

measure for grouping quality. In Proceedings of European Conference<br />

Computer Vision 04, Springer Verlag GmbH, LNCS 3023, Prague, 392 – 404,<br />

2004.<br />

[7] P. Enser, Y. Kompatsiaris, N.E. O'Connor, A. F. Smeaton and A.W.M.<br />

Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Image and Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceedings of CIVR04, Springer<br />

Verlag GmbH, Dublin, 2004.

[8] Th. Gevers and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Content-based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l: an overview.<br />

Emerging Topics in Computer Vision, Prentice Hall, G. Medioni and S. B.<br />

Kang editor, 333 - 384, 2004.<br />

[9] Th. Gevers. Color In<strong>va</strong>riant Density Estimation for Image Segmentation<br />

and Object Tracking. IEEE ICIP, Singapore, 2004.<br />

[10] S. Ghebreab and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. An Approximately Complete String<br />

Representation of Local Object Bo<strong>un</strong>dary Features for Concept-Based Image<br />

Retrie<strong>va</strong>l. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Virginia,<br />

2004.<br />

[11] L. Hollink, G.P. Nguyen, D. Koelma, A.Th. Schreiber, M. Worring. User<br />

Strategies in Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l: a Case Study. In Proceeding of the International<br />

Conference on Image and Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l (CIVR), 2004.<br />

[12] S. Manegold, P.A. Boncz, N. Nes and M.L. Kersten. Cache-Conscious<br />

Radix-Decluster Projections. In Proceedings of the International Conference on<br />

Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 684-695, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2004.<br />

[13] G.P. Nguyen and M. Worring. An user based fr<strong>am</strong>ework for salient detail<br />

extraction. In Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia<br />

and Expo (ICME), 2004.<br />

[14] G.P. Nguyen and M. Worring. Optimizing similarity based visualization in<br />

content based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceeding of the IEEE ICME special session<br />

Novel Techniques for Browsing in Large Multimedia Collections, 2004.<br />

[15] G.P. Nguyen and M. Worring. Optimizing similarity based visualization in<br />

content based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l, In Proceeding of the 10th Ad<strong>va</strong>nced School for<br />

Computing and Imaging (ASCI), 2004.<br />

[16] H.T. Nguyen and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Tracking aspects of the foregro<strong>un</strong>d<br />

against the backgro<strong>un</strong>d. In Proceedings of European Conference Computer<br />

Vision 04, 446 - 456, Prague, 2004.<br />

[17] H.T. Nguyen and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s, Active learning using pre-clustering,<br />

In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Machine Learning<br />

ICML04, Banff, Canada, 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

58<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[18] H.T. Nguyen and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Everything gets better all the time<br />

apart from the <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>t of data. Image and Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, In Proceedings of<br />

CIVR04, Peter Enser and Yannis Kompatsiaris and Noel E. O'Connor and<br />

Alan F. Smeaton and Arnold W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s, 33 - 41, Springer Verlag GmbH,<br />

Dublin, 2004.<br />

[19] T.V. Ph<strong>am</strong> and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. Statistical strategy for object class<br />

recognition using part detectors. Statistical Learning in Computer Vision,<br />

Prague, 2004.<br />

[20] N. Sebe, M.S. Lew and T.S. Huang. The State-of-the-Art in Human-<br />

Computer Interaction. In Proceedings. ECCV International Workshop on<br />

Human Computer Interaction, 2004.<br />

[21] N. Sebe, M.S. Lew and C. Djeraba. Proceedings of the Multimedia<br />

information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Workshop, ACM publisher, 2004.<br />

[22] N. Sebe, M.S. Lew and T.S. Huang. Computer Vision in Human-Computer<br />

Interaction. Proceedings HCI /ECCV 2004, 2004.<br />

[23] N. Sebe, M.S. Lew, I. Cohen, Y. S<strong>un</strong>, T. Gevers and T.S. Huang, Authentic<br />

Facial Expression Analysis. In Proceedings International Conference on<br />

Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG'04), 2004.<br />

[24] N. Sebe, I. Cohen, Th. Gevers and T.S. Huang, Skin Detection: A Bayesian<br />

Network Approach. In Proceedings International Conference on Pattern<br />

Recognition ICPR'04), 2004.<br />

[25] N. Sebe, Y. S<strong>un</strong>, E. Bakker, M.S. Lew, I. Cohen and T.S. Huang. Towards<br />

Authentic Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings International Conference on<br />

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC'04), 2004.<br />

[26] N. Sebe, D.P. Huijsmans, Q. Tian and Th. Gevers. Complete Performance<br />

Graphs in Probabilistic Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceedings Pacific-Rim<br />

Conference on Multimedia (PCM'04), 2004.<br />

[27] F.J. Seinstra, D. Koelma and A.D. Bagdanov. Towards User Transparent<br />

Data and Task Parallel Image and Video Processing: An Overview of the<br />

Parallel-Horus Project. In Proceedings of the 10th International Euro-Par<br />

Conference Euro-Par 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3149, Pisa,<br />

Italy, 2004.

[28] A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and F. de Jong. Multimedia information technology for<br />

indexing. Media management in the digital era, In Mieke Lauwers editor,<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 40 - 43, 2004.<br />

[29] C.G.M. Snoek, M. Worring, J.M. Geusebroek, D.C. Koelma and F.J.<br />

Seinstra. In Proceedings of the 2th TRECVID Workshop, NIST Special<br />

Publication, Gaithersburg, USA, 2004.<br />

[30] C.G.M. Snoek, M. Worring and A.G. Hauptmann. Detection of TV News<br />

Monologues by Style Analysis. In IEEE International Conference on<br />

Multimedia & Expo, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.<br />

[31] Y. S<strong>un</strong>, N. Sebe, M.S. Lew and T. Gevers. Authentic Emotion Detection in<br />

Real-Time Video. Proceedings ECCV International Workshop on Human<br />

Computer Interaction (HCI'04), 2004.<br />

[32] Q. Tian, Q. Xue, J. Yu, N. Sebe and T.S. Huang. To w a rd an Improved Error<br />

Metric. In Proceedings International Conference on Image Processing, 2004.<br />

[33] Q. Tian, Q. Xue, N. Sebe and T.S. Huang. Error Metric and Its<br />

Applications. In Proceedings SPIE East'04, Internet Multimedia Management<br />

Systems V, 2004.<br />

[34] Q. Tian, J. Yu, Q. Xue,N. Sebe and T.S. Huang. Robust Error Metric<br />

Analysis for Noise Estimation in Image Indexing. In Proceedings CVPR<br />

International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering<br />

(MDDE'04), 2004.<br />

[35] Q. Tian, J. Yu, Q. Xue and N. Sebe. A New Analysis of the Value of<br />

Unlabeled Data in Semi-Supervised Learning for Image Retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In<br />

Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo<br />

(ICME'04), 2004.<br />

[36] J. <strong>va</strong>n de Weijer, Th. Gevers. Tensor Based Feature Detection for Color<br />

Images. In Proceedings IS&T/SID's CIC 2004, The S<strong>un</strong>Burst Resort,Scottsdale,<br />

Arizona, 2004.<br />

[37] J. <strong>va</strong>n de Weijer, Th. Gevers. Robust Optical Flow from Photometric<br />

In<strong>va</strong>riants. In Proceedings of Int. Conference on Image Processing 2004,<br />

Singapore, 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

59<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Professional publications<br />

[1] F. de Jong and A. W. M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. MultimediaN research project.<br />

DigiCULT.info, vol. 9, 34 - 35, 2004.<br />

Other products<br />

[1] J.M. Geusebroek, G. Burghouts and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. The Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

Library of Object Images. ALOI is a color image collection of one-thousand<br />

small objects. In or<strong>der</strong> to capture the sensory <strong>va</strong>riation in object recordings, we<br />

systematically <strong>va</strong>ried viewing angle, illumination angle, and illumination color<br />

for each object, and additionally captured wide-baseline stereo images.<br />

We recorded over a h<strong>un</strong>dred images of each object, yielding a total of 110,250<br />

images for the collection.<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~aloi/<br />

[2] J.M. Geusebroek. Fast Anisotropic Gauss Filtering software, performs<br />

two-dimensional anisotropic Gaussian smoothing and differentiation by<br />

recursive filtering techniques.<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~mark/downloads/<br />

[3] Th. Gevers and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s. ZOMAX, A General Purpose Image<br />

Processing and Retrie<strong>va</strong>l System for the World Wide Web. The system provides<br />

an interactive image processing module and an image search engine, called<br />

PicToSeek, for searching images on the web.<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/research/isis/zomax.html<br />

[4] D. Koelma and E. Poll: Horus: a vision library based on patterns.<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~koelma/isis/projects/horus.html<br />

[5] M. <strong>va</strong>n Liempt, A.W.M Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and H.T. Nguyen: Template Tracking<br />

Using Color In<strong>va</strong>riant Pixel Features. Tracking objects robust to photometric<br />

<strong>va</strong>riations, such as shadow, shading, and specularities. Handselected objects are<br />

followed real-time from either mpg or webc<strong>am</strong> video stre<strong>am</strong>.<br />

http://staff.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~mliempt/isis/downloads.html<br />

[6] G.P. Nguyen and M. Worring. A demo on similarity based visualization of<br />

large image collections.<br />

[7] F.J. Seinstra and D. Koelma. Parallel Horus - 'Proof-of-concept'

implementation (partial version) of user transparent parallel image processing<br />

f<strong>un</strong>ctionality as provided in Horus.<br />

http://staff.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~fjseins/ParHorusCode/<br />

[8] C.G.M. Snoek and M. Worring. Goalgle: A Soccer Video Search Engine,<br />

Goalgle is a prototype search engine for soccer video. A fully automatic soccer<br />

video analysis system has been developed which analyses soccer broadcasts and<br />

makes them accessible by n<strong>am</strong>es of players, te<strong>am</strong>s, and highlight events.<br />

http://www.goalgle.com<br />

[9] C.G.M. Snoek, M. Worring, J.M. Geusebroek, D.C. Koelma, and F.J.<br />

Seinstra. Medi<strong>am</strong>ill demo: Semantic Video Search Engine. This system allows<br />

for interactive retrie<strong>va</strong>l based on a lexicon of 32 automatically <strong>der</strong>ived semantic<br />

concepts. The demo searches a broadcast news archive of 184 hours.<br />

http://staff.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~cgmsnoek/tv/<br />

[10] C.G.M. Snoek and M. Worring. VIPER: Video Personalizer. VIPER is a<br />

prototype search engine for personalized video retrie<strong>va</strong>l over the Internet. The<br />

demo searches a broadcast news archive of 184 hours.<br />

http://staff.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~cgmsnoek/viper/<br />

[11] L. Todoran and M. Worring. Document Gro<strong>un</strong>d Truthing and e<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

tool.A tool has been built for assisting users in gro<strong>un</strong>d truthing scanned color<br />

documents based on layout and logical information. It has been used to create<br />

the UvA color document dataset. Tools for e<strong>va</strong>luating algorithms with respect<br />

to the gro<strong>un</strong>d truth have been developed as well. Documents and tools will be<br />

made a<strong>va</strong>ilable to the research comm<strong>un</strong>ity.<br />

2. Intelligent Autonomous Systems<br />

Five key publications<br />

[1] W. Kowalczyk and N. Vlassis. Newscast EM. In Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Neural Information<br />

Processing Systems 17, Vancouver, Canada, December 2004. MIT Press.<br />

[2] B. Kröse, R. B<strong>un</strong>schoten, S. ten Hagen, B. Terwijn and N. Vlassis.<br />

Household robots look and learn. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,<br />

11(4):45-52, December 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

60<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[3] M. Zaharia and L. Dorst. Modeling and visualization of 3D polygonal mesh<br />

surfaces using geometric algebra. Computers & Graphics, 28:519-526, 2004.<br />

[4] W. Zajdel, A. T. Cemgil, and B. Kröse. Online multic<strong>am</strong>era tracking with a<br />

switching state-space model. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference<br />

on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pages IV:339-343, C<strong>am</strong>bridge, UK, 2004.<br />

[5] Z. Zivkovic and F. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Heijden. Recursive <strong>un</strong>supervised learning of finite<br />

mixture models. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,<br />

26(5):651-656, 2004.<br />

Dissertations<br />

[1] J. J. Verbeek. Mixture Models for Clustering and Dimension Reduction,<br />

PhD thesis, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, December 2004.<br />

Journal Articles<br />

[1] B. Kröse, R. B<strong>un</strong>schoten, S. ten Hagen, B. Terwijn, and N. Vlassis.<br />

Household robots look and learn. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,<br />

11(4):45-52, December 2004.<br />

[2] M. Zaharia and L. Dorst. Modeling and visualization of 3D polygonal mesh<br />

surfaces using geometric algebra. Computers & Graphics,28:519-526, 2004.<br />

[3] Z. Zivkovic and F. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Heijden. Recursive <strong>un</strong>supervised learning of finite<br />

mixture model. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,<br />

26(5):651-656, 2004.<br />

[4] Z. Zivkovic and F. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Heijden. Improving the selection of feature<br />

points for tracking. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 7(2):144-150, 2004.<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] A. T. Cemgil. Polyphonic Pitch Identification and Bayesian Inference,<br />

In Proceedings Int. Computer Music Conference, Mi<strong>am</strong>i, FL, 2004.<br />

[2] A. Diplaros, T. Gevers, and N. Vlassis. Skin detection using the EM<br />

algorithm with spatial constraints. In W. Thissen, P. Wieringa, M. Pantic, and M.<br />

Ludema, editors, Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man and

Cybernetics, pages 3071-3075, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2004.<br />

Omnipress. ISBN 0-7803-8567-5.<br />

[3] L. Dorst and D. Fontijne. An algebraic fo<strong>un</strong>dation for object-oriented<br />

Euclidean geometry. RIMS Kokyuroku,1378:138-153, 2004.<br />

[4] F. C. A. Groen, M. T. J. Spaan, and J. R. Kok. Real world multi-agent<br />

systems: information sharing, coordination and planning. In Proceedings<br />

Workshop ICT Agents, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 2004.<br />

[5] F. Groen , N. Amato , A. Bonarini , E. Yoshida and B. Kröse. Proceedings<br />

Intelligent Autonomous Systems 8, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, March 10-12 , 2004, IOS Press,<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, ISBN: 1-58603-414-6<br />

[6] S. H. G. ten Hagen and B. J. A. Kröse. Learning to <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>stand tasks for<br />

mobile robots. In W. Thissen, P. Wieringa, M. Pantic, and M. Ludema, editors,<br />

Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man and Cybernetics,pages<br />

2942-2947, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2004. Omnipress. ISBN 0-<br />

7803-8567-5.<br />

[7] D. Hildenbrand, D. Fontijne, C. Perwass, and L. Dorst. Geometric algebra<br />

and its application to computer graphics. In Eurographics 2004, Grenoble,<br />

France, August 2004.<br />

[8] V. Hollink, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, and S. ten Hagen. Web site adaptation:<br />

Recommendation and automatic generation of navigation menus. In<br />

Proceedings of the Annual Workshop of the SIG Adaptivity and User Modeling<br />

in Interactive Systems 2004, Berlin, Germany, October 2004.<br />

[9] J. R. Kok and N. Vlassis. Multiagent Q-learning by context-specific<br />

coordination graphs. In F. Groen, N. Amato, A. Bonarini, E. Yoshida, and B.<br />

Kröse, editors, Proceedings 8th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems ,<br />

pages 317-324, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, March 2004. IOS Press.<br />

[10] J. R. Kok and N. Vlassis. Sparse cooperative Q-learning. In R. Greiner and<br />

D. Schuurmans, editors, Proceedings of the 21st Int. Conf. on Machine<br />

Learning, pages 481-488, Banff, Canada, July 2004. ACM.<br />

[11] J. R. Kok and N. Vlassis. Sparse tabular multiagent Q-learning. In K.<br />

Steenhaut, A. Nowe, T. Lenaerts, editor, Benelearn 2004, Proceedings of the<br />

Appendices<br />

61<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The Netherlands,pages<br />

65-71, Brussels, Belgium, January 2004.<br />

[12] W. Kowalczyk and N. Vlassis. Newscast EM. In Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Neural<br />

Information Processing Systems 17, Vancouver, Canada, December 2004. MIT<br />

Press.<br />

[13] B. J. A. Kröse, N. Vlassis, and W. Zajdel. Bayesian methods for tracking<br />

and localization. In Proceedings of Philips Symposium On Intelligent<br />

Algorithms, (SOIA), pages 27-38, 2004.<br />

[14] J. R. J. N<strong>un</strong>nink, J. J. Verbeek, and N. Vlassis. Accelerated greedy mixture<br />

learning. In K. Steenhaut, A. Nowe, T. Lenaerts, editor, Benelearn 2004,<br />

Proceedings of the Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The<br />

Netherlands, Brussels, Belgium, January 2004.<br />

[15] S. Oomes, P. Jonker, M. Poel, A. Visser, M. Wiering. The Dutch AIBO<br />

Te<strong>am</strong> 2004. In Proceedings of the RoboCup 2004, July 2004, Lisboa.<br />

[16] J. M. Porta and B. J. A. Kröse. Appearance-based concurrent map building<br />

and localization. In F. C. A. Groen, editor, Int. Conf. on Intelligent<br />

Autonomous Systems, IAS'04, pages 1022-1029. IOS Press, March 2004. ISBN<br />

1-58603-414-6.<br />

[17] J. M. Porta and B. J. A. Kröse. Appearance-based concurrent map building<br />

and localization using a multi-hypotheses tracker. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ<br />

International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 3424-3429,<br />

Sendai, Japan, 2004. IEEE Press.<br />

[18] S. B. M. Post, M. L. Fassaert, A. Visser. The high-level comm<strong>un</strong>ication<br />

model for multiagent coordination in the RoboCupRescue Simulator. In D.<br />

Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, K. Yoshida (Eds.), RoboCup 2003, Lecture<br />

Notes on Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 3020, p. 503-509, 2004. Springer Verlag,<br />

Berlin.<br />

[19] M. Reuvers, R. Kleihorst, H. Broers, and B. Kröse. A smart c<strong>am</strong>era for face<br />

recognition. In Proceedings of SPS-2004, 2004.<br />

[20] M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, V. Hollink, and S. ten Hagen. Greedy recommending is<br />

not always optimal. In B. Berendt, A. Hotho, D. Mladenic, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, M.

