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soon… now.<br />

The boarding house was dark. Elena knocked at the door but received no answer. Thunder cracked<br />

overhead. There was still no rain.<br />

After the third barrage of knocking, she tried the door, and it opened. Inside, the house was silent<br />

and pitch black. She made her way to the staircase by feel and went up it.<br />

The second landing was just as dark, and she stumbled, trying to find the bedroom with the stairway<br />

to the third floor. A faint light showed at the top of the stairs, and she climbed toward it, feeling<br />

oppressed by the walls, which seemed to close in on her from either side.<br />

The light came from beneath the closed door. Elena tapped on it lightly and quickly. "Stefan," she<br />

whispered, and then she called more loudly, "Stefan, it's me."<br />

No answer. She grasped the knob and pushed the door open, peering around the side. "Stefan – "<br />

She was speaking to an empty room.<br />

And a room filled with chaos. It looked as if some great wind had torn through, leaving destruction<br />

in its path. The trunks that had stood in corners so sedately were lying at grotesque angles, their lids<br />

gaping open, their contents strewn about the floor. One window was shattered. All Stefan's<br />

possessions, all the things he had kept so carefully and seemed to prize, were scattered like rubbish.<br />

Terror swept through Elena. The fury, the violence in this scene of devastation were painfully clear,<br />

and they made her feel almost giddy. Somebody who has a history of violence, Tyler had said.<br />

I don't care, she thought, anger surging up to push back the fear. I don't care about anything, Stefan; I<br />

still want to see you. But where are you?<br />

The trapdoor in the ceiling was open, and cold air was blowing down. Oh, thought Elena, and she<br />

had a sudden chill of fear. That roof was so high…<br />

She'd never climbed the ladder to the widow's walk before, and her long skirt made it difficult. She<br />

emerged through the trapdoor slowly, kneeling on the roof and then standing up. She saw a dark figure<br />

in the corner, and she moved toward it quickly.<br />

"Stefan, I had to come – " she began, and broke off short, because a flash of lightning lit the sky just<br />

as the figure in the corner whirled around. And then it was as if every foreboding and fear and<br />

nightmare she'd ever had were coming true all at once. It was beyond screaming at; it was beyond<br />

anything.<br />

Oh, God… no. Her mind refused to make sense of what her eyes were seeing. No. No. She wouldn't<br />

look at this, she wouldn't believe it…<br />

But she could not help seeing. Even if she could have shut her eyes, every detail of the scene was<br />

etched upon her memory. As if the flash of lightning had seared it onto her brain forever.<br />

Stefan. Stefan, so sleek and elegant in his ordinary clothes, in his black leather jacket with the<br />

collar turned up. Stefan, with his dark hair like one of the roiling storm clouds behind him. Stefan had<br />

been caught in that flash of light, half turned toward her, his body twisted into a bestial crouch, with a<br />

snarl of animal fury on his face.<br />

And blood. That arrogant, sensitive, sensual mouth was smeared with blood. It showed ghastly red<br />

against the pallor of his skin, against the sharp whiteness of his bared teeth. In his hands was the limp<br />

body of a mourning dove, white as those teeth, wings outspread. Another lay on the ground at his feet,<br />

like a crumpled and discarded handkerchief.

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