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Poland as Egypt -- further south, we shall have Africa and the Indies;<br />

further north, nothing at all. To get this equality of product, what a<br />

difference there must be in tillage: in Sicily, there is only need to<br />

scratch the ground; in England, how men must toil! But, where more hands<br />

are needed to get the same product, the superfluity must necessarily be<br />

less.<br />

Consider, besides, that the same number of men consume much less in hot<br />

countries. The climate requires sobriety for the sake of health; and<br />

Europeans who try to live there as they would at home all perish of<br />

dysentery and indigestion. "We are," says Chardin, "carnivorous animals,<br />

wolves, in comparison with the Asiatics. Some attribute the sobriety of<br />

the Persians to the fact that their country is less cultivated; but it<br />

is my belief that their country abounds less in commodities because the<br />

inhabitants need less. If their frugality," he goes on, "were the effect<br />

of the nakedness of the land, only the poor would eat little; but<br />

everybody does so. Again, less or more would be eaten in various<br />

provinces, according to the land’s fertility; but the same sobriety is<br />

found throughout the kingdom. They are very proud of their manner of<br />

life, saying that you have only to look at their hue to recognise how<br />

far it excels that of the Christians. In fact, the Persians are of an<br />

even hue; their skins are fair, fine and smooth; while the hue of their<br />

subjects, the Armenians, who live after the European fashion, is rough<br />

and blotchy, and their bodies are gross and unwieldy."<br />

The nearer you get to the equator, the less people live on. Meat they<br />

hardly touch; rice, maize, curcur, millet and cassava are their ordinary<br />

food. There are in the Indies millions of men whose subsistence does not<br />

cost a halfpenny a day. Even in Europe we find considerable differences<br />

of appetite between Northern and Southern peoples. A Spaniard will live<br />

for a week on a German’s dinner. In the countries in which men are more<br />

voracious, luxury therefore turns in the direction of consumption. In<br />

England, luxury appears in a well-filled table; in Italy, you feast on<br />

sugar and flowers.<br />

Luxury in clothes shows similar differences. In climates in which the<br />

changes of season are prompt and violent, men have better and simpler<br />


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