Spiliopoulou, and G. Stumme, editors, Web Mining: From Web to Semantic<br />

Web, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,pages 148-163. Springer, February<br />

2004. ISBN: 3-540-23258-3.<br />

[21] M. T. J. Spaan and N. Vlassis. A point-based POMDP algorithm for robot<br />

planning. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and<br />

Automation, pages 2399-2404, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2004.<br />

[22] H. S<strong>un</strong>yoto, W. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Mark, and D. M. Gavrila. A comparative study of<br />

fast dense stereo vision algorithms. In Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent<br />

Vehicle Symposium, Parma, Italy, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[23] B. Terwijn, J. M. Porta, and B. J. A. Kröse. A particle filter to estimate non-<br />

Markovian states. In F. C. A. Groen, editor, International Conference on<br />

Intelligent Autonomous Systems, IAS'04, pages 1062-1069. IOS Press, March<br />

2004. ISBN 1-58603-414-6.<br />

[24] A. Thean, M. <strong>va</strong>n Elk, C. Lievers, K. Labibes, W. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Mark, and J.<br />

Kleijweg. Design and <strong>va</strong>lidation of a virtual fmcw radar for automotive<br />

applications. In Proceedings of the 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and<br />

Simulation, Marne la Vallee, France, September 2004.<br />

[25] A. H. G. Versluis, B. J. F. Driessen, J. A. <strong>va</strong>n Woerden, and T. T. ten Kate.<br />

Collaborative control aspects for rehabilitation robots. In F.C.A. Groen, editor,<br />

International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, IAS'04. IOS<br />

Press, March 2004. ISBN 1-58603-414-6.<br />

[26] A. Visser, G. Pavlin, S. P. <strong>va</strong>n Gosliga, and M. Maris. Self-organization of<br />

multi-agent systems. In Proceedings of the International workshop Military<br />

Applications of Agent Technology in ICT and Robotics , The Hague, The<br />

Netherlands, November 2004.<br />

[27] N. Vlassis, R. K. Elhorst, and J. R. Kok. Anytime algorithms for multiagent<br />

decision making using coordination graphs. In W. Thissen, P. Wieringa, M.<br />

Pantic, and M. Ludema, editors, Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on System,<br />

Man and Cybernetics, pages 953-957, The Hague, The Netherlands, October<br />

2004. Omnipress. ISBN 0-7803-8567-5.<br />

[28] N. Vlassis and M. T. J. Spaan. A fast point-based algorithm for POMDPs.<br />

In K. Steenhaut, A. Nowe, T. Lenaerts, editor, Benelearn 2004, Proceedings of<br />

Appendices<br />

62<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

the Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The Netherlands,<br />

pages 170-176, Brussels, Belgium, January 2004.<br />

[29] P. J. Withagen, K. Schutte, and F. C. A. Groen. Probabilistic classification<br />

between foregro<strong>un</strong>d objects and backgro<strong>un</strong>d. In Proceedings of the 17th<br />

International Conference on Pattern recognition (ICPR 2004), volume I, pages<br />

31-34, C<strong>am</strong>bridge, UK, August 2004. IEEE.<br />

[30] W. Zajdel, A. T. Cemgil, and B. Kröse. Online multic<strong>am</strong>era tracking with a<br />

switching state-space model. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference<br />

on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pages IV:339-343, C<strong>am</strong>bridge, UK, 2004.<br />

[31] Z. Zivkovic. Improved adaptive Gaussian mixture model for backgro<strong>un</strong>d<br />

subtraction. In Proceedings Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, UK,<br />

August 2004.<br />

[32] Z. Zivkovic. Optical-flow-driven gadgets for g<strong>am</strong>ing user interface. In<br />

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Entertainment Computing,<br />

2004.<br />

[33] Z. Zivkovic and B. Kröse. An EM-like algorithm for color-histogr<strong>am</strong>based<br />

object tracking. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern<br />

Recognition,J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[34] Z. Zivkovic and B. Kröse. A probabilistic model for an EM-like object<br />

tracking algorithm using color-histogr<strong>am</strong>s. In 6th IEEE Int. Workshop on<br />

Performance E<strong>va</strong>luation of Tracking and Surveillance (in connection with<br />

ECCV2004), May 2004.<br />

Reports<br />

[1] A. T. Cemgil, W. Zajdel, and B. J. A. Kröse. A hybrid graphical model for<br />

online multi-c<strong>am</strong>era tracking. Technical Report IAS-UVA-04-03, Informatics<br />

Institute, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, November 2004.<br />

[2] J. M. Porta, M. T. J. Spaan, and N. Vlassis. Value iteration for continuousstate<br />

POMDPs. Technical Report IAS-UVA-04-04, Informatics Institute,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, December 2004.<br />

[3] M. T. J. Spaan and N. Vlassis. Perseus: randomized point-based <strong>va</strong>lue

iteration for POMDPs. Technical Report IAS-UVA-04-02, Informatics<br />

Institute, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, November 2004.<br />

[4] N. Vlassis and J. J. Verbeek. Gaussian mixture learning from noisy data.<br />

Technical Report IAS-UVA-04-01, Informatics Institute, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, September 2004.<br />

Other products<br />

M. T. J. Spaan and N. Vlassis. "Perseus Software"for solving partially<br />

obser<strong>va</strong>ble Markov decision processes. A<strong>va</strong>ilable from:<br />

http://staff.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~mtjspaan/pomdp/<br />

3. Information and Language Processing Systems<br />

Recent key publications<br />

[1] V. Hollink, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, C. Monz, and M. de Rijke. Monolingual document<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l for European languages. Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, 7:33_52, 2004.<br />

[2] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong> and M. de Rijke. Enriching the output of a parser using memorybased<br />

learning. In Proceedings 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for<br />

Computational Linguistics (ACL 2004), pages 311_318, 2004.<br />

[3] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. The effectiveness of combining information<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l strategies for European languages, In Proceedings 19th Annual ACM<br />

Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1073_1077, 2004.<br />

[4] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, M. de Rijke, and B. Sigurbjörnsson. Length normalization in<br />

XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l, In Proceedings 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR<br />

Conference (SIGIR 2004), pages 80_87, 2004.<br />

[5] M. Marx. Conditional XPath, the first or<strong>der</strong> complete XPath dialect. In<br />

Proceedings of PODS'04, pages 13_22. ACM Press, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004. Best newcomer<br />

and best paper award.<br />

Appendices<br />

63<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Journal articles<br />

[1] L. Afanasiev, P. Blackburn, I. Dimitriou, B. Gaiffe, E. Goris, M. Marx and<br />

M. de Rijke. PDL for or<strong>der</strong>ed trees. Journal of Applied Non_Classical Logics ,<br />

2004.<br />

[2] M. Franceschet, A. Montanari, and M. de Rijke. Model checking for<br />

combined logics with an application to mobile systems. Automated Software<br />

Engineering, 11:289_321, 2004.<br />

[3] V. Hollink, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, C. Monz, and M. de Rijke. Monolingual document<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l for European languages. Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, 7:33_52, 2004.<br />

[4] A. Münnich, R. Mokken and W. Saris. Testing n-stimuli bisymmetry. Journal<br />

of Mathematical Psychology, 48:399_408, 2004.<br />

Books, bookchapters and special issues<br />

[1] P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke, and Y. Venema. Modal Logic. C<strong>am</strong>bridge<br />

University Press, 2004. Reprinted with corrections.<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] S. Fissaha Adafre, W.R. <strong>va</strong>n Hage, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, G. Lacerda de Melo and M. de<br />

Rijke. The Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong> at CLEF 2004. In C. Peters and F.<br />

Borri, editors, Working Notes for the CLEF 2004 Workshop , pp 91_98, 2004.<br />

[2] L. Afanasiev. XML query e<strong>va</strong>luation via CTL symbolic model checking. In<br />

Proceedings of the ESSLLI2004 Student Session, Nancy, 2004.<br />

[3] L. Afanasiev, M. Franceschet, M. Marx and M. de Rijke. CTL model<br />

checking for processing simple XPath queries. In Proceedings Temporal<br />

Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2004), IEEE Computer Society Press,<br />

2004.<br />

[4] D. Ahn, S. Fissaha Adafre, V. Jijko<strong>un</strong> and M. de Rijke. The University of<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong> at Sense<strong>va</strong>l-3: Semantic Roles and Logic Forms. In Proceedings of<br />

Sense<strong>va</strong>l-3: Third International Workshop on the E<strong>va</strong>luation of Systems for the<br />

Semantic Analysis of Text, pages 49_53, Association for Computational<br />

Linguistics, 2004.

[5] D. Ahn, V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, G. Mishne, K. Müller, M. de Rijke and S.<br />

Schlobach: The University of Amsterd<strong>am</strong> at TREC 2004. In TREC 2004<br />

Conference Notebook, pages 43_56, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA, 2004.<br />

[6] D.D. Ahn. Presupposition incorporation in quantifier domains (extended<br />

abstract). In Sinn <strong>un</strong>d Bedeut<strong>un</strong>g 9. Gesellschaft für Semantik, 2004.<br />

[7] D. Ahn, V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>, G. Mishne, K. Müller, M. de Rijke and S. Schlobach. A<br />

Recall Oriented Approach to Open Domain Question Answering (abstract) . In<br />

15th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 2004),<br />

2004.<br />

[8] R. Bernardi, I. Dahn, G. Mishne, M. Moortgat, M. de Rijke and H.<br />

Uszkoreit. Dyn<strong>am</strong>ic teaching materials for ESSLLI. In P. Monachesi, C. Vertan,<br />

W. von Hahn, and S. Jekat, editors, Proceedings LREC Workshop on Language<br />

Resources: Integration and Development in e-Learning and in Teaching<br />

Computational Linguistics, 2004.<br />

[9] N. Bezhanishvili, B. ten Cate, M. Marx and P.Viana. Sahlqvist theory and<br />

transfer results for hybrid logics. In R. Schmidt, I. Pratt-Hartmann, M.<br />

Reynolds, and H. Wansing, editors, Preliminary proceedings of Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in<br />

Modal Logic 2004, pp 44_61, University of Manchester.<br />

[10] P. Blackburn and B. ten Cate. Pure extensions, proof rules and hybrid axiomatics.<br />

In R. Schmidt, I. Pratt-Hartmann, M. Reynolds and H. Wansing, editors,<br />

Preliminary proceedings of Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Modal Logic 2004, pp 16_29,<br />

University of Manchester.<br />

[11] S. Brand, R. Gennari and M. de Rijke. Constraint methods for modal satisfiability.<br />

In K.R. Apt, F. Fages, F. Rossi, P. Szeredi and J. Vancza, editors, Recent<br />

Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Constraints, 2003, volume 3010 of LNAI, pp 66_86, Springer, 2004.<br />

[12] C. Caracciolo, W. <strong>va</strong>n Hage and M. de Rijke. Topic driven access to full<br />

text documents. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Digital<br />

Libraries (ECDL 2004), LNCS, pp 495_500, Springer,2004.<br />

[13] S. Fissaha, D. Ahn and M. de Rijke. Temporal expression extraction using<br />

conditional random fields (abstract). In 15th Meeting of Computational<br />

Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 2004), 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

64<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[14] I. F<strong>un</strong>dulaki and M. Marx. Specifying Access Control Policies for XML<br />

Documents with XPath. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Access<br />

Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT) , pp 61_69,Yorktown Heights,<br />

New York, USA, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004, ACM Press.<br />

[15] W.R. <strong>va</strong>n Hage, M. de Rijke and M. Marx. Information retrie<strong>va</strong>l support<br />

for ontology construction and use. In S.A. McIlraith, D. Plexousakis, and F. <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Harmelen, editors, Proceedings 3rd International Semantic Web Conference<br />

(ISWC 2004), LNCS 3298, pages 518_533, 2004.<br />

[16] G. Infante-Lopez and M. de Rijke. Alternative approaches for generating<br />

bodies of gr<strong>am</strong>mar rules. In Proceedings 42nd Annual Meeting of the<br />

Association for Computational Linguistics(ACL 2004) , pp 454_461, 2004.<br />

[17] G. Infante-Lopez and M. de Rijke. Comparing the <strong>am</strong>biguity reduction<br />

abilities of probabilistic context-free gr<strong>am</strong>mars. In Proceedings of the Fourth<br />

International Conference on Language Resources and E<strong>va</strong>luation (LREC 2004).<br />

[18] G. Infante-Lopez and M. de Rijke. Expressive power and consistency<br />

properties of state-of-the-art natural language parsers. In J.L. Vicedo, P.<br />

Martinez-Barco, and R. M<strong>un</strong>oz et al., editors, Proceedings Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Natural<br />

Language Processing: 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, pp 149_160,<br />

2004.<br />

[19] G. Infante-Lopex and M. de Rijke. Alternative approaches for generating<br />

bodies of gr<strong>am</strong>mar rules (extended abstract). In R. Verbrugge, N. Taatgen, and<br />

L. Schomaker, editors, Proceedings BNAIC 2004, 2004, pages 337_339.<br />

[20] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong> and M. de Rijke. Answer selection in a multi-stre<strong>am</strong> open<br />

domain question answering system. In S. McDonald and J. Tait, editors,<br />

Proceedings 26th European Conference on Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l(ECIR'04),<br />

volume 2997 of LNCS, pp 99_111, Springer, 2004.<br />

[21] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong> and M. de Rijke. Enriching the output of a parser using<br />

memory-based learning, In Proceedings 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association<br />

for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2004), pp 311_318, 2004.<br />

[22] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>, M. de Rijke and J. Mur. Information extraction for question<br />

answering: Improving recall through syntactic patterns. In Proceedings of the<br />

20th International on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2004), 2004.

[23] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>, G. Mishne and M. de Rijke. How frogs built the Berlin Wall. In<br />

C. Peters, J. Gonzalo, M. Braschler, and M. Kluck, editors, Comparative<br />

E<strong>va</strong>luation of Multilingual Information Access Systems,CLEF2003, volume<br />

3237 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 523_534, Springer, 2004.<br />

[24] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>, G. Mishne, M. de Rijke, S. Schlobach, D. Ahn and K. Müller.<br />

The University of Amsterd<strong>am</strong> at qa@clef 2004. In C. Peters and F. Borri, editors,<br />

Working Notes for the CLEF 2004 Workshop, pp 321_324, 2004.<br />

[25] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>, G. Mishne, C. Monz, M. de Rijke, S. Schlobach and O. Tsur.<br />

The Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> of Amsterd<strong>am</strong> at the TREC 2003 Question Answering Track.<br />

In Proceedings TREC 2003, pp 586_593, 2004.<br />

[26] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. The effectiveness of combining information<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l strategies for European languages. In Proceedings 19th Annual ACM<br />

Symposium on Applied Computing,pp 1073_1077, 2004.<br />

[27] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, M. de Rijke., and B. Sigurbjörnsson. Length normalization in<br />

XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceedings 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR<br />

Conference (SIGIR 2004), pages 80_87, 2004.<br />

[28] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, M. Marx, M. de Rijke, and B. Sigurbjörnsson. Best-match<br />

querying from document-centric XML. In S. Amer-Yahia and L. Gra<strong>va</strong>no,<br />

editors, Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on the Web and Databases<br />

(WebDB 2004), pages 55_60, 2004.<br />

[29] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, M. Marx, R.J. Mokken and M. de Rijke. Using WordNet to<br />

measure semantic orientations of adjectives. In Proceedings of the Fourth<br />

International Conference on Language Resources and E<strong>va</strong>luation (LREC 2004),<br />

volume IV, pages 1115_1118, 2004.<br />

[30] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, C. Monz, M. de Rijke, and B. Sigurbjörnsson. Language-dependent<br />

and language-independent approaches to crosslingual text retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In C.<br />

Peters, J. Gonzalo, M. Braschler, and M. Kluck, editors, Comparative<br />

E<strong>va</strong>luation of Multilingual Information Access Systems, CLEF 2003, volume<br />

3237 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 152_165, Springer, 2004.<br />

[31] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, C. Monz, M. de Rijke and B. Sigurbjörnsson. Approaches to<br />

robust and web retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceedings TREC 2003, pages 594_600, 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

65<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[32] B. Magnini, S. Romagnoli, A. Vallin, J. Herrera, A. Penas, V. Peinado, F.<br />

Verdejo, and M. de Rijke. Creating the DISEQuA corpus: a multilingual test set<br />

for the monolingual question answering tasks at CLEF 2003. In C. Peters, J.<br />

Gonzalo, M. Braschler, and M. Kluck, editors, Comparative E<strong>va</strong>luation of<br />

Multilingual Information Access Systems, CLEF 2003, volume 3237 of Lecture<br />

Notes in Computer Science, pages 487_500, Springer, 2004.<br />

[33] B. Magnini, S. Romagnoli, A. Vallin, J. Herrera, A. Penas, V. Peinado, F.<br />

Verdejo, and M. de Rijke. The multiple language question answering track at<br />

CLEF 2003. In Carol Peters, Julio Gonzalo, Martin Braschler and Michael<br />

Kluck, editors, Comparative E<strong>va</strong>luation of Multilingual Information Access<br />

Systems, CLEF 2003, volume 3237 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages<br />

471_486, Springer, 2004.<br />

[34] B. Magnini, A. Vallin, C. Ayache, G. Erbach, A. Penas, M. de Rijke, D.<br />

Rocha, K. Simov, and R. Sutcliffe. Overview of the clef 2004 multilingual<br />

question answering track. In C. Peters and F. Borri, editors, Working Notes for<br />

the CLEF 2004 Workshop, pages 281_294, 2004.<br />

[35] M. Marx. Conditional XPath, the first or<strong>der</strong> complete XPath dialect. In<br />

Proceedings of PODS'04, pages 13_22. ACM Press, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[36] M. Marx. XPath with conditional axis relations. In Proceedings of<br />

EDBT'04, volume 2992 of LNCS, pages 477_494, 2004.<br />

[37] M. Marx and M. de Rijke. Semantic characterizations of navigational<br />

XPath. In V. Mihajlovic and D. Hiemstra, editors, Proceedings of the First<br />

Twente Data Management Workshop (TDM'04), pages 67_73, 2004.<br />

[38] G. Mishne and M. de Rijke. Source code retrie<strong>va</strong>l using conceptual<br />

similarity. In Proceedings RIAO 2004, pages 539_554, 2004.<br />

[39] K. Müller. Semi-Automatic Construction of a Question Treebank. In<br />

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and<br />

E<strong>va</strong>luation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.<br />

[40] K. Müller. Revealing Automatically Phonological Similarities of Dutch and<br />

German (abstract). In 15th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the<br />

Netherlands (CLIN 2004), 2004.

