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"Something must be wrong with the emergency generator," said Meredith. "I'll get Mr. Shelby."<br />

"Can't we just finish tomorrow?" Bonnie said plaintively.<br />

"Tomorrow's Saturday," said Elena. "And we were supposed to have this done last week."<br />

"I'll get Shelby," said Meredith again. "Come on, Bonnie, you're going with me."<br />

Elena began, "We could all go – " but Meredith interrupted.<br />

"If we all go and we can't find him, then we can't get back in. Come on, Bonnie, it's only inside the<br />

school."<br />

"But it's dark there."<br />

"It's dark everywhere; it's nighttime. Come on; with two of us it'll be safe." She dragged an<br />

unwilling Bonnie to the door. "Elena, don't let anybody else in."<br />

"As if you had to tell me," said Elena, letting them out and then watching them go a few paces down<br />

the hall. At the point at which they began to merge with the dimness, she stepped back inside and shut<br />

the door.<br />

Well, this was a fine mess, as her mother used to say. Elena moved over to the cardboard box<br />

Meredith had brought and began stacking filing folders and notebooks back inside it. In this light she<br />

could see them only as vague shapes. There was no sound at all but her own breathing and the sounds<br />

she made. She was alone in the huge, dim room –<br />

Someone was watching her.<br />

She didn't know how she knew, but she was sure. Someone was behind her in the dark gymnasium,<br />

watching. Eyes in the dark, the old man had said. Vickie had said it, too. And now there were eyes on<br />

her.<br />

She whirled quickly to face the room, straining her own eyes to see into the shadows, trying not<br />

even to breathe. She was terrified that if she made a sound the thing out there would get her. But she<br />

could see nothing, hear nothing.<br />

The bleachers were dim, menacing shapes stretching out into nothingness. And the far end of the<br />

room was simply a featureless gray fog. Dark mist, she thought, and she could feel every muscle<br />

agonizingly tense as she listened desperately. Oh God, what was that soft whispering sound? It must<br />

be her imagination… Please let it be her imagination.<br />

Suddenly, her mind was clear. She had to get out of this place, now. There was real danger here, not<br />

just fantasy. Something was out there, something evil, something that wanted her. And she was all<br />

alone.<br />

Something moved in the shadows.<br />

Her scream froze in her throat. Her muscles were frozen, too, held motionless by her terror – and by<br />

some nameless force. Helplessly, she watched as the shape in the darkness moved out of the shadows<br />

and toward her. It seemed almost as if the darkness itself had come to life and was coalescing as she<br />

watched, taking on form – human form, the form of a young man.<br />

"I'm sorry if I frightened you."<br />

The voice was pleasant, with a slight accent she couldn't place. It didn't sound sorry at all.<br />

Relief was so sudden and complete that it was painful. She slumped and heard her own breath sigh<br />

out.<br />

It was only a guy, some former student or an assistant of Mr. Shelby's. An ordinary guy, who was<br />

smiling faintly, as if it had amused him to see her almost pass out.<br />

Well… perhaps not quite ordinary. He was remarkably good-looking. His face was pale in the

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