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Bonnie picked up the photograph. "Who was he really?"<br />

"The gardener. He was crazy about those hibiscus bushes. He was also married, with two kids."<br />

"Pity," said Bonnie seriously. "And you told Frances not to tell anyone about him…"<br />

"Right." Elena checked her watch. "Which means that by, oh, say two o'clock, it ought to be all over<br />

the school."<br />

After school, the girls went to Bonnie's house. They were greeted at the front door by a shrill<br />

yapping, and when Bonnie opened the door, a very old, very fat Pekingese tried to escape. His name<br />

was Yangtze, and he was so spoiled that no one except Bonnie's mother could stand him. He nipped at<br />

Elena's ankle as she went by.<br />

The living room was dim and crowded, with lots of rather fussy furniture and heavy curtains at the<br />

windows. Bonnie's sister Mary was there, unpinning a cap from her wavy red hair. She was just two<br />

years older than Bonnie, and she worked at the Fell's Church clinic.<br />

"Oh, Bonnie," she said, "I'm glad you're back. Hello, Elena, Meredith."<br />

Elena and Meredith said "hello." "What's the matter? You look tired," said Bonnie.<br />

Mary dropped her cap on the coffee table. Instead of answering, she asked a question in return.<br />

"Last night when you came home so upset, where did you say you girls had been?"<br />

"Down in the – Just down by Wickery Bridge."<br />

"That's what I thought." Mary took a deep breath. "Now, you listen to me, Bonnie McCullough.<br />

Don't you ever go out there again, and especially not alone and at night. Do you understand?"<br />

"But why not?" Bonnie asked, bewildered.<br />

"Because last night somebody was attacked out there, that's why not. And do you know where they<br />

found him? Right on the bank under Wickery Bridge."<br />

Elena and Meredith stared at her in disbelief, and Bonnie clutched at Elena's arm. "Somebody was<br />

attacked under the bridge? But who was it? What happened?"<br />

"I don't know. This morning one of the cemetery workers spotted him lying there. He was some<br />

homeless person, I guess, and he'd probably been sleeping under the bridge when he was attacked.<br />

But he was half dead when they brought him in, and he hasn't regained consciousness yet. He may<br />

die."<br />

Elena swallowed. "What do you mean, attacked?"<br />

"I mean," said Mary distinctly, "that his throat was nearly ripped out. He lost an incredible amount<br />

of blood. They thought it might have been an animal at first, but now Dr. Lowen says it was a person.<br />

And the police think whoever did it may be hiding in the cemetery." Mary looked at each of them in<br />

turn, her mouth a straight line. "So if you were there by the bridge – or in the cemetery, Elena Gilbert<br />

– then this person may have been there with you. Get it?"<br />

"You don't have to scare us anymore," said Bonnie faintly. "We get the point, Mary."<br />

"All right. Good." Mary's shoulders slumped, and she rubbed at the back of her neck wearily. "I've<br />

got to lie down for a while. I didn't mean to be crabby." She walked out of the living room.<br />

Alone, the three girls looked at one another.<br />

"It could have been one of us," said Meredith quietly. "Especially you, Elena; you went there<br />

alone."<br />

Elena's skin was prickling, that same painfully alert feeling she'd had in the old graveyard. She

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