[41] L. Polanyi, C. Culy, M. <strong>va</strong>n den Berg, G.L. Thione, and D.D. Ahn. A rule<br />

based approach to discourse parsing. In Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial<br />

Workshop in Discourse and Dialogue, pages 108_117, 2004.<br />

[42] L. Polanyi, C. Culy, M. <strong>va</strong>n den Berg, G.L. Thione, and D.D. Ahn.<br />

Sentential structure and discourse parsing. In Proceedings of the ACL 2004<br />

Workshop on Discourse Annotation, 2004.<br />

[43] S. Schlobach. Explaining subsumption by optimal interpolation. In<br />

Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence<br />

(JELIA '04), LNAI. Springer, 2004.<br />

[44] S. Schlobach and R. Cornet. Logical support for terminological modeling.<br />

In M. Fieschi, E. Coeira, and Yu-Chan Jack Li, editors, Proceedings of Med Info<br />

2004, number 107 in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2004.<br />

[45] S. Schlobach, M. Olsthoorn and M. de Rijke. Type checking in opendomain<br />

question answering. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on<br />

Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), pages 398_402. IOS Press, 2004.<br />

[46] S. Schlobach, M. Olsthoorn and M. de Rijke. Type checking in opendomain<br />

question answering (extended abstract). In R. Verbrugge, N. Taatgen,<br />

and L. Schomaker, editors, Proceedings BNAIC 2004, 2004, pages 367_368.<br />

[47] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, and M. de Rijke. An element-based approch<br />

to XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In N. Fuhr and S. Malik, editors, Proceedings INEX 2003,<br />

pages 19_26, 2004.<br />

[48] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. Multiple sources of evidence<br />

for XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In Proceedings 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR<br />

Conference (SIGIR 2004), 2004.<br />

[49] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. Processing content-andstructure<br />

queries for XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l. In V. Mihajlovic and D. Hiemstra, editors,<br />

Proceedings of the First Twente Data Management Workshop (TDM'04), pages<br />

32_38, 2004.<br />

[50] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. Processing content- oriented<br />

XPath queries. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM conference on<br />

Information and knowledge management, pages 371_380. ACM Press, 2004.<br />

Appendices<br />

66<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[51] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. The University of<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong> at INEX 2004. In N. Fuhr, M. Lalmas, S. Malik, and Z. Szl´avik,<br />

editors, INEX 2004 Workshop Proceedings, pages 104_109, 2004.<br />

[52] B. Sigurbjörnsson and A. Trotman. Queries: INEX 2003 working group<br />

report. In N. Fuhr and S. Malik, editors, Proceedings INEX 2003, pages<br />

167_170, 2004.<br />

[53] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. Building a multilingual web<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l collection (abstract). In 15th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in<br />

the Netherlands (CLIN 2004), 2004.<br />

[54] B. Sigurbjörnsson, J. K<strong>am</strong>ps and M. de Rijke. Length normalization in<br />

XML retrie<strong>va</strong>l (extended abstract). In R. Verbrugge, N. Taatgen, and L.<br />

Schomaker, editors, Proceedings BNAIC 2004, 2004, pages 369_370.<br />

[55] E. Tjong Kim Sang. Introduction to FactMine (abstract). In 15th Meeting of<br />

Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 2004), 2004.<br />

[56] O. Tsur, M. de Rijke and K. Sima'an. Biographer: Biography questions as a<br />

restricted domain question answering task. In Proceedings ACL 2004 Workshop<br />

on Question Answering in Restricted Domains,2004.<br />

[57] A. Weber and K. Müller. Word or<strong>der</strong> <strong>va</strong>riation in German main clauses: A<br />

corpus analysis. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on<br />

Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-04), Gene<strong>va</strong>, Switzerland, 2004.<br />

Reports<br />

[1] J. <strong>va</strong>n Benthem, G. Bezhanishvili, B. ten Cate and D. Sarenac. Modal logics<br />

for products of topologies . Technical Report PP-2004-15, ILLC, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

[2] N. Bezhanishvili and B. ten Cate. Transfer results for hybrid logic _ part i:<br />

the case without satisfaction operators. Technical Report PP-2004-06, ILLC,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

[3] B. ten Cate. The first or<strong>der</strong> formulas preserved <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> ultrafilter ex tensions<br />

are not recursively enumerable. Technical Report PP-2004-27, ILLC,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.

[4] B. ten Cate and M. Franceschet. Guarded fragments with constants.<br />

Technical Report PP-2004-32, ILLC, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

Other products<br />

Miscellanea<br />

[1] B. ten Cate, M. Marx and P. Viana. Liber Amicorum ter gelegenheid <strong>va</strong>n het<br />

afscheid <strong>va</strong>n Dick de Jongh, chapter Sahlqvist theory for hybrid logic. 2004.<br />

[9] M. Marx. Book review of Relation Algebras and G<strong>am</strong>es by R. Hirsch and I.<br />

Hodkinson. Studia Logica, 77(1):129_147, 2004.<br />

[12] B. Sigurbjörnsson. Book review: Language Modeling for Information<br />

Retrie<strong>va</strong>l (eds. W.B. Croft and J. Lafferty). Journal of Logic, Language and<br />

Information, 13(4):531_534, 2004.<br />

Software<br />

[1] L. Afanasiev. XMChecker, An XML Model Checker.<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources<br />

[2] D. Ahn. System for Recognizing and Normalizing Temporal Expressions.<br />

URL:<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources<br />

[3] N. Caarls and R. Mokken HORUS. A Platform for Spatial Feature<br />

Detection in Multispectral Images from Remote Sensing (version 1.08)<br />

[4] M. Franceschet. XPathMark: An XPath benchmark for XMark, URL:<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~francesc/xpathmark<br />

[5] G. Mishne. ILPS Extensions to Lucene. URL:<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources<br />

[6] B. Sigurbjörnsson. XML Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Extensions to Lucene. URL:<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources/<br />

[7] E. Tjong Kim Sang. FactMine Dutch QA Demo. URL: http:<br />

//staff.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~erikt/factmine/qademo.cgi<br />

Appendices<br />

67<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Corpora.<br />

[1] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>. Answer Type Classification. Guidelines plus e<strong>va</strong>luation corpus.<br />

URL:<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources/<br />

[2] V. Jijko<strong>un</strong>. Question-Answer Pairs Collection. URL:<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources/<br />

[3] J. K<strong>am</strong>ps, M. de Rijke, B. Sigurbjörnsson. EuroGOV: A Multilingual Web<br />

Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Collection. URL: http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/WebCLEF/<br />

[4] G. Mishne. Blog Comment Sp<strong>am</strong> Collection. URL:<br />

http://ilps.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/Resources/blogsp<strong>am</strong><br />

[5] G. Mishne. Source Code Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Corpus+Assessments. URL:<br />

http://www.science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl/~gilad/scg<br />

[6] K. Müller. E<strong>va</strong>luation corpus for Tagging Questions. URL:<br />


The Laboratory for Human Computer Studies<br />

Recent key publications<br />

[1] C.J. <strong>va</strong>n Aart, B.J. Wielinga and A. Th. Schreiber. Organizational Building<br />

Blocks for Design of Distributed Intelligent Systems. Int. J. Human-Computer<br />

Studies, 61, 567-599, 2004.<br />

[2] Bredeweg, B. and Struss, S. (Eds). Current Topics in Qualitative Reasoning.<br />

AI Magazine (special issue), Volume 24, Number 4 (winter), 13-130, 2003.<br />

[3] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh (Eds). Collaborative networked<br />

organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models,Springer<br />

and Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[4] S. Kabel, R. de Hoog, B.J. Wielinga and A. Anjewierden. The added <strong>va</strong>lue<br />

of task and ontology based mark-up for information retrie<strong>va</strong>l. Journal of the<br />

American Society for Information Science and Technology,55(4), pp 348-362,<br />

2004.<br />

[5] P. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Putten and M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren. A bias-<strong>va</strong>riance analysis of a real<br />

world learning problem: the CoIL challenge 2000. Machine Learning, 57, 177-<br />

195, 2004.<br />

Dissertations<br />

[1] C.J. <strong>va</strong>n Aart. Organizational Principles for Multi-Agent Systems,PhD<br />

Thesis, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, April 2004 (Promotores: Prof. Dr. B.J.<br />

Wielinga and Prof. Dr. A.Th. Schreiber).<br />

[2] V. Bessa Machado. Supporting the Construction of Qualitative Knowledge<br />

models, PhD Thesis, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, November 2004 (Promotor:<br />

Prof. Dr. B.J. Wielinga, Co-promotor: Dr. B. Bredeweg).<br />

During 2004 H. Afsarmanesh switched from Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

to Human Computer Studies. Publications by H. Afsarmanesh have been listed in both<br />

groups but are co<strong>un</strong>ted in Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering.<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

68<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[3] S. Kabel. Knowledge-rich indexing of learning objects, PhD Thesis,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, October 2004 (Promotores: Prof. Dr. B.J.<br />

Wielinga, Prof. Dr. R. de Hoog).<br />

[pm] E. C. Kaletas. Scientific Information Management in Collaborative<br />

Experimentation Environments, PhD Thesis, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>,<br />

(Promotor: Prof. Dr. L.O. Hertzberger, Co-promotor: Dr. H. Afsarmanesh)<br />

May 2004.<br />

Journal Articles<br />

[1] C.J. <strong>va</strong>n Aart, B.J. Wielinga and A. Th. Schreiber. Organizational Building<br />

Blocks for Design of Distributed Intelligent Systems. Int. J. Human-Computer<br />

Studies 61, 567-599, 2004.<br />

[2] P. Adriaans and M. <strong>va</strong>n Zaanen. Computational Gr<strong>am</strong>mar Induction for<br />

Linguists. Gr<strong>am</strong>mars 7, 57-68, 2004.<br />

[3] P. Adriaans, H. Fernau, C. de la Higuera and M. <strong>va</strong>n Zaanen. Introduction<br />

to the Special Issue on Gr<strong>am</strong>mar Induction. Gr<strong>am</strong>mars, 7, 41-43, 2004.<br />

[4] J. Breuker, A. Valente and R. Winkels. Use and reuse of legal ontologies in<br />

knowledge engineering and information management. Artificial Intelligence &<br />

Law, Vol 12, special issue on Legal Ontologies, (37 pages), 2004.<br />

[5] H.S.M. Cr<strong>am</strong>er, V. Evers, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong> and P.M.A. Sloot. Context analysis<br />

to support development of virtual reality applications. Journal of Virtual<br />

Reality, 7(3), 177-186, 2004.<br />

[6] V. Evers, E. del Galdo, D. Cyr and C. Bonanni (Eds). Designing for Global<br />

Markets 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on<br />

Internationalisation of Products and Systems,8-10 July, Vancouver, Canada,<br />

2004.<br />

[7] L. Hollink, A.Th.Schreiber, B. Wielinga and M.Worring. Classification of<br />

User Image Descriptions. International Journal of Human Computer Studies<br />

61(5), 601-626, 2004.<br />

[8] S. Kabel, R. de Hoog, B.J. Wielinga and A. Anjewierden. The added <strong>va</strong>lue<br />

of task and ontology based mark-up for information retrie<strong>va</strong>l. Journal of the

American Society for Information Science and Te c h n o l o g y, 55(4), pp 348-362, 2004.<br />

[9] S. Kabel, R. de Hoog, B. J. Wielinga and A. Anjewierden. Indexing learning<br />

objects: vocabularies and empirical investigation of consistency. AACE Journal<br />

of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 13(4), 405-425, 2004.<br />

[10] N. Lavrac, H. Motoda, T. Fawcett, R. Holte, P. Langley and P. Adriaans.<br />

Lessons learned from data mining applications and collaborative problem solving.<br />

Machine Learning, 57, 13-34, 2004.<br />

[11] P. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Putten and M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren. A bias-<strong>va</strong>riance analysis of a real<br />

world learning problem: the CoIL challenge 2000. Machine Learning, 57, pp.<br />

177-195, 2004.<br />

[pm] H. Afsarmanesh and L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos (Eds). International Journal<br />

of Networking and Virtual Organizations (In<strong>der</strong>science), Special issue on<br />

Infrastructures for new virtual organizations, Vol. 2, Nº 3, 2004.<br />

[pm] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra and L.O. Hertzberger. Management of fe<strong>der</strong>ated<br />

information in tele-assistance environments. The Journal on Information<br />

Technology in Healthcare,Vol. 2, Issue 2, London, April 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. A multi-agent based infrastructure<br />

to support virtual comm<strong>un</strong>ities in el<strong>der</strong>ly care. International Journal<br />

of Networking and Virtual Organizations, In<strong>der</strong>science,2004 Vol. 2, No. 3,<br />

pp.246–266, ISSN 1470-9503, 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. TeleCARE: Collaborative<br />

virtual el<strong>der</strong>ly care support comm<strong>un</strong>ities. The Journal on Information<br />

Technology in Healthcare, Vol. 2, Issue 2, London, pp 73-86, ISSN 1479-649X,<br />

April 2004.<br />

[pm] E. C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O. Hertzberger. A Collaborative<br />

Experimentation Environment for Biosciences. International Journal of<br />

Networking and Virtual Organizations, 2 (3): 209-231, 2004.<br />

Books, bookchapters and special issues<br />

[1] P. Adriaans, H. Fernau, C. de la Higuera and M. <strong>va</strong>n Zaanen (Eds.). Special<br />

Issue on Gr<strong>am</strong>mar Induction, Gr<strong>am</strong>mars, 7, 2004.<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

69<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[2] B. Berendt, A. Hotho, D. Mladenic, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, M. Spiliopoulou and<br />

G. Stumme (Eds.). Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web, Band 3209, ISBN<br />

3-540-23258-3, 2004.<br />

[3] J. Breuker, A.Valente and R. Winkels. Ontologías jurídicas: <strong>un</strong>a<br />

aproximación f<strong>un</strong>cional. In P. Casano<strong>va</strong>s and R. Benj<strong>am</strong>ins (Eds),<br />

Web semántica y ontologías jurídicas. Aplicaciones para el <strong>der</strong>echo en la nue<strong>va</strong><br />

generación de la red. Ed.Comares, Madrid, pp 19 – 38, 2004.<br />

[4] J. Breuker and R. Hoekstra. Core concepts of law: taking common-sense<br />

seriously. In A.C. Varzi and L. Vieu (Eds) Formal Ontology in Information<br />

Systems (FOIS-2004), IOS-Press, pp 210—221, 2004.<br />

[5] N. Christoph. Empirical e<strong>va</strong>luation methodology for embodied<br />

conversational agents. In Zs. Ruttkay and C. Pelachaud (Eds), E<strong>va</strong>luating<br />

ECAs, Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 67-100, 2004.<br />

[6] J. Lehmann, J, Breuker and B. Brouwer. La causalidad en la Inteligencia<br />

