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eat either. We didn't touch each other much – we didn't – but we talked and looked at each other a<br />

lot. I want to touch him. More than any boy I've ever known. And I know he wants it, too, but he's<br />

holding back on me. That's what I can't understand, why he's fighting this, why he's holding back.<br />

Yesterday in his room I found proof positive that he's been watching me from the beginning. You<br />

remember how I told you that on the second day of school Bonnie and Meredith and I were in the<br />

cemetery? Well, yesterday in Stefan's room I found the apricot ribbon I was wearing that day. I<br />

remember it falling out of my hand while I was running, and he must have picked it up and kept it.<br />

I haven't told him I know, because he obviously wants to keep it a secret, but that shows, doesn't it,<br />

that he cares about me?<br />

I'll tell you someone else who is Not Amused. Caroline. Apparently she's been dragging him off<br />

into the photography room for lunch every day, and when he didn't show up today she went<br />

searching until she found us. Poor Stefan, he'd forgotten about her completely, and he was shocked<br />

at himself Once she left – a nasty unhealthy shade of green, I might add – he told me how she'd<br />

attached herself to him the first week of school. She said she'd noticed he didn't really eat at lunch<br />

and she didn't either since she was on a diet, and why didn't they go someplace quiet and relax?<br />

He wouldn't really say anything bad about her (which I think is his idea of manners again, a<br />

gentleman doesn't do that), but he did say there was nothing at all between them. And for Caroline<br />

I think being forgotten was worse than if he'd thrown rocks at her.<br />

I wonder why Stefan hasn't been eating lunch, though. It's strange in a football player.<br />

Uh-oh. Mr. Tanner just walked by and I slammed my note pad over this diary just in time. Bonnie<br />

is snickering behind her history book, I can see her shoulders shaking. And Stefan, who's in front<br />

of me, looks as tense as if he's going to leap out of his chair any minute. Matt is giving me "you<br />

nut" looks and Caroline is glaring. I am being very, very innocent, writing with my eyes fixed on<br />

Tanner up front. So if this is a bit wobbly and messy, you'll understand why.<br />

For the last month, I haven't really been myself. I haven't been able to think clearly or<br />

concentrate on anything but Stefan. There is so much I've left undone that I'm almost scared. I'm<br />

supposed to be in charge of decorations for the Haunted House and I haven't done one thing about<br />

it yet Now I've got exactly three and a half weeks to get it organized – and I want to be with Stefan.<br />

I could quit the committee. But that would leave Bonnie and Meredith holding the bag. And I<br />

keep remembering what Matt said when I asked him to get Stefan to come to the dance: "You want<br />

everybody and everything revolving around Elena Gilbert."<br />

That isn't true. Or at least, if it has been in the past, I'm not going to let it be true anymore. I<br />

want – oh, this is going to sound completely stupid, but I want to be worthy of Stefan. I know he<br />

wouldn't let the guys on the team down just to suit his own convenience. I want him to be proud of<br />

me.<br />

I want him to love me as much as I love him.<br />

"Hurry up!" called Bonnie from the doorway of the gym. Beside her the high school janitor, Mr.<br />

Shelby, stood waiting.<br />

Elena cast one last glance at the distant figures on the football field, then reluctantly crossed the<br />

blacktop to join Bonnie.<br />

"I just wanted to tell Stefan where I was going," she said. After a week of being with Stefan, she

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