Avant-propos - Studia Moralia

Avant-propos - Studia Moralia Avant-propos - Studia Moralia

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140 JOHN BERKMAN [N.B. This document is typically referred to by its Latin title Donum vitae (DV), and cited according to its outline divisions. An English translation is available under Respect for Human Life (Boston: St Paul Editions, n.d.); See also Origins, vol. 16, no. 40 (March 19, 1987), 697-711. It is also to be found at www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations.] Doerflinger, Richard (1999), “The Ethics of Funding Embryonic Stem Cell Research: A Catholic Viewpoint,” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (9:2) June 1999, pp. 137-150. Geach, Mary (1999), “Are there any circumstances in which it would be morally admirable for a woman to seek to have an orphan embryo implanted in her womb? – 1,” Issues for a Catholic Bioethic, ed. Luke Gormally, London: The Linacre Centre, 1999, pp. 341 - 346. Grisez, Germain (1997), “Should a woman try to bear her dead sister’s embryo?” The Way of the Lord Jesus volume 3: Difficult Moral Questions. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1997, pp. 239 - 244. Johnson, Mark, “Reflections on Some Recent Catholic Claims for Delayed Hominization,” Theological Studies 56 (1995), pp. 743-763. Porter, Jean, “Individuality, Personal Identity, and the Moral Status of the Preembryo,” Theological Studies 56 (1995), pp. 763-770. Shannon, Thomas A. and Alan B. Wolter, “Reflections on the Moral Status of the Pre-Embryo,” Theological Studies 51 (1990), pp. 603-626. Smith, William B. (1995), “Rescue the Frozen?” Homiletic and Pastoral Review. 96:1, October 1995, pp. 72-74. Smith, William B. (1996), “Response,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review. 96:11-12, August-September 1996, pp. 16 - 17. Surtees, Geoffrey (1996), “Adoption of a frozen embryo,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review. 96:11-12, August-September 1996, pp. 7 - 16. Watt, Helen (1999), “Are there any circumstances in which it would be morally admirable for a woman to seek to have an orphan embryo implanted in her womb? - 2.” Issues for a Catholic Bioethic, ed. Luke Gormally, London: The Linacre Centre, 1999, pp. 347 - 352.

THE MORALITY OF ADOPTING FROZEN EMBRYOS 141 ————— The autor is a visiting professor at Duke Divinity School and currently a visiting scholar at the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life. El autor es professor invitado en Duke Divinity School y actualmente estudioso invitado en el Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life. —————


—————<br />

The autor is a visiting professor at Duke Divinity School and currently<br />

a visiting scholar at the Duke Institute on Care at the End of<br />

Life.<br />

El autor es professor invitado en Duke Divinity School y actualmente<br />

estudioso invitado en el Duke Institute on Care at the End of<br />

Life.<br />


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