Artificial y en el <strong>der</strong>echo. In P. Casano<strong>va</strong>s and R. Benj<strong>am</strong>ins (Eds), Web<br />

semántica y ontologías jurídicas. Aplicaciones para el <strong>der</strong>echo en la nue<strong>va</strong><br />

generación de la red. Ed.Comares, Madrid, pp 151—178, 2004.<br />

[pm] H. Afsarmanesh and L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos (Eds). International Journal<br />

of Networking and Virtual Organizations (In<strong>der</strong>science), Special issue on<br />

Infrastructures for new virtual organizations, Vol. 2, Nº 3, 2004.<br />

[pm] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Marik and L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos. Challenges of collaborative<br />

networks in Europe. In Collaborative Networked Organizations<br />

– A research agenda for emerging business models, chap. 3.3, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. A strategic roadmap for<br />

ad<strong>va</strong>nced virtual organizations, Loeh, F. Sturm, M. Ollus, in Collaborative<br />

Networked Organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models,<br />

chap. 7.2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. A roadmapping<br />

methodology for strategic research on VO. In Collaborative Networked<br />

Organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models, chap. 7.1,<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. Formal modeling methods<br />

for collaborative networks. In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A<br />

research agenda for emerging business models,chap. 6.3, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Mato and H. Afsarmanesh. Emerging behavior in<br />

complex collaborative networks. In Collaborative Networked Organizations –<br />

A research agenda for emerging business models,chap. 6.2, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos, V. Tsch<strong>am</strong>mer and H. Afsarmanesh. On emerging<br />

technologies for VO. In Collaborative Networked Organizations –<br />

A research agenda for emerging business models, chap. 5.4, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. Support infrastructures for<br />

new collaborative forms. In Collaborative Networked Organizations –<br />

A research agenda for emerging business models, chap. 5.2, Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. Targeting major new<br />

trends. In Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research agenda for<br />

emerging business models,chap. 3.2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-<br />

4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos, E. Banahan, J. Sousa, F. Sturm, H. Afsarmanesh,<br />

J. Barata, J. Playfoot and V. Tsch<strong>am</strong>mer. Emerging collaborative forms. In<br />

Collaborative Networked Organizations – A research agenda for emerging<br />

business models,chap. 2.4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4,<br />

2004.<br />

[pm] L.M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh (Eds). Collaborative networked<br />

organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models,by<br />

both Springer and Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7823-4, 2004.<br />

Conference contributions<br />

[1] A. Anjewierden, R. Brussee and L. Efimo<strong>va</strong>. "Shared conceptualisations in<br />

weblogs". In Thomas N. Burg (Ed.), BlogTalks 2.0: The European Conference<br />

on Weblogs, pp 110-138. Danube University of Krems, 2004.<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

70<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[2] M. <strong>va</strong>n Assem, M. Menken, A.Th. Schreiber, J. Wielemaker and B.J.<br />

Wielinga. A Method for Converting Thesauri to RDF/OWL. Proceedings of the<br />

Third International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC04), pp. 17-31.<br />

Hiroshima, Japan, 2004.<br />

[3] B. Berendt, A. Hotho, D. Mladenic, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, M. Spiliopoulou and<br />

G. Stumme. A Roadmap for Web Mining. In B. Berendt, A. Hotho, D.<br />

Mladenic, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, M. Spiliopoulou and G. Stumme (eds) Web Mining:<br />

From Web to Semantic Web, Springer, LNCS, ISBN 3-540-23258-3, ISSN 0302-<br />

9743, pp.1-22, 2004.<br />

[4] G. Biswas, B. Bredeweg, R.W.Ferguson, P.Struss and B. Sherin. Qualitative<br />

Modeling and Cognitive Science. In K.D. Forbus, D. Gentner and T. Regier.<br />

Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, p. 13,<br />

Chicago, Illinois, August 5-7, 2004.<br />

[5] T. <strong>va</strong>n den Boogaard and M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren. Gr<strong>am</strong>mar Induction in the<br />

domain of postal addresses. In A. Nowe, T. Lenaerts and K. Steenhout,<br />

Proceedings Benelearn 2004, Vrije Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> Brussel, pp.126-131, 2004.<br />

[6] J. Breuker and R.Hoekstra. Direct: Ontology based discovery of<br />

responsibility and causality in legal case descriptions. In T. Gordon, editor,<br />

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. Jurix 2004: The Seventeenth<br />

Annual Conference, pages 59-68, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. IOS Press. pp 59 – 68, 2004.<br />

[7] J. Breuker and R. Hoekstra. Epistemology and ontology in core ontologies:<br />

FOLaw and LRI-Core, two core ontologies for law. In Proceedings of EKAW<br />

Workshop on Core ontologies.CEUR, http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-118/ (23<br />

pages), 2004.<br />

[8] J. Breuker. Constructing a legal core ontology: LRI-Core, In F. Freitas, H.<br />

Stuckenschmidt and Raphael Volz (Eds), Proceedings WONTO-2004,<br />

Workshop on ontologies and their applications, LivroRapido, Porto Alegre, p<br />

115 – 126, 2004.<br />

[9] V. <strong>va</strong>n Cappelle and V. Evers. Investigating the Effects of <strong>un</strong>supervised computer<br />

use on educationally disad<strong>va</strong>ntaged children’s knowledge and <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing<br />

of computers. In Sudweeks, F. and Ess, C. (eds) Proceedings of the Fourth<br />

International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and<br />

Comm<strong>un</strong>ication. Karlstad, Sweden, 27 J<strong>un</strong>e-1 July 2004.

[10] N. Christoph, J. Sandberg and B.J.Wielinga. Measuring learning effects of a<br />

g<strong>am</strong>ing-simulation environment for the domain of knowledge management.<br />

Proceedings of CELDA,Lissabon, Portugal, pp. 265-272, 2004.<br />

[11] H.S.M. Cr<strong>am</strong>er, V. Evers, E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong> and P.M.A. Sloot. Heuristic<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luation and context analysis to aid the development of a simulated <strong>va</strong>scular<br />

reconstruction system, Proceedings of Virtual Reality Design and E<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

Workshop, 22-23rd January, 2004, Nottingh<strong>am</strong>, United Kingdom, 2004.<br />

[12] V. Evers, C. Luteijn, P. D<strong>am</strong>sma and J. Norgaard. Beyond physical and<br />

cultural Barriers: The development of an international comm<strong>un</strong>ity environment<br />

for seeing and visually impaired children. In Collier, H. (ed), International<br />

Forum on Virtual Comm<strong>un</strong>ities, 14-15 July, the Hague, the Netherlands, 2004.<br />

[13] L. Hollink, G. Nguyen, A. Th. Schreiber, J. Wielemaker, B.J. Wielinga and<br />

M. Worring. Adding Spatial Semantics to Image Annotations. 4th International<br />

Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation at ISWC'04, 2004.<br />

[14] V. Hollink, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren and S. ten Hagen. Web Site Adaptation:<br />

Recommendation and Automatic Generation of Navigation Menus. In A.<br />

Abecker, S. Bickel, U. Brefeld, I. Drost, N. Henze, O. Herden, M. Minor, T.<br />

Scheffer, L. Stojanovic and S. Weibelzahl (Eds), Proceedings of the Annual<br />

Workshop of the SIG Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems<br />

2004, Berlin, Germany, Oktober 2004, pp. 33-35, 2004.<br />

[15] G.R. Meijer and L.O. Hertzberger. Virtual collaboration: from science to<br />

business. In Proceedings of Conference e-Challenges, Vienna, 27-29 October<br />

2004.<br />

[16] G.R. Meijer and N. Olink. The European Traveler in control: experience<br />

with Mobile Ticketing. In Proceedings of Mobile&Wireless Comm<strong>un</strong>ications<br />

summit, Lyon, France, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

[17] G.R. Meijer. Acceptance of Mobile Ticketing- a case for user empowerment.<br />

In Proceedings of ITS-in Europe 2004, Budapest, May 2004.<br />

[18] W. Mul<strong>der</strong> and G.R. Meijer. SQUADS: Software development and maintenance<br />

on the GRID by means of mobile virtual organisations using adaptive<br />

information services. In Proceedings of the 5th IFOP Working Conference on<br />

Virtual Enterprises, Toulouse, France, 22-27 August 2004.<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

71<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

[19] M. Neumann and B. Bredeweg. A Qualitative Model of the Nutrient<br />

Spiraling in Lotic Ecosystems to Support Decision Makers for River<br />

Management. In K. Forbus and J. de Kleer (Eds.) Proceedings of the 18th<br />

International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR’04), pp. 159-164,<br />

E<strong>va</strong>nston, Illinois, August 2-4, 2004.<br />

[20] T. Nuttle, B. Bredeweg and P. Salles. Qualitative Reasoning about Food<br />

Webs: Exploring Alternative Representations. In K. Forbus and J. de Kleer<br />

(Eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Qualitative<br />

Reasoning (QR’04), pages ??-??, E<strong>va</strong>nston, Illinois, August 2-4, 2004.<br />

[21] T. Nuttle, B. Bredeweg and P. Salles. Qualitative Reasoning about Food<br />

Webs: Exploring Alternative Representations. In M. Oprea and M. Sanchèz-<br />

Marrè, proceedings of the 4th ECAI Workshop on Binding Environmental<br />

Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, pages 7.1-7.9, August 22-23, 2004.<br />

[22] H. Salles, P. Salles and B. Bredeweg. Qualitative Reasoning in the<br />

Education of deaf Students: Scientific Education and Acquisition of Portuguese<br />

as a second Language. In J.C. Lester, R.M. Vicari and F. Paraguaçu (Eds.)<br />

Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 7th International Conference, ITS 2004. Series<br />

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3220, pp. 867-869, Berlin -<br />

Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2004.<br />

[23] H. Salles, P. Salles and B. Bredeweg. Qualitative Reasoning in the<br />

Education of deaf Students: Scientific Education and Acquisition of Portuguese<br />

as a second Language. In K. Forbus & J. de Kleer (Eds.) Proceedings of the 18th<br />

International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR’04), pages 97-104,<br />

E<strong>va</strong>nston, Illinois, August 2-4, 2004.<br />

[24] P. Salles, B. Bredeweg and N. Bensusan. The Ants’ Garden: Qualitative<br />

Models of complex Interactions between Populations. In M. Oprea and M.<br />

Sanchèz-Marrè, Proceedings of the 4th ECAI Workshop on Binding<br />

Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, pages 6.1-6.8, August 22-23,<br />

2004.<br />

[25] P. Salles, B.Bredeweg and S. Araújo. Qualitative Models about Stre<strong>am</strong><br />

Ecosystem Recovery: Exploratory Studies. In S. Dzeroski, M. Debeljak and B.<br />

Zenko, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Ecological Modelling ,<br />

pages 107-108, September 27 - October 1, 2004.

[26] P. Salles, B. Bredeweg and N. Bensusan. The Ants’ Garden: Qualitative<br />

models of complex Interactions between Populations. In S. Dzeroski, M.<br />

Debeljak and B. Zenko Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on<br />

Ecological Modelling, pages 109-110, September 27 - October 1, 2004.<br />

[27] M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, S. ten Hagen and V. Hollink. Greedy recommending is<br />

not optimal. In B. Berendt, A. Hotho, D. Mladenic, M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren, M.<br />

Spiliopoulou and G. Stumme (Eds), Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web,<br />

Springer, LNCS. P.148-163, 2004.<br />

[28] F.P. Terpstra, A.Visser and G.R. Meijer. Intelligent Adaptive Traffic<br />

Forecasting System using Data Assimilation for use in Traveler Information<br />

Systems, The Symposium on Professional Practice in AI a stre<strong>am</strong> within the<br />

First IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Inno<strong>va</strong>tions<br />

AIAI-2004, Toulouse France, August 2004, ISBN 2-907801-05-8, 2004.<br />

[29] F. P. Terpstra and E.E. <strong>va</strong>n Loon. Assimilating radar obser<strong>va</strong>tions in a bird<br />

migration model. Dare2004 Workshop on Data Assimilation and Recursive<br />

Estimation, Venice Italy, September 20-21, 2004.<br />

[30] B.J. Wielinga, J. Wielemaker, A.Th. Schreiber and M. <strong>va</strong>n Assem. Methods<br />

for Porting Resources to the Semantic Web. In C. Bussler, J. Davies, D. Fensel<br />

and R. Stu<strong>der</strong> (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Proceedings<br />

First European Semantic Web Symposium ESWS 2004, Crete. Lecture Notes in<br />

Computer Science (LNCS), volume 3053, pp. 299-311, May 2004.<br />

[pm] H. Afsarmanesh, V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis and L. O. Hertzberger. Fe<strong>der</strong>ated<br />

management of information for TeleCARE. In Proceedings of TELECARE<br />

2004 – Int. Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Comm<strong>un</strong>ities in<br />

El<strong>der</strong>ly Care, 13 Apr 2004, Porto, Portugal, INSTICC Press, pp 49-62, ISBN<br />

972-8865-10-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. The emerging discipline of<br />

collaborative networks. In Proceedings of PRO-VE’04 – Virtual Enterprises and<br />

Collaborative Networks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-8138-3,<br />

pp 3-16, 23-26, Aug. 2004.<br />

[pm] L. M. C<strong>am</strong>arinha-Matos and H. Afsarmanesh. TeleCARE: Collaborative<br />

virtual el<strong>der</strong>ly support comm<strong>un</strong>ities. In Proceedings of TELECARE 2004 – Int.<br />

Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Comm<strong>un</strong>ities in El<strong>der</strong>ly<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

72<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Care, 13 Apr 2004, Porto, Portugal, INSTICC Press, pp 1-12, ISBN 972-8865-<br />

10-4, 2004.<br />

[pm] V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, E. Kaletas, O. Unal, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O.<br />

Hertzberger. Using ontologies for collaborative information management: Some<br />

challenges & ideas. Presented at Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Information Systems (ADVIS’04),<br />

Izmir, Turkey, 2004.<br />

[pm] V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, H. Afsarmanesh and L.O. Hertzberger. Service-<br />

Oriented Architecture for TeleCARE. Presented at On the Move to Meaningful<br />

Internet Systems 2004: OTM 2004 workshops:OTM confe<strong>der</strong>ated International<br />

Workshops and Posters, GADA, JTRES, MIOS, WORM, WOSE, PhDS, and<br />

INTEROP 2004, Agia NAPA, Cyprus, 2004.<br />

[pm] V. Gue<strong>va</strong>ra-Masis, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O. Hetzberger. Ontologybased<br />

automatic data structure generation for collaborative networks. In<br />

Proceedings of PRO-VE’04 – Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks,<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-8138-3, pp 163-174, 23-26 Aug<br />

2004.<br />

[pm] E.C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O. Hetzberger. Analysis of<br />

requirements for collaborative scientific experimentation environments. In<br />

Proceedings of BASYS’04 – Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing<br />

Systems, Springer, ISBN 0-387-22828-4, pp. 251-262, 27-29 Sep 2004.<br />

[pm] E.C. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanesh and L. O. Hertzberger. A Methodology for<br />

Integrating New Scientific Domains and Applications in a Virtual Laboratory<br />

Environment. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise<br />

Information Systems (ICEIS 2004).<br />

Reports<br />

[1] A. Anjewierden, B. J. Wielinga, R. de Hoog and S. Kabel. Task and domain<br />

ontologies for knowledge mapping in operational processes.Metis deliverable<br />

2003/4.2. Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, February , 2004.<br />

[2] F.A. Arts and A. Zweegers. E-government voor Multicultureel Zakelijk<br />

Gebruik. Een on<strong>der</strong>zoek naar gebruiksvriendelijkheid <strong>va</strong>n het<br />

On<strong>der</strong>nemersloket Oost-Watergraafsmeer en gebruikerser<strong>va</strong>ring <strong>va</strong>n multiculturele<br />

zakelijke gebruikersgroepen. Beleidson<strong>der</strong>zoeksrapport in opdracht<br />

<strong>va</strong>n de gemeente Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.

