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Outside, she threw herself into the whirl of color and music. She was brighter than she had ever<br />

been at any dance before. She danced with everyone, laughing too loudly, flirting with every boy in<br />

her path.<br />

They were calling her to come up and be crowned. She stood on the stage, looking down on the<br />

butterfly-bright figures below. Someone gave her flowers; someone put a rhinestone tiara on her head.<br />

There was clapping. It all passed as if in a dream.<br />

She flirted with Tyler because he was closest when she came off the stage. Then she remembered<br />

what he and Dick had done to Stefan, and she broke off one of the roses from her bouquet and gave it<br />

to him. Matt was looking on from the sidelines, his mouth tight. Tyler's forgotten date was almost in<br />

tears.<br />

She could smell alcohol along with the mint on Tyler's breath now, and his face was red. His<br />

friends were around her, a shouting, laughing crowd, and she saw Dick pour something from a brown<br />

paper bag into his glass of punch.<br />

She'd never been with this group before. They welcomed her, admiring her, the boys vying for her<br />

attention. Jokes flew back and forth, and Elena laughed even when they didn't make sense. Tyler's arm<br />

circled her waist, and she just laughed harder. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Matt shake his<br />

head and walk away. The girls were getting shrill, the boys rowdy. Tyler was nuzzling moistly at her<br />

neck.<br />

"I've got an idea," he announced to the group, hugging Elena more tightly to him. "Let's go<br />

someplace more fun."<br />

Somebody shouted, "Like where, Tyler? Your dad's house?"<br />

Tyler was grinning, a big, boozy, reckless grin. "No, I mean someplace where we can leave our<br />

mark. Like the cemetery."<br />

The girls squealed. The boys elbowed each other and faked punches.<br />

Tyler's date was still standing outside the circle. "Tyler, that's crazy," she said, her voice high and<br />

thin. "You know what happened to that old man. I won't go there."<br />

"Great, then, you stay here." Tyler fished keys out of his pocket and waved them at the rest of the<br />

crowd. "Who isn't afraid?" he said.<br />

"Hey, I'm up for it," said Dick, and there was a chorus of approval.<br />

"Me, too," said Elena, clear and defiant. She smiled up at Tyler, and he practically swung her off<br />

her feet.<br />

And then she and Tyler were leading a noisy, roughhousing group out into the parking lot, where<br />

they were all piling into cars. And then Tyler was putting the top of his convertible down and she was<br />

climbing in, with Dick and a girl named Vickie Bennett squashing into the back seat.<br />

"Elena!" somebody shouted, far away, from the lighted doorway at the school.<br />

"Drive," she said to Tyler, taking off her tiara, and the engine growled to life. They burned rubber<br />

out of the parking lot, and the cool night wind blew into Elena's face.

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