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His sight was sharper, his reflexes faster, his muscles stronger. Presently a hand had clapped him on<br />

the back and Matt's voice had rung in his ears:<br />

"Congratulations! Welcome to the team!"<br />

Looking into that honest, smiling face, Stefan had been overcome with shame. If you knew what I<br />

was, you wouldn't smile at me, he'd thought grimly. I've won this competition of yours by deception.<br />

And the girl you love – you do love her, don't you? – is in my thoughts right now.<br />

And she had remained in his thoughts despite all his efforts to banish her that afternoon. He had<br />

wandered to the graveyard blindly, pulled from the woods by a force he did not understand. Once<br />

there he had watched her, fighting himself, fighting the need, until the surge of Power had sent her and<br />

her friends running. And then he'd come home – but only after feeding. After losing control of himself.<br />

He couldn't remember exactly how it had happened, how he'd let it happen. That flare of Power had<br />

started it, awakening things inside him best left sleeping. The hunting need. The craving for the chase,<br />

for the smell of fear and the savage triumph of the kill. It had been years – centuries – since he'd felt<br />

the need with such force. His veins had begun burning like fire. And all his thoughts had turned red:<br />

he could think of nothing else but the hot coppery taste, the primal vibrancy, of blood.<br />

With that excitement still raging through him, he'd taken a step or two after the girls. What might<br />

have happened if he hadn't scented the old man was better not thought about. But as he reached the end<br />

of the bridge, his nostrils had flared at the sharp, distinctive odor of human flesh.<br />

Human blood. The ultimate elixir, the forbidden wine. More intoxicating than any liquor, the<br />

steaming essence of life itself. And he was so tired of fighting the need.<br />

There had been a movement on the bank under the bridge, as a pile of old rags stirred. And the next<br />

instant, Stefan had landed gracefully, catlike, beside it. His hand shot out and pulled the rags away,<br />

exposing a wizened, blinking face atop a scrawny neck. His lips drew back.<br />

And then there was no sound but the feeding.<br />

Now, as he stumbled up the main staircase of the boarding house, he tried not to think about it, and<br />

not to think about her – about the girl who tempted him with her warmth, her life. She had been the<br />

one he truly desired, but he must put a stop to that, he must kill any such thoughts before they were<br />

started from now on. For his sake, and for her own. He was her worst nightmare come true, and she<br />

didn't even know it.<br />

"Who's there? Is that you, boy?" a cracked voice called sharply. One of the second-story doors<br />

opened, and a gray head poked out.<br />

"Yes, signora – Mrs. Flowers. I'm sorry if I disturbed you."<br />

"Ah, it takes more than a creaky floorboard to disturb me. You locked the door behind you?"<br />

"Yes, signora. You're… safe."<br />

"That's right. We need to be safe here. You never know what might be out there in those woods, do<br />

you?" He looked quickly at the smiling little face surrounded by wisps of gray hair, the bright darting<br />

eyes. Was there a secret hidden in them?<br />

"Good night, signora."<br />

"Good night, boy." She shut the door.<br />

In his own room he fell onto the bed and lay staring up at the low, slanting ceiling.<br />

Usually he rested uneasily at night; it was not his natural sleeping time. But tonight he was tired. It<br />

took so much energy to face the sunlight, and the heavy meal only contributed to his lethargy. Soon,

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