[3] F.A. Arts and A. Zweegers. Digitale on<strong>der</strong>nemersloketten vergeleken. Een<br />

benchmark naar de kwaliteit en multi-culturele kenmerken <strong>va</strong>n gemeentelijke<br />

online dienstverlening aan on<strong>der</strong>nemers. Rapportage <strong>va</strong>n een vergelijkende<br />

studie in opdracht <strong>va</strong>n de gemeente Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

[4] F.A. Arts and A. Zweegers. E<strong>va</strong>luatie <strong>va</strong>n het online on<strong>der</strong>nemersloket. Een<br />

e<strong>va</strong>luatie <strong>va</strong>n de kwaliteit en multi-culturele kenmerken <strong>va</strong>n het on<strong>der</strong>nemersloket<br />

Oost-Watergraafsmeer. On<strong>der</strong>zoeksrapport in opdracht <strong>va</strong>n de gemeente<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

[5]B. Bredeweg, I.Russell and J.Thomas. Review on Integration of MBS&QR<br />

with WWW. MONET - Network of Excellence on Model-based Systems and<br />

Qualitative Reasoning (Contract No: IST-33540), Deliverable ED3, July 2004.<br />

[6] B. Bredeweg, M. Neumann, T. Nuttle, C. Price, I. Russell, J. Thomas and F.<br />

Wotowa. Education and Training Roadmap (version two). Technological roadmap.<br />

MONET - Network of Excellence on Model-based Systems and<br />

Qualitative Reasoning (Contract No: IST-33540), Deliverable ED5, November<br />

2004.<br />

[7] M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren and D. Mladenic. European KDD Research and<br />

Development. Deliverable KDNET, Fra<strong>un</strong>hofer Institute, pp 23, december<br />

2004.<br />

Other products<br />

[1] SWI-Prolog. Logic progr<strong>am</strong>ming environment with strong support for<br />

(semantic) web and visualization. Over 150,000 downloads during 2004.<br />

A<strong>va</strong>ilable on all major Linux distributions. http://www.swi-prolog.org<br />

Informatics Institute<br />

73<br />

Annual Report 2004

Appendix 2 Cooperations and Supporting Institutions<br />

The Laboratory for Computing, System Architecture and<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

1. Computational Informatics<br />

We have intensified our international collaborations. Within the fr<strong>am</strong>ework of a<br />

formal agreement between the Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong> and the Saint<br />

Petersburg State University, Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation, a joint laboratory for<br />

computational science was established in Saint Petersburg. This lab works on<br />

problem solving environments and applications. We formally collaborate with<br />

CYFRONET, Cracow, Poland, through joint Ph.D. students in the field of<br />

monitoring and scheduling for scientific computing on the Grid. In the<br />

fr<strong>am</strong>ework of a recently started NATO Science for Peace progr<strong>am</strong> we<br />

collaborate with institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of<br />

Science in the field of biomedical diagnostic systems. Finally, a strong research<br />

cooperation is established with a number of USA based <strong>un</strong>iversities (Stanford<br />

University, Mississippi State University).<br />

Through the Virtual Lab project we strongly collaborate with the Computer<br />

Architecture and Parallel Systems group. The theoretical work on evolving CA<br />

is done in collaboration with the Algorithms and Complexity Theory group of<br />

the ILLC.<br />

International:<br />

Dr. C. Bassarudin and Dr. B. Nazief, Computer Science, University of<br />

Indonesia (Depok - Jakarta, Indonesia); Dr. D. Pooley, MIT (Boston, USA); Dr.<br />

G. Kochne<strong>va</strong>, VECTOR institute (Novosibirsk, Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation); Dr. G.<br />

Videen, US Army Research Laboratory (Washington DC, USA); Dr. H.<br />

Zinnecker, AIP (Germany); Dr. J. E. Kuebler, Department of Biology,<br />

California State University; Dr. M. Bubak, Institute of Computer Science, AgH<br />

(Cracow, POLAND); Dr. M.J.A. Vermeij, Cooperative Institute for Marine and<br />

Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS); Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric<br />

Science (RSMAS) at the University of Mi<strong>am</strong>i/ NOAA Southeast Science<br />

Fisheries Center; Dr. M.J.H. <strong>va</strong>n Oppen, Australian Institute of Marine Science<br />

(Townsville, Australia); Dr. O. Santoso, Institute of Technology Band<strong>un</strong>g<br />

(Band<strong>un</strong>g, Indonesia); Dr. P. Teuben, University of Maryland (USA); Prof. Dr.<br />

C. Kesselman, USC (USA); Dr. R. Klessen, AIP (Germany); Dr. V. Maltsev,<br />

Appendices<br />

74<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Siberian Branch of Academy of Science (Novosibirsk, Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation); J.<br />

Bernsdorf, NEC Europe, C&C Research Laboratories (St. Augustin,<br />

Germany); Prof Dr. C. Taylor (Stanford, USA); Prof Dr. L.Hluchy, Institute of<br />

Informatics, Slo<strong>va</strong>k Academy of Sciences (Bratislawa, Slo<strong>va</strong>kia); Prof J. Makino,<br />

University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan); Prof M. Livny, University of Wisconsin<br />

(Madison, Wisconsin, USA); Prof P. Hut, Institute of Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Studies<br />

(Princeton, USA); Prof. A.V. Bogdanov, Dr. Y.E. Gorbachev and others,<br />

Institute for High Performance Computing and Information Systems<br />

(St.Petersburg, Russia); Prof. Dr. A. Gruzdev, Insitute for Cytology and<br />

Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russian Fe<strong>der</strong>ation); Prof. Dr. A. Zomaya, University<br />

of Sydney (Australia); Prof. Dr. B. Chopard, University of Gene<strong>va</strong> (Gene<strong>va</strong>,<br />

Switzerland); Prof. Dr. D. Abr<strong>am</strong>son, Monash University (Australia); Prof. Dr.<br />

D. <strong>va</strong>n Bockstaele, Antwerpen University Hospital and University of<br />

Antwerpen (Antwerpen, Belgium); Prof. Dr. D.J. Miller, Comparative<br />

Genomics Centre, J<strong>am</strong>es Cook University (Australia); Prof. Dr. M. Krafzyk,<br />

Institut fur Computeranwend<strong>un</strong>gen im bauingenieurwesen, TUB<br />

(Bra<strong>un</strong>schweig, Germany); Prof. Dr. T. Adriaansen, Telecomm<strong>un</strong>ications &<br />

Industrial Physics, CSIRO (Australia); Prof. Dr. V. Loiko, Dr. V. Babenko,<br />

Stepanov Institute of Physics (Minsk, Belarus); Prof. Dr. V. S<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong><strong>am</strong>, Emory<br />

University (Atlanta, USA); Prof. Dr. W.E.G. Müller, Abt. Angewandte<br />

Molekularbiologie, Universität Mainz (Germany); Prof. R. <strong>va</strong>n Woesik,<br />

Department Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology; Prof. S.<br />

McMillan, Drexel University (USA).<br />

National:<br />

Dr. A.H. <strong>va</strong>n K<strong>am</strong>pen AMC-UvA (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>); Dr. Bouten, Earth Sciences,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Dr. C. Boucher, AZU, University of Utrecht<br />

(Utrecht); Dr. D. Kandhai, TUD (Delft); Dr. G. Streekstra, Dr H. Venema,<br />

AMC-UvA (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>); Dr. M. Muller, Institute of Animal Sciences,<br />

Wageningen University; Dr. R. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Sman, Agricultural University<br />

Wageningen; Prof D. Frenkel, Dr. H. Volten, AMOLF (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>); Prof E.P.J.<br />

<strong>va</strong>n den Heuvel, Prof. Dr L.B.F.M. Waters, Prof. Dr. J. Hovenier, Astronomy<br />

Department, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Prof H.V. Westerhoff Microbial<br />

Physiology, Free University of Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Prof P. Hemker, Drs J.G Blom,<br />

Prof. Dr. J. Verwer, Dr. M. Peletier (CWI Amsterd<strong>am</strong>); Prof P. Iedema,<br />

Chemical Technology, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Prof. Dr. H. Reiber,<br />

University of Leiden (Leiden); Prof. Dr. H. <strong>va</strong>n As, Laboratory of Biophysics,<br />

Wageningen University; Prof. Dr. Ir. H.E. Bal, Department of Computer<br />

Science, Free University, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Prof. dr. ir. J. H. <strong>va</strong>n Schuppen (CWI);<br />

Prof. Dr. J. <strong>va</strong>n Leeuwen, Department of Animal Sciences & Wageningen

Institute of Animal Sciences, Wageningen University; Prof. Dr. R.P.M. Bak,<br />

NIOZ (Den Burg (Texel)); Prof. Dr. W. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Zande, AMOLF, Amsterd<strong>am</strong> en<br />

KUN Nijmegen; Prof. R <strong>va</strong>n Driel, SILS-UvA.<br />

The Computational Informatics Group is supported by:<br />

Nato Science for Peace Progr<strong>am</strong>; European Union, 6th Fr<strong>am</strong>ework Progr<strong>am</strong>;<br />

KNAW; NWO (NCF, FOM, NOVA, MPR); Hogeschool <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>;<br />

Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs ; Dutch Fo<strong>un</strong>dation for HPCN.<br />

2. Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

International:<br />

CSIN (Portugal); Instituto de Desenvolvimiento de No<strong>va</strong>s Tecnologías,<br />

(Portugal); Ro<strong>un</strong>drose Associates, Ltd (UK); Synkronix Incorporation, Ltd.<br />

(UK); SKILL Consejeros de Gestión, SL. (Spain); Cámara de Comercio e<br />

Industria - Unidad de Promoción y Desarrollo de Na<strong>va</strong>rra, SL.(Spain); CSIC<br />

(Spain); Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Greece); Royal Botanic<br />

Gardens, Kew (UK); University of Reading (UK); The Natural History<br />

Museum (UK); University of Turku (Finland); OOEL (Austria); University of<br />

Kiel (Germany); VIM (Germany); University of Copenhagen (Denmark); IBM<br />

Life Sciences Solutions - La Gaude (France); IBM (USA), CERN (Swiss),<br />

University of Illinois at Chigago (USA), HP, Apple, Force10, Calient,<br />

GlimmerGlass.<br />

National:<br />

Biology Department of UvA; LogicaCMG Den Haag B.V.; KPN research;<br />

Ministry of Transportation; FOM; AMOLF; CWI; Nikhef; SARA; AMC;<br />

Philips Ne<strong>der</strong>landse Bedrijven BV; Sylogic BV; Free University; Technical<br />

University Delft; Leiden University; NBIC; TNO; WCSF; Unilever<br />

Netherlands; ATO; Friesland Coberco Diary Foods; IBM Netherlands; FEI<br />

Electron Optics; Sw<strong>am</strong>merd<strong>am</strong> Institute for Life Sciences (UvA); University of<br />

Nijmegen, Wageningen University, Zoological Museum (UvA); ETI<br />

biodiversity Center; Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dyn<strong>am</strong>ics (UvA);<br />

Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology; Association for Research on Flora and<br />

Fa<strong>un</strong>a; Dutch Butterfly Conser<strong>va</strong>tion; Royal Netherlands Air force; IBM Life<br />

Sciences;<br />

Appendices 75<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The CAPS group is supported by:<br />

European Union, HPCN Fo<strong>un</strong>dation, Ministerie <strong>va</strong>n Verkeer en Waterstaat,<br />

NWO, STW/Progress,<br />

ICES/KIS (Bsik), IFIP, Philips Ne<strong>der</strong>landse Bedrijven BV, Senter<br />

3. Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments<br />

National:<br />

Centrum voor Wisk<strong>un</strong>de en Informatica; University of Utrecht; Vrije<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Vanenburg Group; SERC; PinkRoccade; AtosOrigin;<br />

Software Improvement Group; Microsoft Research (GB)<br />

The group is supported by:<br />

The Dutch National Science Co<strong>un</strong>cil NWO.<br />

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

1. Intelligent Sensory Information Systems<br />

The ISIS group is supported by:<br />

ICES-KIS, IOP-BV, IOP-MMI, EU, NWO-GBE, NWO-STW, Dutch forensic<br />

Institute, TNO-TPD, TNO-FEL, TNO-LIFT, Océ, Philips CFT, Elsevier.<br />

2. Intelligent Autonomous Systems<br />

International<br />

Science and Technology (AIST, Japan); KTH (Stockholm, Sweden); LAAS,<br />

(Toulouse, France); Frauenhofer Insitute IPA (Stuttgart, Germany); EPFL<br />

(Lausanne, Switzerland); Caltech (USA); University of Waterloo (Canada);<br />

Arizona State University (USA); C<strong>am</strong>bridge University Engineering (GBR).<br />

National<br />

Stichting Neurale Netwerken (SNN); ITS, TUDelft; Korteweg de Vries<br />

Institute for Mathematics (UvA); CWI, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Vrije Un<strong>iversiteit</strong><br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; University of Maastricht (Institute for Knowledge and Agent

Technology IKAT); University of Nijmegen (Institute for Cognitive Science,<br />

Neuroscience, and Information Technology NICI, Max Planck Institute and<br />

Department of Linguistics); University of Twente (Center for Telematics and<br />

Information Technology,CTIT).<br />

Industry:<br />

TNO-D&V; TNO/TPD; Philips CFT; Philips Research: Sentient Machines<br />

Research (SMR); Shell; Unilever; KiQ; Noldus BV; Eagle Vision; Epictoid;<br />

Thales Ne<strong>der</strong>land B.V.; 4Tec B.V.; DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology<br />

(Ulm, Germany).<br />

The Intelligent Autonomous Systems group is supported by:<br />

Stichting Technische Wetenschappen (STW); NWO (ToKeN 2000); D&V-<br />

TNO; Ministry of Economic Affairs; Ministry of Education; DECIS lab;<br />

STW/PROGRESS; The European Commission (IST 6th fr<strong>am</strong>ework progr<strong>am</strong>)<br />

3. Information and language Processing Systems<br />

International:<br />

Alechina (Nottingh<strong>am</strong>, UK); Becher (Buenos Aires); Bernardi (Bolzano);<br />

Blackburn (Nancy); Demri (Paris), Fisher (Liverpool); F<strong>un</strong>dulaki (Bell Labs);<br />

Gabbay (London); Gardent (Nancy); Lutz (Dresden); Montanari (Udine);<br />

Muthukrishnan (Rutgers); de Nivelle (Saarbrücken); Ohlbach (München);<br />

Sattler (Dresden); Schlingloff (Berlin); Striegnitz (Saarbrücken); UC Berkeley<br />

(Haas School of Business); Technion (Haifa); Stanford University; IMS<br />

Stuttgart, University of Manchester; Liverpool University; and Imperial and<br />

King’s College (London); Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Antwerpen; IRIT (Toulouse).<br />

National:<br />

Hiemstra (Enschede); Moortgat (Utrecht); de Vries (CWI); Limburgs<br />

Universitair Centrum.<br />

Industry:<br />

Bell Labs, Bolesian, Elsevier Science, IBM (Haifa), IRION, de Koninklijke<br />

Bibliotheek, Xerox Europe, Unilever.<br />

The ILPS group is supported by:<br />

NWO, EU/CologNET, Elsevier Science Publishers, and a subproject of the<br />

VL-e Virtual Lab project.<br />

Appendices<br />

76<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

The Laboratory for Human Computer Studies<br />

International:<br />

University of Brazil (Brazil); University of Jena (Germany); University of<br />

Wales (Uk, Wales); Northwestern University (USA); New University of Lisbon<br />

(Portugal); VTT (Finland); UNINOVA (Portgal); TES (Italy); Virtual Fabrik<br />

(Germany); Groupo Formula (Italy); SAGE (Spain); TXT (Italy); JSI (Slovenia)<br />

BIBA (Germany); Czech University of Technology (Czech republic); Fe<strong>der</strong>al<br />

University of Santa Caterina (Brazil); ITESM (Mexico); ENICMA (Germany);<br />

CERTICON (Czech republic); France Telecom (France); Siemens (Austria);<br />

AIESEC (Slo<strong>va</strong>kia); ComArch (Poland); Ro<strong>un</strong>drose Associates, Ltd. (The<br />

United Kingdom); SKILL Consejeros de Gestión, SL. (Spain); Cámara de<br />

Comercio e Industria - Unidad de Promoción y Desarrollo de Na<strong>va</strong>rra, SL.,<br />

(Spain); CSIC (Spain); Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Greece);<br />

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (United Kingdom); University of Reading<br />

(United Kingdom); The Natural History Museum (United Kingdom);<br />

University of Turku (Finland); OOEL (Austria); University of Kiel (Germany);<br />

University of Copenhagen (Denmark); IBM Life Sciences Solutions - La Gaude<br />

(France); Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana (Mladenic en<br />

Urbancic); Telematica Instituut; European Center for Ontology Research<br />

(ECOR, Germany); ISOCO (Madrid Spain); KU Leuven (Belgium).<br />

National:<br />

Alterra; Wageningen University; Interapy; Spin in het Web; Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, Sw<strong>am</strong>merd<strong>am</strong> Institute for Life Sciences; University of Nijmegen,<br />

Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics; Leiden University, Leiden<br />

University Medical Centre; Wageningen University, Laboratory of Molecular<br />

Biology; Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, Zoological Museum; ETI biodiversity<br />

Center,; Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Institute for Biodiversity and<br />

Ecosystem Dyn<strong>am</strong>ics; Association for Research on Flora and Fa<strong>un</strong>a; IBM Life<br />

Sciences; LOGICA CMG; LUMC (Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum);<br />

TNO Prevention and Health (P. Toussaint); Thales Research & Technology<br />

Netherlands; Acklin (<strong>va</strong>n Aart); IBM (Zijlstra, Rongen), Textkernel (Zavrel),<br />

Robosail, v. Aartrijk; TNO-TPD (Kolb); Free University (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>);<br />

Sonokids (Amsterd<strong>am</strong>)<br />

The Human Computer Studies group is supported by:<br />

EC (6FP-IP, 5FP); ICES-KIS-2; Bsik ; NWO; IOP-MMI (Senter)

Appendix 3 Other contributions<br />

The Laboratory for Computing, System Architecture and<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming<br />

1. Computational Informatics<br />

The group takes the lead in the organisation of several important international<br />

symposia and conferences. Foremost <strong>am</strong>ong these is the series of International<br />

Conferences on Computational Science. ICCS 2004 was held in Cracow; ICCS<br />

2005 will be held in Atlanta.<br />

Editorial positions<br />

G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada: Computational Science - ICCS 2004, Cracow, Poland, in<br />

series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3036 - 3099, 2004, co-editor.<br />

A.G. Hoekstra, Cellular Automata – ACRI 2004, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, in series Lecture<br />

Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3305, 2004, co-editor; FGCS, guest editor.<br />

Jaap A. Kaandorp: Virtual Medical Worlds, member of the advisory board.<br />

P.M.A. Sloot: Elsevier Science FGCS, editor in chief: International Journal on<br />

