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does his duty, indeed, but does it with profound indifference to the<br />

good or ill success of his cares. Provided he has nothing to reproach<br />

himself with, it matters little to him whether things go well or ill<br />

here on earth. If the State is prosperous, he hardly dares to share in<br />

the public happiness, for fear he may grow proud of his country’s glory;<br />

if the State is languishing, he blesses the hand of God that is hard<br />

upon His people.<br />

For the State to be peaceable and for harmony to be maintained, all the<br />

citizens without exception would have to be good Christians; if by ill<br />

hap there should be a single self-seeker or hypocrite, a Catiline or a<br />

Cromwell, for instance, he would certainly get the better of his pious<br />

compatriots. Christian charity does not readily allow a man to think<br />

hardly of his neighbours. As soon as, by some trick, he has discovered<br />

the art of imposing on them and getting hold of a share in the public<br />

authority, you have a man established in dignity; it is the will of God<br />

that he be respected: very soon you have a power; it is God’s will that<br />

it be obeyed: and if the power is abused by him who wields it, it is the<br />

scourge wherewith God punishes His children. There would be scruples<br />

about driving out the usurper: public tranquillity would have to be<br />

disturbed, violence would have to be employed, and blood spilt; all this<br />

accords ill with Christian meekness; and after all, in this vale of<br />

sorrows, what does it matter whether we are free men or serfs? The<br />

essential thing is to get to heaven, and resignation is only an<br />

additional means of doing so.<br />

If war breaks out with another State, the citizens march readily out to<br />

battle; not one of them thinks of flight; they do their duty, but they<br />

have no passion for victory; they know better how to die than how to<br />

conquer. What does it matter whether they win or lose? Does not<br />

Providence know better than they what is meet for them? Only think to<br />

what account a proud, impetuous and passionate enemy could turn their<br />

stoicism! Set over against them those generous peoples who were devoured<br />

by ardent love of glory and of their country, imagine your Christian<br />

republic face to face with Sparta or Rome: the pious Christians will be<br />

beaten, crushed and destroyed, before they know where they are, or will<br />

owe their safety only to the contempt their enemy will conceive for<br />


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