Avant-propos - Studia Moralia

Avant-propos - Studia Moralia

Avant-propos - Studia Moralia


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society. His beautiful description of the collateral relationship<br />

between man and woman, moreover, contrasts sharply with the<br />

predominant hierarchical view of the day. Aelred considers<br />

friendship before the fall to be coextensive with the life if charity.<br />

In this state, it is the “medicine of life” not in the sense of<br />

healing (since there is no need of it), but in the sense of bringing<br />

ongoing strength and sustenance to one’s life. Aelred uses the<br />

doctrine of creation to point to an original compatibility of the<br />

dual love of friendship (amicitia) and charity (caritas). Even today,<br />

this usage causes its readers to reflect upon the origins of<br />

these loves, the reasons for their present dissonance, and the<br />

orientation they have toward the future.<br />

6. Although Aelred does not devote a great deal of space to it<br />

in his treatise, the doctrine of the fall plays a significant role in<br />

his understanding of friendship as the “medicine of life.” The fall<br />

of Adam disrupts the original relationship of harmony between<br />

charity and friendship within humanity. This fall from grace results<br />

in a corresponding disruption in the relationship between<br />

God and humanity and unleashes the powerful force of concupiscence<br />

in the heart of every human being. The doctrine of the<br />

fall provides an important part of the theological rationale for<br />

Aelred’s teaching on friendship. Deeply wounded by Adam’s fall,<br />

human nature is in desperate need of healing. Even after Christ’s<br />

redemptive action, humanity still suffers from the horrible effects<br />

of original sin. Spiritual friendship helps people to experience<br />

in their lives the concrete fruits of Christ’s redemption. Its<br />

curative powers tame the unruly emotions of the heart and enable<br />

people to live in one another – and with God.<br />

7. The healing of humanity’s wound, of course, comes primarily<br />

through the redemptive suffering of Christ, which<br />

reestablishes a basis for friendship between the human and the<br />

divine. Spiritual friendship is again made possible only because<br />

Jesus, out of loving obedience to the Father, has laid down his<br />

life for his friends (cf. Jn 15:13). Without this gratuitous act of<br />

self-offering, the harmony between charity and friendship would<br />

never be able to be brought back into harmony. For Aelred, the<br />

doctrine of the redemption creates the possibility for a renewed<br />

relationship of friendship between God and humanity. It is this<br />

renewed relationship with Jesus that heals humanity of its deadly<br />

wounds and gives it a new lease on life. In this respect, a per-

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