Grid Computing, theory, methods and applications:<br />

www.elsevier.com/locate/fgcs; Computational Science - ICCS 2004, Cracow,<br />

Poland, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3036 - 3099, 2004,<br />

co-editor; Cellular Automata – ACRI 2004, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, The Netherlands, in<br />

series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3305, 2004, co-editor.<br />

International f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

A.G. Hoekstra: Ad<strong>va</strong>nced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), member<br />

of the Scientific Advisory Board.<br />

J.A. Kaandorp: NWO, Member BCI ("open competitie informatica")<br />

committee; member PhD committee C. Maier, title Phd thesis: The skeletal<br />

isotopic composition as an indicator of ecological plasticity in the coral genus<br />

{\em Madracis}, March 2004; member PhD committee D. Sipkema, title Phd<br />

thesis: Culti<strong>va</strong>tion of marine sponges: from sea to cell, October, 2004, Univerity<br />

of Wageningen.<br />

Appendices<br />

77<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

S.F. Portegies Zwart: Peer review committee APPEC for the design and<br />

development of a European gro<strong>un</strong>d based gravitational wave interferometer<br />

(Paris, 27-29 July 2004); Peer review committee NWO-EW (Utrecht, 24 Mei<br />

2004)<br />

P.M.A. Sloot: Informatica K<strong>am</strong>er Ne<strong>der</strong>land, member; NWO, member working<br />

group on Biomolecular Informatics; NWO, member working group on<br />

Computational Science; Fo<strong>un</strong>dation of Beta Companies, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, advisor;<br />

NIP: Ne<strong>der</strong>lands Instituut in St. Peterburg, Russia, scientific advisor; Russian<br />

Academy of Sciences, advisor; AgH University of Science and Technology,<br />

Cracow, Poland, scientific advisor; Scientific Board Lorentz Center, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong><br />

Leiden; scientific advisor European HealthGrid Society; Advisory board EU:<br />

Complex Systems; Included in 'who is who in computational science':<br />

http://www.wwcse.com/; Visiting Professor WSZIB Poland:<br />

http://artemis.wszib.edu.pl/~sloot/; NWO Begeleidings Commissie 'Citaten<br />

Analyse'; NWO Verkennigs Cie Stedelijke Ruimte; SURF: Wetenschappelijke<br />

Advies Raad; Lorentz Centre: Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad; NIP<br />

Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad<br />

Scientific events organised<br />

G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada: Workshop Chair of the International Conference on<br />

Computational Science ICCS 2004, Cracow, 2004; Workshop Chair of the<br />

International Conference on Computational Science ICCS 2005, Atlanta, 2005.<br />

A.G. Hoekstra: Chair Scientific Committee European Grid Conference 2005;<br />

Organisation Committee ACRI 2004 Sixth International conference on Cellular<br />

Automata for Research and Industry; Workshop ‘Light Scattering Revisited’,<br />

ISAC conference, Montpellier, 2004.<br />

J.A. Kaandorp: Chair Symposium 1st Internationaal symposium on networks in<br />

bio-informatics, March 22 - 23, 2004, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, Science Park<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; Chair Symposium 2nd Internationaal symposium on networks in<br />

bio-informatics, May 23 - 25, 2005, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, Science Park<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>.<br />

V. Krzhizhanovskaya: Workshop on "Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulation" in<br />

the International Conference on Computational Science J<strong>un</strong>e 2004 (ICCS 2004),<br />

Cracow, Poland; Workshop on "Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulation" in the<br />

International Conference on Computational Science May 2005 (ICCS 2005),<br />

Atlanta, USA.

S.F. Portegies Zwart: MODEST-4b: Workshop on performing direct N-body<br />

calculations on massive parallel distributed memory platforms with special<br />

purpose hardware, J<strong>un</strong>e 7 and 8, 2004 in Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; MODEST-5c:<br />

Gravitational N-body summer school, 24-30 July 2005 in Amsterd<strong>am</strong>.<br />

P.M.A. Sloot; Overall Chair of the International Conference on Computational<br />

Science ICCS 2005, Atlanta, 2005; Overall Chair of the International<br />

Conference on Computational Science ICCS 2004, Cracow, 2004; Chair<br />

Organisation Committee ACRI 2004 Sixth International conference on Cellular<br />

Automata for Research and Industry.<br />

E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong>: Workshop on "Interactive Visualisation and Interaction<br />

Technologies" in the International Conference on Computational Science J<strong>un</strong>e<br />

2004 (ICCS 2004), Cracow, Poland.<br />

Invited speaker<br />

A.G. Hoekstra: Elastic Light Scattering in FCM – or – do you need to know<br />

more than Mie scattering?, ISAC, Montpellier, France, May 2004; Towards Grid<br />

Based Virtual Vascular Reconstruction, ICMCC, Den Haag, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004; Invited<br />

lecture ICMMES, Bra<strong>un</strong>schweig, Computational "Hemodyn<strong>am</strong>ics with the<br />

Lattice Boltzmann Method", Bra<strong>un</strong>schweig, July 2004.<br />

J.A. Kaandorp: Modelling developmental regulatory networks, University of<br />

Mainz,Germany, March 2004; Modelling and analysis of three-dimensional<br />

morphologies of scleractinian corals using computer tomography, SYNTHE-<br />

SIS: integrated infrastructure initiative (I3) Network activity F, Madrid, Spain<br />

J<strong>un</strong>e 2004.<br />

S.F. Portegies Zwart: Blue Gene/L workshop, Juelich, Germany, September<br />

2004; On Massive Stars in Interacting Binaries, Montreal, Canada August 2004;<br />

COSPAR meeting,Paris, July 2004; On the formation of intermediate mass<br />

black hole X-ray binaries, workshop on X-ray binaries Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, July 2004;<br />

On the emission of gravitational waves from yo<strong>un</strong>g dense star clusters, ESTEC<br />

Noordwijk, July 2004; Penn State University (USA), December, 2002;<br />

Workshop on Gravitational wave astronomy, May 2003 and J<strong>un</strong>e 2004;<br />

Americal Astronomical Society Atlanta, USA, January 2004; Two colloquia at<br />

Leiden University, February 2004.<br />

P.M.A. Sloot: IHPCIS Seminair, St. Petersburg State University, 19 Maart;<br />

BREIN seminair: RIVM Bilthoven, 29 Maart; BioGrid, IEEE CCGrid Chicago,<br />

Appendices<br />

78<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

21 April; Computational Science Workshop, Poland Cracow AgH, 1 J<strong>un</strong>e;<br />

Keynote, PARA 2004, Copenhagen Denmark, 22 J<strong>un</strong>e.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

G.D. <strong>va</strong>n Albada: European Grid Conference 2005, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; International<br />

Conference on Computational Science 2004, Cracow; International Conference<br />

on Computational Science 2005, Atlanta.<br />

A.G. Hoekstra: European Grid Conference 2005, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; International<br />

Conference on Computational Science 2004, Cracow; International Conference<br />

on Computational Science 2005, Atlanta.<br />

J.A. Kaandorp: BioMED 2004, 2004 Innsbruck, Austria; ACRI 2004,<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>.<br />

V.V. Krzhizhanovskaya: International Conference on Computational Science<br />

2004, Cracow; International Conference on Computational Science 2005,<br />

Atlanta.<br />

S.F. Portegies Zwart: Conference on Massive Stars in Interacting Binaries,<br />

Montreal, Canada 15--20 August 2004.<br />

P.M.A. Sloot: European Grid Conference 2005, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>; International<br />

Conference on Computational Science 2004, Cracow; International Conference<br />

on Computational Science 2005, Atlanta; IEEE CCGrid; CARS 2004; IEEE<br />

GRid 2004; EuroPar 2004; Para2004; IEEE Cluster 2004; ICMCC 2004; PaCT<br />

2004; PPAM 2004; HiPC 2004.<br />

E.V. Zudilo<strong>va</strong>: International Conference on Computational Science 2004,<br />

Cracow; International Conference on Computational Science 2005, Atlanta.<br />

2. Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Computing Systems Engineering<br />

Editorial positions<br />

L.O. Hertzberger, Future Generation Computer Systems, editor in chief.<br />

A.D. Pimentel, Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th Int. Workshop on Systems,<br />

Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2004), LNCS 3133, editor.

International f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

L.O. Hertzberger: member of advisory committee, IPDPS conference.<br />

C. de Laat: Grid Forum Steering Group member; Gridforum.nl consortium,<br />

chair.<br />

A.D. Pimentel: member of the European Network of Excellence on High-<br />

Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC)<br />

National f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

L.O. Hertzberger: scientific adviser at Philips Research Laboratories,<br />

Eindhoven; member of the management te<strong>am</strong> of the ASCI school.<br />

A.D. Pimentel: member of the Educational Board of the Ad<strong>va</strong>nced School for<br />

Computing and Imaging (ASCI).<br />

A. Visser: core member of the DECIS Lab, which is a collaboration to combine<br />

the knowledge, insight and capabilities of the partners in the area of distributed<br />

and intelligent decision support systems and related technologies.<br />

Scientific events organised<br />

A.D. Pimentel, ASCI Winterschool on Embedded Systems<br />

Invited speaker<br />

A. Belloum: EDG-tutorial Hands-on the Grid, October 2004, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>.<br />

Y.. Demchenko: GGF12 Operational Security Workshop (Brussels); TF-EMC2<br />

meeting, Joint Security Policy Group meeting (CERN); EGEE MWSG3<br />

meetings (Stockholm+CERN).<br />

L. Gommans: Nextgrid cross WP security workshop (Stockholm,S);KLM<br />

workshop; Beeyond workshop, Gridnets 2004 (San Diego,USA); EU grid<br />

technology days (Brussels,B); Gridforum.nl, SURFnet RoN day, MCNC<br />

workshop (Chicago,USA); Optiputer Workshop (UCSD San Diego,USA);<br />

ON*Vector photonics workshop (San Diego, USA); VL-e workshop;<br />

Microsoft workshop.<br />

C. de Laat: SURFnet relatiedagen, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> Twente; e-IRG workshop, 2nd<br />

MCNC workshop (Pittsburgh,USA); Amsterd<strong>am</strong> Internet Exchange member<br />

meeting; GridNets conference (San Jose, USA); Lawrence Berkely Laboratory<br />

Appendices<br />

79<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

(Berkely, USA); 4th Global L<strong>am</strong>bda Integrated Facility meeting, NORTEL HQ<br />

(Ottawa, CA); INET2004 (Barcelona, Sp); TF-NGN, Astro-Particle Physics<br />

workshop (NIKHEF, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>); MCNC workshop (Chicago, USA);<br />

DATATAG review (Gene<strong>va</strong>,CH); SURFnet, GNEW workshop, (Gene<strong>va</strong>,CH);<br />

GGF 10 (Berlin, D); ON*VECTOR (San Diego, USA); LISHEP (Rio de<br />

Janeiro, Br); FermiLab (Chicago,USA).<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

A.D. Pimentel, Int. workshop on Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and<br />

Simulation, S<strong>am</strong>os, Greece, July, Progr<strong>am</strong> Chair; 5th Workshop on Parallel and<br />

Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, 2004, member.<br />

3. Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Methods and Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Environments<br />

Editorial positions<br />

J.A. Bergstra: Journal of Logic and Algebraic Progr<strong>am</strong>ming, managing editor;<br />

Science of Computer Progr<strong>am</strong>ming, managing editor.<br />

I. Bethke: Journal of Logic and Algebraic Progr<strong>am</strong>ming, editorial assistent.<br />

P. Klint, IEE Proceedings – Software, editor; Science of Computer<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>ming, editor.<br />

A. Ponse, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Progr<strong>am</strong>ming, editor.<br />

International f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

P. Klint: European Association for Progr<strong>am</strong>ming Languages and Systems<br />

(EAPLS), president; Steering Committee European Joint Conferences on<br />

Theory and Practice of Progr<strong>am</strong>ming (ETAPS), member; Scientific Directorate<br />

Schloss Dagstuhl, member.<br />

National f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

P. Klint, Chair Adviescommissie Informatica ACI (NWO), chair; IPN<br />

(Informatica Platform Ne<strong>der</strong>land), chair; ICT Forum, member; Progr<strong>am</strong><br />

Committee Jacquard (6 year NWO progr<strong>am</strong>me for stimulating software<br />

engineering research), member; Board of Institute for Progr<strong>am</strong>ming and<br />

Algorithms (IPA), member.Progr<strong>am</strong> Board Lorentz Center, Leiden, member;<br />

PhD committee: P. Klint, promotion of Y. Qian (Technical University

Eindhoven, J<strong>un</strong>e 2, 2004), member; PhD committee: P. Klint, promotion of M.<br />

Schrage (University of Utrecht, October 15, 2004), member.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

P. Klint: Workshop on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering techniques<br />

(RISE '04), member; Fifth Workshop on Language Definitions Tools and<br />

Applications (LDTA '05), member.<br />

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

1. Intelligent Sensory Information Systems<br />

Editorial positions<br />

Th. Gevers: special issue on Colour for Image Indexing and Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, Comp.<br />

Vision & Im. Un<strong>der</strong>st. (CVIU), 2004, guest editor.<br />

M.L. Kersten: The VLDB Journal.<br />

N. Sebe: Multimedia Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l research area section of the ACM<br />

SIGMM (Special Interest Group on Multimedia).<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia; Int. J. Computer Vision.<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s, T. Huang, Th. Gevers: Int J. Computer Vision, special issue<br />

on Content-based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l.<br />

International F<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

M.L. Kersten: member scientific advisory board Helsinki Institute for<br />

Information Technology; GMD IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany, member scientific<br />

advisory board.<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: ICME2005 organizing committee, general chair; Committee<br />

S.K. Fu distinguished career award, IAPR, member; European Networks of<br />

Excellence: DELOS for digital libraries (with a special assignment in the EU -<br />

NSF task force on cultural heritage), member; European Networks of<br />

Excellence: ECVISION for computer vision; Muscle for Multimedia<br />

<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing, member; European Networks of Excellence: Muscle for<br />

Multimedia <strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong>standing, member.<br />

Appendices<br />

80<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

National F<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

J. M. Geusebroek: Kascommissie NVPHBV, member.<br />

M.L. Kersten: Token 2000 research progr<strong>am</strong> committee, NWO, member;<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong> New Media Association, member of board; Executive board Data<br />

Distilleries B.V., Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, co-fo<strong>un</strong><strong>der</strong> and member; Scientific Advisor<br />

Philips Natlab; ToKeN2000 research progr<strong>am</strong>me committee, NWO, member.<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: MultimediaN, scientific director; ASCI research school,<br />

scientific director; Kenniscentrum MediaMil UvA-TNO, non-executive<br />

member;<br />

TODS cooperation Dutch Forensic Lab – UvA; Scientific advisory board of the<br />

Dutch Forensic Institute, member; IOP Beeldverwerken, 1995 - 2004, member<br />

of the board.<br />

P. Werkhoven, the Steering Group of the research consortium MultimediaN,<br />

Member; The Research & Inno<strong>va</strong>tion Board of the Dutch Police, member; The<br />

V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media, Board member; SURF Fo<strong>un</strong>dation, the<br />

higher education and research partnership organisation for network services<br />

and ICT, member of the board.<br />

M. Worring, TODS cooperation Dutch Forensic Lab - UvA, responsible;<br />

MediaMill, co-director; Board of the Dutch chapter of the IAPR, member;<br />

E<strong>va</strong>luation committee NWO-Computer Science Open Competition,<br />

member.<br />

Invited speaker<br />

J.M. Geusebroek: Instructor, Colour in image and video databases, IS&T Conf.<br />

Color in Graphics, Image and Vision, Germany, 2004; Cognitive vision systems,<br />

Computer vision workshop, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and<br />

Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran, 2004; Color measurement and in<strong>va</strong>riants in<br />

image Processing, Computer vision workshop, Institute for Studies in<br />

Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran, 2004.<br />

Th. Gevers: Instructor, Colour in Image and Video Databases, IS&T Conf.<br />

Color in Graphics, Image and Vision, Germany, 2004; Instructor,<br />

Content-based Image Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),<br />

C<strong>am</strong>bridge, UK, 2004.

