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"Why don't we go inside?" Vickie said, pointing a white hand at the empty hole of the church<br />

doorway.<br />

Most of the roof had fallen in, although the belfry was still intact, a tower stretching up high above<br />

them. Three of the walls were standing; the fourth was only knee-high. There were piles of rubble<br />

everywhere.<br />

A light flared by Elena's cheek, and she turned, startled, to see Tyler holding a lighter. He grinned,<br />

showing strong white teeth, and said, "Want to flick my Bic?"<br />

Elena's laughter was the loudest, to cover her uneasiness. She took the lighter, using it to illuminate<br />

the tomb in the side of the church. It was like no other tomb in the cemetery, although her father said<br />

he'd seen similar things in England. It looked like a large stone box, big enough for two people, with<br />

two marble statues lying in repose on the lid.<br />

"Thomas Keeping Fell and Honoria Fell," said Tyler with a grand gesture, as if introducing them.<br />

"Old Thomas allegedly founded Fell's Church. Although actually the Smallwoods were also there at<br />

the time. My great-grandfather's great-great-grandfather lived in the valley by Drowning Creek – "<br />

" – until he got eaten by wolves," said Dick, and he threw back his head in a wolf imitation. Then he<br />

belched. Vickie giggled. Annoyance crossed Tyler's handsome features, but he forced a smile.<br />

"Thomas and Honoria are looking kind of pale," said Vickie, still giggling. "I think what they need<br />

is a little color." She produced a lipstick from her purse and began to coat the white marble mouth of<br />

the woman's statue with waxy scarlet. Elena felt another sick twinge. As a child, she'd always been<br />

awed by the pale lady and the grave man who lay with their eyes closed, hands folded on their<br />

breasts. And, after her parents died, she'd thought of them as lying side by side like this down in the<br />

cemetery. But she held the lighter while the other girl put a lipstick mustache and clown's nose on<br />

Thomas Fell.<br />

Tyler was watching them. "Hey, they're all dressed up with no place to go." He put his hands on the<br />

edge of the stone lid and leaned on it, trying to shift it sideways. "What do you say, Dick – want to<br />

give them a night out on the town? Like maybe right in the center of town?"<br />

No, thought Elena, appalled, as Dick guffawed and Vickie shrieked with laughter. But Dick was<br />

already beside Tyler, getting braced and ready, the heels of his hands on the stone lid.<br />

"On three," said Tyler, and counted, "One, two, three."<br />

Elena's eyes were fixed on the horrible clown-like face of Thomas Fell as the boys strained<br />

forward and grunted, muscles bunching under cloth. They couldn't budge the lid an inch.<br />

"Damn thing must be attached somehow," said Tyler angrily, turning away.<br />

Elena felt weak with relief. Trying to seem casual, she leaned against the stone lid of the tomb for<br />

support – and that was when it happened.<br />

She heard the grinding of stone and felt the lid shift under her left hand all at once. It was moving<br />

away from her, making her lose her balance. The lighter went flying, and she screamed and screamed<br />

again, trying to keep her feet. She was falling into the open tomb, and an icy wind roared all around<br />

her. Screams rang in her ears.<br />

And then she was outside and the moonlight was bright enough that she could see the others. Tyler<br />

had hold of her. She stared around her wildly.<br />

"Are you crazy? What happened?" Tyler was shaking her.<br />

"It moved! The lid moved! It slid open and – I don't know – I almost fell in. It was cold…"

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