View Pause Magazine - Mediacom

View Pause Magazine - Mediacom View Pause Magazine - Mediacom
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4 PaUSE | ISSUE NO. 19 ISSUE NO. 19 Visit the playground of the 12 notorious in Magic City. Check out new movies 16 On Demand! 25 answers you need, all at your fingertips Contents 6 Art Fairs You don’t have to have a fine arts degree to appreciate what’s being created across the country. Check out some of the best events around. 10 New Shows Get a peek at what’s coming to cable this spring, including the newest hits and returning favorites. 12 Magic City Owning and operating a hotel is a major undertaking expecially when it’s on Miami Beach and your partner is a gangster. 16 Video On Demand Nothing is more convenient than watching recently produced films with your feet up at home. Just press a button and you’re off to the movies. 22 Room for Zoom As more people are utilizing the internet for entertainment and work, they need even more bandwidth. What type of user are you? Mediacom Guides Everything you need to know about getting the most from your Mediacom video and broadband services. 26 Digital 32 On DemanD 34 DVR 38 HDtV 42 inteRnet SeRVice 44 PHOne SeRVice 46 SeRVice tiPS & tROubleSHOOting 50 billing infORmatiOn 52 RemOte cOntROl SetuP 56 cOmmitment PeRiOD agReement 57 SubScRibeR PRiVacy nOtice 60 SubScRibeR agReement NOTE: AT Pause, wE mAkE EvEry EffOrT TO PrOvidE AccurATE, TimEly iNfOrmATiON. duE TO ThE rAPidly chANgiNg NATurE Of ThE iNTErNET, wE ArE NOT rEsPONsiblE fOr ThE ExisTENcE Or cONTENT Of wEbsiTEs PublishEd iN This mAgAziNE.

whole house DVR gives you the freedom to watch whatever you want anywhere in the house Sweetie Pie on OWN Record up to six programs at a time Watch any recorded program on any DVR in the house More memory so you can record and save more shows – great for HD Start a program downstairs, hit “pause” and fi nish watching upstairs Useful tools help organize all your recorded shows call 866-928-2225 today

whole house DVR<br />

gives you the freedom to watch<br />

whatever you want anywhere in the house<br />

Sweetie Pie<br />

on OWN<br />

Record up to<br />

six programs at a time<br />

Watch any recorded program<br />

on any DVR in the house<br />

More memory so you<br />

can record and save more<br />

shows – great for HD<br />

Start a program downstairs,<br />

hit “pause” and fi nish<br />

watching upstairs<br />

Useful tools help organize<br />

all your recorded shows<br />

call 866-928-2225 today

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