S. Ghebreab, C.J. Jaffe, A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: Washington, 2004.<br />

M.L.Kersten: Some open issues in database research, 11th Database<br />

Conference, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, March 23, 2004; Twin peaks or pits, how intelligent<br />

applications affect a DBMS kernel, Philips Symposium on Intelligen<br />

Applications, Eindhoven(Ne<strong>der</strong>land) Dec 1-2, 2004.<br />

H.T. Nguyen and A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: Everything gets better all the time apart<br />

from the <strong>am</strong>o<strong>un</strong>t of data, CIVR Dublin, 2004; Active learning using<br />

pre-clustering, ICML Ottawa, 2004; Eur Conf Computer Vision, 2004.<br />

N. Sebe: Tutorial on Human-Centered Multimedia Information Systems at the<br />

5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: Color image search engines, a tutorial, ICPR2004, London;<br />

Intelligent Sensory Information Systems, Delos kick-off meeting, Versailles,<br />

2004; MultimediaN, kick-off meeting, Amersfoort 2004; The future is<br />

multimedia, Utrecht 2004; Forensics goes digital, EU-conference Making smart<br />

combinations in forensics, Den Haag, 2004.<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and D. Koelma: Waarom weet een computer altijd alles?,<br />

Nemo kin<strong>der</strong>lezingen, 2004.<br />

AWM Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and H.T. Nguyen: Active Annotation, Content based image<br />

retrie<strong>va</strong>l, Dagstuhl, 2004.<br />

AWM Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and F. de Jong: Multimedia information technology for<br />

automatic annotation; what can and cannot be expected, IFTA/FIAT<br />

International Fe<strong>der</strong>ation of Television Archivists, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

A.W.M Smeul<strong>der</strong>s and M. Worring: Content-based image retrie<strong>va</strong>l, Hanoi 2004.<br />

AWM Smeul<strong>der</strong>s met J.M. Geusebroek: In den beginne het beeld, Maagdenhuis<br />

op maandag, 2004.<br />

C. Snoek: Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl)<br />

University of Dortm<strong>un</strong>d, March 9-11th, 2004; Medi<strong>am</strong>anagement Seminar, 20<br />

maart 2004; Workshop on the E<strong>va</strong>luation of Multimedia Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, CWI,<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 24 november 2004;<br />

Appendices<br />

81<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

M. Worring: Interactive Multimodal Search in Video Archives, in Dagstuhl<br />

Seminar, Content Based Retrie<strong>va</strong>l; Multimodal Indexing of Video, in Changing<br />

sceneries, changing roles, FIAT/IFTA Media Management Seminar<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

J.M. Geusebroek: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2004),<br />

Prague, Czech Republic, 2004.<br />

Th. Gevers: IS&T European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and<br />

Vision (CGIV), Germany, 2004; SPIE Electronic Imaging, Conference on<br />

Internet Imaging (SPIE), San Jose, USA, 2004; International Conference on<br />

Image and Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, Dublin, Ireland, 2004; International Workshop on<br />

Human Computer Interaction (in conj<strong>un</strong>ction with the ECCV 2004), Prague,<br />

2004; International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP04), Singapore, 2004;<br />

12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO04), Vienna, Austria,<br />

2004; International Conference on Visual Information (Visual04), San<br />

Francisco, USA, 2004; Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image<br />

Processing, Curitiba, Brazil, 2004;ACM SIGMM International Workshop on<br />

Multimedia Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, New York, NY, USA, 2004.<br />

M.L.Kersten: COMAD 2004, Goa (India), 2004; WISE 2004, Brisbane<br />

(Australia), 2004; IDEAS 2004, Coimbra (Portugal),2004; ICWS 2004, San<br />

Diego (USA), 2004; SSDBM, Santorini (Greece), 2004; VLDB, Toronto<br />

(Canada), 2004; VLDB 2005, Trondheim (Norway), co-chair; WISE 2005, New<br />

York (USA), 2005; Thematic workshop on DL Architectures, Dagstuhl<br />

(Germany), March 2005; DaMoN 2005, Baltimore (USA), 2005; VLDB 2006,<br />

Seoul (Korea), co-chair; ICDE PhD/WS March/April 2004, Boston, USA;<br />

DELOS workshop on Architectures for DL, May 2004, Dagsthul, Germany.<br />

N. Sebe: 6th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia<br />

Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l (MIR04), New York, USA, October 2004, co-chair; 1st<br />

International Workshop on Human Computer Interaction (HCI04), Prague,<br />

Czech Republic, May 15, 2004, Co-Chair; special session on Immersive<br />

Conferencing: Novel Interfaces and Paradigms for Remote Collaboration at the<br />

5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, December 2004 5th<br />

Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, December 2004,<br />

member; 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in<br />

Developing Co<strong>un</strong>tries, TEDC 2004, Joensuu, Finland, August 31, 2004, member;<br />

International Conference on Image and Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l – CIVR 2004,

Dublin, Ireland, 2004, member; IEEE International Conference on Multimedia<br />

and Expo, ICME 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004, member; 1st ACM SIGMOD<br />

Workshop on Computer Vision and Databases, Paris, France, 2004, member.<br />

A.W.M. Smeul<strong>der</strong>s: CVPR 2004 Washington DC, member; ICPR 2004 London,<br />

member; Challenge Image and Video Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, 2004 Dublin, chairman;<br />

International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Taipei 2004, member;<br />

J. <strong>va</strong>n de Weijer: ICIP 2004, Singapore, member.<br />

M. Worring: ICME, 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, member; SPIE: Document<br />

Recognition and Retrie<strong>va</strong>l XI, 2004, San Jose, USA, member; CIVR, 2004,<br />

Dublin, Ireland, member; DAS, 2004, Florence, Italy, member; GREC, 2004,<br />

Hong Kong, member; PCM, 2004, Tokyo Japan, member.<br />

2. Intelligent Autonomous Systems<br />

IAS is one of the partners of the Centre of Excellence "Intelligent Autonomous<br />

Systems" a collaboration between the Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong> and TNO.<br />

IAS is one of the partners of the DECIS lab, a Dutch collaboration om<br />

intelligent Systems between Thales, TUD, UvA en TNO.<br />

IAS actively participates in EURON-II, the 2nd phase of the European<br />

Network of Excellence in robotics. Two staff members of the group are directly<br />

involved in EURON activities related to publications and the conference<br />

calendar.<br />

Editorial positions<br />

F.C.A. Groen, Book series: Springer Tracts in Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Robotics (STAR).<br />

N. Vlassis, EURON-II, conference calendar, editor.<br />

International f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

F.C.A. Groen, International Robocup Fe<strong>der</strong>ation, member advisory board;<br />

EURON Adcom, key-area co-chair publications; TC-20 Instrumentation and<br />

measurement society, chair; IAS Society, treasurer.<br />

B.J.A. Kröse, IEEE TC on Service Robots.<br />

Appendices<br />

82<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

National F<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

F.C.A.Groen, Scientific Advisor of TNO-FEL; Chairman of the Centre of<br />

Expertise on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (UvA-TNO).<br />

Scientific events organised<br />

F.C.A. Groen, General chair of the International Conference on Intelligent<br />

Autonomous Systems, IAS- 8, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, 2004.<br />

Invited speaker<br />

L. Dorst, Estimating Rigid Body Motions of Point Clouds, in Geometric<br />

Properties from Incomplete Data, Dagstuhl workshop, Germany, March 2004.<br />

F.C.A.Groen, 1 December 2004, VU Brussel.<br />

B.J.A. Kröse, A domestic robot companion which interacts with humans,<br />

NICT, Kyoto, Japan 2004; A domestic robot companion which interacts with<br />

humans, AIST-Tokyo Waterfront, Digital Human Research Center Tokyo,<br />

Japan 2004; Keeping track of humans, Topical day on social robots, World<br />

Computer Congress, Toulouse, 2004; Probabilistic methods for tracking and<br />

localization, IPA Herftsdagen 2004, Callandsoog.<br />

N. Vlassis, Sparse Cooperative Q-learning, CWI Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, February 2004;<br />

Planning in partially obser<strong>va</strong>ble environments, University of Thessaly, Greece,<br />

January 2004.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

D.M. Gavrila, ECCV, Prague, 2004, member; Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für<br />

Mustererkenn<strong>un</strong>g (DAGM) Symposium, Tübingen, 2004, member.<br />

F.C.A. Groen, AIA 2004, member; BNAIC 2004,member; ICRA 2004,<br />

member; IMTC 2004, member; VECIMS 2004, member.<br />

B.J.A. Kröse, IAS-8, 2004, organizing member; BNAIC, 2004, member; IROS,<br />

2004, member.<br />

N. Vlassis, IEEE SMC, 2004, member; RoboCup Symposium, 2004, member;<br />

BNAIC, 2004, member; Benelearn, 2004, member

3. Information and Language Processing Systems<br />

Editorial positions<br />

M. de Rijke: Editor of ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, editor;<br />

Studies in Logic, Language and Information (<strong>un</strong>til August 1, 2004), editor in<br />

chief; editor of Research on Language and Computation; Journal of Logic,<br />

Language and Information, review editor.<br />

International f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

K. Müller: Member of an international consortium which aims at establishing an<br />

European Master’s progr<strong>am</strong> in Language Technology (Erasmus M<strong>un</strong>dus)<br />

M. Marx: PhD Thesis External Review Committee of the ICT Graduate School<br />

of the University of Trento, member.<br />

M. de Rijke: Chair of the AiML Steering Committee (<strong>un</strong>til September 1, 2004);<br />

Chair of the ESSLLI Standing Committee (<strong>un</strong>til August 1, 2004); European<br />

Association for Logic, Language and Information (<strong>un</strong>til March 1, 2004), Chief<br />

executive officer; Dutch QA task in CLEF, coordinator; E<strong>va</strong>luation committee<br />

for the NWO-VIDI scheme, member; CLEF Steering Committee, member;<br />

ICoS Steering Committee, member; IFCoLOG Executive Board, member; PhD<br />

Thesis External Review Committee of the ICT Graduate School of the<br />

University of Trento, member.<br />

B. Sigurbjörnsson: Organizing Committee for the Initiative for the E<strong>va</strong>luation<br />

of XML Retrie<strong>va</strong>l (INEX 2004), member.<br />

Invited speaker<br />

L. Afanasiev: XML Query E<strong>va</strong>luation via CTL Symbolic Model Checking<br />

October 22, DIES Seminar, University of Twente.<br />

M. Marx: XPath like languages for reasoning about trees February 13, King’s<br />

college, London; XPath with conditional axis relations, March 9, University of<br />

Liverpool; Agents comm<strong>un</strong>icate in XML, April 19, Dagstuhl seminar on Logic<br />

and Agents; Semantic Characterizations of XPath, May 3, Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Antwerpen; Modal Logic, XPath and XML, September 11, Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Modal<br />

Logic, Liverpool; Looping Caterpillars An ex<strong>am</strong>ple of formal language design,<br />

Appendices<br />

83<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

November 18, IRIT Toulouse; First or<strong>der</strong> paths in trees, December 1,<br />

University of Trento.<br />

G. Mishne: Beyond IR: Answering Natural Language Questions, IBM Haifa<br />

Research Seminars, October 2004; Linguistics and Ontologies in Question<br />

Answering Systems, CS Seminar Series, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, January 2004.<br />

K. Müller, Construction of a Question Treebank. Language and Information<br />

Technology Seminar, Universität Amsterd<strong>am</strong><br />

M. de Rijke: Building a Multi-Lingual Web Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Collection, CLIN 2004,<br />

December 2004; Search, SIKS School, December 2004; Language Modelling and<br />

Semistructured Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l, SIKS School on Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l,<br />

December 2004; Search, Informatics Institute, November 2004; Natural<br />

Language Processing for the Semantic Web, SIKS School on the Semantic Web,<br />

November 2004; New Ideas, CLEF 2004, September 2004; Proposal for a<br />

Multi-Lingual Web Track, CLEF 2004, September 2004; A Recall-Oriented<br />

Approach to Question Answering, CLEF 2004, September 2004; Why? , ILLC,<br />

Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, J<strong>un</strong>e 2004; Information Access at LIT, IMIX<br />

Symposium, KUN Nijmegen, May 2004; Information Access at LIT, ISLA<br />

Colloquium, Amsterd<strong>am</strong>, May 2004; The Effectiveness of Combining<br />

Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l Strategies for European Languages, ACM Symposium on<br />

Applied Computing, Cyprus, March 2004.<br />

S. Schlobach: Type Checking in Open-Domain Question Answering, BNAIC,<br />

Groningen, October 2004; Type Checking in Open-Domain Question<br />

Answering, ECAI, Valencia, August 2004; Logical Support for Terminological<br />

Modeling, MedInfo, San Francisco, Sept. 2004; Explaining Subsumption by<br />

Optimal Interpolation, JELIA, Lisbon, September 2004.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

M. Marx: JELIA 2004 - Ninth European Conference on Logics in Artificial,<br />

member.<br />

K. Müller, COLING 2004, reviewer; Journal of Language and Speech, reviewer.<br />

M. de Rijke: ACL 2004 workshop on Question Answering in Restricted<br />

Domains, member; Ad<strong>va</strong>nces in Modal Logic 2004 (AiML2004), member; The

Eleventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology,<br />

Systems, Applications (AIMSA 2004), member; BNAIC 2004, member; the<br />

International Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2004), member; SIGIR 2004<br />

workshop on Information Retrie<strong>va</strong>l for Question Answering, member; WI’04,<br />

member; Workshop Progr<strong>am</strong>me Committee of the 27th Annual International<br />

ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information<br />

Retrie<strong>va</strong>l (SIGIR), member.<br />

S. Schlobach: Workshop on Ontologies and their Applications, member;<br />

SWSDN, member.<br />

B. Sigurbjörnsson: The First Twente Data Management Workshop - TDM’04,<br />

member.<br />

E. Tjong Kim Sang: 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural<br />

Language Processing (EMNLP), member; 42nd Annual Meeting of the<br />

Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), member; Eighth Conference<br />

on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), member; Fourteenth<br />

Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands 2003 (CLIN),<br />

member; Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer<br />

Systems (KBCS), member.<br />

Awards<br />

M. Marx: Best newcomer and best paper award, ACM Conference on<br />

Principles of Database systems, 2004.<br />

B. Sigurbjörnsson: Fellowship from the EDBT Endowment for attending the<br />

Seventh EDBT Summer School on XML and Databases.<br />

B. Sigurbjörnsson: The Hyperion Student Travel Award for attending The 13th<br />

Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2004).<br />

The Laboratory for Human Computer Studies<br />

Editorial positions<br />

H. Afsarmanesh: International Journal of Networking and Virtual<br />

Organizations (IJNVO), ISSN 1470-9503, member editorial board;<br />

International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM),<br />

Appendices<br />

84<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

ISSN 1461-4111, member editorial board; Journal of Evolutionary<br />

Computation, currently published in Italian (Computazione Evoluti<strong>va</strong>),<br />

member editorial board.<br />

J. Breuker: IOS Press book series: ``Frontiers in Artificial Intellige and<br />

Applications" (FAIA), chief editor; International Journal of Human Computer<br />

Studies, editor; Cognitive Science Quarterly, editor; International Journal of<br />

Artificial Intelligence and Education, member editorial board.<br />

V. Evers: Proceedings of IWIPS, 2004, editor<br />

B.J. Wielinga: International Journal of Human Computer Studies, editor;<br />

TINFO, editor.<br />

International f<strong>un</strong>ctions<br />

H. Afsarmanesh: Track chair for the "Networked Enterprises" at BASYS 2004<br />

– the 6th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for<br />

Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and Services, Vienna, Austria,<br />

27-29 Sep 2004.<br />

B. Bredeweg: International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (AIED),<br />

executive committee member; European Network of Excellence in Model<br />

Based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning (MONET-2)Steering Committee<br />

member; MONET-2 task-group on Education and Training, Chair; European<br />

Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (ECAI’04), reviewer.<br />

B.J. Wielinga: SIKS, member of the board.<br />

Invited speaker<br />

H. Afsarmanesh: IST Conference 2004 – IC Technology for the Enterprise of<br />

the future, invited talk on "strategic Roadmap for Ad<strong>va</strong>nced Collaborative<br />

Networks & Focus on ICT", 15 Nov 2004, The Hague, Netherlands.<br />

B. Bredeweg: Invited seminar on ‘Qualitative Modeling and Cognitive Science’<br />

at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, Illinois,<br />

August 5-7, 2004.<br />

J. Breuker: Universititeit <strong>va</strong>n Barcelona, Instituut voor Recht en technolgie 7

september 2004, (Fo<strong>un</strong>dational Ontologies and Semantic Web); Un<strong>iversiteit</strong> <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Leipzig, Fac. Informatik, 7 december 2004, (Fo<strong>un</strong>dational Ontologies);<br />

Sorbonne (Paris-2), 2 december 2004 (Ontologies, Law and the Semantic Web)<br />

V. Evers: Digital Comm<strong>un</strong>ities Den Haag; Ne<strong>der</strong>lands erfgoed.<br />

G.R. Meijer: Virtual Distributed Collaboration, invited speech at IST conference<br />

2004, Den Haag, 16 november 2004.<br />

P. Adriaans: Keynote Speech: AI on the Ocean, AILS 04, 2nd Joint SAIS/SSLS<br />

Workshop, 15-16 April 2004, L<strong>un</strong>d (Sweden); Panel discussion: GI and natural<br />

language learning, some provocative statements. ICGI 2004, Athens Greece.<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong> committees<br />

P. Adriaans: ICGI-2004, 7th International Colloquium on Gr<strong>am</strong>matical<br />

Inference NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece, October 11 - 13, 2004;<br />

Progr<strong>am</strong>me Committee: Belgian-Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference,<br />

BENELEARN 2004.<br />

H. Afsarmanesh: BASYS 2004 – the 6th IFIP International Conference on<br />

Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing<br />

and Services, Vienna, Austria, 27-29 Sep 2004, member; WBC 2004 – the 4th<br />

International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration, 30 Aug- 3 Sept 2004,<br />

Zaragoza, Spain, member; DEXA 2004 – the 15th International Conference on<br />

Database and Expert Systems Applications, 30 Aug- 3 Sept 2004, Zaragoza,<br />

Spain, member; PRO-VE’04 – the 5th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual<br />

Enterprises, Toulouse, France, 23-26 Aug 2004, member, TELECARE 2004 –<br />

the 1st International Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual<br />

Comm<strong>un</strong>ities in El<strong>der</strong>ly Care, Porto, Portugal, 13 April 2004, PC<br />

member;ICMCC 2004 – the International Congress on Medical and Care<br />

Competencies, Hague, The Netherlands, 2-4 J<strong>un</strong>e, 2004, member.<br />

B. Bredeweg: International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (OR’04),<br />

member; European Conference on Ecological Modelling (ECEM’04), member;<br />

International Workshop on Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial<br />

Intelligence at ECAI (BESAI’04), member; 1st MONET Workshop on<br />

Model-based Systems at ECAI (ECAI-MBS’04), member;<br />

Appendices<br />

85<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

V. Evers: P&SI, member; IWIPS 2005, member.<br />

M. <strong>va</strong>n Someren: IBERAMIA 2004, member; European Conference on<br />

Machine Learning –Principles of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2004,<br />

member; European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 2004, member;<br />

European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004, member; International<br />

Conference on Machine Learning ICML 2004, member; Belgian-Netherlands<br />

Artificial Intelligence Conference, BENELEARN 2004, member; ROC<br />

workshop ECAI 2004, member: International Conference on Data Mining<br />

workshop Intelligent Data Mining 2004, member; Workshop Statistical<br />

approaches to semantic web mining 2004, member.<br />

B.J. Wielinga: KCAP, 2005, member.

Appendix 4 Contact Information<br />

Last n<strong>am</strong>e Initials Prefix Group Visiting Phone Direct email<br />

Acronym Address 525….<br />

Abrah<strong>am</strong>yan Lilit L. CS K 403 7562 labrah<strong>am</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Abtro<strong>un</strong> Dj<strong>am</strong>el M.A. A K 403 7566 abtro<strong>un</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Adriaans Pieter P.W. HCS K 419 888 4693 pietera@sciene.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Afanasiev Loredana L. ILPS K 403 7561 lafanasi@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Afsarmanesh H<strong>am</strong>ideh H. HCS K 419 888 4672 h<strong>am</strong>ideh@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Ahn David D.D. ILPS K 403 5357 ahn@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Albada Dick G.D. <strong>va</strong>n CS K 403 7534 dick@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Al<strong>der</strong>shoff Frank R.F. ISIS K 403 7540 al<strong>der</strong>sho@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Alves de Inda Marcia M. K 318 7567 inda@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Andree Bert H.M.A. A K 403 7598 handree@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Anjewierden Anjo A.A. HCS K 419 888 4684 anjo@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Arts Floor F.A. HCS K 419 888 4669 arts@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bakker Br<strong>am</strong> P.B. IAS K 403 7524 br<strong>am</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Balen Richard R.F. <strong>va</strong>n ISIS K 403 7580 rvbalen@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Beek Riette M.E.A.B. <strong>va</strong>n A K 403 7541 riette@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bekkum S<strong>un</strong>a S. <strong>va</strong>n Secr. MN-ISIS K 403 7644 svbekkum@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Belleman Robbert R.G. A K 403 7510 robbel@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Belloum Ad<strong>am</strong> A.S.Z. A K 403 7514 ad<strong>am</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bergstra Jan J.A. Prog K 403 7591 janb@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bethke Inge I. Prog K 403 7583 inge@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bisselink Dorien D. Secr. CSA K 403 7596 dorien@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Blom Hans J. A K 403 7533 jblom@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Boasson Maarten M. A K 403 7597 boasson@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Boer Piter P.T. de A K 403 7541 ptdeboer@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Boer Victor V. de HCS K 419 888 4664 vdeboer@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Booij Olaf O. IAS K 403 7564 obooij@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Boomgaard Rein R. <strong>va</strong>n den ISIS K 403 7560 rein@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bousias Kostas K. CSA K 403 7530 bousias@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bouwer An<strong>der</strong>s A.J. HCS K 419 888 4684 bouwer@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Boven Peter P.F. A K 403 7914 boven@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Bredeweg Bert B. HCS K 419 888 4688 bredeweg@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Contact Information<br />

86<br />

Annual Report 2004

Contact Information<br />

87<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Last n<strong>am</strong>e Initials Prefix Group Visiting Phone Direct email<br />

Acronym Address 525….<br />

Bredeweg Bert B. HCS K 419 888 4688 bredeweg@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Breuker Joost J.A.P.J. HCS K 419 888 4698 breuker@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Br<strong>un</strong>ing Oskar O. K 318 7211 br<strong>un</strong>ing@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Burghouts Gert-Jan G.J. ISIS K 403 7540 burghout@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Cate Bal<strong>der</strong> B.D. ten ILPS K 403 5357 bcate@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Cemgil Taylan A.T. IAS K 403 7581 cemgil@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Choulakov Roman R. CS K 403 7574 rshulako@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Christoph Noor L.H. HCS K 419 888 4671 noor@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Collins Amanda A.R. Bedrijfsvoering K 403 7215 collins@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Cr<strong>am</strong>er Henriette H.S.M. HCS K 419 888 4660 hcr<strong>am</strong>er@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Cristina- Floriana Pana P. ILPS K 403 7515 panac@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Cui Jiangj<strong>un</strong> J CS K 403 7530 jcui@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Dang Kien T.K. ISIS K 403 7508 dang@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Dekker Dirk T.J. gast K 403 7579 dirk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Dekkers Hans H.L. P 24 hdekker@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Demchenko Yuri Y.D. A K 403 7586 demch@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Diertens Bob B. Prog K 403 7593 bobd@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Dijkstra Freek F. A K 403 7531 fdijkstr@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Diplaros Aristeidis A. ISIS K 403 7518 diplaros@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Dooijes Edo E.H. comp.museum K 403 7523/7465 edoh@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Dorst Leo L. IAS K 403 7511 leo@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Ekkel Laurens L. HCS K 419 888 4666 ekkel@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Enserink Fransje F.M. Secr. ILPS K 403 7561 enserink@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Erbas Cagkan C. A K 403 7898 cagkan@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Ermilo<strong>va</strong> Ekaterina E. HCS K 419 888 4662 ermilo<strong>va</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Evers Vanessa V. HCS K 419 888 4695 evers@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Fissaha Adafre Sisay S. ILPS K 403 6730 sfissaha@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Fomekong Nanfack Yves Y. CS K 403 7530 yvesf@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Fontijne Daniel D. IAS K 403 7549 fontijne@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Franceschet Massimo M. ILPS K 403 5357 francesc@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Gavrila Dariu D.M. IAS K 403 7569 gavrila@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Gemert Jan J. <strong>va</strong>n ISIS K 403 7508 jvgemert@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Geusebroek Jan-Mark J.M. ISIS K 403 7552 mark@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Gevers Theo Th. ISIS K 403 7516 gevers@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl

Last n<strong>am</strong>e Initials Prefix Group Visiting Phone Direct email<br />

Acronym Address 525….<br />

Gevers Theo Th. ISIS K 403 7516 gevers@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Ghijssen Mattijs M. HCS K 419 888 4660 mattijs@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Gommans Leon L.H.M. A K 403 7435 lgommans@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Groen Derk D.J. CS K 403 7462 djgroen@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Groen Frans F.C.A. IAS K 403 7571 groen@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Groep David D.L. CS K 409 592 2073 davidg@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Grosso Paola P. A K 403 7533 grosso@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Gualandris Alessia A. CS/AI K 403 7582 alessiag@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Gue<strong>va</strong>ra Masis Victor V.J. CS K 403 7566 vgue<strong>va</strong>ra@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

H<strong>am</strong> Jeroen J.J. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> A K 403 7531 vdh<strong>am</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Haren Karen K.E.H. <strong>va</strong>n<br />

Heijboer Saskia S. Secr.IAS&IvI K 403 7461 heijboer@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Hertzberger Bob L.O. A K 403 7572 bob@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Hitipeuw Erik F.B. Secr.CS&Prog K 403 7462 erikh@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Hoekstra Alfons A. CS K 403 7543 alfons@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Hoeven Coco M.H. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Secr.CS&Prog K 403 7358 cocovdh@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Hoffmann Walter W. CS K 403 7358 walter@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Hollink Vera V. HCS K 419 888 4686 vhollink@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

IJzereef Leonie L.H.L. ILPS K 403 7515 ijzereef@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Inge Toto A. <strong>va</strong>n A K 403 7541 toto@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Iskra K<strong>am</strong>il K. CS K 403 7535 k<strong>am</strong>il@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Jansweijer Wouter W.N.H. HCS K 419 888 4665 jansw@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Jesshope Chris C.R. CSA K 403 7570 jesshope@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Jijko<strong>un</strong> Valentin V. ILPS K 403 6730 jijko<strong>un</strong>@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kaandorp Jaap J.A. CS K 403 7539 jaapk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kaarsemaker Dennis D.A.A. dkaarsem@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kandhai Drona D. CS K 403 7562 kandhai@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kanter David D. de CS K 403 7576 davidk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Katrenko Sophia S. HCS K 419 888 4686 katrenko@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kellermann Deibel Richard R.J. Bedrijfsvoering K 403 7556 richardk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kersten Martin M.L. ISIS K 413 592 4066 mk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kircz Joost J.G. ILPS-gast K 403 7561 kircz@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kleef Jelle J.A. <strong>va</strong>n 7529 j<strong>va</strong>nklee@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Klint Paul P. Prog K 413 592 4126 paulk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Contact Information<br />

88<br />

Annual Report 2004

Contact Information<br />

89<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Last n<strong>am</strong>e Initials Prefix Group Visiting Phone Direct email<br />

Acronym Address 525….<br />

Koelma Dennis D.C. ISIS K 403 7580 koelma@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kok Jelle J.R. IAS K 403 7524 jellekok@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Korkhov Vladimir V. A K 403 7548 vkorkhov@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Koymans Karst C.P.J. A K 403 7531 ckoymans@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Kröse Ben B.J.A. IAS K 403 7520 krose@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Krzhizhanovskaya Valeriya V. <strong>va</strong>leria@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Laat Cees C.Th.A.M. de A K 403 7590 delaat@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Lagerberg Jose J.M. A K 403 7513 jose@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Leeuw Karl K.M.M. de Prog K 403 7584 kleeuw@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Liempt Michiel M. <strong>va</strong>n ISIS K 403 7555 mliempt@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Lith Peter P. <strong>va</strong>n IAS-gast K 403 7461 peter@litph.nl<br />

Loo Saskia S.M. <strong>va</strong>n HCS K 419 888 4689 <strong>va</strong>nloo@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Maris Marinus M. IAS K 403 7549 mmaris@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Mark Wannes W. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> IAS K 403 7517 wvdmark@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Marx Maarten M.J. ILPS K 403 2888 marx@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Meijer Rob R.J. A K 403 7579 rmeijer@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Meijer Geleyn G.R. HCS K 419 888 4693 geleyn@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Mes Virginie V.M.J. Secr.ISIS K 403 7460 virginie@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Mishne Gilad G.A. ILPS K 403 6731 gilad@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Mobach Mendel I.B. mendel@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Msanjila Simon S. HCS K 419 888 4661 msanjila@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Muller Karin K.E. ILPS K 403 5355 kmueller@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Neaga Irina I. HCS K 419 888 4667 neaga@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Netten Niels C.P.M. HCS K 419 888 4687 netten@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Nguyen Giang P.G. ISIS K 403 7528 giangnp@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Nuallain Breanndan B.S. O' CS K 403 7530 bon@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

N<strong>un</strong>nink Jan J.R.J. IAS K 403 7549 jn<strong>un</strong>nink@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Olabarriaga Silvia S.D. A K 403 7541 silvia@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Oude Patrick P. <strong>va</strong>n den poude@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Oudenaarde Bas S.M.C.M. <strong>va</strong>n A K 403 7586 oudenaar@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Pavlin Gregor G. IAS K 403 7517 gpavlin@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Ph<strong>am</strong> Thang T.V. ISIS K 403 7553 vietp@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Pieterse-Goorsenberg Marianne M.H.A. Secr.AIR K 403 7589 pieterse@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Pimentel Andy A.D. CSA K 403 7578 andy@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl

Last n<strong>am</strong>e Initials Prefix Group Visiting Phone Direct email<br />

Acronym Address 525….<br />

Polstra Simon S. A K 403 7898 spolstra@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Ponse Alban A. Prog K 403 7592 alban@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Portegies Zwart Simon S.F. CS/AI K 403 7510 spz@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Post Lennart L.J.G. K 318 7567 lpost@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Pronk Tessa T.E. A K 403 7898 tepronk@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Qiu Guangzhong G. CS K 403 7576 qiu@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Raaijmakers Stephan S.A. ISIS K 403 7508 raaijmak@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Rauwerda Han J. K 318 7201 rauwerda@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Rest Jeroen J.H.C.V.R. <strong>va</strong>n ISIS K 403 7507 rest@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Rijke Maarten M. de ILPS K 403 5358 mdr@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Rodenburg Piet P.H. Prog K 403 7589 pietr@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Saadatmand S. ssaadatm@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Sandberg Jacobijn J.A.C. HCS K 419 888 4697 sandberg@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Scarpa Michael M. CS K 403 7574 mscarpa@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Scheer<strong>der</strong> Jeroen J. A K 403 7534 js@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Schipper Nellie N.W. ISIS K 403 7536 schipper@tpd.tno.nl<br />

Sebe Nicu N. ISIS K 403 7552 nicu@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Seinstra Frank F.J. ISIS K 403 7553 fjseins@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Serov Igor I. K 318 7286 serov@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Sh<strong>am</strong>onin Denis D.P. CS K 403 7574 dsh<strong>am</strong>oni@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Sigurbjornsson Borkur B. ILPS K 403 6731 borkur@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Simonse Lianne L.W.L. ISIS K 403 7588 lsimonse@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Sipior Michael M.S. CS/AI K 403 7582 sipior@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Sloot Peter P.M.A. CS K 403 7537 sloot@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Smeul<strong>der</strong>s Arnold A.W.M. ISIS K 403 7525 smeul<strong>der</strong>s@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Snel Jeroen J.G. A K 403 7532 jgsnel@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Snoek Cees C.G.M. ISIS K 403 7507 cgmsnoek@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Someren Maarten M.W. <strong>va</strong>n HCS K 419 888 4691 maarten@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Spaan Matthijs M.T.J. IAS K 403 7524 mtjspaan@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Steenbakkers Martijn M. A K 403 7435 msteenba@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Steffens Edwin E.H. Elektr K 403 7551 edwin@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Stokman Harro H.M.G. ISIS K 403 7516 stokman@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

S<strong>un</strong>yoto Harris H. s<strong>un</strong>yoto@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Taal Arie A. A K 403 7586 taal@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Contact Information<br />

90<br />

Annual Report 2004

Contact Information<br />

91<br />

Annual Report 2004<br />

Last n<strong>am</strong>e Initials Prefix Group Visiting Phone Direct email<br />

Acronym Address 525….<br />

Terpstra Frank F.P. HCS K 419 888 4663 ftrpstra@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Terwijn Bas B. IAS K 403 7517 bterwijn@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Thompson Mark M. CSA K 403 7898 mthompsn@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Tirado R<strong>am</strong>os Alfredo A. CS K 403 7542 alfredo@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Tjong Kim Sang Erik E.F. ILPS K 403 7565 erikt@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Unal Ozgul O. HCS K 419 888 4677 ozgul@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vas<strong>un</strong>in Dmitri D.A. A K 403 7548 d<strong>va</strong>s<strong>un</strong>in@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Veenman Cor C. ISIS K 403 7518 cveenman@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Velde Jacqueline J. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> secr. A K 403 7464 jvelde@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Verbeek Sjaak J. IAS K 403 7550 jverbeek@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vermolen Berry G.F. CS K 403 7562 vermolen@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Verster Frans F.C. K 318 7211 fransve@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vidal Rodriguez Jordi J. CS K 403 7530 jrodrigu@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Visser Arnoud A. A & IAS K 403 7532 arnoud@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vlassis Nikos N. IAS K 403 7522 vlassis@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vlijmen Bas S.F.M. <strong>va</strong>n CS K 403 7584 vlijmen@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vries Frits F. de HCS K419 888 4694 fdevries@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Vu Duong T.D. Prog K 403 7592 tdvu@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Wan Fred A.D.M. A K 403 7586 wan@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Weijer Joost J. <strong>va</strong>n de ISIS K 403 7554 joostw@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Werkhoven Peter P.J. ISIS K 403 7580 werkh@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Wibisono Adianto A. A K 403 7565 wibisono@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Wielemaker Jan J. HCS K 419 888 4671 wielemak@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Wielinga Bob B. HCS K 419 888 4696 wielinga@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Withagen Paul P.J. IAS K 403 7517 paulw@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Worring Marcel M. ISIS K 403 7521 worring@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Yakali Hakan H.H. A K 403 7514 yakali@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Yurkin Maxim M.A. CS K 403 7562 myurkin@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Zajdel Wojciec h W. IAS K 403 7550 wzajdel@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Zhao Zhiming Z. A K 403 7530 zhiming@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Zivkovic Zoran Z. IAS K 403 7564 zivkovic@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Zoudilo<strong>va</strong> Elena E.V. CS K 403 7542 elenaz@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

Zwaag Mark M.B. <strong>va</strong>n <strong>der</strong> Prog K 403 7584 mbz@science.u<strong>va</strong>.nl<br />

K= Kruislaan P= Plantage Mui<strong>der</strong>gracht

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